Winx pencil drawings. How to draw Winx? Simple drawing technique

Nowadays, you probably can’t find a girl who doesn’t like the characters of the well-known animated series “Winx Club”. Today we will teach you how to draw beautiful girl in a very attractive outfit from this cartoon. The task, of course, is not easy, because some cartoon heroines have rather complex outfits. All the girls are wearing bright and quite contrasting clothes.

Looking ahead, I would like to note that clothing details can complicate the drawing process, but drawing distinctive feature cartoon heroines, namely, their figure does not constitute a lot of work. The girls have a slender figure, they resemble fashion models, however, the legs of the heroines from Winx are too elongated. But I believe that we should not have problems with drawing this part of the body, although it is necessary to take this feature into account, otherwise we will not be able to draw Winx believably.

To make the drawing make a special impression, do not forget to color it. Today I would like to teach you how to draw one of the girls and we will do it step by step. Let's get started right now with a simple pencil. When the drawing is ready, we will color the girl with colored pencils. If you have a desire to color with paints, you can do so.

Drawing the contours of the figure

Remember that we have taken on a difficult task, so focus your attention as much as possible and follow my recommendations exactly. First, you need to divide a sheet of paper into equal sections. Let there be four of them - this will allow us to accurately convey the contours of the figure on paper. Despite the fact that we are drawing Flora today, after our lesson you will be able to draw any other heroine yourself, since they are very similar to each other.

The contours of the girls' figures should be depicted in the form of circles, as well as straight lines. Your task is to copy the outlines from my drawing. Then we will move on to the second stage of our work.

We depict the general outline of the girl’s body

This step is given to us in order to learn how to draw general outline the body of the heroine of the animated series. In general, this is not difficult to do, because you already have the main landmarks, and now you just need to outline them. You must convey the graceful figure of a girl on paper, so when drawing lines you need to try to make it as believable as possible. The heroine has a slender waist, long legs, note that they are slightly bent at the knees. The girl's shoulders are raised high. Now we outline the contours of the hands. As you know, all the girls in the animated series wear high shoes. We will definitely draw heels, but that will be later, now your task is to draw shoes without soles.

This stage forces us to start working by removing the previous contours. To do this, they should be carefully wiped off. We also use an eraser to remove the squares separating the sheet of paper. Now it is necessary to clarify some details of the drawing. Of course, the Winx heroines are fictional and their body proportions are a little distorted, but we must portray them as similar to us. First, you should draw the girl’s hands, then make the shape of her head, it should be proportional to the body. All parts of Flora's body in our drawing should look like the real one modern girl. However, we must not forget that we are drawing the heroine of an animated series, so we depict wings and unusual long legs Thus, we will be able to convey the image of the girl as accurately as possible.

Let's start drawing the elements of our heroine's clothing

We all know that girls’ clothes are decorated with decorative elements - bows, ruffles, numerous costume jewelry, various wings, and so on. We leave the choice of decorative elements up to you, so decide for yourself what decorations you will paint. In addition, choose their number yourself.

If you like the decorations shown in my drawing, you can copy them. If desired, add a couple of elements at your discretion. Now let's get started main task. You have to draw the girl's face.

Drawing the heroine's hair

Flora has a very long hair, which are not difficult to draw. The hair is loose, we have to accurately convey its length, but it practically touches the floor. The choice of hair shape is yours, but remember that we draw the contour lines wavy.

Let's continue drawing hair

Since hair is the main decoration of the heroine, you should pay enough attention to it. You need to give them a natural look, depicting long and at the same time lush curls. We draw numerous curls.

What is the difference between Winx heroes?

Now we will draw the main difference between the girl and people, namely her wings. They should look transparent and light like fluff. First, we need to draw the outline of the wings on paper. Then you gradually need to add internal contours. These lines divide the wings into small segments. We must depict veins that resemble the wings of a dragonfly.

Coloring the drawing

So, the drawing is completed, we have transferred all the details onto paper with maximum accuracy and have come to the crucial moment. Now let's get down to coloring our masterpiece - this will make it brighter and more beautiful. The tools used are colored pencils or felt-tip pens. If you wish, you can color it with paints. When drawing the heroines of the animated series, first of all, outline the contours. They should occupy the entire sheet. The larger the drawing, the easier it is to depict small details, and most importantly, it will be easier to paint.

Watch the video on how to draw Winx

The cartoon "Winx Club" first appeared in 2004. During this time, 6 seasons of the series have already been released, and in 2015 the creators promised to release new episodes. The cartoon does not lose its popularity, and many girls love Winx pictures, sketches and coloring pages.

They can be downloaded or printed for free on our website.

The animated series "Winx Club" talks about fairy girls. They unite in the fight against evil forces. The cartoon was shown in more than 100 countries, and DVD sales exceeded 10 million. Thanks to our site, you have the opportunity not only to watch all seasons, but also to use Winx pictures, sketches and coloring pages to draw real fairies with a pencil.

Fairy transformations

All seasons present girls in various transformations:

  • Myfix;
  • Sirenix;
  • Butterflies;
  • Mermedics;
  • Dimentix;
  • Angelix;
  • Rusalix;
  • Gloomix
  • and others.

The cartoon features more than 10 transformations. In each of them, fairies appear in a new form. Pictures and winx coloring pages You can watch, print or download each of the girls’ transformations on our portal, and thanks to detailed instructions you can try to draw a fairy yourself.

Cartoon girls unusual appearance. They have beautiful wings and gorgeous designer clothes. In each of the transformations, the wings take a different shape: they can be carved, single, multi-layered or butterfly-shaped. Also, the wings have different colors and decorations: they can be plain, with patterns, with rhinestones, with rims, etc.

Each of the winx transformations, of which there are more than 10, carries a certain meaning. Whatever the transformation (myfix, sirenix, bloomix, butterflyix, mermedix, dimentix, anglix, rusalix, glumix, angelix and others), the cartoon heroines receive not only new outfits, but also new powers and capabilities.

Thus, Sirenix gives girls the opportunity to draw strength from their own feelings. To gain the power of Sirenix, they have to collect stones, each of which represents a feeling.

In Mythix, the heroines receive a magic wand, and each fairy has its own shape. You can find pictures and coloring pages of fairies in Myfix on the website.

The amazing power of Mermedix allows fairies to transform into mermaids and live underwater. In the form of Mermedix, modern fairies are very reminiscent of mermaids from folk tales. The winx fairies experience a similar transformation in the transformation of Rusalix.

The transformations of Dimentix and Angelix are also very similar. They give girls wings that are as similar to angels as possible. Hence the name - Angelix.

The new power of Butterfly will be introduced in Season 7, which will be released this year. This time the fairies will appear in a form similar to butterflies.

Other transformations also bring something new to the appearance and essence of fairies. Pictures and coloring pages of girls in various transformations are also available on our website. You can watch, download or print them and enjoy watching them in your free time or try to draw a fairy with a pencil.

Series characters

The main character of the cartoon is a fairy and her boyfriend the prince. Only fairy girls have beautiful wings: heroes like Skye do not have wings.

Bloom and Sky are an almost perfect couple. She and Bloom love each other and overcome any obstacles with honor. Bloom and Sky are not the only lovers in the series. Each of the girls finds their love. Their lovers are not always as perfect as Skye, but for the sake of love they overcome the most serious obstacles.

The site also contains pencil pictures and coloring pages of ponies - beautiful fairy pets, toys, things and much more. The creators of a series of dolls based on the cartoon offer dolls not only of heroines, but also of ponies. The package with this doll also includes her pets. First of all, those fairies who are closely connected with nature and animals, for example, Roxy, have pets. Their pets are not just pets, but also the most best friends. Pony – fairy tale characters, which appear far from the first modern cartoon. Their images are echoes of ancient people’s faith in the power of horses. And here ponies also represent magical power.

Any cartoon character is quite easy to draw with a pencil. On our website you will find detailed instructions, how you can easily draw this or that image. For example, to draw a fairy, you must first outline the main lines of the figure and choose the pose in which the character will stand. When the main lines are ready, you can draw the rest of the details.

You can draw with a pencil not only a character, but also ponies, things that girls own. Little girls will certainly be interested in making toys with Winx pictures. All this is quite accessible on the website, you just have to look into the magical Winx Club.

Numerous toys were also created based on the plot of the series. These include dolls and toys of ponies and other fairy pets from the cartoon “Winx Club,” because it’s not for nothing that sales of the cartoon video exceeded 10 million. You can see the new products for 2015.

This is what the Butterfly doll collection looks like.

Butterflyix Winx.

You can watch it absolutely free on the website, as well as download and print pictures of all the heroines. Enjoy!

Coloring pages

Sometimes you watch a couple of episodes of your favorite cartoon in a row and want to draw... Well, if you are an artist, then there are no problems. What should those who have little knowledge do, but have a lot of desire to portray their favorite character? Learn quickly and easily!

Don't think that difficult lessons, how to draw Winx fairies, something better than these little tips. The main thing is to do everything slowly and repeat it as accurately as possible, and in the end a wonderful result awaits you;)

First of all, let's learn how to draw eyes, since they, along with hands, will perform the most important function in our future picture - conveying emotions.

It only takes six steps from the first lines to the finished result. Agree, not much at all. If something doesn’t work out right away, turns out crooked or incorrect, don’t worry about it. Just try again a few more times, but with more attention to detail. Very soon you will notice all your mistakes and understand how to correct them.

Now it is important to learn how to use your eyes to convey emotions. In the picture above you can see eight of them: crying, admiration, sadness, anger, sarcasm, winking, embarrassment and anticipation. Try to depict each one yourself at least once.

What problems might arise? Surprisingly, with eyebrows, some beginners just have trouble with them. There are two simple ways how to draw them. First, outline their future shape with a light line, and then carefully paint over them. Second, using movements as with normal shading, see along the line of the intended eyebrows, then use an eraser to remove all unnecessary points.

To finally understand how to draw a Winx with a pencil, you need to know the answer to one difficult question: “Where are the eyes?” Right! On the head :) Therefore, we are learning to draw it next, and Tekna will help us with this.

As you can see, there are also only six easy steps from zero to the fairy’s beautiful face. If any difficulties arise, it will only be with the hairstyle; for the first time, try to copy it completely, and only then gradually change it in accordance with your desires.

In order for Tecna’s head not to be bored and lonely, let’s add a body to it :)

This does not require any special effort or talent, and there will be no problems. It is enough to repeat everything exactly as in the picture above.

In addition to all of the above, you should learn basic hand movements. After all, you must admit that no one will like a fairy standing like a soldier at a parade.

12 forms are taken as a basis, but from them it is easy to come up with at least a hundred of your own. My advice is to learn these moves and then try to come up with a couple of your own.

Finally, we will learn how to draw fairy headdresses, their collars and sleeves. Why is this necessary? To individualize each drawing, otherwise you will have to look at different sorceresses in the same outfits.

Now you know how to draw Winx with only a piece of paper, a pencil and some free time!

Winx represent popular characters cartoon Their outfit is contrasting and very bright, and some heroes have quite complex clothes. Complex and numerous details of clothing make drawing difficult. However, it is easier to depict the common distinctive feature of Winx - the figure. They themselves are very slender, with rather elongated legs. All this should be taken into account in order to correctly draw Winx forms. To make your drawing more impressive, you can color it with colored paints or pencils. In this article you will be taught how to draw Flora step by step with a simple pencil.

First, you need to use circles to highlight the main contours of the figure. And to make it easier for you to navigate how and where to place them, draw a barely noticeable grid of squares. Divide the sheet into 12 squares, you can use a ruler. Transfer all the contours to the drawing and proceed to the next step.

Draw the general outline of Flora

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At this stage you should draw the general outline of the Winx. This is done quite simply because you have landmarks that you just need to circle.

Next to the primary circles, draw lines that will outline Flora's graceful and slender figure. Draw high shoulders and legs, slightly bent at the knees, outline the outline of the arms. All the girls from the Winx group have high-heeled shoes, so draw high shoes, but without soles and heels for now.

First of all, you should remove the previous contours and carefully erase the marking grid with an eraser. After this, clarify the details of Flora's image. Although Winx characters are fictional and have distorted proportions, they should be made to look like real people, which is why pay attention to detail.

Draw proportional shapes, the correct head, arms in detail, shoulders and the rest of the body should look in real proportions. Only wings and unnaturally long legs distinguish Winx from people.

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Decorative elements of the design

Girls' clothing consists of many decorative elements - ruffles, fasteners, wings, bows. Which of them to draw and how many is up to you. Draw a fastener line on the dress, mark a bow from a ribbon with a rose and buttons, and a long glove on the hand. You can also add some elements of your own.

Let's draw the contours of Flora's hair

Flora has long hair, almost reaching the floor, so it is easy to draw. Make the shape at your own discretion, the main thing is that the contours of the lines are not straight, but slightly wavy.

Hair is Flora's main decoration, so it should be given a lot of attention. Now we need to add lines to create voluminous and long hair with numerous curls and curls. Almost all lines should be wavy, and some can be curled inward.

The main difference between Winx and people is their wings

IN this moment it is necessary to depict light, transparent wings. To begin with, it is worth drawing only their general outline. Then gradually draw in the inner contours that divide the wings into segments, as well as veins, like those of a bee or dragonfly. The wings are very similar to those of a bee, just as transparent and not very large with veins inside.

Winx drawing must be colored

Once you have succeeded in displaying everything accurately and correctly the smallest details, you need to make the drawing bright. Color it with markers, colored pencils or paints. The drawing itself should be large, then it will be easier to paint over small details.

Video lessons

Probably every girl has watched the cartoon “Winx Club: School of Sorceresses,” which tells about the unusual adventures of fairy girls. The beauties have to constantly save the world from the attacks of dark forces, and also solve their own problems, because each of them, like any girl, has a personal life and her own place in the world.

The main character of the series is Bloom, who unexpectedly learned about the world of fairies and that she herself is one of them. Once at Alfea, a school for fairies, Bloom and her classmates founded the Winx Club. Decisive, strong, energetic, but a little stubborn, Bloom has become the favorite of many girls. We couldn’t ignore this interesting personality either. Let's find out how to draw fairy Bloom!

How to Draw Bloom's Face Step by Step

1. First of all, on clean paper we draw an oval of the head and designate two auxiliary lines: the central line of the face and the line of the eyes, as well as reference lines and points of the body.

It is important to know!At the initial stages, do not press too hard on the pencil, so that later it will be easier to erase the auxiliary lines.
The oval of the head should look like an inverted egg, because usually in a person’s face the chin is narrowed and the forehead is widened.
The center line is shifted to the left side because Bloom's head is turned to the left side.
The reference lines of the body help us better understand and correctly depict the position of the fairy’s arms and torso in the drawing.

2. At this stage we draw Bloom’s characteristic face: plump cheeks and a sharp small chin. With light movements we outline the fairy's hairstyle, but without details yet.

Also at this stage, based on the reference lines, we schematically draw Bloom’s body and arms.

3. Before you start drawing the facial features, lightly outline their position.

At this stage, pay special attention to your eyes. They are beautiful, large and expressive. Bloom's eyes are also decorated with long black eyelashes.

Clue:The fairy's eyes are shaped like sunflower seeds.

4. If the eyes have already been drawn, you can safely draw Bloom’s nose and lips. Notice how sweetly she smiles!

Now you can erase all the auxiliary lines without hesitation.

5. At this stage, draw the hairstyle in detail. When the hairstyle is ready, you can move on to the fairy's clothes, namely a striped golf shirt and a denim skirt.

Also at this stage, draw Bloom’s fragile fingers in detail.

6. Congratulations! The portrait is ready! All that remains is to brightly color it with colored pencils or paints.

How to draw Winx Bloom in full body step by step

1. First, let's outline the oval of the head, reference points and lines of the fairy's body. The result will be something like a skeleton or a matchstick man.

It is important to know!At this stage, carefully monitor the position of Bloom's arms and legs. Correctly drawn reference lines in the future will be able to help you depict the whole body.

2. Let's build the fairy's body using various geometric shapes. She looks a bit like a wooden doll now, doesn't she?

We have already practiced this method when. I hope my recommendations helped you in your creativity! Let's apply this method in the drawing of the fairy Bloom.

Clue.You can make geometric figures of any shape, the main thing is that they schematically depict the fairy’s body.

3. So, we got the design of Bloom's body. With its help we can easily draw the entire body of the fairy. To do this, first draw her face and lightly outline her hair.

Then we draw the torso and arms using smooth lines. Now let's start drawing the legs.

It is important to know!At this stage, we draw the body without details, without drawing fingers and clothes.

4. When the fairy silhouette is ready, we move on to the details. Let's start with the head: draw the eyes, nose and lips of the fairy. Then start styling your hair.

Bloom's hair is long and curled at the ends.

Also at this stage you can erase all the auxiliary lines; we will no longer need them.

5. After this, draw the fingers, clothes (namely a blue top, a skirt and long gloves - don’t forget anything), the fairy’s shoes and her little crown, and also carefully draw the wings. After all, what kind of fairy is she if she doesn’t have beautiful wings?

6. Congratulations! Bloom's drawing is ready!

If desired, color the fairy with colored pencils or paints!

You can also add an unusual background or other details to the fairy drawing.

Success in creative work!

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