Book obsolete words examples. Explanatory dictionary of ancient Russian words

Vocabulary is the totality of all the words we use. Ancient words can be considered a separate group in the vocabulary. There are many of them in the Russian language, and they belong to different historical eras.

What are old words

Since language is an integral part of the history of a people, the words that are used in this language are of historical value. Ancient words and their meaning can tell a lot about what events took place in the life of the people in a particular era and which of them were of great importance. Ancient, or outdated, words are not actively used in our time, but are present in the vocabulary of the people, recorded in dictionaries and reference books. They can often be found in works of art.

For example, in the poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin we read the following passage:

"In the crowd of mighty sons,

With friends, in the high grid

Vladimir the sun feasted,

He gave away his youngest daughter

For the brave prince Ruslan."

There is the word “gridnitsa” here. Nowadays it is not used, but in the era of Prince Vladimir it meant a large room in which the prince, together with his warriors, held celebrations and feasts.


There are different types of ancient words and their designations. According to scientists, they are divided into two large groups.

Historicisms are words that are now not actively used for the reason that the concepts they denote have fallen out of use. For example, “caftan”, “chain mail”, armor”, etc. Archaisms are words that denote concepts familiar to us in other words. For example, mouth - lips, cheeks - cheeks, neck - neck.

In modern speech, as a rule, they are not used. Clever words and their meanings, which are incomprehensible to many, are not typical for our everyday speech. But they do not disappear completely from use. Writers use historicisms and archaisms to truthfully tell about the past of the people; with the help of these words they convey the flavor of the era. Historicisms can truthfully tell us about what once happened in other eras in our homeland.


Unlike historicisms, archaisms denote those phenomena that we encounter in modern life. These are smart words, and their meanings do not differ from the meanings of words familiar to us, they just sound differently. There are different archaisms. There are those that differ from ordinary words only in some features in spelling and pronunciation. For example, hail and city, gold and gold, young - young. These are phonetic archaisms. In the 19th century there were many such words. This is klob (club), stora (curtain).

There is a group of archaisms with obsolete suffixes, for example, muzeum (museum), assistance (assistance), rybar (fisherman). Most often we come across lexical archaisms, for example, oko - eye, right hand - right hand, shuitsa - left hand.

Like historicisms, archaisms are used to create a special world in fiction. Thus, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin often used archaic vocabulary to add pathos to his works. This is clearly evident in the example of the poem “The Prophet”.

Words from Ancient Rus'

Ancient Rus' gave a lot to modern culture. But then there was a special lexical environment, some words from which have been preserved in modern Russian. And some are no longer used at all. Old obsolete Russian words from that era give us an idea of ​​the origins of the East Slavic languages.

For example, old curse words. Some of them very accurately reflect the negative qualities of a person. Pustobrekh is a chatterbox, Ryuma is a crybaby, the thick-haired forehead is a fool, and shabby is a disheveled person.

The meaning of ancient Russian words sometimes differed from the meanings of the same roots in the modern language. We all know the words “jump” and “jump”; they mean rapid movement in space. The Old Russian word “sig” meant the smallest unit of time. One moment contained 160 whitefish. The largest measurement value was considered to be “far distance,” which was equal to 1.4 light years.

Ancient words and their meanings are discussed by scientists. The names of coins that were used in Ancient Rus' are considered ancient. For coins that appeared in the eighth and ninth centuries in Rus' and were brought from the Arab Caliphate, the names “kuna”, “nogata” and “rezana” were used. Then the first Russian coins appeared - zlatniks and silver coins.

Outdated words from the 12th and 13th centuries

The pre-Mongol period in Rus', 12-13 centuries, is characterized by the development of architecture, which was then called architecture. Accordingly, a layer of vocabulary related to the construction and construction of buildings appeared then. Some of the words that appeared then remained in the modern language, but the meaning of ancient Russian words has changed over all this time.

The basis of life in Rus' in the 12th century was the fortress, which then had the name “Detinets”. A little later, in the 14th century, the term “Kremlin” appeared, which then also meant the city. The word "kremlin" can be an example of how old, outdated Russian words change. If now there is only one Kremlin, the residence of the head of state, then there were many Kremlins.

In the 11th and 12th centuries in Rus', cities and fortresses were built from wood. But they could not resist the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatars. The Mongols, when they came to conquer the lands, simply swept away the wooden fortresses. The stone cities of Novgorod and Pskov survived. The word “Kremlin” appears for the first time in the Tver chronicle of 1317. Its synonym is the ancient word “kremnik”. Then kremlins were built in Moscow, Tula and Kolomna.

The social and aesthetic role of archaisms in classical fiction

Ancient words, the discussion of which is often found in scientific articles, were often used by Russian writers in order to make the speech of their works of art more expressive. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his article described the process of creating “Boris Godunov”: “I tried to guess the language of that time.”

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov also used ancient words in his works, and their meaning exactly corresponded to the realities of the time from which they were taken. Most of the ancient words appear in his work “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich.” This is, for example, “you know”, “oh you goy are you”, Ali.” Also, Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky writes works in which there are many ancient words. These are “Dmitry the Pretender”, “Voevoda”, “Kozma Zakharyich Minin-Sukhoruk”.

The role of words from past eras in modern literature

Archaisms remained popular in the literature of the 20th century. Let us remember the famous work of Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”. Here, ancient words and their meaning have a special, humorous connotation.

For example, in the description of Ostap Bender’s visit to the village of Vasyuki, the phrase “The one-eyed man did not take his only eye off the grandmaster’s shoes” appears. Archaisms with Church Slavonic overtones are also used in another episode: “Father Fedor became hungry. He wanted wealth."

Stylistic errors when using historicisms and archaisms

Historicisms and archaisms can greatly embellish fiction, but their inept use causes laughter. Ancient words, the discussion of which often becomes very lively, as a rule, cannot be used in everyday speech. If you start asking a passerby: “Why is your neck open in winter?”, then he will not understand you (meaning your neck).

In newspaper speech, there is also inappropriate use of historicisms and archaisms. For example: “The school director welcomed young teachers who came to practice.” The word "welcomed" is synonymous with the word "welcomed". Sometimes schoolchildren insert archaisms into their essays and thereby make the sentences not very clear and even absurd. For example: “Olya came running in tears and told Tatyana Ivanovna about her offense.” Therefore, if you want to use ancient words, their meaning, interpretation, meaning must be absolutely clear to you.

Outdated words in fantasy and science fiction

Everyone knows that genres such as fantasy and science fiction have gained enormous popularity in our time. It turns out that ancient words are widely used in works of the fantasy genre, and their meaning is not always clear to the modern reader.

The reader can understand such concepts as “banner” and “finger”. But sometimes there are more complex words, such as “komon” and “nasad”. It must be said that publishing houses do not always approve of the excessive use of archaisms. But there are works in which the authors successfully use historicisms and archaisms. These are works from the “Slavic fantasy” series. For example, the novels by Maria Stepanova “Valkyrie”, Tatyana Korostyshevskaya “Mother of the Four Winds”, Maria Semenova “Wolfhound”, Denis Novozhilov “The Far Away Kingdom. War for the throne."

Knight at a crossroads. Painting by Viktor Vasnetsov. 1882 Wikimedia Commons

ALABUSH (ALYABYSH). Cake. Peren. Palm strike, slap, slap. He gave him a tyapusha and added an alabush. Yes, he added on the ass according to the alabysh. Decrease Alabushek. He put the Alabushkas on the other.

ARABITIC. Arab. Yes, and he collected a lot of sting pearls, / And even more than that, he collected Arabian copper. / Which was Arabian copper, / It never beaded or rusted.

BASA. 1. Beauty, beauty. 2. Decoration. This is not for the sake of bass - for the sake of strength.

BASH. 1. Dress up, dress up. 2. Show off, show off, show off your youth, article, smart clothes. 3. Engage others in conversation, talk talk, amuse others with tales. They're three years old, and they change their dresses every day.

RAY. Tell fables, fictions; talk, chat. The wild winds there didn’t blow on me, / If only the people there wouldn’t talk about me.

BOGORYAZHENAYA, GOD-DESIGNED. Bride. I would know for myself a God-worn... a God-worshipper.God-destined. Groom. Apparently, here I will be destined for God.

MY GOD. Godmother. Yes, it’s not Dyukova here, but I am mother, / But Dyukova is here, but I am godmother.

BRO. A large metal or wooden vessel, usually with a spout, for holding beer or mash. They poured some green wine for my brother.

BRATCHIN. Alcoholic drink made from honey. Bratchina should drink honey.

BURZOMETSKY. Pagan (about a spear, sword). Yes, Dobrynya did not have a colored dress, / Yes, she did not have a sword or a Burzomet.

FALSE. A real case, indeed. But Noah boasted as if it were a story, / But Noah boasted with you as a lie.

BRIGHTNESS. Knowledge, ancestral knowledge, observance of the law of ancestors, norms accepted in the team; later - politeness, the ability to give honor, show polite (cultural) treatment, good manners. I would be glad to give birth to you, child... / I would be like Osip the Beautiful with beauty, / I would be like you with a slinky gait / Like that Churila like Plenkovich, / I would be like Dobrynyushka Nikitich in kindness.

LED. News, message, invitation. She sent information to the king and Politovsky, / That the king and Politovsky would run over.

WINE IS GREEN. Probably moonshine infused with herbs. Drinks green wine.

SPROUT. Wide open. Ilya showed up and put on his frisky legs, / Put on his robe, splayed.

Howl (Sat). 1. The amount of food a person can eat at one meal, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. He eats a sack of bread and a sack of bread. 2. Food, food. Oh, you wolf's howl, bear's howl!

FUCK OUT. Cross out what is written. I came to that gray pebble, / I removed the old signature, / I wrote a new signature.

ELM. Club. Vasily grabbed his scarlet elm.

ROCK. Make loud, disorderly screams, croak (about crows, rooks, jackdaws). Ayy raven, after all, in the raven way.

GRIDNYA. 1. The room where the prince and his squad held receptions and ceremonies. 2. The upper chambers of noble persons. They went to the affectionate prince, to Vladimir, / Yes, they went to the grid and to the dining rooms.

BED. A board or crossbar where clothes were folded or hung. He took off the single row and put it on the garden bed, / And put the green morocco boots under the bench.

GUZNO. Ischial part of the body. The heroic length of service will not lie under the belt now under the woman’s tim.

LOVE. To the point of complete satisfaction. They ate to their fill and drank deeply.

PRE-JUVENILE. Former, ancient, long-standing. So, you will receive tributes to yourself / And for the past years, and for the current one, / And for all of you, for the times and for the previous years.

DOSYUL. In the past, in the old days. My father and father had a gluttonous cow life.

FIREWOOD. Present. And the prince fell in love with this firewood.

FUCK. To collapse, to fall, to collapse. The old nontse has a horse, really, it’s fucked up.

SACRIFICE. Talk, broadcast. The horse sacrifices the tongue of man.

ZHIZHLETS. Lizard. Ilya shouted in a loud voice. / The hero’s horse fell to his knees, / A zhizhlet jumped out from under the straps of the hooks. / Go, zhizhlets, to your will, / Catch, zhizhlets, and sturgeon fish.

BEETLE. Ring with a stone, signet or with a carved insert. Thin peppers, all feminine, / Where have you been, you little beetle, and know that place.

SHUT UP. Choking or suffocating while drinking any liquid. No matter how hard you try, you will become stuck.

PUSH. Fly high or jump high. Oh, oh, Vasilyushko Buslaevich! / You are a young child, don’t get carried away.

ZASELSCHINA. Iron., bran. A villager is the same as a hillbilly. He sits for the stinker and for the zaselshchina.

ZAMECHKO. Label, sign. — And oh, Mother Dobrynina! / What was Dobrynya’s sign? / - The sign was on the little heads. / She felt the sign.

ZNDYOBKA. Birthmark, mole. And my dear child / Had a birthmark, / And there was a scar on the head.

FISH TOOTH. Usually walrus tusk, also a name for carved bone and mother of pearl. In the hut there is not just a bed, but ivory bones, / Ivory bones, fish teeth.

TOYS. Songs or melodies. My husband used to play with toys.

KALIKA. 1. Pilgrim, wanderer. 2. A poor wanderer, singing spiritual poems, under the patronage of the church and counted among the church people. The wanderers got their name from the Greek word “kaligi” - this is the name of the shoes made of leather, tightened with a belt, which they wore. How the crosswalker comes.

COSH-HEAD. Scull. The head of a human being says.

CAT. 1. Sandy or rocky shoal. 2. Low-lying seashore at the foot of the mountain. If only the cat had grown back, now the sea is here.

GRACKY. Stumpy, strong (about oak). And he tore raw oak and cracked wood.

KUL. Old trade measure of bulk solids (about nine pounds). He eats a sack of bread and a sack of bread. / He drinks a bucket of wine at a time.

BATHING. Handsome, handsome. He walked and walked and already bathed, well done.

LELKI. Breasts. With his right hand he hit the grains, / And with his left foot he shoved it under the leather.

LOW. Midsummer, hot time; long summer day. The white snowballs fell at the wrong time, / They fell in the low water of a warm summer.

BRIDGE. Wooden floor in a hut. And he sat down on a timber bench, / He buried his eyes in the oak bridge.

MUGAZENNY (MUGAZEYA). Shop. Yes, she brought him to the mugazen barns, / Where overseas goods were stored.

SMOKE. Get it, cook it in some way. quantity by distillation (smoking). And he smoked beer and called the guests.

UNCLOSED. Uncastrated (about pets). There are many mares that have not been ridden, / There are many stallions that have not been laid.

BLIND. To desecrate, to desecrate; convert to Catholicism. The entire Orthodox faith is to be Latinized.

ORDINARY CHURCH. A church building built by vow in one day. I will build that ordinary church.

SOMETIMES. Recently; the day before yesterday, the third day. They sometimes spent the night, as we know, / And she called him to the princely bedroom.

PABEDIE. Meal time between breakfast and lunch. On another day he drove from morning to swan.

MATERIC. Death. In my old age my soul is ruined.

PELKI. Breast. And I can see from the pellets that you are a women’s regiment.

RIP. To get the better of someone, to surpass someone. He pinched Churil's son Plenkovich.

FEATHERS. Women's breasts. He wants to flatten his white breasts, / And he sees from the feathers that he is female.

BLASTED. Bent over; crooked, curved. And Slovey sits on seven oak trees, / This is in the eighth birch tree and the curse.

GREAT HAPPY. Bogatyr. There were twelve people - daring woodpiles.

POPPING. Panache. Yes, Duke and Stepanovich sits here, / He boasted of his brave head.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT. A sign, a distinctive feature by which you can recognize someone or something. He hung one gilded tassel, / Not for the sake of beauty, bass, pleasure, / For the sake of heroic recognition.

ROSTAN (ROSSTAN). A place where roads diverge; crossroads, fork in the road. The fellow will come to the wide growth.

DESTROY. 1. Divide, cut, cut (about food). Destroy bread, pie or roast. He does not eat, does not drink, does not eat, / His white swans do not destroy.2. Violate. And do not destroy the great commandment.

SKIMER (SKIMER-BEAST, SKIMON-BEAST). Epithet of a monster, a strong, evil dog, a wolf. And henceforth the dog runs, a fierce skimmer-beast.

SLETNY. Southern. The gate to the gathering side is not blocked.

TRAFFLE. A loop made of a belt or tape on the handle of a sword, saber, or checker, worn on the hand when using a weapon. And he took out a sharp saber from its scabbard, / Yes, from that heroic lanyard.

TRUN (TRUN, TRUNYO). Rag, rags, rags, rags, cast-offs. And Gunya is on the Sorochinskaya chair, / And Troon is on the Tripetov’s chair.

DARK. Ten thousand. Each king and prince has the strength of three thousand, three thousand.

PLEASE. Beauty. Beauty and all things pleasing / Just as good as Dobrynyushka Mikititsa.

UPECHANKA. Place in hot, intense heat. Yes, Dobrynya sat down on the stove, / He began to play the harp.

Trunks. Tubular snouts of mythical monsters, reminiscent of tentacles; thrown out to capture the enemy. And the snake’s trunks began to touch. He even tosses his trunk like a snake.

CHOBOTS.Instead of: cheating. Boots. In only white stockings and without a boot.

SHALIGA. Club, stick, whip, whip. The guys immediately took their travel shawls and went out.

FLY, WIDTH. 1. Towel. She embroiders different widths. 2. Line, row. They became one width at a time.

Shchap. Dapper, dandy, smart and combed for show. But no, but with courage / Against the brave Alyoshenka Popovich, / With action, gait, paw / Against Churilka, Plenkov’s shch.

BUTTOCK. Cheek. And they cut off her [pike’s] buttock.

YASAK. Alert sign; signal in general; a conventional language that is not understandable to everyone or is generally foreign. [Burushko] neighed like a horse here.

Explanatory dictionary of ancient Russian words A Alatyr - Center of Space. Center of Microcosmos (Human). That around which the cycle of Life takes place. Translation options: ala - motley (snow-covered), tyr<тур>- peak, staff or pillar with a pommel, sacred tree, mountain, “towering” Variations: Latyr, Altyr, Zlatyr, Zlatar Constant epithet - “bel combustible (hot, sparkling)” - (bel - “brilliant”). In Russian texts, golden, zlat, smooth, and iron stones are found. Latyr-stone is the center of coordinates of the world and man in Slavic mythology. Alpha and Omega. That from which everything begins and where it returns (locus). More precisely, the meaning and significance of the words are conveyed in epics... Alkonost - from the ancient Russian saying “alkyon is (bird)”, from the Greek alkyon - kingfisher (Greek myth about Alkyon, transformed by the gods into a kingfisher). She is depicted in popular prints as a half-woman, half-bird with large multi-colored feathers and a girl’s head, overshadowed by a crown and a halo. In his hands he holds paradise flowers and an unfolded scroll with a saying about reward in paradise for a righteous life on earth. Unlike the bird Sirin, she was always depicted with hands. Alkonost, like the Sirin bird, captivates people with its singing. The legends speak about the days of alkonost - seven days when Alkonost lays eggs in the depths of the sea and hatches them, sitting on the surface of the water and pacifying storms. Alkonost is perceived as a “manifestation of divine providence” and serves as a designation of the divine word. B Basa - beauty, decoration, panache. Batog is a stick. To babble, to babble - to speak, to say. Pregnancy is a burden, an armful, as much as you can wrap your arms around. Boyars are rich and noble people, close associates of the king. Scolding is a battle; A battlefield is a battlefield. We are brothers and sisters. Armor - clothing made of metal plates or rings; protected the warrior from the blows of a sword and spear. Britous - the Old Believers called it that way for those who were shaven and without a beard. Damask steel was a specially made steel. Weapons made from this steel were also called damask steel. To get rich - to get rich, to increase wealth. The story is a true story. Bylina is a Russian folk epic (full of greatness and heroism) song - a legend about heroes. V To get acquainted - to get to know each other, to communicate, to be friends, to make acquaintances. To know - to know. Vereya - a pillar on which the gate was hung. Nativity scene - cave, dungeon. To make a noise is to make a noise. To make noise (to make noise) "Don't goldie!" = don't make noise! Golk = noise, hum,< гулкий >echo. Frantic - having lost all sense of proportion. Knight - a brave warrior, a hero. Lightweight - easy, free, without much difficulty, safe. To endure - to withstand, endure, endure. G Garnets - an ancient measure of bulk solids, bread (~ 3 liters) Goy thou art (from the word goit - to heal, to live; goy - peace< , в его развитии, в движении и обновлении >, abundance) - magnification, a wish for health, corresponding in meaning to today: “Be healthy! Hello!” You are good = you are healthy<есть>"Goy" is a Russian wish for health, good luck and prosperity, a kind word. Options: “Goy este” - be healthy, in the meaning of greeting, wishing the interlocutor health and goodness. “Oh, you” is a greeting with many meanings, depending on the intonation of the speaker. Gorazd - knows how, skillful Gornitsa - that’s how, in the old fashioned way, they called the upper room with large windows. A threshing floor, gumentse is a place where they thresh, and also a shed for storing sheaves. D Just now (before the moment of conversation) A shower warmer is a warm short jacket or quilted jacket without sleeves, with ruching at the back. Dereza is a thorny shrub, a "scraper". In an ancient way - in the old way Dremuchy - “dense forest” - dark, dense, impenetrable; illiterate person Ye Yelan, elanka - a grassy clearing in the forest Endova - a wide vessel with a spout. Food - food, food. Zhaleika - a pipe made of willow bark. Jug - a jug with a lid. The belly is life. Belly - estate, wealth, livestock Z Zavse<гда>- constantly. To begin to fast - to begin to fast, to fast. The outpost is a fence made of logs, a control point at the entrance, and an eminent one is a rich, noble monk - in the church. “he was tonsured a monk, then ordained a deacon...” A hut is a house, a warm room. The name “izba” comes from the word “to heat” (the original version is “istoka” /from a birch bark letter, XIV century - Novgorod, Dmitrievskaya street, excavations/). House = "smoke" from a chimney. K Kalinovy ​​(about fire) - bright, hot. Hag - crow. A tub is a cylindrical container (barrel), assembled from wooden rivets (planks) held together with metal hoops. Killer whale / killer whale - affectionate address. The original meaning is “having beautiful braids.” Kichka, kika is an ancient women's headdress that decorates the appearance and gives one a look. Klet - closet, separate room The cell in the ancient Russian house was called a cold room, and the hut was a warm one. Podklet - the lower cold floor of Klyuk's house - a stick with a curved upper end. Knysh is bread baked from wheat flour and eaten hot. Kokora, kokorina - snag, stump. Kolymaga is an ancient decorated carriage in which noble people rode. Kolyada is a Christmas song in honor of the owners of the house; for carols they gave a gift. Carol is a Christmas song sung on Christmas Eve and the first day of Christmastide by rural youth. Ancient carols are characterized by elements - openings and conclusions from the kondachka - without preparation. Origin (variant): the original word is Kondakia (kondakia, kontakia) - a stick (diminutive of “spear”) on which a scroll of parchment was wound. A parchment sheet or scroll itself, written on both sides, was also called kandak. Subsequently, the word K. began to denote a special group of church chants, in the middle of the first millennium - long ones (hymns, poems), modern ones - small ones (one or two stanzas, as part of a canon) Box, boxes - a large bast box or box in which they were stored miscellaneous goodness. Kochet, Kochet - rooster. To bow - to be baptized, to make the sign of the cross. "Wake up!" - come to your senses! A mound is a high earthen mound that the ancient Slavs built over a grave. Kut, kutnichek - a corner in a hut, a counter, a stall in which chickens were kept in winter. Kutya - a steep, sweet barley, wheat or rice porridge with raisins. The circle-amulet - developed from a circular walk around the area where they were going to spend the night or settle for a long time; such a walk was necessary to ensure that there were no dens of predators or snakes. The idea of ​​a circle served as an image<своего> peace. L Lada! - expression of consent, approval. Fine! other Russian Okay - the word has many meanings depending on intonation. Plate is iron or steel armor worn by warriors. M Poppy - top of the head. Matitsa - middle ceiling beam. The world is a peasant community. N Nadezha-warrior is an experienced, reliable, strong, skillful fighter. Nadys - recently, the other day. Invoice - interest. “It won’t be expensive” - inexpensive, profitable Instead - instead. I called myself - I called myself; name - give a name, name. A week is a day when “they don’t do it” – a day of rest. In the pre-Christian period in Rus', Saturday and Sunday were called pre-weekend and week (or week), respectively. Arrears - taxes not paid on time or quitrent Nikola - never. O Frill - a tie at the bast shoe. Abundance - a lot of something. This is how the bread Obrok was called in Novgorod - a tribute to get well - to come to consciousness, to recover. Besides, besides - except. Yell - plow. Ostatniy - the last Osmushka - eighth (eighth) part = 1/8 - “octam of tea” (~ 40 or 50 grams) Oprich - except (“besides”) P Club - a club with a bound knob. Parun - a hot day after rain. Sailboat - sailor's clothing. Brocade is silk fabric woven with gold or silver. More - "more", "all the more so... = all the more so..." Veil - something that covers on all sides (fabric, fog, etc.) Blame - reproach, reproach. Finger - finger. Polati is a plank platform for sleeping, located under the ceiling. Spelled is a special variety of wheat. To please is to be overzealous; eat a lot. Posad is a village where traders and artisans lived. Throne - a throne, a special chair on a dais on which the king sat on special occasions. Prisno is an old, high-style word that means always, forever and ever. Printed gingerbread is a gingerbread with an imprinted (printed) pattern or letters. Pudovka is a pood measure of weight. Pushcha is a protected, impenetrable forest. You need to think about it - think, figure out, think about this matter, discuss something with someone; to understand - to understand, to think, to reason about something. Sexual (color) - light yellow Midday - southern R. Military - military. Rat is an army. Thrifty - diligent, diligent Rushnik - embroidered towel. To agree - to come to an agreement, to come to an agreement. Unbelt - walk without a belt, lose all shame Rivers (verb) - say Repishche - vegetable garden Rubishche - torn, worn-out clothes S Svetlitsa (Push.) - bright, clean room. Scythian = monastery (initial) - from the words “to wander”, “wandering”, therefore, “Scythians-monasteries” - “wanderers” (“nomads”? ). New meaning - monastic hermitage "Good Riddance" - original meaning... Yablochny Spas Sloboda is a village near the city, a suburb. Nightingales are yellowish-white horses. Sorokovka is a barrel for forty buckets. Sorochin, Sarachin - Saracen, Arabian rider. The clothes are decent - that is, not bad. An oxbow is an old (or dried up) river bed. A pillar noblewoman is a noblewoman of an old and noble family. Adversary - adversary, enemy. with a flourish - at times, inadequately. Antimony - painted black. Leaf - covered with a thin film of gold, silver, copper or tin. Gilded Sousek, bin<а>- a place where flour and grain are stored. To be full - food, food. Week - week T Terem - tall houses with a turret at the top. Tims - shoes made of goatskin. They were highly valued and sold in yuftas, that is, in pairs. Later they began to be called “morocco” (Persian word) Either here<тута>, and there... - words from a modern song about the difficulty of learning the Russian language. Gait of three crosses - super-fast execution of any order: one cross on packages with reports - the usual speed of horse delivery is 8-10 km/h, two - up to 12 km/h, three - the maximum possible. Oatmeal is crushed (unground) oatmeal. To skinny - to spend U Udel - possession, principality, fate Uval... - Ural (?) - Khural (belt, Turkic) ... Russia, belted by the Urals, stands by Siberia... F Enamel - enamel in painting metal products and the products themselves Fita - a letter of the old Russian alphabet (in the words “Fedot”, “incense”) Foot - an ancient measure of length equal to 30.48 cm X Chiton - underwear made of linen or woolen fabric in the form of a shirt, usually without sleeves. It is fastened on the shoulders with special fasteners or ties, and tied with a belt at the waist. Chiton was worn by both men and women. Khmara - cloud Pyarun - thunder T Tsatra (chatra, chator) - fabric made of goat down (undercoat) or wool. Tselkovy is the colloquial name for the metal ruble. Ch Chelo - forehead, in modern terms. In the old days, the forehead is the top of the head. Child is a son or daughter under 12 years old. To expect - to expect, to hope. Chapyzhnik - thickets<колючего> bush. Chebotar - shoemaker, shoemaker. Chobots - high closed shoes, men's and women's, boots or shoes with sharp, turned-up toes; roan horse - motley, with white splashes on gray (and other, main) wool or a different color mane and tail. Servants - servants in the house. Scarlet - red Brow - a person's forehead, a vaulted hole in a Russian stove, the entrance hole of a den. Chetami - in pairs, in pairs. Cheta - a pair, two objects or persons Quarter - a fourth part of something Black (clothing) - rough, everyday, working. Chick - hit Cast iron - railway. Sh Shelom - a helmet, a pointed iron cap for protection from sword strikes. Shlyk - jester's hat, cap, bonnet. Shtof - glass bottle 1.23 liters (1/10 of a bucket) Shtof generosity - generosity. A man with a big heart, showing a noble breadth of soul E Yu Yushka - fish soup or thin soup. St. George's Day (November 26) is a period determined by law when in Muscovite Rus' a peasant who settled on the master's land and entered into a "decent agreement" with the owner had the right to leave the owner, having first fulfilled all his obligations towards him. This was the only time of the year, after the end of autumn work (the week before and after November 26), when dependent peasants could pass from one owner to another. I am the Paradise Egg - the lucky egg, the magic egg. Dishes - food, food, food. Yarilo - the ancient name of the Sun Yasen stump - meaning: "Naturally! Well, of course!" In this form, the expression appeared relatively recently, Yakhont - Old Russian. name certain precious stones, most often ruby ​​(dark red corundum), less often sapphire (blue), etc. Old Slavic names of peoples Svei - Swedes Poles - Poles Ugric group - Ostyaks, Voguls, Volga-Bulgarian Magyars - Cheremis, Permian Mordovians - Permyaks, Zyryans, Votyaks midday - southern Fryazhsky - Italian. "Fryazhsky" writing is a type of painting, as a result of the transition from icon painting to natural painting, at the end of the 17th century. Germans are those who speak incomprehensibly (mute). Dutch - from the territory where the Kingdom of the Netherlands is now located. sorochinin - Arabic languages ​​- peoples (common name) Man Brow - forehead Right hand - on the right hand or side Oshuyu - on the left hand or side. Shuiy is the left one. Shuitsa - left hand. Right hand and Shuytsa - right and left hand, right and left side (“standing at the right and left at the entrance...”) Colors “red sun”, “red maiden” - beautiful, bright “red corner” - main red color - amulet The connection of weaving with cosmological motifs Wicker and weaving in weaving appears as a form of modeling the world. If the thread is fate, the path of life; that canvas, constantly produced and reproduced, is the whole World. Ritual towels (towels, the length of which is 10-15 times greater than the width) and square scarves with an ornament in the form of a model (mandala) of the Universe. Ancient Slavic writing (“Russian writing”, before the beginning of the second millennium AD) - Slavic Runes and “Knot writing” In folk tales, a knotted ball of guide is often found, indicating the Path. Unwinding and reading it, the person learned the clues - where to go and what to do, read words, images and numbers. Nodular (nodular-linear) Elm was wound, for storage, into book-balls (or on a special wooden stick - Ust; hence the teachings from the elders - “Wind it around your mustache”) and put away in a box-box (from where the concept “Speak to three” came from box"). Attaching the thread to the mouth (the center of the ball) was considered the beginning of recording. Many letters-symbols of the ancient Glagolitic alphabet are a stylized display of a two-dimensional projection onto Knotty Elm paper. Initial letters (capital letters of ancient texts in Cyrillic) - usually depicted in the form of a Knitting pattern. Looping techniques were also used to transmit and store information and to create protective amulets and amulets (including braiding hair). Examples of words and phrases that mention sciences: “to tie a knot as a keepsake”, “ties of friendship/marriage”, “the intricacy of the plot”, “to tie” (stop), union (from souz<ы>), "runs like a red thread (Alya) through the entire narrative." “Characters and Cuts” is a “birch bark letter” (a simplified version of Slavic runes), widely used for everyday records and short messages between people. Slavic Runes are sacred symbols, each of which conveys a phonetic meaning (the sound of a sign of the runic alphabet), a meaning-image (for example, the letter “D” meant “good”, “well-being”< дары Богов, "хлеб насущный" >, Tree< в узелковом письме может соответствовать перевёрнутой петле "коровья" (схватывающий узел) / Дерево >and belt buckle) and numerical correspondence. To encrypt or shorten the recording, knitted runes were used (combined, intertwined, built into a pictorial ornament). Monogram, letter monogram - a combination of the initial letters of a name and/or surname into one image, usually intertwined and forming a patterned script. Dwelling The main pillar in the house is the central one, supporting the hut. Community Ordinary objects are common (that is, no one's; belonging to everyone and no one in particular) things that are important to everyone to the same extent, with common rituals. Belief in the purity (whole, healthy) and holiness of common ritual meals, brotherhoods, joint prayers, and donations. An ordinary object is clean, new, it has the enormous power of a whole, untouched thing. The main elements of Slavic mythology are Latyr-stone, Alatyr is the center of coordinates of the world and man in Slavic mythology. Alpha and Omega (the original singular Point of growth and the final volumetric World< всё наше Мироздание, есть и другие, но очень далеко, со всех сторон >in the form of an almost endless ball). That from which everything begins and where it returns (point, locus). Miraculous stone (in Russian folk beliefs). in epics... Alatyr - Centers of the Cosmos (Universe) and Microcosmos (Human). Fractal Growth Point, three-dimensional< / многомерная >line of singularity ("Staircase" connecting the worlds), a fabulous "magic wand" / wand / staff with a pommel or a stationary Magic Altar. That from which Existence begins and returns, around which the cycle of Life occurs (the axis point). Russian letter A, Greek - “Alpha”. The symbol of the Ladder is prayer beads (“ladder” = ladder connecting the top and bottom of the Universe) / “ladder”). In the temple there is a lectern (a high table, in the center, for icons and liturgical books). Translation options: ala - motley, tyr<тур>- a top, a pillar or a staff with a triple pommel, a fabulous “magic wand”, a scepter, a sacred tree or mountain, the trunk of the World Tree, “towering” Options - Latyr, Altyr, Zlatyr, Zlatar, Alva Constant epithet - “white flammable (burning = glowing, hot, sparkling)" - (white - dazzlingly brilliant). In Russian texts there is gold, zlat (amber?), smooth (polished by the hands of those praying), iron (if a meteorite or fossil magnetic ore) stone. Merkaba is a star tetrahedron, a closed volume of an energy-informational crystal-chariot for the ascension of the Spirit, Soul and body of Man. "First Stone"< Краеугольный, Замковый >- the initial, axial point of any creation. “The navel of the Earth” is the energy center of the planet, in which, according to legend, there is always a crystal (“unearthly Jewel”), the magical Alatyr< подземный Китеж-Град, Ковчег, неземной Храм >. Folk tales place it in various points on Earth, usually in real energy centers / nodes (places of Power), such as in the vicinity of the village of Okunevo, on the Tara River, in Western Siberia. The stories about these lands, at first glance, are unrealistically fabulous, but modern scientists still cannot really explain all the anomalies and miracles that occur in such areas, on the lakes there. There is information in the open press that Helen and Nicholas Roerich, in the twenties of the last century, traveling through Russia, took with them an ancient box with an unusual stone inside (? -<Ш>Chintamani, Lapis Exilis, "wandering in the world", part of the Holy Grail/Wisdom Stone, in the ark-casket), sent to him by the Mahatma. It is no coincidence that this box is shown in the famous painting “Portrait of N.K. Roerich”, painted by his son, Svyatoslav Roerich. The main part of this Stone (called the “Treasure of the World” - Norbu Rimpoche, a cosmic magnet from the center of our Universe, with the energetic rhythm of its Life) is located in the legendary Shambhala (Tibet, in the Himalaya mountains). The story is amazing, almost incredible. More information is available on other Internet sites. Holy Grail (Buddha Bowl) - symbol of the source< волшебного >elixir. Where it is now is not known for certain, except for the almost fabulous, fantastic UFO legends from the middle of the last century, now published by modern researchers on the Internet and in books, about the German base (numbered 211) in Antarctica (located somewhere- then near the current South Geographic Pole, on the coast of Dronning Maud Land, on the side of the Atlantic Ocean, in warm karst caves with underground rivers and lakes, where for a long time, after the Second World War, hundreds, and maybe thousands of German soldiers lived and hid, specialists and civilians who sailed there on submarines). With a high probability, in those grottoes and catacombs-laboratories (artificially created with the help of mining equipment delivered there on ships several years earlier) - the Nazis hid some especially valuable artifacts and sources of Ancient Knowledge, obtained by them all over the world and found, discovered on the spot. And almost certainly, all this is securely and carefully hidden there, with numerous traps, which people will disarm and pass, perhaps in the not very distant future.< или, опередившие их - пришельцы, инопланетяне >can with the help of robots. Philosopher's Stone of Wisdom< эликсир жизни >- to obtain gold (enlightenment of a person, immortality (eternal youth) of him<тела>-souls-<духа>in their synthesis). The spine (spinal cord) is “Mount Meru”, with its apex in the head (epiphysis (m) and pituitary gland (g) - on the physical plane, halos and radiances - on the next, higher planes). The ancient name of the Baltic Sea is “Alatyr” Rus - an indigenous inhabitant of the Russian land Alatyr-stone is found in fairy tales and epics in the form of the phrase: “On the sea on the ocean, on an island on Buyan lies the Alatyr-stone.” Spaces of microcosm in Slavic mythology The first, outer circle of the concentrically arranged “world” (history, events) most often turns out to be a sea or a river. The pure field is a transitional area between worlds. The second area, following the sea, is an island (or immediately a stone) or a mountain (or mountains). The central locus of the mythological world is represented by many different objects, of which stones or trees may have proper names. All of them are usually located on an island or mountain, i.e. one way or another included in the previous locus as a central and maximally sacred point. The sea (sometimes a river) in Slavic mythology represents that body of water (in the southern regions, also vast sandy and rocky deserts, for example, the Mongolian Gobi), which, according to traditional ideas, lies on the way to the kingdom of the dead and to the next world . Old Slavonic “ocean”, as well as - Okiyan, Okian, Ocean, Okeyan. Kiyan-Sea Sea-Okiyan - the absolute periphery of the world (antilocus); It's impossible to get around it. Blue Sea - locus Black Sea - antilocus Khvalynsk Sea - Caspian or Black Sea. Antilocus Khorezm - Aral Sea. Antilocus Currant River is the mythical prototype of all rivers. Acts as the water boundary of the “other world”. There is a viburnum bridge on it. Buyan Island - In folklore, Buyan is associated with the other world, the path to which, as you know, lies through the water. The island can serve as an arena for fabulous action.

Depending on the reasons why a particular word is classified as obsolete, historicisms and archaisms are distinguished.


- these are words that have fallen out of use because the objects and phenomena that they denoted have disappeared from life.
Historicisms do not have synonyms, since this is the only designation of a disappeared concept and the object or phenomenon behind it.
Historicisms represent quite diverse thematic groups of words:
1) Names of ancient clothing: zipun, camisole, caftan, kokoshnik, zhupan, shushun, etc.;
2) Names of monetary units: altyn, penny, polushka, hryvnia, etc.;
3) Titles: boyar, nobleman, tsar, count, prince, duke, etc.;
4) Names of officials: policeman, governor, clerk, constable, etc.;
5) Names of weapons: arquebus, sixfin, unicorn (cannon), etc.;
6) Administrative names: volost, district, district, etc.
For polysemantic words, one of the meanings can become historic. For example, the word people has the following meanings:
1) Plural of the noun person;
2) Other persons who are strangers to anyone;
3) Persons used in any business, personnel;
4) Servant, worker in a manor house.
The word people in the first three meanings is included in the active dictionary. The fourth meaning of this word is outdated, so we have semantic historicism, forming the lexeme human in the meaning of “the room in which the servants live.”


- these are words denoting concepts, objects, phenomena that currently exist; for various (primarily extra-linguistic) reasons, archaisms were forced out of active use by other words.
Consequently, archaisms have synonyms in modern Russian, for example: sail (n.) - sail, Psyche (n.) - soul; Overseas (adj.) - foreign; Koi (pronoun) - which; This (pronoun) - this; Poeliku (union) - because, etc.
Depending on whether the entire word, the meaning of the word, the phonetic design of the word, or a separate word-forming morpheme becomes obsolete, archaisms are divided into several groups:
1) Actually lexical archaisms are words that have completely fallen out of use and have passed into the passive vocabulary: lzya - it is possible; thief - thief; aki—how; piit - poet; young woman - teenager, etc.
2) Lexico-semantic archaisms are words for which one or more meanings are outdated:
Belly - “life” (not to fight on the stomach, but to fight to death); Idol - “statue”;
Scoundrels - “unfit for military service”; Haven - “port, pier”, etc.
3) Lexico-phonetic archaisms are words whose sound design (sound shell) has changed as a result of historical development, but the meaning of the word has been fully preserved:
Mirror - mirror;
Iroism - heroism;
Eighteen - eighteen;
Passport - passport;
Calm - style (poetic), etc.
A special group consists of accentological archaisms - that is, words whose emphasis has changed (from the Latin Accentum - emphasis, emphasis):
The muses of the "ka-mu" language;
Suffi "ks - su" affix; Philoso "f ~ philo "sof, etc.
4) Lexico-word-formative archaisms are words in which individual morphemes or word-formation patterns are outdated:
Dol - valley; Friendship - friendship; Shepherd - shepherd; Fisherman - fisherman; Phantasm - fantasy, etc.
The archaization of words is not related to their origin. The following types of fishing may become obsolete:
1) Original Russian words: laby, izgoy, lzya, endova, etc.;
2) Old Slavonicisms: glad, edin, zelo, cold, child, etc.
3) Borrowed words: satisfaction - satisfaction (about a duel); Sikurs - help; Fortecia (fortress), etc.

The role of obsolete words in the Russian language is varied. Historicisms in special scientific literature are used to most accurately describe the era. In works of fiction on historical themes, historicisms and archaisms help to recreate the flavor of the era, and are also a means of speech characterization of characters.
Examples of such use of outdated vocabulary can be the novels “Razin Stepan” by A.P. Chapygina, “Peter I” A.H. Tolstoy, “Emelyan Pugachev” by V.Ya. Shishkova, “Ivan the Terrible” by V.I. Kostyleva and others.
In the text of any of these works of art you can find various types of archaisms:
I learned this: according to information from Taty Fomka, thieves were caught outside the Nikitsky Gate (Chapygin).
Archaisms can be used to create a solemn style, which is especially characteristic of poetry of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Examples include the works of A.N. Radishcheva, G.R. Derzhavina, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkina and others.
Archaisms can also be used to create comic and satirical effects: Finally, look at your own person - and there, first of all, you will meet the head, and then you will not leave the belly and other parts without a sign (S. Shch.)

Archaisms are words that, due to the emergence of new words, have fallen out of use. But their synonyms exist in modern Russian. Eg:
the right hand is the right hand, the cheeks are the cheeks, the ribs are the shoulders, the loins are the lower back, and so on.

But it is worth noting that archaisms may still differ from modern synonymous words. These differences can be in the morphemic composition (fisherman - fisherman, friendship - friendship), in their lexical meaning (belly - life, guest - merchant), in grammatical design (at the ball - at the ball, perform - perform) and phonetic features ( mirror - mirror, gishpansky - Spanish). Many words are completely outdated, but they still have modern synonyms. For example: destruction - death or harm, hope - hope and firmly believe, so that - so that. And in order to avoid possible mistakes in the interpretation of these words, when working with works of art, it is strongly recommended to use a dictionary of outdated words and dialect phrases, or an explanatory dictionary.

Historicisms are words that denote phenomena or objects that have completely disappeared or ceased to exist as a result of the further development of society.
Many words that denoted various household items of our ancestors, phenomena and things that were in one way or another connected with the economy of the past, the old culture, and the socio-political system that once existed became historicisms. Many historicisms are found among words that are one way or another connected with military topics.

Redoubt, chain mail, visor, arquebus and so on.
Most of the outdated words refer to items of clothing and household items: prosak, svetets, endova, camisole, armyak.

Also, historicisms include words that denote titles, professions, positions, classes that once existed in Rus': tsar, lackey, boyar, steward, stableman, barge hauler, tinker, and so on. Types of production activities such as horse-drawn horses and manufacturing. Phenomena of patriarchal life: procurement, rent, corvee and others. Disappeared technologies such as mead making and tinning.

Words that arose during the Soviet era also became historicisms. These include words such as: food detachment, NEP, Makhnovets, educational program, Budenovets and many others.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to distinguish between archaisms and historicisms. This is due both to the revival of the cultural traditions of Rus', and to the frequent use of these words in proverbs and sayings, as well as other works of folk art. Such words include words denoting measures of length or measurements of weight, naming Christian and religious holidays, and so on and so forth.

Abiye - immediately, since, when.
Anyhow - so that, in order.
Lamb - lamb, lamb.
Az is the pronoun “I” or the name of the first letter of the alphabet.
Az, buki, vedi - the names of the first letters of the Slavic alphabet.
Aki - as, since, like, as if, as if.
Altyn is an ancient silver coin in denomination of three kopecks.
Hungry - from the word "hungry" - greedily want.
An, even - if, meanwhile, after all.
Anbar (barn) is a building for storing bread or goods.
Araka - wheat vodka
Arapchik - Dutch chervonets.
Argamak - an eastern thoroughbred horse, racer: at a wedding - a horse under saddle, not in harness
Armyak is men's outerwear made of cloth or woolen fabric.
Arshin is a Russian measure of length equal to 0.71 m; ruler, a bar of such length for measuring.
If - if, if, when.

Babka - four sheaves of oats - ears up, covered with a fifth - ears down - from the rain.
Badog - batog, stick, staff, whip.
Bazheny - beloved, from the word “bazhat” - to love, to desire, to have an inclination.
To bash - to roar, scream.
Barber - barber, hairdresser.
Stillage is the grounds, the remains from the distillation of grain wine, used for fattening livestock.
Corvée is the free forced labor of serfs who worked with their equipment on the farm of the landowner, landowner. In addition, the corvée peasants paid the landowner various taxes in kind, supplying him with hay, oats, firewood, butter, poultry, etc. For this, the landowner allocated part of the land to the peasants and allowed them to cultivate it. The corvée was 3-4, and sometimes even 6 days per day. week. The decree of Paul I (1797) on three-day corvee was of a recommendatory nature and in most cases was ignored by landowners.
Basque - beautiful, elegant.
Basok is a short form of the word "basque" - beautiful, comely, decorated.
Bastion is an earthen or stone fortification that forms a ledge on the rampart.
Basurman is a hostile and unkind name for a Mohammedan, as well as for a non-religious person in general, a foreigner.
Batalya (battle) - battle, battle.
Bahar is a talker, a talker.
To babble - to talk, chat, converse.
To be vigilant is to take care; be on guard, vigilant.
Fluency is speed.
Timelessness is a misfortune, a difficult test, time.
A steelyard is a hand scale with an unequal lever and a moving fulcrum.
Unusual - not knowing customs, everyday rules, decency.
Bela Mozhaiskaya - an ancient Russian variety of bulk apples
Belmes (Tatar “belmes”) - you don’t understand anything, you don’t understand at all.
Berdo is an accessory of the weaving mill.
Take care - be careful.
Pregnancy is a burden, heaviness, burden; armful, as much as you can hug with your hands.
Incessantly - unconditionally, undoubtedly, incessantly.
Shameless - shameless.
Becheva - a strong rope, rope; towline - the movement of a vessel with a towline, which was pulled along the shore by people or horses.
Bechet is a ruby ​​type gemstone
A tag is a stick or board on which signs and notes are placed with notches or paint.
Biryuk is a beast, a bear.
Broken loaves - dough for rolls whipped with cream
To hit with the forehead is to bow low; ask for something; to offer a gift, accompanying the offering with a request.
To bet is to bet on winning.
Annunciation is a Christian holiday in honor of the Virgin Mary (March 25, O.S.).
Blagoy - kind, good.
Bo - for, because.
Bobyl is a lonely, homeless, poor peasant.
Boden is a butter, a spur on the legs of a rooster.
Bozhedom is a cemetery watchman, gravedigger, caretaker, head of a home for the elderly and disabled.
Blockhead - statue, idol, block of wood.
Boris and Gleb are Christian saints, whose day was celebrated on May 2 according to Art. Art.
Bortnik is a person engaged in forest beekeeping (from the word “bort” - a hollow tree in which bees nest).
Botalo - bell, bell tongue, beat.
A bochag is a deep puddle, pothole, pit, filled with water.
Hawkmoth is a drunkard.
Brany - patterned (about fabric).
Bratina - a small bowl, goblet with a spherical body, used for drinking in a circle
Brother - brother, a vessel for beer.
Brashno - food, dish, dish, edible.
Breden, nonsense - a small seine that two people use to catch fish while wading.
Will - if, if, when, if.
Buerak is a dry ravine.
Buza is rock salt that was given to animals.
A mace is a sign of superior authority, also a weapon (club) or knob.
Alyssum is a box, a small box made of birch bark.
Bouchenye - from the word “boil” - soak, whiten canvases.
Buyava, buyovo - cemetery, grave.
Bylitsa is a blade of grass, a stalk of grass.
Bylichka is a story about evil spirits, the authenticity of which is not doubted.

Vadit - to lure, attract, accustom.
It's important - it's hard, it's hard.
Shafts are waves.
Vandysh - smelt, dried fish like ruff
Vargan (“on the mound, on the vargan”) - perhaps from “worg” - a clearing overgrown with tall grass; mowed, open place in the forest.
Varyukha, Varvara - a Christian saint, whose day was celebrated on December 4 according to Art. Art.
A sergeant major is a senior non-commissioned officer in a cavalry squadron.
Vashchet is your grace.
Introduction - introduction, Christian holiday in honor of the Virgin Mary (November 21, O.S.).
Suddenly - again, again.
Vedrina - from the word “bucket” - clear, warm, dry weather (not winter).
Vedro - clear, calm weather.
Politeness - good manners, courtesy, politeness.
Vekoshniki - pies seasoned with meat and fish leftovers.
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday in the last week of Lent (before Easter).
Veres - juniper.
Veretye ​​is a coarse hemp fabric.
Vereya (belts, rope, vereyushka) - a pole on which the gate is hung; jamb at the door, gate.
A versten is a verst.
A spit is a rod on which meat is fried by turning it over the fire.
Nativity scene - cave; hangout; a large box with puppets controlled from below through slits in the floor of the box, in which performances on the theme of the Nativity of Christ were performed.
A top is a fishing implement made of twigs.
Vershnik - horseman; riding ahead on horseback.
Veselko is a stirrer.
Vechka is a copper pan.
Evening - last night, yesterday.
Hanged (mushrooms, meat, etc.) - dried.
Viklina - tops.
Guilt is a reason, a reason.
Vitsa, vichka - twig, twig, whip.
Vlasno - exactly, actually.
The driver is the leader of the bear.
Voight is a foreman in a rural district, an elected elder.
Wave is wool.
Vologa - meat broth, any fatty liquid food.
Portage - from the word “drag”, a path on a watershed along which cargo and boats are dragged.
Volosnik is a women's headdress, a net made of gold or silver thread with trim (usually not festive, like kika, but everyday), a type of cap.
Volotki - stems, straws, blades of grass; the upper part of the sheaf with ears.
Vorovina - shoe polish, also rope, lasso.
Voroguha, vorogusha - sorceress, fortune teller, evildoer.
Voronets is a beam in a hut that serves as a shelf.
Voronogray - fortune telling by the cries of a raven; a book describing such signs.
Votchina is the family estate of the landowner, passed on by inheritance.
In vain - in vain.
The enemy is the devil, the demon.
A temporary worker is a person who has achieved power and a high position in the state thanks to personal closeness to the monarch.
A temporary worker is a person who has achieved a high position thanks to chance.
Vskaya - in vain, in vain, in vain.
In pursuit - after.
In vain - in vain, in vain.
As a stranger - from the outside, without being in a close relationship.
Elected - elected by voting.
I will take it out - always, at all times, incessantly.
Vyray (viriy, iriy) - a wondrous, promised, warm side, somewhere far away by the sea, accessible only to birds and snakes.
Howl - meal time, also a share of food, part of a meal.
Vyalitsa - blizzard.
Greater - greater, higher.

Gai - oak grove, grove, small deciduous forest.
Galun - gold or silver tinsel braid.
Garrison - military units located in a city or fortress.
Garchik - pot, krinka.
Gattki, gat - a flooring made of logs or brushwood on a swampy place. To shit - to spread dirt.
Gashnik - belt, belt, lace for tying pants.
Guard - selected privileged troops; military units serving as guards for sovereigns or military leaders.
Gehenna is hell.
General - a military rank of the first, second, third or fourth class according to the Table of Ranks.
Lieutenant General is a general rank of the third class, which under Catherine II corresponded to the rank of lieutenant general according to Peter the Great's Table of Ranks.
George - Christian saint George the Victorious; Yegory-Spring (April 23) and Yegoryev (Yuryev) Day (November 26, O.S.) are holidays in his honor.
To perish - to perish, to disappear.
Glazetovy - sewn from glazet (a type of brocade with gold and silver patterns woven on it).
Glezno - shin, ankle.
Goveyno - fast (Mrs. Goveyno - Assumption Fast, etc.)
To fast is to fast, to abstain from food.
Speaking is speech.
Gogol is a bird from the diving duck breed.
Godina - good clear weather, a bucket.
Suitable - to marvel, admire, stare; stare, stare; mock, ridicule.
Years go by - years live, from the word “godovat” - live.
Golbchik - golbchik, a fence in the form of a closet in a hut between the stove and the floors, a stove with steps for access to the stove and floors, and with a hole in the underground.
To be golden, to be golden - to talk noisily, shout, swear.
Golik is a broom without leaves.
Golitsy - leather mittens without wool lining.
Dutch - chervonets struck at the St. Petersburg Mint.
Golomya is the open sea.
Gol - ragamuffins, naked people, beggars.
Grief is upward.
Gorka is a graveyard, a place where church ministers lived.
Gorlatnaya hat - sewn from very thin fur taken from the neck of an animal; The shape is a tall, straight cap with a crown that flares upward.
An upper room is a room usually located on the top floor of a house.
The upper room is the clean half of the hut.
Fever, delirium tremens; fever is a serious illness with intense fever and chills; delirium tremens - here: a state of painful delirium with high fever or temporary insanity.
Gostika - guest.
Letter - writing; an official document, a decree, giving someone the right to do something.
Hryvnia - ten-kopeck piece; in Ancient Rus', the monetary unit was a silver or gold bar weighing about a pound.
Grosh is an ancient coin worth two kopecks.
Grumant is the old Russian name for the Spitsbergen archipelago, discovered by our Pomors in the 15th century.
Grun, gruna - a quiet horse trot.
A bed is a pole, a pole, suspended or attached lying down, a crossbar, a perch in a hut, from wall to wall.
Guba - bay, backwater.
Governor is the ruler of a province.
Spongy cheeses are a curd mass whipped with sour cream.
Gudok is a three-string violin without grooves on the sides of the body. Threshing floor - room, barn for compressed bread; threshing area.
The tug is a loop that holds the shafts and the arc together.
Guzhi with garlic - boiled rolls.
Threshing floor - a place for storing bread in sheaves and threshing, a covered threshing floor.
Gunya, gunka - old, tattered clothes.

Yes, recently.
The janitor is the owner of the inn.
Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
Maiden's room - a room in manor houses where serf courtyard girls lived and worked.
Devyatina - a period of nine days.
Deja - dough dough, kneading bowl; a tub in which bread dough is kneaded.
Actors are actors.
Business - division.
Delenka is a woman constantly busy with work and needlework.
Dennitsa - morning dawn.
Denga is an ancient coin in denomination of two half or half a kopeck; money, capital, wealth.
Gum, right hand - right, right hand.
Ten - ten times.
Divyy - wild.
An officer's diploma is a certificate of merit for an officer's rank.
Dmitry's Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead (between October 18 and 26), established by Dmitry Donskoy in 1380 after the Battle of Kulikovo.
Fundamental disease - diseases of internal organs, bone aches, hernia.
Today - now, now, today.
Dobrohot - well-wisher, patron.
Dominates - follows, should, must, decently.
To suffice is to be sufficient.
Argument - denunciation, denunciation, complaint.
Enough, enough - as much as you want, as much as you need, enough.
Boredom is an annoying request, also a boring, annoying thing.
To top up is to overcome.
Dolon - palm.
Share - plot, share, allotment, lot; fate, fate, fate.
Domovina is a coffin.
Dondezhe - until then.
The bottom is a board on which the spinner sits and into which the comb and tow are inserted.
To correct - to demand filing, debt.
Dor is rough shingles.
The roads are very fine oriental silk fabric.
Dosyulny - old, former.
Dokha - a fur coat with fur inside and outside.
A dragoon is a warrior of cavalry units operating both on horseback and on foot.
Dranitsa are thin planks chipped from wood.
Gruss is coarse sand that is used when washing unpainted floors, walls, and benches.
Drolya - dear, dear, beloved.
A friend is a wedding manager invited by the groom.
Oak - young oak, oak, shelf, staff, rod, twig.
Dubnik is an oak bark necessary for various household works, including tanning leather.
Smoky furs are bags made from steamed skins (and therefore especially soft).
Smokey smell.
Drawbar - a single shaft attached to the front axle for turning the cart when harnessed in pairs.
The sexton is the sexton's wife.
An uncle is a servant assigned to supervise a boy in noble families.

Eudokei - Christian St. Evdokia, whose day was celebrated on March 1 according to Art. Art.
When - when.
A one-child is the only son of his parents.
Eat - food.
Hedgehog - which.
Everyday - every day, every day.
Oil is olive oil that was used in church services.
Elen is a deer.
Eliko - how much.
Fir tree - a fir branch on the roof or above the door of the hut - a sign that there is a tavern in it.
Eloza is a fidget, a weasel, a flatterer.
Elets are different types of shaped cookies.
Endova - a wide vessel with a toe for pouring liquids.
Epancha is an old long and wide cloak or blanket.
Jeremiah - Christian prophet Jeremiah, whose day was celebrated on May 1; Christian Apostle Erma, whose day was celebrated on May 31.
Ernishny - from “ernik”: small, low-growing forest, small birch bush.
Erofeich - bitter wine; vodka infused with herbs.
It snarls across the belly - from the word “yarl” - to swear, to use foul language.
Eating - food, food.
Eating is food.
Nature is nature.
Etchi - yes.

Zhalnik - cemetery, graves, churchyard.
Iron - shackles, chains, shackles.
Pretense - lack of simplicity and naturalness; mannerism.
Lot - lot.
Lives - it happens.
Belly - life, property; soul; livestock
Stomachs - living creatures, prosperity, wealth.
They live - they happen.
Lived - a residential place, premises.
Fat is good, property; a good, free life.
Zhitnik - baked rye or barley bread.
Zhito - any bread in grain or standing; barley (northern), unmilled rye (southern), all spring bread (eastern).
Harvest - harvest, harvesting of grain; strip after squeezed bread.
Zhupan is an ancient half-caftan.
Grumpy - grumpy.
Jalvey, zhelv, zhol - an abscess, a tumor on the body.


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