Stones for the sign Aries. Charms by date of birth for women and men. Which talisman stone is suitable for Aries

Astrologers advise choosing stones for a given sign, taking into account its date of birth, because its propensity for certain stones will depend on the decade in which it was born.

First ten days: from March 21st to March 31st. During this period, the wards of Mars are born - the most purposeful, stubborn, selfish and loving Aries. They are suitable for products made from carnelian, rock crystal, agate, quartz, jasper, hematite, serpentine and tiger's eye.

Second ten days: from April 1st to April 11th. Solar Aries are noble and ambitious leaders, strongly attached to loved ones. Light stones are most suitable for them: heliotrope, amber, pearl, sardonyx or cat's eye.

Third ten days: from April 12th to April 20th. During this period, romantic and passionate signs are born, whose patron is Venus. Their stones are garnet, diamond, zircon, ruby ​​and sapphire.

Aries amulets stones


The most important stone for you is the ruby. This rich red stone helps infuse your life with energy and activity. Positively affects health. Helps get rid of insomnia and makes waking up in the morning easier. Stimulates mental activity, makes the direction of thoughts more positive and constructive. Ruby will help you be cheerful and active every day.

Citrine, zircon, diamond

The purity of Aries' character and thoughts should be emphasized by transparent crystals. They can come in a variety of colors. Alternatively, you can purchase citrine or zircon. A more expensive stone is a diamond. With their help, you will emphasize the strength and kindness of your character. Diamond and zircon act as amulets for your sign. The only detail is that unmarried girls should refrain from wearing diamonds. Try to wear these crystals close to your skin.


Agate is very useful for all young Aries. Especially schoolchildren and students. It helps you concentrate on your studies and tune in to a productive process of absorbing knowledge. With the help of agate, you can study for a long time without difficulty and without fatigue, and very effectively.


Aries are often prone to rash actions and adventures. They need to be able to stop at the right moment, otherwise they can get into big trouble. In this case, the Labradorite stone will become a barrier against rash actions. It also helps to gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. Labrador has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the family.


Amethyst protects Aries from quarrels and friction with other people. Very often Aries are disliked in the team because of their emotionality and sometimes excessive self-confidence. Amethyst will help extinguish outbursts of aggression that arise in you at the most inopportune moment. The stone also has a good effect on your character - it makes you less narcissistic and selfish.

Stones of men


Pomegranate will help you move up the career ladder. This rich red stone will protect you from intrigues and conspiracies, and will help draw the attention of your superiors to your positive qualities. A rare green garnet protects against accidents and death as a result. However, it should only be worn if you are confident and determined enough.


A ruby ​​inserted into a ring will guide you forward. It is this stone in this form that has long symbolized leadership and power. You will become brave and decisive, and will be able to withstand high physical and mental stress. Ruby protects its wearer from melancholy and depression.

Women's stones

Diamond (diamond)

Try to wear stones of the following colors: white, yellow, red, blue or green. Transparent stones with a solid structure work well. A diamond will help emphasize your femininity and protect you and your children from negative influences. This stone also facilitates childbirth and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive organs. Helps protect against the evil eye and negative energy.

Red Jasper

Very often, Aries women become so immersed in work or caring for their family that they simply forget about themselves. But health and strength do not last forever. Red jasper will help you reliably and effectively plan your energy reserves so that there is enough for everything. With its help, you can plan your day correctly, spend every minute effectively, but at the same time don’t forget to make time for rest.


Zircon protects the Aries woman from sudden mood swings, apathy and depression. Aries often have periods of life when they don’t want anything. It is in such cases that zircon is needed. This stone will also help relieve migraines and chronic fatigue. It is especially useful for mature women whose health is no longer in the best condition.

It is best to use diamond as a cutting material. It is best to choose a silver frame for amethyst and gold for rubies and diamonds. At the same time, arrange the stones in the shape of a square or diamond - this will balance their impact. Try to avoid transparent stones other than crystals. If you want to maximize the positive effects of obsidian and labradorite, it is best not to cut them at all.

To further enhance your outstanding leadership qualities, wear the stones on your index finger in a ring. If you are looking for comfort in your personal relationships, try wearing the items on your chest or neck. As a mandrel, you can use simple, inexpensive metals - steel, iron, silver or cupronickel. The fact is that expensive metals, such as gold or platinum, are not very suitable for Aries in terms of energy. Design your stones in the shape of a wolf, ram or owl.

Dangerous stones

Aries is the zodiac sign opposite to Libra. Their astral energy is at opposite poles, so they should not wear the same stones. Aries are advised to refrain from wearing corals, lapis lazuli, chrysolites, malachites, and opals.

Aries is a fire sign. Therefore, try, if possible, to refrain from wearing stones that are too cold, aquatic in shades, which by their nature are not very suitable for you. Your energy is very light, so black and dark blue stones are not suitable for you. However, if you want to wear just such a stone at all costs, then you don’t need to limit yourself - you need it in this period of your life. This also happens.

Nelly Frolova

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

It is no secret that precious stones affect a person’s condition, his physical and mental well-being.

Astrologers believe that, depending on the zodiac sign, some gems are able to attract good luck and protect from troubles, while others, in turn, bring negativity and loss of strength.

Which gem will bring happiness, and which will become a source of problems, if you or your loved one is an Aries horoscope.

Aries is an active sign. He knows what he wants from life, he is purposeful, efficient and self-confident. He loves attention, is positive and emotional.

The type of zodiac sign is determined by the date of birth, which influences the choice of amulet. The right talisman can restrain negative traits and enhance positive ones.

  • March 21-31 are the birthdays of people ruled by Mars. They are courageous, passionate, purposeful, selfish and narcissistic. For such people, amulets will be products made of quartz, agate, rock crystal, tiger's eye, jasper, lapis lazuli, hematite, carnelian, serpentine and hawk's eye.
  • April 1-11 are the birthdays of solar Aries. The sun makes its wards noble, faithful, brave, proud and capable of strong love. Amber, cat's eye, heliotrope, sardonyx and pearls are suitable for such people.
  • April 12-20 are the birthdays of people ruled by Venus. They are passionate, impulsive, gentle, creative, and adventurous. Ruby, sapphire, garnet, diamond and zircon will help tame their ardor and direct it in the right direction.

In addition to knowing the names of stones, you need to understand what character traits and characteristics of a person they influence.

Charms and amulets for Aries

When choosing minerals, you should know that a warm-colored talisman enhances the characteristics of the zodiac sign. In turn, a cold-colored gem mutes the negative aspects.

The main stone suitable for all Aries is ruby. The red mineral gives the one who wears it activity, helps to quickly replenish the lack of strength, promotes sound sleep and easy awakening. A light ruby ​​restrains the emotionality of its owner, preventing it from turning into aggression. It is important to know that ruby ​​does not combine with other gems. Therefore, if you have chosen it, put the other gems back in the box.

Agate will help Aries to concentrate and collect their thoughts. This property of the stone will be especially useful for schoolchildren, students and people who have devoted themselves to science and mental work.

Amethyst will help calm an active and hot-tempered Aries. A talisman made from this mineral gives its owner patience, peacefulness and kindness. It makes it easier to establish contacts and reduces manifestations of selfishness.

To protect the Aries adventurer from danger, it is recommended to wear a Labrador. This amulet will help reduce emerging risks and maintain calm and confidence. However, young people (under 30 years old) should not wear the stone, since Labradorite will only increase the desire for extreme and dangerous adventures.

Gems for Aries woman

A woman born under this zodiac sign is active, bright and purposeful. Gemstones for an Aries woman should be hard, like her character, bright or transparent.

1 Diamond, due to its hardness and transparency, is a strong amulet. Diamond enhances self-confidence and protects against the evil eye. It is advisable to wear this mineral on the skin (arm, neck), then its properties are revealed in full force. It is important to know that diamonds are not recommended for unmarried women. It is better for them to use a talisman made of citrine or transparent zircon.

2 Yellow is perfect for married women zircon. A zircon talisman protects against depression, brings inspiration and helps find a way out of the most difficult situations. The zirconium amulet helps you find new goals and be positive.

3 Green Diamond enhances the feminine principle, helps with pregnancy planning, its successful course and childbirth. This stone is a symbol of motherhood.

4 In pursuit of her career, the Aries woman often forgets about herself, wasting her energy only on work. Red Jasper will help its owner plan and distribute forces so that they are enough for all aspects of life. A jasper amulet protects the mother and mistress of the home.

5 Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) keeps love in the family. Garnet gives this zodiac sign harmony and success, and lilac amethyst reveals intuition.

Gems for Aries men

Men born under the sign of Aries are leaders and successful managers.

  1. Products made from ruby ​​or garnet will be good for them. Ruby will strengthen intellectual and physical abilities, protect against melancholy and depression. A talisman with a pomegranate will help you successfully advance up the career ladder.
  2. To pacify the hot-tempered Aries, it is recommended to use amethyst. According to some sources, this stone also preserves mental clarity when intoxicated.
  3. Men who strive for success in their profession and who love to command should wear a ring with a stone on their index finger.
  4. Romantics in search of sincere love should use a pendant or amulet to wear around the neck or in the heart area.
  5. The stones must be cut from silver, steel or cupronickel. Platinum and gold do not suit the energy of Aries.

For an Aries man, engraving will further enhance the properties of the stone. A ram, wolf or eagle owl will give the stone more strength and energy.

In addition to gems, Aries is great for bone products that protect their owner from troubles.

What is contraindicated for Aries

In addition to those minerals and gems that are suitable for this zodiac sign, there are those that are strictly contraindicated for it.

  • Stones recommended for Libra (the antagonist of Aries): malachite, beryl, coral, lapis lazuli, peridot, opal.
  • Products made from rhodonite and aventurine.
  • Stones of the water element (black, deep blue or green). They will argue with the fiery essence of Aries.

With such a variety of gems, which amulet to choose? It is important to remember that you may need the support of different gemstones at different stages of your life. Therefore, it is useful to have 3-4 types of minerals in the box.

The choice of gems should be deliberate. You should immediately exclude contraindicated stones and weed out inappropriate colors and shades. When buying jewelry, it is important to touch it and examine it. Then it will immediately become clear whether it suits you or not. The stone should not cause internal contradictions and unpleasant sensations. If you like the mineral and it suits your sign and gender, wear it with pleasure. And knowing the birthday of another person and his zodiac sign, you can choose a warm and sincere amulet made of stone for him.

The sacred power of gems is recognized by all astrologers and is taken into account even by notorious nihilists. Opinions about the specific effect of each natural mineral in certain conditions may differ, but the influence of the stone on a representative of a particular zodiac sign is beyond doubt. The same stone can develop positive qualities in one person, but only suppress them in another. In order not to unknowingly give a harmful gift to yourself or a loved one, it is better to find out which stones will become a talisman, which are simple decorations, and which will only bring harm.

A person born under the sign of Aries is distinguished by self-confidence and correctness of judgment, perseverance in achieving a goal, high efficiency and an active life position. Aries are energetic and sociable, loving attention and able to create a good reputation for themselves. They are loved for their positive mood, belief in a bright future and straightforwardness. At the same time, Aries's pride can easily lead to tactless egoism, and excessive emotionality and impulsiveness often interfere with completing the work started.

The Aries talisman stone should not come into conflict with the inner world of the owner, but should restrain the manifestation of negative character traits that interfere with public or personal life. Astrologers recommend stones with strong energy for fiery Aries: and, as well as and. The use of other minerals as faithful amulets depends on the individual characteristics of the individual and his date of birth.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Depending on the date of birth, Aries can be patronized by Mars (21.03–31.03), the Sun (01.04–11.04) and Venus (12.04–20.04), which form three types of signs: purposeful and narcissistic egoists, noble and faithful family men and passionate and romantic adventurers. Each type contains typical Aries traits, but they have different degrees of expression.

There is disagreement among astrologers regarding the selection of the most appropriate gemstones for the sign, and it is very difficult to understand the individual manifestations of temperament. Therefore, such a division is advisory and not prescriptive.

Talisman stone for Aries

When choosing the ideal talisman, it is necessary to take into account that such sunny colors as, and enhance the energy of the fire sign of the zodiac, and, and - do not allow certain character traits to develop to the point of their negative manifestation.

Thus, if some features of the sign appear too sharply and have a negative connotation, then it is better to choose stones with a green, blue, light blue color or.

Blood ruby ​​gives vitality to conquer peaks, activates mental activity and helps to quickly restore strength. Less saturated shades of ruby ​​have the same properties, but restrain the manifestation of aggression and excessive emotionality. A transparent and durable diamond gives confidence and strengthens character, but is not suitable as a talisman for young unmarried girls.

Agate, as a talisman, is suitable for students born under the sign of Aries. It helps to concentrate on studying, develops self-organization and curbs the impatience of its owner.

Aries often take risks without assessing their capabilities, so they need a mysterious protector stone. It will help to reduce the manifestation of aggression and harshness in communicating with loved ones.

Stones for Aries woman

Bright representatives of the sign are recommended to wear diamonds, garnet, ruby, amethyst and rauchtopaz. Green diamond is a symbol of femininity and motherhood. Juicy pomegranate will help you find love and harmony. Amethyst is a stone of fidelity, develops female intuition, but for Aries it is allowed only in lilac. helps preserve the love of spouses.

For young women, it is useful to wear transparent zircon; for mature women, yellow zircon is preferable. This stone gives strength and saves from depression.

It is well suited for careerists and businesswomen, which helps to plan the day and distribute their energies in such a way that they are left to create home comfort and tenderness for their loved ones. After all, Aries women are completely immersed in work, forgetting about family.

Stones for Aries men

All representatives of this sign are characterized by the development of leadership qualities. In men, this character trait is more pronounced; they always take the position of commander and organizer. It will also be a good talisman for leaders.

You should also be responsible when choosing a frame for a stone. For Aries energy, the use of gold and platinum is unacceptable.

If a man strives to reach the top of the career ladder and wants to realize himself in a certain activity, then it is better for him to wear the stone on his index finger. For romantic men looking for true love, it is better to purchase jewelry in the form of an amulet or pendant. For tough and hot-tempered men, it is recommended to wear amethyst, which pacifies anger and helps improve family relationships. Its properties are enhanced in a silver frame. According to legend, this stone protects against alcohol intoxication, maintaining a clear mind.

Any stone acquires additional power if it has an engraving with the image of a ram, owl, wolf or rune.

Stones that are contraindicated for Aries

It is quite possible that among the preferred gems, Aries will not find a stone to their liking. In such cases, it is better to listen to your intuition and choose what you like. However, there are stones that Aries should avoid. These are those natural minerals that are attributed to: , . Products made from and are contraindicated.

For impulsive and aggressive representatives of the sign, it is advisable to choose a ruby ​​of pale shades or transparent.

It is not advisable for Aries to wear stones of cold colors, symbolizing the water element. Such decorations will conflict with the fiery nature of the owner and disrupt his harmony. Black, dark green and dark blue colors of stones do not correspond to the open character of Aries.

Even after studying the advice of astrologers, it is difficult to choose just one talisman stone. This is not worth doing. At different periods of life and in different situations, the strength and support of different gems may be required. It is useful to have several pieces of jewelry, but some of them will have to be worn separately. Many stones with strong energy do not tolerate the proximity of other stones (for example, ruby). Others, on the contrary, are successfully combined in one decoration, increasing their impact on a person.

The choice of a souvenir or jewelry made of natural stone according to your zodiac sign should be multi-level. A person, like a gem, has a complex internal structure, which manifests itself in different ways during life. At the first stage, you should discard those stones that are contraindicated. At the second stage, we select those that would help in the development of any character traits, would serve as support and support. After this, we filter out inappropriate colors and shades. The next stage is visual perception. You can't force anyone to wear something they don't like. This will already cause internal contradiction. When stones that are pleasant in appearance are selected, you can begin a detailed study of the influence of each stone on representatives of a certain zodiac sign, taking into account gender.

Using natural stones as a gift is quite original, but requires a lot of responsibility. It can be very difficult to guess your preferences, so don’t rush to buy the first thing that catches your eye. All Aries appreciate attention to their person and a gift chosen taking into account the smallest details will not leave them indifferent. However, if a mistake is made in the choice, then the straightforward Aries will not be stingy with eloquent comments.

What kind of Aries woman is she? Ladies born under this sign are very bright and impulsive, as well as active and enterprising. They are used to taking what is theirs, no matter what.

Their desire to be first everywhere, unprecedented courage and thirst for risk irritate some, while others admire their originality. Which stone is suitable for Aries women? Only one that will emphasize the passion of their nature, love of life and desire for superiority, without causing harm to the representatives of the fire element.

How to choose a stone according to your horoscope?

Mars endows women born under the zodiac sign of Aries with powerful energy, which gives them determination and a thirst for life. Hot temperament, selfishness, stubbornness and hot temper often make them uncontrollable, so it is important to choose a mineral that will direct this irrepressible energy in the right direction, extinguishing some of the negative character traits of Aries ladies.

There are many minerals that are suitable for Aries women in accordance with the horoscope. Here are the most basic of them:


Stone of wisdom and generosity. An Aries girl who wears this gem will get rid of depression, gain calm and self-confidence, and also regain lost interest in life. The mineral generates an attraction to the great, leads Aries to victory, and gives happiness in.


Suitable for those women who have a craving for self-education. It concentrates attention and develops intuition. Aries always has a lot of ideas in their heads that remain unclaimed. The stone will help bring any started business to its logical conclusion, as well as achieve flexibility and diplomacy in relations with others.

Moon rock

Ideal for Aries seeking spiritual self-improvement. It will help to reveal clairvoyance and strengthen intuition.


It will bring good luck, awaken a thirst for creativity, and help you meet your love. This stone gives Aries strength and power.


Perfect for impulsive and hot Aries, calming and relieving nervous tension. The Aries-tiger especially feels the impact of the semi-precious mineral, which helps him calm his ardor and control his raging emotions.


It will cope well with the impulsiveness and selfishness of the sign; with its help, its representatives will be able to find mutual understanding with others, becoming more tolerant and compassionate.


Helps Aries women find a way out of hopeless situations, prevents outbursts of anger and helps to control themselves. Only yellow is suitable for this zodiac sign.


It is extremely useful for the Aries-rooster, who, being in a “fever,” becomes completely uncontrollable. This gem will teach hot-tempered ladies tact and restraint.


It is also a suitable stone for Aries according to the horoscope, however, you need to be very careful with it. If the purity of thoughts and spiritual qualities of the representatives of the sign do not correspond to the absolute purity of the diamond, then its powerful energy can cause them irreparable harm. Ideal for Aries dogs, who are characterized by honesty, openness, sincerity, straightforwardness, along with great compassion for the people around them.

Selecting a gem by date of birth

The date of birth of Aries women directly influences the choice of stone. Born in different periods, they differ radically in their character traits and life goals:

Women born with March 21 to 31, the most stubborn, selfish and loving. This is especially true for Aries the horse, who, in order to achieve any goal, without hesitation, will go over their heads. For such representatives of the zodiac sign, carnelian, agate, rock crystal, jasper, etc. are best suited.


Ladies born during 1 to 11 April, which are characterized by nobility and love for family, natural light minerals such as pearls, sardonyx, etc. are most suitable.

Cat's eyes

Those representatives of the sign who were born with 12 to 20 April, are distinguished by passion and romanticism, thanks to the influence of Venus. The most suitable gemstones for them are diamond, sapphire, etc.


Brightly colored stones - orange, yellow, red - greatly enhance the character traits of Aries, and calmer colors, such as blue, green, blue, smooth out the negative qualities of the sign.

Talismans and amulets for Aries

A diamond is ideal as a talisman for women of this zodiac sign. It will be valid if acquired honestly or given as a gift.

First of all, a diamond will bring good luck and help you overcome all difficulties, as well as achieve success and protect yourself from any negativity. A red diamond will protect you from damage and, a blue diamond will guide you on the right path, and a green diamond will help you find the happiness of motherhood.

Unmarried girls are not recommended to wear diamonds as a talisman or talisman. The most suitable place for a diamond talisman is the neck or ring finger of the left hand.

Ruby has incredible power. A talisman made from this stone will nourish Aries with physical strength, restore natural energy, and fill them with determination. We must remember that ruby ​​loves only sincere and pure people. Such a talisman is able to warn its owner of danger - it will darken when there is an impending threat. It is a powerful spiritual talisman.

Amethyst will cleanse the energy and help its owner find peace of mind and harmony with the world around him and himself. As a stone of the third eye, it promotes spiritual growth and self-improvement. Amethyst is a magnificent talisman, a symbol of purity, wisdom and peacefulness.

A garnet ring will be an excellent talisman for a business woman, opening the way for her to achieve goals and prosperity. This is a stone of decisive and strong-willed people. If a woman is indecisive, then the ruby ​​will not only not become a talisman for her, but will also turn her into an angry, spiteful and envious person.

For love and harmonization of relationships

Red Diamond

Diamond is capable of not only protecting from negativity - it will help the Aries lady find true love and experience the joy of motherhood. A woman wearing a diamond will become softer, more feminine, wiser, and as a result, will be more attractive and desirable to men.

Ruby is also capable of attracting love, only frantic and passionate.

A representative of the sign wearing ruby ​​jewelry will have a special appeal to the male half due to increased sexuality and determination.

Amethyst- a stone of fidelity, will help married Aries protect the family hearth from adversity and harmonize relationships.

Cornelian, which is a symbol of love and fidelity, will retain the ardor of feelings for many centuries.

Gems that will help you achieve prosperity


Such a stone for Aries is pomegranate, which directs them on the path of wealth and prosperity, but only if the representative of the sign has strong-willed qualities, dedication and determination.

Symbol of victories diamond- will also bring Aries closer to achieving goals, be it career growth or financial well-being.

Cornelian is an excellent amulet against poverty. The woman who constantly wears gem jewelry will never need money.

Stones that improve health


Hematite, which translated from Greek means “blood”, fully consistent with its name, will take care of Aries’ health, relieving them of chronic stress, fatigue and overexertion. It increases endurance during physical activity.

Moon rock relieves insomnia and mental disorders.

Ruby improves brain activity and increases performance.

Diamond stimulates labor and protects against miscarriages, as well as relieves infertility and other female diseases.

Yellow zircon will heal migraines and headaches. This mineral prevents women from falling into apathy and melancholy.

Minerals contraindicated for Aries

Representatives of Aries should not wear gems such as malachite and lapis lazuli. Also, jewelry made from, and is contraindicated for them. It is very undesirable to wear jewelry made from stones of cold shades, which are more suitable for signs of the water element.

Products with such stones will cause internal conflict in Aries, thereby disturbing its harmony.

Minerals of black and dark colors are also not suitable for bright and life-loving Aries. They will negatively affect the energy of the representatives of the sign and can even worsen their well-being, leading to depression.

For the female half of the Aries sign, jewelry made from stones in the shape of a rhombus, square or rectangle is perfect. All stones for beautiful Aries should be set in gold (rubies, diamonds) or silver (amethysts).

For Fire minerals, twelve-sided, stepped or facet cuts are suitable. To preserve its magical power, it should not be cut at all. Cabochons are best worn untreated.

The choice of stone must be taken very seriously, especially if you choose it not for yourself, but as a gift for a loved one - the woman you love.

At the same time, it is worth taking into account her preferences, character traits, advantages and disadvantages, and know how this stone will influence this person. Aries ladies really value attention to their person, so choosing a gift for a representative of the sign should be more than careful - if she doesn’t like something, she will not fail to say so, and can make a statement in a rather harsh form.

Good luck and prosperity to you!

A bright, perky girl, over whom age, external pressure, and sometimes even the opinions of friends are not a hindrance. All this is her - an unpredictable, impulsive Aries woman. This lady’s horoscope shows that she is completely self-sufficient, and if she needs someone’s support, she asks for help at the very last moment, when all other methods have been tried.

The leading life motive of Aries is leadership and independence. This does not at all mean authority, much less despotism. However, the lady of this sign always knows her worth and can remind others of it at any moment. That is why, among the talisman stones that suit an Aries woman according to her zodiac sign, the choice should be made on the brightest ones that give inspiration and attract good luck.

What stones are suitable for an Aries woman: general characteristics

When choosing a talisman stone based on the date of birth, an Aries woman should take into account such an important nuance as her own feeling. It should not be confused with a logical opinion, which is distinguished by the persuasiveness of its arguments, but at the same time may not cause the proper reaction in the soul. It is no secret that he often makes decisions obeying an internal impulse. Despite the fact that others sometimes blame her for this, time proves that she is right.

Along with this, you need to keep in mind that emotional impetuosity, unpredictability and a fair amount of stubbornness, which is characteristic of almost all Aries, should also receive a certain energetic compensation. That is why, when choosing her faithful talisman stone, the stars recommend that an Aries woman proceed from the task that the gem should solve. Specific options are discussed below.

Red Jasper

Many Aries girls become real businesswomen, or at least are busy developing Napoleonic plans to climb to their top. People around you may express bewilderment, citing the fact that much in the strategy is not thought through or is even dangerous or risky. But Aries rarely pay attention to outside advice.

Red Jasper

And experience shows that their tactics work. The fact is that such ladies tend to go out on their own, not being afraid to fill their bumps and subsequently gain invaluable experience. And in order for the road to be as successful as possible, the girl should pay attention to. It brings organization to life, helps to find a balance of power and promotes the flow of creative energy.


Ladies who have already reached all professional heights often suffer from loneliness, which is a kind of payment for the constant lack of time. If the leading motive at this stage is to improve your personal life, it is better to opt for a pomegranate. It attracts the attention of the stronger sex and allows you to tune in to a romantic wave. But in such delicate matters, it is a positive, subtle attitude that creates a solid foundation for a successful outcome.



Finally, when the last bastion fell at the feet of the Aries girl, and all her dreams came true, you can pay attention to, namely, those gems that have lilac shades. This stone protects the hearth, promoting the development of fidelity and strengthening family relationships.

Earrings with amethyst

Aries 1st decade

Those born in the first decade are distinguished by an incredible pace of life, crazy energy, which lifts the spirits even of those who have fallen into deep melancholy. And all because these Aries are patronized by Mars - the planet of energy, confrontation, and defending their interests.

Aries are already stubborn. And largely thanks to this, they win invisible wars. And when their temperament is enhanced by the energy of Mars, the wave acquires indestructible strength. On the positive side, this manifests itself in eternal optimism. But in the negative it can give rise to negative consequences - conflicts, clashes, incidents.

That is why, according to the horoscope, for Aries women of the 1st decade, talisman stones are optimally suited, which allow you to strengthen patience, prudence, and also cope with your own emotions:

  • agate And quartz– symbols of health and longevity;
  • hematite bestows courage and allows you to act wisely;
  • amazonite And jasper symbolize fidelity in love and friendships;
  • cornelian bestows happiness in love;
  • Tiger's Eye strengthens the will and grants patience;
  • rhinestone personifies loyalty and inner nobility;
  • coil protects against diseases and accidents.

Amazonite jewelry

Aries 2 decades

Girls born at the very beginning of the beautiful spring month of April bask in the warm rays of the Sun all their lives, because it is the sun that protects Aries during the 2nd decade. These are bright, ambitious ladies who, despite their constant readiness to defend their own interests, prefer a warm conversation to a hot war.

It seems that they never lose heart, and those around them are drawn to them, like to the real Sun. Of course, the positivity of Aries is a quality that allows you not only to win hearts, but also to maintain an optimistic attitude towards life. However, it is important for such ladies to provide themselves with regular emotional release. Therefore, you should pay close attention to stones that provide energy replenishment:

  • sardonyx attracts success;
  • pearl And cat eye personify wisdom and prudence;
  • amber gives an influx of new strength, lifts the mood and attracts luck;
  • heliotrope represents honesty and bestows courage.

Heliotrope jewelry

Aries 3rd decade

When spring finally drives away winter and declares its rights publicly, perhaps the most extraordinary representatives of the Aries sign are born. They are patronized by sentimental Venus - a planet symbolizing romantic feelings, shyness, and love of fine arts.

That is why representatives of the last decade are distinguished by an incredibly interesting combination - on the one hand, an assertive, straightforward character, which one way or another makes itself felt to all Aries. And on the other hand, the real soul of the poet: dreamy, a little reserved and moderately modest. That’s why Aries women in their 3rd decade can choose among mascot stones that allow their feelings to open up and develop confidence in their own inexhaustible powers:

  • diamond allows you to make a difficult decision, personifies unbending will and fearlessness;
  • sapphire– a symbol of fidelity, modesty and prudence;
  • pomegranate And ruby personify sexual energy, bright emotions, bestows prosperity and abundance;
  • zircon symbolizes power, allows you to maintain leadership positions.


Which stones are not suitable for Aries?

The question of which stones are suitable for an Aries woman should not be considered in isolation from the equally important question of gems that are contraindicated for her nature. In general, we should proceed from the principle that any stones with bright yellow, orange and rich red colors harmonize well with the fire element of Aries. They allow you to develop leadership qualities and attract positive events into your life.

Stones that are painted in cool blue, cyan, turquoise and partly green tones, on the contrary, can weaken the will of Aries, enhancing a calmer wave. If we talk about specific gems, which don't pay attention, the following need to be highlighted:

  • lapis lazuli;
  • opal;
  • chrysolite;
  • beryl;
  • malachite.

And most importantly, try to hear your own feelings, do not rush to make the final choice. Aries often behave too hastily, after which they have to correct undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is better to check your feelings with observations and time - the most impartial judge.

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