Starchy noodles: recipes with photos. Starch noodles How to make noodles from starch

My grandmother's recipe has been around since the beginning of the last century. This time, my daughter, the great-granddaughter of grandmother Ulyana, cooked and photographed.

For the noodle maker, you first need to bake pancakes. For this we need
500 ml milk
5-6 eggs
400 g potato starch
salt - to taste

Beat eggs with salt

Add milk, mix well

Slowly add starch and stir well

Now you can bake pancakes. But since starch tends to settle to the bottom, you need to stir it every time before scooping up the dough.
We bake pancakes as usual: when the dough “seizes” around the edges, we turn it over to the other side

Pancakes are ready

Now we cut them for the noodle maker

The noodles are ready

Now let's start preparing the noodle soup. It is best to cook it in a clay dish, but since my favorite cup died in an unequal battle with repairs, I had to make it in the first one that came to hand. So, pour a little more than half of the noodles into the bowl,

(I put in more, for which I paid. The noodle soup turned out a bit thick)
and pour hot milk so that the milk covers the top of the noodles by three centimeters.

Then put 30-40 grams of butter on top of the milk and pour in 2-3 scrambled eggs.
Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Then turn off the oven and let the noodle maker stand in it for about 30 minutes.

Bon appetit!!!
I would like to add that we have lost a lot of loved ones and this dish, if there is no fasting, is always on the funeral table. Goes away. Everyone already knows that there will definitely be a double portion. The most important thing is to decide on the milk so that the noodle soup is neither thick nor runny, then it will simply melt in your mouth. If your health allows, you can add butter.

Funchoza(dung. 粉絲子, Chinese trad. 粉絲, ex. 粉丝, pinyin: fěnsī, pal.: fensi, common names - “ glass, starch, Chinese noodles") - a dish of Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other Asian cuisines,which is prepared from dry noodles (so-called glass noodles) with seasonings of pickled peppers and jusai, carrots, radishes, onions and other vegetables. Served hot or cold. Can also be served with mushrooms or meat (which is typical for the Korean snack Japchae)

Glass noodles are usually made from mung bean starch. Less commonly used starch is potato, cassava, canna, and yam. In modern production, bean starch can be replaced with cheaper corn starch.

As a rule, glass noodles have a circular cross-section; diameter varies. Sold dried. Used in soups, salads, deep-fried dishes. “Glass noodles” got their name because of the translucent appearance they acquire after cooking.

In Russia, glass noodles are often mistakenly called riceUnlike rice noodles made from rice flour, which turn white when cooked, almost indistinguishable from spaghetti, starch noodles become translucent but are less resistant to heat treatment. It is in this mixture that the Funcheza salad is made, without turning it into porridge, but leaving the noodle fibers with elasticity and the usual taste.

Valuable properties of funchose

This product is rich in vitamin B, which is required by the human body to strengthen the nervous system. Funchose also contains vitamins E, PP, and also minerals (zinc, iron, copper, selenium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese). This extensive set of vitamins and minerals best contributes to the full functioning of the human body.

Vermicelli will be a godsend for all people who want to eliminate extra pounds. Funchose contains complex carbohydrates that provide muscles with energy. If you eat funchose every day, you can significantly reduce the consumption of fats and sugar, and this in turn will have a very good effect on your well-being, the person will become more energetic.

Product value is also that it is rich in amino acids, which are required for the creation of new cells. It is also good that this noodles do not contain gluten protein, which leads to allergic diseases, and this is very important for all allergy sufferers. The conclusion suggests itself, funchose is a safe and beneficial product for human health.

Traditional vermicelli is used to make soups, but it is more often used in salads. In dry form, the calorie content of this product is 334 calories; in boiled form, funchose has only 87 calories per hundred grams of product.

Making noodles is very easy. You just need to boil it for three minutes, and then rinse it in cold water. If desired, you can lightly fry it. Funchose is eaten as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, and also as a main dish with the addition of vegetables, mushrooms, meat and other food products. You can cook it and consume it as you see fit; in this case, everything directly depends on your taste preferences.

Calorie content of funchose

The calorie content of funchose is 320 kilocalories per 100 grams. product. Funchoza is a high calorie flour product. But still, funzocha is recommended for people with excess weight problems, because it is made from rice or other types of flour (for example, beans), which means that this product will not harm your figure.

After boiling, rice noodles become milky white and starchy noodles become transparent, which is why they are also called “glass noodles.” It is not at all similar to the wheat we are used to, neither in structure nor in taste, but it does not have a taste as such, it is neutral, only a light, subtle aroma.

By diluting the neutral flavor palette of funchose with bright, appetizing vegetable, meat, sea and fragrant-spicy notes, you can prepare a lot of amazing culinary masterpieces, especially since this outlandish noodle is good both hot and cold.

There seems to be nothing particularly complicated in preparing dishes from funzoza, because essentially it is the same noodles seasoned with sauce, vegetables, meat, seafood, but to make your mouth water and want to lick your fingers after the meal, you need to know some culinary subtleties and tricks. And what wonderful salads are made from funchose! A real celebration of taste!

How to cook funchose

If the funchose is undercooked, it will stick to the teeth, and if it is overcooked, it will simply become limp. Therefore, boiling funchose should be approached with all seriousness, otherwise it will not be possible to prepare culinary masterpieces from it.

Depending on the thickness of the noodle “threads,” boil it for three to four minutes or simply pour boiling water over it. To prepare thin types of funchose (up to 0.5 mm in diameter, similar to Italian “angel hair” pasta), put the noodles in a deep container, pour boiling water over them, close the lid tightly and let stand for about five minutes.

Thicker funchoza is prepared similarly to other types of pasta - in salted boiling water, only the cooking time is limited to three to four minutes.

To prevent the noodles from sticking together, it is advisable to cook them in a large amount of salted water, into which you should pour a little vegetable oil. If the funchose is boiled correctly, it will turn out soft, but a little crunchy.

Most often on store shelves you can find fnchoza in the form of skeins of different sizes.

It should be cooked in a special way. Before cooking, we thread a long thin thread through a hank of noodles and tie it into a ring.

Take a deep saucepan and fill it with water based on1 liter per 100 grams of noodles, and add for each liter a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of salt.

Place a tied skein of noodles into the boiling water in the center of the pan. Cook the funchose for 3-4 minutes, discard in a colander and immediately run under running cold water. Then we take the skein by the thread ring, shake it well and send it to the cutting board. Remove the thread and cut the funchose across the fibers with a sharp knife.

We will need:

40 grams of funchose (1 bunch dry)
one medium carrot
half an onion
a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil with yangnyom*

Cooking method:

First of all, prepare the noodles using one of the suitable methods (see above). Chop the carrots or grate them on a special Korean carrot grater. Mix the heated vegetable oil with yangnyom and add to the carrots.

You can also use ready-made dressing for Korean carrots, although it is much more interesting to try to make it on your own.

Yangnyom– spicy Korean dressing for salads and other dishes. To prepare yangnyom we will need: a tablespoon of warm boiled water, 2 tbsp. ground red pepper, three cloves of garlic, a teaspoon each of salt and sugar. Pour pepper, salt and sugar into a small container. Add water and mix well. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and mix everything again. Yangnyom is ready! It can be stored in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator and used as needed. Please note that yangnyom is a thermonuclear pepper-garlic mixture, so you should add very, very little of it to dishes.

Add funchose to the finished carrots and sprinkle the dish with soy sauce. Gently mix all the ingredients so as not to tear the noodles.

We let the dish brew and soak for half an hour, and then treat and enjoy. You can safely diversify the proposed recipe by adding finely chopped cucumbers, onions, and meat to funchose with Korean carrots. Experiment!

We will need:

100 grams of funchose (rice noodles)
300 grams of shrimp (peeled and boiled)
one red sweet pepper
2 onions
10 grams of green cilantro

For refueling we take:

2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons sesame oil
2 cloves garlic
20 grams of green cilantro

Cooking method:

Pour funchoza with a liter of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Place the finished noodles in a colander. Don't throw out the water! We will still need it. Cut the sweet red pepper and onion into thin strips.

Prepare the marinade: finely chop the cilantro, pass the garlic through a press. Mix 3 tbsp. “funchose” water with soy sauce, sesame oil, curry powder, cilantro, garlic and lemon juice. Place the sauce on the fire and simmer for literally 2 minutes, stirring vigorously.

Coarsely chop the funchose, mix with shrimp, onion, pepper and remaining cilantro. Add sauce, stir and enjoy!

Funchoza with mushrooms and sweet peppers

We will need:

250 grams of funchose
250 grams of shiitake mushrooms
1 sweet red pepper
3 tablespoons sesame seeds
3 cloves garlic

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Boil or steam the noodles. Cut the peppers and mushrooms into thin strips. Pre-soak dried shiitakes in cold water. Remove mushroom stems that are too hard. Fry the chopped mushrooms and peppers in vegetable oil for about five minutes. Then add sesame seeds and garlic and fry for about one to two minutes. Mix with the prepared noodles and fry for a couple more minutes. As a final touch, add soy sauce, add some salt if necessary, mix well and serve hot.

We will need:

100 grams of funchose
turkey fillet, chicken breasts or escalopes - 3 pcs.
150 grams of green beans
small broccoli
3 tbsp. pine nuts or cashews
2 cloves garlic
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
soy sauce

Cooking method:

Boil the rice noodles or pour boiling water over them and leave for 10 minutes. Place the finished funchose in a colander and rinse under running cold water.

Trim the ends of the green beans and cut each pod into several pieces. We separate broccoli into inflorescences. Place the beans and broccoli in boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes.

In a deep frying pan, fry small pieces of turkey in vegetable oil until an appetizing golden brown crust appears. Then add chopped garlic and nuts to the turkey. Mix. Add the boiled beans with broccoli, finely chopped leeks and, stirring continuously, fry the turkey with vegetables for about 5-7 minutes. At the end of cooking, add funchose and soy sauce. Mix well and remove from heat. The salad turns out light but nutritious. You can serve funchose with turkey and broccoli either fiery hot or cold.

Funchoza with chicken and vegetables

We will need:

70 grams rice noodles
1 skinless, boneless chicken breast
300 grams of vegetable mixture: carrots, celery root, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks
2 cloves garlic
ginger root
chicken bouillon
vegetable oil
soy sauce
Cayenne pepper

Cooking method:

Peel and chop the garlic and ginger. We take about 2 centimeters from the ginger root. Fry garlic and ginger in vegetable oil. When the garlic begins to darken, use a slotted spoon to remove it from the oil along with the ginger.

They gave us their spicy aroma and will no longer be needed. Cut the chicken breast into thin strips and fry, stirring constantly. Transfer the finished chicken to a plate and cover with a lid. Fry diced carrots and celery root along with onions, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts for several minutes in the same aromatic oil in which the chicken was fried, adding a little chicken broth to the pan.

In the meantime, boil the funchose or simply pour boiling water over it. Add chicken to the prepared vegetables. Drain the water from the noodles and add them to the frying pan with the chicken and vegetables. Quickly mix all the ingredients, season to taste with soy sauce and cayenne pepper. Serve the dish hot.

Spicy Korean soup with funchose

We will need:

200 grams of funchose
100 grams chicken breast
4 cups chicken broth
1 medium zucchini
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 cloves garlic
chili pepper, chili paste and spices to taste

Cooking method:

Boil the rice noodles in advance and cut them not too long. Place the diced zucchini in a deep saucepan. Add soy sauce, sesame oil, finely chopped garlic and chili pepper to taste. Place the pan over medium heat and cook until the zucchini is translucent. Then pour in 4 cups of chicken broth and bring to a boil.

Funchoza (starch noodles) does not contain even a gram of flour. These special noodles are made from mung bean starch. When boiled, it acquires a transparent color. For this reason, funchose is called “glass noodles” in Russia, and “cellophane noodles” in English-speaking countries.

Perhaps it is because of its original appearance that starch noodles have become widespread far beyond Asia. Photos of dishes with her look bright and appetizing.

The taste of funchose is absolutely neutral. Therefore, when preparing dishes with it, you need to pay special attention to sauces.

In this article we will tell you not only how to cook store-bought funchose, but also how to prepare it at home. Believe me, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The benefits and harms of funchose

European nutritionists were the first to take note of starch noodles. After all, funchose, with a calorie content of only 320 units per 100 grams of product, is a very satisfying side dish.

Another advantage of Chinese noodles is its absolute hypoallergenicity. Since it does not contain flour, it can be consumed by people who are gluten intolerant.

Vitamins PP and group B in funchose improve the functioning of the nervous and hematopoietic systems. Noodles are also rich in useful microelements: phosphorus, zinc, manganese and other substances. They promote the emergence of new cells and strengthen their membranes.

That’s why the people of Asia, who often eat funchose, look so young, and there are many long-livers among them. For cooks, starch noodles are a real find. After all, it does not have its own taste, so it goes well with any food - mushrooms, meat, fish, vegetables. In Asia, even desserts are made from funchose.

Students and tourists appreciate these noodles for their ease of preparation. After all, there are types of funchose that you just need to pour boiling water over and leave covered for three minutes to get an edible product.

We will tell you how to cook noodles from starch, as they say, from scratch. Is it possible to make dough for funchose at home?

Starchy noodles: how to cook them yourself

Of course, it is difficult to get mung beans in Russia. But the starch from this plant can be replaced with any other: from cassava, yams, sweet potatoes, corn, potatoes. The main thing is that the noodles should not contain flour. We will need to prepare:

  • Starch - 350 grams.
  • Eggs - three pieces.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Some warm water.

If you don’t have a special machine for shaping pasta, it’s better not to take on the job. Starch dough is very brittle and breaks easily. Rolling it into a thin layer will not work. Step-by-step instructions for preparing homemade funchose are given below:

  1. First, beat the eggs with salt. Add starch.
  2. Mix the dough. If it turns out too steep, add water. If it’s runny, add a little more starch.
  3. We tear off a piece of dough, sprinkle it with starch and pass it through the machine rollers to get a thin layer.
  4. Dry it on a towel.
  5. We pass it through the machine again, this time for cutting into thin threads.

These noodles can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar, protecting the product from excessive moisture.

Cooking funchose

There are many types of these noodles sold in stores. Just like spaghetti, it is divided according to the diameter of the pasta. This must be taken into account, since the cooking time depends on the thickness of the noodles.

It should be cooked according to the principle of any other pasta, that is, throw it into salted boiling water, and then drain the water and strain the noodles through a colander. But there are secrets here that you need to know.

How to cook starchy noodles so that they do not stick together into a dense lump? In stores, funchose is sold in the form of rings. The correct way to cook such products is as follows:

  1. Take a pan with a wide bottom. Let's pour water into it.
  2. Let's put it on fire. When it boils, add some salt.
  3. Let's thread a strong thread through the required number of funchose rings.
  4. Place the noodles in boiling water.

Here you should strictly follow the cooking instructions. There are thin (gossamer-like) noodles that do not need to be cooked at all.

It is poured with boiling water, allowed to swell under the lid, and then filtered. Other types of funchose are cooked for 3-4 minutes. To prevent the noodles from sticking together, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to boiling water.

Dishes with funchose. General rules

This product itself is tasteless. But it makes the perfect side dish that goes great with anything. There are many recipes using starchy noodles. Using any of them, you should first make the second component of the dish.

Ready-made funchose has one unpleasant feature: it dries quickly, so it cannot be stored for a long time.

If the finished funchose sits for a while (for example, while you prepare the gravy), it will lose its translucent appearance, darken, and become covered with a hard crust. If you are cooking noodles with sauce, remove the balls from the boiling water, shake them off on a string, and remove the rings directly into the gravy in the pan.

For other dishes (salads, desserts), funchose should be rinsed under running warm water. What can you say about the degree of readiness? Starchy noodles need to be cooked, like Italian pasta, until al dente.


It's time to present starch noodle recipes with photos of dishes. Perhaps the most famous dish is Korean japchae.

Residents of the Russian Far East have long borrowed this recipe from their southern neighbors, slightly modifying it. We will tell you how to cook real Korean japchae. This is how it is served in

  1. Finely chop two cloves of garlic and a few green onions.
  2. Mix in a bowl 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. Mirina.
  3. Add onion and garlic to this marinade.
  4. Cut beef without bones and veins (200 grams) into long thin strips. Marinate in the prepared liquid for half an hour.
  5. During this time, cut into thin strips six champignons, one carrot and onion, two pods of green or red pepper. You can add greens.
  6. Remove the meat from the marinade and fry for 5-7 minutes in sesame oil. Add carrots.
  7. After 5 minutes, place the remaining vegetables and mushrooms in the pan. Fry for another 5 minutes.
  8. Boil funchoza (200 grams) and add to meat and vegetables.
  9. Beat the egg and pour it into another frying pan. You can also prepare a thin layer of omelette.
  10. Let it cool and cut into strips. Let's decorate with chapchae with these ribbons.

Sakhalin recipe for starchy noodles with meat

Now let’s look at how the recipe for a Korean dish has changed in the Russian Far East. To prepare chapcha the Sakhalin style requires significantly less time and ingredients.

  1. Cut 200 grams of beef (but you can also use any other meat without bones, sinews or fat) as if it were beef stroganoff.
  2. Chop one carrot into cubes.
  3. Fry the meat for 10 minutes in vegetable oil. Add carrots.
  4. Continue to fry, stirring for another 10 minutes.
  5. Add half a bell pepper, cut into strips, to the pan.
  6. After five minutes, add four tablespoons of soy sauce and squeeze two cloves of garlic through a press.
  7. Salt and sprinkle with black pepper.
  8. Simmer covered for a few more minutes.
  9. Add boiled funchose (do not rinse it). Warm up the dish and serve.

You can sprinkle the finished dish with sesame seeds.

Funchoza with meat in a wok pan

Let's continue to embrace Asian culture. Let's try to cook starchy noodles with meat in Chinese. This dish requires a special frying pan with a curved bottom, where the middle is thin and the edges are thick. With such utensils, you can fry food until crispy, and then simmer it by pushing it to the wall. We will need:

  1. Cut 300 grams of beef into small pieces.
  2. Finely chop two carrots and an onion.
  3. Finely chop 2 cloves of garlic.
  4. Peel the radish and cut into thin strips.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
  6. Fry the meat in the center of the pan for about 5-7 minutes. Move it to the edges.
  7. Place all vegetables except garlic in the center. Fry for three minutes.
  8. Mix vegetables with meat.
  9. Add soy sauce to taste. Salt, add spices and garlic.
  10. At the same time, boil 500 grams of funchose.
  11. Add noodles to wok. Mix everything well and cook for another two minutes.

and funchose

This is how Chinese starch noodles are prepared. with other types of meat - chicken, turkey, pork. You just need to make sure that the vegetables are combined with the main ingredient. We will cook in a wok pan.

Carrots, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, leeks, celery root are suitable for chicken fillet, and fresh ginger (a piece 2 centimeters long), garlic and a little cayenne pepper are suitable as seasonings.

  1. First, fry the spices in oil.
  2. We catch the blackened garlic and ginger and throw it away.
  3. Fry the fillet cut into strips in aromatic oil.
  4. Move to the edge and place vegetables in the center of the pan. If there is not enough oil, add chicken broth.
  5. When the meat and vegetables are ready, add the cooked funchose and heat for a couple of minutes.

with shrimps

In the East, there are many recipes for starchy noodles with seafood. These are not only hot dishes, but also exotic salads.

  1. Boil 300 grams of shrimp and peel them.
  2. Chop a yellow bell pepper, a cucumber and two onions into strips, and finely chop a handful of cilantro leaves (you can add mint).
  3. Boil funchoza (100 grams), add salt to the water, but reserve.
  4. Wash our noodles and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Let's take 3-4 tablespoons of the water in which the funchose was cooked and make a salad dressing based on it. Add two tablespoons of sesame oil and lemon juice to it.
  6. Squeeze two cloves of garlic. Add a teaspoon of soy sauce and two pinches of curry.
  7. Boil this marinade for two minutes over high heat (it must be stirred constantly).
  8. Pour the marinade over the prepared salad. Sprinkle it with fresh cilantro.

Hot appetizer with red fish

Starchy noodles go well not only with seafood, but also with other gifts from the oceans and rivers. To prepare this appetizer, not only red fish, but also trout are suitable.

  1. We cut and fillet the fish. If necessary, cut into small pieces.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings and the carrots into strips.
  3. In a frying pan, heat a mixture of butter and vegetable oils, saute the vegetables until the onions are transparent.
  4. Add a teaspoon of sesame seeds.
  5. Once the aroma appears, place the fish in the pan. When it is completely cooked, add pre-boiled funchose.
  6. Add 1-2 teaspoons of soy sauce to the pan, add salt and sprinkle with spices.
  7. Heat the dish thoroughly and serve it to the table.

Vegetarian funchose

Vegetables and mushrooms will also be a great addition to starchy noodles. In Korean cuisine, this combination is often used in both hot dishes and salads. If you don’t have Asian, you can use regular champignons or oyster mushrooms.

  1. Chop the onion, carrot and sweet pepper into thin strips.
  2. Clean 200-300 grams of mushrooms and cut into slices.
  3. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onions and other vegetables separately.
  4. Boil the noodles and rinse them under cold water. For convenience, you can cut the funchose with scissors.
  5. Add noodles and vegetables to the remaining oil in the pan.
  6. Add a tablespoon of sesame seeds and oil. Add soy sauce to taste, salt and sprinkle with red pepper.
  7. Stir and heat under the lid for five minutes.

Funchoza with turkey

All starch dishes should also contain a large amount of vegetables.

  1. Cut 300 grams of green beans into 3-4 parts, and divide the broccoli into inflorescences.
  2. Cook these vegetables in salted water for 5 minutes.
  3. During this time, cut 200 grams of turkey fillet into longitudinal pieces.
  4. Fry it in vegetable oil until an appetizing crust forms.
  5. Add three tbsp to the pan. spoons of pine nuts and squeeze two cloves of garlic through a press. Mix.
  6. After five minutes, add the boiled vegetables and leeks cut into rings.
  7. After seven minutes of intensive stirring, add funchose and pour in soy sauce (to taste).

Dessert "Geisha"

In Asian cuisine, starch noodles are also used to prepare sweet dishes.

  1. Boil 200 g of funchose, pour it with a mixture of vegetable and nut oils (a tablespoon of each), set aside to cool.
  2. Cook syrup from 100 grams of sugar and a small amount of water.
  3. Cut the apple, peach and pineapple pulp into small cubes. Add the fruit to the boiling syrup and cook for seven minutes. Cool.
  4. Mix with funchose. Place into portioned bowls.
  5. Decorate the dessert with chopped almonds or walnuts.

This dish was made by my grandmother, then by my mother, now I am making my family happy, and I hope you will too starch noodle recipe like it. This is a great, light, simple, and at the same time very tasty first course, perfect for young and old. First you need to bake loaves - that’s what my grandmother called pancakes made with potato starch. Perhaps you call them something else, but that doesn’t change the essence of the matter.

You need:

100 gr. milk

3 tablespoons starch

It is better to bake loaves in a dry frying pan; only for the first pancake you can grease the frying pan with oil. Try not to overcook the loaves.

My household eats these noodles two servings at a time. They are even ready to give up the second one. Try it too. So light starch noodle recipe Simply great for children, and adults love it just as much. Eat to your health and praise my granny :).



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