Classical guitar. Guitar lessons Music school for guitar lessons

Below is a program for learning to play the guitar in Igor Lamzin's class.

Level 1 (2-4 months)

  • Mastering basic guitar technique
  • Hand positioning, exercises to develop strength, independence, fluency, stretching the fingers of the left hand
  • Exercises to develop rhythmic coordination
  • Reading sheet music and tablature
  • Chords: mastering basic chords in an open position (with open strings), barre chords, understanding the principles of constructing chords on the guitar, allowing you to independently find any desired chord on the fretboard
  • Studying the most characteristic chord progressions for different styles of music, the ability to play them in different keys (transposition)
  • Mastering guitar accompaniment techniques in all main directions of rock music, both “light” and “heavy”
  • Selecting both chords and melodies by ear
  • Beginning Ensemble Playing Skills
  • Acoustic guitar - finger method of sound production, various types of accompaniment, simple solo compositions
  • Legacy techniques (hammer-on, pull-off, slide, tap-on)
  • Sketches and compositions aimed at mastering and consolidating all the learned playing techniques.

Level 2 (6-12 months)

  • - Improving technical skills - rhythm, speed, dynamics, strokes, etc.
    - Improvement in the execution of tap-on techniques, string skipping, sweep, various types of harmonics
  • Basics of rock improvisation on guitar:
    • Pentatonic, scales of natural modes (Dorian, Phrygian, etc.)
    • Techniques and methods of their application
    • Mastering and analyzing the best examples of rock improvisation by great guitarists - Hendrix, Clapton, Blackmore, Page and many, many others. By studying these compositions, you not only improve your technique, but also understand all the elements and principles laid down in them by the authors.
  • Familiarization with the work of the great guitarists and rock bands who had the greatest influence on the development of rock music: Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Santana, Van Halen, Metallica, etc.
  • Improving ensemble playing skills, performing at Rock Academy concerts.
  • Study of accompaniment techniques in the styles of Blues, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash, Funk, etc. using the example of the best teachers in these areas
  • Improving the technique of reading notes. Study of guitar transcriptions of works by J. S. Bach, Paganini (caprices), Rimsky-Korsakov (“Flight of the Bumblebee”), and guitar classics.
  • Acoustic guitar: Fingerstyle technique, blues, country rock, flamenco, Latin, transcriptions of famous compositions, classics.
  • Concert practice

Level 3 (12-24 months)

  • Advanced technology. Studying the compositions of guitar virtuosos: Paul Gilbert, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Vinnie Moore, Jason Becker, John Petrucci and others.
  • Improvisation: harmonic and melodic minor scales, diminished scales and arpeggios, symmetrical scales, exotic scales. Execution of sequences based on these scales, ways and methods of their application. Expansion of the pentatonic scale, phrasing, features of the rhythmic construction of phrases, linking them to a specific harmony.
  • Fundamentals of jazz harmony and improvisation. Using the principles of jazz improvisation in rock music.
  • Familiarization with the work and study of the compositions of outstanding guitarists representing the styles of jazz, jazz-rock, fusion (Joe Pass, Kenny Burrell, John McLaughlin, Jeff Beck, John Scofield and others) ** Give a photo **
  • Composing compositions and improvisations, playing in guitar duets, ensembles, concert practice.

Creative department

  • Features of studio and session work of a guitarist
  • Working with guitar equipment: concert and studio instruments, guitar “gadgets”, ways to achieve the desired sound, sound recording
  • Working on your own essays. Arrangement for various instruments and groups
  • Creation of creative teams (producing, music marketing)
  • Constant expansion and deepening of one’s knowledge not only in music, but also in other forms of art
  • Regular concert and studio practice.


See what results you can achieve


Guitar lessons

Some people dream all their lives learn to play guitar from scratch, but never dare to fulfill their dream. Study or family takes up all the time or there is no extra money. But these are all excuses - our guitar lessons are suitable for everyone, regardless of age, social status and income. In just a couple of lessons you will understand how masterfully you can play this instrument. All this is guaranteed by our music school for guitar class.

Guitar courses for beginners are structured to interest and reveal the abilities of students, so that from the first hours of training you will gain practical skills. No tedious memorization, no strict cramming - you will enjoy the lessons!

Guitar lessons for beginners are divided by program. Our guitar school invites both beginners and musicians to group and individual lessons - experienced teachers can both teach and improve your skills if you are already familiar with the instrument. Select the program that interests you, we will select a lesson time convenient for you. The “Virtuosi” guitar training school produces musicians who can not only play from sheet music and tablature, but also improvise. You will be able to perform both in a group and individually - fulfill your dream so as not to regret the lost time!

But if your plans are more ambitious and you crave public performances and a big stage, then you will not go wrong with your choice - our guitar school will make you a real star! Our guitar school in Moscow will teach you:

  • play from notes and tablatures
  • improvise
  • master complex technical techniques


Information about guitar courses in Moscow:

We are confident that you will find your guitar lesson course.

Subscription 4

This guitar course in Moscow includes 4 lessons that will allow you to:

  • find out what a guitar is
  • understand how to practice the guitar
  • learn simple chords

These guitar courses will help you figure out whether it's your instrument or not, and what level of guitar learning you're ready to take.

Subscription 8

A good opportunity to try yourself as a guitarist with the best guitar tutors for those who are just starting to learn, to get to know the instrument better and evaluate their strengths. These guitar lessons for beginners will help you:

  • learn and learn the correct hand placement
  • master the basic techniques of the game
  • learn chords
  • get to know your chosen performance style better
  • learn a simple piece and amaze your friends and family with your performance

Subscription 12

The more guitar lessons you have, the higher your skill level. These guitar lessons in Moscow will help you master:

  • playing chords
  • performance of melodic compositions
  • Various arpeggio options

After completing this guitar training course, you will be able to please your loved ones with your favorite songs accompanied by your own performance.

Subscription 24

These guitar lessons are designed for those who have already established their choice of instrument and are ready to work and learn all the secrets of its sound. For these guitar courses you will:

  • learn some pieces of music
  • master more complex techniques
  • You will go through the basics of solfeggio with your teacher
  • you will significantly develop your hearing and sense of rhythm

The 24-lesson training from the best tutors in Moscow is designed for those who want to learn the secrets of mastering the guitar and master more complex playing techniques.

Our music school of playing the guitar is your passport to the world of music.

Subscription 48

A tutor will polish the skills the musician has already acquired and give him confidence in his abilities. These guitar courses in Moscow will make solo playing accessible, and the applause of listeners will be an excellent reward for your efforts. Our guitar music school will help:

  • play the guitar noticeably better than the vast majority of amateur musicians
  • arrange your own music
  • develop a sense of rhythm and ear for music to the required level

Choose guitar training in Moscow that suits you and come. Guitar lessons in a group will help you better understand the sound of the instrument, and individual guitar training courses will reveal the intricacies of the game. Learning to play the guitar in Moscow is easy. And your first free guitar lessons will help you understand what you want to achieve in music.

See more detailed photo report and video here:
In contact with -

History of the classical guitar department at the Moscow State Musical Music School named after. AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky begins in 1955, when Lyudmila Vasilyevna Akishina, a graduate of the music college named after. October Revolution (class of teacher Pyotr Spiridonovich Agafoshin). Among her most famous students are Nikolai Kuzmin, Galina Laricheva, Lev Shumeev and Andrei Garin.

Since 1973, after graduating from the music school at the Moscow Conservatory, Andrei Fabianovich Garin, a student of L.V., taught at the department for several years. Akishina. Subsequently A.F. Garin is a participant in international festivals: in Istanbul, Oborne, Tours (France) and New York; He made more than 70 stock recordings on the All-Union Radio of various ensembles with the participation of a guitar.

From 1980 to 1985, Evgeny Kabdullaevich Selzhanov, a guitarist-performer, teacher and composer, worked here. In one of the domestic repertoire collections of the 1970s. included his arrangement of Kazakh dance

From 1981 to 2007, Galina Andreevna Laricheva, also a student of L.V., worked at the school. Akishina. In Galina Andreevna’s personal archive there is a kind of certificate of honor from the participants of the “Home Musical Meeting” led by Alexander Larin, a guitar historian and teacher. This certificate congratulates her as “the first certified guitarist of the Soviet Union with a higher guitar education” on her graduation from the Kyiv Conservatory. Galina Andreevna, being a real teacher, herself studied a lot - she also has the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, the Faculty of Aesthetics of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, and the Institute of Complex Hardening under the Ministry of Health. From 1961 to 1986 G.A. Laricheva regularly performed solo concerts in various cultural centers of the capital. For many years, she successfully led a guitar ensemble, which sometimes numbered up to 25 participants and performed at the most famous concert venues in Moscow, including the State Concert Hall of the Rossiya Hotel. The Soviet Composer publishing house has published a number of her arrangements for solo guitar and guitar ensemble. Galina Andreevna is also the author of guitar training programs for children's music schools in the Russian Federation and combined work at our school with teaching at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts.

From 1992 to 2012, the department was taught by Evgeniy Dmitrievich Larichev, a recognized performer and composer, the first graduate of the music school at the Moscow Conservatory in the class of A. Ivanov-Kramsky. Before entering college, he played the seven-string guitar, including in a duet with Sergei Orekhov. Since 1959 - soloist of the Mosconcert. Evgeny Dmitrievich has more than 5,000 concerts in Russia and Europe, and the Melodiya company has released several records with his recordings. He is also the author of several hundred arrangements for guitar, many of which were published by the Soviet Composer publishing house, and original compositions for guitar. E.D. Larichev combined concert activities and work as an arranger and compiler of repertoire collections with teaching activities at our school and at the Moscow School of Culture.

At different times at school. Dunaevsky was taught by: M.P. Travnikov, O.G. Clients, Ya.N. Smirnov, M.F. Larionova; Almost all of them are graduates of the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, class of Galina Andreevna Laricheva.

Currently the department employs:

Graduated from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (class of G.A. Laricheva). Head of the classical guitar section.

Graduated from the Academic School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of teacher N. A. Ivanova-Kramskaya) and MGUKI (class of teacher G. A. Laricheva). Concert performer, composer. Laureate of All-Russian and International competitions, including the First International Competition of Russian Seven-String Guitar Performers named after. Sergei Orekhov (Zhukovsky 2008); XIV International Competition “Guitar Virtuosi” (St. Petersburg 2017) in the category composition. Collaborates with such musicians as Yuri Stupak (balalaika), Vladimir Markushevich (guitar), Oleg Timofeev (guitar), Elena Ermakova (mezzo-soprano), Evgeny Chetverikov (drums). Among the graduates are concert guitar virtuoso, laureate of All-Russian and International competitions Kirill Morozov; professional sound engineer Andrey Ilyin, working in the field of cinema.

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