Books for children about paintings and artists: a museum at home. Introducing preschoolers to the paintings of artists: we bring up a sense of beauty in children Artists and paintings for children of the older group

Preschool education is faced with an important task - to teach children from an early age to understand and appreciate works of art, in particular fine art.

In kindergarten, children are introduced to a variety of fine arts, including painting.

Experience shows that already older preschoolers are able to understand works of painting of all genres: portrait, landscape, still life, storyline.

How to familiarize preschoolers with paintings by artists

When selecting works for children, one must proceed from the availability of their content. The landscapes of Levitan, Shishkin, Savrasov, Plastov, Yuon and other artists are most accessible to preschool children. These wonderful pictures of Russian nature evoke in children a feeling of love for the Motherland and pride in it, foster a sense of beauty, develop the ability to see, understand and love nature.

The forms of acquaintance of children with fine art in general and with landscape painting in particular can be different: conversations, organization of viewing and discussion of exhibitions.

The first conversation should be devoted to talking with children about the artist's work. First of all, you need to acquaint children with the profession of an artist, talk about the diversity of his activities. It would be very nice if an artist, professional or amateur, took part in the conversation - he would show his equipment, easel, paints, how to use them.

And here it is important to say that the artist creates paintings that can depict nature - a landscape, a person - a portrait, flowers, fruits, utensils - a still life or scenes from life. During this conversation, one or two pictures of each genre must be shown.

Acquaintance of children with paintings by artists must begin with landscapes. Pictures depicting Russian nature are closest to a child. This is due to the fact that the child begins to know the world precisely from nature. During the walk, mom introduces plants, talks about the clouds and the sun, pays attention to phenomena such as rain, sunset, sometimes dawn, fog, dew on the grass and much more.

Among the authors of landscape painters, A.K. Savrasov ("The Rooks Have Arrived", "Rainbow", "River Bank", etc.), I.I. Levitan ("Plyos", "After the Rain", "Golden Autumn", etc.), I.I. Shishkin ("Morning in a pine forest", "Rye", "Winter", etc.), V.M. Vasnetsov ("Ivan - Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf", "Alyonushka", etc.).

From an early age, children begin to read books, fairy tales and poems that are easy to remember, but they especially enjoy looking at the illustrations. Therefore, it is possible to begin acquaintance of children with the work of artists with the works of illustrators. The most famous representatives of this genre are V.M. Konashevich, E.I. Charushina, E.M. Racheva. It is important that the illustrations that the kids are viewing are understandable and believable, and correspond to the age group.

Gradually, you can move on to plot pictures, which depict certain actions of people or animals. The famous painting by V. Serov "Heroes" can be demonstrated after a story about their deeds and valor.

Still lifes are not difficult for children to understand, since they often depict fruits or vegetables on a platter, flowers in a vase in drawing classes. The last stage is a portrait. Here you need to guess the mood of the person and the age category.

Acquaintance of preschoolers with the work of artists should be accompanied by conversations, reasoning and games, which will provide a better understanding of art.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Pictures of Russian artists:

Developing cartoon drawing technique:

Renaissance artists:

Elena Katicheva
Project "Russian Artists"


Topic: « Russian artists» .

A type the project: informational, practice-oriented, creative.

Participants the project: children of the older group are in contact with the family.

By time: long term (9 months).


Children have poorly developed creative abilities in creating plot compositions in the classroom of visual activity.

In preschool institutions, children are given insufficient knowledge about the profession artist, the significance of his activities for society, the individual manner of transferring the image;


Introduce children to the works Russian artists: Levitan I.I., Aivazovsky M.G., Vasnetsova V.M., Savrasova A.K.


Give children knowledge about the profession artist.

Introduce tools, features (paints, brushes of different sizes, palette, paper, canvas, pencils, sketches and sketches)

Acquaintance with the paintings Russian painters.

To form the ability to independently analyze and systematize the knowledge gained about artists.

Encourage children to independent creative activity, to create their own plot compositions

To form an aesthetic attitude to the world around, emotional responsiveness to works of art;

Involve parents in the implementation the project.

Stages the project:

Stage I: organizational - preparatory.

1. Chatting with children. "Who are they painters

2. Justification of the relevance of the topic, definition of goals and objectives the project.

3. Drawing up thematic planning.

II stage: basic.

Activities according to thematic planning.

Stage III: final.

Generalization of the results of the work.

Expected results:

The effectiveness of work to familiarize preschool children with creativity Russian artists will promote:

Increasing interest in creativity Russian artists;

Formation of initial ideas about the means of expression;

Development of creative abilities in creating plot compositions;

Improving our professional level;

Broadening the horizons of children about various genres of painting.



Demo material: illustrations Russian artists

Videos "World Art Gallery with Aunt Owl", "About the paintings Plasticine Crow"

Reproductions of paintings artists

Cyclogram of implementation activities the project

September 1. Conversation "Who are they painters

2. Getting to know artist and... I. Levitan

3. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "Golden autumn"

4. Excursions to the autumn park

5. GCD drawing and applique "It's raining" and "Autumn Park"

October 1. Excursions to the birch grove

2. Examination of reproductions artist And... Levitan Dandelions, "Lilac"(consolidation of the concept "still life")

3. View "Lessons from Aunt Owl" (O artist Levitan)

4. GCD drawing and applique "Mushrooms have grown in a forest glade"

November 1. Observation on a walk for trees, for natural phenomena, beyond the horizon.

2. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "Autumn. Hunter"

3. Visiting the exhibition in art school

4. Learning drawing techniques "Splash"

December 1. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "Forest in winter"

2. Learning drawing techniques "Blotography"

3. GCD drawing "First snow"

February 1. Examination of reproduction artist And... Levitan "In the winter in the forest"

2. Observing the beauty of nature in winter

3. GCD drawing still life «» Fruit in a vase "

March 1. Examination of reproductions artist Aivazovsky M... G "The Ninth Wave" and I. Levitan "March"

2. Excursions to the School of Arts and Central House of Culture

April 1. Examination of reproductions artist Aivazovsky M... G "Wave", "Fishermen by the sea"

2. Excursion to the spring park and observation of nesting birds

3. GCD examining reproduction artist Savrasov A... TO. "The Rooks Have Arrived"

4. Free drawing technique "Blotgraphia" "Spring flowers"

May 1. Examination of reproduction artist Vasnetsov V... M. "Heroes"

2. Parents' meeting on the topic "" Artistically-aesthetic development of preschoolers, as a necessary condition for successful personal development "

3. Joint practical drawing activities "Seascape"

Older preschoolers are able to understand the paintings of all genres: portrait, landscape, still life, plot picture. When selecting works for children, we proceeded from the availability of their content. It is important that the illustrations that the kids are viewing are understandable and believable, and correspond to the age group. Introducing preschoolers to creativity artists must be accompanied by conversation, reasoning and play, which will provide a better understanding of the art. Over a period the project children learned such concepts as still life, landscape, portrait, landscape painter, moraine painter, portrait painter. They learned how to correctly arrange compositions on a sheet of paper. And after the joint event, some of the parents already went to artistic school and signed up for classes for the next year.

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Children in genre paintings by Soviet artists May 14th, 2016

Images of children on the canvases of artists appeared quite late. Of course, before the painters tried to depict children, but they were more like miniature copies of adults, but childish spontaneity, character traits, movements, gestures are quite difficult to convey. It took several centuries to learn how to paint children's portraits. Russian artists were especially successful in this. Children's images in their paintings are filled with amazing light, they are touching and tender.

I think that children are always a win-win topic for an artist. This was especially felt during the Soviet era. Whichever textbook you open, you could find a reproduction of some artist on a given topic ... At the same time, the plots of the paintings were understood by the child's mind. Because life was reflected there, our life, real life. Not just some comics ... But see for yourself. I don’t want to comment. Just watch.

They got the tongue. 1943. F. Reshetnikov

Didn't take fishing. K. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

"Difficult transition" F. Sychkov

Three (Children by the river). 1937-1946 years. A. Plastov

New Year. 1967 year. A. Gulyaev

Daughter of Soviet Kyrgyzstan. 1950 year. S. Chuikov

Arrived for vacation. The year is 1948. F. Reshetnikov

For peace! 1950 year. F. Reshetnikov.

Again a deuce. 1951 year. F. Reshetnikov

Goalkeeper. 1949 year. S. Grigoriev

First of September. 1951 year. A. Volkov

Morning. 1954 year. T. Yablonskaya

Resit. 1954 year. F. Reshetnikov

Winter has come. Childhood. 1960 S. Tutunov

Children on the roof. 1963 year. P. Radoman

Excellent study. G. Gavrilenko

Unsolved problem. 1969 year. V. Tsvetkov

Five more. 1954 year. E. Gundobin

In the USSR, great importance was attached to education. Therefore, it is not surprising that many paintings by Soviet artists about the schooling of children appeared.

I stumbled upon a long-forgotten song by chance. Today we listen somewhat naively and, as today's children say, “creepy” ... But this is exactly how we were brought up in Soviet times. And not the worst people turned out, in general.

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Not every artist dares to paint a child's portrait, the images of children on the canvases appeared quite late. Of course, earlier painters tried to depict children, but they were more like miniature copies of adults, but childish spontaneity, character traits, movements, gestures are quite difficult to convey.

It is very pleasant to look at such pictures, but it is difficult to draw babies, because it is very difficult to make a child pose for an artist for several hours. Nevertheless, famous artists succeeded in this perfectly, we will talk about their paintings.

Pierre Auguste Renoir left a lot of legacy, among his paintings there are many images of children. Children gazing at the pages of books or a child leaning against the side of their mother - everything is depicted so truthfully and beautifully that it is simply impossible to resist.

It is impossible not to mention the artists who painted children's portraits. It took Western European masters several centuries to perfect the spiritual sphere of child portraiture, Russian artists achieved amazing results at an accelerated pace. Children's images in painting are filled with amazing light, they are touching and gentle. Portrait of Stroganov by Jean Baptiste Greuze, Mika Morozov and Children, painted by the Russian painter Serov, the Boy's Head, painted by Tropinin, Kharlamov's "Girl's Head" and others.

Diego Velazquez is also a very prominent representative of the golden age of Spanish painting.

He is known, first of all, for his portraits, including those for children, as well as for genre compositions. As a court painter, he painted portraits of kings, their courtiers, and family members. Particular attention in this section deserves the portraits of the Infants: costumes of that era, soft outlines of faces, still childishly angular, an excellent combination of shades.

Remembering the paintings in which small children are present, let's turn to the image of the Madonna and Child. Of the most striking masterpieces, the painting by Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael stands out. The images created by the brush of these artists are familiar to the whole world.

Many foreign artists depicted children, creating a special composition. It seems to be a child and the main character, and at the same time is a participant in the action. A striking example of this is the painting "The Spoiled Child" by Jean Baptiste Greuze. For observers, it evokes the most contradictory emotions: both sympathy for the nanny and indignation in relation to the child. “He would have a good belt,” many will say, but to this day spoiled offspring are found in many families, so it can be argued that the artist sought to reflect the social problems of society.

Completely opposite sensations from the painting by Chardin "Prayer before dinner". Mom serving food on the table, the spiritualized faces of two daughters saying a prayer before a meal - it would seem that the characters are the same, a woman and a child, but how the atmosphere changes!

"Girl on a Ball" is a famous painting by Picasso, a flexible and graceful figure of a child balances on an unstable ball, and a strong man is watching the performance of the performance. It would seem a simple plot, but nevertheless, this picture is known to connoisseurs from different countries of the world.

Let's not forget about Russian painters, whose canvases include children. First of all, "Rider" Bryullov. Of course, the central place in the picture is given to the beauty of horses - only Bryullov was able to portray these animals so subtly and refined. But take a closer look: near the fence, a girl in a pink dress is watching her mother with an enthusiastic look. Cute dark curls, big brown eyes, sparkling with excitement, chiseled lips - this girl is a real beauty from an aristocratic family!

Plastov's "First Snow" presents us with a different picture: a wretched log hut, rickety steps, a dirty yard - and pure white snow is falling from the sky. Children living in poverty rarely see something sparkling with purity, perhaps that is why they are so happy with the first snow.

An aching pity and melancholy overcomes the heart, and when looking at the painting "Troika" by Perov, the artisan's students, who are at most 10 years old, carry a heavy frozen barrel of water. Fatigue, despair can be clearly seen on their faces and simply cannot touch the hearts of casual spectators.

A slight sadness arises when looking at the painting by Vasnetsov "Alyonushka". Probably, there is no need to retell a well-known fairy tale, everyone understands who the older sister yearns for, sitting on a large stone and looking into the muddy water of the pond.

Children blowing bubbles with Ivanov's brushes and Bathing the baby Kustodiev are a vivid example of childish carelessness, which touches and makes you smile. The rural free school of Morozov is another retrospective, but on the faces of the children you can read all the emotions: from interest to outright boredom.

"Bird-catchers" by Perov, "They Didn't Expect" by Repin, "Children Running from the Thunderstorm" by Makovsky are vivid examples of how the images of children can be accommodated in different ways in the overall composition.

Expanding the theme of the image of children in the paintings of famous artists, it is worth remembering the painting by V. Serov "Girl with peaches". The canvas is made in gentle pastel colors and in the best way possible emphasizes the fragility and tenderness of youth. This is one of the artist's finest and most memorable paintings.

Soviet realism is depicted in the painting "Deuce Again". The canvas depicts a family meeting their son from school. A girl in a pioneer tie and a tired mother reproachfully looks at the unlucky son and brother, the younger son does not yet understand what the matter is, and it seems that only the dog is glad that her little master has returned from school. A life picture that certainly happened in the lives of many people when they were children.

And, finally, one of the most positive and kind contemporary artists - American Donald Zolan. Only a person who truly loves and understands children can create such miracles. Dreaminess and mischief, sadness and spontaneity - the children in Zolan's paintings are different, but they all remind that childhood is a really happy time, awakening amazing memories in adults.

▫ There is something. There is no word. But his menacingly meek source has already plucked out love. you can already see how his future outline stands up for his brothers and sisters. How dark it is, how stupid. Who is the brother to whom and who is the sister to whom? Everyone to everyone. When the word comes, it knows no distant relationship. It kisses breathlessness on the lips. Responsive exhalation - we hear and great. Only the word tramples on delirium and chaos and speaks to mortals about immortality. Bella Akhmadulina 1982 (an excerpt, but I hope that all lovers of Poetry know it well - MUSIC!) 6176621-a151550 Vladimir Nikolaevich! Thanks! It is logical and I like this answer to the question. And it arose because a caustic epigram was received from Anna Akhmatova, or rather from Alina Alexandrovna in her commentary. Nevertheless, I looked at the popularity rating of poems from Russian poetry. For every 10-15 male Poets, 1 woman flashes. And Marina Tsvetaeva is higher than Akhmatova, Bella Akhmadulina is third (confidently), then Larisa Rubalskaya, Yulia Drunina, Veronika Tushnova ... But I will finish with your opinion on this matter: `Every poet is inimitable! And the fates of all people are different. And everyone is respected by someone, And everyone writes `excellently`, In their own way, everyone is interesting .... (c) Each of us has the MOST_MOST !!! AND NOT ONE! AND IN DIFFERENT PERIODS OF LIFE - NEW! Today it will be fair to celebrate here on the page the birthdays of our beloved Poets! Olga Fedorovna Berggolts was born on May 16 (May 3, 1910, St. Petersburg - November 13, 1975, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poet, prose writer. 6582469-a151550 Igor Severyanin was born on May 16 (the author preferred the spelling Igor-Severyanin for most of his literary activity; real name - Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev; May 4 (16) 1887, St. Petersburg - December 20, 1941, Tallinn) - Russian poet of the Silver Age `. 6465544-a151550 Thank you for the conversation, Vladimir Nikolaevich! Good evening everyone!
▫ Inna Viktorovna, `The Colonel says that he is, damn it, a soldier, and not a ... ny comedian!` (`Killer`) Olga Alekseevna, the above-mentioned does not repent of comrades in arms ...
▫ It's just that asexual education is being pushed through them, that's all. In this they are perhaps the best .... If their model is introduced in our schools, do not say later that you do not like it. I wanted it myself, after all. Do you want yours to write in pencil and do all your homework in 15 minutes? All their super-duperty only in the fact that they will not abandon the child `with ignorance of the topic` will explain to the last. And we have this tight, very tight, but this is a flaw in the directors. But the same Amonashvili and Lysenkovs, decades ago before Finland, developed methods that allow them to assimilate most of the material without shouting and coercion. But it was the Finns who surrendered to us.
▫ Yes.
▫ There are no modern scientists there, because while the fin announces the next stop .. it has already passedAlliiiiiii, so we joked at school. And suddenly ... something has changed? Nothing has changed. They don't have the best education in the world.
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