A short skit on March 8 for girls

How to make a festive concert on March 8 in a kindergarten or school truly bright and interesting? It's simple - you need to diversify the script with fun, funny and cool scenes. It is the comic scenes on March 8 that have the unique ability to create a pleasant atmosphere, lift the spirits of everyone present and make the holiday memorable. In addition, they quite often raise quite important topics and questions, which can be very difficult to resolve without the help of humor. Of course, children's funny skits have their own specifics and are unlike, say, comic numbers for corporate parties. They are usually distinguished by kind and even naive humor, which is perfect for such a bright spring holiday as International Women's Day. That is why holiday concerts in schools and kindergartens on March 8 have a unique atmosphere. In our article today, we tried to collect the most interesting and original ideas for funny scenes on March 8 for mothers, schoolchildren and kindergarten students. We hope that our video options will not only lift your spirits, but also help you write a sparkling script for March 8th.

Funny and comic scenes on March 8 in kindergarten, video

Little kindergarten students are the most spontaneous and sincere artists. That is why the funny and humorous scenes performed on March 8 at matinees in kindergarten in their performance evoke so much joy and genuine delight in adults. Cute, charming and childlike, spontaneous artists happily play the roles of adults and themselves. Young actors are especially good at parody roles with a small number of words and expressive gestures and facial expressions. You will find some options for just such funny and humorous scenes on March 8 in kindergarten with video below.

Funny scene “Old Grandmothers” on March 8th for kindergarten

A funny skit about grandmothers on March 8 is a vivid example of a parody number without words, the success of which depends entirely on the artistic abilities of its performers. The number is based on the song “Old Grandmothers”, well known to the older generation, performed by V. Dobrynin. Its cheerful motive and funny lyrics are quite easy to play up with the help of bright costumes and fun dance moves. To make the scene truly hilarious, it is best to cast artistic boys in the roles of grandmothers. They will look especially comical in old lady outfits and with the traditional attributes of grandmothers.

Comic skit on March 8 for kindergarten “Three Mothers”

For this version of the comic scene, you will need three girls who will play the roles of daughter, mother and grandmother. Each of them will have their own words - several lines of poetry with a funny meaning. The essence of the sketch is to show how important a mother is in everyone’s life, but at the same time to play out in a humorous way the mother’s excessive care and anxiety. In general, this thematic scene turns out to be very touching and funny at the same time, so it fits perfectly into almost any scenario for the March 8th matinee in kindergarten. The only thing is that girls from the senior or preparatory group with good diction and artistic abilities are more suitable for the main roles.

Comic skits for a concert in honor of March 8th for elementary school, video

If the festive matinees in honor of March 8 in kindergartens are dominated by touching dance and congratulatory numbers, then a concert in an elementary school can already be safely built on a comic scenario with funny scenes. The main success of such a concert, as well as any other festive event, lies in the proper organization and talented performers. Without good actors, comic skits at a concert in honor of March 8 in an elementary school simply will not have the desired effect and will go unnoticed and unappreciated by the public. In addition, it is important to select appropriate scenery, costumes and props. It is these details that help not only convey the meaning of the scene, but also contribute to the transformation of young artists. Next, we offer you several options for comic skits that are perfect for a festive concert in an elementary school.

A comic skit in an elementary school on March 8 “How to surprise girls” for boys

This number is very simple to perform and does not require any special decorations or attributes. The main thing is to choose really cheerful and charismatic boys who, with the help of facial expressions and words, will be able to play out all the humor of this scene. The topic of the issue is quite urgent for all men on the eve of International Women's Day - “What to surprise and what gifts to please women with?” The boys from this issue offer their own ideas for gifts and surprises that might please the girls in their class. We are sure that their funny versions will not leave anyone indifferent.

A funny scene for girls on March 8 “When mom is not at home”

It's no secret that parody numbers are always very warmly received by the public, especially if their plot is close and understandable to everyone present. The following funny scene on March 8th will surely appeal to all mothers, because they themselves were once in the shoes of young artists and experienced a similar situation. As you can easily guess from the title of the episode, the sketch shows in a cool and slightly exaggerated way what is happening at home at the moment when mother is not there, and the daughters are getting to their mother’s treasured things. Light musical accompaniment and a cheerful dance at the beginning of the number make such a scene more energetic and tune the audience to its comic nature.

Cool and funny skits for high school students on March 8, video

Everyone knows about the creativity and good sense of humor of high school students. One can only envy the resourcefulness, energy and enthusiasm of young people. It is not surprising that high school students are best at coming up with cool and funny scenes on March 8 for mothers, grandmothers, teachers and classmates. Of course, touching and tender numbers also have a place in festive concerts dedicated to International Women's Day, organized by high school students. But much more often they still prefer to please and make dear women laugh on their holiday. Next, we bring to your attention several cool and funny skits for high school students on March 8 with video.

Funny skit “Festive Grandfather” on March 8 for high school girls

To participate in this funny act you will need girls and one guy, who will act as a simple grandfather. The skit itself is written using poems with humor, so it is very advisable to choose participants with a well-trained voice and artistic abilities. Well, the main character of the scene, the festive grandfather, of course, should be funny and charismatic.

A comic skit in honor of March 8 for high school students “How boys and girls celebrate the holiday”

Variants of humorous scenes from the category of “expectations and reality” have been very popular lately. However, this scene rather reflects, in a slightly exaggerated form, the difference between how boys and girls celebrate March 8th. Of course, the chosen images are very exaggerated, but there is still some truth in them. There are many images in the scene and therefore almost everyone present will be able to recognize themselves among the characters shown.

Funny skit “Day of Revelations” on March 8 for high school students

But the following scene is ideal for a concert in honor of March 8, organized especially for classmates. It raises one of the most popular topics for teenagers, about which you can joke endlessly. We are talking, of course, about relationships and “Day of Revelations” is a vivid example of how differently a guy and a girl in a relationship sometimes perceive the same idea. To participate in the skit you need to choose an artistic guy and a talented girl. But if you want to get a truly hilarious number, we strongly recommend taking two funny guys as the main characters.

Funny and funny scenes on March 8 for mothers and children, video

Children in schools and kindergartens joke about all sorts of things in cool and funny scenes for mothers on March 8th! They do this very subtly, ironically, but not at all offensively. They raise everyday topics, come up with parodies of characteristic female behavior, and notice funny moments in the relationship between parents and children. But the most popular topic remains, of course, mothers. Moreover, children manage to make jokes about mothers so delicately and touchingly that adults are not offended at all. On the contrary, looking at the funny parodies of children, mothers sincerely laugh, recognizing themselves and their habits. And sometimes, such funny parodies even make many parents and children reconsider some aspects of their family relationships for the better. Therefore, if you want to make the festive concert on March 8 really interesting and memorable, be sure to include in the script several funny and cool skits on March 8 for mothers of children. Moreover, below you will find several fun options for kindergarten and high school.

Cool scene “Meeting of mothers” on March 8th for a matinee in kindergarten

This number, performed by kids, turns out to be really comical and cheerful in a good way. In the story, the girls play the roles of mothers who meet by chance and share the latest news about their family problems. Well, just like their adult mothers, who prefer to share their experiences and everyday problems with their friends. The essence of this issue is to show how complex and difficult a mother’s daily work can be and how important it is to appreciate it, take care of her mother, help her and not upset her. It is thanks to the cheerful presentation that such a scene will not only not upset anyone, but will also help kids better understand and appreciate their mothers.

Funny skit “How I help my mother” on March 8 for elementary school

This funny scene is intended to ironically make fun of such a fairly common everyday problem as the lack of help for the mother from the children. Her dialogue unfolds between a mother and her schoolgirl daughter, who writes an eloquent, but far from truthful, essay on the topic “How I help my mother.” Of course, the actions in this scene are exaggerated, but despite the humor present, the plot makes both children and adults think.

Cool skit on March 8 “Typical Mom” for high school students

The following humorous production would be best suited for a high school or even college concert. It involves three characters - a son, mother and grandmother. The plot of the issue revolves around a rather comical situation, familiar to many modern families. In a nutshell, the sketch is about how often our mothers are unfriendly with modern gadgets in general, and with computers in particular. The paradox is that the older generation, and in this case grandmothers, can be much more “advanced” in this matter than their children. In general, if you want to laugh heartily, then take a closer look at the following funny scene.

Festive concerts in honor of March 8 for mothers and grandmothers in kindergartens and schools are a good tradition that should be preserved as long as possible. This is not just an amateur activity for children, but a real gift and the best congratulations for dear women. And funny, cool and humorous scenes on March 8th are the “highlights” of such children's concerts. It is numbers with humor that make the main holiday of all women truly bright, memorable and fun. We hope that in our article today you will find many options for funny scenes on March 8 that will inspire you to write an original script. Remember that the success of any performance directly depends on its performers. Therefore, always choose talented schoolchildren and children with good acting skills. And then, we are sure, any funny scene in honor of International Women’s Day will bring a lot of positivity to all guests of the holiday!

March 8 is a unique bright holiday, when everyone around congratulates beautiful women, girls, girls. At the same time, congratulations and even “odes of praise” pour in on this day as if from a cornucopia. Women are congratulated everywhere: at work, in the store, in the beauty salon and other places. School teachers also pay special attention to this holiday. At this time, themed matinees and evenings are held. How are comic skits on March 8 organized and performed at school?

Scene 1: “Don’t forget about mom”

One of the simplest and most instructive game performances is the scene “Don’t forget about mom.” Up to eight people can take part. Starring: father, two sons and mother. For the scene you need to recreate the kitchen. Therefore, from the decorations you will need:

  • 4 chairs;
  • table;
  • an imaginary window with curtains and flowers in a pot;
  • several pots, plates and cutlery;
  • artificial or fresh flowers.

and plot

According to the mini-scene scenario, on March 8, a father, mother and two sons gather in the family circle. The action takes place in First the mother appears. This is a former primary school teacher who rushes around the kitchen, cooking, cleaning and setting the table at the same time. She constantly glances at her watch. Dad enters the kitchen. He sits down at the table. Both sons follow him. They also sit at the table. Mother gives everyone a plate.

Simulates pouring something from a pan onto plates. While eating, both brothers enthusiastically talk about how tomorrow they will congratulate their classmates and teachers on March 8th. Dad joins in and needs to choose a gift for his boss. The mother listens and gives useful advice. After eating, everyone gets up from the table and runs away. The woman silently removes the dishes, puts on an apron, and begins to wash.

Gifts for women from mother's hands

Further on, according to the plot of the mini-scene on March 8, one of the boys runs into the room, pulls his mother away from the sink and sits him down at the table. At the same time, he asks his mother to assist in making a postcard for his beloved class teacher. His mother drops everything and helps him. He runs away, jumping joyfully. The second one runs in and again distracts the mother from washing the dishes. He also needs help.

Mom helps him make a beautiful craft for his favorite English teacher. The child runs away. The third one to come out is dad, who brings a catalog of souvenirs and invites his wife to help him choose a gift for his boss. Then all three male representatives rush around the room looking for white, ironed shirts. Mom gives all three of them a shirt, and dad helps tie his tie. After all the preparations for the holiday are completed, according to the plan of the sketch for schoolchildren “March 8,” the three men leave. Mom is left alone. She finally finishes the dishes and sits down on a chair. A curtain.

“Don't forget about mom”: act two

In the second act, the children and father return home. All four meet again at the table. They sit down. The mother serves them food. Evening. They talk with inspiration about how wonderfully they congratulated their classmates, teachers and work colleagues. Mom listens and sighs. Suddenly the doorbell rings. A woman approaches the door. Behind her are the children of elementary school.

They hand flowers and sweets to the mother and read congratulatory poems. The sons and father come out to hear the noise. They see this picture and realize that on March 8th they managed to congratulate all the women except their spouse and mother. All three quietly take their jackets and silently leave the room. However, the funny scenes on March 8 don’t end there. To be continued…

A few minutes later they return with each of them coming up to the mother, handing over a sprig of mimosa and a bouquet. They kiss and congratulate. Then they all turn around to face the audience. And at this moment the author says that we should not forget that mothers are women too. He ends his speech with congratulations to all the mothers, teachers and ladies present.

Scene 2: “Magic from a Bottle”

Another variation of the script is a performance called “Magic from a Bottle.” The action of the March 8th sketch for children takes place in an ordinary courtyard, so for decoration you will need a large bench and decorative greenery.

In the story, a boy is walking down the street. He whistles and kicks an empty tin can. Suddenly he sees the following picture: an old man sits on a bench with a briefcase and a newspaper. He then gets up and leaves, leaving the case behind. The boy comes and opens it. A genie emerges from it.

He talks about how he will fulfill any three wishes. The boy, in turn, tells the wizard that today is March 8th, and he doesn’t know how to congratulate his classmates, teachers and mothers. Jin promises to help.

Actions in Scene 2: “Magic from a Bottle”

The genie claps his hands three times and says that he is moving the boy to the Rio de Janeiro carnival for the next stage of the skit. March 8 is an unforgettable holiday for high school students, teachers and parents, so the performance should be bright and memorable.

And therefore, then dancers in bright costumes with feathers appear on the stage. They dance a fiery mamba to melodious music. At the end, the dancing children bow and leave. Gene then claps his hands again and transports the boy to Mexico. The dancers come out again with large sombrero hats and maracas. They dance.

For the third time, Gene takes the boy to Texas, where they dance the cowboy dance. After the dance, Jin tells the boy that he has fulfilled all three wishes. The boy thanks Jin for the colorful excursion and the gift idea. Then he says that he decided to congratulate all women on the holiday, as they do in Russia. At this time, he recites congratulatory poems. A girl comes out with a large basket of flowers and, accompanied by music, distributes them to all the female guests. A curtain.

March 8th holiday: skits (primary school)

In addition to high schools, matinees and special events are also held in primary schools. For example, for this scene you will need:

  • 7 students;
  • 4 teachers;
  • leading.

The first student appears on stage. He says the following words: “Admire the beauty of nature! How bright and cheerful it is today. Winter snow and icicles have melted. The drops are ringing and the birds are singing outside the window.” The second student appears: “The month of March has come. The ice has melted. Spring has come and gives our mothers, grandmothers and teachers a sunny mood.” At the next stage of the holiday, comic scenes begin. On March 8, everyone at school should be happy and interested.

The presenter comes on stage: “The most beautiful and wonderful thing on earth is the word “mother.” In all foreign languages ​​it sounds equally beautiful and gentle. Mom has gentle and hardworking hands, a kind look and a smile. She has the most sensitive and big heart, so she loves everyone and never leaves anyone in trouble.”

Words from teachers in a congratulatory scene for parents

No one will argue that March 8 is an important holiday for all women. The skit for teachers and parents should be accompanied by dances, songs and poems. Therefore, the further action takes place in the circle of actors-teachers. The first teacher appears on the stage: “There are many good people on earth who know how to appreciate kindness and empathize with their neighbors. But mom does it best.” She then recites the poem "Eyes Wide Open."

A second teacher appears on the scene: “I always consult my mother on everything. I tell her about how my day went, about the children, about my colleagues. She always supports me in difficult times, gives useful instructions and advice.”

The third teacher enters: “I see you in the morning, mom. You wake me up and tell me it's time to get up. You are a wonderful advisor and friend, hope and support. You manage everything and love everyone. You are the best in the world". Now serious and slightly humorous scenes on March 8th are waiting for their turn. All the women close to the children gathered at the school - mothers, grandmothers, teachers, sisters, aunts. On this day, students dedicate their performances to all of them.

Congratulations to lovely ladies

The first student says: “We love you, dear mommy! Because you love and sometimes scold us. But your reproaches are always to the point. We remember and appreciate this. We can always turn to you for advice. You will answer us without guile: honestly and fairly.”

Second student: “In heat and cold, in joy and sorrow, our mother is always with us. She spends sleepless nights with us. Teaches kindness and tolerance, justice and nobility.”

Third student: “When mom is not at home, everything becomes sad and gloomy. But when mom comes, everything immediately falls into place.”

Fourth student: “Our kind and beloved grandmother. You are also a mother. You already have grandchildren. You are understanding and good-natured. You look after us and cook delicious pies.”

Fifth student: “My grandmother is the best! She will always invite you to visit, feed you delicious pastries, cookies and pies. He’ll give everyone tea, read them a fairy tale, and put them to bed.”

Sixth student: “Knock, knock. March is knocking on our doors. “He is in a hurry to congratulate all mothers, grandmothers and teachers on the spring holiday and International Women’s Day.”

Seventh student: “All the funny scenes on March 8 are not complete without songs and poems. Therefore, we will first tell you the poems, and then we will sing.”

One of the students recites a congratulatory poem. After this, a song about mother is performed by a children's choir. Presenter: “We congratulate all mothers, grandmothers, girls and teachers on March 8th. We wish you creative success and patience!”

In conclusion, let’s say that we have offered you sample comic scenes for March 8th at school. Based on them, you can create your own script and interesting production on the eve of this wonderful holiday.

" url="http://scenarii.ru/scenario/index1.php?raz=2&prazd=308&page=1">

28.02.2019 | Looked at the script 454 person

She came, smiled - the snowstorms subsided,
The river has awakened, the ice has melted,
The gardens put on a snow-white outfit,
With a roar, the tractors got to work,
And the birds sang, “It’s time to build nests!”

Spring has come. Guys, you've probably noticed that on the street...

Scenario for March 8 for elementary school

28.02.2019 | Looked at the script 489 Human

The month of March and the eighth day.
The smell of spring was in the air.
We will praise spring
And allow me to congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day

The snow sparkled from the sun's spray,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict...

An interesting scenario for the holiday dedicated to March 8

26.02.2019 | Looked at the script 1400 Human

The presenter appears on the TV screen:

HOST: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you to our festive evening. The holiday program of the “2B” channel is on air.

Attention! The information program “Vesti” is on air, the results...

An interesting scenario for the holiday on March 8 “Dedicated to beautiful women”

26.02.2019 | Looked at the script 1198 Human

1: Under the leaden sky with embraces
Filling the poor roads
Flickering around, differing in dresses,
All beautiful and long-legged.

2: Their flickering never ends
Beyond any cataclysms and turmoil
They are called women
And for this they are loved and respected.

It is impossible to argue with the fact that this holiday is a holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, ...

Scenario for the holiday dedicated to March 8 “Dear grandmothers and mothers”

24.02.2019 | Looked at the script 840 Human

(To the sounds of a march, boys enter the hall and line up against the central wall).

1 boy:

Today is the brightest holiday,
Birds chirp in the yards,
All guests are dressed festively.
March 8th is Mother's Day!

2nd boy:

Today the sky is blue
Cheerful streams...

Scenario of the matinee dedicated to March 8 for elementary school

22.02.2019 | Looked at the script 730 Human

On the first of March
Spring is beginning.
Mother's Day - March 8th
The whole country celebrates.

And although it's frosty,
And the snowdrifts under the window,
But fluffy mimosas
They are already selling all around.

Mothers of all nations of the world
Lasting peace...

Scenario for the holiday March 8

20.02.2019 | Looked at the script 1432 person

Ring, joyful songs, -
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

On this March day we invited our friends,
They seated their mothers and grandmothers in the hall.

Dear grandmothers and...

Scenario of the matinee dedicated to March 8

19.02.2019 | Looked at the script 838 Human

I. Teacher's opening speech.
Congratulations on the holiday.

II. A student dressed as a magpie runs into the hall.
- I heard! I heard! I know everything! I know everything! What will happen now!

III. Children enter the hall to the music. Flowers in hands.
Our school is bustling and noisy:
- Soon...

Celebration scenario for March 8th

19.02.2019 | Looked at the script 1993 person

Fanfare. The presenters come out

1B: Good afternoon! Hello!

2B: Hello, our dear, charming, most beautiful women, girls, girls!

1B: Surely you all felt how something changed in nature and mood.

Today is part 1 - “A woman’s gaze.”

This is a scene for a corporate party or other adult feast.

Dear schoolchildren, don’t waste your time: this is not for you, I will soon write another funny sketch for you.

It can be performed in different ways - like a conversation between two friends over a cup of tea or on the phone. A married woman, in a happy voice, enthusiastically describes the day of March 8th to her unmarried friend, who just nods, sighs sadly and occasionally inserts monosyllabic questions.

Here I present an option with a telephone. It looks like a monologue by one actress. If you also have a second one, then dividing the text into two will not be difficult. Doing the opposite is a little more difficult, so I try to make your life easier.

Since you will stage my monologue before March 8, and the speech in it comes after it, I recommend a short introduction:

Dear ladies and gentlemen, now we will show a story about how you can spend March 8th in a separate marital apartment. There is one holiday, one apartment, and two stories about the same day, and very polar ones. Listen, watch and draw conclusions. So that your March 8th will be equally wonderful for both parties involved.

Funny scenes on March 8:

part 1, “A woman’s gaze.”

Oh, yesterday was just a fabulous day!

I open my eyes in the morning and there is a basket of flowers. Big? No, not very big, not theatrical... the basket is... well, like a big cup... But still, it’s not a cup, it’s a basket!

And in it there is a note: “Darling, lie down, rest, don’t go into the kitchen, I’ll do everything myself!”

Who would refuse this! I’m lying there happy, thinking - what a great fellow he is! And before dawn, he ran for flowers and prepared breakfast for me! But the neighbor was unlucky - her husband did something there that even the Ministry of Emergency Situations was called!

What? Oh, no, I didn’t see it myself, my beloved told me about it later. But I personally heard the sound of the siren and the smell of smoke. I can’t even imagine what was burning there that the smoke even penetrated into our bedroom!

In general, my husband didn’t let me into the kitchen - he said women had nothing to do in the kitchen on March 8th. That’s why we had breakfast right in bed - it’s so romantic, you melt from the rush of feelings!

What did you give? The gift was great! I always secretly assumed that his prudence and practicality were so, on the surface, out of modesty. But in fact he is an extraordinarily generous person, extraordinarily! He gave me such a cute envelope with the inscription “Allow yourself everything!” - exactly what I want is drawn on it! And inside is a VIP client’s bank card, can you imagine! And again the inscription - “And even this!” I allowed it.

My husband said that I could take a walk for now, and he would put things in order at home. And in the evening another surprise awaits me!

Well, I went for a walk! In this weather? What's wrong with the weather? Did the weather forecasters report a bad day on March 8? Darling, the weather doesn’t matter at all when you have a VIP card in your purse! And besides, I was walking through the shopping center, not down the street. Do doctors recommend fresh air? Yes, I heard something about this. I also went out into the fresh air to catch my breath after shopping and figure out how it happened that I hadn’t spent all the money on the card yet, but the terminals suddenly stopped accepting it. Probably the systems in the stores are glitching due to overload - do you know how many acquaintances I met there that day? Not that many people come to paid demos!

In general, by the time I got home, evening had already come. The beloved is quiet, silent, looks with such eyes... What? Well, how can I tell you? The look is clouded and slightly distraught. Just slightly. How is this why? From love, of course. And he managed to get bored - he didn’t see me for half a day.

Darling, let's not go to the restaurant. I want to be alone with you. I even cooked dinner myself!

And, really, just imagine - I stewed vegetables and meat, made dessert... And everything smells so delicious! And again, in the bedroom, a makeshift table was set on the bed. What does a real man mean? I said I wouldn’t let you into the kitchen on March 8th, but I never let you in! The only thing is that for some reason vegetable peelings and egg shells were also in the bedroom. He probably got busy, got busy, and accidentally brought it out of the kitchen with dinner.

What then? Well... I couldn’t help but thank him for such efforts? Moreover, he hinted in every possible way. Flowers in the bedroom, breakfast and dinner in bed. In the evening he asked several times if I had a headache. Of course, I was very tired - is it a joke to spend five hours in fitting rooms without leaving? But he was so sad, how could I refuse?

In general, the day was a fairy tale, and the night was simply anriel in a new way! Well, that's a different story.

After this, be sure to immediately present and show the 2nd part from the next article - funny.”

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Short skits for the holiday March 8 holiday March 8 at school Skit on March 8"Boys"

On the stage

A disheveled, sleep-deprived and grimy guy in pajamas.

He goes to the chair and takes something wrinkled and dirty from it.

SERGEY. Ma-am! We should congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?

MOTHER. Good morning, son. I stroked it.

SERGEY. Hello! Which one?

MOTHER. White.

SERGEY. White?

MOTHER. White, white.

SERGEY. What do I have?

Was it white?

MOTHER. Of course she was. We bought it last year. Don't you remember?

SERGEY. I do not remember…

MOTHER. You also wore it for New Year’s, remember?

SERGEY. For the New Year

I remember. And then

I do not remember. And... Is she white?

MOTHER. Of course, I washed it. It was lying under your bed

I had a hard time finding her! Have you brushed your teeth?

SERGEY. Ah, so that's where she was! It was Barsik who dragged her there! (Throws the dirty shirt under the bed and puts on a clean one.) Well, just wait, now you’ll get it from me! Barsik!

Barsik! Kitty Kitty Kitty! Come here!.. He’s eating something in the kitchen again.

Fat Barsik enters.


SERGEY. Get out of here!!!

SERGEY. A pig, not a cat... Ma-am!

MOTHER. What, son? Have you brushed your teeth?

SERGEY. Yeah. And Barsik too.

MOTHER. Good girl! Did you wash your neck?

SERGEY. Now, I'll soap it up! (Takes a stick). Barsik!!! Come here!

Fat Barsik enters.

BARSIK. So what?

SERGEY. Cho-cho!.. No big deal!

BARSIK. Ah-ah-ah... That’s what I would have said right away. (Leaves).

Boy takes off his trousers from a chair

Also dirty and full of holes.

SERGEY. Ma-am! Have you ironed your new trousers?

MOTHER. I stroked it. And a jacket.

SERGEY. What do I have?

Do you have a jacket?

MOTHER. Of course have.

The guy throws his trousers under the bed and grabs his jacket with the sleeve torn off.

SERGEY. Well, then it will be a vest. (Tears off the second sleeve).

MOTHER. What's cracking there?

SERGEY. This is me doing exercises, mom!

MOTHER. Ah, well done, well done!

SERGEY. Today is the eighth of March for girls ( March 8), I prepared poems for them, I’ll read them now, do you hear? (combs his hair).

MOTHER. I hear you! Nice poems!

SERGEY. What poems?

MOTHER. which you have prepared.

SERGEY. Ma, what are you doing there?

MOTHER. I'm making a pie, son. You won’t come to congratulate the girls empty-handed.

SERGEY. Why pie? I need flowers!

MOTHER. Flowers in the hallway. Money for lunch in the nightstand.

SERGEY. What about the briefcase?

MOTHER. Right there, nearby. They're calling, open the door!

SERGEY. These are probably the guys from the class...

Neat boys enter with flowers in their hands.

SERGEY. Oh! Who do you want?

ANDREY. We need Sergei from 9 - "A".

SERGEY. I'm listening to.

ALL. Seryoga! Are you?

SERGEY. Well yes, I am. What do you care?

DENIS. Don't you recognize it?

SERGEY. Wait a minute! I'll find out!!! It seems like we were on vacation with you in the summer... Exactly

In the camp!..

DENIS. What summer? We are your classmates. Andryukha, Denis and Ilya.

SERGEY. Very nice... oh, I mean... Guys, is it you? Well, you're dressed up! Did not recognize…

ILYA. Look at yourself!

Sergei rushes to the mirror and sees himself

He is combed and neatly dressed and faints.

MOTHER. And here comes the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you are so smart

You won't be recognized! Did you forget the flowers?

ILYA. No, I haven't forgotten. Only I’m not Serezhenka, I’m Ilya. Serezhenka is lying there.

MOTHER. Serezhenka, I beg you, please don’t lie around in the hallway in clean clothes. Wait until school.

SERGEY. Mommy, I didn’t recognize myself! What will happen now?

MOTHER. Nothing, nothing, nothing... You'll get used to it!

The teacher enters the classroom and goes to her seat.


ALL. Hello!!!

TEACHER. Sorry, what class is this?

ALL. 9 - “A”!!!

TEACHER. 9 - “Ah”? Aaaaand... What school?

ALL. General education school No. (such and such)!!!

TEACHER. Yeah, there it is! Ah... please tell me what this is

The same school located (at such and such an address)?

ALL. The same one!!!

TEACHER. Yeah... And what, in this building before... well, there: yesterday or the day before yesterday... there was no other school No. (such and such) by chance?

ALL. No!!!

TEACHER. Well, well, well, interesting. So what class is this?

ALL. 9 - “A”!!!

TEACHER. 9 - “A”... Neither “B” nor “C”, but simply

ALL. Just "A"!!!

TEACHER. But this cannot be!!!

ALL. Why?

TEACHER. Because it

A completely different class.

SVETOCHKINA. What are you, the same one!

TEACHER. But what about the same one if I don’t recognize anything?

SVETOCHKINA. What don't you learn?

TEACHER. I don't recognize anything!

ALL. Not true!

TEACHER. Oh, isn't that true? Well, then let's check it out! What did we cover in the last lesson? You!

PETRUSHKIN. In the last lesson, you explained to us the properties and characteristic features of matter. It was very interesting...

TEACHER. Yep, gotcha! I remember well: that time no one listened!

ALL. Not true!


TEACHER. This can't be true! No one here ever taught homework!

PETRUSHKIN. And I learned it!

ALL. And I! And I!

TEACHER. I do not believe! And I won’t believe it for anything!

ALL. But why?

TEACHER. If only because I don’t know anyone here!

SVETOCHKINA. Don't you recognize me? I am an excellent student, I always sit on the first desk...

TEACHER. My God! Svetochkina, is that you? How did you get here?

SVETOCHKINA. I'm studying here.

TEACHER. Listen to me, Svetochkina: this is a very dangerous place.

Everyone here has been replaced!

SVETOCHKINA. Come on, everyone is the same here.

TEACHER. Do you doubt it? Or do you think that I have

Hallucinations? Then tell me the name of this student.

SVETOCHKINA. Petrushkin.

TEACHER. Yeah, that means it’s not me, it’s you who are mistaken! This student

Not Petrushkin. I know Petrushkin personally!

SVETOCHKINA. And who is this?

TEACHER. That's the thing, I don't know myself. But I see perfectly well: this is no Petrushkin!



Antipetrushkin!!! And you

Anti-Svetochkina!!! And all of you


ALL. Why?

TEACHER. Because normal children are not like that!

ALL. Why?

TEACHER. They don’t happen at all! First of all: they never listen in class! Secondly: they never teach homework!

And thirdly: can normal children sit so calmly and look so neat? This

Anti-children! And this


PETRUSHKIN. Let me explain everything now. Please tell me what day is it today?

TEACHER. If you think that I

That... then you are deeply mistaken. I remember everything perfectly. Please: today is the eighth of March, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight!

PETRUSHKIN. Does this mean anything to you?

TEACHER. What do you mean?.. Oh, yes, yes, it seems that I’m starting to understand something... It’s all about

In time!


TEACHER. That's what I knew!!! I arrived at a different time!!! It's very possible

To another planet! What a phenomenon!!! Tell me, what is the name of this planet? AND

What day and year is it now?

PETRUSHKIN. This planet is called: "Earth". And on this day every year on Earth it is customary to congratulate all women on the holiday March 8. You

Woman and we congratulate you! (Gives flowers).

TEACHER. This is some kind of joke... I don't understand...

PETRUSHKIN. And on my own behalf I would like to add that you

Our favorite teacher at school!!!

ALL. Yeees!!!

TEACHER. "Teacher"? Did you say "teacher"? Petrushkin, is that you?


TEACHER. God! Now I recognize you! Petrushkin! But you

My favorite student!!!

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