Prince Oleg (Oleg the prophetic). The reign of Prince Oleg

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Prophetic Oleg - the legendary governor who managed to unite the Slavic tribes into Kievan Rus

The legendary Prince Oleg can rightfully be considered the founder of the ancient Russian state - a huge medieval power centered in Kyiv, the historical cradle of the modern Ukrainian people. His services to his descendants are undeniable, since Prince Oleg became the first omnipotent ruler of the Dnieper lands, whose existence is documented. Unlike the semi-mythical Kyya, Shchek, Khoryv and their sister Lybid, as well as the mysterious Askold and Dir, a lot is known about Prince (King) Oleg (Helga): from the dating of his reign to the essence of the reforms he carried out and the results of military campaigns. Why is it worth remembering and honoring Prince Oleg?

1. He created a powerful ancient Russian state, stretching from the shores of the Baltic to the Dnieper rapids.

2. He managed to conquer the tribal unions of the Polyans, Drevlyans and Northerners who lived on the territory of modern Ukraine, which gave him a powerful resource for further conquests.

3. He was able to defeat the mighty Khozar Kaganate, wresting the East Slavic lands from its dependence, which very seriously undermined the strength of the steppe superpower. Kyiv, after Oleg, turned from a marginal town located on the westernmost outskirts of the Khozar Kaganate into the capital of a new Slavic power.

4. He managed to establish a certain order in all the lands under his control. Of course, it was based solely on the system of collecting tribute, but absolutely all state formations of the Middle Ages began with this.

5. He won the war with the most powerful enemy of that time - the Byzantine Empire. Oleg managed to make a successful campaign into her possessions, approached the gates of Constantinople, forced the Roman emperor to sign a trade agreement with him that was beneficial for Kyiv, and then return unharmed with his army.

The main merits of Prince Oleg.

Arrival in Kyiv. The Norman governor Oleg (Helg), like many of his fellow countrymen, arrived in the Slavic lands from distant Scandinavia in search of fame and wealth. He joined the squad of the mighty king Rurik (Rorkha), who ruled over vast domains in the north of Rus'. After the death of Rurik in 879, Oleg, as the teacher of his three-year-old son Igor (Ingvar), became the Prince of Novgorod. However, he soon became cramped within these limits, and, having gathered a large army of Normans, Slavs and Finns, Oleg went south. By 882, Smolensk and Lyubech submitted to him, and after them Kyiv. An alien from the north treacherously killed the local rulers Askold and Dir, pretending to be a merchant. The residents of Kyiv, “...frightened by his atrocity and strong army, recognized him as their legitimate sovereign.” So Oleg subjugated the entire trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” and now not a single ship could sail along the Dnieper without paying tribute to the mighty Norman.

Establishment of a tribute system and victory over the Khazars. Oleg wished to stay in the south, proclaiming: “Let Kyiv be the matter of Russian cities!” It was from there that he now made his campaigns, and tribute from the conquered peoples flocked there. Novgorod paid Kyiv in silver (300 hryvnia annually), the Drevlyans - with black marten skins, the northerners and Radimichi gave one small coin from each plow. In addition to them, Oleg also subjugated to his power the populous Slavic tribes of the Dulebs, White Croats and Tiverts living in Western Russian lands. In his vigorous activity, the new Kiev ruler affected the interests of the formidable ruler of the eastern steppes - the Kagan of the Great Khazaria. Wars repeatedly broke out between them for the right to collect tribute from the northerners and Radimichi. Oleg said to the latter: “I am their enemy, but I have no enmity with you. Don’t give to the Khazars, but pay me,” and assigned them a completely symbolic amount of tax. After several military clashes with the Khazars, Oleg discouraged uninvited guests from appearing in the Dnieper region. Now most of the Eastern Slavs paid tribute to him and his Vikings. This was hardly a big relief for the local population.

Campaigns against Byzantium. In 907, the huge army of Prince Oleg set off on a campaign against the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the city of Constantinople. 2000 longships, each with 40 well-armed warriors, soon approached the Golden Horn Bay. The Greek emperor Leo the Philosopher was unable to organize any defense; he only ordered the harbor to be blocked off with a chain, leaving the Russians to plunder the city suburbs. The Kiev prince found an unusual way to get close to Constantinople: “And Oleg ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city.” The frightened Byzantines were ready to pay off Oleg at any cost, who, as a sign of contempt for them, nailed his shield on the gates of Constantinople. The prince demanded that the emperor give him 12 hryvnia in silver for each warrior, and also established a separate payment, which was supposed to go to all major cities of ancient Rus'. In addition, Oleg concluded a very profitable trade agreement with the Byzantine ruler, opening up wide commercial opportunities for Russian merchants in the numerous markets of Constantinople.

The prince's return to Kyiv was truly triumphant; his subjects were amazed at the size of the booty brought and in admiration they nicknamed Oleg the Prophetic, that is, a clairvoyant or a sorcerer.

The Grand Duke died in 912, as befits a hero, under mysterious circumstances. A legend has been preserved that Oleg allegedly accepted death from his horse, as the Magi prophesied to him. The attempt to deceive fate ended in complete failure: the prince got rid of his beloved horse and when, after waiting for his death, he came to look at the bones, he was bitten by a poisonous snake that had taken refuge in the horse’s skull. By the way, this plot is also found in later Scandinavian epics, for example in “The Saga of Odd the Arrow”.

Brief biography of Prince Oleg.

879 - after the death of Prince Rurik, he becomes regent under the still small prince Igor.

882 - sails from Novgorod to Kyiv and captures it.

883 - conquered the Drevlyans.

884 - brought the northerners under his rule.

885 - managed to take the Radimichi under his hand.

885 - imposed tribute on the Polyans, Northerners, Drevlyans and Radimichi.

907 - makes his first campaign against Byzantium.

911 – Prince Oleg’s second campaign against Byzantium.

912 - Prince Oleg dies.

  • The tribute established by Prince Oleg was called polyudye, its size was not fixed, and it was collected from each person once a year. It was precisely because the tribute concerned all, without exception, residents of the territories subject to Oleg, that it was called “polyudye” (i.e., by people). It was only under Princess Olga that the smoke tax (that is, from the smoke or from the house) was introduced, which was much more humane. In fact, the tribute from the times of Oleg and his successor Igor was nothing more than legalized robbery, when it was often decided on the spot how much and what exactly the Kiev prince would take for himself. By the way, Oleg always went to collect tribute in person. And he did this not at all because he did not trust his own warriors (and for this reason too), but in order to demonstrate to his subjects that he was still alive and in power. Otherwise, the Slavic tribes could rebel.
  • There is a version that the pagan nobility of Kyiv was very dissatisfied with Prince Askold, who had converted to Christianity, and therefore invited Oleg, who was a convinced idolater, from the distant northern regions.
  • After the successful campaign of 907 against Constantinople, which ended with the nailing of a shield over the city gates, the Byzantine emperor was obliged to give 150 tons of silver in the form of indemnity to the Russians who defeated him.
  • In 911, the Russian embassy again arrived in Constantinople to confirm the existing interstate treaty on behalf of its prince. The new document began with these words: “We are from the Russian family, Karl, Ingelot, Farlov, Veremid, Rulav, Gudy, Ruald, Karn, Flelav, Ruar, Aktutruyan, Lidulfost, Stemid, sent by Oleg, the Grand Duke of Russia.” As you can see, the entire delegation consisted of Scandinavians, who, however, called themselves exclusively “Russians”. During his reign, Prince Oleg's fellow countrymen constituted a full-fledged elite of the powerful Slavic state of Kievan Rus.
  • An excerpt from the ancient Icelandic saga “About Odd the Arrow” very closely resembles the legendary episode describing the death of the prophetic Oleg from the bite of a snake that had taken refuge in the skull of his horse.
  • “Having said this, Heid began to sing some mysterious song.”

    “That’s what it means, Odd,” she explained. “You will live longer than others - three hundred years, and you will travel many lands and seas, and wherever you come, your fame will grow. Your path lies far from here, but you will die in Berurjod. There is a gray horse with a long mane standing here in the stable, named Faxie, and this horse will cause you death.

    - Tell your tales to old women! - Odd shouted and, jumping up from his seat, ran up and hit the sorceress right in the face, so that blood poured onto the floor...

    After some time, Odd called Asmund with him, and they went to where the horse stood. They threw a bridle on him and led the horse to the seashore, into the hills. There they dug a hole almost twice the height of a man and, having killed the horse, threw it there. Then the foster brothers filled this pit with such large stones as they could lift, and poured many small stones and sand on top, so that a high mound stood over the horse’s grave. And then Odd said:

    “Now the sorceress’s prediction that this horse will cause me death cannot be fulfilled.”

    Having completed all this, they returned home.

    ... they began to hastily go down the stones, and while they were walking along a narrow path, Odd hurt his leg on something and stopped.

    - Why did I hurt my leg? - he said.

    He began to dig up the ground with a spear, and everyone saw a horse’s skull in the ground. A snake crawled out from there, crawled up to Odd and bit him on the leg below the ankle. And from its poison Odd’s entire leg and thigh were swollen.

    Odd saw what had happened, and he ordered his men to carry him down to the seashore, and when they arrived there, Odd said:

    “Well, now go and carve a stone tomb for me, and let others sit here with me and carve runes, writing down a song that I will compose as a keepsake for my descendants.”

    Historical memory of Prince Oleg.

    The image of the prophetic Oleg has repeatedly attracted artists and poets. Among the works of art dedicated to this historical character are the following:

  • drama by A. D. Lvov in 5 acts “Prince Oleg the Prophet”;
  • poem by A.S. Pushkin’s “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”;
  • poem by K. F. Ryleev “Dumas”;
  • novel by B. L. Vasilyev “Prophetic Oleg”.
  • Prophetic Oleg on social networks.

    How often do Yandex users from Ukraine look for information about Oleg the Prophet?

    To analyze the popularity of the query “Prophetic Oleg”, the Yandex search engine service is used, from which we can conclude: as of July 4, 2016, the number of queries per month was 5, as can be seen in the screenshot:

    Since the end of 2014, the largest number of requests for “Prophetic Oleg” was registered in November 2015 – 198,524 requests per month.

    Later 850 Birth of Oleg.

    862 The date of the chronicle message about the calling to reign by the union of the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes of the Varangian dynasty - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. The beginning of the reign of Rurik in Ladoga, Sineus in Beloozero, and Truvor in Izborsk. Arrival of Oleg as part of a detachment of Varangians to the lands of Northern Rus'.

    864 Death of Sineus and Truvor. The chronicle indicates that “Rurik alone took over all power and began to distribute cities to his men.” Rurik and his retinue settled in a settlement at the source of the Volkhov.

    Later 864 Oleg's participation in the military campaigns of Prince Rurik of Novgorod.

    Later 864 Rurik's marriage to the "Urman princess" Efanda, Oleg's sister.

    Later 864 Uprising in Novgorod under the leadership of Vadim the Brave against the autocracy of Rurik. Return of Rurik to Novgorod. The murder of Vadim the Brave by Rurik and the suppression of the uprising. The flight of many “Novgorod men” to Kyiv to avoid reprisals.

    Later 864 Rurik's subjects Askold and Dir receive permission to go on a military campaign against Byzantium. Their arrival in Kyiv and the liberation of the city from Khazar tribute. The beginning of the reign of Askold and Dir in Kyiv.

    Later 864 Birth of Prince Rurik of Novgorod and Efanda's son Igor.

    865 Military campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold against Polotsk. Oleg's participation in the campaign of the Novgorod prince Rurik against Askold. Preservation of Polotsk under the protectorate of Rurik.

    Later 865 Wars of the Kyiv prince Askold with the Drevlyans and the streets.

    867 Arrival of the Byzantine bishop in Kyiv and mass baptism of the Rus. "District Epistle" of Patriarch Photius to the Byzantine bishops, where he reports on the baptism of the Rus.

    869 The campaign of the Kyiv princes Askold and Dir against the Krivichi. Oleg's participation in the military campaign of the Novgorod squad against Askold and Dir.

    Late 860s Oleg's appointment as Igor's tutor.

    874 The campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold against Byzantium. Conclusion of a peace treaty between him and Emperor Basil I the Macedonian. Baptism of part of the Rus squad in Constantinople.

    879 Death of Prince Rurik of Novgorod. Oleg's acceptance of guardianship over Rurik's young son Igor.

    879 The beginning of the Novgorod reign of Oleg as “the eldest in the family of Rurik.”

    Late 870s The Rus' campaign to the Caspian Sea and the attack on the city of Abaskun (Abesgun).

    882 The beginning of the advance to the south of the army of Prince Oleg, consisting of Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, Meri and Vesi.

    882 The seizure by Prince Oleg of the lands of the Dnieper Krivichi and the city of Smolensk.

    882 Prince Oleg's seizure of the lands of the northerners and the city of Lyubech.

    882 Prince Oleg's campaign against Kyiv. The murder of the Kyiv rulers Askold and Dir by Prince Oleg. The beginning of Oleg's reign in Kyiv. The unification of Northern and Southern Rus' under the rule of Oleg. Creation of the Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv.

    Later 882 The construction by Prince Oleg of fortified cities and "forts" to assert his power and to protect himself from the nomads of the Great Steppe.

    Later 882 Oleg obliges Novgorod residents to pay 300 hryvnia annually for feeding and maintaining a squad of Varangians called upon to defend the northern borders of the state.

    883 The conquest of the Drevlyans by the Kyiv prince Oleg and the imposition of tribute on them.

    884 Victory over the northern tribe and imposition of tribute on it.

    885 Subjugation of the Radimichi and imposition of tribute on them.

    885 The war of Prince Oleg with the streets and Tivertsy.

    Later 885 Successful wars of the Kyiv prince Oleg with the Khazars, Bulgarians and other peoples of the Danube region.

    898 Conclusion of a union treaty between the Ugrians and Russia. Imposition of tribute on Rus' for peace and military assistance.

    Con. 9th century Invasion of the Pechenegs in the Northern Black Sea region.

    X-XII centuries The formation of the Old Russian people.

    903 First mention in the chronicles of Pskov.

    907 Prince Oleg's campaigns in the lands of the Vyatichi, Croats and Dulebs.

    907 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. Resignation of Prince Igor Rurikovich as governor in Kyiv.

    907 Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Establishment of duty-free trade with Byzantium.

    Later 907 Prince Oleg received the nickname Prophetic.

    909-912 Military campaigns of the Rus on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.

    911 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople.

    912 September 2 - Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Oleg was first called the “Russian Grand Duke”. In the treaty, Rus' was mentioned for the first time as a state.

    912 Death of the Grand Duke of Kyiv and Prince of Novgorod Oleg.

    Prince Oleg (Prophetic Oleg)
    Ruler of Kievan Rus.
    Date of Birth - ?
    Date of death - 912 (according to other sources 922)
    Years of reign - (879—912)

    Main events during the reign:
    882 - conquest of the Kyiv principality.
    907 - campaign against Constantinople; signing of the first peace treaty with the Greeks.

    Unfortunately, only two chronicles mentioning Oleg have survived to this day - “The Tale of Bygone Years” and “The Novgorod Chronicle of the Younger Edition,” since the beginning of the chronicle of the older edition has not survived. There are also documents originating from Byzantium, Muslim countries, and Khazaria. But the information in them is small and fragmentary. Moreover, the versions of the biography of Prince Oleg set out in these monuments differ, and the chronology is confused. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, Oleg is Rurik’s nephew. In 879, dying, Rurik transferred the rule to Oleg due to the infancy of his son Igor, who was only two years old.

    The Novgorod Chronicle was written from an earlier chronicle, but contains inaccuracies in the chronology of the events of the 10th century. According to this document, the princely title was granted to Oleg by the dying Rurik, and until his son Igor ascended the throne, Oleg had to take care of and look after the boy.

    But still, the meaning of the two documents boils down to one thing. Fate brought together Prince Oleg and the young Prince Igor.
    The date of birth of Prince Oleg is unknown, he was probably a little younger than Rurik. Rurik was not mistaken in his choice when, on his deathbed, he bequeathed his son and the Novgorod table to Oleg.
    Oleg became a real father for the prince, instilling in Igor such traits as exceptional bravery, courage, honor, faith in his native gods and veneration of ancestors.
    In 879, Rurik left the Novgorod throne to the young Igor, Oleg took over as guardian and for 3 years prepared for a campaign against Kyiv.
    Oleg gathered a large army and in 882 moved towards Kyiv. He managed to gather under his leadership representatives of many peoples who then inhabited Rus' and about which only names have been preserved today: Vesi, Merya, Chud, Krivichi, Ilmenite Slovlen, etc. He also took the young prince Igor with him on the campaign. The army sailed on boats.
    Along the way, he successively besieges and takes Smolensk, the capital city of the Krivichi Slavic tribe and the city of Lyubech, a Slavic tribe of northerners.
    Oleg was cunning and treacherous. The prince hid the soldiers in the boats and, approaching Kyiv, sent Askold and Dir, the rulers of the city, a messenger with the news: Novgorod merchants heading to Greece want to see them. Not suspecting anything bad, they went to the banks of the Dnieper without personal guards. Oleg told them: “I am Oleg the prince, and this is Igor Rurikovich the prince” - and immediately killed Askold and Dir. Oleg showed Igor and called him the true ruler of Kyiv. Kyiv residents and squads, without offering resistance, recognized the new government.
    The location of Kyiv seemed very convenient to Oleg, and he moved there with his squad, declaring: “Let this be the mother of Russian cities.” The more developed Kiev south became the center of the Old Russian state. Having established his power in Kyiv, Oleg imposed tribute on all the lands under his control, ensured peace on the northwestern borders of Rus', and removed the East Slavic tribes from the influence of Khazaria.

    In 898, Oleg was defeated by the Hungarians moving west. After the unsuccessful siege of Kyiv by the Hungarians, a Hungarian-Russian treaty was concluded that lasted two centuries. Having united the East Slavic tribes, creating Kievan Rus, Oleg took the title of Prince of Princes and became the Grand Duke. By the beginning of the 10th century, most of the tribes of the Eastern Slavs were under the command of the Kyiv prince.
    In 907, Oleg decided to go on a campaign against Byzantium. Having equipped 2000 rooks with 40 warriors each, Oleg set out for Constantinople (Constantinople). The Byzantine Emperor Leo VI ordered the gates of the city to be closed and the harbor blocked with chains, leaving the suburbs of Constantinople unprotected. But Oleg once again used a trick: “And Oleg ordered his soldiers to make wheels and put ships on wheels. And when a fair wind blew, they raised sails in the field and went to the city.” The frightened Greeks offered Oleg peace and tribute. According to the agreement, Oleg received 12 hryvnia for each rowlock, and Byzantium promised to pay tribute to Russian cities. As a sign of victory, Oleg nailed his shield on the gates of Constantinople. The main result of the campaign was a trade agreement on duty-free trade between Rus' and Byzantium. One of the greatest achievements of Oleg’s foreign policy is the conclusion of an agreement with Byzantium on trade and the founding of a Russian embassy in Constantinople.
    After his triumphant return to his native land, Oleg was named “Prophetic”, i.e. able to foresee the future.
    In 911, Oleg sent an embassy to Constantinople, which confirmed the “many years” of peace and concluded a new treaty. Compared to the “treaty” of 907, the mention of duty-free trade disappears from it. Oleg is referred to in the treaty as the “Grand Duke of Russia.”
    Oleg died in 912. The Tale of Bygone Years says that Oleg’s death was preceded by “the appearance of a star in the west.”
    There is a legend about the death of Prophetic Oleg. The Magi predicted to the prince that he would die from his beloved horse. Oleg ordered the horse to be taken away and remembered the prediction only four years later, when the horse had long since died. Oleg laughed at the Magi and wanted to look at the bones of the horse, stood with his foot on the skull and said: “Should I be afraid of him?” However, a poisonous snake lived in the horse’s skull, which fatally stung the prince.
    Oleg’s burial place is not known for certain. According to the version reflected in the Tale of Bygone Years, his grave is located in Kyiv on Mount Shchekovitsa. In the Novgorod Chronicle, the grave is located in Ladoga, but at the same time it is said that he went “overseas.”

      Later 850 Birth of Oleg.

      862 The date of the chronicle message about the calling to reign by the union of the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes of the Varangian dynasty - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. The beginning of the reign of Rurik in Ladoga, Sineus in Beloozero, and Truvor in Izborsk. Arrival of Oleg as part of a detachment of Varangians to the lands of Northern Rus'.

      864 Death of Sineus and Truvor. The chronicle indicates that “Rurik alone took over all power and began to distribute cities to his men.” Rurik and his retinue settled in a settlement at the source of the Volkhov.

      Later 864 Oleg's participation in the military campaigns of Prince Rurik of Novgorod.

      Later 864 Rurik's marriage to the "Urman princess" Efanda, Oleg's sister.

      Later 864 Uprising in Novgorod under the leadership of Vadim the Brave against the autocracy of Rurik. Return of Rurik to Novgorod. The murder of Vadim the Brave by Rurik and the suppression of the uprising. The flight of many “Novgorod men” to Kyiv to avoid reprisals.

      Later 864 Rurik's subjects Askold and Dir receive permission to go on a military campaign against Byzantium. Their arrival in Kyiv and the liberation of the city from Khazar tribute. The beginning of the reign of Askold and Dir in Kyiv.

      Later 864 Birth of Prince Rurik of Novgorod and Efanda's son Igor.

      865 Military campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold against Polotsk. Oleg's participation in the campaign of the Novgorod prince Rurik against Askold. Preservation of Polotsk under the protectorate of Rurik.

      Later 865 Wars of the Kyiv prince Askold with the Drevlyans and the streets.

      867 Arrival of the Byzantine bishop in Kyiv and mass baptism of the Rus. "District Epistle" of Patriarch Photius to the Byzantine bishops, where he reports on the baptism of the Rus.

      869 The campaign of the Kyiv princes Askold and Dir against the Krivichi. Oleg's participation in the military campaign of the Novgorod squad against Askold and Dir.

      Late 860s Oleg's appointment as Igor's tutor.

      874 The campaign of the Kyiv prince Askold against Byzantium. Conclusion of a peace treaty between him and Emperor Basil I the Macedonian. Baptism of part of the Rus squad in Constantinople.

      879 Death of Prince Rurik of Novgorod. Oleg's acceptance of guardianship over Rurik's young son Igor.

      879 The beginning of the Novgorod reign of Oleg as “the eldest in the family of Rurik.”

      Late 870s The Rus' campaign to the Caspian Sea and the attack on the city of Abaskun (Abesgun).

      882 The beginning of the advance to the south of the army of Prince Oleg, consisting of Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, Meri and Vesi.

      882 The seizure by Prince Oleg of the lands of the Dnieper Krivichi and the city of Smolensk.

      882 Prince Oleg's seizure of the lands of the northerners and the city of Lyubech.

      882 Prince Oleg's campaign against Kyiv. The murder of the Kyiv rulers Askold and Dir by Prince Oleg. The beginning of Oleg's reign in Kyiv. The unification of Northern and Southern Rus' under the rule of Oleg. Creation of the Old Russian state with its center in Kyiv.

      Later 882 The construction by Prince Oleg of fortified cities and "forts" to assert his power and to protect himself from the nomads of the Great Steppe.

      Later 882 Oleg obliges Novgorod residents to pay 300 hryvnia annually for feeding and maintaining a squad of Varangians called upon to defend the northern borders of the state.

      883 The conquest of the Drevlyans by the Kyiv prince Oleg and the imposition of tribute on them.

      884 Victory over the northern tribe and imposition of tribute on it.

      885 Subjugation of the Radimichi and imposition of tribute on them.

      885 The war of Prince Oleg with the streets and Tivertsy.

      Later 885 Successful wars of the Kyiv prince Oleg with the Khazars, Bulgarians and other peoples of the Danube region.

      898 Conclusion of a union treaty between the Ugrians and Russia. Imposition of tribute on Rus' for peace and military assistance.

      Con. 9th century Invasion of the Pechenegs in the Northern Black Sea region.

      X-XII centuries The formation of the Old Russian people.

      903 First mention in the chronicles of Pskov.

      907 Prince Oleg's campaigns in the lands of the Vyatichi, Croats and Dulebs.

      907 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. Resignation of Prince Igor Rurikovich as governor in Kyiv.

      907 Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Establishment of duty-free trade with Byzantium.

      Later 907 Prince Oleg received the nickname Prophetic.

      909-912 Military campaigns of the Rus on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.

      911 Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople.

      912 September 2 - Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Oleg was first called the “Russian Grand Duke”. In the treaty, Rus' was mentioned for the first time as a state.

      912 Death of the Grand Duke of Kyiv and Prince of Novgorod Oleg.

    Kievan Rus

    The Novgorod prince Rurik died, leaving his son Igor, to whom he could transfer power over the Novgorod land, still very young. Therefore, before his death, he appointed himself a successor - his friend and ally Oleg. The date of the beginning of Oleg’s reign is hidden in the darkness of centuries, but it is known that he reigned for a long time - 33 years, and managed to do a lot during this time.

    Formation of a unified state of Kyiv

    Prince Oleg considered the main task during his reign to be the expansion of the borders of the principality left to him. It was necessary to establish control over the water trade route that ran along the Dnieper region in order to freely conduct trade with Eastern Byzantium. He also planned the seizure of Kyiv lands, since Kyiv was a very “tidbit” - it became the main center of Russian trade and a kind of stronghold that protected the lands located further from the constant raids of nomads. The one who owned Kiev also owned all Russian trade.

    So, Oleg gathered a large army and moved towards Kyiv. He took the young Igor with him so that from a very tender age he could practically master the difficult science of governing a principality and waging wars. Arriving at the gates of Kyiv, Oleg did not immediately waste his energy on battle. He captured the city in an insidious way: stopping the squad on the approaches to the city walls, he summoned the rulers of Kyiv, Askold and Dir, allegedly in order to conduct some negotiations with them. When the unsuspecting princes approached the boats, Oleg pointed them to young Igor with the words: “This is who the true ruler of Kyiv is, and you are not of the princely family!” After this, the vigilantes dealt with Askold and Dir.

    Left without their princes, the people of Kiev did not resist. Oleg entered the city and proclaimed himself Prince of Kyiv. The surrounding villages also joined his territories - mostly voluntarily, as they needed protection from attacks by the Pechenegs.

    Oleg continued to expand the borders of his possessions, adding more distant tribes that did not participate in trade, did not see the point in unification and therefore offered fierce resistance.

    The result of the aggressive campaigns of the far-sighted Oleg was the formation of a single state that united the Northern and Southern Unions of the Slavs. This was already Kievan Rus with its center in the city of Kyiv. By the beginning of the 10th century, most tribes (now they were rarely called tribes, more often - cities, regions, since cities and entire principalities replaced tribes and clans) were united around Novgorod and Kyiv. The head of the new formation should be considered Kyiv, where trade was concentrated.

    Relations between Rus' and Byzantium

    The new state, which was gaining strength, forced all its neighbors to reckon with itself, among which Byzantium occupied a leading position. Oleg decided to undertake a campaign against Byzantium in order to facilitate trade for Russian merchants, which would contribute to the rapid development of the Principality of Kyiv. A countless number of Russian soldiers went on a campaign against Constantinople - 2 thousand rooks and cavalry moving along the coast. The Greeks took a state of siege, closing themselves in the city. The Russian troops destroyed the surrounding villages, showing no pity for either women or children. The Greeks were horrified and began to ask for peace. Then Oleg agreed to a cessation of hostilities and concluded a peace treaty with the enemy, the terms of which were very favorable for the Russians: merchants who arrived from the Principality of Kyiv did not pay any duty. When trading, they could exchange furs, servants and wax for gold, silk fabrics, and wine. In addition, after the expiration of the period allotted for the auction, the Greek side provided the Russian merchants with food for the return journey.

    Gradually, relations between the states began to develop in a more peaceful direction: Russians served at the imperial palace in political or military service, and Greek craftsmen, artists, builders, and clergy went to Rus'. Christianity gradually began to spread in the Kiev state.

    Oleg himself remained a pagan. He died in 912. According to legend, the cause of the prince’s death was a viper bite. Later, this legend formed the basis of many works of fiction. In the people's memory, the first prince of Kievan Rus lives as the Prophetic Oleg, since he was distinguished by a clear mind and outstanding abilities to govern the state - most of his campaigns ended in success, and in internal political life a coherent system of management emerged that made it possible to control very large and scattered territories.


    The choice of Rurik, who left the principality in the hands of the Prophetic Oleg, turned out to be very successful. The mentor of the future Prince Igor managed to unite two Unions of Slavs - Northern and Southern - into one state, in which he established a clear principle of subordination: it was divided into cities and regions, governed by posadniks, accountable to the Kyiv prince. In addition, he drew up the first legally valid peace treaty with the Greeks, which gave great advantages to the Russians and opened up great prospects for the development of Kievan Rus. Now it was necessary to preserve these achievements, but this became a task for the next prince - Igor Rurikovich.

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