The concert wind orchestra of the Belgorod Philharmonic returned from Poland with a victory. “Constellation of copper pipes Evgeniy Guryev pipe

Laureate of the II Moscow International Trumpet Competition (1997)
Diploma winner at the International Wind Instrument Competition in Markneukirchen, Germany (1998)

Born in Moscow. He received his primary musical education at the Children's Music School named after. Dunaevsky (specialty - piano) and Children's Music School No. 25 in Moscow (trumpet class of V. A. Golubov). In 1988 he entered the Moscow Music College named after. October Revolution (trumpet class by V. B. Krichevsky). In 1992 he graduated from college, renamed College. Schnittke (trumpet class of A. M. Pautov). In 1997 he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory (class of Yu. A. Usov).

In 1998-1999 underwent an internship at the Luxembourg Conservatory in the classes principale-trompet (prof. L. Lauer), chamber music (prof. Ch. Consbruk), jazz improvisation (prof. G. Walzing), technik-cuivre (prof. R. Zaremba) and orchestral class (prof. G. Milier). Has a superior diploma from the Luxembourg Conservatory in chamber music prof. Ch. Consbruk (1999). In 2000, he completed an assistant internship at the Moscow Conservatory (classes of Yu. A. Usov and Yu. E. Vlasenko).

Since 2001, he studied playing the baroque trumpet in Germany with Professor E. Tarr, in Austria with Professor A. Lackner. Currently, he is a candidate at the Department of History of Foreign Music of the Moscow Conservatory, writing a dissertation in the class of Professor M. A. Saponov on the topic “Natural trumpet in the music of three centuries: problems of history and performance.”

Area of ​​scientific interests: Baroque and early classical music, natural and baroque trumpet, problems of history and performance on the natural trumpet, the first musical treatises on the trumpet, the history of the emergence and development of wind instruments, issues of methodology and musical pedagogy. Author of translations into Russian of the first musical treatises on the baroque trumpet by G. Fantini and C. Bendinelli. Gives presentations at international scientific conferences.

Among the latest presentations: the international scientific and practical conference of the Department of History and Theory of Performance of the Moscow Conservatory “History and theory of performance on wind instruments: problems and prospects (to the 75th anniversary of the Honored Worker of the RSFSR, Doctor of Art History, Professor Yu. A. Usov).” December 15-16, 2005, Moscow. Report on the topic: “Natural trumpet: current problems of training and concert practice.”

Pedagogical activities:

Since 2000, he has been teaching students of the orchestral department “Methods of teaching playing brass instruments” at the Department of History and Theory of Performing Arts of the Moscow Conservatory.

Since 2001, he has been a teacher at the Department of Strings, Wind and Percussion Instruments at the Faculty of Historical and Contemporary Performing Arts (FISIA) of the Moscow Conservatory. Teaches a baroque trumpet class.

In 1999-2001 taught “Methods of teaching playing wind instruments” at the Academic Music School at the Moscow Conservatory. Since 2003, he has been teaching “Methods of teaching playing wind instruments” and “History of performing wind instruments” at the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory (CMS).

Since 2006, he has been teaching a special trumpet class at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI). L. Guryev is the author and compiler of a number of educational programs, in which he conducts his own courses:

  • “Methods of teaching playing brass instruments” for the orchestral department of the Moscow Conservatory
  • “Baroque trumpet” for FISII Moscow Conservatory
  • “Methods of teaching playing wind instruments” for wind players at the Academic Music School at the Moscow Conservatory
  • “Methods of teaching playing wind instruments” for Central Music School
  • “History of performing wind instruments” for the Central Music School
  • "Instrumentation" for the Central Music School
  • "Instrumentation" for the Central Music School

Concert activities. Main repertoire:

L. Guryev worked as a soloist in the State Symphony Orchestra under V. Dudarova, the State Academic Symphony Orchestra under P. Kogan, the State Symphony Orchestra “Young Russia” under M. Gorenstein, the State Brass Orchestra of Russia, the State Academic Symphony Chapel p/u V. Polyansky.

He played concerts with the orchestra of the Luxembourg Philharmonic and the orchestra of the State Philharmonic in the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Currently works in the State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia" (artistic director and chief conductor - Yuri Bashmet). The musician's repertoire includes works of different eras and styles by Russian and foreign composers. Among the solo programs are concerts on modern and baroque trumpets with the Academic Chamber Orchestra “Musica Viva” (artistic director and chief conductor - Alexander Rudin). Of particular interest to the musician is the performance of ancient music.

Among L. Guryev’s professional hobbies is playing natural instruments. Currently plays on natural trumpets by A. Egger (Basel, Switzerland) 1990, made according to the model: E. J. Haas, Nuremberg, Germany, 1780. Leonid Guryev’s repertoire for natural trumpet includes works by composers of Italian, German, English schools: G. Viviani, G. Fantini, G. Torelli, A. Vivaldi, J. Clark, G. I. F. Biber, G. F. Telemann, G. F. Handel, J. S. Bach and others .

Concert programs have also been prepared as part of the early music ensemble of the Moscow Conservatory (Renaissance and Baroque music), and the baroque ensemble of soloists “The Pocket Symphony” (artistic director - Nazar Kozhukhar). Leonid Guryev also plays baroque and early classical music as part of the Pratum Integrum orchestra (artistic director - Pavel Serbin). Among the latest major programs:

  • Radio concert “Illusions of the French Baroque” - December 6, 2004
  • Concert at the Musica Antiqua festival in Bruges - July 24, 2006

Actively performs in Moscow and tours Russia with leading musicians, including: soloist of the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic L. Golub, laureates of international competitions N. Kozhukhar, Kh. Gerzmava, A. Gitsba, G. Knysh, E. Melnikova, organist of the Cathedral of St. Cross in Warsaw M. Dabrowski. A regular participant in instrumental concerts, including solo ones, at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Moscow.

In recent years, he has been actively giving concerts with chamber ensembles. In 1998, he toured Germany with the brass quintet of the Moscow Conservatory “New Moscow” together with the German quintet “Opus 5” with the support of the Villa Musica Foundation (Germany). He plays as part of the ensemble of soloists “Studio of New Music” of the Moscow Conservatory (artistic director - V. G. Tarnopolsky, conductor - Igor Dronov). L. Guryev played programs with the Chamber Orchestra “Ensemble XXI Century” (conductor - Lizhia O'Riordan).

He took part in a tour of cities in Russia, Europe and America as part of the Russian-American Youth Orchestra (American Russian Young Artist Orchestra, conductor - Kristian Järvi, 2001-2002, 2004). In 2005, he toured as a member of the Moscow Soloists chamber orchestra (artistic director and chief conductor - Yuri Bashmet).

Scientific works. Editions. Publications:

  • Ancient trumpets in reality and in modern practice // Ancient music. No. 2 (12) 2001. M., 2001. P. 24-25
  • Malte Burba. New school of playing the trumpet / Translation and notes by L. Guryev // Homo Musicus. Almanac of Musical Psychology. Sat. 34. M., 2001. P. 187-214
  • Natural trumpet: current problems of teaching and concert practice // Sat. reports of the conference of the Department of Theory and History of Performing Arts of the Moscow State Conservatory named after. P. I. Tchaikovsky “History and theory of performing wind instruments: problems and prospects.” December 15-16, 2005, 10 pp., in print
  • Natural pipe. Questions of history, theory and performance // Orchestra Magazine. No. 4. December 2006, pp. 13-15


L. Guryev actively participates in sound recordings with many groups, including symphony and chamber orchestras, as well as ensembles of modern and ancient music. Among them:

  • State Symphony Orchestra "New Russia" (artistic director and chief conductor - Yuri Bashmet)
  • Academic chamber orchestra “Musica Viva” (artistic director - Alexander Rudin)
  • Orchestra playing historical instruments, “Pratum Integrum Orchestra” (artistic director - Pavel Serbin)
  • Ensemble of soloists “Studio of New Music” of the Moscow Conservatory (artistic director - V. G. Tarnopolsky, conductor - Igor Dronov)
  • Ensemble of soloists “The Pocket Symphony” (artistic director - Nazar Kozhukhar)

Recordings with lead trumpet and baroque trumpet

  • Jorge Campus. Electroacoustic music. Chamber Orchestra "Amadeus", conductor Freddy Cadena (1998)
  • Anton Ferdinand Tietz (1742-1810). Instrumental music. Pratum Integrum Orchestra
  • Joseph Wolfl (1773-1812). The Symphonies. Pratum Integrum Orchestra
  • Russian cello music. Academic chamber orchestra “Musica Viva” (artistic director and soloist - Alexander Rudin) (2003)
  • "Musical Meetings in the Tretyakov House." Academic chamber orchestra "Musica Viva" (artistic director and soloist - Alexander Rudin)
  • "Musical Meetings in the Tretyakov House." Issue 2. Academic chamber orchestra “Musica Viva” (artistic director and soloist - Alexander Rudin)

The young musicians of the NewLifeBrass brass ensemble managed to make the Dubna audience fall in love with their instruments and with themselves.

Five young musicians puzzled the audience from the first minutes of their performance. While performing Mozart, the brass players suddenly began to squat. Usually musicians "play around" at the end, after the "heavy" classics. And then they immediately set the tone - light, cheerful, and at the end of the concert they offered to dance. And the audience was drawn into the game, encouraged to catch the rhythm together, and the audience happily caught the rhythm.

The quintet from each number made a small performance or defile. Preceding the performance of “Tiger Hunt” by R. Decoste, the musicians designated the roles: tuba - tiger, the rest of the brass - hunters. The listeners became spectators at the same time; they only had time to watch how two trumpets, a horn and a trombone hunted the tuba.

It seemed to me that these “flirtations” did not irritate the prepared audience, because the main thing was observed - the quintet played perfectly, and the sound of the instruments was so good (thanks to the small hall of the Mir House of Culture!) that after almost every number they heard “Bravo!”

Casual listeners are just right to envy. Musicians seem to be able to make anyone fall in love with brass instruments, because they idolize their instruments and take music very seriously, despite the “game” format. They play both timeless classics and musical melodies equally beautifully. Mozart, Piazzolla, N. Mancini, A. Khachaturian, modern composer Oleg Oblov and others performed at the Dubna concert.

During the performance, I couldn’t help but think, I wish this quintet would join our schools and universities. It turned out that during the day the ensemble gave a concert for schoolchildren at the Oktyabr House of Culture. But it didn’t work out with the university. The conductor of the Dubna Symphony Orchestra, Evgeniy Stavinsky, complained that the performance was disrupted due to some technical discrepancy, which the university did not bother to resolve. It’s a pity!

The musicians said that they created their New Life Brass ensemble in 2009, when they were still second-year students at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. In a short period of time we managed to attend concerts in St. Petersburg, Yerevan, Kazan, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and other cities, win the Grand Prix at several competitions and even accompany the opening of the XXV NIKA film award.

Quintet composition:

Evgeny Guryev (trumpet). Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra of Russia. Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions.
Teaches at the Gnessin College and the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins.

Maxim Shtoda (trumpet). Graduated from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnessins and master's degree. Laureate of the Republican competition in Almaty. (2005).
Teaches at the V. Blazhevich Moscow State Children's Music School.

Vladimir Mezentsev (horn). Soloist of the GASK orchestra conducted by V. Polyansky. Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions. Laureate of the international competition named after. T.A. Dokshitsera (2012).

Ramil Akhmadulin (trombone). Graduated from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnesins and assistantship-internship. Laureate of the All-Russian competition named after. Bolshiyanov (2006) First degree laureate at the International Festival of Wind Music "In the Homeland of P.I. Tchaikovsky" (2010).
Teaches at the Moscow State Children's Music School named after V. Blazhevich.

Maxim Makushev (tuba) - graduate student of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Laureate of the I International Competition named after. T.A. Dokshitser (2009), laureate of the IV All-Russian Competition named after. A.A. Nesterova (2011).
Teaches at

An evening entitled “Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra” in the Great Hall of the Belgorod Philharmonic opened on October 8 the subscription program “Reflection of Time” of the Concert Wind Orchestra (chief conductor - Yuri Merkulov, conductor - Alexander Yagovdik).

In her brief greeting (with the presentation of awards to the orchestra’s artists), the director of the BGF, Svetlana Borukha, noted that in the new season, its fans from the brass band - and the hall was full as always - traditionally expect new ideas, new guests, new repertoire news. And, as was quite rightly noted, Yuri Merkulov and his team, having once firmly decided that “the public must be constantly surprised,” never deceived the audience’s expectations.

And this time Yuri Merkulov’s KODI brilliantly continued the baton of the past brilliant season opening concerts - in the Organ Hall and the Philharmonic as a whole. The originally inspiring and uplifting sound of the brass band yesterday shone and sparkled like a well-polished gem.

It is difficult to speak about yesterday's concert except in exclamations and enthusiastic interjections. Courage is the word that best describes the atmosphere of last night. Courage is the courage and rapture of performers with their skill, youth and talent.

Having started on the highest note of a solemn and festive ceremonial march (N. Iwai - Hoorey for Hollywood), the performers did not lower this emotional level one iota. For two hours, listeners admired the splendor of brass music, sometimes purely entertaining, sometimes dance-pop, sometimes academic-classical.

The defile of Belgorod trumpeters - Andrei Dolinsky, Eduard Borisovsky, Vitaly Guryev, Nikolai Pustovit, Nikolai Kravchenko, Valentin Vdovichenko, Evgeny Kolesnikov and trombonists Dmitry Saitov and Viktor Skrynnikov - in each section was crowned by a solo by Evgeny Guryev with the orchestra.

The guest of the evening - a “Belgorod Muscovite”, laureate of international competitions, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater orchestra - grew up in the famous Bessonovka, a village famous for the name of the outstanding Belgorod agrarian V. Ya. Gorin. Evgeny Guryev grew up in a family where they played (and play) musical instruments, and of the three brothers, Evgeny and his younger brother Vitaly (now a member of the Yu. Merkulova orchestra) became professional musicians.

Many people remember Evgeny Guryev’s performance two years ago in the Great Hall of the Bolshoi Theater as part of the brass quintet of the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, which he led. During his visit today, the 30-year-old musician also gave a master class for wind students of the Belgorod Music College and the Institute of Arts and Culture. This new moment in philharmonic life - the interaction of outstanding touring artists and Belgorod musical youth - has become permanent on the initiative of the new leadership of the philharmonic.

Evgeny Guryev graduated from a music school in Kharkov. By the way, his Kharkov teachers were at the concert. Among E. Guryev’s teachers at the Gnessin Institute, among others, was the legendary trumpeter Timofey Dokshitser. His school is in a soft, even, “flight sound”, in a very beautiful cantilena of “long” breathing, in virtuosity that knows no barriers. For two hours the trumpet of “King” Evgeniy Guryev and his wonderful “retinue” sang hymns to freedom, masculinity, joy and beauty of life.

And, just like the performance of the soloists, the hall was inspired and “ignited” by the intoxicating intoxicating performance of the huge orchestra conducted by Yuri Merkulov and Alexander Yagovdik.

There has undoubtedly been a qualitative leap in the orchestra, even compared to last season. The unity and integrity of the sound of the groups (for example, in carrying out the theme in Al. Mencken’s “Beauty and the Beast,” nine trumpets sounded like one), precise sound balance between groups, impeccable tempo transitions, timbre patterns of orchestral texture infinitely varied in clarity and density, and , most importantly, admiring all this in colorful and cheerful compositions could not but bring the audience into complete delight.

Yuri Merkulov, who has long been winning “his” audience “without sparing his belly” with the optimistic beauty of the sound of a good large brass band, today celebrates a complete victory. Today is the “finest hour” for the Concert Wind Orchestra and its leaders, and the listener’s need for such sound optimism is unlikely to be exhausted soon.

This is truly true: “talent is the only news that is always new.”

consisting of:
Evgeny Guryev (pipe)
Erkin Yusupov (trombone)
Alexander Raev (French horn)
Alexey Korniliev (flugelhorn)
Yuri Afonin (tuba)

The program includes: works by V. Peskin, A. Pryor, V. Bellini, G. Frescobaldi, I.S. Bach et al.

The brass quintet of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia dates back to the 80s of the last century. At its origins stood the outstanding Russian trumpeter, soloist of the theater orchestra Vyacheslav Prokopov. With a group of like-minded people, they created a band that shone brightly in the palette of musical groups in the country. At different times, such musicians as A. Morozov - trombone, D. Provkin, A. Klevtsov - trumpets, V. Tarasov, Sh. Luftrakhmanov - horns, A. Tarasov, A. Kazachenkov - tubas played in its composition. The quintet actively gave concerts in our country and abroad.

Thanks to the enthusiasm of the young trumpet soloist Evgeniy Guryev, the ensemble found a second wind. The brass quintet is a frequent participant in concerts and festivals, regularly performing in the Beethoven Hall of the Bolshoi Theater and other prestigious Russian venues.

Evgeny Guryev (pipe) born in 1983 in the Belgorod region. He studied at the Kharkov Secondary Specialized Music School (class of N.A. Kulak), the Gnessin State Music College (class of Professor V.A. Dokshitser) and the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (class of Professor V.M. Prokopov).

Evgeny Guryev became the winner of a number of international competitions: the International Festival-Competition of Trumpet Players named after Timofey Dokshitser (2000), the First International Competition of Musicians Performing Wind Instruments named after N. Rimsky-Korsakov (St. Petersburg, 2005), the First International Competition of Musicians Performing Brass Instruments wind instruments named after Timofey Dokshitser (Moscow, 2009).

Since 2002 he has been playing in the orchestra of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, and since 2006 he has been a soloist of the orchestra.

He took part in concerts as part of the “Days of Russian Culture” festival in Vietnam, Armenia and Italy. Performs solo concerts and gives master classes in Russian cities and abroad.

Since 2009 he has been teaching at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music and Gnessin College.

Erkin Yusupov (trombone). Born in 1975 He began studying music in 1984 in St. Petersburg, in 1990 he entered the St. Petersburg Music College. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov to the class of Professor V.F. Venglovsky. He began his studies at the Moscow Conservatory in 1995 in the class of A.T. Skobeleva. In 2002 he completed his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Conservatory.

Since 1996, he has been working as a soloist-regulator of the trombone group in the Young Russia orchestra under the direction of M. Gorenshtein. In 2000, he was invited to join the trombone group of the Russian National Orchestra under the direction of M. Pletnev. In 2003 he joined the Bolshoi Theater orchestra, where he currently works.

In 2004-2006 he worked as a senior teacher at the Kazan State Conservatory named after N. Zhiganov. Since 2006, he has been teaching the trombone class at the Maimonides State Classical Academy - associate professor. Since 2011 he has been working at the Moscow Conservatory.

Laureate of the Competition for Performers on Brass Instruments. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov in St. Petersburg (2000).
Participant of numerous concerts and festivals.
Member of the jury of international competitions.
He is actively performing in Russia and abroad.

Alexander Raev (French horn). Russian horn player and music teacher; soloist of the Bolshoi Symphony Orchestra of the All-Union Radio and Central Television, Russian National Orchestra and the Helikon-Opera Musical Theater Orchestra, artist of the Symphony Orchestra of the USSR Cinematography Committee and the Bolshoi Theater Orchestra, teacher of the Musical Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins and the Moscow Conservatory, laureate of the All-Union and international competition, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2008).

Alexey Korniliev(flugelhorn). He began learning to play the trumpet at the age of 8 at Children's Music School No. 23 named after. Scriabin. In 1998 he graduated from the Academic Music School at the Moscow Conservatory (class of Professor Yu.A. Usov), in 2003 - the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky (class of Professor V.A. Novikov).

In 1999 he entered the orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, and in 2000 he became a soloist of this orchestra.

In addition to his main work in the Bolshoi Theater orchestra, he takes part in various concerts and festivals, both solo and as part of ensembles.

Alexey Korniliev is a laureate of competitions named after. T.A. Dokshitser and Moscow International Trumpet Festivals (1995, 1997).

Since 2005 he has been teaching at the Academic College of Music at the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, and since 2007 - at the Moscow State Conservatory.

Ticket price: 350 rub.

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