When will there be a golden age? Golden Age - what is it? Other uses of the catchphrase

Chaldean Sibyl Sambeta thus predicted the onset of the Golden Age: “After catastrophes and wars, a new age will soon bloom again, the First and best, the golden time. Divine age, since all affairs will be carefully directed by God. The earth will once again bestow an abundance of fruits that will grow on their own. People will stop getting sick and will no longer grow old. They will be happy even when they go to the kingdom of Hades of their own free will.”

Libyan Sibyl:“A worldwide war will break out at the end of time. But this war, bringing famine, epidemics and loss of life, will be replaced by an era of peace, spirituality, freedom, justice and fertility. The beginning of this Golden Age. The Almighty will mark with a great heavenly sign.”

Sibyl of Eritrea.

People at that time will begin all over the endless world

To bring death to each other, and to this terrible turmoil

God will send them more plague, perun and famine,

Thus, punishing wicked people for unjust judgment.

The number of people in the world will then be reduced so much

What if someone sees only a human footprint,

That will be a lot of surprise. But God, who lives in the ether,

He will again become a savior to all just men.

And reliable peace and harmony will reign on earth,

The soil will give birth again and will bear abundant fruit,

For they will stop dividing and torturing her like a slave.

Every pier and port will open to people freely,

As it was before, shamelessness will completely disappear.

Later in heaven the Lord will reveal a great sign:

People will see the constellation - it will be like a wreath,

With its bright radiance it will illuminate the heavens for a long time

It will remain this way. And people will understand that a competition is coming,

And the Immortal calls them to fight for this wreath.

For then the great time of triumph will come

In the city of heaven: here the whole vast world will converge,

Everyone can become a participant in the incorruptible glory.

All peoples are then in immortal strivings for victory,

There is nothing more beautiful, they will rush; and the sinner cannot

There, it is shameless to buy a victory wreath for money.

And the blessed Savior will fairly distribute the rewards.

He will crown the faithful, and those who have suffered torment,

Having ended the struggle with death, the reward will be immortal.

For those who preserve their virginity and strive for imperishable victory,

He will reward according to their deserts, and to those who took care of justice,

And He will not forget anyone, even from distant nations,

If they lived righteously and knew the one God.

Those who revered marriage, rejecting shameful fornication,

The rich will receive the gift; their hope will never die.

For every human soul is a gift from God.

Song 2, 21 -54.

He will again be a savior to all just men – once again the Almighty will take pity on people and the eleventh generation of righteous people will live during the Golden Age.

People before the Lord God, great and eternal, tribes

The whites here will bow down, descending on the nursing earth.

The creations of human hands will collapse and perish in the fire;

But they will receive great joy from God in return

Mortals, for the earth, trees and pastures will

To bear true fruit, and then plenty will appear

Sweet honey, wine, snow-white milk, bread -

The main thing is bread, because it is the highest good for mortals.

Just don’t you dare hesitate, you evil-willed and vain mortal,

But turn repentantly, pray for forgiveness from God!

Sacrifice to Him kids and firstborn lambs,

Bring hundreds of bulls as the years change.

Beg the Lord to descend and show His mercy,

For He is one God, and there cannot be another.

Always honor justice, do not offend anyone -

But beware of awakening God's supreme wrath

Song 3, 616-632.

Sacrifice Him kids and first-born lambs, offer hundreds of bulls as the years change - difficult to interpret lines, since we are clearly talking about pagan rituals.

The judgment of the Immortal God on that day will come to mortals.

The power of the Lord will be applied to good people on that day.

The best fruit is the earth, which gives birth to everything,

He will give mortals an abundance of wheat, wine and olives.

Heaven will send plenty of sweet honey to man,

There will be plenty of tree fruits and fat cattle:

Goats, and cows, and sheep with small lambs together.

Streams of snow-white milk will burst out of the ground.

The cities will be full of wealth, and the fields will be fruitful;

The noise of battle and the terrible massacre will completely disappear,

With a heavy groan the earth will no longer shake,

Wars and drought will no longer be a threat to the world,

With them, famine and hail that destroys the harvest will be abolished.

A great peace, unknown before, will descend on earth,

Now the kings will become friends until the end of time,

People all over the earth will live by the same law,

What will the Lord, who rules in the starry heavens, establish?

With this law the Immortal will measure human affairs,

For He is one God, and there cannot be another,

And He will burn the wicked human race with fire.

So hurry up, people, to internalize my words with your hearts:

Leave vile idols and serve the living God;

Beware of fornication and a man's dirty bed,

If children are born, raise them, don’t kill them -

All these sins entail God's wrath.

God will finally send down an eternal kingdom to all people:

Having given the sacred law to those who revered Him as they should,

He promised that He would open the world and the earth for them

And the gates of bliss will open for them - great joy,

Eternally sound mind and bright thoughts will become

Their property. Then to the dwelling of the great God

Gifts will be brought from all over the world and incense will be burned.

People will no longer ask for directions to another house,

Those people call him the son of the great God.

All the paths are across the plains and all the cliffs are steep,

Mountain heights and waves that wildly rage on the sea -

Everything will become easily accessible to people these days.

For good people will have peace and quiet,

The prophets of the great God will abolish the sword, and they themselves

They will judge mortals and reign fairly.

Then all human wealth will become righteous.

This will be the judgment and power of the Most High God.

Rejoice and rejoice, O virgin! Eternal joy

He gave it to you, Who created heaven and earth.

Having settled in you, He will become your immortal light.

Sheep and wolves eat grass in the mountains

They will, and wild leopards will graze with the kids together.

Can a calf with a bear be safe in a pen,

A carnivorous lion, like an ox, will be satisfied with chaff in a manger;

His little children, tying him up, will lead him along,

Believe this one will become tame by the will of the great God.

The snake and the baby will sleep peacefully in the same bed

And he will not do evil - the Lord’s hand will not allow it.

Canto 3, 742-795.

God will finally send down an eternal kingdom to all people – according to the predictions of other prophets, the Golden Age will not last long, but people will live forever.

Mortal people will not forget to honor the lands of their birth -

Korshunov, also dogs, which Egypt gave to the world,

It is vain to extol, torturing stupid lips.

The homeland of the pious, the holy land will bring them

Streams of honey flow from rocks and springs.

Then unearthly milk will flow to the pure in soul -

To those who have placed their hopes in the Creator alone,

the Most High God, bringing Him reverence and faith.

Canto 5, 278-285.

That imperishable path that the Great God paved,

Where three springs flow - honey, wine and milky.

The earth will become common; no longer being divided

Walls and boundaries, she herself will give abundant fruit;

Together everyone will live, having no need for wealth.

Neither a slave, nor a tyrant, neither small nor great;

There are no kings or leaders - all people are equal to each other.

No one will say anymore: “night has come”, or “tomorrow”,

Or “yesterday it was,” and days full of worries,

Nor will it; the four seasons will disappear,

Death and Marriage; buying and selling things;

Even the West and the East - everything will turn into a long day,

Those who lived a righteous life will turn to Him with prayer,

So that He saves sinners from fire and from continuous torment, -

The Lord will hear your requests, and all this will happen like this:

He will take everyone out of the never-ending fire unharmed.

And through His people He will send their lands to others,

And for another life, incorruptible in the fields of the Champs Elysees,

Where the stream of Acheron spread its waters widely,

Becoming the deepest lake that will remain forever.

Woe to me, woe to me, unfortunate one! On that day, what will happen to me?!

After all, I recklessly sought to surpass all people in sin.

Forgetting about both your spouse and your common sense.

But in the palace I lived my rich husband,

She did not allow the poor there; and knowing that I am doing evil,

She went to lawlessness. Savior, me from torment,

Deliver me from the impudent dog, and forgive me all my shamelessness.

I also pray to You: give this song a little peace,

347 Manna Good Giver, Lord of the Great Kingdom!

Song 2, 317-347.

Champs Elysees(Ellysium) - in Greek mythology, the abode of the blessed, the afterlife for the righteous.

Prophecies of John of Jerusalemabout happy times and the Golden Age:

31. When the millennium that followed the present one comes to an end,
people will finally open their eyes, break out of the captivity of their heads and cities, will be able to see from one end of the earth to the other and understand each other. They will understand: if you hit one, you will hurt another. People will become a single body, each of them a tiny part of it. Together they will be the heart. And a dialect will arise, understandable to everyone, something will be born - a Great Man.

32. When the millennium that follows the current one comes to an end, man will overcome the sky, he will create stars in the large and dark sea, he will set off on his journey in a shiny ship, like the new Odysseus, friend of the sun, on an odyssey
your heavenly one. And he will become the master of the water, build cities in the depths of the sea, feeding on the fruits of the sea. He will live in all great places
state, and everything will be allowed to him.

33. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, people will learn to swim under the waves, their bodies will be renewed, and they will become fish. Others will fly higher than the birds when they manage not to fall like a stone to the ground. They will communicate with each other, their spirit will open to everyone, and he will be able to receive the messages of others. And they will share dreams with each other, and will live as long as the oldest of people - like the one about whom the Holy Scriptures.

34. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will know the spirit of all things: he will know stone, water and the living essence, in the eyes of another person; will penetrate into the secrets kept by the ancient gods, and he will begin to open door after door in that labyrinth of a new life. He will become a creator, powerful and indomitable, like a source. He will bestow knowledge on all people, and his children will know both the earth and the sky better than anyone before them, and his body will find perfection, and his spirit will embrace everything and take possession of them.

35. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will lose his undivided kingdom. Next to him, the woman will raise the scepter and become the mistress of future times. Having conceived something, she will encourage men to create and become the mother of that millennium that came after the current one. And it will flow with the tender sweetness of a mother after the days when the devil was in charge, and it will become beautiful in the days that came after the barbaric days. The millennium that comes after the current one will suddenly become easy. And people will love again, and be fruitful, and will dream again. And their dreams will come true.

36. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will be given a second birth: the spirit will take possession of the entire herd of people, and each one will become a brother to everyone - then the period of barbarism will expire. This will be a time of new life and faith, after the dark days at the beginning of the millennium that followed the current one. Happy days will begin. A person will again take a path worthy of him. The earth will experience order again.

37. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, there will be paths from the ends of the earth and sky to others, the forests will overgrow and become forests, the deserts will be watered with water that has regained purity. The earth will become a garden, man will honor everything that is alive, he will begin to clean up everything that he himself has spoiled, he will consider the Earth to be his homeland, and he will think wisely about the coming day.

38. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, everyone will live with others in unison, will know everything about the world and the body, treat diseases before they appear, and everyone will become a healer for themselves and everyone else. He will understand that he needs to help in order for everyone to go together, and after a time of isolation and stinginess, he will open both his heart and his pocket for the poor. He will recognize himself as the keeper of all order for people, and then another time will come.

39. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will comprehend the science of giving and dividing, the bitter days of loneliness will be forgotten, and he will again believe in the Spirit, and the former barbarity will be despised by everyone. But this understanding after wars and fires will come from the burnt skeletons of the Towers of Babel. And an iron fist will be needed, but so that order can be established in chaos. And then a person will find the only right path.

40. When the millennium that followed the current one comes to an end, man will know that existence is the bearer of Light and every creature awaits its respect.
Man will build cities in heaven, on earth and in the sea. His memory will preserve what once happened to him, and he will know what will happen to him next. He will not be afraid of his own death - his life will be several lives, and he will know that the light will never go out.

Gospel of John(Gospel of Peace): “And then the sons of Men, like true brothers, will give each other the love that they have received from their Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, and they will all become comforters to each other. And then all evil and all grief will disappear from the Earth, and then there will be love and joy on earth. And then the Earth will be like the heavens and the Kingdom of God will come.”

Clairvoyant Regina(XII century) about the future of humanity: “A strange generation of people is now found on this Earth. He has no desire for spiritual elevation; He was overcome only by a strange desire to exterminate the entire human race. And one day, someday in the future, people will say: “Once upon a time there lived a people - the British, the Franks or the Germans - who always observed the ancient law, which brought them to the grave.” These people are digging a grave for their own souls. Britons, Franks, Germans or other peoples - wherever they live, they are all united by an ancient law, which, in the end, will lead to the fact that they all wither and fade away. And when the sun rises again in golden glory over the graves, in time a new generation of people will be born and a new humanity will appear.”

Saint Birgitta(Sweden, XIV century): “The time will come when the pagans will be so devout that Christians will be their humble servants, and the Holy Scriptures will be fulfilled - there will be one flock and one Shepherd, one faith and one clear knowledge of God. Many who are called will be unfit, and the desert will bloom, and the pagans will sing: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Mulchiazl , Forest Prophet from Bavaria. (1750-1825). “To prevent disaster, people should be wary of displaying vanity and arrogance, because both will lead to misfortune…. After the collapse of the world, a wonderful time will come. Preachers and miracle-working saints will return. And people will turn to faith again.”

According to predictions Paracelsus, The Golden Age on Earth will be short-lived and will last only 50 years. Philip Theofast Bombast von Hohenheim(1493-1541) - physician, naturalist, alchemist and astrologer, better known as Paracelsus. He wrote the book “Oracles”, where he describes the events of the future until the end of the 22nd century. Paracelsus' prophecies about the Golden Age: “For a period equal to 50 years of the Second Kingdom of Saturn, which will come 500 years after the death of Paracelsus, the Golden Age will come again, but it will last only 50 years.”

Second kingdom of Saturn – according to the theory of chronocrats, set forth in the work Liber Rationum (XII century) by the Jewish scientist Abraham Avanezra, periods of world history are divided into cycles with a period of 354 years and 4 months. They are arranged in reverse order of the days of the week: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Moon, Sun. Medieval astrologers took the starting point of the cycles as 5200 BC, that is, the year of the creation of the world according to Eusebius of Caesarea. You and I live in the era of the Sun. Next loop(" second kingdom of Saturn") will begin in 2242. It is unknown which reporting point Paracelsus used, but according to his predictions, the Saturn cycle will begin in 2041 and last until 2395 (2041 + 354 = 2395). During this period of time there will be a short-lived Golden Age.

In his unfinished story “The History of the Village of Goryukhin,” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote: “The idea of ​​a golden age is common to all nations and only proves that people are never satisfied with the present and, from experience, having little hope for the future, decorate the irrevocable past with all the colors of their imagination.” Of course, the classic is right in some ways: it is common for any people to idealize the past. And yet, being in the Present, few will doubt that Russia has had better times. The question is - when? When was the Russian Golden Age? Was there even one?

In such cases, it is customary to listen to historians who are much better informed about the nuances of the “biography” of the Motherland than ordinary people. However, we can hardly count on a consensus here. Some historians will talk about the era of Peter the Great as a golden age, others will call it the darkest time, idealizing “pre-Petrine” Muscovy. Someone will remember the “fruitful” Stolypin year of 1913. And someone talks about Kievan Rus before the Mongol invasion.

Of course, the golden age is a relative concept. Relatively low "jewel" of other times. But still...

Armed with ordinary logic, let's try to figure it out ourselves. The golden age - in theory - should be characterized by the maximum level of inertia of people in relation to any changes, even little significant ones. They don’t seek good from goodness! This is a time of the highest level of self-sufficiency of the people. Only the rulers change, and everything else - Faith, traditions, language, architecture, way of life, clothing, pace of life, etc. - remains constant and is conserved. Society is tightly closed from all kinds of influences, “drafts” from the outside, which, along with the rulers, carry the threat of transforming the “constant” into a “variable”. Based on this, we can confidently assume that the golden age should have a much greater length in time than the “silver”, “bronze” and “iron” periods. During the golden age, time flows much slower or stops altogether.

Now let's try to define such an era of “constancy”. Actually, you won’t have to search for long - this is “pre-Romanov” Rus'.

If you found yourself in two centuries at once, say, in the 14th and 16th centuries, you would have difficulty finding any slight differences: in architecture, clothing, language, food, and people’s behavior. And the point here, of course, is not a matter of general backwardness, but of maximum self-sufficiency. It is unlikely that the Moscow man in the street of the 16th century was less developed and enlightened than the Parisian bourgeois. He was simply different.

What was the main foundation for the Russian Golden Age? Of course, faith, folk tradition and the presence of a legitimate king. The constancy of the first two probably depended on compliance with the last condition. So, in our history, the transition to “silver” began after the death of Fyodor Ioannovich. With the loss of the six-hundred-year-old constant in the form of the Rurik dynasty, the foundation sank sharply, and Russia opened up to “drafts” from the outside. Very quickly we moved into the “bronze” phase, which was opened by the first elected Tsar - Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. However, it was not possible to return to the “golden” state. Less than half a century later, we were already revising our own faith and putting on Polish dresses.

And then there was Peter, who helped the growing “draft” turn into a whirlwind, opening a window to Europe. Then the remaining “gilding” was carried away to the Russian village. A “draft” in the form of a tornado reached there several centuries later and literally buried her.

Prophecies about the Golden Age

Surprisingly, there are a huge number of prophecies from a variety of sources that point to the special situation of the times in which we live. And although predictions are sometimes not entirely reliable, they can still be taken as “food for thought”...


Let's start with the most “popular” prophet - Michel Nostradamus. In their acclaimed book “Nostradamus Deciphered,” Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima seem to have correctly identified the keys to the encrypted chronology of his prophecies. And what is their main conclusion? After a series of wars and upheavals, a Golden Age should be established on Earth, around 2035. This will be associated with the return to this world of some ancient spiritual teaching, forgotten by people.

The events in Iraq are mentioned by Nostradamus with disconcerting clarity:

“The left warlike hand will point to Mesopotamia (the territory of Iraq) ...” (9.76).

“Five and forty degrees the sky will burn. The fire will approach from the great new city...” (6.97).

(At forty-fifth degree east longitude is Baghdad, the “new city” - of course, New York)

Here's a little about what awaits us when all the worries are over:

“After this, the Golden Age will begin. There will be peace between God and people. Spiritual power will regain its highest powers" (From the "Epistle to Henry").

There will appear “a new sect of philosophers, Despising death, gold, honors, riches, Will not be limited to their native mountains, In them followers will receive support and unity” (3.67).


Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, who became known throughout the world as the blind woman Vanga, more than once amazed her contemporaries with surprisingly accurate predictions. Grandma Vanga sometimes uttered amazing prophecies concerning the future of all humanity. What is most surprising is that the war in Iraq and ancient teachings were also mentioned there. So, one day she said: “Soon the most ancient teaching will come to the world. People ask me: “Will this time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet!” (Syria is very close to Iraq, in addition, Vanga spoke indistinctly and perhaps because she said “Assyria.” This ancient state was located exactly on the territory of modern Iraq.)

And here are some more prophecies of grandmother Vanga: “The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be called the time of virtues... The future belongs to good people, they will live in a wonderful world that is now difficult for us to imagine... All the hidden gold will come to the surface, but the water will disappear . It's predetermined. (By “gold” here we mean true wisdom.) ... The most ancient teaching will return to the world. There is an ancient Indian teaching. It will spread throughout the world. New books will be published about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth.”

Bible prophecies

Among all the books of the Bible, there are two that contain prophecies addressed to our day. These are “The Book of the Prophet Daniel” (“Old Testament”) and “Apocalypse (Revelation)” by John the Theologian (“New Testament”).

The prophet Daniel speaks of the time when “The kingdom and dominion and royal majesty in all the heavenly places will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey Him” (Dan. 7.27).

John the Theologian says: “He will dwell with them; they will be His people, and God himself with them will be their God” (John 21.3). And Satan will be “bound for a thousand years, so that he no longer deceives the nations.”

The same Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, who deciphered the chronologies of Nostradamus, seem to have found the right key to the time calculations given by Daniel and John the Theologian. And, surprisingly, the “end of times,” or the beginning of a new time, according to the prophecies of both books falls on 2038, almost next to the date indicated by Nostradamus.

Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe

Hasidism is a movement in Judaism that emerged in the eighteenth century. Hasidim practice joyful glorification of God through singing and dancing (very reminiscent of the sankirtana movement founded by Sri Chaitanya in sixteenth-century Bengal). The leader of Hasidim around the world is the Lubavitcher Rebbe, teacher and spiritual mentor. The seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe was Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), who achieved enormous success in the revival of Judaism after World War II. In the last years of his life, he constantly talked about the imminent arrival of Moshiach (the Messiah, who should bring spiritual liberation to all humanity). For example, in the spring of 1991: “Live now in the New Age. Study it. Talk about him. Look carefully at every detail of our world and imagine what it will be like during these times. Be here. Not only hasten his arrival, but also prepare to receive his goodness.”

Dead Sea Scrolls

In the winter of 1947, three Bedouin shepherds discovered ancient scrolls in the Qumran caves on the shores of the Dead Sea, hidden there by the Essenes sect back in 68 BC. These scrolls contained many predictions, some of which have already come true.

French linguist Felix Bonjean was one of the scholars allowed to access these scrolls. He claims that they say the following: “From 2025, happy centuries will begin for people without economic crises, poverty, wars until 11191.”

Helena Roerich

Elena Ivanovna and Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich wrote and talked a lot about how a new era would soon come on earth, an era of higher consciousness. The secret knowledge of the ancient sages will be revealed to people. This will be preceded by a period of great upheaval.

In one of her last letters (February 18, 1955), Helena Roerich writes about the unfavorable events that will occur at the end of the twentieth - beginning of the twenty-first century: “Events will develop unexpectedly... A terrible time will sweep by like a cleansing whirlwind. The difficulty is that many still do not understand the reason and meaning of what is happening on the planet... There will be no world war - only some clashes.”


What do the Vedic scriptures say about this? The Vedas are the most ancient and at the same time the most complete sacred scriptures on Earth. They contain amazingly accurate and comprehensive information about the structure of the Universe, about time cycles, about the past and the future. Among other things, in the Vedas one can find predictions of the coming of Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed and even the English Queen Victoria...

The Vedas detail the cycle of four eras that constantly repeat on Earth (and throughout the Universe): the Golden Age (Satya Yuga), the Silver Age (Treta Yuga), the Bronze Age (Dvapara Yuga) and the Iron Age (Kali Yuga). . You and I have the pleasure of living in the Iron Age. It began approximately 5 thousand years ago (this is exactly the time when the main events described in the Bible begin to unfold) and will last another 427 thousand years. However, this Iron Age is unusual (this happens only once every 8 million 640 thousand years). 5 thousand years after its beginning (just now!) the inclusion of Satya Yuga - the small Golden Age - should begin.

In the Brahma-vaivarta-purana, the Supreme Lord Krishna ("Krishna" in Sanskrit means "All-attractive") says that 5 thousand years after the beginning of Kali-yuga, His great devotee will appear in this world and spread the chanting of the holy names of God everywhere: “Not only in India, but all over the earth people will chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Thanks to this, the whole world will become one. It will consist of devotees of the Supreme Lord. And since the devotees of the Lord are very pure, anyone who comes into contact with them will be purified from the reactions of his sins. This era will last 10 thousand years.”

Srila Prabhupada, who founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in New York in 1966 to spread Vedic knowledge throughout the world, often spoke of how we are on the threshold of a Golden Age that will last 10,000 years. Here are excerpts from his conversation with Allen Ginsberg, the famous American poet and composer of the time, held in May 1969:

Ginsberg: Do you think there will be more or less people chanting the Hare Krishna mantra?

Prabhupāda: More, of course more. Now their number will grow. People will enjoy this opportunity for ten thousand years.

Ginsberg: And then?

Prabhupāda: And then gradually they will stop doing this.

Ginsberg: So this is the last hope, the last breath of air?

Prabhupāda (laughs): Yes. Therefore, the sooner we take the path of Krishna consciousness, the better.

Here are the words spoken in a conversation with Dr. Arnold Toynbee in July 1973:
“This Movement will grow. For ten thousand years, the Krishna Consciousness Movement will continue to grow and expand, as predicted in the scriptures. But for ten thousand years, everyone will have the opportunity to become Krsna conscious and thus achieve the goal of human life. And when these ten thousand years are over, the dark days of Kali Yuga will begin. But there is time. Ten thousand years is a long time.”

How long has humanity really existed? None of the scientists have yet been able to accurately establish this period. Some argue that time periods should be calculated in millions of years, others - in billions. But the question still remains open. Regardless of how many years a person lives on the planet, many beliefs and epics have survived to this day.

One of the beliefs says that world history is divided into three periods - centuries:

  • gold;
  • copper;
  • iron.


According to beliefs that have survived to this day, the golden age is a period at the dawn of time when all people were absolutely serene and calm. Humanity did not suffer from wars, there were no crimes or famines, no laws were needed, since there was complete order in the world. People didn't have to work. It looks like a utopia, which was often described by ancient poets.

The meaning of the phraseological unit “golden age” follows by itself - this is the best time, the heyday. In fact, we are talking about the best times of humanity, the idea of ​​which was formed among ancient peoples. Some legends associate this period with the cohabitation of gods and people.

Catchphrase in literature

The meaning of the phraseological unit “golden age” in Russian literature is the definition of a period that was characterized by the flourishing of poetry and prose, a sharp rise in philosophy and social thought. The expression characterizes the first third of the 19th century, when A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol lived and worked. Later, the entire century and the writers who worked then were attributed to this period: Turgenev I. S., Tolstoy L. N. and Dostoevsky F. M.

However, A. S. Pushkin himself had his own attitude towards the meaning of the phraseological unit “golden age”: “The idea of ​​a golden age is akin to all nations and only proves that people are never satisfied with the present.”


The meaning of the phraseological unit “golden age” still determines the almost two-century period of this country (XVI century, first half of the XVII century). That historical period saw the peak of great geographical discoveries, the Middle Ages practically ended, and the country acquired many colonies that enriched it. In addition, it was then that a breakthrough began in the cultural and political spheres, great creators lived: Velazquez, Cervantes and others.

Other uses of the catchphrase

The definition of the expression "golden age" applies to science fiction. It characterizes a very short period of time - from 30 to 50 years of the last century. Over these 20 years, science fiction has become the most popular genre in English-speaking countries. Today, many works have become classics. And these writers went down in history: John W. Campbell, and others.

The Golden Age is a mythological concept that existed in the ancient world - happy times when people led a carefree life, not overshadowed by strife, wars and hard forced labor. According to Hesiod, 3rd century. reigned on earth when Kronos still ruled in heaven. The lands in those days were abundant, and people lived like gods, knowing neither grief, nor work, nor old age. They spent their lives in feasts and contentment, and died as if falling asleep. After death, people of this generation turned into good spirits protecting order on earth. The Roman poet Ovid describes the 3rd century as follows, apparently borrowing this myth from the Greeks: “The golden age was the first to be sown, which knew no retribution, It itself always observed, without laws, both truth and loyalty, There were no helmets, swords, military exercises Without knowing, Sweet people tasted peace and lived safely. Also, free from tribute, not touched by a sharp hoe, not wounded by a plow, the land itself brought them everything... It was spring forever; pleasant with its cool breath, the ether tenderly basks in the flowers that have never been sown. Moreover, the land brought crops without plowing; Without resting, the fields were golden in heavy ears, Rivers of milk flowed, rivers of nectar flowed, Golden honey dripped, oozing from the green oak...” For the 3rd century. followed in order of deterioration by the Silver, Copper and, finally, the Iron Age, the most difficult of all. Ideas about 3. century. existed in many mythologies - Scandinavian, Chinese, Egyptian, Babylonian, Aztec, etc. In Christian mythology they were reflected in the form of the life of the ancestors of mankind in Eden.

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