Competition at the Bolshoi Theater in June. Long breath. Winners of different years

The International Ballet Competition in Moscow has become a strong and fruitful tradition, an integral and important part of the life of world ballet. Born in 1969, it quickly acquired high professional authority, a serious creative reputation, and the status of a responsible and brilliant forum for young performers. The irresistible magic of the Bolshoi Theater of the USSR (and now Russia) has always attracted young dancers from around the world, and a successful performance on its famous stage opened the way for them to the future.

Each Moscow competition gives the world a new galaxy of bright performers. It becomes an invaluable creative experience for young artists, and most of the winners of the competition will have a brilliant career in the art of ballet.

Jury over the years

At the origins of the creation of the Moscow ballet competition were such legends of Russian art as Galina Ulanova, the chairman of the jury, Igor Moiseev, who headed the Organizing Committee of the first competition, Olga Lepeshinskaya, the chairman of the Organizing Committee of many subsequent competitions. And from the second competition in 1973 to the present, the permanent chairman of the jury and its Artistic Director is the great choreographer of our time - Yuri Grigorovich.

The jury of the competition over the years included: Marina Semenova, Galina Ulanova, Sofia Golovkina, Maya Plisetskaya, Irina Kolpakova, Natalya Kasatkina, Mikhail Lavrovsky, Vladimir Vasiliev and other famous Russian ballet figures, as well as Yvette Chauvire and Claude Besy, Cyril Atanasov, Charles Jude (France), Alicia Alonso (Cuba), Arnold Haskell (UK), Alan Friederichia and Kirsten Ralow (Denmark), Brigitte Kullberg (Sweden), Rudi van Dantzig (Netherlands), Robert Joffrey and Natalia Makarova (USA), Konstanz Vernon and Dietmar Seifert (Germany), Doris Laine (Finland), Julio Boca (Argentina) and other representatives of the world's ballet elite. In the entire history of the Moscow competition, only four artists were awarded the Grand Prix: Nadezhda Pavlova (USSR) at the II Ballet Competition in 1973, Irek Mukhamedov (USSR) at the IV Ballet Competition in 1981, Andrei Batalov (Russia) at the VIII Ballet Competition in 1997 and Denis Matvienko (Ukraine) at the X Competition of Ballet Artists and Choreographers in 2005.


The Moscow competition revealed to the world, in addition to the above-mentioned Grand Prix winners, such names as Francesca Zumbo and Patrice Barthes, Mikhail Baryshnikov and Eva Evdokimova, Lyudmila Semenyaka and Vyacheslav Gordeev, Alexander Godunov, Loipa Araujo and Vladimir Derevyanko, Nina Ananiashvili and Andris Liepa, Vadim Pisarev, Julio Bocca and Vladimir Malakhov, Maria Alexandrova, Alina Cojocaru, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Natalya Osipova, Ivan Vasiliev and many others.

Choreographers Competition

Since 2001, a choreographers' competition has also been added to the ballet competition. The Moscow competition paid tribute to outstanding figures of Russian and world ballet art three times: the VII Moscow Ballet Competition in 1993 was dedicated to the choreography of Marius Petipa, the IX International Competition of Ballet Artists and Choreographers in 2001 was held in honor of the great Galina Ulanova, the XI International Competition of Artists ballet and choreographers in 2009 - in honor of the outstanding Russian ballerina Marina Semenova.

As part of the competition, there is a press center, creative meetings, seminars, master classes and exhibitions are held.


The Moscow competition is important not only as an arena for professional communication between creative youth, but also as a serious platform for the exchange of experience between teachers and choreographers, a territory for discussion and development of ballet studies and critical thought, and a basis for bringing together cultures of different peoples.

An international competition of ballet dancers and choreographers in Moscow is held every four years. It has state status and plays a significant role in the development of world culture.

About an important event in the world of culture: the names of the winners of the International Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers are about to become known. This is one of the most prestigious shows, which over the years of its existence has lit up many stars, so the attention to it is enormous. The announcement of the winners takes place on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Neither prizes, nor places, nor opponents matter seconds before going on stage. Only dance! And there is one answer to any questions before the performance.

Moscow these days is a center of attraction for young ballet dancers and choreographers from all over the world. The international competition for the title of the best is held every four years, like the Olympics.

And the preparation is appropriate - thousands of repetitions under the strict guidance of the teacher. And here the language of international communication is Russian.

“You can immediately feel where there is a “Russian trace”, where Russians taught, even if it is Brazil, or Argentina, or the USA. I joked about this a long time ago. At a press conference in the USA, I was asked why I think our ballet is the best. I just said: ballet has been taught in Russia longer than the United States has existed as a state. I was joking, but it’s true,” says jury member, People’s Artist of Russia Nikolai Tsiskaridze.

New names are opening on the new stage of the Bolshoi. It was here that rehearsals, classes and stages of the competition took place all these days. But each participant strives for the historical stage. The final of the ballet competition will take place here. What these “higher, lighter, more accurate” ones are worth can be seen behind the scenes. Someone can't stand on their feet, and someone cries after a seemingly perfect performance.

“I rehearsed this number for 12 hours every day for six months, so I prepared for the competition. I danced with injuries. And not everything worked out. But the fact that I still perform on the Bolshoi stage in the finals is a dream come true, to which I walked through pain, and I am happy regardless of the result,” admitted contestant Ao Dingfeng from China.

The result, in addition to the first three places, is the Grand Prix, almost the holy grail of the competition - in its half-century history it was awarded only four times. And this year the prize also gives an unprecedented prize for the ballet world - 100 thousand dollars for the best choreographer and the same amount for the ballet dancer. But this will happen only if the jury, led by the head of the show, Yuri Grigorovich, votes unanimously.

“Everything here must be perfect, from pointe shoes to ribbons to ribbons. The way she smiles is the same with the dancers, the way they carry themselves on stage. Yes, they fell, yes, they slipped, yes, they didn’t finish something, but when an artist is on stage, these small errors disappear,” says jury member, People’s Artist of Russia Svetlana Zakharova.

Three rounds of competition are behind us. The names of the winners will be announced very soon. However, regardless of the opinion of the judges, many dancers admit that they have already received their award.

“This applause that hugs you is magical! For this you have to live, for this you have to dance, work, cry, gnaw the concrete of ballet with your teeth, just to go out and enjoy these unique moments,” said contestant from Latvia Evelina Godunova.

Every year, prestigious ballet competitions, choreographic competitions and professional shows are held around the world. And the competition of ballet dancers and choreographers, held in Moscow for the 13th time, is rightfully considered one of the most significant. The opening of the international competition will take place on June 11, and to see the gala concert, order tickets to the Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers on our website at attractive prices. In 2017, the tournament comes under the auspices of the “Year of Russian Ballet and the 200th anniversary of Marius Petipa”.

Over the years, the competition has acquired serious authority and an unshakable creative reputation. It has become part of the world ballet, an event where new names are discovered, promising artists shine and future stars demonstrate their talents. Without much hesitation, we can say that all participants in this event will have a brilliant career and conquer creative heights. More than 200 participants from 15 countries are already ready for intense competition.
Since 1973, Yuri Grigorovich has been a permanent member of the jury. He heads the jury and is also the artistic director of the competition.

There is no doubt that all 10 days of the competition will turn into a holiday for fans of choreography and ballet art. A memorable duel between beginning dancers will be bright and full of unexpected moments. There are 10 busy days ahead, and they need to start with the opening gala concert. You can order tickets for the XIII International Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers on our website right now.

The All-Russian competition of young performers “Russian Ballet” has finished at the Bolshoi Theater. The review takes place every two years. The current one is already the third in a row. Students of final and pre-graduation courses of ballet schools and universities participate in the creative competition. This time, 29 candidates presented their talents on the new stage of the country's main theater. Report by Irina Razumovskaya.

Most recently, here at the Bolshoi Theater there was a premiere of Valery Todorovsky’s film “Bolshoi” about the attitude and path of young ballet dancers and teachers. The Russian Ballet Award is a real story on this topic. Today, the best of the best are getting very close to their dream - to dance at the Bolshoi.

They are 17, 18 years old, students of choreographic schools came to the competition from all over Russia: Kazan, Novosibirsk, Perm, Bashkiria, Buryatia... Most are preparing for final exams and performances. And, of course, they dream about one thing.

“My dream is to dance in the best theater, and to dance very well, with soul, to carry it into the hall, to open up to the whole hall!” - says competition participant Anastasia Shelomentseva.

“My dream is to become a good dancer. To have charisma inside is the most important thing,” contest participant Andrei Kirichenko is convinced.

“Becoming a promising ballet dancer - so that I can bring something more to art,” admits competition participant Igor Kochurov.

The main reward is an internship at the Bolshoi Theater and golden pointe shoes on the pedestal. But not everyone can cope with anxiety. The competition has a strict and very honorable jury - they are greeted with a long standing ovation. Yuri Grigorovich, Boris Eifman, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, heads of the country's leading ballet troupes and theaters.

“Of course, there are rules and a rating scale that the jury will have to assign to each performer. We've been using this for three years now. Points are calculated online. After the performance of every five participants, sheets are collected from the jury members and a count is made,” says the acting director. head of the ballet troupe of the State Academic Mariinsky Theater, member of the competition jury Yuri Fateev.

The teachers are almost more worried than the competitors. Yes, many of the young performers still miss, stumble, landing in a jump or in a spin. But that's why they are students. By the way, teachers are awarded cash certificates for preparing laureates of all degrees and Grand Prix.

“This competition really stimulates them - they have to come to Moscow and show their abilities, preparation and defend the honor of the school. They come to Moscow on the main stage of the country, and this is very honorable and responsible,” notes Marina Leonova, rector of the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, member of the competition jury.

After counting the points, the majority of the laureates are still from the choreographic schools of the two capitals. The Grand Prix was awarded to Denis Zakharov from the Moscow Academy. Vaganovka students Egor Gerashchenko and Eleonora Sevenard took first place. And the second and third places were shared by young ballet dancers from Moscow, Perm and Novosibirsk.

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