Pictures in the style of string art weaving patterns. String Art for beginners with diagrams - detailed master class. Mastering the basics of string art

String art has long been a real art. Our master class is perhaps for beginners in this matter. The main thing is that this activity brings you pleasure both in the process and in the result.

So, what does it take to make a product like the one in the photo?

What you need

Necessary materials:

  1. Wooden board - 0.5-1 inch thick, size of your choice,
  2. Pencil,
  3. Ruler,
  4. Compass,
  5. Nails,
  6. Hammer,
  7. Colored threads.

We measure and make marks

It is more convenient and better to pull the threads if the wooden board is an equilateral square and the thickness does not exceed an inch.

Mark the center of government. Prepare the pencil and compass, making sure that the line of the compass and the line of the pencil are at the same level. Make notes. Draw a circle on the board using a compass. Circle of any diameter. You can draw more circles.

It is better if you mark the places where you want to hammer the nails. Use a clear ruler to mark the position of the nails along the circle. The photo shows points after every 1 cm.

Hammering nails

Now start driving nails at the marked points along the drawn circle.

Drive the nails halfway into the wood board.

This step takes time and it can be quite boring, but you must drive the nails patiently, since the whole art depends on the position of the nails. To cheer yourself up a little, it’s completely permissible to sing your favorite song)


The colors used for this art are red, yellow, green, blue and purple. Although it would be more fun to use sazu in all the colors of the rainbow.

Choose a nail as a starting point. Take a thread, wrap it around any nail and tie a knot. Apply a drop of glue on the knot to do this, it's safe.

Count the nails and try to create an equilateral triangle with the string wrapped around the nails. After creating the first triangle you will return to the starting question again. Just skip that nail and grab the next one. Create another equilateral triangle by wrapping the following nails. Keep doing the same.

Take a thread of a different color. Wrap it around the nail, next to the previous nail (but not the same nail). Continue creating equilateral triangles until all the nails are covered.

Among the many ways to decorate an interior, string art is becoming increasingly popular. This trend came from America and has an interesting history. It’s easy to create, and the resulting products will easily fit into any modern interior.

"String" translated from English means "rope". And the string art movement promotes the creation of decorative things with the help of nails driven into the base and threads stretched on them in a unique way.

The history of string art began in the mid-19th century, when a teacher from an English school found an original way to demonstrate geometric shapes to her students. This Englishwoman's name was Marie Everest Boole. For classes, she used a small board with nails nailed on it, on which various figures were modeled using a rope. This greatly facilitated the process of studying this complex science. Marie Boole even published the book “Entertaining and Wise Algebra” in 1909 (original “Philosophy & Fun of Algebra”).

The beginnings of the geometry and algebra teacher were continued by the American designer John Eichenger. He became interested in interesting techniques and began creating his own original paintings. In his work, John turned to the oriental art of the mandala (a sacred symbolic and schematic image among Buddhists), noting that lines of threads stretched over nails can form symbolic patterns.
The first work of the Californian designer was called “string mandala”, i.e. "mandala of threads" The mandalas created by Eichenger were distinguished by the elegance of their constructed patterns, unique optical illusions and strict geometric figures constructed according to mathematical principles.

To create an object of string art you will need very few items:

  1. The base board, which must first be prepared (painted, varnished, sanded, etc.);
  2. Nails of the same size or round head pins (the number depends on the design);
  3. Colored nylon threads;
  4. A stencil made of paper.

A stencil is applied to the base and nails are driven along its contour. After this, the stencil is removed and the threads are further stretched. The process of tensioning threads is creative and depends on the imagination of the author. But for those who do not know how to do this at all, the rules for filling an angle and a circle from the iso-thread technique will come to the rescue. By the way, these techniques are very similar, with the only difference being that isothread is used to create chamber works.

If you don’t want to make paintings yourself using the string art technique, you can purchase them. But then it will be useful to learn a few tips that will help you make the right choice.

  • Pay attention to the base board. Its surface should be uniform, the paint layer should be streak-free, and there should be no unevenness or roughness.
  • If you buy, then buy a base made of natural wood, which has an interesting texture and adds some uniqueness to the decor.
  • Nails should organically complement the overall decor. There should be no crooked, bent nails or sloppy appearance of the product.
  • The threads must be high-quality natural, carefully stretched without sagging or twisting.

String art today is a current trend in design. A product using the string art technique, purchased or made yourself, will always bring positive emotions and delight.

Today it is very popular to have at least several hobbies. Our world is developing rapidly and sometimes you want to take your time. Therefore, most begin to master needlework. In this article we want to talk about a new type of hobby of the younger generation. From the title you can already understand what we are going to talk about, namely string art for beginners with diagrams so that you can create beautiful paintings and more.

By the way, this type of hobby is very exciting and not only young people engage in it.

What kind of animal is it and what is it eaten with?

As many sources say, no specific place of origin has been found. Some refer to English roots, and others to African ones. However, this craft is considered not so ancient, since its popularity began to grow only in the last century. Who would have thought that thanks to a math teacher, this technique would become popular. The story goes that the teacher was trying to get kids interested in algebra and geometry. Nails were hammered onto the board, and the desired shapes were created using thread. American designer John Eichenger became interested in this technique. He became the man who was able to turn geometric shapes into art. His first work was directed towards oriental art, which is why we can often find paintings in the form of a mandala.

From the English word “string” is translated as rope or string. Accordingly, literally “string art” sounds like rope art. Agree, this is a strange combination of words. Although in reality it looks very attractive. Surely you have already come across pictures with nails and threads stretched between them.

Let's move on to preparation

Since the technique is simple, we can create drawings, paintings or decorate a room. Typically, haircut art uses straight lines that are layered on top of each other. This creates a lot of work. So, to start creating, we need:

  • choose a scheme to create (do not take complex options yet);
  • working tools (hammer, nails);
  • skein of thread (any kind will do);
  • base (can also be any: paper, wood, concrete, and so on).

How to make a beautiful picture? First of all, we need to choose a drawing. We are thinking about what size it will be and in what color scheme. You can also use templates from the Internet.

The next stage is preparing the base. For starters, you can consider cardboard or foam.

We print out the diagram of the selected image and attach it to our base. Then we take a needle or an awl and make holes along the contour. We nail nails in the places where the holes were made.

On a note! The nails should be at the same distance; there is no need to drive them deep.

Creating a masterpiece

This is the most enjoyable moment in creating a drawing. We begin to play with the threads and mix them up as we please. But remember about straight lines.

Let's give a couple more tips:

  • do not pull the threads too tightly, otherwise the nails will bend under pressure and it will not look very nice;
  • You should also not pull it loosely, as the pattern will become unclear and the threads will begin to tangle;
  • combine colors, this is a creative process;
  • For richer lines, wind more layers of thread.

An example of a simple string art

You've learned the basics, and maybe you've already tried yourself as an artist. However, below we will look at a master class for beginners.

The first thing we did was choose the size and pattern of the product.

As mentioned earlier, we select and prepare the base. Then we attach our diagram in the center, as in the photo below.

Mark an equal distance with a pencil. If the pattern you have chosen is more complex, then make marks with an awl or a needle (if the base is soft). Next we drive nails along the contour.

We remove the template; we won't need it anymore.

There's just a little bit left to do. We fasten the beginning of the thread and tie the carnations the way you like best. In our example, the outline is first tied, and then the empty space is filled.

The end result is this cute heart:

It would seem like a simple picture, but it looks so beautiful in the interior. It’s even more admirable when you create such things yourself. Many creatives started from the basics. Now some of them are organizing exhibitions in their galleries. Some people create panels to order, while others keep it as a hobby.

Video on the topic of the article

For those who are interested in viewing more options for creating drawings, we have prepared a selection of videos.

String Art is certainly an interesting direction in needlework. The work uses decorative nails, a hammer, threads and produces very beautiful and unusual patterns, paintings or inscriptions. In this type of needlework, it is very important to pay attention to the color scheme of the threads. Both monochromatic paintings on a laconic background, the classic combination of black and white, and bright color paintings look equally good and interesting. A panel in this technique depicting dishes or products is perfect as a decor for the kitchen, the hallway can be decorated with a painting depicting shoes, keys or an umbrella, in a children's room images of cartoon characters would be good, for a bedroom a panel depicting doves, hearts or silhouettes of a man and a woman. In today's master class we will look at the String Art technique, which is perfect for beginners, because it comes with diagrams.

String Art is creativity at the peak of popularity, as it allows you to combine the incongruous - the rigidity and brutality of nails and the lightness and fragility of threads.

Learning the String Art technique for beginners with diagrams

String Art, as a type of art, comes from England. There are two versions of the origin of this method of needlework: the first - the ancestor of String Art is a woman mathematician who taught and explained geometry in this way, the second - this is how weavers decorated their homes.

A panel using the String Art technique can be an excellent gift for a loved one on Valentine's Day or Women's Day. Let's consider the idea of ​​​​creating a heart-shaped panel: what materials will be needed and directly how to make it. The process is not that complicated, and the result will be stunningly beautiful.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Hammer;
  • Decorative nails;
  • Plywood (small size);
  • Cotton threads;
  • Drawing template on paper;
  • Sandpaper.

Let's prepare the basis for the future product; for this, the plywood needs to be sanded with sandpaper.

In order to choose a heart to your taste, we offer several schemes - templates to choose from.

Once the heart template is drawn or printed, cut it out of paper. Its size should correspond to the size of the plywood. An important step is to position the template strictly in the center on a plywood base, or in another position, but the evenness of the lines still needs to be maintained.

Next, along the entire contour of the heart template, at equal distances, we mark segments with a simple pencil. Now it's time for decorative nails. We nail them on the marked notches very carefully so that the height of all nails is the same. This is a painstaking task, but there is no way to do without it, so we gather all our will into a fist and hammer in the nails.

When all the nails are driven into the plywood, the heart stencil can be removed. Now we prepare the threads for work. First of all, you need to wrap the heart along the contour, and then proceed to parallel winding of the threads. You should try to wind the threads with the same intensity and adhere to strict lines. The winding must be tight to avoid sagging threads, as this can significantly spoil the appearance of the future product.

When the entire area of ​​the heart is filled with parallel lines of threads, choose a different direction and continue winding. Depending on the density of the threads, you should independently adjust the number of winding layers; in our case, there were four layers of threads in different directions.

The result of painstaking work is presented in the photo.

The discount done and the resulting result will, without a doubt, delight your eyes for a long time. This idea of ​​a panel fascinates with its rigor and transparency at the same time. It contains metal in the form of nails, wood, threads - unusual, isn’t it?

Depending on the colors of the threads, the base, the size and texture of the nails, the appearance of paintings in the String Art style can be completely different. To add integrity to the picture, the heads of the studs can be tinted.

For a detailed study of this technique, we suggest watching several interesting videos in which experienced needlewomen will reveal the secrets of the work and give advice to beginners. You will also be able to see different ideas for creating a heart using the String Art technique. Enjoy watching and good luck in your creativity!

Video on the topic of the article

Have you ever seen how a spirograph works? The principle of operation of this children's toy is that a pencil or pen is fixed in the hole of a special ring, it is inserted into a larger one, and due to the movement of the latter, intricate lines remain on the paper. Now imagine the same picture, but with a three-dimensional image? Beautiful? The main thing is that everyone, young and old, can master the string art technique, and to create a panel you will need ordinary nails and threads.

To create a panel you will need ordinary nails and threads

"The art of pulling ropes"

Entire paintings are created using string art technique

This is exactly how the interesting direction in decor String Art is translated from English. There are several Russian equivalents for the name of this skill: these are isothread, thread graphics, and thread design. The founders of this unusual art of figuratively stretching multi-colored threads onto a smooth surface were the British. The essence of the technique is that threads are caught and pulled onto nails driven into the board. In this case, the nails need to be driven in so that the threads eventually create a finished image.

This is interesting. The first mentions of thread graphics date back to the 17th century. But then, pulling threads onto nails driven into boards had a practical purpose: this is how sketches for weaving lace were created. And from the end of the 19th century, string art began to be used to decorate the interior, and the founder of this movement was the mathematics teacher Marie Everest Bull, who, with the help of three-dimensional figures made of threads, explained the features of geometric figures to her students.

Using the string graphics technique, you can create various panels, as well as:

  • postcards;
  • elements of external and internal decor;
  • applications using string art motifs to create inscriptions, etc.

String art for beginners - video

What does it take to be creative?

Portraits using string art technique look fascinating

So that nothing distracts you from practicing filament graphics, you should prepare everything you need in advance.


This is the board into which the nails will be driven. It can be made from:

  • plywood;
  • traffic jams.

The undeniable advantage of these materials is that they can be tinted, painted, varnished or covered with film.

An important point: you can use a foam base, which can be easily painted in the desired color with acrylic paints. Just keep in mind that instead of nails it is better to use pins with small eyes.

Also note that cardboard is not suitable for isothread.


It is very important that there is a lot of this material. Of course, it all depends on the size of the idea, but even for the smallest picture you need to prepare at least 20 carnations. The following types of nails are suitable for artistic purposes:

  • furniture;
  • carpentry;
  • decorative.

Their advantage is that these nails themselves are small and have miniature heads.


Knitting threads are ideal for crafts using the string art technique in terms of density and color range. But you can also use:

  • twisted threads;
  • floss;
  • fine iris.

But it’s better not to take silk threads: they are very inconvenient to work with - they constantly slip.

What else?

Pulling threads over nails has a calming effect on the psyche, which is why string art was included in the list of art therapy techniques

It’s still too early to start working if you have threads, nails and backing. We will also need:

  • scissors;
  • pliers (if suddenly the nail is out of place);
  • drawing template on paper;
  • buttons;
  • loop if the picture will hang on the wall.

An important nuance: if you want to change the color of the substrate, then use wood paint of a suitable shade or stain.

String graphics - room for creativity

Ideas for panels in the photo

Such original panels make the interior even more comfortable

Using thread graphics you can create narrative paintings

The more complex the composition, the more shades of threads you can use

Paintings in which the design is revealed by filling the background with threads look very beautiful.

A painting using the thread graphics technique can become a memorable wedding gift

Scheme options - photo gallery

You can find individual patterns and combine them in one panel

If you are good at string art with single-color threads, then you can move on to combining several shades in one image

Diagrams for thread designs usually indicate the order in which the threads are crossed.

3 master classes for every taste

Making a three-dimensional heart

Panel “Heart” - an accent in any interior due to its bright color

As you know, it is better to start mastering any type of creativity with simple crafts. In the string art technique, this includes the heart.


  • substrate;
  • sheet of paper, pencil;
  • double sided tape;
  • 90 decorative carnations;
  • hammer;
  • red floss threads;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.


DIY heart as a gift - video

How to make a bird?

Symbols of wisdom made of bright threads look especially original

The owl is a symbol of wisdom and tranquility. A panel depicting this bird will look great both in the living room and in the office. This is a craft for those who already have, albeit little, experience in “dealing” with nails and threads.


  • wooden backing;
  • 2 sheets of white paper;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • threads (you can use iris);
  • carnations;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.


Panel “Deer” using string art technique

Due to the large number of sharp-angled parts, force must be applied when winding the threads

With winter approaching, we are always concerned with the question of how to decorate our home for our most favorite holiday - New Year. And the isonite technique can help with this. A beautiful panel with the silhouette of a deer will become a real symbol of the upcoming holiday.


  • wooden backing;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • pencil;
  • white wool threads;
  • carnations;
  • hammer;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.


This picture, despite its apparent simplicity, requires some skills in working with the string art technique. This is all due to the fact that the design contains many details with sharp corners (for example, horns), which are difficult to wrap with thread without twisting it.

New Year's motifs using isothread technique - video

Thread design makes it possible to beautifully and originally decorate your home with unusual panels. What gives these crafts a special chic is that they were made by the hands of the owners. In addition, this type of creativity does not take up much time, but it can easily become a wonderful family leisure activity: dad gets materials, and mom and the children create and invent - an excellent division of responsibilities and a useful pastime.

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