Picture return of Kostecki performance plan. Work-Description behind the painting by V. G. Kostetsky “Return. A.N. Semenov. The feat of junior lieutenant Nikolai

In 1947, Kostetsky completed his best painting, “The Return,” conceived

back during the war years. In a touching scene of meeting with the family of those who returned home

soldier, captured by the artist, revealed the inherent art

Kostetsky’s psychological persuasiveness of images, the skill of a painter with great

convey a person's feelings with sincerity.

A.I. Laktionov. Letter from the front.1947

Simplicity and vitality are the main features of the work; they are in human poses and

in the expression of smiling faces, and in the simplest plot: a boy

took possession of the letter and, surrounded by listeners, reads aloud to them a page

a page of my father's story about life at the front. The artist claimed his

the work is a bright, optimistic beginning in people and in life, and this is simple

promoted Laktionov's painting to the ranks of the best works of Soviet everyday life

first degree.

A.A. Mylnikov. Parting. 1975

The picture makes you feel the cost of the Victory. Impossible to forget

the face of a mother accompanying her son to battle. Their exciting silhouettes, their figures, their

feelings - like an echo of what is happening in millions of families, when relatives went to

fire of war, towards the enemy. Every detail here is capacious, real, symbolic, just like

everything that happens. Comparison of long-range generalized plans with these details

emphasizes the importance of the general, the situation and the individual, with the primacy of the appearance

the old woman as the embodiment of spirituality and morality. The depth of her image

correlated with the depth of her feelings in a war-filled, cruel world. Appearance

given to the mother on such a dramatic note that she seems to personify pain and feat

all mothers.

A.N. Semenov. The feat of junior lieutenant Nikolai

Shevlyakova. 1985

Artist Semenov A.N. painted city and landscape landscapes, still lifes,

genre compositions, sketches from life. I couldn’t ignore the theme of heroism,

courage, the feat of an ordinary person on the battlefield of the Great Patriotic War.

The works of Arseny Semenov are in museums and private collections in Russia,

France, USA, Finland, Italy, Germany and other countries.

...And the dawns here are quiet (1972)

Based on the story of the same name by Boris Vasiliev

In the front line, a group of female anti-aircraft gunners is forced to engage in an unequal battle with enemy paratroopers.

In 1969, the magazine “Youth” published the story “...And the Dawns Here Are Quiet.” The work of Boris Vasilyev caused a great resonance among readers and became one of the most popular books of the 1960-1970s about the Great Patriotic War. In 1971, the story was dramatized by Yuri Lyubimov at the Taganka Theater (Moscow). In 1971, the classic of Soviet cinema Stanislav Rostotsky took up the film adaptation of the story.

· Best film according to a poll by the magazine “Soviet Screen” in 1973.

· The film shows the pre- and post-war times in color, and the war in black and white.

· Nomination for the 1973 Oscar in the category “Best Foreign Language Film.”

Alpine Ballad (1965)

During World War II in the Alps, Soviet soldier Ivan and Italian girl Julia escape from two camps for prisoners of war and political prisoners. Their meeting is accidental and unexpected. Ivan tries to get rid of her, but the girl follows him. They spend several days and nights in the Alps, but the Germans overtake the fugitives...

In August '44 (2001)

People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, painter Vladimir Nikolaevich Kostetsky was born in the village of Kholmy, now Chernigov region, in the family of an art teacher. He received his first drawing lessons from A. G. Lazarchuk, a student of V. E. Makovsky, and in 1922-1928 he studied at the Kiev Art Institute. In the early period of creativity, the main thing for Kostetsky was to work on a thematic picture with a carefully developed dramatic plot. The most significant works of these years: the composition “Proclamation in the Barracks of the Interventionists” (1930), the painting “Interrogation of the Enemy” (1937), dedicated to the Soviet border guards, as well as the canvas “Shevchenko in the Barracks” (1939).
During the Great Patriotic War, the artist, while in the ranks of the Soviet Army, worked on posters, leaflets, and completed a number of portrait drawings of Soviet soldiers.
In 1947, Kostetsky completed his best painting, “The Return,” conceived during the war years. In the touching scene of a meeting with the family of a soldier who returned home, captured by the artist, the psychological persuasiveness of images characteristic of Kostetsky’s art and the painter’s ability to convey a person’s feelings with great sincerity were revealed.
The harsh years of the war, memories of front-line comrades who sought to go into battle as communists, served as the theme of the painting “Presentation of the Party Card,” on which Kostetsky worked for several years, creating two versions (1957 and 1959). In the last years of his life, Kostetsky worked a lot on portraits.

Source: "Artistic calendar of 100 memorable dates", M., 1975.


Bead weaving

Bead weaving is not only a way to occupy a child’s free time with productive activities, but also an opportunity to make interesting jewelry and souvenirs with your own hands.

Excerpts from the creative works of students in grade 4 - “A”. Essay-description based on the painting by V.N. Kostetsky "Return". “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) “War is a terrible word. She always brings grief, loss, and deprivation. In the last century, it did not bypass our country either. The Great Patriotic War brought many trials to our people, and today we mourn the fallen.” (Pichuzhkina Alina) “There have been many wars in the history of our country. The Great Patriotic War is one of the most brutal. The general misfortune rallied the people, and everyone stood up as one to defend their Motherland. More than 27 million Soviet citizens died on the battlefields, died of hunger, and were tortured in fascist concentration camps.” (Gekova Yulia) “Everyone stood up to defend their Motherland: Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Tatars..., men, women, old people, children.” (Maria Kravchenko) “The painting depicts a scene of a soldier returning from the war. The confidence that they were waiting for him warmed the fighter in the “cold dugout” and gave him strength to withstand all the hardships and hardships. And he returned “to spite all the deaths” and must live “for himself and for that guy” who was left lying in the damp earth “near an unfamiliar village, on a nameless height.” (Gekova Yulia) “Four years ago, the war divided our heroes and changed their lives. The sun shone just as brightly, the birds sang carefree, the warm June breeze brought the smells of field herbs and flowers. The clear water reflected the cloudless sky. It seemed that nothing could disturb the tranquility of this peaceful life, but WAR entered every home, every family.” (Efremov Andrey) “When leaving for the front, the soldier said goodbye to his family and friends. Back then, no one knew that the war would last four whole years! On “that longest day of the year” a common misfortune came for everyone.” (Ekaterina Makarova) “During the tragic years of the war, women replaced men in the field, at the machines. Hard men’s work fell on fragile women’s shoulders: women made tanks, guns, airplanes, grew grain, mined coal.” (Elena Shchetnikova) “In the painting “Return” the artist managed to convey emotions, feelings of joy and happiness. The wife and son hug the returning soldier tightly, and the old mother stands at the door. This meeting after long days of separation is perceived not as a fleeting episode, but as a significant event, symbolizing the end of a difficult time of loneliness, anxiety and loss.” (Janus Karina) “Despite the fact that the picture is painted in dark colors, it symbolizes the joy of meeting and Victory.” (Gromskaya Sofia) “The author wanted to convey the warmth that loved ones feel, that joy and relief in the soul.” (Glazyrina Maria) “It seems that like this, hugging, they can stand forever. And the son, clinging to his father’s overcoat that smelled of gunpowder and dust, still does not believe that it is his father – alive!” (Lipnikova Victoria) “The mother has grown very old, waiting for her son. There is joy on her face, but she seems to be afraid of her happiness: “Is she really so lucky, and it was her son who returned alive?” (Maria Kravchenko) “We seem to feel happiness and warmth, we feel joy in the hearts of the heroes. All sadness, sadness, grief and tears are already in the past.” (Galkina Anastasia) “Four years have passed, and Victory came to every home, filling with joy the hearts of all people who were destined to survive and preserve the memory of the fallen. Today this memory is in the obelisks standing on the graves, in the bright flame of the fire at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This memory is in the St. George's ribbon, which is tied by all who care. As long as we remember, we feel our strength and involvement in a common great cause: the defense of our Motherland.” (Andrey Efremov) “And today Victory Day is truly a national holiday “with tears in our eyes,” because the war has claimed many lives. For us, this is a bright and sad holiday at the same time. I would like to say words of gratitude to our veterans for their heroism, courage, and bravery.” (Elena Shchetnikova) “All those who care will never forget the heroes who gave their lives defending their Motherland, their land, their loved ones. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude and must preserve the peace they fought for." (Grishpenyuk Alexander) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by V.N. Kostetsky “Return” “In the painting “Return” the artist managed to convey emotions, feelings of joy and happiness. The wife and son hug the returning soldier tightly, and the old mother stands at the door. This meeting after long days of separation is perceived not as a fleeting episode, but as a significant event, symbolizing the end of a difficult time of loneliness, anxiety and loss.” (Janus Karina) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by V. Trifonov “Youth” “Leaving for the front, the soldier said goodbye to his family and friends. Back then, no one knew that the war would last four whole years! On “that longest day of the year” a common misfortune came for everyone.” (Ekaterina Makarova) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by A. Kitaev “Return with Victory” “The painting depicts a scene of a soldier returning from the war. The confidence that they were waiting for him warmed the fighter in the “cold dugout” and gave him strength to withstand all the hardships and hardships. And he returned, “to spite all the deaths,” and must live “for himself and for that guy” who was left lying in the damp earth “near an unfamiliar village, on a nameless height.” (Gekova Yulia) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by I. Beloglazova “Victory Salute” “Four years have passed, and Victory came to every home, filled with joy the hearts of all people who were destined to remain alive and keep the memory of the fallen. Today this memory is in the obelisks standing on the graves, in the bright flame of the fire at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. This memory is in the St. George's ribbon, which is tied by all who care. As long as we remember, we feel our strength and involvement in a common great cause: the defense of our Motherland.” (Efremov Andrey) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by V. Likho “Don’t cry, grandfather!” “All those who care will never forget the heroes who gave their lives defending their Motherland, their land, and their loved ones. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude and must preserve the peace they fought for." (Grishpenyuk Alexander) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by B. Shcherbakov “The Evil of the World” “War is a terrible word. She always brings grief, loss, and deprivation. In the last century, it did not bypass our country either. The Great Patriotic War brought many trials to our people, and today we mourn the fallen.” (Pichuzhkina Alina) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by K. Vasiliev “Farewell of a Slav” “Four years of war changed life. On “that longest day of the year” the sun shone just as brightly, the birds sang carefree, the warm June breeze brought the smells of field herbs and flowers. The clear water reflected the cloudless sky. It seemed that nothing could disturb the tranquility of this peaceful life, but WAR entered every home, every family.” (Efremov Andrey) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by K. Antonov “Winners” “And today Victory Day is truly a national holiday “with tears in our eyes”, because the war claimed many lives. For us, this is a bright and sad holiday at the same time. I would like to say words of gratitude to our veterans for their heroism, courage, and bravery.” (Elena Shchetnikova) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by B. Lavrenko “The Reichstag has been taken!” “Despite all the grief, tears, blood, horrors of war, our people won. Russian commanders warned the enemy more than once: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” (Maria Kravchenko) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by V.N. Kostetsky “Return” “It seems that like this, hugging, they can stand forever. And the son, clinging to his father’s overcoat that smelled of gunpowder and dust, still does not believe that it is his father – alive!” (Lipnikova Victoria) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) A. Deineka “Defense of Sevastopol” “There have been many wars in the history of our country. The Great Patriotic War is one of the most brutal. The general misfortune rallied the people, and everyone stood up to defend their Motherland. More than 27 million Soviet citizens died on the battlefields, died of hunger, and were tortured in fascist concentration camps.” (Gekova Yulia) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) B. Dryzhak “War. The Germans came” “The citizens of our country showed selfless devotion to their Motherland, greatness of spirit, valor, courage, and the ability to defeat the enemy in the most difficult combat situations. Decades have passed since then, but the glory of those days does not fade, and interest in the heroic military deeds of ordinary people who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland does not wane. This is my country, this is my history!” (Ekaterina Makarova) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by B. Tarelkin “Comrades” “The citizens of our country showed selfless devotion to their Motherland, greatness of spirit, valor, courage, and the ability to defeat the enemy in the most difficult combat situations. Decades have passed since then, but the glory of those days does not fade, and interest in the heroic military deeds of ordinary people who defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland does not wane. This is my country, this is my history!” (Ekaterina Makarova) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) B. Dryzhak “War. The Germans came” “June 22, 1941 was a terrible day when the peaceful life of the Soviet people was suddenly destroyed. Nazi aviation dropped a deadly load on Soviet cities, and enemy armored vehicles crawled along the ground like an ominous monster. The entire people rose to defend the Motherland. The history of my family is inextricably linked with the history of my family. My great-grandfathers also went to defend our country.” (Ekaterina Makarova) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by G. Marchenko “On the outskirts of Stalingrad” “During the war years, the Russian people suffered many trials. Grown men fought at the front, looking death in the eyes every day. Women worked in the rear in factories and plants, and on collective farms they sowed and harvested crops. Even children helped adults fight the enemy. We know by the names of those who gave their lives defending our Motherland. But many went missing, were captured, taken to Germany, and destroyed in concentration camps.” (Efremov Andrey) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by A. Zhabsky “Bread of War” “Father went to the front, mother worked all day on the collective farm, and I helped around the house: either I’ll heat the oven on time, or I’ll put a pot of cabbage soup so that it’s warm when my mother arrives.” I was either feeding the chickens or running races with the boys. And so the day passed. When the Germans entered the village, peaceful life ended, the cheerful laughter of the children on the street could no longer be heard, everyone tried to catch the eye of uninvited guests as little as possible.” (Glazyrina Maria “Stories of my great-grandmother”) ACTION “TO BE REMEMBERED” “School No. 19” “Memory is the basis of conscience and morality. Preserving memory is our moral duty to ourselves and to our descendants.” (D.S. Likhachev) Painting by V. Shumilov “Spring of 1945” “During the tragic years of the war, women replaced men in the field, at the machines. Hard men’s work fell on fragile women’s shoulders: women made tanks, guns, airplanes, grew grain, mined coal.” (Shchetnikova Elena)

The theme of the Great Patriotic War occupied a special place in the works of many composers, poets, writers and artists, many of whom were themselves participants in this bloody confrontation and defended their homeland from the Nazi invaders with arms in hand. Even those who remained in the rear often went to the front to support the morale of the soldiers with their speeches, and artists reflected in their paintings what they saw on the battlefields. In between battles, shelling and air raids, they memorized a lot, observed soldiers’ life and made sketches.

During the Great Patriotic War, our painters depicted heroic events in the rear and at the front, and showed in their paintings the life of ordinary people on the front line and in the rear. They sought to reveal as fully as possible those qualities of the Soviet people that allowed them to emerge with honor from the most difficult trials, endure incredible hardships and win a great Victory.

It can be added that wartime artists, their hearts, could not remain calm at a time when ordinary Soviet people were committing

Unparalleled feats of courage in the name of the Motherland, when the courage and heroism of the Soviet people manifested themselves with unprecedented force. They worked in their field without sleep or rest, confident that their creativity was a significant contribution to the common victory over the enemy. Their main goal was to capture the image of the Soviet man and winner on their canvases, to reveal his simplicity and greatness, heroism and modesty, fearlessness and will to win, to do this in such a way that the paintings were understandable to descendants and valuable to history.

One of these paintings is the canvas by the Ukrainian artist V. Kostetsky “Return”. The theme of this picture is the return of front-line soldiers home after victory. Looking at the picture, we understand that the soldier has just returned home. His wife opened the door for him, and an incredibly exciting moment ensued. Finally, the meeting they had been waiting for for many years took place. The soldier and the woman impulsively rushed towards each other and froze, not noticing anything around them, forgetting about everything in the world. And although the artist did not show the faces of the characters in the picture, they can be easily imagined.

The soldier is depicted in the painting with his back to the audience, and he obscures his wife’s face with himself. Only her arms are clearly visible, tightly wrapped around her husband’s neck. In this incredible happiness of meeting, in this strong hug, all the anxieties and sorrows of the war years dissolved. The scene depicted on the canvas is given even more drama by the expressiveness of the gestures and poses of the people depicted, and the restraint of the color of the painting itself. It is clear that while working on this canvas, V. Kostetsky showed himself to be an excellent connoisseur of human souls.

The painting “Return” was painted in 1947, when the memories of that terrible and bloody war were still fresh. In addition to the two main characters of the painting, on the canvas we see a mother frozen nearby, who, in order not to fall, grabbed the door frame. And the soldier’s legs were clasped by a small boy, most likely a son, who, judging by his age, did not remember his father at all, but at the very first meeting he felt that it was him.

As legend has it, V. Kostetsky’s work was submitted for the Stalin Prize. But when the “leader of all nations” saw the painting, he briefly and succinctly said: “This is not a winner!” And indeed, there is no pathos in this picture. We only see a dead tired man come home. But, looking at the soldier, we understand what hell he went through before he liberated Europe and returned to his home.

Paintings and posters from the war years depicted what people lived during the Great Patriotic War and called for people to fight the enemy. More than seventy years have passed since that time, more than one generation of talented artists has grown up, in whose work the theme of the Great Patriotic War also found a place. But paintings and other works of art created during the war years have not lost their importance, and in addition, as monuments to the courage and heroism of the Soviet people shown during the Great Patriotic War, they have acquired even greater historical value.

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