Korolenko is a blind musician with problems. Story by V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician". show the spiritual renewal of a person offended

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and towards the world. The world around us is huge, there are many different roads in it, and a person’s future depends on the right choice of his life path. But what about someone who does not know this huge world - a blind person?
Korolenko places his hero, the born blind Peter, in very difficult conditions, endowing him with intelligence, talent as a musician and heightened sensitivity to all manifestations of life, which he will never be able to see. Since childhood he knew

Only one world, calm and reliable, where he always felt like the center. He knew the warmth of the family and Evelina’s kind, friendly concern. The inability to see color, the appearance of objects, the beauty of the surrounding nature upset him, but he imagined this familiar world of the estate thanks to his sensitive perception of its sounds.
Everything changed after meeting the Stavruchenkov family: he learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. At first he reacted to these disputes, to the stormy expression of the opinions and expectations of young people with enthusiastic amazement, but soon felt “that this living wave was rolling past him.” He's a stranger. The rules of life in the big world are unknown to him, and it is also unknown whether this world will want to accept a blind person. This meeting sharply aggravated his suffering and sowed doubts in his soul. After visiting the monastery and meeting the blind bell-ringers, he is haunted by the painful thought that isolation from people, anger and selfishness are the inevitable qualities of a person born blind. Peter feels the commonality of his fate with the fate of the embittered bell-ringer Yegor, who hates children. But a different attitude towards the world and people is also possible. There is a legend about the blind bandura player Yurka, who took part in the campaigns of Ataman Ignat Kary. Peter learned this legend from Stavruchenko: meeting new people and the big world brought the young man not only suffering, but also the understanding that the choice of path belongs to the person himself.
Most of all, Uncle Maxim helped Peter and his lessons. After wandering with the blind and pilgrimage to the miraculous icon, the bitterness passes: Peter was indeed cured, but not from a physical illness, but from a mental illness. Anger is replaced by a feeling of compassion for people and a desire to help them. A blind man finds strength in music. Through music he can influence people, tell them the most important things about life that he himself found so difficult to understand. This is the choice of a blind musician.
In Korolenko's story, not only Peter is faced with the problem of choice. Evelina, the blind man’s friend, must make an equally difficult choice. They had been together since childhood; the girl’s company and caring attention helped and supported Peter. Their friendship gave a lot and Evelina, like Peter, had almost no idea about life outside the estate. The meeting with the Stavruchenko brothers was also for her a meeting with an unfamiliar and large world that was ready to accept her. Young people are trying to captivate her with dreams and expectations; they do not believe that at seventeen you can already plan your life. Dreams intoxicate her, but in that life there is no place for Peter. She understands Peter’s suffering and doubts - and performs a “quiet feat of love”: she is the first to speak about her feelings to Peter. The decision to start a family also comes from Evelina. It's her choice. For the sake of blind Peter, she immediately and forever closes the path so temptingly outlined by the students. And the writer was able to convince us that this was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love.

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on the topic: “The story of V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”


1. The plot and characters of the story by V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”

2. The idea of ​​the story by V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”


List of used literature


Korolenko musician blind story

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko is an outstanding Russian writer, publicist, and public figure. The heyday of Korolenko’s literary activity dates back to the second half of the 80s. In the dead of night of reaction, when everything progressive and freedom-loving in Russian society was suppressed by the police brutality of tsarism, the voice of the young writer sounded as a new reminder of the living forces of the people. Korolenko's stories awakened thought and raised the spirit during the period of dull and rude reaction of the 80s.

Korolenko, believed that the duty of a writer in reactionary and pessimistic eras is precisely to resist the general trend and awaken feelings of “vigor, faith, call.” The author of "The Blind Musician" thought a lot at this time about the meaning of the active, heroic principle in art.

Korolenko did not work on any of his works as concentratedly and intensely as on “The Blind Musician.” He first published it in 1886 in the newspaper "Russian Vedomosti", in the same year he revised it for the magazine "Russian Thought", then in 1888 he made changes to the text of a separate publication, and finally, in 1898, preparing the sixth edition of the story, again supplemented and reworked it.

Readers and critics immediately greeted the story with more than sympathy; they praised the richness of the language, the beauty of the landscapes, and the general poetic structure of the work, but the author was not pleased with these praises. He said that if there is nothing but “the chime of beautiful stylistics” in the story, then the sooner it drowns in a heap of old newspapers, the better. It seemed to the writer that the main idea of ​​“The Blind Musician” remained unclear.

1. The plot and characters of the storyV.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”

In the South-West of Ukraine, into the family of rich village landowners Popelsky, a blind boy is born. At first, no one notices his blindness, only his mother guesses about it from the strange expression on little Petrus’s face. Doctors confirm a terrible guess.

Korolenko places his hero, the born blind Peter, in very difficult conditions, endowing him with intelligence, talent as a musician and heightened sensitivity to all manifestations of life, which he will never be able to see.

Peter's father is a good-natured man, but rather indifferent to everything except housekeeping. Uncle decides to start raising Petrus. He has to fight blind maternal love: he explains to his sister Anna Mikhailovna, Petrus’s mother, that excessive care can harm the boy’s development. Uncle Maxim hopes to raise a new “fighter for the cause of life” Averin B. Personality and creativity of V.G. Korolenko // Korolenko V.G. Collection cit.: In 5 vols. L.: Fiction, 1989. T. 1. P. 7.

Spring is coming. The child is alarmed by the noise of awakening nature. Mother and uncle take Petrus for a walk to the river bank. Adults do not notice the excitement of a boy who cannot cope with the abundance of impressions. Petrus loses consciousness. After this incident, Maxim’s mother and uncle try to help the boy comprehend sounds and sensations.

The inability to see color, the appearance of objects, the beauty of the surrounding nature upset him, but he imagined this familiar world of the estate thanks to his sensitive perception of its sounds.

Petrus loves to listen to the groom Joachim play the pipe. The groom made his wonderful instrument himself; Unhappy love disposes Joachim to sad melodies. He plays every evening, and on one of these evenings a blind panic comes to his stable. Petrus learns to play the pipe from Joachim. The mother, overcome with jealousy, orders a piano from the city. But when she starts playing, the boy almost faints again: this complex music seems rough and noisy to him. Joachim is of the same opinion. Then Anna Mikhailovna understands that in the groom’s simple game there is much more living feeling. She secretly listens to Joachim's pipe and learns from him. In the end, her art conquers both Petrus and the groom. Meanwhile, the boy begins to play the piano. And Uncle Maxim asks Joachim to sing folk songs to the blind panic.

Petrus has no friends. The village boys are afraid of him. And on the neighboring estate of the elderly Yaskulskys, their daughter Evelina, the same age as Petrus, is growing up. This beautiful girl is calm and reasonable. Evelina accidentally meets Peter while out for a walk. At first she does not realize that the boy is blind. When Petrus tries to feel her face, Evelina gets scared, and when she learns about his blindness, she cries bitterly with pity. Peter and Evelina become friends. They take lessons together from Uncle Maxim. Children grow up, and their friendship becomes stronger.

Uncle Maxim invites his old friend Stavruchenko to visit with his student sons, folk lovers and folklore collectors. Their cadet friend comes with them. Young people bring liveliness to the quiet life of the estate. Uncle Maxim wants Peter and Evelina to feel that a bright and interesting life is flowing nearby. Evelina understands that this is a test for her feelings for Peter. She firmly decides to marry Peter and tells him about it.

A blind young man plays the piano in front of the guests. Everyone is shocked and predicts he will become famous. For the first time, Peter realizes that he, too, is capable of doing something in life.

Everything changed after meeting the Stavruchenkov family: he learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. At first he reacted to these disputes, to the stormy expression of the opinions and expectations of young people with enthusiastic amazement, but soon felt “that this living wave was rolling past him.” He's a stranger. The rules of life in the big world are unknown to him, and it is also unknown whether this world will want to accept a blind person. This meeting sharply aggravated his suffering and sowed doubts in his soul.

The Popelskys pay a return visit to the Stavruchenkov estate. The hosts and guests go to the N-sky monastery. On the way, they stop near the gravestone under which the Cossack ataman Ignat Kary is buried, and next to him is the blind bandura player Yurko, who accompanied the ataman on campaigns. Everyone sighs about the glorious past. And Uncle Maxim says that the eternal struggle continues, although in other forms.

In the monastery, everyone is escorted to the bell tower by the blind bell ringer, novice Yegoriy. He is young and has a very similar face to Peter. Yegory is embittered at the whole world. He rudely scolds the village children who are trying to get into the bell tower. After everyone goes downstairs, Peter remains to talk with the bell ringer. It turns out that Yegoriy is also born blind. There is another bell-ringer in the monastery, Roman, who has been blind since the age of seven. Yegory envies Roman, who has seen the light, seen his mother, remembers her... When Peter and Yegory finish their conversation, Roman arrives. He is kind and affectionate with a bunch of kids.

This meeting sharply aggravated his suffering and sowed doubts in his soul. After visiting the monastery and meeting the blind bell-ringers, he is haunted by the painful thought that isolation from people, anger and selfishness are the inevitable qualities of a person born blind. Peter feels the commonality of his fate with the fate of the embittered bell-ringer Yegor, who hates children.

He understands the depth of his misfortune and seems to become different, as embittered as Yegoriy. In his conviction that all those born blind are evil, Peter tortures his loved ones. He asks to explain the difference in colors that is incomprehensible to him. Peter reacts painfully to the touch of the sun's rays on his face. He even envies the blind beggars, whose hardships make them temporarily forget about blindness.

Peter becomes seriously ill. After recovery, he announces to his family that he will go with Uncle Maxim to Kyiv, where he will take lessons from a famous musician.

Uncle Maxim really goes to Kyiv and from there writes soothing letters home. Meanwhile, Peter, secretly from his mother, along with blind beggars, among whom Uncle Maxim’s acquaintance Fyodor Kandyba, goes to Pochaev. On this journey, Peter recognizes the world in its diversity and, empathizing with the grief of others, forgets about his own suffering.

After wandering with the blind and pilgrimage to the miraculous icon, the bitterness passes: Peter was indeed cured, but not from a physical illness, but from a mental illness. Anger is replaced by a feeling of compassion for people and a desire to help them. A blind man finds strength in music. Through music he can influence people, tell them the most important things about life that he himself found so difficult to understand.

Peter returns to the estate as a completely different person. That same fall, Peter marries Evelina. Peter's son is born. The father is afraid that the boy will be blind. And when the doctor reports that the child is undoubtedly sighted, Peter is overcome with such joy that for a few moments it seems to him as if he sees everything himself: the sky, the earth, his loved ones.

Three years pass. Peter becomes known for his musical talent. In Kyiv, during the “Contracts” fair, a large audience gathers to listen to a blind musician, whose fate is already the subject of legends.

Peter was able to feel life in its fullness, to remind people of the suffering of others.

2. The idea of ​​the story by V.G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”

By the title itself - “The Blind Musician” - Korolenko identified one of the important themes of his work. Indeed, its main character is blind, that is, a person deprived of nature, deprived of the ability to see. But at the same time, he is a musician, which means that by nature he is endowed with a subtle and keen ear and musical talent. Thus, he is simultaneously “humiliated” and “exalted” by nature. The theme of human dependence on nature, on its biological laws, determines the essential side of this work.

The author's attention to issues of natural science is not at all surprising: Korolenko, like his contemporaries - Chekhov and Garshin, is a natural scientist by training. During his student years at the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy, he enthusiastically listened to the lectures of Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev. Korolenko retells one of his lectures in the story “On Two Sides,” where the great scientist, who was then a little over thirty years old, is introduced under the name of Izborsky, a thin man with a thin, expressive face and beautiful large gray eyes. Timiryazev’s teaching on plant life, which had a broad general biological meaning, had a great influence on the future writer. Korolenko was also closely interested in questions of physiology, biology, and scientific psychology. Byaly G.A. Inescapable, cheerful, heroic (“Sokolinets”, “The Blind Musician”, “The River Plays” by V. G. Korolenko) // Peaks: A book about outstanding works of Russian literature / Comp. IN AND. Kuleshov - M.: Det.lit., 1983.P.56

When carefully reading “The Blind Musician,” it is not difficult to detect echoes of those natural science ideas that helped the writer understand and artistically reveal the inner world of a blind boy. Thus, a large place in the story is occupied by the theory of E. Haeckel, who, following Darwin, argued that man cannot be understood if we consider him outside the general and consistently developing picture of the evolution of the entire animal world. E. Haeckel formulated the so-called biogenetic law, which establishes the relationship and interdependence between the individual development of an individual and the development of its ancestors. Korolenko talks about the fate of his hero, a boy with the windows of his soul closed forever, in the spirit of this natural science theory. Nature, he believes, conveyed to the blind the experience of previous generations, the internal ability of vision, and only an incomprehensible incident deprived him of the opportunity to realize his internal ability. Being a link in the general chain of the human race, Korolenko’s hero is endowed with the need to see, and this unsatisfied need, these, as Korolenko writes, “unconscious impulses of nature” further aggravate the tragedy of the boy’s situation.

But from the same nature, as already mentioned, the hero of the story also receives a certain “compensation” - an unusually heightened perception of sounds. Maybe replacing light perceptions with sound ones will be a way out of the tragic situation for the boy? Korolenko’s “study” is dedicated to the artistic solution of this issue.

It is no coincidence that the author defined the genre of his narrative this way. The direct meaning of the French word "etude" is study, research. This word also has secondary meanings (for example, sketch from life), but one way or another they are all connected with the main one. In the introduction “From the Author” to the latest edition of his story, Korolenko, explaining the reason for its revision, refers, as scientists usually do when preparing new editions of their works, to new observations that clarify and confirm the previously put forward hypothesis. Korolenko made new observations during his meeting with two blind bell-ringers; as the writer emphasizes, he “recorded this important episode for him in his notebook directly from life.” “...In such work,” Korolenko wrote about “The Blind Musician,” “the artistic and creative process is closely connected and goes in parallel with analytical thought, working according to the strict rules of scientific analysis, only, of course, the artist is much freer in hypotheses.”

Speaking about the scientific basis of The Blind Musician, it should be remembered that starting from the second half of the 19th century, natural science had a significant impact on the social sciences and, in particular, on sociology. The populist sociologist and partly biologist, critic and publicist N.K. Mikhailovsky, many of whose views Korolenko learned in his early youth, in his work “Darwin’s Theory and Social Science” refers to the opinion of natural scientists who divided all living beings into two types: first type - "practical", the second - "ideal". According to the logic of N.K. Mikhailovsky’s reasoning, the “practical type”, transferred from the biological sphere to the social one, is a person who has adapted to modern social conditions. Such adaptation occurs due to the loss of completeness and harmony of existence, personal freedom, demands of conscience, altruistic impulses, that is, everything that is inherent only to man and that sets him apart from the animal world. A person of the “ideal type” will not adapt to existing social conditions, drowning out everything human in himself, but will try to change them, even if it is difficult to expect practical benefit from his efforts at the moment. During the difficult years of reaction in the 80s, when Korolenko was working on “The Blind Musician,” this approach to a person could not be more relevant.

The hero of “The Blind Musician” also has all the conditions to successfully adapt to the environment and circumstances. Material difficulties do not exist for him - he was born into a rich family, he has a kind and sympathetic mother, an intelligent teacher, a faithful friend who will become his wife. This means that for a reasonable and inevitable adaptation to the world around him, he only needs to extinguish the unclear “impulses of nature” within himself. How the struggle between the “ideal” and “practical” principles occurs in a person is described in “The Blind Musician.”

The plot of "The Blind Musician" includes two narratives. The first is about how a boy born blind instinctively reached out to the light: here we are talking about the natural nature of man, protesting against a particular case of violation of its general laws. The second narrative moves away from the biological properties of man and concerns primarily his social feelings. This is the story of how a man, depressed by personal misfortune, overcame his selfish focus on his own suffering and managed to develop active sympathy for all disadvantaged people. Social feeling appears in the story as a special healing instinct, the development of which can restore even the harmony of human existence disrupted by blind natural forces.

The organic combination of these two narratives, necessary for Korolenko in order to reveal the dialectic of the natural and social principles in man, required the writer to create a complex system of characters and complex relationships between them. However, at first glance it seems that this is not at all the case. First of all, it is striking that in “The Blind Musician” we have only positive heroes. Some sentimental and idyllic shade of the story is probably determined by this. Pyotr Popelsky's mother is kind, generous, and tender, deeply loving her son. The uncle of the hero of the story, Maxim Yatsenko, also evokes the sincere sympathy of the readers. “A bully,” a “duelist,” he boldly opposes the opinions of the well-meaning nobles around him, responds to the kindnesses of the gentlemen with insolence, and indulges the peasants in self-will and rudeness. He boldly sided with the same bully and “heretic” Garibaldi, under whose banner he fought for the freedom of Italy. Peter's friend Evelina is self-sacrifice embodied, quiet, modest, not self-aware, and even more so true.

The role of the teacher in this story belongs primarily to the Garibaldian Maxim. He creates a program for raising a blind boy, rightly believing that it is impossible to protect him from all the difficulties that will inevitably come his way. And he really manages to destroy that artificial greenhouse environment with which Peter was surrounded by a loving mother who considers herself guilty of her son. A strictly rational education system has a beneficial effect on the development of a blind boy, but there is one point where this system is powerless. Acting “practically” and “rationally,” Maxim tries to limit the sphere of interests of his pupil only to the boundaries of the world accessible to him, thereby directing the development of blind Peter along the path of forming a “practical” type.

To one of the main questions posed by Korolenko in “The Blind Musician,” whether a person can yearn for the “unexplored and unattainable,” the Garibaldian Maxim, starting to educate Peter, would answer without doubt: no, he cannot. And therefore, he stops more than once in amazement at the “impulses of nature” that are incomprehensible to him, forcing the hero of the story to strive to comprehend the inaccessible but necessary aspects of the world.

Maxim's practicality and rationalism lead to the fact that he, a man who preaches activity and the fight against hostile forces, without noticing it himself, demands from his pupil humility and submission in the face of unfavorable circumstances for him. “The boy can only get used to his blindness, and we must strive to make him forget about the light,” Maxim convinces Anna Mikhailovna. And yet, the sober rationalist Maxim has to bow his “square” head before the secrets of the human spirit that are incomprehensible to him. It turns out that you can “dream the impossible” and even intuitively perceive this impossible. “He knows a lot... “so,” his friend Evelina says about Peter, meaning instinctive, subconscious, intuitive knowledge.

The question of the meaning of intuition, of the relationship between the rational and subconscious elements in the process of comprehending the world is another important theme of “The Blind Musician.” If the decisive influence on the formation of the blind boy’s personality was exerted by the “impulses of nature,” the pressure of the experience of previous generations, then naturally all this brought to the fore intuition, instinct, and unconscious impulses. The development of the story's action shows the irresistible power of the intuitive principle in the soul of the blind: childhood dreams in which the blind man “sees” something, the desire to distinguish by touch the different colors of colored rags or feathers of a stork with his fingers, a passionate impulse towards light under the influence of love, attempts at “coloring” sounds. The assertion of the intuitive principle reaches its greatest strength in the scene of Peter’s instant insight under the influence of the news that his son was born sighted. Intuition appears in Korolenko’s story as a powerful force that causes enormous and fruitful tension in a person’s mental strength and capabilities. Although intuitive, vague impulses towards the unknown caused deep suffering to Peter, they were at the same time a call to living life for him, leading him out of a state of loneliness and isolation from the rest of humanity. They do not allow the hero of “The Blind Musician” to rest on the meager joys that life can give to a blind man; they save him from a state of miserable contentment, causing concern, anxiety and indignation at his fate.

At the same time, by themselves they can only lead to a heightened sense of personal grief, to blind selfish suffering. The impulses of nature, through their unconscious work, establish a connection between the individual and the human race, but this is not enough for a living person. We also need a direct connection with society, with the era, with the people of our time. Byaly G.A. Inescapable, cheerful, heroic (“Sokolinets”, “The Blind Musician”, “The River Plays” by V. G. Korolenko) // Peaks: A book about outstanding works of Russian literature / Comp. IN AND. Kuleshov - M.: Det.lit., 1983.P.59

Having realized the importance of extra-personal “biological” experience, Maxim strives to expand and enrich it with extra-personal social experience. Here Maxim turns out to be quite up to the task. He introduces his pupil to the heroic traditions of the people, destroys the manor peace of his life, and brings him into contact with representatives of “intellectual-populist idealism.” He teaches him a harsh lesson, explaining how his blind despair smacks of indifference to the suffering of other disadvantaged people. Under its influence, a blind musician leaves his prosperous home, goes to the poor blind, shares the hardships and hardships of their lives, sings their songs, recognizes the blind and sighted grief of other people and, under the influence of all this, transforms his personal impulses towards the impossible into the desire to realize his social task, reminding the “happy of the unfortunate” with his musical improvisations. This is how a blind musician “gets his sight.” This was a lively, talented, sensitive person, and such a person, according to Korolenko, cannot be content with reduced happiness. He will rush and yearn, indulge in blind despair, torment himself and others, but still he will fight for his right to “light” against the force of spontaneous chance.

Man’s desire for completeness, for happiness, although unknown, but inherent in the properties of human nature - this motive is characteristic not only of “The Blind Musician”, it was heard in “Makar’s Dream”, and in such stories as “Sokolinets”, “Killer”, “At-Davan”, “Marusya’s Zaimka”. Something indefinable and insurmountable prevents Korolenko’s heroes from turning into a “practical type”, adapting to the environment and circumstances, no matter how logical and justified such an adaptation may seem.

It is impossible for every person if he has a spark of God, much less possible for a person with artistic talent.

Art entered the life of a blind man as spontaneously and imperceptibly as other life experiences. It was something vague and indefinite that disturbed his childhood dreams, for which he himself could not at first come up with a name or find an explanation. It turned out that it was the iridescent sounds of a pipe that rushed from somewhere, mixing with the rustle of the southern evening. Thus, the source of the blind man’s first artistic impressions was artless folk poetry; his first music teacher was a simple man - the dudar Joachim. Then, when his apprenticeship ended, folk art entered Peter’s art as a natural, ready-made form into which his personal experiences and then his public sentiments were cast. Personal creativity and folk art were organically united in his compositions. Folk tunes sounded in his improvisation, which reflected the feelings that took possession of him after his love affair with Evelina, while the folk melody: “Give it to the sticky ones... for the sake of Hri-i-staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathe first public debut musician.

But this is not the only significance of folk art. The secret of the eternal vitality of folk poetry, according to Korolenko, is that it is full of memories of disappeared, but still living folk antiquity, of the heroic past of the people. This “folk legend” is intended to enrich the art of modern society. However, for all its connections with the poetry of heroic folk memories, especially important “among the everyday and gray present day,” modern art cannot limit itself to the poetry of past struggles.

There is an important episode in The Blind Musician in which Korolenko draws a sharp line between the romance of the historical past and the romance of today's aspirations. During an excursion to the monastery, the youth came across the grave of a blind bandura player who died in the distant past in a battle with the Tatars. Young people are moved by the heroic romance of bygone times.

“What should have disappeared disappeared,” Maxim said somehow coldly. “They lived in their own way, you are looking for yours.”

Maxim tells his young companions the story of his life, full of searches, anxieties, and struggles.

“What remains for us?” asked the student after a moment of silence.

The same eternal struggle.

Where? In what forms?

Look, - Maxim answered briefly." Korolenko V.G. Blind musician. Publishing house "Yunatstva", Minsk, 1981.P.65.

Korolenko also said the same to his contemporaries. He did not prescribe what forms this struggle should take, he only said that these forms must be found, their own for each generation. During the period of reaction, many justified themselves by the impossibility of the struggle, its futility, and saw a certain tragic “merit” in their suffering. Korolenko argued that suffering in itself has no merit; it can sometimes be blind and selfish. Merit in overcoming suffering and in the struggle for happiness; It is not without reason that it is said in Korolenko’s essay “Paradox”: “Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight.”

The idea of ​​happiness is always associated in the human mind with images of light and the sun. Depicting the experiences of a blind person, that is, a person deprived of these natural benefits, creating a picture of the world in his perception - all this presented Korolenko with a very difficult artistic task. Turning off visual impressions gave the depicted world a special coloring, devoid of visual certainty, clarity, more vague, associated with noise, rustling, and sounds without optical addition. The very idea of ​​the story thus gave it the character of an artistic experiment.

The task of showing the world as perceived by a blind person, a world devoid of colors and lines, forced Korolenko to enhance the sound and musical side of the work. The depiction of internal experiences is usually accompanied by parallels and comparisons with the external world; here we also had to limit ourselves to auditory ideas. The world, shown through the prism of a blind person’s perception, lost its concrete objectivity and acquired the character of something vague, vaguely sad, foggy-melancholic, filled with the rustling of leaves, the whisper of grass and vague sighs of the steppe wind.

Korolenko creates soundscapes in The Blind Musician. This is the picture of spring nature in the first chapter of the story. Its main mood is formed by “hasty spring drops,” which knock “with a thousand ringing blows,” like “pebbles quickly beating out an iridescent beat.” This is the landscape near the mill in the scene of the love explanation between Peter and Evelina. “It was quiet; only the water was talking about something, murmuring and ringing. At times it seemed that this conversation was weakening and was about to die down; but immediately it rose again and again rang without end or interruption. The thick bird cherry tree whispered through the dark leaves; a song. near the house fell silent, but over the pond the nightingale began to sing..." Korolenko V.G. Blind musician. Publishing house "Yunatstva", Minsk, 1981.P.67

Even spatial representations are conveyed by sound images. Thus, the feeling of distance is conveyed by the sounds of a dying song. But the reality of perception dims, twitches with fog, when the sound begins to hint at the phenomena of color, which the blind seeks to perceive, or when the hero encounters a quiet, silent nature. Then the world loses not only visual, but also sound concreteness, acquiring vague, ghostly outlines. This is the summer landscape in the first chapter, a silent landscape, almost silent, filled with the sensation of a summer breeze, perceived only in the form of vague tactile impressions. “He only felt something material, caressing and warm touching his face with a gentle, warming touch. Then someone cool and light, although less light than the warmth of the sun’s rays, removes this bliss from his face and runs over him feeling of fresh coolness." The vagueness and ghostliness of this landscape is emphasized by the description of the painful impression it makes on the blind boy. Turning off visual images with an almost complete absence of sound impressions gives rise to painful fragmentation, disharmony of consciousness, and the child loses his senses.

Another source of images that are far from realistic concreteness is that the main character of the story is not only blind, but a blind musician. Analysis of the process of awakening and development of musical feeling, translation of musical improvisations into the language of words, clarification of the vague inner world of Peter with the help of sketches of the moods evoked by his plays - all this led to a new influx of images that reflected not the feelings and thoughts of the hero, but, as it were, vague shadows these thoughts and feelings.

Thus, the story, conceived as an experimental scientific “study,” was filled with romantic-impressionistic images. “Yes, we often yearn for the impossible, and there were entire periods of life when this longing (for example, for the blue flower of Novalis) left its mark on entire generations. Now that I can re-read The Blind Musician as a reader, I see that it reflected the romantic mood of my generation in its youth and this is its unique and lively flavor,” wrote Korolenko in 1917. A year earlier, he noted: “...the aspirations of romantic generations, which took the form of longing for a blue flower” or the search for a “blue bird,” in my blind man easily and naturally result in a dream: “I want to see”3. The romantic symbol of the blue flower was replaced by Korolenko with the symbolism of light. The pathetic picture of the sunrise was the central lyrical episode in Makar's Dream. In the essay “On an Eclipse” the first ray of the reborn sun dispels the ghosts of prejudice, fear, prejudice and enmity: “The light flashed - and we became brothers again...” The rising sun dispersed the dead mists of the old faith in the fantasy “Shadows”, dedicated to the philosophical quests of Socrates . The blind musician was also drawn to the sun and light in his romantic longing for the “unattainable” and “unexplored.”


Korolenko’s work reveals the deep inner beauty of people from the people.

V. G. Korolenko in his poetic story “The Blind Musician” talks about a boy who was blind from birth, but very gifted. The author tried to answer eternal questions about what happiness is, what role art and love play in human life.

The greatest artist of the word Korolenko in his blind “The Blind Musician” clearly showed how problematic and fragile this individual human happiness is. A person can be happy if, when with all the threads of his soul, when with all his body and all his heart he is united with his class, and only then his life will be full and whole.

Korolenko is a great humanist, full of faith in the creative powers of man and the people as a whole.

For a writer, a person is the greatest value in the world. Love for a person, faith in the realization of his creative potential permeates all the writer’s work.

Korolenko's work, remarkable for its versatile richness of content, nobility of ideas, and perfection of artistic form, occupies a prominent place in the history of Russian classical literature.

List of used literature

1. Averin B. Personality and creativity V.G. Korolenko // Korolenko V.G. Collection cit.: In 5 vols. L.: Fiction, 1989. T. 1. P. 7.

2. Byaly G.A. Inescapable, cheerful, heroic (“Sokolinets”, “The Blind Musician”, “The River Plays” by V. G. Korolenko) // Peaks: A book about outstanding works of Russian literature / Comp. IN AND. Kuleshov - M.: Det.lit., 1983.

3. Dobrolyubov N. A. Russian classics. M., "Science", 1970, p. 346.

4. Korolenko V.G. Blind musician. Publishing house "Yunatstva", Minsk, 1981

Posted on Allbest.ru


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A common part.

Subject: literature

Class: 5

Lesson topic: Moral problems in the story by V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".

Planned educational results:

a) subject: learn listening, speaking, writing; learn different types of reading (expressive, fluent, etc.); learn to analyze literary text; compilation of characteristics of heroes, comparison of heroes of events.

b) meta-subject: independently set learning tasks and goals; construct a statement in a reasoned manner; understand the content of the text read; draw a literary parallel; characterize the author's properties of the subject, based on the source text.

c) personal: acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning;nurturing a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with domestic artistic culture;

educational problems:

– regulatory – assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment

Basic concepts
studied in the lesson:Theme, idea, genre, plot, composition of the work

ICT tools used in the lesson: Universal

purpose of ICT tools: training, demonstration.

Hardware and
software:Software, computer, projector, screen

Internet resources:

Organizational structure of the lesson

Stage 1. Entering into the topic of the lesson and
creating conditions for conscious perception of new material

Stage 2. Organization and self-organization

Stage 3. Workshop

Stage 4. Verification of received
results. Correction.

Stage 5. Summing up, homework

Lesson summary.

Lesson topic. Moral problems in V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”

Lesson type: improvement of knowledge, skills, targeted application of learning.

Lesson type: Lesson – research with elements of analysis of 2 episodes.

Purpose of the lesson: To introduce students to V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”


task: increasing the level of perception and depth of penetration

In literary text;

Show spiritual renewal of a person offended

Fate, the path to realizing your destiny.

Development objective:

Raising an attentive and thoughtful reader;

Ability to work with artwork

Analyze what you read, select the main thing;

Training in competent analysis of individual episodes;

Ability to speak.


task: to help students hear the moral sound

The story, its worldly wisdom;

Fostering tolerance and mercy.

Equipment: presentation,

Drawings by students for various episodes, musical accompaniment,

During the classes.

Stage 1. Entering into the topic of the lesson and

creating conditions for conscious perception of new material.

I. Organizational moment: Psychological mood of students.

(The teacher conducts an exercise with students to create a positive emotional mood. Light music is playing.).

Teacher. Hello! Smile at each other, guys! Sit down, girls, and now boys. Guys, take the sun of Goodness and good mood in your hands. Look how it smiles at you. Smile at him too! Place this small piece of good mood on your right palm. Cover with your left. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. Amazing energy and goodness emanate from him. Mentally place the goodness and good mood of this sun in your heart. Do you feel new strength and energy appearing in you?! I want you to remember what you feel now, and for you to have the same feeling until the end of the lesson. I wish you success!

2. We are starting a literature lesson with you.. And this means that an exciting journey into the world of words awaits us again. We will admire and be surprised again... Help me, guys! Continue! What else? (Learn new things, be happy, be upset, dream, be surprised, analyze, think, delve into the essence...). That's enough guys, well done! Thank you! We will need a textbook, pen, pencil. I wish everyone fruitful and interesting work, and many new discoveries! Comment: Children check the availability of necessary supplies at the workplace. Formation and development of students’ UUD:

– personal – acceptance and mastery of the student’s social role, development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning; a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with world and domestic artistic culture;

– cognitive – compare and classify according to specified criteria;

– communicative – control the actions of the partner;

– regulatory – assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.

Stage 2. Organization and self-organization

students during further learning of the material. Organization of feedback

Teacher: To continue working on the story, you need to determine what concepts such as theme, idea, genre, plot, and composition of the work mean.

Comment: Previously, the children were given a task in groups. Having summarized all the information collected, representatives of each group prepared a presentation and selected slides by topic.

Group 1 (2 ob-sya) – (work with a literary dictionary) theoretical material is projected on the screen.

Group 2 (5 topics) - defines and names the theme, idea, genre, composition of V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”

Topic: about overcoming difficulties, about the trials that befell the hero from the very beginning

Birth, about the importance of human destiny.

Idea: to show the difficult path to realizing your purpose.

“My task was not specifically the psychology of the blind, but

Psychology of universal human longing for completeness


Genre: story.

Plot: includes, as it were, 2 narratives:

1 – about how a boy born blind was drawn to the light, to life;

2 – a story about how a man, depressed by personal misfortune, overcame

Passive suffering for myself, I found a place in life and managed to cultivate in myself

Understanding and compassion for all disadvantaged people.


Exposition: 1, 2 chapters. - a premonition of trouble - and the verdict: “The child was born blind.”

This is a tragedy. How will his life turn out?

Development of the action: The boy’s fate depends on those around him, on the participation of loved ones:

/mother, uncle Maxim, Evelina/.

Climax: Accept and suffer or challenge fate?

/meeting with the bell ringer, conversation with uncle/.

Denouement: The path of search, finding happiness: wife, son, talent, recognition.

Epilogue: Instead of blind, selfish suffering, he found a feeling of life in his soul “... he began to feel both human grief and human joy.”

Comment: Formation and development of students’ learning skills:

– personal – formation of the ability for self-learning, self-development;

– development of independence and personal responsibility for the results of one’s activities, goodwill; development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers, mutual assistance;

– cognitive – the ability to work in an information environment, navigate age-appropriate dictionaries and reference books;

– active use of speech and ICT means when presenting the results of work; draw your own conclusions;

Stage 3. Workshop

Teacher's word:

1. Formulating the topic of the lesson

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and towards the world. The world around us is huge, there are many different roads in it, and a person’s future depends on the right choice of his life path.

Life requires from everyone not only the ability to survive, but also civic responsibility. And only by realizing this problem (choosing a path) and accepting responsibility for the chosen path can a person move on. But what about someone who does not know this huge world - a blind person? We will talk about this in class today.

Comment: a portrait of the writer is projected on the screen.

The topic of the lesson is moral problems in V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”

Communicating Lesson Objectives

The purpose of our lesson is to try to understand what moral commandments the author left to his descendants in his story?

3. Setting a learning task

The main question that the author posed in the story is: “What, in fact, was man created for?” (“Man is created for happiness, like a bird is for flight.” But the hero of the story answers with bitter irony: “... only happiness is not always created for him.”)

Formation and development of students’ UUD:

– personal:

Educational and cognitive interest in educational material and methods of solving a new particular problem;

– educational:

Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; structuring knowledge; the ability and ability of students to perform simple logical actions (analysis, comparison, generalization);

– regulatory:

accept, save and set a learning task; plan your action in accordance with the task.


Teacher: Questions about what happiness is, where are its boundaries, what is its meaning, is a person, as an individual, able to resist circumstances, to change these circumstances? – the author dedicated one of his most remarkable works, “The Blind Musician,” first published in 1886. So, I invite you to a conversation and to reflect on what you read.

The birth of a blind child is a tragedy. What will happen to him? How will his life turn out?

Let's consider the stages of personality formation, during which the main character is formed:

Stage 1: Ways of understanding the world.

/1st contact with the natural world occurs for a boy at approximately

3 years. How subtly and surprisingly accurately the author conveys the feelings that

A blind child experiences. Korolenko notices subtle

Experiences, impressions of a child's soul.

To show the world of the boy’s perception, the author finds in the language all the necessary words to describe spring: (working with the text - Chapter 1, subtitle 6: “Ringling drops, gently murmuring water, bird cherry rustling leaves,

The trill of a nightingale's song, the roar, the noise, the creaking of carts, the rustling of a wheel,

The human chatter of the fair, the sound of branches hitting glass, the cries of cranes. / Chapter 1, subtitle 6/.

How does one learn about the world around him? (Painfully listens, stretches out his hands in alarm, looks for his mother, presses against her.)

Conclusion: the boy perceives the world through sounds, smells, sensations. Sound forms became the main forms of his thought.

What feelings does this world evoke? / Curiosity, fear/.

Teacher: But he was lucky. Two people first took a special part in the child’s fate:

his mother and uncle Maxim. Two different principles - the tenderness and poetry of the mother and the courage of the old warrior - helped Peter get to know the world.

Conclusion: The role of the uncle is invaluable. He could not remain indifferent to the fate of his nephew. And not only because their fates are similar: both are disabled: he has no legs, the other has no vision.

It is he who prevents his sister from turning the child into a “greenhouse plant.” And we are convinced that he is right.

What would have happened to the boy without his uncle's participation? /I would withdraw into myself/.

There are loving people next to him. Name them, what is the role of these people. They've already talked about my uncle. (Fate gave Peter a guardian angel in the form of Evelina).

Teacher: He knew the warmth of the family, the kind, friendly participation of those around him

What talent was discovered in the boy? (He was given a talent: a love of music /Joachim)/.

Lesson topic . Moral problems in V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”

Lesson type : improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities, targeted application of assimilation.

Lesson type: Lesson – research with elements of analysis of 2 episodes.

The purpose of the lesson: Introduce students to V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”


task: increasing the level of perception and depth of penetration

In literary text;

Show spiritual renewal of a person offended

Fate, the path to realizing your destiny.

Development objective:

Raising an attentive and thoughtful reader;

Ability to work with artwork

Analyze what you read, select the main thing;

Training in competent analysis of individual episodes;

Ability to speak.


task: to help students hear the moral sound

The story, its worldly wisdom;

Fostering tolerance and mercy.

Equipment: presentation,

Drawings by students for various episodes, musical accompaniment,

During the classes.

Stage 1. Entering into the topic of the lesson and

creating conditions for conscious perception of new material.

I. Organizational moment: Psychological mood of students.

(The teacher conducts an exercise with students to create a positive emotional mood. Light music plays)

Teacher. Hello! Smile at each other, guys! Sit down, girls, and now boys. Guys, take the sun of Goodness and good mood in your hands. Look how it smiles at you. Smile at him too! Place this small piece of good mood on your right palm. Cover with your left. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. Amazing energy and goodness emanate from him. Mentally place the goodness and good mood of this sun in your heart. Do you feel new strength and energy appearing in you?! I want you to remember what you feel now, and for you to have the same feeling until the end of the lesson. I wish you success!

2. We are starting a literature lesson with you. This means that we will once again have a fascinating journey into the world of words. We will admire and be surprised again... Help me, guys! Continue! What else? (Learn new things, be happy, be upset, dream, be surprised, analyze, think, delve into the essence...). That's enough guys, well done! Thank you! We will need a textbook, pen, pencil. I wish everyone fruitful and interesting work, and many new discoveries! Comment: Children check the availability of necessary supplies at the workplace. Formation and development of students’ UUD:

– personal – acceptance and mastery of the student’s social role, development of motives for learning activities and the formation of the personal meaning of learning; a sense of beauty and aesthetic feelings based on familiarity with world and domestic artistic culture;

– cognitive – compare and classify according to specified criteria;

– communicative – control the actions of the partner;

– regulatory – assess the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment.

Stage 2. Organization and self-organization

students during further learning of the material. Organization of feedback

Teacher: To continue working on the story, you need to determine what concepts such as theme, idea, genre, plot, and composition of the work mean.

Comment: Previously, the children were given a task in groups. Having summarized all the information collected, representatives of each group prepared a presentation and selected slides by topic.

Group 1 (2 ob-sya) – (work with a literary dictionary) theoretical material is projected on the screen.

Group 2 (5 topics) - defines and names the theme, idea, genre, composition of V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”

Topic: about overcoming difficulties, about the trials that befell the hero from the very beginning

Birth, about the importance of human destiny.

Idea: to show the difficult path to realizing your purpose.

“My task was not specifically the psychology of the blind, but

Psychology of universal human longing for completeness


Genre: story.

Plot: includes, as it were, 2 narratives:

1 – about how a boy born blind was drawn to the light, to life;

2 – a story about how a man, depressed by personal misfortune, overcame

Passive suffering for myself, I found a place in life and managed to cultivate in myself

Understanding and compassion for all disadvantaged people.


Exposition: 1, 2 chapters. - a premonition of trouble - and the verdict: “The child was born blind.”

This is a tragedy. How will his life turn out?

Development of the action: The boy’s fate depends on those around him, on the participation of loved ones:

/mother, uncle Maxim, Evelina/.

Climax: Accept and suffer or challenge fate?

/meeting with the bell ringer, conversation with uncle/.

Denouement: The path of search, finding happiness: wife, son, talent, recognition.

Epilogue: Instead of blind, selfish suffering, he found a feeling of life in his soul “... he began to feel both human grief and human joy.”

Comment: Formation and development of students’ learning skills:

– personal – formation of the ability for self-learning, self-development;

– development of independence and personal responsibility for the results of one’s activities, goodwill; development of skills of cooperation with adults and peers, mutual assistance;

– cognitive – the ability to work in an information environment, navigate age-appropriate dictionaries and reference books;

– active use of speech and ICT means when presenting the results of work; draw your own conclusions;

Stage 3. Workshop

Teacher's word:

1. Formulating the topic of the lesson

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and towards the world. The world around us is huge, there are many different roads in it, and a person’s future depends on the right choice of his life path.

Life requires from everyone not only the ability to survive, but also civic responsibility. And only by realizing this problem (choosing a path) and accepting responsibility for the chosen path can a person move on. But what about someone who does not know this huge world - a blind person? We will talk about this in class today.

Comment: a portrait of the writer is projected on the screen.

Lesson topic - moral problems in V.G. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician.”

Communicating Lesson Objectives

The purpose of our lesson– try to understand what moral commandments the author left for his descendants in his story?

3. Setting a learning task

The main question that the author posed in the story is: “What, in fact, was man created for?” (“Man is created for happiness, like a bird is for flight.” But the hero of the story answers with bitter irony: “... only happiness is not always created for him.”)

Formation and development of students’ UUD:

– personal:

Educational and cognitive interest in educational material and methods of solving a new particular problem;

– educational:

Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; structuring knowledge; the ability and ability of students to perform simple logical actions (analysis, comparison, generalization);

– regulatory:

accept, save and set a learning task; plan your action in accordance with the task.


Teacher: Questions about what happiness is, where are its boundaries, what is its meaning, is a person, as an individual, able to resist circumstances, to change these circumstances? – the author dedicated one of his most remarkable works, “The Blind Musician,” first published in 1886. So, I invite you to a conversation and to reflect on what you read.

The birth of a blind child is a tragedy. What will happen to him? How will his life turn out?

Let's consider the stages of personality formation, during which the main character is formed:

Stage 1: Ways of understanding the world.

/1st contact with the natural world occurs for a boy at approximately

3 years. How subtly and surprisingly accurately the author conveys the feelings that

A blind child experiences. Korolenko notices subtle

Experiences, impressions of a child's soul.

To show the boy’s world of perception, the author finds in the language all the necessary words to describe spring: (work with text - chapter 1, subtitle 6: “Ringling drops, gently murmuring water, bird cherry rustling leaves,

The trill of a nightingale's song, the roar, the noise, the creaking of carts, the rustling of a wheel,

The human chatter of the fair, the sound of branches hitting glass, the cries of cranes. / Chapter 1, subtitle 6/.

How does cognition of the surrounding world occur?He listens painfully, stretches out his hands in alarm, looks for his mother, presses against her.)

Conclusion : the boy perceives the world through sounds, smells, sensations. Sound forms became the main forms of his thought.

What feelings does this world evoke?/ Curiosity, fear/.

Teacher : But he was lucky. Two people first took a special part in the child’s fate:

his mother and uncle Maxim. Two different principles - the tenderness and poetry of the mother and the courage of the old warrior - helped Peter get to know the world.

Conclusion: The role of an uncle is invaluable. He could not remain indifferent to the fate of his nephew. And not only because their fates are similar: both are disabled: he has no legs, the other has no vision.

It is he who prevents his sister from turning the child into a “greenhouse plant.” And we are convinced that he is right.

What would have happened to the boy without his uncle's participation? /I would withdraw into myself/.

There are loving people next to him. Name them, what is the role of these people. They've already talked about my uncle. (Fate gave Peter a guardian angel in the form of Evelina).

Teacher: He knew the warmth of the family, the kind, friendly participation of those around him

What talent was discovered in the boy? (He was given a talent: a love of music /Joachim)/.

A comment. Formation and development of students’ UUD:

– personal:

Orientation in the moral content and meaning of actions;

development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior;

understand other people's feelings and empathize with them.

Educational 6

Mastering methods for solving problems of a search nature (find specific information and facts given explicitly in the text; determine the main idea of ​​the text; understand information presented in implicit form);

Understanding the basis of semantic reading of a literary text, the ability to isolate essential information from the text;

Make comparisons based on specified criteria;

Construct reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments about an object;

Establish analogies;

– regulatory:

Perform educational activities in a mental form;

Take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

– communicative: willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

Express your opinion and argue your point of view;

Formulate your own opinion and position.

Stage 2 Work in groups

Everything seemed fine. But my uncle decided to expand the boundaries of space. Introduces people of different social statuses:

Group 1 talks about a meeting with the Stavruchenkov family, reading descriptions from the text

Group 2 talks about a meeting with blind beggars-bandura players, reading descriptions from the text

Petrus learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. He felt like a stranger, defective. Peter was completely plunged into darkness, into personal misfortune. This world is unknown to him and will this world want to accept a blind man?

The 3rd group answers the question: - Why did the suffering in his soul intensify even after the meeting with the bell-ringer? What did he feel? / He felt that the fate of the blind was anger and resentment. A mental crisis has arrived. Why?

Comment: After the performance of each group, representatives of other groups and their own place a flag of the corresponding color on the table of the group that spoke (green – the message and speech were liked, blue – the message and speech were not complete, red – not everything was successful).

Stage 4. Checking the results. Correction. Physical education minute.

1. Physical exercise. “It’s time for us to take a break” (to relieve general fatigue).

It's time for us to take a break

Stretch and breathe. (Deep inhale and exhale.)

They shook their heads,

And away with all fatigue!

One two three four five,

You need to stretch your neck. (Rotate your head in one direction and the other.)

We stood up straight. They leaned over.

One - forward, and two - back.

We stretched ourselves. Straightened up.

We repeat everything. (Bends forward and backward.)

And then we squat.

This is important, we know it ourselves.

We are stretching our knees

We are exercising our legs. (Squats.)

The problem of moral choice in the story by V. G. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”

For every young person at a certain time, the question arises about his future fate, about his attitude towards people and towards the world. The world around us is huge, there are many different roads in it, and a person’s future depends on the right choice of his life path. But what about someone who does not know this huge world - a blind person?

Korolenko places his hero, the born blind Peter, in very difficult conditions, endowing him with intelligence, talent as a musician and heightened sensitivity to all manifestations of life, which he will never be able to see. Since childhood, he knew only one world, calm and reliable, where he always felt like the center. He knew the warmth of the family and Evelina’s kind, friendly concern. The inability to see color, the appearance of objects, the beauty of the surrounding nature upset him, but he imagined this familiar world of the estate thanks to his sensitive perception of its sounds.

Everything changed after meeting the Stavruchenkov family: he learned about the existence of another world, a world outside the estate. At first he reacted to these disputes, to the stormy expression of the opinions and expectations of young people with enthusiastic amazement, but soon felt “that this living wave was rolling past him.” He's a stranger. The rules of life in the big world are unknown to him, and it is also unknown whether this world will want to accept a blind person. This meeting sharply aggravated his suffering and sowed doubts in his soul. After visiting the monastery and meeting the blind bell-ringers, he is haunted by the painful thought that isolation from people, anger and selfishness are the inevitable qualities of a person born blind. Peter feels the commonality of his fate with the fate of the embittered bell-ringer Yegor, who hates children. But a different attitude towards the world and people is also possible. There is a legend about the blind bandura player Yurka, who took part in the campaigns of Ataman Ignat Kary. Peter learned this legend from Stavruchenko: meeting new people and the big world brought the young man not only suffering, but also the understanding that the choice of path belongs to the person himself.

Most of all, Uncle Maxim helped Peter and his lessons. After wandering with the blind and pilgrimage to the miraculous icon, the bitterness passes: Peter was indeed cured, but not from a physical illness, but from a mental illness. Anger is replaced by a feeling of compassion for people and a desire to help them. A blind man finds strength in music. Through music he can influence people, tell them the most important things about life that he himself found so difficult to understand. This is the choice of a blind musician.

In Korolenko's story, not only Peter is faced with the problem of choice. Evelina, the blind man’s friend, must make an equally difficult choice. They had been together since childhood; the girl’s company and caring attention helped and supported Peter. Their friendship gave a lot and Evelina, like Peter, had almost no idea about life outside the estate. The meeting with the Stavruchenko brothers was also for her a meeting with an unfamiliar and large world that was ready to accept her. Young people are trying to captivate her with dreams and expectations; they do not believe that at seventeen you can already plan your life. Dreams intoxicate her, but in that life there is no place for Peter. She understands Peter’s suffering and doubts - and performs a “quiet feat of love”: she is the first to speak about her feelings to Peter. The decision to start a family also comes from Evelina. It's her choice. For the sake of blind Peter, she immediately and forever closes the path so temptingly outlined by the students. And the writer was able to convince us that this was not a sacrifice, but a manifestation of sincere and very selfless love.

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