"Royal Circus" by Gia Eradze: description and reviews. Then Gia Eradze’s show “Burlesque” is for you! Gia Eradze show royal circus

Now the most beautiful show, “The Royal Circus of Gia Eradze,” is on tour in Yekaterinburg. Tatyana Shirokova, choreographer, told Woman`s Day about the life of circus performers: what difficulties they have to face.

– The life of a circus performer means constant moving every 1.5–2 months. That is, every time upon arrival in the city, our team needs to unload 19 trucks, and after the end of the tour, pack them up. This is quite difficult, so everyone helps, including artists. I remember the most extreme case: 5 years ago, a January tour in Krasnoyarsk. We are already accustomed to quickly unloading props, scenery, costumes, personal belongings - everything that may be needed. But in those three days in which we “gathered” in Krasnoyarsk, the frost hit -52 degrees.

I only get to stay at home for one month a year.

Circus props are transported in 19 trucks

“Besides the fact that it is not difficult for every circus employee to pack an entire apartment for a tour in two days, our life is also not like ordinary life. For example, many people complain about the specific smell in the circus, which arises because the animals live right in the circus, in spacious enclosures. We don’t smell this smell – we’re used to it (laughs).

We live in 8–9 cities a year. Vacations are traditionally once a year - in May. Ordinary people go abroad on vacation, and we go home, because the whole troupe is from different cities. At this time, for example, we go to the dentist, do paperwork - in a word, we solve everyday issues that ordinary people deal with as needed.

Circus kids

Everything for children: both small spectators and artists

Photo “Royal Circus of Gia Eradze”

– One of our artists gave birth in Yekaterinburg. This is already the fifth addition to our troupe this year (laughs). Almost the whole team came to the discharge. People looked out the windows and were amazed at the number of people. Everything with us is always colorful and large-scale!

We also have a maternity leave, because everyone is officially employed by the Russian State Circus company. But, as a rule, mothers with newborns do not go home, but stay to help with costumes or animals. When there are so many people around you, whoever took the child is the nanny (laughs).

Older children travel with their parents. In each city they go to a new school, they have to adapt. But when we ask if they are satisfied with everything, they answer: “I like everything!” Questions disappear... The only negative is the difference in textbooks and program. For example, we came from Nizhny Novgorod to Kazan, and there the program was slower. Children have to listen to material they have already covered for some time.

Every circus child does something in his free time from school. For example, my daughter in Yekaterinburg participates in the “Little Miss Yekaterinburg” competition and even made it to the finals. The whole team will definitely come to support her in the final.

“We don’t have circus dynasties”

Gia Eradze with her pets

– When Gia just started his journey, he was only 11 years old. His family had nothing to do with the circus, but the boy was passionate about it. Various troupes often came to Georgia, Gia did not miss a single performance - he already set the goal of devoting his life to the circus.

But he had to not just because of the dynasty that reigns in the circus world. Despite the fact that there are circus schools, they teach such genres as juggling and acrobatics, but not training. This knowledge is passed on by relatives: from the older generation to the younger. There is not a single corner in the world where you can come and say: “I want to become a trainer.”

Gia got a job at the circus as an assistant in the horse-drawn attraction “Dzhigits of Georgia”, and looked after the horses. He was noticed: in the circus, desire coincides with opportunity. So after some time he began to train in the genre of juggling, and later he went out into the arena with pigeons, which flew to the “globe” from almost anywhere in the dark hall. He set the number himself. After him, Gia’s career developed rapidly, and other circuses began offering him work. Then he decided that he would help artists like himself who did not have a famous surname.

Two premieres in Yekaterinburg

Daria Porotova in the image of the Swan Princess performs in the ring

– We have a premiere in Yekaterinburg: a new number with a gymnast in the ring. 19-year-old Daria Porotova performs as the Swan Princess. Under the circus big top, and even with wings, it’s difficult. Below in the arena there are 9 people dancing ballet - it turns out aesthetically very beautiful. By the way, Daria, together with coach Marat Bikmaev, prepared the stunt part of the act in just a year - this is very little for such a serious performance, but it turned out amazing!

Tickets: 600–2000 rub.

For the performance, a huge golden Castle was designed, towering right up to the circus dome. An aerialist under a dome controls puppets. A grand piano, covered with Swarovski crystals, appears in a fabulous way on the arena. Fountains spray from the piano, among which a tightrope walker surrounded by ballerinas performs unimaginable tricks. Indian tribe and exotic animals: llamas, skunks, lemurs, wari, kangaroos, ostriches, catto lemurs, porcupines, zebras. Masters of the Spanish circus school, accompanied by yaks. Roman gladiators on chariots drawn by black horses. Dangerous stunts are performed by acrobats on counter swings. The attraction with lions and tigers “Wild World of the Jungle” is also unique: together with African lions and Sumatran tigers, white tigers appear in the arena. The main character in the cage with predators is Honored Artist of Russia Gia Eradze along with her partner Lyudmila Surkova.

24.02.2019 23:29

Gia Eradze and Maxim Nikulin present the show “Burlesque”

A big sensation happened in the small kingdom of Monaco in January 2019! The winner of the 43rd festival in Monte Carlo was Gia Eradze’s “Royal Circus”! For the first time in the history of the annual International Circus Festival (Festival international du cirque de Monte-Carlo), the highest prestigious award “Golden Clown” was received not by an individual act, but by an entire Russian troupe. The Russians also took home the “Silver Clown” for the acrobatic swing ride. From February 22, Gia Eradze, together with the Moscow Nikulin Circus, presents a new show “Burlesque”, and the Russian audience will be the first to see the unique performances that were so highly appreciated by the international jury together with Princess Stephanie.

The questions are answered by the general producer of the Royal Circus and the chief director of the Rosgostsirk company, Honored Artist of Russia and Georgia Gia Eradze, and the general director and artistic director of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard Maxim Nikulin.

— Please tell us about your new show, which is called “Burlesque.”

Maxim Nikulin: We can't tell you what will happen, it's pointless, the new show is a must see! About my preliminary feelings I can say this: first, great joy that this project, conceived almost three years ago, came true, and deep gratitude to Gia Eradze for the fact that a lot of effort, nerves, talent, and money were spent on its implementation this project. I am very glad that we are working together, because it is very useful for the circus, for the Russian circus, for the art of circus in general, for its development.

The gold of the 43rd circus festival in Monte Carlo was given to the “Royal Circus” of Gia Eradze, but he came not from America, but from Russia. Gia Eradze is the only person in our circus world today who is so fierce and passionate about the development of circus art. The Royal Circus has its team, its artists, its name, its brand, but the circus is Russian, it’s still our circus! Everyone associates this brilliant victory with our national circus, and all the design, choreography, scenery, adaptation of acts, all this is our circus culture!
We really have something to be proud of.

Many people asked me after Monte Carlo, now Eradze will perform in your arena, what will you show after that? I answer the skeptics: don’t worry, we have many projects, we won’t be lost, this is not a milestone for us, and I am convinced that in the future we will definitely work with Gia and his artists.

Gia Eradze: We conceived a joint project in the arena of the Moscow Nikulin Circus, the show is called “Burlesque”, and today, finally, it will be presented to the Russian audience. We rehearsed for a very long time, as soon as you, the audience, enter the circus hall, you will see exclusive decorations that were specially created for the show. Also, costumes were specially sewn, numbers were customized and adapted, a large creative team of composers, directors, choreographers, set designers worked on the project, who together with me created this program.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to say a big thank you to the Moscow Circus of Yuri Nikulin for the opportunity to stage the project here, as a director, completely from start to finish, in two parts. This is a top platform, this is the best circus in the world, this is an old circus, a classic circus. The acts that have the right to enter this famous arena must be of a high class, so we tried and united in this program some of the best artists of the Russian state company "Rosgoscircus" today. These are almost all the artists who were recently at the festival in Monte Carlo. I would like to say thank you to Evgeny Shevtsov and Olga Poltarak, who took part in the preparation of the entire performance together with me. For “Burlesque” the arena of the Old Moscow Circus will be the first, just as the Russian spectator will be the first to come to our performance and evaluate what he saw. We really tried and did our best! It's bright, it's beautiful, it's festive and it's very strong numbers.

Tons of scenery, more than 350 exclusive costumes, sewn specifically for the “Burlesque” show at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, including those costumes that were with us in Monaco and created specifically for the festival. There will be water, and rain, and animals, and acrobats, and gymnasts, the performance is traditionally accompanied by a clown, Honored Artist of Russia Igor Yashnikov, one of the best clowns we have today.

The program is multi-genre, as always in all my projects, it features a lot of animals: tigers, leopards, panthers, ligers (a cross between a lion and a tiger), zebras, monkeys, horses, dogs, porcupines, bears. There will be an attraction “Baronets”, which has 10 highest world awards, where trainers Andrei and Natalya Shirokalov perform with a mixed group of predatory animals.

The acrobatic genre is represented by the wonderful number “Counter Swing”, which won the “Silver Clown” at the 43rd Circus Festival in Monte Carlo. Mikhail Filinov and his group of acrobats are also the winner of many gold awards at world circus festivals in China and Italy.

The program ends with the wonderful song “Applause,” which was composed by the wonderful composer Alexei Garnizov, and the king of pop Philip Kirkorov himself kindly agreed to perform. Today it will be performed for the audience for the first time, and we specially made an epilogue for it in the style of an old circus. Our entire program is a symbiosis of classic “retro” and modern circus.

Maxim Nikulin: The “Burlesque” show will run until September 1, then there will be a pause when our circus festival will take place, then for a short season in October-November the “Burlesque” program will resume, but in a transformed form, new acts will be added to it, which then we will change it, because all the numbers are very bright and easy to remember. We want to build Burlesque 2, then there will be New Year holidays, Christmas trees, New Year, Christmas, and then we close the circus until February. The next new project will begin in February 2020.

Gia Eradze: For the New Year, based on the show “Burlesque,” ​​we will make a New Year’s fairy tale called “The Secret of the New Year’s Star.” This will be a completely new costume performance dedicated to the New Year and Christmas, which has never been in the Old Circus arena, but that will come later.

— Please accept congratulations on your triumph at the 43rd International Circus Festival in Monaco, which took place in January 2019, and the well-deserved Golden Clown award from the Royal Circus to Gia Eradze. How did Princess Stephanie express her admiration for you?

Gia Eradze: For the first time in the 43 years of this prestigious festival, the entire team of Gia Eradze’s “Royal Circus” received the “Golden Clown”, and not just one act. Of course, the decision on the award is made by the international jury together with Princess Stephanie, who hosts the festival in Monte Carlo. And as a sign that the princess liked it, she made an official offer to me to stage the 45th festival, which I will create as a production director. This will happen in 2 years, but I’m preparing now, and after the launch of the Burlesque show I will be specifically involved in the festival in Monaco.

Maxim Nikulin: How did the princess rate it? We have known each other for a long time, we have been friends for many years. Stefania is a rather reserved girl and this is understandable; a lot depends on her words, especially in the circus world. But her attitude for me was determined as follows. She comes to Moscow for one day, March 7, to watch a full-fledged performance in our circus! The princess said: “I want to see the whole show, what I saw in Monaco is wonderful, it’s wonderful, it’s highly rated, but I’m interested in seeing the whole show.” And so, despite the fact that she has a lot of things to do, Stefania will fly in for one day to watch “Burlesque”. It costs a lot!

— How did the idea of ​​the unique “Faberge” act come about, which you presented at the competition in Monte Carlo and will show in the “Burlesque” show to Russian viewers?

Gia Eradze: We prepared the Faberge performance specifically for this festival. First of all, we wanted to do something new. Transformation is a good genre in the circus, but it is not new, so we came up with a group transformation for 12 people. Today there are no analogues to this number. You will see that this number is very delicately built.

Faberge's style as an artist is completely suitable for the Royal Circus show, plus he was a Russian artist who once emigrated to Europe and then lived there. The Faberge Museum exists in St. Petersburg on the Fontanka, and I have been to it several times. The entire style of this issue: transformable costumes, ballet, props are made in the style of Faberge eggs. You will see a whole fashion show, the performers will wear costumes in the form of the sights of St. Petersburg, there is even a “Circus Ciniselli” costume, because this is one of the oldest circuses in our country.
The room has a link. When we did this number with Evgeny Shevtsov, we saw that the main character here should be the Nutcracker himself, who at the end transforms into a white prince. The entire Faberge issue is based on this link. Especially for this number, Russian classical music was partially arranged by composer Denis Garnizov. We prepared the transformation for the festival so quickly that, one might say, we didn’t have time to test it out. This has never happened before; for the first time we worked it out in Stuttgart, Germany, to show it at the festival in Monte Carlo. The Russian viewer will see this number for the first time in general, as well as the entire program.

— Our artists come on foreign tours, but how realistic is it to invite foreign artists to us? For example, an Italian clown recently performed here, and an illusionist came. Is it possible to invite, for example, the famous trainer Martin Lacey?

Maxim Nikulin: It’s absolutely real and I’ll tell you a secret - in our next project, 80 percent of the artists will be invited from abroad.
It is more difficult to invite Martin Lacey, because there are a large number of animals there, which requires complex veterinary clearance, problems with transport, and customs. But all this can be solved, therefore, if we set such a task, we will complete it. There is another nuance, Martin works at the Munich Circus Krone. This is a 24-hour circus, and Lacey's acts are the main ones there. We talked to him about this topic theoretically, and he said, as, by the way, many other circus stars say, that Russian tours are designed for long periods, about three months, which means that he drops out of the program for this time, to besides, contracts and tours have been signed, advertising arrangements are made there a year in advance, it’s not clear how to tie it all together. But in terms of opportunity, why not?

By the way, I do not agree with Edgard Zapashny that ours have nowhere to escape from the dominance of foreign artists. All this is nonsense, in fact, the country is big, there is somewhere to go and where to work. Our artists begin to relax, and when a foreigner arrives and shows that he literally lives in a cage, like Martin Lacey, or like Alexis Gruss from the Arlette Gruss Circus, the only one in the world that is national treasure of France, who said that he has more than two hundred horses, and he knows all his horses by name and “by sight” - this is amazing. This attitude among many here in Russia, unfortunately, is being lost; the people have become disorganized and lazy.

One day, some guys came up to me and Sasha Grimailo, one said that he had come up with a unique trick, absolutely no one had done it, flying from one board to another. Grimailo replies, no, there was already such a number in 1968, look it up on the Internet. I say that I personally remember that there were such Nikitins, in their final trick with a throwing board they performed a triple somersault onto a column of four people, this is written about in the encyclopedia. The guy shrugs his shoulders in surprise, doesn’t know how it’s done, doesn’t look for information.
This doesn’t happen because it’s impossible, it’s just that people set some limits for themselves. When everything is good, there are contracts, we earn money, the family is in order, why bother? There is no such fanaticism as there used to be, I remember it very well, including the example of my parents. He, unfortunately, leaves, only a few remain circus fanatics, but these few now form the basis of the world circus, and almost all of them gather in Monte Carlo.

— Gia Giulevich, as of February 1, 2019, you have been appointed chief director of the Russian State Circus. Where will you start your work, what positive changes should you expect?

A grandiose circus performance that has no equal (in the world)!

For the first time, the Ekaterinburg State Circus will host a tour of the Royal Circus of Gia Eradze from October 28. The uniqueness of the new generation circus show is in its scale, grandiose designer decorations that have no analogues in the world, the skill of the artists and the incredible number of trained animals. The fabulous mystery will last 2 hours 45 minutes, during which 120 artists and unique animals will enchant with their performance so much that every viewer will want to come to the performance again and again!

For the performance, a huge golden Castle was designed, towering right up to the circus dome, decorated with velvet and Swarovski crystals, more than 2000 exclusive costumes were created, stunning the imagination with their luxury, crystal chandeliers, an exclusive three-level curtain hiding the entire arena.

The performance of the Royal Circus is a fabulous show in which there are no circus acts familiar to the viewer. Bright and talented artists appear on the arena in different roles - an aerialist under the circus dome controls “puppets”; A grand piano, covered in Swarovski crystals, appears magically in the arena. Fountains spray from the piano, among which is a tightrope walker, surrounded by ballerinas, performing unimaginable tricks; A tribe of Indians and unique exotic animals - llamas, skunks, lemurs, kangaroos, ostriches, catto lemurs, porcupines, zebras and other representatives of the animal world. Masters of the Spanish riding school, accompanied by yaks. Roman gladiators on chariots drawn by majestic black Friezes. To the accompaniment of fiery Russian square dance, acrobats will perform dizzying and dangerous stunts on counter swings. Fabulous White Pegasus and enchanting snow-white angels; jugglers, jesters, clowns and much more that you just need to see, because it is impossible to describe in words.

The Wild World of the Jungle attraction with lions and tigers is also unique. Along with African lions and Sumatran tigers, rare and incredibly beautiful white tigers will appear in the arena. The main character in the cage with predators is Honored Artist of Russia Gia Eradze, along with her partner, the titled circus princess Lyudmila Surkova. The spectacle of the attraction with predators is literally mesmerizing! At the 14th International Festival at the Moscow Nikulin Circus, the attraction “Wild World of the Jungle” received the main award of the festival “Golden Elephant”, as well as a special prize from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and a prize from Channel One.

Gia Eradze's show synthesizes all genres of circus art - animal training at the heart of the performance, aerialists on canvas, in chandeliers, on chains, illusion tricks, balancing act, pop ballet and much more. 19 trucks are used to transport animals, props and scenery.

In the fall of 2016, the artists of the Royal Circus triumphantly represented Russia at the International Festival in Italy, where Gia Eradze and his first-class artists were awarded the highest awards. The artists won the Grand Prix and Gold of the festival, and also received an invitation to the most prestigious circus festival in Monte Carlo and many other special prizes.

The Royal Circus was officially declared the “Best Circus Show” based on the results of voting by spectators and a professional jury, receiving the First International “Master” Award in the “Show of the Year” category. The big tour, within which the Royal Circus will arrive in Yekaterinburg, began after a long tour at the Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, where over eight months the show was watched by more than half a million spectators, including stars of Russian show business, at the main capital's arena. On social networks you can see rave reviews from Andrei Malakhov, Valery Leontyev, Lolita, Angelica Agurbash, Boris Moiseev, Bari Alibasov, Alexander Oleshko, Anastasia Volochkova, Alexander Peskov, Alla Dukhova and many others.

Residents of Yekaterinburg are already familiar with the work of Gia Eradze - in 2016, he presented his show “Baronets” at the arena of the Yekaterinburg Circus. The audience received the project so warmly that the Maestro decided that Yekaterinburg residents should definitely see the main project of Gia Eradze’s production center. And finally, from October 28, for the first time in the Yekaterinburg Circus, viewers will see the legendary show of Gia Eradze “Royal Circus”!

The creative thought of Gia Eradze turns any action on the arena into an incredible spectacle, into a story that cannot be forgotten! Welcome to the Kingdom of fairy-tale dreams, to the magical world of circus illusions that will make every spectator truly happy!

Premiere performances: October 28 (Saturday) at 17:00 and October 29 (Sunday) at 15:00. Further performances will take place on Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00 and 17:00.

Vegas City Hall opens its doors to a new format of entertainment. The performance of the “Royal Circus” by Gia Eradze will begin the activities of the site in the format of entertainment events for the whole family. Vegas Show: new show “Hasta La Vista!” from the “Royal Circus” by Gia Eradze will be the first of the bright performances for the whole family that will take place at Vegas City Hall. The circus tour will last from September 24 to October 16, 2016.

A grandiose performance awaits you: the new circus show “Asta La Vista!” of the legendary king of the arena is designed in the style of the “Royal Circus” and is not inferior to previous projects in terms of entertainment, luxury and impeccable style. The creative mind of Gia Eradze turns any action on the arena into an incredible show. The creator of the “Royal Circus” began his work at the age of 11 in his hometown of Tbilisi. He fell in love with circus art and immediately realized that his life would forever be connected only with the circus. Gia Eradze’s first show was “Five Continents”. Bright style, scale and beauty, the best artists, professional show ballet, luxurious stage costumes, exotic animals - all this allowed the group to quickly become one of the best circus shows in Russia and at international competitions. Today, the collection of the “Royal Circus of Gia Eradze” includes more than 15 top awards from the most prestigious international circus festivals.

On September 24, Vegas City Hall will present the premiere of the show “Hasta La Vista!” "Royal Circus" by Gia Eradze. An extravaganza of celebration and carnival will reign under the dome of Vegas City Hall. A new performance with a beautiful storyline will tell the audience several different stories at once. Circus and show ballet performers will appear before the public as magical characters in magnificent costumes. Unique video content broadcast on huge screens (with an area of ​​174 sq.m.), as well as modern light and sound special effects will help viewers immerse themselves in the atmosphere of childhood, holidays and a real circus.


From October 27 to December 2, 2018, the Nizhny Novgorod State Circus will host performances of the Grand Show “Royal Circus” performed by artists of the Gia Eradze Circus troupe.

Honored Artist of Russia Gia Eradze will present her new grandiose circus show “Royal Circus”! A fascinating journey into the world of beauty, luxury and grace, courage and dexterity, incredible human capabilities and exquisite style awaits you.

Honored Artist of Russia Gia Eradze is famous for her extraordinary approach to circus art. His performances are always a synthesis of pop, circus and musicals. Each action in the arena is a mini-performance, which harmoniously combines the most complex tricks, animal training, incredible images of artists, original music and scenery, professional lighting design and special equipment. effects, unusual props and exclusive luxurious costumes!

In the new grandiose show you will visit the real Royal Ball, in the enchanting Russian winter with deer, foxes and Russian greyhounds; in the rhythms of passionate Spain, you will meet a bullfighter with proud yaks; at the fountain in the “Garden of Eden” you will see unique pink pelicans and the brightest of exotic birds - Ara parrots. You will be impressed by real Roman gladiators in chariots with mighty black horses, as well as formidable African lions, which will appear before you as if in a real Colosseum. You will go to the stars together with aerialists and the best tightrope walkers in the world, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the distant Middle Ages, accompanied by the mysterious “Histrions”, representing such a rare and unusual genre of circus art as “Tier Tightrope Walkers”. The intricate patterns of the graceful Royal Friezes, the explosive energy of group jugglers, the touching love story of aerialists on canvas, the incredible charisma of a clown duet - all this and much more awaits you at the Novosibirsk Circus arena from March 9th.

The very idea of ​​the show is amazing, where everything is harmoniously woven together: more than 2000 exclusive costumes, crystal chandeliers, marble columns, rhinestones, feathers. For the performance, a huge golden Castle was designed, towering right up to the circus dome, decorated with velvet and Swarovski crystals. In combination with original music, professional stage lighting - all this helps to recreate the atmosphere of a real royal palace, where the main action takes place, in which 120 artists change their roles for almost 3 hours.

The creator of the “Royal Circus”, Honored Artist of Russia Gia Eradze, is the winner of many top awards at Russian, European and world circus competitions. In January 2020, he, together with his artists, won the most important circus award in the world - the “Golden Clown” of the International Festival in Monte Carlo.

Today Gia Eradze's show is not just one circus program, but a whole creative factory for preparing the best circus shows. Residents of Novosibirsk are already familiar with the work of the Honored Artist of Russia - in 2015, he presented one of his projects at the Novosibirsk arena - the show “Baronets”. The audience received the performance so warmly that to this day the official website of the Royal Circus receives letters asking them to come on tour again. And finally, from March 9, for the first time at the Novosibirsk Circus, viewers will see Gia Eradze’s new impressive show “Royal Circus”!

It is now possible to buy tickets for the new grandiose circus show “Royal Circus” online on the iCity.life website.

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