Stone for Aquarius women according to the horoscope. Aquarius lucky stones

Stones for an Aquarius woman can protect her from various diseases, bad looks, as well as damage and decreased energy. Since she prefers to hide her feelings, they can help her open up to loved ones, especially since the stones look very attractive. Aquarians adore exclusive products made from precious and semi-precious stones. They can be of completely different shapes, both natural and faceted. They love everything non-standard and mysterious. Therefore, they like to decorate themselves according to their horoscope. Which stone suits an Aquarius woman? This is what we will talk about in this article.

It is not only precious, but also considered one of the most attractive. In the old days, all minerals of a red hue were called garnets. And the concept itself was invented by Albert Magnus, who at that time was an alchemist. Pomegranate is a talisman for most zodiac signs. And it all lies in his incredible energy. It is also considered mystical. Some believe that those stones that have been inherited have special power. The garnet must be worn for several years so that it gets used to the energy of its owner and acquires real protective power. He has always been considered the personification of love, so he will be useful for those who are in love and want to protect their feelings from strangers.

An Aquarius woman will certainly be happy to receive a gift in the form of earrings. This can serve as a symbol of the beginning of a relationship. Therefore, men, pay special attention to this. For an Aquarius woman, the garnet stone can not only decorate her, but also add clairvoyance to her. Among other things, bracelets with it can invigorate and give incredible optimism. It will protect the owner from bad dreams, treat the cardiac system and the heart itself. Some fortune tellers believe that he can even give power over other people. It just releases emotions, which can be useful for secretive and unemotional young ladies who always hide their emotions and do not show them to anyone.

Products with it can be anything. She will definitely love this necklace or bracelet. They will look elegant especially on black-haired beauties. With it you can safely paint your lips with bright red lipstick. The image should be stylish and unusual. A processed and faceted mineral framed in gold or silver looks especially beautiful. However, it all depends on the taste preferences of a particular young lady. Even kings in ancient times preferred to decorate their crowns with pomegranates. So the young lady who wears it gains power. Gemstones for an Aquarius woman can be the following: sapphire, garnet, amethyst.


Topaz is a talisman for an Aquarius woman. Jewelry with smooth and polished minerals actually looks amazing! It has a blue or blue tint and will look harmonious on blondes with blue eyes. It is usually set in a beautiful cabochon. Jewelry with it is valued all over the world. It looks beautiful in pendants, rings, and other jewelry. It is a talisman and is characterized by the strongest protective qualities.

It will protect its owner from the violent passions that sometimes boil in her soul, and will ensure calmness and purity of thoughts, since he himself is crystalline, like the purest water. Golden topazes will certainly bring happiness to the owner in her personal life. Many yogis meditate using this decoration as a visual image. They achieve enlightenment with its help. He is able to relieve the owner from depression and difficult thoughts. He struggles with irrational fears. Topaz helps mental activity. It will allow her to make decisions faster in difficult situations.

If you want to get more information about this stone, be sure to watch this video

Topaz was previously considered a symbol of prosperity in the family. Only nobles and very rich people could afford it. And in the modern world, it is capable of attracting wealth to its owner. It gives some special peace of mind and has magical powers. It should be kept close to your heart so that it prompts the right decisions. A beautiful pendant or pendant with sapphire would be a wonderful gift. You should not purchase products from pawn shops, as they store human energy for quite a long time and can have a negative impact.

Amethyst will become a talisman for an Aquarius woman. He has the most powerful energy. An Aquarius woman's birthstone does not have to be precious. Many magicians believe that amethyst makes a person insightful, it is able to extinguish mental pain, relieve depression, and drive away bad thoughts. It is able to heal a person’s aura and energy, helping to keep emotions under control when necessary. But this quality does not surprise her, since she is used to not showing her emotions.

It has the following properties:

  • cures diseases;
  • has protection;
  • cleanses the chakras.

It gives understanding between beloved people and brings them closer. It will be wonderful if they hold halves of the same mineral as a symbol of their endless and passionate love. It has medicinal properties. It can be used to protect against stress and strengthen the nervous system. It cleanses the blood and fights various ailments. It will also help in the treatment of various abnormalities in the functioning of organs. It gives the owner a pure and tenacious intellect.

This stone has the following qualities:

  • protective;
  • medicinal;
  • magical.

It protects a person from bad gossip and gives a good reputation in society. It serves as a talisman that gives energy, power and attracts good luck. He is able to help in love, attract a lover, and save a person from the crown of celibacy, since he personifies love and love energy. It looks good in the products and the young lady will certainly like it, as it looks mysterious.

It is necessary that there is an exchange of energy between the girl and the stone, only in this case it can be effective. The energy becomes stronger, and the person feels more fulfilled and harmonious. It should be given credit that a person who wears an amethyst gets sick less often.

People under the protection of Aquarius are creative people and overflowing with idealism. They will not be themselves without eternal optimism and help to everyone around them.

Aquarius is a calm sign; such people do not have a fighting spirit; they prefer purposeful pursuit of what they love.

The best stones for an Aquarius woman by date of birth

Aquarius women belonging to the first decade, that is, those born between January 21 and February 1, are calm, silent and romantic people. They are often in a bad mood or melancholy, and are sad even because of little things. Aquarians of the first decade are quite attractive in terms of love, because their patron is Venus.

Stones that can provide the owner with vitality and energy are suitable for them, namely:

  • amethyst;
  • nephritis;
  • jasper;
  • obsidian;
  • aventurine;
  • coil.

Under the influence of Mercury, Aquarius women of the third decade (from February 2 to 11) will be able to achieve social recognition and respect thanks to their natural traits such as wisdom, an extraordinary sense of humor and an inquisitive mind.

For Aquarius of the second decade, the following are suitable:

  • amber;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • onyx;
  • sardonyx;
  • turquoise;
  • amethyst;
  • chrysoprase.

Aquarians, whose patron is the Moon, that is, those born between February 12 and 20, value honesty above all else and very easily part with liars. Excessive restraint and sensuality can become an obstacle on the way to the top.

Talismans that will provide support and assistance to Aquarians of the third decade:

  • tourmaline;
  • alexandrite;
  • zircon;
  • pomegranate;
  • sapphire;
  • chrysoprase;
  • aquamarine.

Stones for the Aquarius woman


The Aquarius woman will definitely be delighted with earrings with garnet, which can serve as a symbol of the birth of love. Garnet not only decorates the Aquarius woman, but also gives her some extrasensory abilities. In addition, bracelets with this garnet can give the owner an optimistic mood.

Pomegranate will protect a woman from bad dreams and will have a healing effect on the cardiovascular system.

Some magicians consider the pomegranate a talisman that can give the owner power over other people.

The stone is capable of releasing emotions and feelings, which is extremely useful for secretive and overly mysterious young ladies.

A product with pomegranate can be anything. A woman will be delighted when she receives a necklace or bracelet as a gift.

Garnet jewelry looks especially impressive on brunettes.

Always alive and independent from anyone, sapphire will help Aquarius women to bring harmony to their state of mind and concentrate on what is most valuable and important. This aspect is extremely important for Aquarius, so such a talisman for them is a source of energy and spirituality, giving courage and self-confidence.

Sapphire will make its owner peaceful and virtuous. With its help, a creative and original young lady will replenish her reserves of positive energy. Sapphire protects Aquarius from deception and hypocrisy, helping to find the true path.


An extremely suitable talisman for an Aquarius woman, possessing the most powerful energy. It will make her more insightful, help relieve pain in her soul and relieve depression, and drive away bad thoughts. Amethyst can heal the human aura, it helps to keep emotions under control exactly when it is really needed.

Amethyst will give an Aquarius woman in love and her partner mutual understanding.

Amethyst has healing properties. With its help you can get rid of stress and tidy up your nervous system. It cleanses the blood and promotes speedy recovery.

The owner of an amethyst always has a developed intellect.

Amethyst will protect the owner from gossip and rumors and improve her reputation in society. This stone looks great in any product and attracts Aquarius girls with its mystery.

It will strengthen the Aquarius woman’s faith in herself and her strengths, give her optimism and vigor, and help develop intuitive abilities. This stone is able to preserve the beauty and youth of its owner for a long time. Amber also contributes to the development in Aquarius of a tendency towards altruism.

The Aquarius woman is a big lover of solitude and dreams. Such a lady will often imagine her chosen one as ideal, and then, when she finds out about his flaws, she will instantly break off all ties with him. Aquamarine will not allow the owner to be blissfully unaware and will help her not to make a mistake in choosing a life partner.

This stone is a talisman against mistakes and wrong decisions. In addition, such a talisman will help Aquarius not to hide his emotions and open his soul to loved ones and family.

A stone with powerful magical characteristics. It has connections with the Sun, Uranus and Saturn. Obsidian will not allow evil people to approach the Aquarius woman, will save her from bad habits, will help her concentrate on business and will greatly increase her determination on the path to fulfilling her dreams. Obsidian is also capable of preventing its owner from committing bad deeds, but you should not wear a product with this mineral too often - it can make Aquarius timid.

The Aquarius woman is not always able to discern the bad qualities of her own character, much less change them or get rid of them altogether. An amulet made of jade – a figurine or a pen, for example – can help here. A jade talisman will raise the Aquarius woman to a new moral and psychological level, she will begin to work hard on herself. Jade will increase her self-confidence and provide financial stability.

It will bring a woman happiness, joy and fill her with inspiration. It will guide the owner on the path of renewal and self-improvement, giving her the opportunity to change her life for the better. Lapis lazuli has healing properties, helps eliminate problems with the endocrine system, and is used to treat radiculitis. This talisman is one of the best for an Aquarius woman, since it is he who is able to give her inexhaustible optimism and confidence.

It is a talisman of scientific people, for example inventors, creators of something hitherto unknown. Brings good luck to those people who sincerely want to change their lives, and therefore is perfect for the energetic and active Aquarius woman. A wonderful amulet for people who often negotiate - it wonderfully attracts partners and like-minded people. Chrysoprase is a very good talisman for an Aquarius woman, a sociable and charismatic person.

Talismans and amulets

  • An angel figurine made of porcelain or ceramics. Helps develop intuitive abilities.
  • An icon is a powerful amulet against troubles, illnesses and troubles.
  • The key will allow you to open up internally, get rid of shyness, and make a woman more confident.
  • You can use any amulets that are at least somehow related to the air element, be it a feather, a butterfly or something similar.
  • A pendant in the shape of the letter “F” is good as a talisman. It should be worn in honor of the goddess of life Zhiva.

Which stones are not suitable

  • Rhinestone.
  • Topaz.
  • Opal.
  • Chrysolite.

When choosing a gemstone, you need to take into account not only your zodiac sign, but also be guided by your date of birth.

  1. Aquarians included in the first ten days by date of birth ( January 20th - February 1st), are under the protection of Venus. These lovers of romance often lack courage and are easily discouraged. Suitable Aquarius stones of this decade should bring warmth and energy to their owner. Among them are aquamarine, turquoise, tourmaline, amber, aventurine, amethyst, jade, obsidian, garnet and jasper.
  2. Those who by date of birth ( 2nd - 11th February) are in the second decade, subject to the influence of Mercury. They are wise and witty, adhere to moral standards and strive for glory. Which stone is suitable for Aquarius of this decade? Among the most common are turquoise, onyx, amethyst, lapis lazuli, citrine, charoite and chrysoprase.
  3. Representatives of the sign included in the third decade by date of birth ( 12th - 18th February), feel the influence of the Moon. Their modesty and restraint often interfere with achieving their goals, but this is compensated by the love of others. Suitable stones for them: alexandrite, garnet, tourmaline, zircon, aquamarine, hyacinth, sapphire and chrysoprase.

Precious talismans

Those who are Aquarius by date of birth are practically incapable of being offended and are always ready to help. People around you often take advantage of this. Representatives of the zodiac sign are smart, but they lack worldly wisdom and attentiveness. Therefore, Aquarius stones should make their owner more collected. Best suited for this sapphire.

A talisman with sapphire will not only make Aquarius more organized, but will also help in the pursuit of self-development.

The stone fully corresponds to the spiritual mood of the representatives of this horoscope sign. Sapphire enhances the intuition inherent in Aquarius and supports the desire to do good deeds. In addition, a talisman with a blue crystal fights diseases and human envy.

Sapphire brings good luck to those who want to lead people. And Aquarians strive to become the soul of the company and at the same time become its leader. Talismans with this mineral give courage to make important decisions. Sapphire helps its owner achieve high career success, and also protects against the aimless pursuit of the attributes of a prestigious life.

Topaz as a talisman protects Aquarius according to the zodiac sign from illness and stress, helps repel magical attacks and fights the envy of others. In addition, the stone brings success in material affairs. Topaz will tell you the right path in a romantic relationship and protect you from mistakes in your personal life. When choosing stones for Aquarius, it is worth considering that yellow topaz is not suitable for this sign. It is best to choose a blue or colorless gem.

Another suitable stone for Aquarius is amethyst. A talisman with this mineral helps representatives of the sign to concentrate on a specific task and complete it with brilliance. The mysterious amethyst gives its owner confidence in his abilities in difficult moments, relieves him of pessimistic thoughts and unnecessary soul-searching. Amethyst also fights diseases and nervous fatigue..

An emotionally strong sign like Aquarius needs protection from outbursts of their own anger and manifestations of negative aspects of their character. A strong talisman and amulet for - pearl. Its soft energy smooths out the sharp edges of its owner’s personality. Pearls protect against anger and envy and help achieve success in the most important matters. However, if a representative of the sign is depressed or simply in a bad mood, pearls are contraindicated for him.

Suitable stones for Aquarius in most cases are white or blue in color. Pomegranate is a rare exception to this rule. A talisman with it takes care of the health of representatives of this zodiac sign and increases self-esteem. Garnet will help Aquarius satisfy his craving for fame and will lead him to the top in his professional field.

Choosing a stone for an Aquarius woman

Aquarius women often suffer from failures in their personal lives due to the habit of putting the object of their passion on a pedestal without reason. Pearls will help you avoid many mistakes in the romantic sphere. Pearls enhance insight and force you to realistically assess the situation. Pearls give happiness in family life and preserve love and fidelity between spouses.

Helps Aquarius women according to their horoscope become wiser in choosing a life partner. In addition, the talisman helps in studying and acquiring any new knowledge. Sapphire also promotes spiritual development, warns of dangers and protects against depression, to which the sign is prone.

Astrologers believe that the most suitable gemstones for an Aquarius woman are white, pink, blue and milky. Useful for ladies of any age is a talisman with carnelian. The stone helps little Aquarius girls according to the horoscope in studying and communicating with peers. For adults, carnelian attracts happiness in love and gives success in creativity, career and family affairs.

Selection of a talisman for Aquarius men

According to the Aquarius man's zodiac sign, stones with strong and light energy are suitable. Among them is aquamarine, which protects its owner from dangers. This winter sign loves to get involved in various troubles. An aquamarine talisman will help you avoid wrong actions and suggest the right decision in a difficult situation. The light energy of the stone increases the self-esteem of Aquarius according to their zodiac sign, and does not allow them to dwell on failures and their own shortcomings.

A sign like Aquarius is often cold towards loved ones; it is difficult for him to show emotions. Talismans with turquoise will make their owner more sociable, reveal his best spiritual qualities, teach him to speak and listen. This Aquarius stone helps in your career, it protects you from quarrels with your bosses and colleagues. But turquoise suitable only for those who are honest with themselves and others.

The sign of Aquarius often testifies to the duality of character of its representative. Therefore, it can be difficult for them to choose between two alternatives; Aquarius men find themselves in a love triangle, torn between two women. A talisman with amber brings harmony and peace to the soul of its owner, helping a man fight changeable moods. Amber makes it clear what the Aquarius man needs to strive for at the moment.

What stones should you avoid?

The sign of Aquarius, according to astrologers, reacts poorly to wearing red-colored stones. In addition, undesirable stones for Aquarius are chrysolite, sardonyx, ruby, and rock crystal. They emphasize the negative aspects of their owner's character. Wearing them for a long time leads to rash actions and frequent outbursts of anger.

Astrologers do not recommend wearing turquoise for married women, since the mineral has a bad effect on family life. It is overly liberating and makes you think about having a hobby on the side. Diamonds are also not suitable for Aquarius, because they make representatives of the sign tough and rude in communication.

Aquarius- this is a calm sign that does not want to fight, but wants to mind its own business. He judges others by himself, or more precisely, he treats people the way he wants to be treated. Thanks to his insight, Aquarius is able to see and understand everything that happens, but his inherent inattention and absent-mindedness prevent him from achieving success in any business. They are curious, they are attracted to everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves at anything. They are contemplative of life, but can also be generous in spirit. There may be something subtle, gentle, smooth about Aquarius. They fluctuate between instincts and reason.
Although Aquarius symbolizes the element of Air, in this sign of the Zodiac all the elements are not clearly expressed and seem to be blurred. A stable winter sign that does not need rapid movement and rapid development. The sign is ruled by dark Uranus during the fall of the Sun, so Aquarius is not afraid of cold, dark and even treacherous stones (they will not harm him and will help him). There are no stones that can greatly harm Aquarius. Cold sky, ice crystals, stars and shimmering northern lights. But Aquarius cannot refuse stones that feed them with soft energy, which they urgently need. Therefore, Aquarius stones are two types of stones: on the one hand, they are calm, cold or shimmering minerals, on the other, they are light, energizing minerals. Active fire stones will harm Aquarius, so they were excluded from the list.

AMETHYST . Purple stone (color varies from pale pink to dark purple). In Ancient China, boxes, bottles, and signets were made from amethyst. The stone has positive energy and affects a weak aura. Amethyst is a stone of purity, purity and love, so it is a suitable stone for a gift for lovers to each other. Amethyst is a symbol of peace, sincerity, and sincerity. It should be worn when you are tormented by anxiety and emotional unrest. The name of this stone translated from ancient Greek means “not drunk.” They say that amethyst has outstanding abilities, and the most important of them is to protect a person from drunkenness, and if he does drink, to save him from intoxication. The glorious stone absorbs wine vapors, while remaining absolutely sober and serenely purple. If you wear it in silver, the stone will promote friendly contacts and business meetings, which are sure to end in success. The stone will help infertile women find the joy of motherhood, and men will improve relationships with their wives. Amethyst is useful for Aquarius during a loss of strength, during times of melancholy and lost hope due to unfulfilled desires. This stone revives optimism in the soul of Aquarius, gives him self-confidence and the opportunity to win. As an amulet, amethyst protects Aquarius from envious people, dishonest competitors and colleagues, as well as from his own stubbornness, giving insight and strengthening intuition in return.
In Rus', icons, altars, pectoral crosses and panagias were decorated with amethysts. The crown of the Russian Tsarina Irina Godunova was decorated with huge purple amethysts, which alternated with sapphires.
High-quality amethysts are mined in the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil.

MOTHER OF PEARL. Mother-of-pearl is a calcareous shell of some genera of mollusks and sea animals; since time immemorial it has served people to decorate all kinds of objects. Mother of pearl consists mainly of carbonated lime containing a small admixture of organic, animal matter; It is located in the shell of some mollusks and covers it from the inside with a more or less thick layer. This rich substance, from which pearls are also composed, in its luminous and brilliant tints reflects the beautiful play of white, purple, emerald and blue colors.
Since ancient times, white mother-of-pearl powder has been used to prepare cosmetic creams. It was believed that this cream could whiten the skin of the face, remove freckles and remove age spots. Earrings shells were worn to improve hearing.
As a talisman, mother of pearl can help its owner bring new things into his life. It helps to develop intuition, preserve peace and tranquility in the family, and protects the house from evil spirits. It is believed that products made from mother-of-pearl can serve as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner.

It brings good luck to Aquarians in their work life.

Mother-of-pearl is usually obtained from shells collected when searching for pearls, but sometimes mother-of-pearl shells are caught independently. Main places: Red Sea, Persian Gulf, islands of Borneo and Ceylon, shores of Japan and the Philippines. As for freshwater pearl mussels, they have all died out, with only a small part remaining in the rivers of Northern Europe and northern Russia.

It is believed that this stone protects against evil spells, harmful addictions, and negative influences from the outside. On a long trip you should take a stone or jewelry with emerald How strong amulet, protecting the owner from troubles and misfortunes.
The importance of emerald for pregnant women and mothers is especially noted. It protects them and their children from the evil eye, protects family relationships, supporting the love and fidelity of spouses. There is a belief that the stone will split if one of the lovers breaks his fidelity.
Wearing emeralds sharpens the mind, strengthens memory, brings peace and takes away bad dreams, relieves melancholy and melancholy, emotional distress, helps to concentrate and gives the ability to foresee. They prolong the life of their owners, protecting them from a boring and bitter fate. This is a spiritual stone - helping people do good, it in every possible way prevents the commission of evil, lies, breaking oaths and betrayal. You should clear your mind of bad thoughts so that the emerald can provide its help and protection.
The healing properties of emerald The following are called: lowering temperature and pressure, helping in the treatment of diabetes, psoriasis, burns, eye diseases, urinary tract, heart diseases. It also helps with inflammation and infections, and treats insomnia.
You need to keep in mind that there are a lot of fakes out there now. And if artificial diamonds (cubic zirconia) can still be distinguished from natural ones, then only a specialist can distinguish artificial emeralds from natural ones. Currently, it is possible to grow synthetic emeralds of quite large sizes. The technology of this production is kept secret, however, man-made emeralds are obtained in Germany, France and Russia (Novosibirsk).
The main deposits of emerald jewelry are located in Muso (Colombia), Transvaal (South Africa) and in the Urals (Ermakovskoye deposit).

Depending on the date of birth, the constellation is determined, which is the patron of a person and has certain magical and healing properties.

Aquarians are considered to be the most creative people. These are optimists who will always help another person. Their qualities include calmness and insight. The disadvantages of this sign include absent-mindedness. Men are characterized by great pain and persistence. Women are particularly curious.

Depending on the decade of a given sign, its characteristic features, stones are selected according to the zodiac sign. Thanks to astronomical observations, you can choose exactly the jewelry, or which stone is suitable for an Aquarius woman.

In the first ten days (21.01 – 01.02) Representatives of the sign are distinguished by their romantic, calm nature. By nature, such people are melancholic; they are characterized by a bad mood and thoughts. Venus contributes to the presence of such love. Talismans that are most suitable for the first decade include amethyst, aventurine, jade stone, obsidian, serpentine, cobblestone, jasper. The choice of a specific talisman should be based on the energy it will give you.

Suitable for the second decade (02.02 – 11.02) are turquoise, lapis lazuli, chrysoprase, amethyst, or amber. The representative of the sign is selected for such decoration that has the ability to preserve wisdom, develop intelligence and an excellent sense of humor. A correctly selected gem will bring its owner good luck in his endeavors.

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their special love for truth, born in the third decade (12.02 – 20.02). They are characterized by determination. Among the shortcomings is excessive sensitivity, which often interferes with adequately perceiving the situation and making the right decision. For this period, an Aquarius stone such as chrysoprase, alexandrite, garnet, tourmaline, or zircon is suitable.

A certain day expresses a specific mineral, which is more suitable for the representative of the sign. For example, hyacinth is suitable for a person born on January 21. Sapphire will embellish the representative whose birthday is February 17.

Stones depending on year of birth

For rat Amber and jewelry made from it are suitable. Jewelry helps to attract sympathy for the owner of the talisman. Bright, fairly massive jewelry is suitable To the bull. Emerald stones or lapis lazuli will favorably emphasize the dignity of the owner.

Will bring good luck to Aquarius Tiger For a woman, the carnelian stone will help you reach your goals and sort out problematic situations. Amber is most suitable Rabbits. It is interesting that the power of the talisman becomes greater if the decoration is given by loved ones.

For Dragon and Snake Green peridot is suitable. By date of birth for Horses Massive jewelry that has the properties of decorating passionate, energetic natures will be suitable. Such jewelry includes ruby, garnet, or amethyst.

Agate or onyx reveals inner harmony Goats, and opal – O monkeys and dogs. For people born in the year Rooster. Ruby, agate, or emerald are suitable. Topaz is considered the best option for the year Pigs. He is able to reveal the strength of a person and give long-awaited peace of mind.

Sign stones, talismans and amulets

To make the right choice, you should evaluate which stones are suitable for Aquarius, the advantages of each, and choose the most suitable option.

It is believed that representatives of this sign are quite emotional people. They need a gem that will help keep excessive manifestations of anger and other negative aspects under complete control. Pearls that are quite strong from an energetic point of view have these qualities. The use of such talismans has a beneficial effect on mood and success in endeavors.

It is worth noting that representatives who are often depressed or suffer from alcoholism should avoid choosing this stone.

Stones for women

Gems for Aquarius help the beautiful representative in personal relationships, career, and success. The aquamarine gemstone has unusual properties. Depending on the specific mood of the girls, Aquarius women’s gemstones are able to change their shade. It helps to harmonize naivety and excessive dreaming towards a practical outlook on life.

For an Aquarius woman, a rather passionate person who needs to clear her thoughts and mind from a negative attitude, she should choose topaz. To improve your business endeavors, you need to choose a talisman for women - chrysoprase. It will help develop greater determination, ability to work and the ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently. Such stones bring luck and happiness.

For cheerful, active and self-confident individuals, we select a talisman to match their nature. Amber is suitable for such representatives.

Natural products have a lot of positive properties. Natural stones include pearls, a symbol of success - garnet, rock crystal, ruby, amethyst and obsidian. Such stones, suitable for an Aquarius woman, protect against bad influences and deceit. Semi-precious stones contribute to the peace of the owner.

Stones for men

Before making your final choice, it is important to know which stones are suitable for Aquarius men. For Aquarius men according to the horoscope, who love attention from their fair half, agate is suitable. Male sexuality and love are most revealed with the help of a black stone. The white or yellow palette of the stone contributes to the predominance of the soft character traits of its representative. Gray agate has a beneficial effect on friendly relations and promotes reconciliation.

A stone suitable for Aquarius to match their progressive views is sapphire, ruby. It contributes to the achievement of life goals, helps to complete the things started. Harmonizes negative character traits - jade amulets. A man's Aquarius stone promotes spiritual development, self-confidence, and has a beneficial effect on wealth and the material condition of the stronger sex in general.

Stones that are contraindicated by the sign

There are a number of stones that are contraindicated for Aquarius and those that should be avoided. These include diamond stones. They influence the horoscope sign in a negative way, increasing arrogance and stubbornness. For Aquarius women this will turn into cruelty and coldness. Jewelry is not suitable for women due to the development of egoism and narcissism in its representatives.

Precious citrine helps to enhance both the positive and negative aspects of the Aquarius character. Moreover, the disadvantages reach their extreme limit. Astrologers advise avoiding choosing this decoration.

For an Aquarius woman, especially if we are talking about a married person, the use of turquoise is contraindicated. It affects beautiful representatives in a negative way. In particular, it increases frivolity and stubbornness, which affects the quality of family ties.


A creative, unusual zodiac sign fits the description of Aquarius. He is characterized by unconventional thinking and a touch of rebellion.

In order to harmonize the strengths and weaknesses of character, you need to choose the right amulet. Depending on the individual characteristics, a talisman is selected that will have a beneficial effect on the character, financial status, success in endeavors, and the health of its representative.

This zodiac sign is considered to be suitable for ruby, sapphire, garnet, and moonstone. Lapis lazuli or amethyst may be suitable. It is important to focus on the decade in which the person was born.

Video on the topic: Stones talismans for Aquarius. Stones by zodiac sign

It is worth choosing one talisman stone for Aquarius, which will have a positive effect on you. You should not wear several gems at once; in this case, the result will be the opposite.

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