Compression shorts. Why do you need compression pants? Why do you need compression sportswear?

In today's informational article, LYNX, in which you can, perform, and, will tell you why compression clothing is needed, what properties and advantages it has.

Why do you need compression clothing for sports?

Compression clothing, due to its special characteristics and properties, allows athletes to solve a number of important problems:

  1. Improving blood circulation during sports or rehabilitation procedures. Increasing blood flow in the body of athletes is the main task that is assigned to compression clothing. Thanks to its characteristics, clothing allows you to create and distribute pressure on the muscular system, and therefore, by performing physical activity, the athlete increases the speed of blood movement in the body. As a result, the muscles are better saturated with fresh oxygen, increasing their own endurance and performance. In addition, the use of compression clothing during training and competitions makes it possible to reduce the likelihood of muscle spasms and eliminate the feeling of heaviness.
  2. Prevention of varicose veins. The use of compression clothing as a preventive measure for varicose veins is considered by modern medicine to be one of the most effective and efficient ways to overcome this disease. In addition, systematically wearing clothing that has a compression effect is a good way to prevent the onset of the disease, especially for those people who are at risk.
  3. Faster recovery process after training. Clothing with compression properties also improves the speed of blood flow in the body, which is at relative rest. And as a consequence of this, the athlete’s muscular system recovers more quickly after intense or very high physical activity.
  4. Reducing the risk of injury. Clothing that tightly fits the athlete's body, for example, rash guards, which inherently represent a second skin, is essentially a lightweight but very durable bandage. Such a bandage acts as an effective means of supporting the athlete’s muscular system and joints, reducing the risk of injury.
  5. Prevention of calluses. Being a second skin, clothing with a compression effect fits onto the legs as reliably and tightly as possible, without slipping off during sports or forming folds. As a result, the risk of blisters is significantly lower than when using conventional sports equipment.

How to choose compression clothing for sports?

In order to choose the right compression clothing, an athlete should adhere to the following tips:

  1. Determine why exactly you need compression clothing. At the moment, manufacturers produce and offer consumers two options for clothing that have a compression effect. The first type includes clothing for physical activity, and the second type includes clothing for faster recovery after injury. The main difference between these types of clothing is the different level of conversion. So, for example, in order to buy compression socks for loads, you need to measure your calf, and for recovery, you need to measure your ankle.
  2. Measure yourself correctly. When deciding to buy compression clothing, you should remember that they are not the same size as what you wear in everyday life. This is due to the fact that sports equipment, which has a compression effect, is denser and more difficult to pull on than regular clothing. In addition, it should tightly fit the athlete’s body, sitting on him like a real second skin. It is for this reason that each major manufacturer of compression clothing has its own size chart. And therefore, before buying a rash guard, compression pants, shorts or leggings, you should first measure yourself with a centimeter and, based on the data obtained, choose the most suitable size for yourself. It is worth saying that it is best to take measurements every time before choosing compression clothing, since the muscular system has the ability to pump up or lose weight, and therefore change in size.
  3. Don't be afraid of tight clothes. When choosing clothing with a compression effect, remember that it should be tight when put on. For this reason, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to pull it on yourself with great difficulty. If you choose socks, shorts or a rash guard based on your usual clothing size, then most likely this equipment will make you feel uncomfortable while playing sports.
  4. Before purchasing, decide for what loads you need clothing. This is especially true for those who decide to purchase compression socks or leggings. This is due to the fact that gaiters can be used for swimming, after which the athlete will not suffer from the fact that this equipment got wet in the water; such clothing is most interesting to triathletes. If we talk about gaiters, they are considered more multifunctional and can be used in all sports. In addition, a large assortment of golf socks manufactured by manufacturers will allow the athlete to choose a model designed specifically for his sport. Thanks to this, they will take into account not only the dynamics of the exercises, the presence of certain types of load, but also the most frequently used shoes, as well as various external factors.
  5. Pay close attention to the quality of the fabric. It is worth remembering that the quality of the fabric, as well as flat, non-chafing seams are one of the most important guarantees of high-quality compression clothing. Therefore, when choosing clothing with a compression effect, carefully consider these factors.

How to wear compression clothing correctly?

  1. Remember that compression garments should be difficult to put on. Don't expect that putting on your purchased compression garments for the first time will be easy. As a rule, a person who decides to try training in such equipment for the first time will need some time to get used to quickly putting on compression clothing on his own.
  2. Get help. If you have purchased compression socks or shorts, but cannot put them on yourself, an excellent solution in this situation would be to purchase a specialized device, which can often be found in online stores, as well as departments selling therapeutic compression hosiery.
  3. Please read the instructions carefully. As a rule, each manufacturer includes detailed instructions with its compression clothing on how to put on and use the product. Try not to neglect this information that is useful to you, as in these instructions you can get the fastest and easiest way to put on the product you purchased.

If you are actively involved in sports, then your blood vessels need additional support. Otherwise, the risks of various diseases may increase. Therefore, to help your blood vessels, you need to use sports compression garments. For many years, this type of clothing has been used to improve the performance characteristics of the athlete and increase his level of comfort. Today we will tell you why an athlete needs compression clothing.

Compression clothing comes in socks, pants, leg warmers, T-shirts and other options. First you need to understand how compression garments work. The principle of operation is to compress the veins to varying degrees and narrow the blood vessels. As a result, blood flow accelerates, the functioning of the circulatory system is facilitated, muscles are enriched with oxygen and nutrients, and decay products are removed from the body.

The main function of sports compression clothing is to compress the limbs and help blood vessels function correctly and withstand heavy loads.

In medicine, there are 4 classes of compression. However, you can only buy and select compression sportswear on your own with compression class 1; otherwise, you need to consult a specialist. Compression class 1 is preventative. It should be used if you find yourself with enlarged saphenous veins or spider veins.

The effect of compression sportswear.

Professional and amateur athletes often use compression sportswear during training and preparation for competitions. What is it for?

  • Prevention of thrombosis and additional stress on the cardiovascular system, since a person is under excessive load, the vessels lose their shape, and the functioning of the valves is disrupted;
  • Injury is reduced, as vibrations are reduced and additional support is provided to the muscles;
  • The sensation of the body in space increases;
  • Training becomes comfortable, since sports compression clothing has good thermoregulation and elasticity;
  • The outflow of venous blood is stimulated;
  • Blood circulation improves;
  • The process of tissue restoration is accelerated;
  • Efficiency and endurance increase;
  • Swelling of the legs decreases;
  • Prevents the appearance of calluses;
  • Coordination improves and muscle reaction time is reduced due to increased proprioceptive sensitivity.

In addition, scientists in Auckland from Macy University showed that only 14% of athletes who ran 10 km in compression socks experienced delayed muscle pain. By comparison, 93% of athletes who ran 10K without compression socks experienced shin pain the next day.

When to wear compression sportswear?

  • During prolonged exercise;
  • If you are predisposed to varicose veins;
  • For recovery after competitions or heavy training.

However, it is not recommended to wear compression sportswear all the time. Because there may be an overdose effect. Remember that with constant pressure, blood vessels may no longer maintain their natural tone. And this will cause the same problems as with insufficient compression.

We also draw your attention to the fact that sportswear with a compression effect should fit tightly and be difficult to put on, but at the same time without restricting movement.

Contraindications for sports compression clothing:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Orthoarteritis;
  • Endoarteritis;
  • Thromboangiitis obliterans.

If you still don’t know why compression clothing is needed for sports, then pay attention to its main advantages: additional muscle support, accelerated recovery and reduced injuries. All these factors are very important for both a professional athlete and an amateur.

Ancient athletes, so that their clothes did not slow down or interfere with them, competed naked. In the 2000s, athletes solved problems with sportswear in a different way. Compression underwear, as beneficial for muscles and comfortable, is a leader in the industry.

Types of elastic underwear

  • Gaiters.
  • Socks.
  • T-shirts.
  • Tops.
  • Tights.
  • Tights.
  • Underwear.

Compression underwear for training is suitable for both athletes and obese people (helps to lose excess weight).

For women it is made without seams. Straps and elastic bands are soft and elastic. Do not rub the skin. For exercise, there are bras of three levels of support - for intense training, medium and light.

Knee socks, leg warmers and sports socks are made from synthetic materials with the addition of wool or cotton, which, unlike natural materials, increases moisture-wicking properties.

The nuances of how compression clothing works

The word "compression" means compression. Compression clothing compresses the limbs and the vessels in them, which facilitates the functioning of the blood supply system: the compressed muscle is better supplied with blood and oxygen, which helps remove toxins.

Blood rising from the lower extremities passes through the valves. Their function is that they prevent the accumulation of blood below (the appearance of edema and blood clots), and with each beat of the heart they pass upward. But under stress in athletes or people who stand for a long time, the function of the valves is disrupted.

Important: the function of compression garments is to compress the limbs and help the blood vessels to withstand heavy loads.

In compression garments, when made correctly, the load distribution is calculated. So, in knee socks, the compression is stronger downwards, and less towards the knee. This is done because force is required from the lower part of the limb to raise the blood. In percentage terms, the compression distribution is as follows:

  • Ankle and lower leg – 100%.
  • Knee joint – 60%.
  • Thigh – 25%.

Compression (graduated) stimulates the outflow of blood to the lungs and heart from the veins of the lower extremities.

Active circulation during sports enriches the blood with oxygen and microelements, which reduces fatigue and increases endurance.

What are sports compression garments used for?

When using elastic clothing, athletes improve training results and reduce symptoms of fatigue after training:

  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Krepatura.
  • Pain in the feet, swelling.

Soft elastic fabrics in the toe area protect the toes from damage and excessive stress. The leg is gently enveloped and not pinched. It normalizes blood flow, and this reduces the risk of pulmonary embolism and blood clot formation. Special material prevents sweating and removes moisture. The Achilles tendon area is further protected (to prevent injury). In the foot area, the structure of the product is compacted to prevent the formation of calluses.

When to wear stretchy underwear

Important: wearing compression garments is always contraindicated. Constant compression is harmful: the vessels lose their natural tone.

Put it on immediately before physical activity, and take it off after it, although some athletes (to restore blood circulation in the limbs) wear it for another 1 - 2 hours after sports training.

Types of compression

In addition to standard underwear, there are models with pronounced compression properties. Such underwear better compresses areas exposed to stress. The load on these areas is reduced. This is important during sports training.

The difference between compression sports and medical clothing

Elastic medical and sports knitwear differ:

  • The degree of compression.
  • Elasticity of materials.
  • Wearing comfort.

Medical clothing is made from coarse fabrics and puts more pressure on the body. It does not create a comfortable temperature for him.

The benefits of compression garments

Elastic underwear fits the body, facilitates movement, and forms a kind of corset, the advantages of which include the following factors:

  • Compared to other products, compression sportswear reduces the sensation of pain. When running, the foot hits a hard surface, and vibration is transmitted upward through the body with the help of muscle fibers. This causes pain. With the help of special clothing, the athlete forgets about pain.
  • When a load is applied to the muscles, blood flow and muscle recovery are accelerated. Lactic acid is not released. In the future, this will relieve pain after training.
  • Sports socks improve blood circulation, secure the foot in shoes, and prevent swelling, dropsy and calluses from appearing. Reduces the occurrence of injuries and cramps.
  • Additional muscle support reduces the occurrence of injuries.
  • Excess moisture is continuously removed, thereby preventing skin irritation.
  • Protects from the sun, removes moisture, retains heat. Lets air through.
  • Coordination improves. A special effect in this belongs to the socks. Fitting tightly to the foot, they help to better feel the placement of the foot.

The use of elastic materials increases the intensity of the workout and prolongs its duration.

Compression garments: for or against

Compression garments, according to manufacturers, have many advantages. However, scientific research gives conflicting results:

Difference in athletic performance

Scientists from the University of Newcastle conducted a study that showed that elastic clothing for the lower torso during high-intensity running reduces heart rate and increases blood flow.

However, scientists have not yet confirmed the dependence of results in sports on compression garments and have not proven that they make runners faster.

This is due to the insignificance of the advantage, which was lost in statistical error.

For decades now, debates about increasing running speed have not stopped. Although science has proven that the average heart rate of an athlete wearing compression underwear during physical training is 2 - 3 beats per minute lower than that of people in regular clothes.

Pain reduction

The following experiment was conducted: athletes trained in sprinting in ordinary clothes. A week later, they repeated the training wearing elastic sports jersey. Muscle pain decreased after using knitwear, but the differences were insignificant.

Improved stamina

Runners competed in sports and compression golf. The latter slightly increased cardiac endurance.

Important: compression clothing takes on part of the athlete’s load, and reduces the physical fitness of the muscles and body.

However, the fit (tight) to the skin, the feel of the pleasant material and the feeling of muscle support are liked by athletes. Interestingly, people who believe in the beneficial qualities of elastic knitwear note an improvement in well-being and an increase in physical performance after wearing it.

Contraindications to wearing sports compression garments

The use of compression is contraindicated for the following categories of people:

  • Patients with diabetes.
  • People with circulatory disorders.
  • For smokers.
  • Patients with dermatitis, suffering from skin hypersensitivity, with open wounds.

Conclusion: people who use elastic knitwear for sports observe the following symptoms:

  • Improved muscle tone.
  • Reducing fatigue.

IN This type of underwear is convenient for physical exercise. It hugs the body beautifully. These reasons are enough to buy stretchy sportswear.

Recently, a lot of people involved in any kind of sports (exposing their muscles to intense training), come to classes, competitions, and also recover after heavy loads in tight-fitting, tight suits that emphasize the figure - in so-called compression clothing. Although not so long ago, when you entered the gym, you saw people there in loose shorts and large, oversized T-shirts; it was convenient for training and also hid figure flaws. What has changed? Why is all this needed?

Let's see - what does compression clothing give a person in sports and in boxing in particular?

Compression sportswearmade of specialized elastic materials (sometimes with the addition of various components that improve one or another property of compression clothing) that fit the body. The word compression means “squeezing” in English. That is, these are clothes that provide balanced pressure on certain areas of the body.

Compression technologies (squeezing technologies) appeared in medicine more than 60 years ago to treat patients suffering from vein diseases by increasing blood circulation, lowering blood pressure, and saturating tissues with oxygen. Sports doctors immediately took note of the good effects of such clothing. In the late 1980s, scientists began researching whether athletes could benefit from wearing compression garments that improved circulation. It turned out that the use of compression socks improved venous circulation in the leg, which reduced swelling and stretching and lowered the level of lactic acid in the blood after grueling exercise. Later they began to use compression clothing for other parts of the body in order to expand the potential capabilities of the body, improve muscle performance, reduce their vibrations, and improve posture.

Such clothing supports the muscles, enhances the athlete's movements, preserving and returning energy when muscles stretch and contract during physical activity.

A set of compression clothing provides the athlete with a little more endurance, strength, and energy efficiency. Compression clothing fits tightly to the body and allows you to better feel every movement, which means better control of the situation. The athlete can perform at full strength at higher speeds and for longer periods of time.

Advantages compression clothing :

  • Maximizes the power of movement - causes increased blood flow and increases oxygen delivery to muscle groups, thereby improving performance.
  • minimizes fatigue, allows you to quickly recover from the most intense workout - improved blood circulation also helps the body reduce the build-up of lactic acid and other metabolic waste.
  • reduces muscle tension, minimizes the risk of cramps - compression clothing, as it were, fixes the muscles and prevents vibrations during movement, thus saving energy, preventing injuries and the body gets back into work faster.
  • removes moisture, retains heat, protects from the sun and gives comfort.

Thanks to such remarkable properties of compression clothing, many athletes use it not only for training and competition, but also for recovery. In addition, compression clothing has become part of everyday life, used for standing work or during long hours of air travel or long car trips.

Another benefit of compression clothing is the fabric's ability to wick sweat away from the body, keeping you warm in the winter or cool in the summer.

Types of compression clothing

Rashguard (rashguard or rash guard - literally “protector against rash”) is an elastic T-shirt with short or long sleeves, made of special materials, which fits snugly to the body. This piece of equipment is now used by fighters of all directions.

What are the advantages of a rashguard over regular cotton T-shirts?

  • Rashguard performs all of the above functions - endurance, injury prevention, improved blood circulation
  • A rash guard is an excellent means of protection against an unscrupulous sparring partner. In this equipment, the likelihood of contracting any skin disease, irritation or acne is reduced to zero. And due to antibacterial impregnation, you get complete protection from pathogenic bacteria and microbes.
  • Rashguards allow air to pass through well, dry very quickly and practically do not tear. It takes a lot of effort to spoil and tear such equipment. It is very convenient and effective to exercise in it; you practically do not feel it on yourself, since it is very light. It is for this reason that a rashguard is often called the “second skin” of an athlete.
  • In such equipment you will not be afraid of minor abrasions and burns on mats.
  • During a break, this equipment does not allow your body to cool down, which helps prevent sprains and minor injuries to muscles and ligaments.
  • Don’t forget about the aesthetic appearance of an athlete, especially if you have a sculpted body. A fighter dressed in such tight-fitting equipment looks very impressive and intimidating to his opponent.

Compression shorts and pants perform the same function as rash guards. They provide targeted compression for better blood circulation, remove sweat, keep the body warm, save energy and prevent injury.

I use these clothes both on their own and under shorts.

Perform the same function. Should be in the arsenal of all athletes, since no matter what sport you engage in, the legs always experience the greatest load - especially for boxers, on whose footwork at least 40% of the success of the fight depends.

A compression sleeve on the arm is suitable for any sport where there is stress on the arms and forearms. It wraps the arm in a tight ring, preventing strong stretching from occurring, that is, it keeps the muscles in a normal state. During work and stress, gradient compression technology helps relieve fatigue in the arm muscles. The compression sleeve regulates temperature and wicks away moisture.

So, compression clothing will help make your training, competition or recovery period after heavy loads more fruitful. With compression - You can always count on additional support, reduced injury and faster recovery. It’s not for nothing that all superheroes wear tight suits...

Intense and long-term training exposes the athlete’s body to high stress: muscles, blood vessels, veins and arteries are overstrained, which can lead to serious consequences and injuries. This is why athletes, both beginners and professionals, often use compression clothing, which is designed to not only protect you from injury, but also improve your performance during training.

How do compression sportswear work?

The whole secret of how a compression garment works is in the material it is made of: it is an elastic fabric (containing spandex and polyurethane) with the addition of specialized components that provide uniform compression and pressure only on those muscles that require it. Thus, the key function of such clothing is to compress and support the muscles (which is what the word “compression” actually means). Such clothing most often has reinforced seams and ventilation inserts that allow the skin to breathe. One of its varieties is compression T-shirts. Fitted tightly and precisely to the torso, like a second skin, it stabilizes the muscles and provides you several important effects:

  • prevents veins from enlarging;
  • protects the walls of blood vessels from deformation and varicose veins;
  • improves blood circulation and oxygen flow for the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces muscle pain and the risk of spasms;
  • Supports ligaments and tendons to protect against injury.

All these properties should not come as a surprise, since compression sportswear originates from medicine. 60 years ago (and still) compression garments (stockings, socks, etc.) were used for medicinal purposes, and only 20 years later scientists began to consider them as equipment for sports.

What are the benefits of compression clothing for your workouts?

To begin with, we note that, unlike ordinary cotton or any other knitted clothing, a T-shirt with compression properties will help the athlete maintain the body and muscles in a warm state during training - your body will quickly engage in active work. It also provides greater comfort because the compression wicks sweat away from the body, protects the skin from UV rays and retains heat, which is important for training in cold and hot weather.

Compression definitely has positive action:

  • on the coordination of your movements: you will feel better about your own body and will be able to improve your technique;
  • for endurance and efficiency: it will increase due to increased support and stabilization of muscles;
  • on strength: another important advantage is the energy return function, when with each stretch and contraction of the muscles, due to the return of energy, the movements become stronger.

Thus, when training in a compression T-shirt, you will be able to give 100%, demonstrate excellent performance, speed and maintain strength for a longer time.

Multifunctionality allows you to use compression clothing not only during, but also after training. It helps to recover much faster from injuries or swelling, get rid of muscle pain, and feelings of fatigue, since compression improves blood flow to the vessels, which means it reduces the build-up of lactic acid and other metabolic waste. The compression garment is also suitable for everyday wear, for example, during long flights and trips.

How to choose a compression T-shirt

Compression T-shirts are suitable for most sports: running, boxing, martial arts, gymnastics, fitness, aerobics and so on. They differ in manufacturing technology, design, and sleeve length. For training in warm rooms or in hot weather, a short-sleeve T-shirt such as the Reebok ActiveChill is great. Flat seams and a snug fit provide incredible comfort, while ventilation panels in the back improve breathability. A compression T-shirt is not only effective, but also very stylish. The Venum Contender long-sleeve T-shirt is proof of this: it will highlight your core muscles, keep your arms and body warm during cold weather workouts, and the silicone strip at the waist will prevent it from riding up during sudden movements.

Compression clothing: how and when to wear

If you often carry out long, intense workouts or want to speed up the recovery process after injuries or heavy loads, sports training clothing is recommended for you. However, it should be remembered that moderation is important in everything: wearing sportswear for a long time is fraught with consequences, since it is impossible to keep the blood vessels in a constantly compressed state. It is necessary to take into account medical contraindications. These include:

  • arteritis;
  • thromboangiitis;
  • skin dermatitis;
  • chronic leg diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • hypersensitivity of the skin.

To increase the durability of your clothes, wash them on a delicate cycle no higher than 30 degrees, or hand wash them. To avoid damaging the fibers, do not use products containing bleach or chlorine. Compression clothing does not need to be dried on a radiator, ironed or wrung out in an automatic machine. We recommend that you rinse your compression shirt after training for 10 minutes using mild powders or shampoos - this will help keep your T-shirt durable and looking fresh for a long time.

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