Competitions and entertainment games for last call. Games and competitions at the prom. Think and use your imagination

Games and competitions for graduates at the prom

Ceremonial start High school prom includes such traditional moments as instructions, parting words, presentation of certificates of maturity, certificates, diplomas, and memorable gifts. Graduates who have distinguished themselves in the social and sports life of the school are recognized. It is better to continue the official part of the prom with a creative program. We propose to include the following competitions and fun activities...

School Connoisseur Competition

The competition takes place in three rounds. Everyone present in the hall participates in the first round. Questions are asked in turn to each class or microgroup - sector, row, etc. Then all those who gave at least one correct answer are invited to the stage. First, they are asked to answer questions in consultation with each other, and then individual questions are asked to each participant. The title of expert and a special prize will be given to the one who gives the largest number of correct answers.

Sample questions:

How old is our school?

How many classrooms are there in the school?

How many steps are there in the staircase between the 2nd and 3rd floors?

How many windows are there in the corridor on the 2nd floor?

Does the door to the director's office open towards you or toward you?

What color are the curtains in the dining room?

How many clocks are hanging in the school hallways?

Where do these paintings hang? (the presenter shows the participants exactly the same reproductions that hang in the school library, teachers’ room, 2nd floor hall, etc.).

What is the size of the school table? boards? window?

How much does a whole piece of chalk weigh?

What color are the eyes of the math teacher (full name)?

Concert by request

The concert program consists of well-known and beloved amateur performances. The numbers are performed by students, teachers and parents. The names of the numbers can be written on the back of the petals of a large daisy, cut out of paper and colorfully decorated, or rolled into tubes and dropped into a colorful drum box. The presenters, by tearing off petals or pulling out paper tubes, determine the order of the numbers. They also announce on whose request the numbers will be executed. Upon request, the concert can take place in several stages (during breaks between dance fragments).

TV program "Tonight"

This role-playing game is organized by a creative association of parents together with teachers and graduates. Necessary gaming attributes: a table on which a frame imitating a TV screen is mounted; microphones; splash boards with program names; musical emblems - phonograms recorded from television programs or specially invented. The TV program may include:

“Time” is an information program about the latest events in the country, city, school, yesterday’s weather (comic information about climatic conditions in the areas of school classrooms, where graduate exams were held, etc.).

"Kinopanorama", presenting slides and fragments of amateur video footage from different years. A special commentary will introduce those present to the “authors” of the scripts, “cinema operators,” and “performers” of the main and minor roles. The presenters will interview “actors” and “directors”, present advertisements for future films, and highlight the events that led to their creation.

Club “What? Where? When?" will invite teams of experts of different classes. They will be asked humorous questions and tasks. Interesting prizes can be presented from the management, parents, canteen workers, health center workers, etc.

Sample questions:

What can't you bake bread without? (No crust.)

What is in the middle of the earth? (Letter "m".)

What is not found in cabbage, beets, or turnips, but is found in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter "o".)

How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen.)

Why does the rooster close his eyes when he sings? (He wants to show that he is singing from memory.)

How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)

"Song-201..." will introduce you to the “new products” of the musical life of the school. This could be a musical dialogue between the class teacher and parents and students; oratorio “Stages”, representing the stages of the school journey passed by graduates; lyrical song “Memory”; comic rock opera “Ach”, etc.

Dancing for everyone

During the dance program the following may be announced:

Dance of peers (those born in the same month unite in a circle or pairs);

Dance of teachers and students (each class dances with its class teacher);

Dance of parents and graduates;

Dance of parents and teachers;

Dance of classmates (each pair must have representatives of different classes, for example, “A” and “B”, “A” and “B”, “B” and “C”...).

Surprise autograph

Several young men are given the task of collecting autographs from girls and teachers within a certain time. Whoever collects the most is the winner. While announcing the name of the winner, the presenter unexpectedly announces that the received autograph is equivalent to a promise of a dance. This must be said tactfully and carefully, so that not a single girl or teacher who gave an autograph feels awkward.

Lucky number

To play the game, you need 10-15 balloons and the same number of sheets of paper, approximately 13x18 cm in size. On each sheet, write one of the numbers from 1 to 9. Repeat three of them twice, for example, on two sheets of paper write the numbers 3, 5, 7 - these will be lucky numbers. Numbered sheets are placed inside the balls. During the next dance, the balls are distributed to the dancing couples (the most artistic, cheerful, etc.). Those who received the balls keep them until the end of the dance. At the end of the dance, the couples with balloons remain in the center of the hall. The presenter invites them to arrange a fireworks display in honor of the prom (pop the balloons), and then take turns calling out loudly and showing everyone the numbers they have drawn. The numbers that are repeated are lucky. Their owners receive souvenirs.

Musical stream

To play this game, you need to choose a melody that will be a signal to split into pairs and form a “stream”. Everyone remembers the game “Stream” from childhood: you need to hold hands and raise them up. One participant, passing through the “stream”, chooses a pair for himself and stands at the end of the column, etc., pairs change. Then the “stream” music is replaced by any dance tune, and the guys dance with the one with whom they were paired. The familiar melody of the “stream” sounds again - the game is repeated again. Do this several times.

You can't dance with a hat on

To play the game “You Can’t Dance in a Hat,” you need 4 hats, preferably elegant and beautiful: 2 for boys, 2 for girls. Hats should be comfortable, that is, ones that will not ruin your hairstyles.

Music is playing. The guys dance in pairs. Two boys and two girls are wearing hats. They have the right to approach any couple and, giving the partner (or partner) the hat, continue the dance in his (her) place. There is no need to rush to take off the hat until a new partner is chosen. The game continues until the music ends.

Graduate Lottery

Graduates take lottery tickets at random or by lot. During the evening, several rounds of the lottery are held between dances.

First tour:"Lottery by series." During the preparation, certain series are planned (“University”, “Sports”, “Health”, “Remember about me”), prizes are selected: main ones (program for entering universities, a volleyball, a large can of juice, a postal package) and consolation (advertising posters for educational institutions, “Sport” candy, hematogen, 3-4 postcards).

In addition to the serial number, tickets must indicate the series.

Second round:"Happy List" On the tickets of participants in this lottery round, only the name “Lucky List” is written. For the drawing, a list of prizes is colorfully drawn up on a piece of paper. The list is compiled in such a way that the recipient does not guess the content of the prizes by the name, for example:

Prize "Dream". (Tickets for All-Russian lotteries.)

Prize "Cheerfulness". (A pack of tea with the same name.)

“Neither fish nor fowl” prize. (Nuts.)

A universal stain remover. (Soap.)

Prize "All Year Round" (Calendar.)

Each participant can choose one prize from the list.

Third round:"Tasty lottery." Participants in this lottery round have tickets with the name “Tasty Lottery” and serial numbers. Each participant can receive tasty lottery prizes from hawkers at special “prize tables.” Here they may be offered different options for purchasing prizes, for example:

Prize-purchase: from numbers 1 to 7 - cake; from 8 to 15 - ice cream; from 16 to 21 - sweets, etc.

A prize table can also be organized for participants in all games, competitions, and quizzes.

Surprise prize: the participant takes a prize wrapped in a package, and the size of the package may not correspond to the size of the prize (in this case, the ticket number is not important).

Prize of your choice: There are as many prizes on the table as there are lottery tickets. The owner of ticket number 1 gets the right to be the first to choose any prize, then the one with ticket number 2 chooses the prize (from the rest), etc.

Video “Have we met somewhere?”

The basis is taken from video and photographic materials depicting graduates in different years of their school life. Sound engineers select background music, announcers read specially written interesting text (it can be humorous).

Sound letter

The letter is composed by graduates at the graduation party from memories of the most memorable school days, wishes to teachers, “instructions” to future first-graders, their children, etc.

Exam for teachers

The exam for teachers is prepared by graduates. They make up comic tickets for teachers, the questions and tasks of which must be answered in 30 seconds.

Sample questions and tasks:

What is the difference between 1st and 10th grade students?

Compose a holiday message to graduates, to one student(s), to parents, to colleagues (your choice).

Insert the missing names: “The sports pride of the school...”; “...the best student(s) in my subject.” Give reasons for your answer.

List outstanding personalities from your graduating class. How is the issue of 201... different from issues of previous years?

Create and justify a classification of schoolchildren being late for lessons.

What literary characters can be used to express the joy of students who passed their final exam?

The practical task is to read poems expressively (they are handed out by the presenters).

Big choir

At the end of the official part of the prom, a joint large choir of students and parents can perform a new text of a song dedicated to the school and teachers to a familiar melody. It is better if the texts are printed out and distributed to everyone present in the hall; it is also great to prepare a small group of singers and conductor.

Work of holiday institutions

The “For Memory” photo studio, the “Goodbye” recording hall, and the “According to your requests” radio center will be open throughout the evening. Here you can take pictures with friends, teachers (a special inscription will record the memorable day), make a request for the performance of any song or for a dedication number to someone, leave your wishes on audio and video tape, etc.

Competitions for school prom.

Chupa Chups

For this fun competition, you need to prepare lollipops or other caramel candies on a stick in advance according to the number of participants. Call for volunteers to participate in the competition (preferably boys) and give them lollipops. The participants’ task is to say the phrase “I am a graduate” with a lollipop in their mouth. Those who have completed this task are given a second lollipop, and now they need to say the phrase “I am a graduate of a secondary educational institution.”

So the number of lollipops gradually increases, and the phrase lengthens (you can add to it the school number, class, year of graduation, etc.). The winner is the one who holds out until the end and maintains the clearest diction. Instead of lollipops, you can use caramels like “Barberry” or “Duchess” - this will make the task easier for the participants.


Draw a heart on a large Whatman paper. Sign it “Heart of a Graduate.” Inside the heart, use a blade to make longitudinal cuts of 2 centimeters. It is better to place the cuts not in even lines, but randomly. Cut out small multi-colored hearts from cardboard (the number of cuts and hearts should be equal to or slightly exceed the number of graduates).

Attach the poster securely to the wall. Place a table with hearts and pens nearby.

You can make an explanation on the poster: On the heart, each graduate will write the name of their favorite teacher and insert the heart into one common “Graduate Heart”.

By the end of the evening, the heart will look very beautiful (voluminous), and then the teachers will be able to take away the hearts that are addressed to them.


The presenter invites the players to “salute” with their right hand, at the same time extending their left hand forward with their thumb protruding, while loudly saying “Whoa!” Then clap your hands once and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

Awkward situations will cause a storm of laughter.


Graduates can be entertained with comic fortune telling. To do this, you will need a large hat and traditionally rolled up leaves with fortunes.

If there are not very many graduates, you can invite them to read the received prediction out loud into the microphone. If there are a lot of graduates, it is better not to do this, as the competition will drag on and can become tedious.

Examples of predictions:

- You will see that physics can also be useful in everyday life!

- You will prove from your own experience that money is not everything, but almost everything.

- True happiness awaits you.

- Your entrepreneurial talent will produce impressive results (even if you don’t know about it yet).

- You will receive the BEST education.

- You will become the director of the school you are graduating from today.

- You will greatly surprise those who stand here next to you today.

- You'll be wearing pink at the Oscars...

- Taking part in a space flight as a tourist will not cost you that much.

- Pleasant surprises await you in all the capitals of the world.

- Who you will be is unknown, but fans will shower you with flowers and letters.

- Your exciting career will begin with a photo on the cover of a magazine.

- In your memoirs you will write that pure luck began with reading this prediction!

- You will be shown on TV more often than the president.

- You will have the rarest profession.

- We will see your face on the cover of Forbes (Forbes).

- You will become the owner of the world's largest private library.

- Your knowledge will help save the lives of many people.

- You will give the world a new type of art.

- You will make sensational discoveries in the field of child and adolescent psychology.

- You will make our physical education teacher proud that he opened you up to big sports!

- You will understand true human values ​​​​before others.

- Your children will come to study at this school.

  1. You don't need predictions, you already know everything.

4. Game with adjectives

The text of congratulations is prepared in advance. There is empty space where adjectives should appear. The presenter asks the audience to come up with adjectives, which she writes into the empty spaces of the text. Then reads the resulting text.

Farewell autograph of 11th graders, graduates of 2002

____(1)______ our teachers!
On this _____(2)_____ day of farewell to school, I want to say the most ___(3)__ words.
Over the 10 years ______(4)__ school life there were a lot of ___(5)___ minutes.
We will never forget you, our ___(6)___ teachers!
We, your _____(7)__ students, wish you ___(8)__ health today, more __(9)__ minutes in your life,
__(10)____ students, and may a ____(11)____ smile always shine on your faces.
With love and respect your ___(12)____ children


1. Musical numbers.

Everyone dances, I call a number, the music stops, everyone must stand in groups, according to the number of people that corresponds to the number. The extra one is eliminated.

2. Trains. 3 locomotives (the tallest and strongest guys). Girls and boys are attached to them, holding onto their belts. They dance to the music like trains without falling apart.

3. Object in a circle. They pass the item, the melody stops, and whoever has the item is eliminated from the game.

4. "Extra". During a fast composition, players dance in a circle. As soon as there is a pause in the music, the players must grab one of the candies lying on the floor (there is one less of them than the players). The player who does not receive the candy is eliminated from the game. (He or Carlson is given one candy.)

5. "Call sign" . Each team comes up with a funny call sign: “Uh-huh,” “Ha-ha-ha,” or “Be-be-be.” One of the players is blindfolded, and then during the composition the players will loudly shout their call sign, dancing in a general circle. And team captains must gather their team members in one place.

6. Stream

Graduation games and competitions don’t have to be super original. Sometimes the old tried-and-true games are the most fun. For example, "Stream". Everyone knows this game and everyone will play it with pleasure - both children and adults. Just in case, let us remind you of the rules of the game.

The players are divided into pairs (preferably a boy and a girl, but not necessarily). Couples stand behind each other in a column, take hands and raise them above their heads - it turns out to be a kind of corridor. The player left without a pair goes to the beginning of the “stream”, walks along the corridor and looks for a partner. Having decided on someone, he takes him by the hands and leads him to the end of the “stream”. The player whose pair was taken away goes to the “source of the stream”, and everything repeats. It is best to play this game at a fast pace and with music.

7. “Take hold of...

A competition that depends on the experience and imagination of the presenter. But it can be done in any company. All or two teams can take part. Everyone dances to the music. From time to time the music is interrupted by the presenter’s command: “Grab your hands…” You may be asked to grab: yellow, red, blue, etc., paper, wood, etc., your nose, your knee, someone else’s nose, behind the neighbor’s knee, behind the presenter’s microphone. Each time, the one who did not manage to take on the specified task is eliminated from the game. The host determines when to stop the game and how many winners to announce

8. Dancing with balloons

To conduct this competition you will need balloons - one for each pair of participants, and of course music.
Pairs are formed from among the participants, and not necessarily of different sexes - there will still be no close contact between the dancers.
Each pair is given a balloon, which is placed between the players. As soon as the music starts, couples begin to dance, holding the ball with their stomachs. Those who could not hold the ball are eliminated from the competition. Also eliminated are those who held the ball too tightly and it burst. The couple who touches the ball with their hands is also disqualified.
The last couple remaining wins.

1. “Shifters” (for example: Black month of the jungle - White sun of the desert)

Movie titles.

A) sad girls - Cheerful guys.

B) the cry of the rams - The silence of the lambs.

C) cold nights - Hot heads.

D) don’t be afraid of the bicycle - Beware of the car.

D) in the symphony orchestra there are not only boys - In jazz there are only girls.

E) Kyiv only believes in laughter - Moscow does not believe in tears.

Fairy tales.

A) black sock - Little Red Riding Hood.

B) square - Kolobok.

C) skyscraper - Teremok.

D) one bee - Three bears.

D) radish - Turnip.

E) a mouse without slippers - Puss in Boots.

G) humpless camel - Little Humpbacked Horse.

H) Edik in an ordinary village - Alice in Wonderland.

Game "Guess the melody".

First team.

1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis. ("Somewhere in White World")

2. A song about a city as quiet as a dream. ("City of Childhood")

3. A song about a great desire to eat potatoes and an unwillingness to work. ("Antoshka")

4. A song about a harmless pet that the whole house hated. ("Black cat")

Second team.

1. A song about using a smile as electricity. (“From a smile”)

2. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse. ("Little country ")

3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers. (“We’re going, we’re going, we’re going...”)

  1. A song about a strange eared creature that every mongrel knows. (“Chebura

T impromptu theater for graduation.

"About a graduate"

Once upon a time you were very little, and we told you fairy tales. Don’t think that this time has passed, now you will have the opportunity to tell a fairy tale.

All characters, when mentioning their character, say the following phrases:

Graduate - “What am I? I’m nothing...”,
Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",
School Principal - "What's going on here?"
Class teacher - “They are good!”
Mamanya - “Where is the school looking?!”
Dad - "He'll get a belt!"
Classmates - "It's good to play the fool!"

Once upon a time there was a Graduate.... So he would have lived in peace, but the Graduate was overcome... Mother Laziness..... The School Director was the first to worry..... And the Graduate to him... All because she whispered in his ear Mother Sloth…..The school principal….called the Class Teacher…..The Class Teacher… ..went to the Graduate…..But Mother Sloth is still whispering to him….. Then the class teacher......called Mamanya......Let's go Mamanya.... and the Class the Principal.....And the Principal said......And the Class Teacher answered..... . And Mamanya said..... To which the Graduate replied.... .Because Mother Laziness whispered in his ear..... Mamanya went..... for Papanya...... Papanya came....., Mamanya....., the Class Teacher...... and the the Graduate...... And the Graduate to them..... And Mother Laziness to him..... And Dad pulled away.. .... behind Odnoklassniki......, because any matter can be solved better in a team. Classmates came running….. And I would like to tell them Mother Laziness….., but only the Principal said it first…… then the Class Teacher added….. Mamanya spoke….. Dad shouted loudly….. After which Odnoklassniki entered into an argument…..To which the Graduate responded…...

Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is given a piece of paper and a marker. The task of the graduates is to remember all human organs and depict its anatomical structure in as much detail as possible. It will be more interesting if a team of parents also takes part. The most accurate drawing, or rather the team that draws it, will receive a prize.

Song competition

The competition can be done both for each participant and for teams, that is, either the game is for the elimination of participants or for the elimination of a team. Participants must take turns remembering and singing a couple of words from songs that mention school, for example: “School, school, I miss you,” “They teach at school,” “The school romance is over,” “School time,” and others.

Duet with teachers

Each student chooses a forfeit in which a specific item will be indicated. Then teachers of these subjects are invited to the students and their task is to sing songs in accordance with the name of the subjects. If there are many graduates, for one forfeit, that is, for one subject there may be 2 or 3 graduates. Examples of songs: Biology - Via GRA “Biology”, Physical Education - Vysotsky - “Morning Exercises”, Mathematics - Fidgets “And they tell us that the leg is shorter than the hypotenuse”, Physics - Tretyakov “Physics” and so on.

Think and use your imagination

Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is given the word “applicant” and “student”. Teams must be the funniest and most cheerful to decipher these words as abbreviations, for example, “student” is the most seriously tired, truly tireless talent, and so on. Those who can decipher the words best will receive prizes.

Farewell quest

Graduates are divided into 2 or 3 teams. At the command “start” the teams receive a task in the form of a quest. The fastest team to find the treasure is the winner. A cake with the number “5” - an excellent mark, or the year of this issue - can serve as a treasure. The quest can have the following content: 1. you need to run to where you sweated and got into shape (gym), there graduates find the next task in envelopes 2. there the boys planed, sawed and made crafts (work room for boys), there they find next task 3. disobedient students and violators of discipline, all poor students and mischief-makers are called there (principal’s office), there is the next 4. the majority’s changes are taking place there, it smells delicious and buns are being baked there (dining room), and there may be the main prize (treasure).

Knowledge Rocket

Today this rocket launches into the sky. But in order to start it, you need to stock up on fuel and go through several stages of refueling: stage one - remember the formula of Ohm's law, stage two - the square root of 16, stage three - the formula of the Pythagorean theorem, stage four - draw a house, stage five - the 5th element of the periodic table, stage six - squat 5 times with the whole team. Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams, each given whatman paper and a marker (for completing tasks). The team that completes all stages and fills the rocket with fuel the fastest is the winner.

To carry out this game program, some props are required, elements of costumes that the participants of the game - pranksters and naughty girls - will wear: bows, caps, aprons, panama hats, shorts, etc.

The program is hosted by the famous naughty and prankster Carlson.

The game program is held in the middle of the festive evening to diversify the dance and entertainment program. The director or head teacher makes a congratulatory speech. At the end of his speech, a voice and a soundtrack of a running engine suddenly sound.


Let's board! Landing, I say, come on! You see - the engine is acting up! Let's land!

To the soundtrack of “A Funny Man Lives on the Roof,” Carlson runs and flies into the hall. He misbehaves and plays pranks in every possible way: he pulls girls’ pigtails, puts candies and sweets in his pocket, teases boys. Places fake buttons on chairs and distributes balloons to future participants. One of the balloons bursts loudly over the ear of the director, who is trying to continue his unfinished speech.

Carlson (joyfully):

So! Let's continue the conversation!

Director (surprised):

Excuse me, but what are you doing here, who are you anyway?

(Looks at the papers.)


Like who? I am Carlson, the best Carlson in the world, a man in full bloom.


Yes, but you are not on the list of alumni invited!


How?! What are you talking about? How is it possible that I don’t appear?! Is it me who is moderately well-fed, moderately educated, and doesn’t show up? After all, I’m charming, charming - I’m just beautiful!


Yes, but we already have enough of this goodness in our school. Carlson (thinking for a minute):

Yes, but I’m also the world’s best inventor, dreamer, prankster and naughty girl, and also (scaring the director) tamer of housekeepers and directors. And there is something to tame you for - look, look how scared your kids are - they won’t run, won’t jump, and let alone blow up a steam engine or steal cheesecakes with a vacuum cleaner - there’s not even a conversation about that! Oh, and boring!


Well, you know, this is already beyond my strength! (Leaves.)


That's better! Well, let's have some fun now, let's get silly! Do you agree? Well, who wants to be little again for a little while?

The guys who received the balloons come out. Of these, Carlson forms two teams. Notes of two colors are pre-enclosed in the ball. The players’ tasks are to burst their balloon, and, having determined which letter is written there, make up the names of two future teams from the letters: “Pranksters” and “Scamps”. Between them, Carlson holds competitions, alternating them with dance compositions.

Team members first “return to childhood” - they put on costume details, turning into Mashenek, Petechek, Sashechek and Vovochek (in bows and shorts). Competitions are accompanied by soundtracks of funny children's songs (“Antoshka”, “Blue Car”, “Cheburashka”, “Let them run clumsily”, “Smile”). You can use songs on a school theme.

The competitions proposed below are options for pranks and fun, but you can simply conduct a series of outdoor games: “Forged Chains”, “Stander”, “Damaged Telephone”, “Nonsense”, “Gardener”, “Fanta” or fun relay races that do not require participants to physical stress.

Carlson takes an active part in all games, fun and competitions, either disturbing the players or helping those retreating. There are sweet prizes for participating in competitions, but every time Carlson “takes part”, persuading the winner to give him most of the prize.

Carlson(to the winner of the next competition):

Look, I have two chocolates here: a large one and a small one. Choose any one for yourself, but remember that the one who takes first must take the smaller part.


Then I’ll give you a treat - choose any one yourself.

Carlson grabs the chocolate bar and stuffs it into his mouth.


Oh, well, you took the big one!


Certainly! After all, if you chose the first one, you would take a small part. Graduate:


So why are you upset - you got it!

Sheets of paper are laid out on the floor, on each of which the name of the subject is written - mathematics, Russian, physics, and so on. Participants in the competition take turns moving from sheet to sheet. At the same time, they must quickly name any rule, formula or other phrase on the topic of science (subject). For example, twice two is four (mathematics), write “zhi” and “shi” with the letter “i” (Russian language) and so on. The winner is the one who walked along the road of knowledge faster.

Who is our excellent student?

In this competition, children need to demonstrate knowledge, but not from the area of ​​the school curriculum, but from the area of ​​society and life. Whoever gives the most correct answers is an excellent student, and, of course, receives a prize. Questions like this: How many legs does a snail have? (one); A word of seven identical letters (Seven-ya); It is present in rivers and lakes, but not in water; present in cucumbers and watermelons, but absent in melons (letter P); Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk) and so on.

New schedule

The presenter invites the participating teams to create a new lesson schedule, but familiar subjects in it also need to be named in a new way. For example, drawing - scribbling, botany - herbal science, a foreign language - foreign language, and so on. The team that comes up with the most new funny names in one or two minutes wins.

Correct definition

Participants are divided into pairs. One is given a pre-prepared set of cards with words. Taking out a card, the participant, without naming the word itself, quickly gives it a definition. For example, taking out a card with the word “lemon”, he says: “Yellow and very sour fruit.” The second player in the pair must, by definition, guess what it is and name the word. The game lasts one minute. Then the next couple participates. Those who can guess the most words win.

Alphabet relay

Participants are divided into teams. In front of each team there is a sheet of paper lined with 33 squares. Players run up one by one and write one of the letters of the alphabet on a sheet, making sure that there are no repetitions. The winner is the team that remembers all the letters of the Russian alphabet and fills in all the squares correctly faster than others.

Every teacher is special

In this competition, the class teacher must prepare a short description of adjectives for each of the children’s teachers, for example, cheerful, humanitarian, bespectacled, tall, blond. And the guys must guess who we are talking about - Valerian Pavlovich in literature. They answer either in teams or one at a time, having understood the hand. Whoever has the most answers will win.

We taught, we were taught...

Competition for high school students or graduates. To carry it out, you will need the help of the school administration. She must compile in advance and provide the presenter with a list of subjects that the class studied in previous years of study. Then two teams are formed, each of which tries to remember and write down both these subjects and the names of the teachers. The team with the “best student memory” wins.

Universal teacher

This competition is held by students for their favorite teachers. Teachers are invited to the stage and each person in turn is asked questions from the area of ​​each subject. That is, a mathematics teacher must answer questions from the field of literature, chemistry, biology and even physical education. Students should prepare questions in advance; they should not be too complex or abstruse, for example, who wrote the “Divine Comedy”; tell the Pythagorean theorem; single-celled, which is often used to describe an individual who has no opinion or purpose; where does a physical education lesson begin? what silver is called in chemistry, and so on. The teacher who can give more correct answers than others will be recognized as a universal teacher and receive a medal.

Award for subject merits

Students will be pleased to receive medals or certificates, and perhaps some themed souvenirs for their grades. The council of teachers selects the very best: the best mathematician, a cool athlete, an artist from God, the master of biology, a wonderful physicist, and so on, and awards the corresponding medals and prizes, for example, an artist - an album and paints, an athlete - a ball, a mathematician - a calculator, and so on. .

Only a pen in your pen

Participants are blindfolded. A small object is placed in front of each of them. Players can determine what is in front of them only by touching the object with a pen or pencil. The winner of the competition is the one who not only guesses correctly, but also does it in a shorter time than the other players.

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