Paintings by numbers: why and who needs them. DIY masterpiece: paintings by numbers. Selection, features and tips Rules for coloring by numbers

Hello, friends! Tell me, do you have any hobby for your soul? Such that you do something, and at the same time your soul sings songs and smiles) I have it. And it appeared relatively recently. About a year ago I learned what painting by numbers is. I learned and fell in love with this business deeply and for a long time.

This happened when I got a job in a small store that sold paint-by-number kits.

In general, people call them whatever they want: coloring by numbers and painting by numbers. But the essence does not change from changing the name. This is a type of creativity that allows every person to feel like a real artist.

And I didn’t hear any questions from my dear customers during my time working in the store. In this article I want to consider the most popular of them, let’s say, the top 12 questions about drawing by numbers. Maybe my knowledge will be useful to you too. But first, let me brag) My first work) It’s called “In Anticipation.”

Lesson plan:

Question No. 1. What is it?

These are drawing kits. Especially for those who want to draw, but don’t know how. If you follow the rules, everyone will succeed. The plots may be different. There are landscapes, there are still lifes, there are portraits. You can also repeat the creations of famous artists, Van Gogh, for example.

The subject you have chosen is already drawn on the canvas with gray lines in the form of a contour drawing, each piece of which has a number. The numbers are also on the paints. If in the picture you see number one, then this piece needs to be painted over with paint number one, etc. And so, piece by piece. Somewhat reminiscent of embroidery.

Question No. 2. What's in the box?

In the box you will find:

  • canvas or cardboard, with a numbered contour pattern applied;
  • paints with numbers;
  • tassels;
  • a paper control sheet with the same pattern as on the canvas (cardboard);
  • color reproduction of your future painting.
  • fastenings that are screwed to the subframe using small self-tapping screws, and then a string is tied to them for hanging.

There is also a small sticker with a reproduction located directly on the box. And on this sticker they indicate:

  1. Difficulty level.
  2. Canvas size.
  3. Number of flowers.
  4. Vendor code.

Question No. 3. What is the difficulty level?

There are five of them. The first level is the simplest work. The fifth is the most difficult. These levels are indicated by asterisks. I would call this not the level of complexity, but the level of painstaking work. The higher the level, the smaller the painted pieces. The more beautiful it turns out.

Question No. 4. About sizes.

As I already said, the size of the future painting is indicated on the packaging. Sizes may vary. The smallest ones are 10×15. Can be 20x20, 20x30, 30x30,30x40. The most popular size is 40x50.

Painting by numbers |

Also on sale are diptychs, triptychs and polyptychs.

A diptych is a painting consisting of two parts.

Triptych - of three.

Polyptych - four or more parts.

How is the size indicated in this case? Let's say a painting consists of three parts, each of which has a size of 50x50. In this case, the manufacturer will indicate 50×150 on the box.

Question No. 5. Which is better, canvas or cardboard?

Here, as they say, it’s a matter of taste and color... Whether on canvas or cardboard, the paintings look great. But I can say that most paint-by-numbers fans prefer canvas. And me too. It's somehow more pleasant.

The canvas is real cotton. It is already primed and stretched onto a wooden stretcher. Fully ready to go. Although there are sets where the canvas is rolled into a roll, and the stretcher is present in disassembled form. Most likely, such a picture will be big. And it is not convenient to transport it in large boxes. In this case, the subframe must first be assembled. And then stretch the canvas over it and secure it with a construction stapler.

It also happens that canvases are sold without stretchers at all. For example, polyptychs, in which each part of the picture has a different size. In this case, the subframe will have to be ordered separately.

Some manufacturers offer textured cardboard as a basis for drawing. It's very dense. But it still bends a little. Previously, sets with cardboard were cheaper than with canvas, but now there is not much difference in price between them.

Question No. 6. Why do we need a checklist?

A control sheet is a piece of paper on which the same drawing is applied as on the canvas. The first thing that comes to people’s minds is that they need it for training. This is wrong. It is needed so that you can check yourself if you suddenly make a mistake. You can daydream about something while drawing and accidentally paint over the excess. And when the piece is painted over, the number is also painted over. How to determine what color should be here? Using a checklist.

Question No. 7. What paints are in the set?

The finished works look as if they were painted in oil. It's a delusion. In fact, the paints in the sets are water-based acrylic. They don't smell and dry quickly. Very comfortable.

They can be in tubes and jars. It's better in tubes because they don't dry out. And the jars must be closed very tightly to prevent drying out. If necessary, the paint can be diluted with water.

Both tubes and jars are numbered.

There can be the same number of colors as there are colors in the picture or less. In the first case, you don’t have to mix the paints; everything is already ready and mixed before you. And in the second case, to obtain the desired shades you need to mix two, and sometimes three paints in certain quantities.

On the diagrams these areas are designated as follows:

  • 2/9 - means you need to mix one part of paint No. 2 and one part of No. 9;
  • 2/2/9 - means you need to mix two parts of paint No. 2 and one part No. 9.

It is more convenient to paint with ready-made paints, but some people are attracted to the process of mixing them.

The number of colors is calculated so that there is enough of them. Usually they still remain.

Question No. 8. What kind of brushes are they?

The set must include a brush. Often not alone. Nylon brushes. It is convenient to draw with them, they are quite tough and elastic. After changing color, the brushes need to be washed, just like after work. Wash them with water and wipe with a napkin.

There is no need to heavily wet the brush in water before dipping it into the paint. If the paints are fresh, then there is no need to wet it at all. If there is a lot of water on the brush, the paints will spread and become more faded. It won't be pretty.

Question No. 9. Where to start?

In what order do I do the work? I paint the largest areas first. Then the smaller ones, and then the smallest ones. That is, first the sky, then the clouds, and then the birds that fly against the background of the sky and clouds.

Painting by numbers |

But this is not the only option. Some people find it more convenient to work with one color first, and then take the next one.

There is an option to start from the top left corner (for left-handed people from the top right) and move further. This is to avoid moving your hand over already painted areas. Although the paints dry quickly, and your hand won’t do anything bad to them, it won’t smear them.

Everyone develops their own way. Start drawing and find out how you feel comfortable.

The main thing is to use thicker paint. Do not smear it, but apply it to the canvas. I have often heard complaints that the numbers show through the paint. This is especially true for light colors. How to deal with this? Light areas need to be painted over several times. And then the numbers will hide.

If you accidentally make a mistake, there is nothing wrong with that. You need to check the control sheet and paint the area with the correct color directly over the wrong one.

Question No. 10. At what age can I start?

Paint by number kits are often considered as gifts for children. Everything here depends on the child. Some children love this very much and paint one picture after another. But for others, such work tires them. But to find out you need to try.

To begin with, you should choose small paintings with a low level of complexity. And then move on to more serious options. There are also coloring books for children. The same canvas with a pattern, but there are arrows in the center, and a clock mechanism at the back.

Well, according to age, from 8 to 10 years old. But there is no upper limit. The main thing is that the person has normal vision so that the numbers and contours of the areas can be seen.

Question No. 11. What to do with the finished painting?

Give her a week to rest. Let him lie down. And then you can cover the picture with acrylic varnish. It makes colors more rich and vibrant. The varnish can be matte or glossy. I prefer glossy acrylic varnish.

When you apply varnish, work in one direction, for example, from top to bottom. It is better to take a flat and wide brush.

Question No. 12. What to pay attention to?

If you decide to purchase a drawing set for yourself, be sure to ask to open the box. And pay attention to this:

  1. Is the canvas stretched well on the stretcher? It happens that the canvas sags in the center or somewhere on the side.
  2. If the subframe is disassembled, then try to assemble it in a store. This can be difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, since the grooves of the slats do not fit into each other in any way.
  3. Check the presence of brushes, paints, fasteners, and a check sheet.
  4. Check the correspondence of the articles. The article number on the box and the article number on the canvas (written on the side) must be the same. It is rare, but it happens that manufacturers confuse and put the canvas from the wrong set. And then nothing will definitely work out.
  5. If the paints are in jars, check that they are securely closed.

Paint by number kits can be an excellent gift for creative people. And the finished paintings are a wonderful interior decoration. And the author’s pride, of course!

Painting by numbers |

This video shows the paint by numbers process. Look, it looks a lot like magic)

Friends, if you have any questions that I haven’t answered, then don’t hesitate to ask. I'll tell you everything I know.

Or maybe you have some unusual hobby of your own? Then tell us about it in the comments. For example, I also like to make various crafts with the children. Recently, we learned how to do it, now we are going to make some.

I wish you pleasant creativity!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!



Choose a lighted workplace! Prepare paints, brushes, a numbered canvas, a glass of water, paper napkins for drying the brush and toothpicks for mixing the paints.

1. Preparing paints.

Acrylic- quick-drying paint. If you are not going to draw now, do not open the cans. Their original packaging allows them to be stored for an almost unlimited period of time, but after opening their service life is significantly reduced. If you have never tried this type of creativity, buy a small painting, since first you will need some time to practice the skill of drawing by numbers.

The paints are already numbered and ready to go, no need to mix them. The numbers on the paint cans match the numbers on the outlines on the canvas. Open bottles of paint carefully, without using force - this may damage the bottle. To prevent paint from drying out, always open only those paints that you really need at the moment. Acrylic paints will give the picture a special brightness and richness. First, we outline the outline of large parts using a thin brush. Then paint with a thicker brush. If numbers and lines are visible, cover them with several layers of paint. Dark colors paint better than light ones.

If the paints have thickened a little during the painting process, you can add a few drops of water; this does not affect their properties. But if they are completely dry, it is impossible to restore them!

Paints can be stored for a minimum of 12 weeks after opening if certain rules are followed.

Be sure to close the jars tightly and correctly, cleaning the edges of dried paint (this may prevent the lid from sealing tightly)

Use a toothpick to clean hard-to-reach places

In case of long breaks in coloring, wrap thoroughly cleaned and tightly closed jars in a damp cloth and pack them in a plastic bag or sealed plastic container. This will protect them from drying out.

2. Coloring.

Before you start painting, prepare a jar of water (to wash your brushes), a few rags(wipe brushes, hands, table, etc.), toothpicks - stir paints and use them to paint the smallest details. Saucer, plate or palette- for mixing paints.

3. Brushes.

The sets, depending on the manufacturer, the size and complexity of the painting, include from one to 5 brushes. We recommend purchasing additional brushes in different sizes in advance. They are inexpensive, sold in any office supply department, but will greatly help you when coloring. And, most importantly, you can separate the brushes - some can be used only for light colors, some - only for dark ones, which will completely eliminate the mixing of paints when carelessly washing the brush. If you often paint by numbers, we recommend purchasing a set of acrylic paints (base colors) in art stores, which will allow you to eliminate the problem of paint drying (of course, choosing a shade will take some time) and enhance the relief of the work. However, the paint sets contain enough paint for complete painting in 2-3 layers.

How to hold a brush correctly.

Hold the brush correctly, like a pen. For stability, place your hand on the surface and rotate the picture so that its location is convenient for you. You should be comfortable drawing!

Secrets of caring for brushes

In order for the brush to serve you for a long time and with high quality, you must follow the recommendations below.

The most common mistakes:

1. Do not leave the brush in a glass of water.

2. Never clean your brush with aggressive chemicals.

3. Never use a brush to stir paint.

4. Never use your nails to remove dried paint.

Proper care:

The brush consists of three parts: a handle, metal fasteners and a fleecy part.

1. After painting, immediately wipe off any remaining paint from the brush.

2. Rinse the brush in clean warm water.

3. Gently lather the brush and then rinse it again.

4. Wipe the water off the brush using a rotating motion. Paint should not remain on the end of the metal fastener.

5. Use your fingers to shape the bristly part of the brush back to its original shape, forming the tip.

6. Put the brush down and let it dry on its own. Do not use a heater or hair dryer!

4. Drawing order.

Apply paint only to the very tip of the brush. It’s better to dip the brush into the jar twice than to ruin the design by dripping on it. If, however, this happens, use damp cotton swabs to remove excess.

There is no single approach to the order of painting. There are several drawing techniques:

Start coloring with light colors, then paint the darker, mixed parts last. This is due to the fact that if there is an error in coloring, it is much more difficult to paint dark segments with light paint than it is to paint light segments with dark paint. In other words, in order to paint a dark segment with white paint, you need more layers and vice versa: you can paint a light segment with dark paint in one layer, i.e. much easier.

For a perfect image of the finished painting, paint over the unpainted areas and visible numbers. As in art galleries, you need to look at the painting and evaluate it from a distance of 2-3 meters.

Notes to skilled artists

The painting effect can be enhanced by applying different thicknesses of paint. To do this, apply the remaining paint in a thick layer to the elements of the picture that you would like to highlight. This will give the picture a relief effect.

5. Varnish coating.

Varnish coating. You can cover the completed painting with a special varnish after a few days. There are 2 types of artistic varnishes - glossy and matte. A glossy varnish will help make the picture bright, while a matte varnish will remove glare. It is better to coat the painting with varnish using a soft brush and broad strokes. Varnish can be purchased in special stores for artists and craftsmen.

6. Frame.

By placing the picture in an appropriate beautiful frame, it will become a real masterpiece! To preserve the effect of the painting, you do not need to place it under glass. You can decorate your painting with a regular frame from self-service stores, or an elegant frame from specialty stores or galleries. The painting will look great without a frame if you additionally paint the end parts. Just continue the drawing “around the corner” of the canvas, onto the end of the stretcher and hang it as is.

Many people have a question on what basis to buy a painting by numbers.

Canvas or cardboard??

This is not to say that canvas is better. Or, better yet, cardboard. Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of both. Cardboard- it’s easier to draw on it; if this is your first painting, choose cardboard. Paints adhere better, paintings on cardboard are cheaper. But, if this picture hangs in a house with temperature changes (for example, at a dacha, where you only visit in the summer, and on New Year’s Eve), the cardboard may begin to deform. True, if you put it in a frame, this will not happen. Canvas on stretcher- not afraid of humidity, looks more “real”, can be hung on the wall without a frame, it will look great. But. It’s harder to paint, it’s better to do it in a vertical position of the canvas (use an easel or build a stand from scrap materials, such as books), the paint goes on harder. If you decide, after all, to use a frame, you will have to order it from a framing shop due to its thickness.

Paintings by numbers- a great opportunity to realize your creative potential even without special artistic training. All you need is a ready-made paint-by-numbers kit, which is sold in one set!

Briefly about the main thing:

Coloring by numbers - prices and where to buy

Prices for paintings by numbers range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars. Why is there such a wide range in prices? In fact, there are many factors that influence the price - this is the size of the canvas, the complexity of the design, the type of painting (canvas/cardboard), the completeness of the package, the brand.

Where is the best place to buy coloring by numbers?

The best place to buy paintings for coloring by numbers is where our local stores buy them - on Aliexpress. There you can not only purchase coloring books at the lowest prices, but also choose a more suitable version of the painting - the choice on Ali is simply huge - about 23,000 options!

Link to the drawing by numbers section on Aliexpress:


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What is included in a standard set of paintings by numbers for coloring?

Color by number They are sold in sets - small sets of all the accessories needed to create a complete picture. The contents of the set may vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer; the most standard set consists of the following items:

  • Canvas or cardboard with the contours of the design and cells with color numbers printed on them
  • Paints in numbered jars, sometimes tubes with different colors (from 14 to 36)
  • Paint brushes - from one to three, depending on the set
  • Checklist for checking numbers
  • Instructions
  • A box of the entire set with an image of how the picture should turn out. This is another option for checking the correctness of drawing
  • Canvas Mounts
  • Sometimes the canvas comes separately, not stretched over a frame. Then the package also includes a canvas frame

More about the set items


Canvas is a fabric material on which the base itself is produced. painting by numbers. This is one of the two basic types of painting by numbers canvas.

Advantages of canvas:

  • this is a more professional type of creativity - when drawing you get the feeling that you are a real artist
  • Canvas on a stretcher has a more voluminous appearance and can be hung on the wall without a frame (gallery method)
  • The canvas is practically unaffected by humidity and air temperature

Disadvantages of canvas for drawing:

  • Canvas has a grainy canvas texture, so beginners may find it a little difficult to apply paint at first.
  • The canvas bends a little on the stretcher, so it is better to paint the picture in a vertical position, on a stand or easel
  • If you want to make a frame, a regular photo frame will not work, since the canvas on the stretcher is relatively thick
  • Color by numbers on canvas is more expensive than on cardboard


Cardboard is the second base option for painting by numbers. It has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • It's easier for beginners to draw on cardboard because it doesn't sag.
  • Paints adhere better to cardboard, you can paint in one layer
  • It’s easy to choose a frame for a cardboard picture—you can take a regular photo frame
  • Cardboard base is cheaper


  • Cardboard paintings are susceptible to moisture and temperature and may “curl” over time. Almost definitely needs to be framed
  • Without a frame it looks unfinished, like an ordinary painted sheet.

Painting by numbers- an example of a cardboard base. Please note - there is no grain:

As a rule, the kit comes with acrylic paints in special numbered jars or tubes. The number of colors varies, from 14 to 36. Why acrylic paints are used - the whole point is that they have unique qualities - acrylic is absolutely non-toxic, such paints have a very bright and rich color, they are resistant to light and fit well on any surface! Also, acrylic paints dry out very quickly, so be sure to close the paint jars - if they dry out, you won’t be able to dilute them.

Paint brushes

The sets range from one brush to three or more, depending on the type of surface and complexity of the canvas. For cardboard coloring books there is usually one brush, for paintings by numbers on canvas- two or three. Two brushes are thin and round - for drawing lines and small segments, and one flat - for drawing large segments. The brush material is usually synthetic.

Brushes should be thoroughly washed after painting and between changing colors to prevent the paint from drying out.

Brushes for painting by numbers. Please note that two of them are thin and sharp, and one is wide:

Painting by numbers - subtleties and what you need to know

Difficulty of drawing

Manufacturers of paintings by numbers usually use a five-star difficulty system: 1 star is the easiest level of painting, 5 stars is the hardest. Recommendations when purchasing - for children it is best to buy coloring books with a difficulty level of 1-2 stars and a small size. For an adult beginner, it is better to buy a painting with a difficulty level of 3 stars and eventually move on to 4-5.

Drawing technique

Drawing is first and foremost a creative process and, in principle, you can draw however you want.

However, there are a few tips to make the process easier and simpler:

  1. Try to paint sectors with numbers with the corresponding colors from top to bottom, this reduces the risk of smearing the paint with your sleeve (if you draw chaotically or from bottom to top)
  2. It is best to paint the cells with only one color at first, wait for the paint to dry and then proceed to the next color
  3. If you draw on canvas— you can paint in two or three layers, so the color saturation will become even higher!
  4. If you made a mistake with the color number and sector in the painting, it’s okay, just wait until the first “wrong” layer dries and apply the correct one on top of it
  5. In order to avoid mistakes, periodically refer to the control sheet and the finished version on the front side of the kit box.
  6. Small sectors can be indicated by color numbers with a stroke connecting the paint and the sector. Keep this in mind
  7. After painting, paints must be tightly covered so as not to dry out. Before closing, you can add a few drops of water to the surface of the paint - but do not stir!
  8. Brushes should be thoroughly washed after painting in water and blotted with a cloth. Don't let the paint dry on the brush - you won't be able to wash it off later.
  9. Shiny paints need to be applied in several layers - as they apply much worse to the surface
  10. If you want to make the paint thicker and more liquid, you can use water or special thickeners and thinners. Sometimes they come complete with paints.

How to store a painting by numbers and do you need a frame?

If the picture is not yet finished, it can be stored in the box that contains the entire set. But after you finish drawing, most likely you will want to hang your creation on the wall. There are a few tricks here. To make the painting shine better in a room where there is not enough light, you can apply glossy acrylic varnish to the canvas. And if, on the contrary, there is too much light in the room, you can apply matte acrylic varnish, it will remove excess shine and preserve the original colors of the painting.

Also, you will most likely need to make a frame for the picture. For a painting on canvas, of course, you can do without it - since the canvas is already stretched onto a three-dimensional frame. But for coloring by numbers on cardboard, a frame is required - you can buy it at any office (photo frame), or make it to order - if the picture has a non-standard size.

This is interesting: The history of the invention of paintings by numbers

Painting by numbers is a relatively recent invention. They were invented by two people in America in the 50s of the twentieth century. The first was a talented artist - Dan Robins, the second - an entrepreneur from Detroit (Michigan) Max Klein. The latter had his own paint production in this city. The emergence of paint-by-numbers is a classic example of collaboration between a good artist and an enterprising businessman. The first copy of paint-by-numbers went on sale in 1951 under the Craft Master brand. The first sets of paintings painted by Dan Robins consisted of a canvas, a set of paints and two brushes. Success was not long in coming - sales grew and already in 1954 sales volumes reached 12 million copies sold! Paintings with landscapes, images of domestic animals and religious themes were especially popular at that time. Each package was decorated with the slogan:

Every person is a Rembrandt!

Technique for drawing pictures by numbers

It’s difficult to draw pictures yourself, but it’s easy to paint by numbers - true or not? Now we will find out! Surely, after seeing a painting by numbers, many ask themselves the question: “How difficult is it to paint it?” In fact, coloring pictures by numbers is not a difficult task at all. Without going into details, all that is needed to obtain the final result is to paint over all the numbered areas in the painting with paint with the indicated number. Since some novice artists sometimes make mistakes when coloring pictures by numbers.

Of course, a person who takes up coloring a picture for the first time will have quite a few questions:

  • which areas to start the painting process from,
  • Which corner should you start from?
  • what colors (light or dark) to paint first,
  • what brushes to use and in what situations (the set includes several different brushes).

It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to all the questions that arise, since the process of painting a picture is individual, and, as a rule, everyone chooses the most optimal path for themselves. In the process of painting pictures, each artist eventually develops his own individual style, which will further determine the maximum positive emotions received from this fascinating creative process.

The sets contain: canvases stretched on stretchers, contours, brushes, paints. Everything else is entirely your process, from which you will get maximum pleasure.

However, we can recommend seemingly simple, but at the same time very useful techniques for drawing pictures by numbers!

Little secrets and tricks:

1. From which areas to start the painting process, from which corner should you start:

  • Practice first on large areas of coloring to understand how the paints lay down, how to work with a brush and how the paints behave on the canvas. It will be more convenient for a right-handed person to start coloring a picture from the upper left corner and then to the right and down, why? Because you won’t get dirty yourself and ruin the painting by catching the painted area with your sleeve with this approach. For left-handers, accordingly, you need to start from the upper right corner of the picture by numbers.
2. What colors (light or dark) to paint first:
  • If light and dark tones are nearby or even intersect, then it will be much easier to first apply light colors along the contours, and then paint over the areas nearby with dark colors. Even if you miss a little, it’s not scary. It is also possible to paint an area over dark ones with light paints, but it is much more difficult and you will have to apply several layers so that the dark ones do not show through from under the light ones.
3. Which brushes to use and in which situations:
  • Use large brushes for large areas, and a fine-tipped brush for dotted and small areas.

Technique for painting a picture by numbers

Basically, more experienced artists identify two main methods for painting paintings by numbers: the “line by line” method and the “background to foreground” method.

Let's take a closer look at both methods.

  • Line by line method- the picture is painted from the top edge to the bottom. This method avoids smudging the paint by hand. Such blurring will be obtained if you draw the picture in reverse, that is, from bottom to top. Large areas are painted first, then smaller ones.
  • Back-to-foreground method- the artist selects background objects for himself and paints them first, then he moves on to painting foreground objects. But this method has the same drawback that has already been mentioned - since unpainted foreground objects may be higher than background objects, accidental smearing of paints is possible. For this reason, painting by numbers using the “background to foreground” method is recommended for more experienced artists.

After painting the entire picture, check it to see if the numbers and outlines are visible through the paint layer. If you notice any visible markings, carefully apply another coat of paint of the same number. Also, applying additional layers of paint will be needed to give the desired objects volume and the finished painting will look in relief.

In paintings by numbers from our manufacturer - PaintBoy, all subjects are presented with sets of acrylic paints without mixing.

Painting by numbers on canvas without mixing paints is no less exciting, but no less difficult, although many will say that this is not so. In fact, coloring books without mixing sometimes contain up to 40 or more acrylic paints. It’s just that the manufacturer himself has already done all the mixing for us. And such complex colorings have very small details on the canvas, because the more colors, the more different areas and they become categorically small in size. But don’t despair - after all, the more difficult the canvas, the more impressive the result you will get!

Dear friends, draw for your health!

Do you want to feel like real artists and paint their famous masterpieces? Then you need to familiarize yourself with how to paint pictures by numbers.

How to draw paintings by numbers on canvas?

Do you want to feel like real artists? Then you need to buy a painting by numbers template, but it’s easier and cheaper to download it. For beginners, it is better to color the outlines of larger objects for the first time. The following example is perfect for this.

So that you will soon see juicy strawberries with emerald leaves and white flowers, then we suggest downloading the following diagram for such a picture by number.

In the background there is a chicken, which is watching the harvest or trying to drive away the pest so that it does not eat the berries. But the snail cleverly hides in the foreground, away from the hen.

It’s not at all difficult to complete such paintings by numbers. As you can see, the palette is presented on the right, each shade is assigned a number. So:

  • one is red;
  • deuce pink;
  • 3 light green;
  • 4 green;
  • 5 dark green;
  • 6 even darker green;
  • 7 light green;
  • 8 yellow;
  • 9 light brown;
  • 10 blue;
  • 11 brown;
  • 12 dark brown.
So, to draw such masterpieces, you will need:
  • diagram of the painting with numbers and palette;
  • paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • canvas or cardboard sheet;
  • brush.

At the beginning of your creativity, you can use a variety of paints: gouache, acrylic, watercolor. Even colored pencils and markers will do.

  1. Looking at the palette tips, you need to paint specific areas of the picture with a certain color. It is better to first use one shade, for example, in this picture, paint over the berries, the chicken’s comb, and its beard in red. Then shade around her eyes using pink paint.
  2. To make the strawberry leaves look as realistic as you can see, they are depicted using different shades, from light to dark green.
  3. This painting is perfect for beginners, as there are quite large elements. Sometimes there are small ones too. If it is not possible to indicate their color, then extension lines are used for this.
  4. To draw a picture by numbers, you need to download two identical copies if you will paint on one of them. Then you can look at the second one at any time to make sure that you used the right color when painting.
  5. You can download one diagram and decide whether you will draw on canvas or cardboard. Then it is necessary to transfer the outlines to some of these materials. To do this, you can use carbon paper, placing it on this surface, and the downloaded diagram on top. If the artistic detail is large, he can draw all the cells on the canvas, and only then transfer each fragment to canvas or cardboard.
  6. But the easiest way is to start with a sheet of thick paper on which you simply print the presented diagram. You can enlarge it to clearly see even small fragments.

Subsequently, you can draw pictures where several colors are used, each of them is indicated by a specific number.

To get darker or lighter shades, mix two colors at a time. So, to turn green into light green, you need to add white to it. Red will turn pink if you add a little scarlet to white.

These issues also need to be addressed when creating such masterpieces. To make the colors more saturated, wait until the first layer dries and apply the second one.

If you want to buy a painting by numbers, then pay attention to the level of difficulty, it is indicated by asterisks. The more there are, the more colors you will have to use and the higher the complexity. Usually there are from 1 to 5 stars.

What paints, brushes, finishes to choose for paintings by numbers?

About paint

Acrylic paints are an excellent option for creating such artistic masterpieces. The intermediate layer will dry in just a couple of minutes. Once you have used the paint, seal it well enough and it will keep for several months. If you are putting off starting the creative process for now, you bought paint in a can but didn’t open it, don’t worry, it can be stored in this form for several years. But keep in mind that acrylic paint, if it has dried, cannot be diluted with anything.

Therefore, after opening the container, it must be closed very well. If there is a dried layer on the lid of the jar or on its edges, remove it, and only then tightly seal the container so that the seal is not broken.

As mentioned above, it is better to first cover the fragments of the picture with paint of the same tone. This is due not only to the convenience of painting, but also to the fact that then you will not have to open a jar of paint of a certain color several times, which will significantly extend the shelf life.

About brushes

It is important to choose the right brush. If you need to paint a large area, then use a flat one. If you need to draw individual details, in this case take round brushes. To ensure that the paints are the desired shade, rinse the brush well in water after using a certain color, then blot it with a napkin. If this is not done, water may get into the already applied paint and change its tone.

It is necessary to wash the brush every 5-7 minutes if you paint with one color for more than this time.

For those who like to drink a cup of tea or coffee during a break from creating their masterpiece, the following recommendation: before you go to relax this way, rinse your brush, otherwise the paint will dry out and the painting tool may become unusable. At the end of the work, this also needs to be done, wipe off excess water, dry the brushes well, then they will last you a long time.

How to draw color by number paintings

For beginners, it is better to use cardboard, it is cheaper than canvas. It has less grain, making it easier for beginners to create their first masterpieces. It is a cheaper material than canvas. To make a picture on cardboard look complete, it needs to be framed. To do this, you can take a photo frame, which is relatively inexpensive.

A canvas requires a more expensive frame and the canvas itself costs more than cardboard, but if it is already stretched on a stretcher, then it is not in danger of deforming due to moisture, like a painting with a base on cardboard, if it is not framed. When you become more experienced in this craft, you will be able to draw on canvas and feel like a real artist.
You can choose a frame for your work based on the following tips:

  1. The frame should fit first of all to the picture itself, and secondly to the interior.
  2. For small artistic masterpieces, choose thin frames. If the canvas is medium or large in size, then wider and more voluminous frames will be very appropriate here.
  3. If you hang your work not close to the wall, leave a gap of 0.5–1 cm, then the painting with a stretcher, made on canvas, will look more voluminous.

The following recommendations will help the painting remain in great shape for a long time.
  1. If you want your finished piece to shine brightly for as long as possible, protect it from UV exposure. To do this, coat with matte acrylic varnish.
  2. If you want your painting by numbers to shine, then use a glossy varnish. But in this case, you will need to hang it correctly, since too bright lighting and a switched-on light bulb can glare on the canvas when viewing the image.
  3. To ensure that your masterpiece retains its original appearance for a long time, do not store it in a humid place or where there are temperature changes. Otherwise, the canvas tension will weaken and the stretcher may become deformed.
  4. If you bought a set for paintings by numbers, then cover your art with its packaging to protect it from mechanical influences, light, and dust.

Examples of paintings by numbers on cardboard

To paint by numbers, take:

  • a printed diagram of the painting in two copies;
  • acrylic paints;
  • tassels;
  • a jar of water;
  • napkins;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • photo frame

  1. Print out the pattern you like on a printer; you can use the suggested colors or colors that you like best. If you prefer pink and lilac coloring, then use these colors.
  2. As you can see, a similar flower draws from the core. Traditionally it should be yellow, but in this case pink is used. It harmonizes perfectly with the lilac used to paint the petals.
  3. The veins between them, in this case they are designated by the number 8, you can make lighter or darker using the same color scheme.
  4. Lilac paint goes well with green, so the leaves of the plant will be exactly that color.
If you want to use paintings for painting by numbers so that those who come to visit you will be surprised, then take the plots of famous painters as a basis. Only you will know how you created the Mona Lisa painting, which was once painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Also, this masterpiece has a second name “La Gioconda”.

Of course, to make a masterpiece look like the original, you need to practice for a long time. There are many shades used in such art, so these paintings are quite challenging for beginners. They can be advised to use a more simplified version, for example, this one.

This Mona Lisa portrait idea uses fewer colors, so it will be easier for you to replicate such a masterpiece. If those who come to your house have a good sense of humor, then you can do work on such a topic to make them smile. In this case, you don’t need to try very hard to convey the features of Gioconda. This person will be a parody of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

If you still want to draw a picture by numbers so that it is as close as possible to the original, then you need to print a thematic image with numbers arranged. Then, relying on it, gradually paint your masterpiece.

Start with the background, use sand and shades of green here. The heroine's hair is black, her robe is dark brown. The face, hands and area from the neck to décolleté are painted with flesh-colored paint. To make it, you need to take white, yellow and a little brown paint.

After it has dried, coat the work with varnish and frame it.

If you like rural landscapes, cozy houses that look like fairy tales, then for your next paint-by-numbers picture, use the proposed plot.

  1. Start with the pre-sunset sky, which is depicted here in pink tones, it itself is light, and the clouds are darker. The roof of the building is depicted in the same color scheme. Like this, gradually move from top to bottom, fill the space of the canvas with paints.
  2. To make it look like the path is illuminated by the setting sun, use light green paint. Paint its areas in the shade with green and dark green paint.
  3. The stone path also has varying degrees of illumination. Where it is lighter, use white or beige paint. The shadows on the stone path are drawn using brown, dark brown, the outline between the elements - with the addition of black paint.
  4. The bright yellow windows eloquently indicate that the lights were turned on in the house to sit in the cozy atmosphere of a fabulous evening.
  5. The positive mood of the painting is conveyed by bright flowers, to create which you will use white, blue, pink, and crimson paint. Trees are created using white and green from light to dark shades.
This is how you can create a painting by numbers.

Anyone who loves animals will probably like the next one.

  1. First paint the cat's head using a sand color. Cover part of her back, chest, and paws with the same tone. Don't forget to rinse your brush if you paint for more than 5-7 minutes.
  2. Using brown tones of various shades, decorate the cat figurine, and highlight the shirtfront, some places on the head and around the nose with white paint.
  3. The shading under the chin will be created by using black paint and adding white paint to create a dark grey.
  4. All that remains is to depict the sky in blue, the greenery in various shades of green.
This is how you can create a painting by numbers and develop your artistic abilities. After drawing a masterpiece, you will hang it in your home or give it to loved ones.

If you are interested in this type of needlework, then watch the intricacies of creating works included in the video. From the first one you will learn how to draw pictures by numbers to depict your parents or other loved ones here. The plot shows the intricacies of such work and what is required for this.

So that you also enjoy the process and result of creating a painting by numbers “Golden Autumn”, watch another video.

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