Katya Gordon: personal life, husband. Katya Gordon: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Who was born to Katya Gordon

Katya Gordon is known as a talented journalist, writer, radio and TV presenter, as well as a singer. However, this is not the only thing that the young and, of course, attractive celebrity managed to become famous for. New sensational information about personal life of Katya Gordon. The girl loves directness and frankness in everything, so she sometimes gives comprehensive comments to all the events that are associated with her name.

The biography of Katya Gordon (at that time still Prokofieva, and a little later - Podlipchuk) began on October 19, 1980. Despite the brilliant successes that the girl made in the economic field while studying at a humanitarian gymnasium and economics school, she did not choose the profession of an economist for herself. After graduating from high school, Katya Gordon received a diploma in social psychology. Then the girl also decided to graduate from the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors, where she studied with Todorovsky himself. Even then, Katya Gordon’s straightforward character was evident - her diploma work (a short film) was banned from being shown for its mocking overtones. However, it was this film that received the Grand Prix at the international film festival in 2005.

Katya Gordon’s professional biography brought her on radio stations, on television, and on stage as part of a group she created. And just a couple of years ago, she initiated the opening of the Saferoom legal and psychological assistance center. Various ideas fill her talented head, starting with songs and ending with modeling handbags.

In the photo - Katya and Alexander Gordon

But no less interesting are Katya Gordon’s relationships with men. If everything was quiet and smooth with her first husband, Alexander Gordon, then the same cannot be said about the star’s subsequent hobbies. Ekaterina married the famous journalist in 2000 and lived in marriage for about six years. The separation passed quietly and peacefully, the former spouses communicate quite closely even now. Moreover, Alexander Gordon became the godfather of Katya’s son.

In 2009, the journalist admitted that she began an affair with a much younger aspiring actor, Kirill Emelyanov, known from the TV series “Kadetstvo.” Their relationship did not last long. It still remains a mystery whether Katya Gordon had any real feelings towards the guy or whether it was just a PR stunt. Although Kirill Emelyanov himself admits that the breakup caused him pain.

In the photo - Katya Gordon and Sergei Zhorin

But with the father of her son Danil, lawyer Sergei Zhorin, the journalist managed to marry twice and divorce twice. They first registered their relationship in August 2011, and already in September information appeared about assault in the family. In December of the same year, this marriage ceased to exist. And the next year, Danila’s son was born, who became a new bone of contention between the unhappy spouses. After a while, everything seemed to calm down. In 2013, there were even rumors about Katya Gordon’s relationship and wedding with Mitya Fomin. However, like a bolt from the blue, the news about the marriage of the presenter and... Sergei Zhorin in 2014 came again. True, this time the marriage lasted only a couple of months.

Ekaterina Gordon (b. 1980) – radio and television presenter, journalist, social activist, music author. Her song “Take Back Paradise” received the 2013 Golden Gramophone award, a significant award in the music world. In addition, Ekaterina Gordon has become a memorable media personality. The TV personality can often be seen in various programs on Russian channels. She has also published a series of her own books.


From a young age, Muscovite Katya Prokofieva was brought up in a professorial family. Her father was a teacher for German students, and her mother lectured on mathematics at Moscow State University. However, the family was not strong for long - during her school years the girl had to come to terms with her parents’ divorce.

The mother entered into a second marriage, changing her daughter’s last name to Podlipchuk, which did not please Katya; she was teased at school. Frequent nicknames were “sneaky” and “sneaky Chukchi,” and they greatly upset the girl.

Young Catherine was distinguished by a proud disposition and was inclined to love freedom. The girl began to compose her first poems and works in prose almost immediately after mastering writing. The girl also performed puppet shows for her classmates and was a diligent student at a music school.


As a schoolgirl, the girl showed herself to be a person with extraordinary abilities. The girl received an economic education at a school at the International University, where she studied in her last years of high school.

During her studies, Ekaterina was on the list of the best students, thanks to which the way was open for her to further enter the university. But the choice of university fell on Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical University, where she was interested in the Faculty of Social Psychology. She graduated in 2002 with honors. I wrote my thesis on a topic closely related to the television world and psychology in the media.


After graduation, Podlipchuk continued her studies in directing at the Higher Courses. She greedily absorbed all the subtleties of this activity under the patronage of Pyotr Todorovsky, and was one of the brightest graduates.

Ekaterina Gordon managed to realize herself in several areas at once, which were absolutely incompatible with each other

Graduate work

Ekaterina made her graduation creation, a short film “The Sea Is Worried Once,” about journalist Daria Moroz, who went to the village in search of material for her report. The heroine interviews war veterans, including her own grandfather.

Many experts noted the talent of the girl in the film and the influence of her teacher’s work, but the creation was banned from being shown at the festival for release. Nikita Mikhalkov himself highly appreciated Ekaterina’s work. But the course committee was tougher and saw immoral aspects in the work. As a result of this judgment, a dark spot of bad luck remained in the biography of Ekaterina Gordon: the diploma was not awarded.

Despite this trouble, in 2005 the film was recognized as the best by the film community at the New Cinema, 21st Century festival, where it received the Grand Prix.

Literary activity

While still very young, Katya won a literary competition, in which the main prize was the publication of the author’s works. Thus, an edition of 500 books of “Conditions” was released, which included poems by the young poetess. Ekaterina also worked on the work “The Finished,” released in 2006.

The novel tells about the idle life of the capital's youth represented by three friends who are fond of night racing, parties and cartoons. Her works include other intellectual novels, as well as the play “Is the President’s Wife Happy.” To unite people addicted to the Internet, Katya Gordon organized the thematic community “Killinternet” in 2008.


Katya’s career rise is impressive: at the beginning of her television career, she worked as a journalist in the “Gloomy Morning” editions on M1, was the presenter of “Vremechka” on TVC, and made a documentary film “Profession: Psychoanalyst.”

On the radio

More often Katya's voice could be heard on the radio. First in the show “Master Class” on radio “Culture”. She also co-hosted episodes of “Good Hunting” on “Echo of Moscow”, and at the “Silver Rain” station she organized a psychological section in which she gave her diagnosis to studio guests, conducting testing.

Katya Gordon acted not only as a presenter, but also as a producer. Her show with the biting title “Bold Morning” was released in 2009 on Megapolis fm. Many programs of her authorship were broadcast on Mayak radio. The TV personality was a creative participant in the development of advertising concepts for programs. She is the author of slogans that are still used by television people today.

On TV channels

On Channel One she appeared in the show “City Slickers” as a participant, and “Zvezda” launched several projects with Katya, including an original program. Ekaterina, together with Ilya Peresedov, organized a debate between government representative Kurginyan and opposition journalist Yulia Latynina as part of the “Anatomy of Democracy” project.

Ekaterina Gordon became a striking figure on the television screen

Group "BlondRock"

Katya learned to play the piano in her youth. She did not have outstanding results during her studies, but this knowledge helped to assemble the BlondRock team in 2009. The direction of the group's activity was pop-rock, and the authorship of the first album, “Love and Freedom,” belongs entirely to Gordon, and this applies to both lyrics and musical accompaniment. The group's debut album was released a year after its formation.

2016 turned out to be a breakthrough year for Ekaterina as a solo artist. She decided to take part in the show “The Voice”, and went quite far, ending up on the team whose mentor was Bilan.

Diversity of interests

Katya's interests are varied. She opened her own company, Saferoom, providing assistance with lawyers and psychologists, learned to dance, studied English and received a diploma in translation, and also visited Antarctica. His own enterprise (“Saferoom”), having undergone a number of changes, was transformed into “Gordon and Sons”. The company received this name in honor of the birth of Katya’s youngest son.

Personal life

The history of the girl’s surname, with which she became recognizable and successful, is quite trivial. Catherine owes it to the TV presenter and one of her teachers, Alexander Gordon. Their happiness together lasted 6 years.

Meeting Alexander Gordon

After graduating from school and entering university, Catherine showed no interest in love affairs. The girl's parents, worried about her future, arranged for Katya to meet the son of their friends. Arriving at the restaurant where the meeting was scheduled, Katya saw Alexander Gordon sitting nearby.

She knew him from New York, New York, one of the few TV shows she was interested in. Plucking up courage, the girl approached the presenter and asked him to give his dad a book with poems of her own composition.

He was also a poet. After this, Katya returned to her annoying boyfriend. The evening didn't end there. After some time, Alexander approached the table of young people and expressed his comments about Katya’s book, which he had managed to read.

Legally married

A chance acquaintance of people grew into a relationship. Alexander invited Catherine to accompany him on the set of one of his films, and a few weeks after his return he proposed to her.

Alexander Gordon is the ex-husband of Ekaterina Gordon, whose surname became the girl’s brand after some time

Immediately after her marriage, Ekaterina happily changed her last name, and after 6 years of marriage, when the couple decided to separate, the name “Katya Gordon” was a brand. The wedding of Alexander and Catherine caused a wave of indignation among television workers, since the groom was 17 years older than his chosen one.

Second marriage

The second choice of the TV personality was the eminent lawyer Sergei Zhorin, known for conducting divorce proceedings among stars. The lovers got married in parallel with ongoing legal proceedings between the bride and a popular producer of a youth music group.

The marriage was spontaneous, the couple entered into it 3 days after they met, in the summer of 2011. The TV personality was so absorbed in her new relationship that she took over her lover’s interest in jurisprudence, thanks to which Ekaterina began studying law.

Ekaterina Gordon's happy personal life did not last long. Just 4 weeks after the wedding, Katya was severely beaten by her husband, which is why she ended up in a hospital bed, having multiple injuries and concussions, while already pregnant. Katya named her first child, born in 2012, Daniel.

Ekaterina Gordon now

The year 2017 turned out to be a turning point for the famous TV personality, when she entered the political arena. As the nominee of the Good Deeds Party, she announced her intention to participate in the 2018 presidential race.

The newly minted candidate’s program was aimed at reorienting the republic from a presidential to a parliamentary one. The program also paid great attention to children's problems and the needs of mothers.

Ekaterina Gordon wanted to engage in political activities

Katya Gordon's desire to participate in the elections caused a wave of public indignation. Responding to this act, Ksenia Sobchak, the famous TV presenter, also decided to participate in the race for the manager’s seat, noting her political position as “against everyone.” Therefore, there were no conflicts between the candidates.

There have been changes in the personal life of the TV personality: Ekaterina’s new relationship with entrepreneur Igor Matsanyuk led them to marriage in 2017. This year was also marked for the couple with the birth of their son Seraphim.

Ekaterina Viktorovna Gordon (Katya Gordon, née Prokofieva, also bore the surname of her stepfather Podlipchuk). Born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, songwriter, frontwoman of the band Blondrock.

Katya Gordon admits that she is a complex person. But this is also its advantage. Katya says the following about her main advantages:

“As a friend and as a partner in any business, I am the most honest and decent person.

If we agreed on something, then no matter how the weather or fashion changes, I will be in the position I was in initially. Because of this, I sometimes have conflicts.

Some people consider me a little “wooden”, “chopped” in behavior. This, I think, is my great advantage in our times.”

Katya's personality causes a lot of controversy. Some admire her, pay tribute to the woman’s drive and inner strength, the strong-willed qualities that she demonstrates in her profession and private life. Others consider her a brawler. But everyone agrees that Ekaterina Gordon is a fighter in life and fights for her position to the last.

Katya Prokofieva was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Mom is a mathematician, taught at Moscow State University. Dad is a physicist, at one time he lectured in Germany. She has a younger brother, Ivan.

At first I studied well at school. However, when her parents separated, she turned into a hooligan and a C student.

“I was more worried about my mother. Even then I understood that their divorce was natural, since I saw the difficulties in the relationship. Moreover, I myself approached my mother when I was completely tired of this painful atmosphere in the house, and said that she needed to "My dad was getting a divorce, and on the same day, she and I packed our bags and left. I immediately somehow matured, began to feel responsible for my mother and brother. I declared a boycott on my father, which lasted two years," said Katya.

Soon, her mother remarried and Katya - as part of a boycott against her father - took her stepfather's surname Podlipchuk.

Since childhood I wanted to become a star. This is what he says about himself: "born with star fever".

“As far as I can remember, I was sure that I would become a star, accomplish a feat and become famous. I knew this one hundred percent, that’s why I prepared and trained. To be honest, even now I think that I was born for some significant act.”, she says.

I tried a lot of different activities - I was looking for where to find a use for myself in order to become famous.

She studied at the humanitarian gymnasium No. 1507 and at the same time at the economics school for high school students at the International University. In 2002 she graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, where she studied at the Faculty of Social Psychology.

Much in her life changed after her first marriage in 2000 - she became the wife of the famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon, who is 17 years older than her. Thanks to him, she made a career in show business. Katya herself admits that "I really wanted to go on TV". And she did everything possible for this.

After graduating from Moscow State Pedagogical University, she entered the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (VKSiR) in the workshop of P. E. Todorovsky.

Graduation short film "The sea is agitated once" banned from showing at festivals on behalf of the VKSiR for “moral and ethical reasons” (according to the artistic council, the film had “mocking overtones”). However, in 2005, her graduation film received the Grand Prix of the international festival “New Cinema. 21 century".

Katya Gordon - The sea is worried once

In July 2008, she gained scandalous fame after an altercation with Ksenia Sobchak live on the Mayak radio station, which led to her dismissal from the radio station.

She became the winner in the Internet category of the Young People of the Year 2008 award, organized by the Aktsia newspaper.

She was the presenter of several radio and television programs, in particular: “Moscow Speaks”, “Megapolis” (“Swedish Evening”, “Bold Morning”), “Echo of Moscow” (co-host of “Good Hunt”), “Culture”, “Mayak”, “Silver Rain”, “Russian News Service”, “Moscow Speaks”.

She worked on the TV channels O2TV (“Conversation Without Rules”), Channel One (“City Slickers”), TV Channel Zvezda (“The Other Side of the Legend”).

She was a columnist for the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

From her pen came the books “State” (pseudonym Katya Vevo), “Kill the Internet!!!” (utopian novel), “The Finished Ones,” “Life for Dummies.”

In 2009 she created the musical pop-rock group Blondrock.

In February 2010, the group sent an application to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest with the reggae song “War is bad”, with which the group made it to the semi-finals of the national selection.

In October 2010 the group Blondrock released her debut album “Love and Freedom”, in which Katya Gordon is the author of music and lyrics. The sound producer was Andrey Samsonov (known for his work with the Aquarium group, Butusov, Marc Almond, Nick Cave).

Next album “Tired of being afraid!” released in April 2012. It is recorded in a manner reminiscent of early Zemfira, and also contains elements of synthpop, pop and disco. Thus, the song “Tenderly,” according to Mazhaev, “resembles the style of Angelika Varum.”

In July 2012, Ekaterina Gordon presented her first solo album, “Nothing Extra” (8 songs written during the 7th month of pregnancy), the presentation of which took place right on Arbat.

Katya Gordon & Blondrock - Leave in English

In 2013, it became known about several performers who included Katya Gordon’s songs in their albums: Dmitry Koldun “With the Heart” (album “City of Big Lights”), Angelika Agurbash - “Empty Heart”, on November 30, 2013 received the “Golden Gramophone” for the song “ Take back paradise”, authored by Katya Gordon.

In 2012 she founded her own agency "Lilab" for online promotion.

Active blogger. In September 2010, she filed a lawsuit against the Lurkomorye resource, demanding to remove her personal data and images from the article posted there; as a result, the article was replaced with scanned copies of the case materials.

Social activities of Ekaterina Gordon:

In 2008, Katya Gordon founded the “Kill the Internet” project, designed to unite Internet addicts.

In August 2010, he took part in a rally-concert in defense of the Khimki Forest.

Since 2010, she has been participating in “Strategy 31” campaigns dedicated to freedom of assembly; on May 31, she took part in a rally on Triumfalnaya Square.

In June 2010, Katya Gordon released the song “Mathematics”, dedicated to “Strategy 31”. The video for the song, with footage of the dispersal of rallies, becomes popular on the Internet, in the press the song is called “the anthem of the Dissenters”, “the voice of Triumphal”. Katya also took part in subsequent liberal protests.

He is the organizer (since 2006) of the “Unnecessary Breed” movement, which promotes the fashion for mongrel dogs. In April 2012, she co-organized a charity rock festival in defense of homeless animals.

In 2012, with her colleagues, she organized the charity festival “Rocksobaka”, the funds from which went to the needs of several city nurseries in Moscow.

In November 2013, together with Marina Dubrovskaya, she opened a company Saferoom, which specializes in solving legal and psychological problems. The company gained fame thanks to its high-profile business and celebrity clients, such as Anna Grachevskaya, Ekaterina Safronova, Ekaterina Arkharova, Artem Korolev.

Ekaterina Gordon is also known as fighter against psychics. In particular, the Saferoom company is ready to pay anyone who proves their abilities.

Alexander Gordon also became Daniel’s godfather.

In 2013, Katya had a relationship with Mitya Fomin, at one time there was even information about an upcoming wedding. But then the couple broke up.

Ekaterina Gordon and Mitya Fomin

In 2014, Katya Gordon and Sergei Zhorin got married again. But two months later they divorced again.

However, in the fall of 2016, it became known that she was pregnant, but Katya did not reveal who the father of the child was. On February 21, 2017, Katya gave birth to a son, whom she named Seraphim.

She said about the father of her second son: “My current man is not an oligarch, he is not a public person, but promising and very good.”

Filmography of Ekaterina Gordon:

2008 - Photographer - Sukovich
2009 - Pickup: Filming without rules - journalist
2011 - Falshak (documentary)

Directing works by Ekaterina Gordon:

2005 - The sea is agitated once... (short film)

Participant name: Ekaterina Gordon

Age (birthday): 19.10.1980

Moscow city

Education: Moscow Pedagogical State University

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Everyone knows the story of how one of the ex-wives of Alexander Gordon categorically refused to change the surname she received in marriage and, thanks to this, began her path to the Olympus of fame and glory.

This girl was just Katya - now a radio and television presenter, journalist and public figure, model and singer.

Katya was born in Moscow and as a girl bore the name Prokofiev. Her parents tried to give her the best possible education and, noticing their daughter’s attraction to the humanities, sent her to a school with just such an emphasis.

There Katya began writing poetry and short stories, which were quite good for her age.

In high school, the girl moved to an economics school, which was related to MGIMO. Katya was making progress and many had no doubt that she would connect her life with economics. But then the girl was able to surprise everyone - by the end of school she became interested in psychology and decided to continue moving in this direction.

To do this, she entered the Moscow Pedagogical State University. She graduated in 2002 with honors.

The girl had a great future in psychology, but... more in 2000 she married Alexander Gordon and got sick of the movie.

To match her husband, she enrolled in the Higher Directing Courses and began to master the art of filmmaking. It should be noted that here too Katya was considered one of the brightest and most promising students.

In 2006, Ekaterina divorced Alexander and then the first scandal occurred, which attracted public attention to her.

The fact is that during the divorce process, Alexander Gordon asked his wife to give up his last name and return to her maiden name, but she categorically refused. Alexander more than once expressed his dissatisfaction with this fact, gave comments on this matter, which attracted attention to his former life partner.

Katya at this time begins a public career. She becomes the host of the “Cult of Personality” program on the Mayak radio station and interviews famous people in the country.

True, a new scandal awaited Katya here - in the summer of 2008, on air, she allowed herself to be incontinent, for which she was fired. By the way, a recording of an altercation between two scandalous personalities is still circulating on the Internet and is the basis for jokes and memes.

Despite the fact that in subsequent years Gordon was noticed as a presenter of the radio stations Megapolis, Culture, Echo of Moscow, Silver Rain, Moscow Speaks and Russian News Service and television programs on Channel One, channels Zvezda and O2TV, more Katya is known as a public figure. Here we can highlight several milestones of its activities:

Among other things, Katya Gordon’s talents include very creative directions. She is the author of several books, scripts, plays, sang in the group “Blondrock”, and also writes songs for famous performers.

The personal life of such a versatile character as Katya is also very interesting. At the moment she is not married, but in addition to her marriage to Alexander Gordon The girl has two trips to the registry office with the famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin.

The first time their union lasted a couple of months in 2011 and broke up due to the fact that Sergei seriously beat Katya. The second marriage happened in 2014 and also lasted only a few months, although the reason for the divorce is not known. Catherine also has a son, Daniel, she gave birth to him in 2012.

In 2016, Katya became a participant in the Voice project, joined the team, but left the show after the Fights.

In the fall of 2016, Ekaterina Gordon became pregnant, hides her new lover. But she showed subscribers her new three-room apartment in Moscow, where she moved with the future father of the child.

In February 2017, Katya gave birth to a son.

Photo of Catherine

The girl has a popular Instagram, more than 130 thousand subscribers.

Ekaterina Viktorovna Gordon- Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, songwriter, frontwoman of the band Blondrock.
i>Katya Gordon was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Born Prokofieva, she then bore her stepfather’s surname Podlipchuk. In 2000, our heroine married Alexandra Gordon and took his last name. After 6 years, the couple divorced.

Ekaterina Viktorovna Gordon
Birth name: Ekaterina Viktorovna Prokofieva
Occupation: radio host, TV presenter, journalist, director, singer,
Date of birth: October 19, 1980
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Citizenship: Russia
Spouse: Alexander Gordon (until 2006), Sergei Zhorin (2011 - 2012)

Studied Katya Gordon at the humanitarian gymnasium No. 1507 and at the same time at the economics school for high school students at the International University. In 2002 Katya Gordon graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin, where she studied at the Faculty of Social Psychology. After graduating from Moscow State Pedagogical University, she entered the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors (VKSiR) in the workshop of P. E. Todorovsky.
Graduation short film Katya Gordon“The Sea is Worried Once” was banned from being shown at festivals on behalf of the All-Russian Culture and Culture Council for “moral and ethical reasons” (according to the artistic council, the film had “mocking overtones”). In 2005, the diploma film received the Grand Prix of the international festival “New Cinema. 21 century".
In July 2008 Katya Gordon gained scandalous fame after an altercation with Ksenia Sobchak live on the Mayak radio station, which led to her dismissal from the radio station.
She became the winner in the Internet category of the Young People of the Year 2008 award, organized by the Aktsia newspaper.
In 2012, she organized her own agency “Lilab” for online promotion.

Personal life of Katya Gordon

From 2000 to 2006 Katya Gordon was married to TV presenter Alexander Gordon.
In July 2011, she married her lawyer Sergei Zhorin.
On September 2, 2011, Mrs. Gordon was beaten by her lawyer husband, received a concussion, and was hospitalized in the neurosurgical department of the Botkin Hospital.
After the incident Ekaterina Gordon divorced with husband. On September 27, 2012 she gave birth to a son, Daniel.
In the fall of 2013, information appeared about Katya Gordon's wedding and Mitya Fomina, but then she was refuted by herself Ekaterina Gordon in an interview.
In 2014 Katya Gordon and Zhorin got married again.

Social activities of Katya Gordon

Katya Gordon- active blogger. In August 2010, Katya Gordon takes part in a rally-concert in defense of the Khimki Forest.
Since 2010, Katya Gordon has been participating in “Strategy 31” events dedicated to freedom of assembly; on May 31, she took part in a rally on Triumfalnaya Square. In June 2010 Katya Gordon releases the song “Mathematics”, dedicated to “Strategy 31”. The video for the song, with footage of the dispersal of rallies, becomes popular on the Internet, in the press the song is called “the anthem of the Dissenters”, “the voice of Triumphal”. Katya Gordon took part in subsequent liberal protests.
Katya Gordon is the organizer (since 2006) of the “Unnecessary Breed” movement, which promotes the fashion for mongrel dogs. In April 2012, she co-organized a charity rock festival in defense of homeless animals. In 2012, with her colleagues, she organized the charity festival “Rocksobaka”, the funds from which went to the needs of several city nurseries in Moscow.

In 2008 Katya Gordon founded the “Kill the Internet” project, designed to unite Internet addicts.
In November 2013, together with Marina Dubrovskaya, she opened legal and psychological assistance center"Saferoom".

Katya Gordon's work in the field of journalism and media

Katya Gordon was the presenter of several radio and television programs, in particular: The presenter of the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, in the past she hosted many radio and television programs, in particular:
on radio stations: “Megapolis” (“Swedish Evening”, “Daring Morning”), “Echo of Moscow” (co-host of “Good Hunt”), “Culture”, “Mayak”, “Silver Rain”, “Russian News Service”, “ Moscow speaks";
TV channels: O2TV (“Conversation without Rules”), Channel One (“City Slickers”), TV Channel Zvezda (“The Other Side of the Legend”).
In September 2010 Katya Gordon filed a lawsuit against the Lurkomorye resource, demanding to remove her personal data and images from the article posted there; As a result, the article was replaced with scanned copies of the case materials.
Katya Gordon- columnist of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets".
Katya Gordon-director of several music and advertising videos, a documentary film.
Katya Gordon is the author of scripts, the play “Is the President’s Wife Happy?”, books: “State” (pseudonym Katya Vevo), “Kill the Internet!!!” (utopian novel), “The Finished Ones,” “Life for Dummies.”

Musical activity of Katya Gordon

In 2009 Katya Gordon created the musical pop-rock group Blondrock. In February 2010, the group sent an application to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest with the reggae song “War is bad”, with which the group made it to the semi-finals of the national selection.
In October 2010, the Blondrock group released their debut album “Love and Freedom”, in which Katya Gordon is the author of music and lyrics. The sound producer was Andrey Samsonov (known for his work with the Aquarium group, Zemfira, Butusov, Marc Almond, Nick Cave). Alexey Mazhaev noted that on this album “there were several very decent songs, quite worthy to stand on a par with some examples of female rock that sound on Our Radio,” while noting that the singer’s scandalous fame did not contribute to positive responses to the album .

Next album “Tired of being afraid!” released in April 2012. Release Katie Gordon and ko was recorded in a manner reminiscent of early Zemfira, and also contains elements of synthpop, pop and disco. Thus, the song “Tenderly,” according to Mazhaev, “resembles the style of Angelika Varum.” In July 2012 Ekaterina Gordon presented her first solo album “Nothing Extra” (8 songs written in the 7th month), the presentation of which took place right on Arbat. The disc, released without label support, received positive reviews from a number of average music critics.
In 2013, it became known about several artists who included songs in their albums Katie Gordon: Dmitry Koldun “With the Heart” (album “City of Big Lights”), Angelica Agurbash - “Empty Heart”, November 30, 2013 Ani Lorak received the “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Take Paradise,” authored by Katya Gordon

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