Sports betting books: highlighting the best. The big story about big money Smart Money Michael Konik smart money read

Today, such an activity as betting allows you to earn good money and, which is important, on a stable basis. But this does not mean at all that everyone who decides to bet on sports can immediately make capital on it.

And it is not necessary to be lucky for this: luck, perhaps, should be called the last among the factors contributing to the success of sports betting.

You can't do without preliminary training in theory: and although there are many articles on this topic on the Internet (in particular, you will find a good selection on this site), do not forget about books about sports betting.

By the way, I read several of the books below and started using tactics in. The helm office with cool odds, you can test the link.

There are at least a few books written by people directly involved with betting that should be mentioned.

Sports betting books are an additional source of theoretical information that you are likely to be able to put into practice.

Yes, you have to spend some time on the reading process, but believe me - later the knowledge gained will allow you to compensate for this waste.

It goes without saying that the literature should also be appropriate - you never know who decides to write about the basics of betting.

There is, for example, such a well-known fraudster as Vitaly Kush, who sells his dubious forecasts and owns a website that has been promoted (mainly due to theoretical information).

So, this rogue, whose forecast passability barely reaches 50 percent at best, contrived to write a few sports betting books and advertise them everywhere today.

The best book NOT TO READ if you want to win

However, can you trust his "Secrets of the Professionals" and "7 Lessons of Sports Analysis" if in practice this would-be capper demonstrates terrible results?

Considering that there are other books on sports betting written by truly recognized masters of this business, it is hardly worth even paying attention to dubious literature, like books by the same Kush ...

Top books on sports betting

So, let's make a brief overview of the nine main books on betting that it is desirable to get acquainted with every player, regardless of whether he is a beginner or already with a certain experience (even players with serious experience behind them will be able to find useful points in this literature).

"The art of sports betting"

This well-known book was written by Joakim Marnitz.

It describes the basic laws of betting, reveals the tricks, knowing which, it will be easier for novice players to "enter" the game and start winning.

The publication tells not about one, but about several world bookmakers, describes their work, as well as the activities of betters aimed at making successful predictions and getting big wins.

"Think slowly, but decide quickly."

When listing the main books about betting, one cannot but mention this edition. Its author is Daniel Kineman.

Particular attention in this book is paid to the psychological aspect of the game. The author insists that the right psychology for the player is just as important as the right strategy.

In particular, the following approach is applied here - thinking is conventionally divided into:

  • emotional, which includes instincts, impulsive decisions;
  • logical, which is considered more deliberate and deliberative.

In addition, the creator of the book advises betters to pay less attention to other people's opinions, but trust their own intuition more.

Often, it is the first decisions that come to our minds that are correct, and then we begin to doubt (based on the acquired knowledge) and spoil everything.

By the way, in 2011 this book was recognized as the best literature in the field of betting.

Signal and Noise

Here you will find a ton of useful information to train betters to make correct predictions. For novice cappers, this is also invaluable.

By the way, the topic is developing much wider than sports betting alone: ​​the author tells how to make economic forecasts correctly in order to predict events that have a worldwide resonance.

Moreover, we are not talking about fortune-telling "with a finger in the sky", but the conclusions reached by Nate Silver as a result of many years of research.

In 2012, during the election race in the United States, he managed to give the numbers for each state with one hundred percent accuracy.

"Smart money"

Looking for a book with training in sports betting? It would be logical to read a work written by a person with direct experience in betting.

Michael Konik, who wrote this work, for a long time in the past was a member of a large gaming syndicate, and later managed to organize his own large online betting company.

According to experts, this book reveals the secrets of the game unknown to many.

"Sports betting: earnings for smart people"

The person who wrote this book for bookmakers and bettors is named Andrey Bask.

He makes the main emphasis on the fact that no passion and no emotions should be given a place in sports betting.

The main things that are needed are sober calculation, prudence and control of emotions.

Several profitable systems have been described that allow, if applied in practice, to make good money.

"Sports betting system"

The author is prolific, he has many different books

Interested in strategy literature? This book, one of many, written by Andrey Goldovsky, tells how betting on a bookmaker's platform can be a starting point for anyone to enrich themselves.

Interestingly, there are several video tutorials as an attachment to the book. In the publication itself, for greater clarity, you will find a lot:

  • step-by-step screenshots;
  • detailed explanations;
  • online settlement systems.

Not surprisingly, this tutorial is especially recommended for beginners who want to try their hand at betting.

"Fooled by chance"

A very famous textbook written by Nassim Nicolas Taleb. The year of the first edition was 2001. But after that there were three more reprints.

The literature has been translated into two dozen languages.

Readers note a particular arrogant and even sarcastic style of writing, but it cannot be said that the information presented here is insipid or unnecessary.

The story is not only about the rates, but also (even more) about the financial sector.

Nicolas Taleb asks readers not to trust fully expert opinions, more often resorting to analysis built on their own efforts.

The book contains several calculations of theories of probability with the application of statistical data.

You need to learn how to correctly assess risks, after which it will become much easier to achieve success (including in the field of sports betting).

This is exactly what Taleb thinks.

"There is no easy money"

Here is another literature on sports betting, which cannot be passed by indifferently.

What is especially useful in this work is the emphasis on practical skills, that is, the author tries to move away from theoretical concepts and stay closer to the beginning of life.

Very easy to read.

"Professional player"

If you want to download books on sports betting for free, be sure to download this edition, written by George Miller.

This is not the same George Miller, who is known as an Australian filmmaker and who directed "Mad Max", and not the less famous American capper in his circles (not a relative, but just a complete namesake).

He describes in detail the specifics of betting on the outcomes of American football matches. In principle, the most attention is paid to this sport discipline here.

Read the book and find out how:

  • you can win at any bookmaker's office;
  • make more or less accurate forecasts;
  • collect information for correct and high-quality forecasting;
  • to make betting a source of additional and then main income at first.

Agree that the topics are not just interesting, but very useful for any bettor.


There are many books, the main thing is to choose worthy ones!

It's just great that today everyone has the opportunity to download books on betting for free.

There is also other literature - only not all book publications on this topic are really useful.

This is an excellent theoretical background to the useful information that you can find about sports betting and bookmakers in the articles on this site.

Having studied the theory, you can gradually start to practice and earn money by betting on sports.

Even if luck does not come immediately - it is always difficult at first - but with the proper perseverance and faith in yourself, you can achieve serious success.

Best books on sports betting: TOP-5

Sports Betting Books: Free Download

The best books on sports betting

Undoubtedly, it will be extremely useful for beginners, and, perhaps, players with experience, to familiarize themselves with the world's bestsellers in the world of sports betting. Thanks to books, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. And maybe you will save a lot of time by avoiding unnecessary mistakes. The most popular books on betting and bookmakers will be discussed in this article ...

Betting on sports events can be called such a fascinating duel between a bettor and those who are usually called “those who risk their money”, that is, bookmakers. But who will be able to outplay whom depends on many different factors: this applies to both questions of luck and more “mundane” aspects such as the correct, optimal strategy. At the same time, it must be admitted that the player's awareness and knowledge should be in the first place. In order to achieve the latter, so far nothing better has been invented than books on sports betting. If a bettor has such a tool, then a book as a means of achieving success is always at hand, a storehouse of knowledge will wait in the wings and reach a person at the most optimal, right time. A good player must take the time to improve. It must be remembered that you should not give up information, and then you will not have to regret the time that was spent on reading - very soon, much sooner than you think, it will return to its "ruler" in the form of such pleasant and tangible material bonuses ...

Sports betting books: highlighting the best

But we must not forget that first of all it is imperative to correctly and skillfully set always important priorities. This means that the bettor must be able to choose the best from the list of those products that are offered in the list of modern literary texts on this topic. Below we bring to the attention of all players a list of works recommended for assimilation that will be educational for the bettor, as well as help with tips and experienced people in bookmaking. There is no doubt that sports betting books are the right advice.

Nassim Nicolas Taleb. "Fooled by chance"

Nassim Nicolas Taleb. "Fooled by chance"

This creation was born in 2001. The success of the book is evidenced by the fact that it was reprinted three times. The book is available in over two dozen languages. Its author is a former lecturer at the very famous temples of science - we are talking about the Universities of Massachusetts and Oxford. The style of Taleb's presentation is considered to be very arrogant, sarcastic and pretentious, but at the same time it cannot be said that it is even more interesting to get acquainted with the information presented, because it definitely cannot be called insipid. The topic of the inability to foresee a variety of events is considered here so that we see the position of an employee who conducts business in the financial sector. However, this approach can also be easily applied to sports betting. The main point of this book is that you don't have to trust the experts just because they speak convincingly. On the contrary, you need to consider your own analysis of this or that event as the main one. This book also contains separate calculations on the theory of probability of certain statistical data. Taleb believes that correct risk assessment is the key to success.

ProBettor. "Bookmaking for beginners"

This is a very popular guide, which is based on numerous checklists, including the best books on sports betting. It is worth getting this textbook, as well as downloading books on sports betting as such, for at least one reason - this work should in many ways be considered an exemplary manual for those who are newbies. In this creation, you can glean a variety of secrets that greatly increase the chances to beat the bookmaker, and also provide separate rules for an optimal and adequate analysis of a variety of events. But the main thing is that the player receives practical advice on how to avoid losing at the initial stages, when many succumb to emotional pressure or incorrect calculations.

Daniel Kahneman. "Think slowly, decide quickly."

With regard to this book, we can safely say that the reader's attention is offered more than an entertaining story about how to achieve victories, based on the aspect of psychology. Kahneman applied a very interesting approach in practice, which conditionally divided several types of thinking into two separate systems. So, the first are emotional factors, which, in addition to emotions as such, include instincts, as well as impulsive decision-making by players. The second carries within itself the "institutions" of logic, thoughtfulness, explainability, deliberative in human thinking. The author believes that bettors attach too much importance to the opinions of others, but his own intuition is ignored. This work was recognized as the best in its genre in 2011.

Nate Silver. Signal and Noise

Nate Silver. Signal and Noise

After reading this literary work, you can learn what every self-respecting bettor strives for - correct forecasting. However, it is no less important that in this creation this topic develops somewhat more broadly, the author goes beyond just discussing game nuances. In this work, Silver reveals the secret of the success of economic forecasting, shares how to better and correctly predict certain events on a global scale. At the same time, it is no less important that the reader is offered material based not on guesswork, but informational proposals, which are based on many years of long-term analysis. For example, the author was able to predict with 100% accuracy the outcome of elections in each of the states of Denzel Washington and Landon Donovan in 2012.

Michael Konik "Smart Money"

Michael Konik "Smart Money"

The biographical data of the author of the book is a rather stormy stream of various events, it is for this reason that the work is replete with examples of the rich experience gained in the field of gambling in casinos and perfect bets on sports events. Konik was a member of a large gaming syndicate, after which he was able to create his own empire - the people in it were engaged in sports betting. Michael has repeatedly suffered the most unexpected ups and downs. All this resulted, including in the writing of this work and several other books.

A riveting inside look at the lucrative world of professional high-stakes sports betting by a journalist who lived a secret life as a key operative in the world "s most successful sports gambling ring. When journalist Michael Konik landed an interview with Rick Big Daddy Matthews , the largest bet he "d placed on a sporting event was $ 200. Konik, an expert blackjack and poker player, was no stranger to Vegas. But Matthews was in a different league: the man was rumored to be the world "s smartest sports bettor, the mastermind behind the Brain Trust, a shadowy group of gamblers known for their expertise in beating the Vegas line. Konik had heard the word on the street - that Matthews was a snake, a conniver who would do anything to gain an edge. But he was also brilliant, cunning, and charming. And when he asked Konik if he "d like to make a little money during the football season, the writer found himself seduced. ... ... So began Michael Konik "s wild ride as an operative of the elite Brain Trust. In The Smart Money, Konik takes readers behind the veil of secrecy shrouding the most successful sports betting operation in America, bypassing the myths and the rumors, going all the way to its innermost sanctum. He reveals how they - and he - got rich by beating the Vegas lines and, ultimately, the multimillion-dollar offshore betting circuit. He details the excesses and the betrayals, the horse-trading and the paranoia , that are the perks and perils of a lifestyle in which staking inordinate sums of money on the outcome of a single event - sometimes as much as $ 1 million on a football game - is a normal part of doing business.

Smart Money is a story about a well-known sports analyst named Michael Konik. This man, well versed in all the intricacies of sports betting, left behind a decent book heritage.

Another book of his "Smart Money", tells about the author's meeting with a professional sports bettor, and in his free time from sports betting, a student named Herbie.

It was this professional student who invited the author of the book to join the largest syndicate Brain Trust... By combining efforts, these two people were able to make themselves a fortune.

After they learned about these people in the environment sports betting and gambling, the two of them - a student and an analyst - were invited to give private games. The casino owners were their regular customers. Later, casinos became their means of accumulating money for several generations to come.

It turned out that this generation already has quite deep roots. The fact is that the owner of the Brain Trust syndicate was Herbie's uncle, Rick Matthews. Under the currently popular pseudonym "Big Daddy", Matthews owned a restaurant "Casual Gourmet" and was also a thunderstorm in Las Vegas.

And after such ambitious desires, like any person or group of people, when they aim at something high and significant, Konik and Herbie began to fail. When the bookmakers realized that Brain Trust could be liquidated, they did it by simply stopping accept bets from this company.

The same failure befell our players and bookmakers providing their services over the Internet. They began to place bets with offshore bookmakers, and when online bookmakers understood the whole essence of their business, they also stopped accepting bets.

This book also talks about some feelings and serious things. The fact is that due to the lack of success in trying to get close to Matthews, or Big Daddy, Konik decided to create his own syndicate.

He left Herbie, stopped working with him, found new friends and partners and founded a new syndicate. This syndicate was named much louder than the previous brainchild of Konik - "Hollywood Boys".

This company was not as well organized as the previous one, but it still made a profit. At one point, Konik realized that sports betting had ruined his life.

He realized that he had betrayed his close friend and with it his reputation and authority. After thinking and weighing all the pros and cons, he decided to leave this volatile world sports betting and start writing books.

The book is useful not only because it teaches life, sets accents in life and helps to better understand the whole essence of our life. It also has an applied meaning - it perfectly represents all the subtleties of the game, it tells about people who are associated with

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