Camille Saint Sans Animal Carnival Description. Camille Saint-Saens - Suite "Carnival of the Animals". Big Zoological Fantasy

History of creation

Carnival of the Animals was written by Saint-Saens in February 1886 while on holiday in Austria. The composer conceived this music as a surprise for a concert that cellist Charles Lebouc was to give on Fat Tuesday. The first performance took place on March 9, 1886, with the participation of flutist Paul Taffanel, clarinetist Charles Turban, double bass player Emile de Bailly, for whom the composer specially wrote solo episodes. The two piano parts were performed by Saint-Saëns himself and by Louis Dieumer.

Considering this work only a musical joke, Saint-Saens forbade it to be published during his lifetime, not wanting to be considered the author of "frivolous" music. All known performances of Carnival of the Animals before 1921 (the year of Saint-Saëns' death) were in private collections. So, a month after the premiere, on April 2, 1886, this work was performed in the house of Pauline Viardot in the presence of Franz Liszt. Other performances at various times included Gabriel Piernet, Alfred Cortot, Alfredo Casella (piano), Maren Marsik (violin), Anatoly Brandukov (cello), Philippe Gobert (flute), Prosper Mimar (clarinet).

The only part of the suite that Saint-Saëns allowed to be published and performed was the piece The Swan for cello and piano. Even during the life of the composer, she firmly entered the repertoire of cellists.

After the death of Saint-Saens, the score of "Carnival" was published and first performed in a public concert on February 25, 1922. The music gained great fame and is often performed in concerts. Often, Carnival of the Animals is presented as music for children and combined with poetic or prose texts written specifically for performance.

"Carnival of the Animals" is filled with humor, sometimes turning into satire - its parts often contain parodies and quotes from famous musical works, ridicule human vices, or simply imitate the voices of animals.

“The characters drawn by the composer at this carnival appear, except for the swan, in a playful, and sometimes even in a caricature-satirical form. Moreover, in some cases, the composer had in mind not so much the actual animals, but the human characters that they personify.- A. Maikapar about the "Carnival of the Animals"

The music of various parts of the "Carnival of the Animals" is often used in films and cartoons, advertising, and theatrical productions.

Instrumental composition

Initially, the composer conceived the performance of "Carnival" by a small chamber ensemble, but subsequently it was often played even by an orchestra, increasing the number of string instruments. There are also numerous transcriptions of individual parts of the suite for different instruments.

  • Glass harmonica (in our time, its part is usually performed on bells or celesta)


Le Carnaval des Animaux de Camille Saint-Saens (1886)
Seattle Youth Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Vilem Sokol, 1980
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    - (Saint Salns) Charles Camille (9 X 1835, Paris 16 XII 1921, Algeria, buried in Paris) French. composer, pianist, organist, conductor, musician critic and writer, teacher, musician. societies. figure. Member Inta France (1881), honorary doctor ... ... Music Encyclopedia

    - (Saint Saëns) (1835 1921), French composer, pianist, conductor, music critic. Member of the Institute of France (1881). One of the organizers of the National Musical Society (1871). He has performed as a pianist and conductor. 12 operas, including ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Carnival of the Animals, Saint-Saens Camille. Reprinted musical edition of Saint-Sa?ns, Camille`Le carnaval des animaux`. Genres: Fantasias; For flute, clarinet, glockenspiel, xylophone, 2 violins, viola, cello, double bass, 2 pianos; Scores…

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Any person, even very far from ballet, will remember, if he has heard at least once, the enchanting music, to which ballerinas from all over the world have been soloing for decades, performing a solo number - "The Dying Swan". This is the most famous musical fragment from the work of the French composer Camille Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals". But I remembered him not only because it was eighty years since the death of the composer. And because now you have the opportunity not only to remember this music yourself, but also to listen to it and instill a taste for good music in your child.

If you are serious about raising a comprehensively developed PERSONALITY out of your child, then, released by the company "Alisa Studio" in the series "Perception and Creativity", a new educational computer program that introduces one of the facets of the work of the famous French composer Camille Saint-Saens, "Saint- Sans. Animal Carnival" is a good helper for you in this good cause.

Maybe you are embarrassed that serious classical music has been offered to you as a teaching aid? But, if you want your child to learn to distinguish between what is really good and what is "just loud", then you need to start with good music - with the classics. And the work "Carnival of the Animals" by Saint-Saens is the best way to get acquainted with the world of music.

It seems to you that it is still too early for your child to listen to the classics, that he is quite satisfied with listening to children's songs. After all, he is so small: he has just learned to pronounce and use complex words correctly, but he already confidently shows animals in pictures in books. He knows who goats and cows, roosters and turkeys, giraffes and crocodiles, hippos and turtles are, knows where their homeland is, who lives in distant Africa, and who lives in the grandmother's yard in the village. And, if you have already visited the zoo with him, and it is never too late to do this - even this coming weekend, then he probably saw these animals with his own eyes, which means that he will also be interested in listening to a musical story about them. Has your child only recently picked up pencils and is already interested in brushes and paints? Then it's all the more time to start - listen and draw music. This is what the authors of this training test program will try to teach your child.

First, let's talk a little about the management and opportunities that the program provides you. All control is carried out from the computer keyboard or mouse, by clicking directly on the graphic images of symbols in the program sections, or on the options placed in the program control ribbon located at the bottom of the screen. You can see which keys are controlled by pressing the F1 key. When this key is pressed, a list of program control keys for specific tasks is called up on the screen.

The main menu of the program, consisting of several options, appears on the screen immediately after starting the program.

While using the program, return to the main menu is carried out by pressing the Esc key from the computer keyboard, or by clicking the left mouse button on the image of a pumpkin on the program control ribbon, or by clicking on the drawn arrow from those program options where there is no control ribbon.

In addition to the "Start", "Select episode" and "Music box" options, which are responsible for listening to the musical part of the program, there is also the "Coloring" option, which reveals the artistic abilities and degree of fantasy and imagination of your child. Of course, there is also a mandatory short reference "About the composer",

data about the creative team that created the program - "About the authors" and "Program settings".

In the "Settings" you check the boxes for the presence and adjustment of the level of voice-overs, background music and effects.

Set checkboxes to complete tasks. Either the execution of tasks by the program itself, or the transition to the next task without completing the previous one, as well as the ability to save and print a picture of the task.

A few words about how the options involved in music education differ from each other. Press "Start" and in front of you on the screen, on a blank sheet of paper to the exquisitely beautiful music of Camille Saint-Saens, the proud king of animals - a lion, a long-legged Australian kangaroo will gallop, a fast, shy antelope will sweep by in a whirlwind. And along with the oncoming wave, sea turtles will crawl out onto the shore,

...and a graceful swan will quietly glide across the calm surface of the water.

During the performance of all fourteen musical fragments included in the "Carnival of the Animals", the voice-over will tell you what the composer wanted to tell you about with his music, and the pictures and animations that change one after another on the screen will illustrate this story.

You can interrupt listening to the musical theme at any place and move on to the next theme by pressing the desired key on the keyboard, or by clicking on the corresponding control element of the program - the image of a "flattened" bird at the bottom of the screen. The image of a singing bird - exit to the program settings table, and the bird's nest - go directly to the "Music box" option.

By selecting the "Select episode" option in the main menu, you get a list of the names of all musical fragments included in the "Carnival of the Animals". This, as I already mentioned, is fourteen topics describing "people and animals", and the final part of the work. Here you select a specific musical theme. You listen to music inspired by this animal, as the composer himself imagined it, listen to explanations behind the scenes and watch drawings of animals,

offered to you by the authors of the program. You can repeat the same fragment as many times as you want, until you are sure that you remember all the musical fragments of the work and its final part so well that you can start completing the Task presented in the same option.

Most of the questions of the proposed Task, one way or another, are connected with the piece "Carnival of the Animals" that you listened to. For example, from the proposed musical passages that you listened to, you must determine which one belongs to Saint-Saens. The musical style of each composer is as unique as the manner of writing is inherent in a particular painter. You do not confuse the paintings of Gauguin and Monet, and you cannot confuse the landscapes of Levitan with the landscapes painted by Polenov or Savrasov. I think that here you can easily recognize the music written by Saint-Saens.

Questions on the work being studied can also be presented in a "musical-pictorial" form, for example, from the kings of beasts shown in the drawings, choose the one that, in your opinion, could inspire the composer to compose the musical fragment "Royal March".

Or, on the contrary, after listening to the musical theme, point to the picture with the image of the animal corresponding to it. And then you can easily "collect" from separate musical fragments, placing them in a certain order, the whole work.

And, having learned to understand what mood the music conveys, you will immediately answer with what lines one or another piece of music can be depicted,

... that is, learn a very interesting thing - to draw music. But not all tasks are related to music. "Musical" questions are interspersed with questions on intelligence and observation. Even the smallest children will be able to answer what the cat in the picture is happy about, or which of the animals sitting on the tree climbed there by mistake.

And, looking closely, you will certainly determine which of the little men hid under the mask, and which little animal is sitting under which hat. I am sure that your children with great pleasure will put together pictures from disparate fragments

...and solve a puzzle about the zoo, placing animals in cages and helping the guards.

As you probably remember, to see the control keys that are valid for each option, you must press F1 to get a list of control keys on the screen. If you work with a mouse, then you need to pay attention to the images of the task control symbols located in a column on the left side of the screen. These symbols give you the opportunity to listen again to the question of the task, if for some reason you did not understand it the first time, to start answering the question again if you got lost or made a mistake when ticking the answer to the question. You can get a hint in the form of a picture or a voice note.

You can try to complete the tasks yourself or, by referring to the settings, make the program do it for you, or simply view the questions of the task, moving from one question to another, assuming that the answer to the previous question has already been received. If your computer is "equipped" with the appropriate technology, then you can save and print a picture of the job.

In the "Music Box" option, nothing will prevent you from enjoying the music of Saint-Saens: neither voice-over, nor pictures depicting animals, birds, fish. Only music. Moreover, you can start listening with any musical theme that you choose in the list of titles of musical fragments that appears.

And one more section of the program, which will undoubtedly attract your attention - coloring.

It really is a combination of business and pleasure! What could be more interesting than, listening to beautiful music, coloring black and white drawings drawn by the artist,

...or create your own masterpieces,

using brushes and paints. The program gives you the opportunity to change the size of the brushes, the color you are working with, fill in the general background, while maintaining or painting over the previously applied black outline of the drawing, with one click in the process of drawing. And, acting as a paint eraser, you can either remove a stroke you just made that wasn't successful by clicking on the undo arrow image, or change your mind and put the stroke of paint back on the drawing.

The tools you will work with: brushes, pipette, pouring container, indicators of the current color and black outline of the picture, are summarized in a table on the left side of the screen. Here, by clicking on the image of a white rectangle at the top of the table, you will "put" a blank sheet of paper on the screen for your creativity. When "laying out" the next clean sheet, at the request of the program, you either save the previously created masterpiece, or not, if the plan could not be successfully implemented.
If you have saved your drawing, it will automatically take place in the row of thumbnails in the drawing gallery.
The paints you need to work with and the palette where you can place the paint you created by experimental mixing of the shade you need are located on the right side of the screen.

At the bottom of the screen, directly below the sheet on which you create, there are "administrative" symbols: exit to the main menu, print your masterpiece, destroy the failed canvas - so as not to blush in front of descendants, select a drawing in the gallery for coloring, enlarge it, view pictures, located in the gallery.

If you are tired of drawing on a computer screen, then you can always print any miniature, color it "live" - ​​with real pencils and paints. And since everyone has a different fantasy - their own, then, listening to the same music, you can color the same picture in completely different ways. And if your child is tired of drawing alone, then you can invite friends to play the game "Draw the music as you hear it." I think this game should appeal to children.

That, perhaps, is all that I wanted to tell you about this new program. And further. The authors offer this educational program for children from four to ten years old. I will only say about the upper age limit - it is never too late. And better late than never. But about the bottom ... It seems to me that a three-year-old child can and will not memorize all sounding musical themes, and will not be able to compose the entire work from musical episodes on his own, but he is able to complete some tasks. He may well distinguish by ear the clucking of chickens from bird discord, frolicking fish from the steps of an elephant, and will answer exactly why the cat is smiling.

...and that, neither a penguin nor an octopus, there is no place on a tree branch. And, it seems to me, it is not necessary to deprive him of this. Well, it certainly won't get any worse. Have a nice trip to the world of music!

Charles Camille Saint-Saens - French composer Camille Saint-Saens was born in Paris on October 9, 1835. His ancestors were from Normandy and got their surname from the name of the small town of Saint-Saint, where they lived near Rouen. Camille began composing music at the age of 5. The boy's parents - Parisian musicians - devoted a lot of time to their son's musical studies, and he made great strides. The first concert of Saint-Saens took place when the young pianist was barely 10 years old. In 1848 (aged 13) he entered the Paris Conservatory, first in the organ class, and then in the composition class. In 1853 (the composer was 18 years old) his first symphony was performed with great success. Saint-Saens traveled a lot and was very interested in the music of different countries. He was several times in Russia, was very fond of the music of Russian composers, willingly introduced her to music lovers in his homeland. The works of Saint-Saens are distinguished by their bright expressiveness, grace, and closeness to folk-everyday music. The composer's work is vast and varied. It is represented by almost all the genres that existed at that time, including operas, ballets, cantatas and oratorios, requiems and symphonies, etc. Charles Camille Saint-Saens was not only a composer, but also an excellent pianist, organist, conductor, writer (he wrote poetry and comedies), as well as a musical and public figure. Saint-Saens died in 1921 at the age of 86.

The history of the creation of the "Carnival of the Animals" The work was conceived by the author as a musical joke, a light and witty suite filled with sparkling humor. It was created in 1886 and has the subtitle "Great Zoological Fantasy". The suite is represented by 14 miniatures - musical sketches of animals and birds, each having its own unique character, its own element: 1. Royal march of the lion 2. Hens and rooster 3. Antelopes 4. Turtles 5. Elephants 6. Kangaroo 7. Aquarium 8. Character with long ears (Donkey) 9. Cuckoo in the depths of the forest 10. Aviary 11. Pianists (joke play) 12. Fossils 13. Swan 14. Finale This work reflects the memories and attachments of childhood - love for wildlife (collected collections of insects, minerals , grew flowers, listened to the sounds of nature - the murmur of a stream, the rustle of leaves, the singing of birds, studied the habits of animals). Charles Camille Saint-Saens tried to convey all this in his works. A suite was written for two pianos, two violins, viola, cello, double bass, flute, clarinet, harmonium, xylophone and celesta.

Hens and rooster Oh, what a loud-mouthed he is! In the morning he shouts to everyone "Hello!" He has boots on his feet and earrings on his ears. Scallop on the head. Who is this? Well, Petya's girlfriends - Both corydalis and pied - Noisily flapped their wings, Loudly pounded their beaks: Co-co-co, co-co-co It's easy for us to peck grain. Performers: String Trio Royal

Elephants Their tusks turn white like snow, There is no stronger animal. Huge, gray, with a good disposition, Walks majestically through the jungle, And with a long nose, like a hand, He can lift us with you. It weighs a lot of tons. Friends, of course, this is ... (elephant) Piano Performers: Cello

Aquarium The whole day they scurry about, jostle These crumbs behind the glass: Either they gather in a crowd, Then they float in the water in single file. Algae, like alleys, The bottom is sandy light. Here is one, faster than others, Beats sideways against the glass. The fins tremble, tremble, the back is arched. The scales shine like this. Such a beauty. Performers: Celesta Harmonium Piano Violins

Description of the slide:

1-Introduction and Royal March of the Lion - fr. Introduction et Marche Royale du lion. In a short introduction, after the tremolo of two pianos, the strings enter with the main theme, and after the diverging glissandos throughout the piano range, the March begins, in which there are fanfares played on the piano, and rough chromatic moves depicting the roar of a lion. 2-hens and roosters - fr. Poules et Coqs. Clarinet, violin, viola, piano. Annoying repetitive sounds depicting the clucking of chickens are interspersed with the motif of a cock crowing. The "chicken" motif is taken from the harpsichord suite by François Couperin. 3-Antelopes (fast animals) - fr. Hemiones (animaux veloces). Two pianos play fast passages. 4-Turtles - fr. Tortues. Strings and two pianos. The cancan from Offenbach's operetta "Orpheus in Hell" is quoted, but slowed down several times, which creates a comic effect. 5-Elephant - fr. elephant). Double bass and two pianos. The waltz-like melody played by the double bass is based on borrowings of two themes: the sylph dance from Berlioz's dramatic legend "The Condemnation of Faust" and the Scherzo from Mendelssohn's music for the comedy "A Midsummer Night's Dream". The comedy lies in the fact that the music, conceived as light and airy and originally performed by high register instruments, is transferred to a clumsy instrument that sounds in the lower part of the range and depicts a dancing elephant. 6-kangaroo - fr. Kangarous. Two pianos. Sharp staccato sounds with grace notes depict jumping kangaroos. 7-Aquarium - fr. Aquarium. Flute, glass harmonica, strings, piano. The sound of a flute playing a melody is set off by the "gurgling" sounds and glissandos of the piano and glass harmonica, creating a picture of an aquarium. 8-Characters with long ears - fr. Personnages a longes oreilles. Violins alternating very high and very low sounds depict a donkey's cry. 9-Cuckoo in the depths of the forest - fr. Le coucou au fond des bois. Clarinet and two pianos. Against the background of measured chords at the piano, depicting a forest, the clarinet (which, according to the author's instructions, should be backstage) periodically plays two "cuckooing" sounds. 10-Aviary - fr. Voliere. Flute, strings and two pianos. Against the background of the “rustling” tremolo at the strings, the flute plays a melody with trills and jumps, depicting bird singing. Pianists - fr. pianists. Two pianos, accompanied by strings, play scales and exercises in the style of Ganon or Czerny. This section continues without interruption into the next. Fossils - fr. Fossiles. Clarinet, xylophone, two pianos and strings. Saint-Saëns quotes his own symphonic poem "Dance of Death", children's songs "Ah! vous dirai-je, maman" and "Au clair de la lune", as well as Rosina's cavatina from Rossini's "The Barber of Seville". Swan - fr. Le Cygne. Cello and two pianos. The melodious melody at the cello depicts the smooth movement of a swan on the surface of the water, and the figurations at the piano represent ripples on it. The choreographer Mikhail Fokin staged the famous ballet number The Dying Swan for Anna Pavlova in 1907 to the music of The Swan. Saint-Saens was surprised by this interpretation - in his play the swan does not die - but did not object to it. Final - fr. Finale. Performed by the entire ensemble. The cheerful and light main theme is interspersed with motifs from the previous parts.

Tatyana Yudina
"Saint-Saens. Animal Carnival. Music lesson for older preschool children


Today we will get acquainted with the French composer - Camille saint sansom.


Camille Sens-Saens is one of the luminaries of Western European 19th century music whose best creations are arts of rare perfection. His versatile personality was clearly manifested in various fields. A prolific composer, he composed music in all existing genres.


At the same time, he tirelessly gave concerts as a pianist and conductor, was music critic. Teacher. Acted as an energetic organizer and musical public figure. In addition, he was an avid traveler.

We now have an exciting journey ahead of us. carnival. Let's remember what is carnival- this is such a holiday, on which everyone must somehow change their appearance. You can wear a mask carnival costume or just decorate yourself. The main thing is not to recognize you. On holidays in kindergarten, you like to dress up as different forest animals - squirrels, bunnies, bears. And someone turns into a hero of a fairy tale or cartoon. And then we can meet with Snow White and the dwarves, Emelya and Nesmeyana, Pinocchio or Malvina. Carnival, to which I invite you, will be quite unusual. First, this carnival not people, a animals: animals, birds and fish. Second, he musical. This means that we will not see all its characters and participants, but we will hear, because the music created by the French composer Camille saint sans.

Any solemn holiday is usually opened by the most distinguished and honored guests. Who will open our carnival?


Eerily handsome, he is ferocious and yellow-maned.

Even the tail is not at all simple - with a brush a long tail.

Paws are strong and powerful. The roar rushes above the clouds.

It is not for nothing that he is the king of animals in his hot Africa!

Of course. This is the king of animals - the lion.

SLIDE #5-6


He is majestic, formidable and beautiful. We hear it in the magnificent music, which is called "Royal March of the Lion". Her with one voice (or, as they say musicians, in "unison", but stringed instruments perform with a very powerful sound.


String instruments include violin, viola.




Double bass.


And although music it sounds menacing and even frightening, a smile slips through it, a light comic shade is caught. Each phrase ends with a fanfare that emphasizes the solemnity of the moment. The gait of the lion is important, unhurried, but at the same time, a soft and elastic cat's gait is felt in it. From time to time, sharp sounds suddenly invade the march - this is the Lion giving his voice, roaring menacingly. (Listening to a play "Royal March of the Lion")

On carnival It is customary to have fun and joke, dress up and transform into a different image. So the next character decided to dress up as a ballerina. Who is this?


Tusks turn white like snow there is no stronger animal.

Huge, gray, with a good disposition,

Walks majestically through the jungle

And with a long nose, like a hand,

He can lift you and me.

It weighs a lot of tons.

Friends, of course. This….

FRAME #13-14

More precisely, the Elephant, decided to become a ballerina and, putting on a light skirt and rising on her hind legs, ponderously spun in a waltz. The theme of the waltz is performed by the largest stringed instrument - the double bass.


The double bass conveys the heavy, clumsy, clumsy movements of the dancing elephant. The result is not a dance, but a funny parody of it.


(Listening to a play "Elephant")

Another funny guest animal carnival:


What is this riddle about? Brown color,

She does not grieve on two legs, her tail serves as a support.

Leaps will run from the lion. Food - leaves and grass.

On stomach in the pocket, the children clung to their mother.

In a warm bag, the kids only carry ...



You remember that a kangaroo cannot walk or run, but can only jump, pushing only from the ground with strong and long hind legs.


That's why music characterizing this animal, too "jumping".Each phrase, accelerating at the beginning, ends with a cautious deceleration, as if the kangaroo now and then stops and timidly looks around. Looking around, the kangaroo continues its jumps again.

(Listening to a play "Kangaroo")

Then saint sans invites us to move into an unusual world.


The whole day they scurry about, these crumbs jostle for glass:

Either they gather in a crowd, or they float in the water in single file.

Algae, like alleys, the sandy bottom is light,

Here she is, faster than others, beating sideways against the glass.

The fins tremble, tremble, the back is arched,

The scales shine on such a beauty.


This is, of course, the underwater kingdom. The play is titled "Aquarium".From the very first sounds we hear the most beautiful overflows of transparent and cold "water" colors. Such a flowing, magical sound is created by high ringing timbres of unusual instruments - this vintage celesta and harmonium, flute, violin and piano.


Celesta, harmonium.



Music of the play"Aquarium" sparkles and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.


(Listening to a play "Aquarium".)

From the underwater kingdom, we are transported to the thickets of a dense forest, where a bird occasionally gives its voice.


On a high tree I sit on a bitch,

And you can hear mine from afar "coo-coo, coo-coo".

White stripes on the chest.

Come listen to me!

I tell everyone the same thing

I spend my time carefree.


The play is titled "Cuckoo in the thicket of the forest".Quiet, strict and restrained chords rhythmically alternate one after another, reminiscent of the cautious steps of a traveler making his way in a dense forest among old ancient trees. We seem to feel the dusk and coolness of a dark, dense and gloomy forest. The voice of the cuckoo immeasurably repeats two sounds. The clarinet that imitates them sounds muffled, mysterious, as if coming from far away. In such a gloomy more often it is a little scary, and this feeling is also conveyed Saint-Saens in music.



(Listening to a play "Cuckoo in the thicket of the forest")

The next piece is one of the best and most famous works of the composer. It is dedicated to another bird.


Proud, white-winged, he is whiter than white lilies.

Glides silently over the water. The neck is arched.

They are always admired by everyone on the shore of the pond.


Music conveys the smoothness of movements, the beauty of the lines of this regal bird. Warm, "velvety" the timbre of the cello, performing a flexible, melodious melody, sounds expressively against the background of a calm, swaying piano accompaniment. Imitating the light splash of water.

SLIDE № 34-35

(Listening to a play "Swan")

So far the members carnival appeared before us separately, we got to know them. Finally, they all came together in the Final - this is the name of the last play. « animal carnival» .

Carnival the performance ends with a cheerful, impetuous dance. Again. But for the last time, images of acquaintances flash before us. animals, reminding yourself of short musical fragments. We are captured by universal fun, festive, jubilant. Sunny atmosphere.

SLIDE № 36-37

(Listening to the Final « animal carnival» .)

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