Designs of the human head and its basic proportions. Lesson topic: “The design of the human head and its proportions.” II. Working on new material


Formation of students' skills in depicting a person's face in accordance with proportion.

Developing students' ability to analyze, compare, and generalize.

Materials: album, simple pencil.

Equipment: Visual range:

Reproductions of portraits of artists.

Poster: “Face Proportions”

Samples of drawn faces.

During the classes

I. Org. moment. Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

Guys, in the last lesson you got acquainted with the types of portraits. Today you will become familiar with the proportions of a person's face and learn how to depict a person's face in accordance with the proportion.

II. Repetition

And now, guys, let's review the material that you learned in previous lessons.

Name the genres of fine art. (Landscape, still life, animalistic genre, portrait, historical, everyday life, mythological, battle genre)

What is a portrait? (Portrait is a genre of fine art in which the artist depicts people.)

What is a self-portrait? (The artist’s depiction of himself.)

Name the types of portraits depicted in the reproductions.

The front door is full-length, dedicated to a public figure, the grandeur of posture and gestures, the richness of clothing and interior are used, the merits of a person with an order and medals are shown.

Chamber - opposite to the front one, it uses shoulder, chest, waist images.

Psychological - shows the character traits of a person who thinks, reflects, etc.

Social - portraits of ordinary people and nobles, telling about the fate of people.

What are these portraits called based on the number of people depicted? (Individual, double, group.)

III. Explanation of new material. Practical work.

Today we will talk about how to draw a person's head and face.

Portrait is one of the most complex genres of fine art. Igor Grabar, a famous Soviet artist and art critic, wrote: “As never before, I realized that the highest art is the art of portraiture, that the task of a landscape sketch, no matter how captivating it may be, is a trivial task compared to the complex complex of the human appearance, with his thoughts , feelings and experiences reflected in the eyes, a smile, a wrinkled brow, a head movement, a hand gesture. How much more exciting and infinitely difficult all this is!” Neither literary works, nor the works of historians, nor even reliably written memoirs can give such a vivid idea of ​​the character of a person and even entire eras and peoples as a true portrait.

What are proportions? (Proportions are the ratio of the dimensions of an object to each other. This means that the proportions of the head are the ratio of the sizes of parts of a person’s head to each other).

We will draw with a pencil. Everyone listens carefully to the explanation, looking at the board. The teacher shows the sequence of work on the board, while students work in the album at the same time. Mark all lines barely noticeable. (Barely touching the paper with a pencil, this will make it possible to use the eraser as little as possible in the future, making changes and clarifications).

In order to start drawing the head, you need to divide the sheet with a vertical dash line into two halves, since the face is symmetrical, that is, its left and right parts are similar, identical. Let's draw two horizontal lines below and above the oval of the face. Divide the resulting distance along the vertical line into three equal parts and draw two horizontal lines. Let's write the names of these lines. (Chinline, nose line, eyebrow line, hairline.)

Let's draw an oval face. The top part is slightly wider than the bottom. There are small depressions at ear level.

Let's start drawing the eyes in detail. Let's draw an additional stroke - a line - the line of the eyes. It is located at a distance equal to half of one part of the face. Let's step back a little from the side of the oval of the face and put 2 symmetrical points. Let us arbitrarily mark the width of the eye.

The distance between the eyes is equal to the width of one eye. The eyebrows are located on the brow line. The distance between the eyebrow and the eye is equal to the height of the eye.

Let's start drawing the nose in detail. Draw a nose in the center of the face. The base of the nose is located on the line of the base of the nose. The width of the nose is equal to the distance between the eyes. The convexity of the nose is conveyed through the application of strokes and shadows.

Let's start drawing the mouth in detail. The width of the lips is equal to the distance from one pupil to the other.

Let's draw an additional line in the first part of the face, dividing in half the distance from the line of the base of the nose to the line of the chin. The lower lip is located on this line.

Let's start drawing the ears in detail. The ears are located between the line of the eyebrows and the line of the base of the nose. The upper part of the ear is at the level of the eyebrow, and the lower part is at the level of the tip of the nose.

Let's start with detailed drawing of the hair. Let's draw an additional line in the third part of the face, dividing in half the distance from the eyebrow line to the hairline. The hair is slightly fuller than the oval of the face; the entire upper part of the face is occupied by the forehead and hair.

We clarify the shape of the face: the temples are depressed (eyebrow line); cheek bones are convex; the chin protrudes forward.

The neck is slightly narrower than the face.

IV. Consolidation of what has been learned

How many equal parts is the distance from the jawline to the hairline divided into? (3)

What is the distance between the eyes? (The width of one eye.)

What is the distance of one pupil to the other? (Lip width)

What is located between the line of the eyebrows and the line of the base of the nose? (Ears.)

What is located on the line bisecting the distance from the chin to the base of the nose? (Underlip.)

V. Lesson summary


VI. Homework

Select portraits from magazines, newspapers, books.


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Goals: Formation of students' skills in depicting a person's face in accordance with proportion. Development of students' ability to analyze, compare, and generalize. Materials: album, simple pencil. Equipment: Visual range: Reproductions of portraits of artists. Poster: “Face proportions” Samples of painted faces. During the classesI. Org. moment. Checking readiness for the lesson.II. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson- Guys, in the last lesson you got acquainted with the types of portraits. Today you will become familiar with the proportions of a person's face and learn how to depict a person's face in accordance with the proportion. II. Repetition- And now, guys, let’s review the material you learned in previous lessons. Name the genres of fine art. (Landscape, still life, animalistic genre, portrait, historical, everyday life, mythological, battle genre) What is called a portrait? (Portrait is a genre of fine art in which the artist depicts people.) What is a self-portrait? (The artist’s depiction of himself.) Name the types of portraits depicted in the reproductions. Ceremonial - full-length, dedicated to a public figure, the greatness of poses and gestures, the richness of clothing and interior are used, the merits of a person-order, medals are shown. Chamber - the opposite of the ceremonial one in it shoulder, chest, waist images were used. Psychological - shows the character traits of a person thinking, reflecting, etc. Social - portraits of ordinary people and nobles, telling about the fate of people. What are these portraits called based on the number of people depicted? (Individual, double, group.) III. Explanation of new material. Practical work. Today we will talk about how to draw a person’s head and face. Portrait is one of the most complex genres of fine art. Igor Grabar, a famous Soviet artist and art critic, wrote: “As never before, I realized that the highest art is the art of portraiture, that the task of a landscape sketch, no matter how captivating it may be, is a trivial task compared to the complex complex of the human appearance, with his thoughts , feelings and experiences reflected in the eyes, smile, wrinkled brow, head movement, hand gesture. How much more exciting and infinitely more difficult all this is!” Neither literary works, nor the works of historians, nor even reliably written memoirs can give such a vivid idea of ​​the character of a person and even entire eras and peoples as a true portrait. What are proportions? (Proportions are the ratio of the dimensions of an object to each other. This means that the proportions of the head are the ratio of the sizes of parts of a person’s head to each other). We will draw with a pencil. Everyone listens carefully to the explanation, looking at the board. The teacher shows the sequence of work on the board, while students work in the album at the same time. Mark all lines barely noticeable. (Barely touching the paper with a pencil, this will make it possible to use the eraser as little as possible in the future, making changes and clarifications). In order to start drawing the head, you need to divide the sheet of paper with a vertical stroke - a line into two halves, since the face is symmetrical, that is its left and right parts are similar, identical. Let's draw two horizontal lines below and above the oval of the face. Divide the resulting distance along the vertical line into three equal parts and draw two horizontal lines. Let's write the names of these lines. (Chinline, base line of the nose, eyebrow line, hairline.) Draw an oval face. The top part is slightly wider than the bottom. There are small depressions at the level of the ears. Let's start drawing the eyes in detail. Let's draw an additional stroke - a line - the line of the eyes. It is located at a distance equal to half of one part of the face. Let's step back a little from the side of the oval of the face and put 2 symmetrical points. Let us arbitrarily mark the width of the eye. The distance between the eyes is equal to the width of one eye. The eyebrows are located on the brow line. The distance between the eyebrow and the eye is equal to the height of the eye. Let's start drawing the nose in detail. Draw a nose in the center of the face. The base of the nose is located on the line of the base of the nose. The width of the nose is equal to the distance between the eyes. The convexity of the nose is conveyed by applying strokes and shadows. Let's begin the detailed drawing of the mouth. The width of the lips is equal to the distance from one pupil to the other. Let's draw an additional line in the first part of the face, halving the distance from the line of the base of the nose to the line of the chin. The lower lip is located on this line. Let's start drawing the ears in detail. The ears are located between the line of the eyebrows and the line of the base of the nose. The upper part of the ear is at the level of the eyebrow, and the lower part is at the level of the tip of the nose. Let's begin the detailed drawing of the hair. Let's draw an additional line in the third part of the face, dividing in half the distance from the eyebrow line to the hairline. The hair is slightly more voluminous than the oval of the face; the entire upper part of the face is occupied by the forehead and hair. Let’s clarify the shape of the face: the temples are depressed (eyebrow line); cheek bones are convex; the chin protrudes forward. The neck is slightly narrower than the face. IV. Consolidation of what has been learned How many equal parts is the distance from the jawline to the hairline divided into? (3) What is the distance between the eyes? (The width of one eye.) What is the distance of one pupil to the other? (Width of lips.) What is located between the line of the eyebrows and the line of the base of the nose? (Ears.) What is located on the line bisecting the distance from the chin to the base of the nose? (Underlip.) V. Lesson summary Grading. VI. Homework Select portraits from magazines, newspapers, books.

Lesson No. 19 (Art in 6th grade) ____________________

Lesson topic: The design of the human head and its proportions

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the patterns in the design of the human head, the proportions of a person’s face, the size and shape of the eyes, nose, the location and shape of the mouth, to teach how to depict a human head; develop observation and creative activity; cultivate aesthetic taste, intensify cognitive interest in the world around us.

Materials: pencils, album, eraser.

Lesson type: combined.

During the classes:

    Organizing time


Checking students' readiness for the lesson

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will continue to get acquainted with one of the most complex and attractive genres - portraiture.

The topic of our lesson: “The design of the human head and its proportions.”

The goal of the lesson is proposed to be formed by the students themselves using the table “Learn, study, learn, apply, create.”

    Repetition and verification of D/Z

Survey of students on the material assigned for home: conversation, tests, work on cards on the topic “The image of a person is the main theme of art.”

At the blackboard Two students are tested on their knowledge of types of portraits.

For weak students, tests are given on the history of the portrait. For the strong, cards with great portrait artists with “passes” of the artists’ names. While work is going on at the board, the class is surveyed from the front.

Portraits of Ancient Rome, the Renaissance, and Modern times are displayed on the screen. The correspondence of the image of a person with the arts of different eras is questioned frontally.

    Working on the topic.

Guys, if you look at each other, you will see that everyone has a mouth, a nose, two eyes, eyebrows, a forehead, and hair above them. But, nevertheless, everyone is completely different. Why? Yes, because everyone is not alike - everyone has different shapes and sizes of eyes, lips, noses.

Our face is very mobile and can instantly express our inner state.

If we are sad, about to cry, the corners of our lips fall down, our eyebrows gather into a fold on the bridge of our nose or rise up. What if we're having fun? The lips “blur” into a smile, the corners rise up, rays-folds appear near the eyes and the eyes begin to shine like the sun. And if we are angry, our lips rise into a “stripe”, our eyebrows move over our eyes. We call all these muscle movements on the face facial expressions.

Now look at how to sketch different facial expressions on a person. (Demonstration of a diagram of facial expressions of the main ten emotions, where the positions and shape of a person’s eyes, mouth and forehead are shown with strokes).

But this is not enough to draw a portrait. Without knowing the proportions, the drawing turns out awkward.

Repetition of proportions (material from the previous lesson)

Proportions are the ratios of the sizes of parts that make up one whole.

It has been established that the line of the eyes runs exactly in the middle of the head, let's consider the placement of the remaining details of the face. (Demonstration and discussion of a schematic drawing of the structure of the human head). If the entire height of the head is taken as one, then it turns out that the crown will occupy 1/7 of this value, the forehead, nose and the distance from the nose to the lower point of the chin - 2/7 each. The mouth line is located approximately 1/3 of this distance. This value - 1/7 of the height of the head - turns out to be the modulus for the width of the head. It is laid 5 times in width. The distance between the eyes, as well as between the extreme points of the wings of the nose, the length of the eyes, the distance from the extreme points of the eyes to the extreme points of the temples is still one.

The head is symmetrical and can be drawn on the basis of a conventional line that runs in the middle of the forehead between the eyes, along the nose, in the middle of the mouth and chin. This line is called the middle line and is used to construct paired symmetrical shapes.

The main parts of the face include the eyes, nose, lips, and ears.

Leonardo da Vinci, classifying the shapes of the nose, divided them into “three varieties”: straight, concave (snub-nosed) and convex (hump-nosed). (Demonstration of drawings of the main shapes of the nose, eyes, lips). Lips, like eyes, are the most expressive parts of the face. They are very diverse in shape. The nature of the eyes and their placement can be varied: there are large and small eyes, more or less convex, etc.

4. Consolidation of educational material: creative practical work.

Goal: to practice and consolidate techniques for depicting a human head.

Assignment: Draw a human head.

Let's draw an egg-shaped oval. Divide the oval in half horizontally - we will get an eye line and vertically. Divide the eye line into 5 equal parts. We draw the eyes with two arched lines.

The distance between the eyes is equal to the eye. Let's check.

Shade the pupil darker and the iris lighter. To prevent your eyes from popping out, cover your pupils with your eyelids.

Draw the upper eyelid, on which the eyelashes are located. We draw eyelashes in the direction from the nose. We draw the lower eyelid, draw eyelashes.

The eyebrows are located above the eyes. They are different for all people: oval, triangular or like wings. Let's draw them. Shade them in the direction from the nose.

But the shape of the nose resembles an elongated triangle. Look carefully at how the nose is drawn. From the eyebrows we draw two parallel lines to the bridge of the nose, slightly diverging towards the tip of the nose. We draw the wings of the nose with arched lines. We draw the nostrils using arcuate lines.

Everyone's lips are different, but remember that the line of the mouth is located 1/3 of the distance from the base of the nose to the end of the chin, the corners of the lips are at the level of the pupils of the eyes. We draw lines from the pupils down. From the middle, draw the upper lip with two arched lines to the left and right. Draw the lower lip with an arcuate line. Let's shade it. The upper lip is darker, the lower lip is lighter, as the light falls on it.

Draw the supralabial folds.

The size of the ear is equal to the distance between the line of the eyes and the line of the nose. From the side the ear looks like a snail, and from the front it looks like a semi-oval. We draw the ears closer to the head, draw the urine of the ear, and mark the pits.

Using a soft pencil, highlight the eyebrows, eyelashes, pupil, nostrils, and lips.

We denote the face with an arcuate line. Drawing hair. Create an image of a boy or girl.

During practical work, students make targeted walks in order to monitor the correct execution of work techniques; providing assistance to students experiencing difficulties in work; control of the volume and quality of work performed.

    Lesson summary. Reflection:

The guys speak in a circle in one sentence, choosing the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board.

Today I found out...

It was interesting…

I realized that...

It was difficult…

Now I can…

I learned…

I will try…

Purpose: To familiarize students with the patterns of human head design

Objectives: develop observation skills, cultivate aesthetic taste; to develop the ability to find beauty, harmony, beauty in the internal and external appearance of a person, to activate cognitive interest in the world around us and interest in the learning process.



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Slide captions:

The design of the human head and its basic proportions Author: Kayatkina Olga Vladimirovna MAOU Secondary School No. 84 Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region Fine arts lesson in 6th grade

Goal: To acquaint students with the laws of the design of the human head. Objectives: to develop observation skills, to cultivate aesthetic taste; to develop the ability to find beauty, harmony, beauty in the internal and external appearance of a person, to activate cognitive interest in the world around us and interest in the learning process. Equipment: portrait sketches of people of different ages, made on a chalkboard with head sketches.

Proportions of the human head Proportions are the dimensional relationships of elements or parts of a form with each other. In artistic practice, there is a well-known method for determining proportions called sighting.

To learn how to draw a portrait, you should study the parts of the face.

The head as a whole is built on the principle of geometric volumes and its image consists of a combination of complicated geometric bodies. A. Durer Analytical drawing of the construction of the human head

How to draw eyes Eyes play a very important role in the resemblance of a portrait to life. You can start drawing the eye with its generalized shape; the eyeball has a spherical shape). Therefore, when starting to draw the eyes, you need to outline the eye sockets, while remembering that they are not located very close to the nose. The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye itself. Next, having outlined the pupil, we begin to draw the eyelids.

Drawing a nose When drawing a nose, you must first carefully study its characteristic features: noses can be straight (1), snub-nosed (2) and with a hump (3).

Noses can be long, short, narrow and wide. The base of the nose is equal to the width of the eye. When outlining the nose, you need to remember that the middle of the facial line of the nose passes through the middle of its base and tip.

Nose drawing diagram

Drawing the lips Before you start drawing the lips, you need to mark the midline of the mouth (this is the line where the upper lip connects to the lower), then determine the length and thickness of the lips on this line (usually the lower lip is thicker than the upper, but it happens that they are equal by thickness). You also need to remember that the mouth is below the base of the nose. Next, you need to start outlining the outlines of the lips, trying to convey their characteristic shape (thin, thick, medium, even along the contour or with a curve on the upper lip).

Drawing ears Ears are usually located at the level from the eyebrows to the base of the nose. In order to correctly outline the ears, you need to draw an imaginary axis of the ear, which runs parallel to the line of the nose. Next, outline the general shape of the ear and draw the details.

Drawing the hair The hair beautifully frames the head and starts midway from the eye line to the crown (the top point of the head). All hairstyles can be reduced to the most typical.

Practical work: the first method of drawing: Draw a head with variously correlated facial details (nose, lips, eyes, eyebrows, etc.)

second way to complete the drawing

Homework: complete the portrait

Lesson topic: The design of the human head and its basic proportions (sketches of the human head).

Target: study the patterns in the design of the human head and facial proportions.


    Develop skills in depicting a human head in accordance with proportions.

    Cultivate aesthetic taste; to develop the ability to find beauty, harmony, and beauty in a person’s appearance.

    Develop skills to analyze, compare, generalize.

Materials: paper, simple pencil.

Using a computer in preparation for a lesson: Teacher in the program Power Point creates a presentation with informative and illustrative materials; in a programme Word prepares lesson developments.

TCO: Computer, projector with screen.

During the classes:

    Organizing time

1) Greeting, positive attitude towards the lesson.

2) Communicate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

3) Determining the degree of readiness for the lesson.


When we see a person - in life or in a picture, we first of all pay attention to his head. The head is the most expressive part of the human figure. An educational image of a person’s head differs significantly from a drawing or portrait.

In order for us to learn how to draw a person, we need to learn the technique of drawing a head. At the first stage of studying the head drawing, we will consider the head precisely as a spatial form, i.e. design. It is known that all spatial forms are reduced to simple geometric bodies.

What shape is our head? (The head is round in shape)

What does the head resemble in volume? (The volume of the head resembles an egg (ovoid)).

It is also important to know that our head consists of two parts - the cranial and facial. When paying attention to a person's head, we first of all pay attention to the person's face and always exaggerate it in scale relative to the skull. Look carefully at each other's faces. Notice that the eye line is approximately in the middle of the overall outline of the head. The height of the forehead along the hairline and the height of the head to the crown, covered with hair, are almost equal. The lower parts of the head also have equal proportions. Proportions are the ratios of the sizes of parts that make up one whole. Compliance with proportions in the image of the human head is most important (slide 2)

It is very important to correctly determine the place of the eyes in the drawing. The distance between the eyes is approximately equal to the length of the eye or the width of the nose. Under no circumstances should you reduce the distance between the eyes; this can lead to distortion of the depicted face. The human nose is shaped like a prism, we see its top side, sides and bottom base where the nostrils are located. The mouth is located midway between the base of the nose and the jawline. The shape of the cheekbones and temples plays an important role. The length of the ears coincides with the distance from the eyebrows to the base of the nose (but we must remember that in life we ​​can meet people with not very regular and proportional facial features, here the external characteristics of the person will take place) (slide 3).

For the first time, ideas about the ideal proportions of a person appeared in Ancient Greece, as ancient Greek thinkers were looking for the ideal of any phenomenon. Sculptor Polykleitos(slide 4) created the famous treatise “Canon” on the proportional relationship of the human body. In this treatise he paid great attention to the Pythagorean theory of the golden division. In ancient times it was believed that the human figure was created on the basis of the principles of Pythagoreanism, i.e. the entire length is related to the larger part as the larger one is to the smaller one. But the true canon of Polykleitos is his sculpture “Doriphoros”- another name for “Spearman” (slide 5) . The composition of the work is based on the principle of asymmetry; the entire figure expresses movement. As for the face, the distance from the chin to the crown of the head in the statues of Polykleitos is 1/7, and from the eyes to the chin is 1/16, and the height of the face is 1/10. The creation of Polykleitos was the first and perhaps the best example of ideal proportions.

Later, ideas about ideal proportions changed, but the interest of masters in the doctrine of proportions and understanding the plastic structure of a person remained.

    Creative task

Today we will learn to draw a person’s face, observing all the rules and proportions. For work we will need paper and pencil.

If we look at a person's face from the front, we will notice that its width is approximately two-thirds of the height of the head. And if you look at it in profile, the width will correspond to 7/8 of its height. The human head can be roughly divided into four parts. The first part (the topmost) is the distance from the crown to the hairline. The second part is the distance from hair to eyes. The third part represents the eyes, ears and nose. The fourth part is the distance from the nose to the chin. All four parts are almost equal. Dividing the head into parts will be correct if the face you are looking at is at the level of your eyes.

You should start drawing the face from the eyes. Notice that the eyes are in the middle of the head. If you look at the face from the front, you will see that the distance between the eyes is equal to the distance from the edges of the face to the eyes. This distance is also equal to the width of the nose.

To depict the ears, you need to look at the face in profile. We will see that the ear is to the left of the vertical line, which can conditionally divide the head in half.

If you look at the face from the front, the triangle of the nose starts from the middle of the head. If you look at the head in profile, the eyes, nose and mouth fit into a rectangle.

In reality, ideal proportions are rarely found in people, but it is necessary to know them in order to see deviations from the norm and better understand the individual proportions of living nature(slide 6).

Try to approach this work creatively. Without forgetting the basic rules of drawing, feel free to experiment, work with your soul!

    Summing up the lesson

(Students show their work)

What is a design?

What is proportion? What role does proportion play in depicting something?

Who first introduced the ideal human proportions?

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