When you can’t baptize children in the Orthodox Church. The sacrament of the rite of Baptism in the Orthodox Church: how it works, rules, nuances. The rite of baptism of a child in Orthodoxy: rules

Child baptism is one of the seven Christian sacraments, without which it is impossible to save a sinful soul for the kingdom of God. After a ceremony conducted by the ministers of the Holy Orthodox Church, the baptized person is born into spiritual life, acquiring an inextricable connection with the Heavenly Father. Believing parents know well why it is necessary to baptize a child, but they sometimes have questions related to organizational issues. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations from the church related to the ceremony. The following basic rules for parents will help you prepare well for your child’s baptism.

At what age is it better to baptize a child?

The Church believes that a newborn child cannot be baptized earlier than forty days after birth. Otherwise there are no restrictions. Parents have the right to independently decide at what age the child will undergo the ceremony. Some mothers and fathers doubt whether to baptize their child while he is very young. Their fears are understandable, because the baby requires increased attention, needs regular feeding, and his immunity is not strong enough.

However, postponing the ceremony for a long time is also undesirable. This is due to psychological reasons. When your baby gets a little older and begins to recognize people, he may become nervous in unfamiliar surroundings. Experts and mothers with experience indicate the optimal interval when it is better to baptize a child after birth. This is an age from three months to six months. Older kids are more restless and more often capricious. However, if for some reason you did not have time to baptize your child, there is no need to be embarrassed. Temple workers calmly react to the behavior of children, well understanding that crying is a normal reaction to external stimuli for them.

When is the best time to baptize a child?

As for the question of what days a child can be baptized, there are no restrictions here either. However, on church holidays the ceremony is not carried out, since all the clergy are busy conducting prayers. Each church has its own schedule, which indicates on what day of the week small children are baptized. Most often, Saturday is chosen for the sacrament. Since the ceremony is carried out during the day, the day off is convenient because its adult participants will not have to take time off from work.

Although church rules do not establish any prohibitions on baptism on certain days, there are a lot of folk signs that tell when a child can and should be baptized.

  • Of course, the church does not encourage superstition, but many parents try not to perform the sacrament on Mondays. Dislike for the first day of the week is quite understandable; many people try not to schedule important things for this time.
  • Tuesday is a favorable day for hitting the road, so it is also suitable for baptism, which is the beginning of a person’s spiritual path.
  • Wednesday is considered not the most successful day. In the middle of the week it is necessary to fast, devote more time to prayers, and baptism involves at least a small feast.
  • Thursday is the ideal day to perform the sacrament. According to popular belief, a child baptized on the fourth day of the week will have good luck in life.
  • Friday is the only day of the week that plunges superstitious people into mystical horror. There are many negative signs associated with it. That is why it is considered undesirable to baptize on this day.
  • On Sunday, the ceremony is performed in most churches. Popular rumor also gives this day positive energy. It is believed that a person baptized on Sunday will be happy and rich.

The church does not prohibit baptism during church fasting, however, parents themselves often refuse this idea, because then they will have to take care of a special Lenten menu. Folk signs recommend parents of girls to baptize on the Feast of the Intercession. The patronage of the Most Holy Theotokos will help the young lady to get married successfully in the future.

Some folk signs recommend baptizing a child on his birthday. This belief obviously has pagan roots. It was on the day of birth that it was customary to carry out all kinds of conspiracies for health, love, and financial well-being.

Preparation for the baptism of a child begins with choosing the date and temple in which the sacrament will be performed. Shortly before the child's baptism, future godparents must visit church to confess and receive communion. Unfortunately, not all parents who want to baptize a baby are knowledgeable in the intricacies of Orthodox rites. You should not seek advice on this matter from friends or relatives; everything that parents need to know about the sacrament will be told by the priest or volunteer helpers from among the parishioners. If the baby has already been named, you can further clarify the name; it is often necessary to change it when the child is baptized.

Who to choose as godparents

According to tradition, it is customary to invite a man and a woman to be godparents. If this is not possible, you can get by with one named parent. It is better if he is of the same sex as the person being baptized.

When asked whether it is possible to baptize a child without godparents, the church also gives a positive answer. Most often, close friends or relatives are called to baptize children. Parents need to approach the choice with all responsibility, because raising the godson in the spirit of religious traditions will fall on the shoulders of the successors.

The number of wards is not limited, the church does not give clear instructions on how many children can be baptized. A person decides for himself whether he is ready to pay due attention to the upbringing and formation of another Christian. If the candidate understands that he is not able to give the same amount of attention and love to all his wards, he will refuse the offered honor.

Often, issues related to the choice of a successor involve degree of closeness between parents and candidate, for example, is it possible to baptize a child at the godfather’s place? Grandparents, uncles or aunts can baptize a child. To the questions of whether it is possible to baptize a child to his sister or whether it is possible to baptize small children from each other, the answer will also be positive. Moreover, future godfathers may well perform the ceremony on the same day and celebrate the event together.

When asked whether a father can baptize someone else’s child during the baptism of his own, the church gives an affirmative answer. Therefore, if friends wish to hold a joint ceremony, there will be no problems. By the way, it is not forbidden for a husband and wife to take part in the sacrament at the same time if they have different godchildren.

Who cannot become a godfather

  • Monastics cannot baptize children.
  • Citizens who lead unrighteous lives (alcoholics, drug addicts) will also be rejected by the church.
  • Spouses or a couple who subsequently wish to enter into a marriage union should not baptize one child, since sexual intimacy between successors is unacceptable.
  • The godfather must reach the age of majority, but in some cases younger persons can take part in the sacrament with the blessing of the priest.
  • Parents never baptize their children, since this deprives the sacrament of any meaning.

If a suitable candidate is not found, you will have to do without godparents.

Some young women are interested in whether it is possible to baptize a child in church while pregnant? The question is related to the fact that the child’s mother is not present at baptism for forty days after birth. However, these are somewhat different things. Pregnancy, like any physiological process, such as menstruation, does not prevent a woman from baptizing someone else’s child. You need to be guided by your health and the recommendations of the supervising doctor.

Is it possible for two children to have one person as godparent?

Church rules do not prohibit one person from baptizing a second or even third child in the same family. If this happens at different times, no difficulties arise. But if it is necessary to perform the ritual on two babies at the same time, it is technically difficult to accomplish. The godfather will need to hold both babies in his arms and take them from the font. Therefore, it is better not to create additional difficulties and invite two successors, or postpone the christening of one child to another day.

Where to baptize a child

Regular parishioners who regularly attend church have a question about where to baptize their child. The rest can be advised to choose a temple not far from home, so that the road does not tire the child too much. It is important that the parents themselves and those invited to the christening feel psychologically comfortable. Residents of large cities should not expect that they will be able to find a church where few people will be present at the ceremony. It is impossible to predict the influx of applicants, so it is better to navigate by the days of the week. It is worth paying attention to the presence of a special room at the temple for the ceremony, especially if baptism occurs in the cold season.

Conversation before baptism

Recently, the church has established new rules for successors, inviting them to have a conversation with the priest before the ceremony. This procedure was required in order to convey the seriousness of the sacrament, to explain to the future godparents the essence of the rite, the procedure for preparing and conducting the ceremony and their responsibilities towards the godson. Without a preliminary interview you may not be allowed to attend the sacrament..

A person who is truly a believer will not look for excuses, since for him, responsibilities towards his soul and God are much higher than worldly ones. For parents, an interview with the priest before the baptism of a child can become an indicator of the seriousness of the intentions of the successor. If the candidate does not have a couple of hours for his godson now, it is doubtful that in the future he will become a good mentor to the child in the faith.

What do you need to buy for baptism?

In continuation of the conversation on how to prepare for the sacrament of baptism, here is a list of what you need to buy before the ceremony:

  • pectoral cross,
  • clothes for the baptism ceremony,
  • large towel,
  • kryzhma (baptismal diaper),
  • church candles.

The godparents must purchase the baptismal shirt or dress. They buy a cross, gold or silver.

What name to baptize a child with?

Often, parents decide what to name their baby before birth, and the choice does not always coincide with the Saints. In this case, it is customary to baptize the child with a different church name. For example, a girl named Alena or Alina will be baptized Elena, and boys Yuri or Yegor will be named Georgiy. Most often the choice falls on something close in sound. Sometimes the name with which a child or adult will be baptized is chosen according to the Saints, according to the date of birth of the new Orthodox Christian.

Features of christenings for boys and girls

To understand what is happening, it would not hurt parents to know how the rite of baptism of a child takes place in the church. The procedure will differ depending on the gender of the child. Different baptismal sets are purchased for boys and girls. The future man's clothes will be a little more modest than those of the young princess. Dresses for girls are made not only from cotton, but also from guipure. There is a difference in the very sequence of the sacrament. Boys are brought or escorted through the Church gates, and girls are only brought to them.

What is needed for a boy's baptism

A little earlier we already provided a list of things that need to be purchased before baptism. For a male baby, purchase a set with a baptismal shirt. Since a man is supposed to be bareheaded in church, he will not need a cap. If an older child is being baptized, he can be dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. It is important to keep your legs and arms open.

What is needed for a girl's baptism

Since women and girls need to cover their heads while in church, in addition to the baptismal dress, a cap, a knitted cap or a white scarf is purchased for the baby. An older child needs to buy a white shirt, knee-length or shorter, exposing his arms.

Baptism ceremony

During the sacrament, the godparents hold the baby. Moreover, the boy is given to the woman, and the girl to the man. The successors, on behalf of the child, renounce the evil one and swear an oath to the Lord. The priest reads a prayer, which is repeated after him by all participants in the ceremony. For the successors, we will clarify what prayers are said at the baptism of a child. The main one is the “Symbol of Faith”, it must be learned by heart, in addition to this you need to know the texts “Our Father” and “Virgin Virgin Mary”. Read more about the responsibilities of godparents.

The priest sanctifies the water in the font, performs anointing and immerses the child in the font three times. If a chalice is used in baptism, only infants are immersed in the holy water. Older children are sprinkled with holy water. After this, the priest puts a cross on the child and passes it into the hands of the godfather of the same sex. Then, under the prayer of the priest, all participants walk around the font three times. The action is completed by an application to the icons of the Lord and the Mother of God.

Sacrament of Baptism

The mother of the child is not allowed to visit the temple for forty days after giving birth.. A woman is allowed into the church after the priest reads her mother’s prayer over her. Some priests recite the text before baptizing the child, others do it at the end. If you want to be present at the baptism of a child, find out in advance when exactly in the temple it is customary to read the mother’s prayer.

How cold is the water in the font?

Despite the tradition of plunging into an ice hole at Epiphany, the water in the church font is never made cold. Let us remember that Christ himself was baptized in the Jordan River, and in Israel the weather is warm in January. That's why It is customary to fill the baptismal cup with hot water, which cools while the priest reads prayers. So there is no need to worry about your child catching a cold.

"Symbol of faith"

The Creed is a summary of Christian dogma. The text is included in the list of obligatory morning prayers and is also read during the liturgy.

This prayer is also said before the baptism of a child. The godparents will have to read it themselves or repeat it after the priest. The priest also reads other prayers when baptizing a child. As a rule, their texts are pronounced in Old Church Slavonic, so it is not necessary to learn them.

Duration and cost of the ceremony

Christenings last from 45 minutes to one and a half hours. The church does not establish a definite cost for the ceremony. Parents pay whatever bribe they can, and the amount indicated in the price tag of the temple is only an approximate amount. You need to understand that donations from parishioners are a source of income for the church, and any church incurs certain costs for maintaining the premises. Therefore, if financial possibilities allow, you can offer a larger amount. If the parents do not have money, the priest does not have the right to refuse to perform the sacrament for them.

Is it possible to take photographs

In most temples, photography or video shooting is not prohibited. Restrictions may only apply to the use of flash, as it will distract the clergyman and irritate children. It is better to clarify this question in advance; this can be done by phone or in a personal conversation with the temple servants.

After baptism

Communion is the second Christian sacrament performed after the baptism of a child. Communion is an opportunity to receive the blessing of the Lord, to open the soul to divine powers. The sacrament of communion is performed on every Christian who has undergone the rite of baptism, and the sooner this happens, the better. Parents should not postpone the event. Even if the child is too young, the church does not approve of such behavior. The baby’s godparents can also take part in the ceremony.

Should a child wear a cross without taking it off?

According to the customs of Orthodoxy, after baptism the child wears a pectoral cross constantly. It should be noted that it is not customary for Orthodox Christians to remove the attribute of faith even during hygiene procedures. The cross cannot harm a baby, but it is better to wear it on a chain; it breaks easily under strong tension. It is not customary to display the symbol of belonging to Christianity, so a child should be taught from childhood that a cross is worn under clothes.

Celebration of christening

The baptism of an infant is his second birth to spiritual life. Undoubtedly, such an event can and should be celebrated with family and friends. According to tradition, the ceremony itself and the subsequent feast are paid for by the named father of the child, that is, the godfather. If the date of the ceremony falls on fast days, the menu should be appropriate. It is not customary to drink alcohol at such a holiday, otherwise there are no restrictions. You can organize a feast both at home and in a restaurant, but it would be wiser to spend the money on good deeds, for example, donating to the construction of a temple.

We tried to tell everything parents need to know about the baptism of a child. To top it off, I would like to remind you that such a ritual is not just a tribute to fashion, but an important event that determines future life. From the moment the sacrament is performed, godparents, along with parents, are responsible for the soul of the new Christian and are obliged to become for him an example of piety and faith in the Lord.

One of the most important events in a child’s life is the christening of a girl. The priest will tell you about the rules for parents and godparents before performing the ceremony. The baptism of a child is a great sacrament, after which the baby receives the protection and protection of God. He has a guardian angel who saves him from misfortunes and troubles.

Many people do not know at what age to baptize their daughter. Priests advise doing this in the first year of life, but there are no restrictions. Both infants and teenagers can be baptized. The only difference in the ceremony is that small children are dipped into the font, while older ones have water poured from it on their heads.

After 40 days from the moment of birth, the mother is already allowed to be present at the ritual. The Church advises not to delay the sacrament, since until it is performed the baby does not have a protector or patron. There are also practical explanations for this: babies easily tolerate immersion in water, react calmly and are not afraid when a stranger picks them up. It is difficult for an older child to withstand the entire duration of the ceremony.

There is a Slavic custom to carry out baptism for 8 or 40 days. On the first date, it was customary to name a newborn, and by the second, the mother could already visit the temple, since the natural purification after the birth of the baby had ended. If a child is born weak and sick, it is advisable to baptize him immediately.

Until the age of seven, the parents make the decision. Children under 14 years of age must consent to the ceremony. Older teenagers are baptized only if they have their own desire. If a child is in the hospital, there is a threat to his life, or there is no way to bring him from home to church, then you should contact the priest and ask to perform the ritual outside the church. As a rule, doctors and clergy do not refuse people in such a situation.

Preparation for the sacrament

Natural parents are not godparents for their child; they themselves choose where to baptize him. They need to agree with the priest about the time, it depends on the church schedule. It is advisable to choose godparents from among the believers: they bear responsibility before the Lord for the spiritual development of the child.

Choosing godparents

Godparents must be chosen for a girl. They meet the following criteria:

  1. profess Orthodoxy;
  2. are not in an official or civil marriage;
  3. are adults.

Pregnant women become godparents, but there are several nuances:

  • a woman must feel good in order to be able to withstand the entire ceremony;
  • she wants to take responsibility for this particular girl.

Parents need to know who cannot be godparents. These include:

  • unrepentant sinners;
  • young children;
  • unbaptized and unbelievers;
  • nuns, monks;
  • women who have recently given birth, if 40 days have not passed since the birth of the child;
  • persons leading an immoral lifestyle, violating the commandments;
  • alcoholics;
  • Gentiles.

For Orthodox Christians who regularly attend church, no additional preparation is required. For others it is obligatory to confess and receive communion. The priest conducts a conversation before baptism, explains how to behave during the ceremony and what is needed for baptism. Close relatives: sister, grandmother, aunt can also be godparents.

What is needed for the ritual

The godmother is responsible for raising the girl in the Orthodox spirit. Before the sacrament, you will need to visit the church and undergo an interview, during which they talk about God and the rules of the great sacrament. It is important that she can handle the baby as she will have to undress him and put on the baptism kit.

The christening kit includes:

  1. For babies, a kryzhma (large towel) or a baptismal dress for a girl. Godmother buys.
  2. The godfather acquires the cross. It can be put on a string or chain. For small children, it is advisable to choose a cross with rounded outlines without sharp corners to avoid scratches.

The cross and chain are chosen based on their capabilities: from plain metal or from gold, silver. There are no strict requirements on what to buy and for whom, so they can be purchased by parents, grandfather or uncle.

Preparation and rules for godparents:

  • visit the temple for confession and communion;
  • observe a short fast (3 days), giving up meat food, bad thoughts and words;
  • learn the text of the baptismal prayer “Creed”, “Our Father”;
  • acquire the necessary attributes for baptism;
  • Do not eat before the sacrament.

Church rules

During the sacrament of baptism of a girl, the godmother is considered the main recipient. Church rules for a godmother say that her main task is to read during the ritual of prayer. If you are not able to learn it by heart, you can take a prayer book. Traditionally, he buys a white towel (kryzhma) and a baptismal set. As a gift, he acquires an icon of the saint, whose name was given to the goddaughter during the ceremony. According to church rules for a godfather, he carries the child into the church and holds him in his arms until the time comes to hand him over to the clergyman.

Godparents and spouses often do not know on what days the sacrament of baptism is performed. There are no prohibitions on holidays, fasts or ordinary days of the week in church rules. Exceptions are made only for three great holidays: Christmas, Easter, Trinity. At this time, the priest is unlikely to have free time for the sacrament. Many churches have a set schedule; baptisms are held only on certain days, usually Saturdays. In a conversation with the priest, they clarify how the ceremony takes place and what is needed for it.

Parents and invited guests are welcome to attend the church. These include immediate relatives; photography and video filming are permitted, but it is time to secure the consent of the priest. Sometimes a professional is invited to record all the important moments of the ceremony.

How to dress correctly for a christening

When going to a ritual, you need to know what to baptize with. There are church rules that require festive clothing for everyone present. Allowed:

  • skirt below the knees;
  • closed jacket with long sleeves;
  • a scarf covering the head.

You should not wear trousers, shorts, or a short skirt in church. Clothing must cover the neckline, back and arms. Men can be bareheaded in a shirt and trousers; women must wear a headscarf.

The color and pattern of outfits are not regulated, but for baptism it is advisable to choose something light, because this is a big holiday for the family.

How does the sacrament happen?

During the ritual, everyone must wear crosses. Church laws stipulate the sequence of the ceremony. When a girl is baptized, she is brought (led) into the temple premises by her godfather, and after immersing herself in the font, she is received and dressed by her godmother. The baptism process is long and takes place in several stages:

  1. Bringing a child into the temple by a godfather of the opposite sex.
  2. Reading prohibitory prayers to renounce the child from evil. At this time, the baby is wrapped in a diaper.
  3. Prayers against Satan, during which renunciation of him occurs. The priest asks the question about refusal three times, his godparents are responsible for the small child;
  4. Combination to Christ and reading of the Creed by the godparents.
  5. The receivers take the lit candles in their hands, and three more are placed on the font. The priest blesses the water and oil.
  6. The priest dips the child in a font of cold water three times, after which a cross is put on.
  7. During immersion, cleansing from sins and birth for spiritual life occurs.
  8. The godmother takes the baby in her hands and wraps him in a baptismal towel, then dresses him.
  9. The priest performs chrismation by applying oil to the cross on the child’s legs, arms, back, stomach and forehead.
  10. The godparents and the child follow the priest around the font three times, at which time he reads prayers.
  11. A small strand of hair is cut from the girl’s head and remains in the church, symbolizing the spiritual unity of the child with God.
  12. The priest takes the child in his arms and places it next to the icon of the Mother of God. This means that the sacrament has been completed and the child has been churched.

Christening is a long procedure, taking from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. It also depends on whether one child is baptized or several.

A week after baptism, you must come to church for communion; the clergyman will tell you the exact date.

Choosing a church name

During the ceremony, the child receives a new name. As usual, it is chosen from those that are in tune with the worldly or are included in the lists of saints. If there is no match for the name recorded on the birth certificate, you should seek help from a priest. It will tell you which saint is venerated on the girl’s birthday or baptism; her name will become her second name. Will be used in church ceremonies. Thus, children have another holiday - the day of the heavenly intercessor (saint), whose name was given during baptism. The church name is not disclosed to outsiders so as not to weaken the baby’s protection.

Responsibilities of a godmother

A woman who agrees to become a godmother takes responsibility for the life and spiritual development of the girl. Her responsibilities include:

  • pray for your goddaughter, ask God for help for her in a difficult situation;
  • attend church together, confess and receive communion;
  • take part in spiritual education and development;
  • be a worthy role model;
  • talk about God, attend church together;
  • congratulate you on your birthday, give gifts on Angel's Day;
  • give instructions, help with advice and practical deeds;
  • adopt a girl if her parents have died.

Cost of baptism

Not everyone understands why pay for the ceremony, because Jesus commanded not to take money for baptism, so that poor people would not be excommunicated from the church due to lack of funds. But before there was a tradition of giving a tenth of income to the church and donating funds. Now there are fewer contributions, so ministers are forced to draw up a price list in order to be able to pay the costs of maintaining the temple. The cost depends on the chosen church.

There is no single price, so you can find out how much to pay only in the temple that is chosen to perform the sacrament. In churches, boxes are installed for collecting donations; the clergyman may say that there is no fee, but you have the right to put any feasible amount into it. The estimated cost of the ritual is from 1500, there is no upper limit. For him you will need a baptismal set, which includes: a white dress, a kryzhma and a scarf (cap).

How to store baptismal items

There are no rules in the Bible for the use of things left after a christening, but clergy recommend that parents keep the kryzhma and baptismal cross. They can be put in a chest of drawers and stored with the child’s clothes so that they are not in front of strangers. If he gets sick or behaves restlessly, they cover him with kryzhma.

What not to do with a baptism towel:

  • wash;
  • throwing away;
  • used to baptize other people.

There is an opinion that a baptismal shirt is a healing amulet that is applied to a sore spot for a speedy recovery. Not all parents know whether a child should wear a cross all the time. This is desirable, but if the need arises, it is temporarily removed. This thing should not be thrown away, because it is the best amulet. Even if they bought a new cross and chain, they keep the old one.

Folk signs and traditions of celebration

After the holy sacrament, a christening celebration takes place in the family circle. It is customary to use it to prepare dishes from cereals and vegetables, poultry, pastries, and pies. Godparents and guests usually ask parents in advance what to give the girl. There are no special rules for choosing an item, but the following are considered a good present:

  • saint icon;
  • a silver spoon or a set of them;
  • children's clothing, toys;
  • Bible.

It is believed that love relationships between godfathers are a great sin; there are many other folk signs:

  • you cannot show the newborn to anyone before baptism, because at this time he is weak and defenseless, he is easy to jinx;
  • during christening, the child appears before God, so he is dressed smartly;
  • An odd number of guests present at a christening is considered a bad sign;
  • During the ceremony, the candle must be held firmly in your hands, covering it with your second palm so that it does not fall or go out;
  • After the christening, they immediately go home, without turning anywhere along the road, otherwise the child’s guardian angel will weaken.

Main traditions :

  • choose believers and reliable people as godparents;
  • do not argue with the priest over the choice of name;
  • do not purchase a gold cross for newborns;
  • after the christening, the child is brought into the house by the godmother;
  • baptize the child as early as possible;
  • don't have drunken parties;
  • invite the minimum possible number of people.

An Orthodox Christian becomes a godfather any number of times; there are no limiting rules. Christening is the second most important holiday for a person after his birthday. The ritual belongs to one of the seven Orthodox church sacraments. After it, original sin is removed and God’s grace and protection descends on the baptized person. It cleanses and gives eternal life, meaning spiritual birth.

In order to properly prepare for a child’s baptism, you need to clearly know the answers to the following questions: how to sign up for a child’s baptism, how to dress a child for baptism, how to dress for a child’s baptism as an adult, how the child’s baptism ceremony is carried out, how the child’s baptism is celebrated. In this article we will try to give answers to these questions that so worry parents and godparents of the baby before baptism.

How to register for baptism?

In some churches, a priest registers a child for baptism while he conducts a special interview with the child’s parents and godparents. There are Orthodox churches where a church person who has been given such obedience registers for baptism. The baptism ceremony of a child involves the active participation of the child's godparents, so before you sign up for a specific day and specific time in the church, you should think carefully so that it is convenient for both the baby's parents and his godparents. During preparation for this great sacrament of the Church, we must try to turn more often in prayer to the Savior and His Most Holy Mother. This should be done by both the baby’s natural parents, his godparents and, if possible, all close people. You must register for baptism in advance, at least a week before the planned sacrament.

How to dress a child for baptism?

To clearly know the answer to this question, you need to ask during the interview what the temperature is in the room where the holy sacrament will take place. If this is a well-heated room, then you can dress the child lighter. And if it’s quite cool there, then it’s better to put warmer clothes on your baby, and be sure to take a blanket with you. Usually, a child is brought to baptism in only clothes, and after immersion in the font, he is dressed in a beautiful white baptismal outfit. However, this is not a strict rule.

How to dress for a child's baptism?

The clothing requirements for adults who prayerfully participate in the baptism of a child are the same as for visiting church. Women should have their heads covered, wear a skirt or dress, and clothing should be fairly closed. Even if the sacrament is performed in the summer, men should wear trousers, not shorts.

How is baptism performed?

The procedure for baptizing a child takes place in several stages. The child is held in the arms of his godparents. Usually the boy is held in the arms of his godmother before immersion in the holy font, and after immersion - by his godfather.
When a girl is baptized, everything happens exactly the opposite, although this is not a strict rule. The priest reads special prayers in which he calls on the grace of the Holy Spirit to descend on the baptized baby. The godparents read the Creed. This prayer presents the main doctrinal provisions of the Orthodox Church. On behalf of the child, godparents make a promise to remain faithful to God throughout their lives. There is a moment during the sacrament when the godparents turn their faces to the west. They make a symbolic blow and spit in this direction, and also pronounce certain words in which they renounce all evil deeds and thoughts on the child’s behalf. During immersion in the holy font, the priest pronounces the baptismal formula. This is the most important moment in performing the sacrament of baptism. After the child's baptism, the sacrament of confirmation immediately occurs. The priest smears the baby's body parts with myrrh - blessed oil - and says certain prayers. These prayers concern not only the spiritual well-being of the child, but also his physical health. For this reason, there are a large number of cases where, at first glance, hopelessly ill children, after baptism, recovered to the delight of their parents and loved ones.

When the child’s parents and godparents inquire in advance about how the child’s baptism occurs and how to properly prepare for it, then they feel much calmer and more confident during the sacrament itself, and this is of great importance. It is in a peaceful state of mind that it is easier to pray and be attentive to everything that happens.

How is a child's christening celebrated?

The celebration of a child's baptism is also called christening. It is customary that immediately after baptism the baby’s parents invite guests. Godparents bring their own gifts to the child's baptism, but not only godparents, but also all close people come with gifts. Some give clothes, some give toys, and some may bring books or dishes. During the festive feast, parents are congratulated on the joyful event of their baby’s baptism, and happy parents, in turn, thank them for their congratulations and treat everyone to various dishes.

The sacrament of baptism evokes awe in most people. Even parents who are not deeply religious must baptize their child so that the child is under God’s protection.

The rite of baptism is a ritual that requires little preparation. It is important to know when to baptize a newborn, what to prepare for going to church, and who to take as godparents (called parents). Find out more details about the traditional Christian ritual.

Most parents try to provide protection for the tiny little man early; they carry out the sacrament of baptism until the baby is 1 year old. Most often, the ceremony is carried out on the 40th day after the birth of the child. Sometimes the sacrament takes place later, if the baby is sick, the weather is so windy and cold that the baby can easily catch a cold.

Take note:

  • There is no need to postpone the ceremony for a long time: newborn babies up to one year old behave calmly during the sacrament, sleeping most of the time;
  • after one and a half years, the child often spins, is capricious, is afraid of strange smells, sounds, many strangers, and the actions of the priest;
  • with this behavior, the special atmosphere inherent in the traditional ritual disappears: all efforts are aimed at calming the crying baby;
  • whims, screams, admonitions of parents often wake up other children if the ceremony takes place for several couples;
  • take into account the important point, ensure maximum calm during the ritual.

In some cases, the priest does not recommend postponing baptism. Perform the traditional ceremony as soon as possible if the baby is restless, weak, or born prematurely. In case of serious illness, priests also advise baptizing the baby early.

Baptism of a child: what you need to know? Helpful Tips:

  • Any day is suitable for performing the ritual. Often young parents choose Saturday and Sunday, when many close people and friends can come and share the joy;
  • It is not very convenient to hold christenings on major church holidays: a lot of people gather in the church, a child may burst into tears due to the stuffiness and large crowd of strangers. On such days, the priest will not be able to devote enough time to the parents and the baby;
  • if you set a date in advance, pay attention to a delicate nuance: mommy can be present in the temple when she does not have her period at that moment. Select the christening date taking into account an important factor.

Where to baptize a newborn

The bulk of child baptism ceremonies take place in the church. Sometimes circumstances interfere with visiting a temple: a child quickly catches a cold in crowded places, the baby is sick, gets very worried, cries at the sight of strangers. What to do?

Talk to the priest whom you respect, explain the situation. The priest will take the ritual supplies with him and baptize the baby at home. Parents will need to prepare attributes for the ceremony.

Advice! In small settlements there are often one or two churches; there is practically no choice of where to baptize a child. If you live in a big city, don’t be lazy, talk to your friends, ask for advice on choosing a priest. It is important to know that the holy father will approach the sacrament of baptism with all his heart. Come to the temple in advance, talk to the priest, ask for advice on preparing for the ceremony. Find someone who is completely likeable to you.

Necessary purchases: traditions and rules

What is needed to baptize a child? Take note:

  • Most often, the cost of the ceremony and the purchase of special accessories in the church are paid by the godfather. Sometimes parents and godfather pay equally for the ceremony. You cannot force the named dad to pay in full for the christening if the person still has a difficult financial situation;
  • The godmother must bring a kryzhma - a special towel for the child’s baptism, in which the priest will wrap the baby during the ceremony. Kryzhma must be consecrated before christening. Often the named mother buys a silver teaspoon (cutlery is also consecrated in the church);
  • young parents buy little things for baptism: crosses for guests, candles, a pectoral cross for the baby. Many parents choose a gold item, but a church cross on a satin ribbon is quite suitable;
  • At baptism, the child receives a second, church name, based on the date of the ceremony. Parents must buy an icon with the face of a saint (saint) - the patron saint for the baby. Choose an icon in the temple: it will be consecrated there, after the christening the parents will take the amulet home to protect the newly baptized baby from evil forces.

How much does it cost to baptize a child? Check in advance the cost of accessories for the ceremony: Often the amount is impressive.

Which outfit is suitable for adults and children?

  • Women are required to wear a light headscarf/head scarf/thin scarf. The skirt or dress should cover the knees. A deep neckline, open shoulders, too bright, provocative colors are prohibited;
  • For men, trousers and a shirt in calm colors are suitable. Breeches and shorts are inappropriate in the temple;
  • A special christening set consisting of a beautiful baby vest and a hat with a cross embroidered on it will suit your baby. A special set is put on the baby only for the sacrament of baptism, then it is kept at home, reminding of the purity of the child’s soul. If you don't have a christening set, wear nice clothes that are easy to put on and take off.

How to choose named parents

Unfortunately, parents often do not attach much importance to this point. They are looking for someone who will agree or who the rules allow. Godparents are not always people who are ready to come to the rescue at the first call of their parents and be happy for their named son or daughter.

Many choose second parents based on the wealth of the named mother and father, in the hope of expensive gifts or an invitation to visit abroad. Kind, decent people with below-average incomes are, unfortunately, rarely considered as suitable candidates.

This is why many godparents see their named children only on birthdays, and even then, not on all of them. Sometimes godparents are remembered only before preparing for the godson’s wedding in order to receive an expensive gift.

Important! Ideally, the named parents should be like-minded people or good friends. If you have such friends or relatives in mind, invite them to the christening, trust them to become the named father or mother. Good godparents are joy in the home. Remember about spiritual communication with your godson, and not just about the material side of the issue. Remember: finances tend to change for better or worse, but good relationships often last a lifetime.

Who can be godfather

Entrust the honorable duty:

  • good friends;
  • relatives whom you are glad to see in your home;
  • dear aunts and uncles.

Who can't be a godfather

New parents should know that there are restrictions. Traditions do not allow certain categories of relatives and friends to be invited to this responsible role.

Cannot be godparents:

  • parents of the baby;
  • children: minimum age of godmother – 13 years, godfather – 15 years;
  • a married couple cannot be invited to become godparents for one child;
  • mental illness is a reason to refuse help from a person who, due to pathology, is unable to fully understand the extent of responsibility;
  • people of other faiths. Sometimes the ban is violated if the future godfather is a very good, kind person.

How does the ceremony take place?

How is a child baptized? The ritual scenario is practically the same, regardless of the location of the church (a large city or a small village). Parents, friends, relatives, and future godparents should understand in general terms how the sacrament is performed so that there is no confusion or awkwardness in some situations.

Basic moments:

  • baptism is scheduled for a certain time, but you need to arrive at the temple in advance: this way you will have time to arrange financial issues and negotiate documents for the baby;
  • An important point is to properly prepare the baby for the ritual. Undress the child, wrap him naked in a kryzhma - a special diaper or a beautiful towel larger in size than the baby;
  • the clergyman first invites the godmother to church with a boy in her arms, the future goddaughter is carried by a man;
  • Then the invited guests go inside the temple, mother enters last. Sometimes before certain prayers are read, mommy waits outside;
  • the priest takes the newborn in his arms. At this time, guests repeat the prayer of renunciation of the devil;
  • the next stage is immersing the baby in the font. The action is performed three times. If baptism is carried out during the cold season, the priest can pour water from the font onto the baby’s arms and legs;
  • Confirmation takes place after the water ritual. The newly baptized baby receives a blessing and protection from dark forces. To do this, the priest puts cross-shaped strokes with church liquid on the nose, forehead, eyes, lips, ears, arms, legs and chest;
  • The priest hands the baby over to the named parents: the woman takes the boy, the man takes the girl. Now you need to dry and dress the baby.

Find out why your child stutters and how to deal with it.

The sacrament of baptism continues:

  • The baby receives a cross. One of the named parents holds the baby, the second puts on a blessed cross;
  • The priest cuts several locks of hair from the baby’s head (in the center). This detail means submission to God, the new spiritual life of the newly baptized child;
  • At the end of the ritual, the priest walks around the font three times with the child in his arms. The priest places the girl next to the icon of the Mother of God, the boy is brought into the altar;
  • Now you can hand over the newly baptized baby to the mother. The mother carries out the crumbs of their temple;
  • all guests and godparents go home with their parents to celebrate the baby’s baptism.

The traditional ritual takes from 30–40 minutes to two hours. The more couples in the church baptize children, the longer the sacrament lasts: the priest pays attention to each child.

Now you know when a newborn baby is baptized, who should be named parents, and what to purchase for the ceremony. Take the recommendations into account, choose worthy godparents, and take the preparation of the ceremony responsibly. May God and the saints bless the newly baptized baby, protect him from adversity, protect him from troubles and the influence of dark forces!

Nowadays it has become firmly established in everyday life. Almost all parents, regardless of whether they are church-going Christians - parishioners of a particular church, or not, try to baptize their children.
It happens that children are baptized in families that are completely far from church life and Orthodox values. However, most clergy see more advantages than negative aspects in this phenomenon.

By accepting holy Baptism, a person becomes a full member of the Church and can participate in other sacraments. The grace of God received in the sacraments, that is, the special power of God, strengthens a person in the desire for goodness, truth, helps to comprehend not only spiritual truths, but also in the study of secular sciences, and contributes to the development of the best human qualities. Grace can heal even serious illnesses.

In favor of the arguments about infant baptism, the outstanding Orthodox missionary, Deacon Andrei Kuraev says the following:

“Yes, the child does not know what the Church is and on what principles it is built. But the Church is not a philosophical circle, not a simple meeting of like-minded people. Church is life in God. Are children separated from God? Are they alien to Christ? Isn’t it absurd to leave children outside of Christ (and baptism is understood by all Christians as the door leading into the Church of Christ) only for the reason that the norms of Roman law do not see signs of “capacity” in them?


Of course, conscious faith and repentance are not required from children; they are baptized according to the faith of their parents and recipients. But even the fact that the parents are unbaptized or unbelievers, or baptized in another Christian denomination, is not an obstacle. If there are believing relatives or close friends who are ready to become godparents and help the child join the church, the child can and should be baptized.

The Church calls on parents to take the Sacrament responsibly and seriously. - not a tribute to fashion or tradition, but a spiritual birth.

If we baptize a baby, his development and upbringing are entirely in our hands - in the hands of his parents and closest relatives. How the fate of this little person will turn out largely depends on the values ​​​​instilled in the family circle.

The task of parents is to do everything so that the seed of divine truth and purity in the child’s soul gives its first sprouts, and does not die in the thorns of everyday, empty worries.

“There was once a baby inside each of us; if he is still alive, if the soul is still full of sensitivity, receptivity,will to good - we will rejoice, ... we will begin to look at the children around us, marvel and rejoice at them, learn from them, because if we are not like children, there is no way for us to the Kingdom of God."(Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh)

At what age is it better to baptize a child? Time and place of baptism

There are no strict rules for baptizing a child in Orthodoxy. Parents have the right to choose at what age it is best to baptize their child. It is believed that a baby can be baptized already forty days after birth, but there are cases that they are baptized earlier. Considering the spiritual importance of the Sacrament, it is better not to delay Baptism. In most cases, children are baptized in the first year of life.

For children under seven years of age, parental consent is required; starting from the age of seven, in order to baptize a child, the child’s consent is required.

From the age of fourteen, parental consent is not required; a teenager can be baptized independently, even if there are no godparents.

Baptism can take place on any day - fasting, ordinary or holiday, but each church has its own schedule of services, so the day and time of baptism must be agreed upon in the church where you want to be baptized. The baptism of a child at home can only be performed under some special circumstances that prevent people from coming to church, for example, in the case of a serious illness of the child.

Choosing a name for a child

In the Russian Orthodox Church, it is customary to baptize children with the name of one of the saints who are mentioned in the Orthodox Saints (list of saints' names). If the name given by the parents is not in the Saints, then at Baptism the child is given the consonant name of one of God's saints. For example, Dina - Nina, Alina - Alla, Robert - Rodion.

Another way to choose a name for a child is when the birthday coincides with the memory of a saint, then at Baptism the person is given that name. For example,January 25 - Holy Martyr Tatiana, July 18 - St. Sergius of Radonezh, July 24 - Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, August 1 - St. Seraphim of Sarov.

There are no strict requirements for choosing a name at Baptism; you can baptize a person with any name, choose a name according to the Saints - only the pious Russian tradition.

With the name given at Baptism, a person participates in the Sacraments of the church all his life; it is written in notes of remembrance at the liturgy, at prayer services, etc.


The issue of choosing godparents is extremely important during the Baptism of a child.

Both a teenager over 14 years of age and an adult can have godparents, but in this case the person being baptized himself professes faith and desires to be baptized. When godparents vouch for him, they undertake the obligation to instill faith in their godson, teach the basics of Orthodoxy - talk about what church is, prayer, what it means to “sin.”

Godparents also bear part of the responsibility for the child’s misdeeds. Undoubtedly, in order to teach a little person to believe, pray, and repent of sins, you yourself need to have experience in spiritual life, to be an educated person knowledgeable in these matters. And besides, be a respectable, honest Christian.

Godparents must be believers and take an active part in church life - attend church on Sundays and holidays, participate in the Sacraments, and observe fasts.

The participation of godparents in the spiritual education of children should be real, not nominal. They should have the opportunity to regularly meet with the child, communicate, and visit church together. You should not choose a godfather, even if he is a very good, pious person who lives in another city, or for other reasons is not able to see the child.

Godparents can be close and distant relatives - aunt, uncle, sister, grandmother, family friends. There are several categories of people who, according to the canons of the church, cannot be recipients.

These are monks and nuns, parents for their own children; spouses cannot baptize one child together, since with spiritual kinship, married life is unacceptable. Non-believers, unbaptized people or baptized in another faith, mentally ill people, minors under 15 years old cannot be godparents.

It is better to take a well-known, reliable person or relative as godparents; it is advisable that he has experience in raising his own children, and be guided, first of all, by how good a mentor he can become for your child. According to church tradition, one godfather is enough, of the same gender as the godson, for a boy - a godfather, for a girl - a godmother. But in the Russian Orthodox Church the tradition of having two godparents has taken root.

What is needed for a child's Baptism? How should you prepare for it?

In some churches, public conversations are held, and parents will be immediately invited to attend them; this is necessary; in such classes you can learn a lot of useful things, as well as clarify all practical issues related to Baptism. Both biological parents and future godparents are invited.

If parents have not been to such conversations, you need to obtain the necessary knowledge yourself from Orthodox literature, you can talk with a priest and ask all the questions that concern you.

To baptize a child, you need to prepare a baptismal set, which includes: a baptismal cover (a white, new towel or baptismal diaper for a newborn), a baptismal shirt for a boy or a girl, a pectoral cross and several candles. You will be much calmer on the day of the Sacrament if everything you need is prepared in advance.

Clothes for baptism can be bought in church shops or in ours. You can also sew clothes yourself. The christening shirt should have a simple loose

cut so that the godmother or godfather can easily and quickly dress the baby after the bath. Small children are often capricious, scared and scream during Baptism, so the collar of the baptismal robe should be spacious enough and the cut should be comfortable for the baby.

Godparents usually give the godson a personalized icon (you can give a dimensional icon) of his heavenly patron and a pectoral cross.

How is the rite of Baptism of a child carried out?

The rite of Baptism of a child is preceded by the rite of announcement - that is, a special sequence of prayers, chants and sacred rites. First, prayers for banning evil spirits are read, after which the ritual of renouncing Satan is performed - the person being baptized turns his face to the west, the priest asks him questions, and he must consciously answer. Godparents are responsible for infants (up to seven years old).

Then there is a confession of fidelity to Christ (combination with Christ), now facing east, the baptized person (or godparents) again answers the questions of the priest. These recipients must know the questions. The announcement ends with the confession of the Creed - the most important Orthodox prayer, containing in a condensed form the entire Orthodox doctrine.

The most solemn and majestic part of the service begins - the celebration of Holy Baptism. The priest dresses in white robes - a symbol of the new life brought to earth by Jesus Christ. Three candles are lit on the eastern side of the font, and candles are also given to the recipients. The priest stands in front of the font, behind him are the godparents holding children in their arms, older children stand on their own, the godparents are behind them.

The sequence of sacred rites is as follows: first, the water for baptism is consecrated, then the oil is consecrated, the priest anoints the person being baptized with the consecrated oil, and then baptizes him in the font by three times immersion in water with the baptismal prayer. Baptism is the spiritual birth of a person. Immersion in the font symbolizes death, leaving the font symbolizes resurrection. After the third immersion, the priest hands the godson over to the recipient, who wipes him dry with a baptismal towel. Then the baptized person is dressed in white clothes - a baptismal shirt or an elegant baptismal dress for a girl.

The priest puts a pectoral cross on the person being baptized.

This concludes the Baptism of the child.

How is it customary to celebrate christenings?

Usually the child’s parents invite godparents,
relatives and friends to celebrate this event.
But the holiday of Epiphany is not usually celebrated with secular entertainment. In the memory of family and friends, and of course, the baby himself, there should remain a special atmosphere of spiritual joy that always accompanies such a wonderful event as the baptism of a child. After all, Baptism is a great and unique Sacrament.

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