Beautiful design for pies made from yeast dough. Festive cutting of dough. What are the different shapes of pies?

Homemade pies, like any baked goods, cooked with soul, with your own hands, are much tastier than store-bought ones. But the purchased product captivates us with its external beauty. All sorts of frills, a braid running along the edge, dough lace, and sometimes entire flower arrangements on the top of the product make us believe that it will taste as irresistible as it looks. But why don't we experiment and learn the art of baking decoration? Today we will talk about how to decorate a pie. Photos will help us in this simple matter. Believe me, our grandmothers, when decorating loaves of bread, did not have in their kitchen special presses and other devices that the workshops of confectionery factories have. And their pies turned out oh so beautiful and delicious! Let’s turn on our aesthetic sense and get started. We will definitely succeed. Maybe not the first time...

Curly edges

The easiest way to decorate a pie is to create a spectacular border. There are several methods for this. Curly edges can be made with a regular fork. Using a sharp knife, cut the top layer of dough flush with the baking pan. Press the edge with a fork. Let's do this along the entire border. The grooved edge of the cake can be made, in the truest sense of the word, with your bare hands. A neat frill is quite easy to create. Before putting the cake in the oven, place the index finger of one hand on the outside of the pan. Let's press. And from the inside we grasp this section of dough with the thumb and forefinger of the second hand. The distance between the frills should be five millimeters. And if you clasp the index finger of the first with your second hand more tightly, you will get not delicate frills, but corrugated grooves. Having mastered such a simple technique as grooved edges, let's try to complicate the task. Let's make a twisted border for our culinary masterpiece.

“Danube waves” and braid

Even the simplest pie will look impressive if its edges are decorated with a twisted frill. To create it, you need to place your thumb at an angle to the edge of the top layer of dough. Then grab the edge and press it between your index knuckle. A small groove will appear. You need to put your thumb in it and pinch the dough. Pull up a little. Now that we know how to decorate the cake with “Danube waves”, we can move on to a more complex task - the braid. For this you need elastic dough. It can be the same as the base of the pie. Cut the dough into thin strips. We braid them. Lightly moisten the edges with water, yolk, or simply a lightly shaken egg. Place the braid around the perimeter of the product and press lightly. Attention: do not make this decoration too high, otherwise the dough may dry out too much when baking.

How to beautifully decorate the side of a pie

We have already talked about the design of the upper edges of the product. Now let's think about its sides. This is especially true in cases where the cake sticks a little to the pan. How to disguise these defective sides? In cakes, cream comes to our rescue. How to decorate the pie? To cover its side part, you can make a braid. It will turn out to be not a pie at all, but a beautiful basket. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut thin strips from it. We weave a basket. If desired, the dough strips can also be turned over on their axis. This will create spectacular spirals. Professional chefs have special roller cutters for dough, which makes the strips come out with curly or grooved edges. These basket pies look great with fruit or berry filling. The mushroom filling is in harmony with the decoration of “autumn leaves”. But we'll talk about this later.

Kulebyak decoration

Covered pies, such as calzones, also have the right to be decorated. If we are sure that the filling will behave quietly in the oven and will not spill out through the holes, we can create a lace top for such kulebyaki. Cover the minced meat with dough. We pinch the edges. Then, using a special notch (but you can also use an ordinary knife with a sharp edge), we cut out frequent triangular or round small holes. Through such a colander the filling will look appetizing. If we make triangular cuts in the top layer of dough, we can pull the edge and tuck it back. Here are some more ideas on how to decorate your pie simply and tastefully. Using scissors, we will cut the edge of the product and bend the pieces of dough outward and inward in a checkerboard pattern. Or simply use a fork to apply a pattern to the surface of the kulebyaki. In this case, the cloves should be held at an angle and change position to the right, then to the left. Then you will get a pattern in the shape of a herringbone.

Flower-shaped compositions

Let’s hone our “sculptural” skills further. Now, as we promised above, we will learn how to decorate a yeast dough pie with a border of “autumn leaves.” You need to have two koloboks to prepare the treat. Roll out the larger one into a layer and place it on the bottom of the mold. Place the filling. We cut the dough flush with the edge of our form. The second layer should be rolled out very thin - no more than two millimeters wide. Using a cookie cutter or by hand, cut out leaves (flowers or other shapes). For greater similarity, use the back of a knife to press through the veins on the plants. Grease the edge of the pie pan with water, egg or just yolk. This food grade glue will securely hold the decorations in place when baking. We apply the cut out figures to the base and press them. You can also decorate the side surface of the cake with “leaves” or a flower arrangement.

Working with color

All of the above decor ideas are monochrome. That is, when baked, the decorations will come out the same color as the pie itself. Except that the sharp edges will turn out darker and crispier. But how to decorate a pie with dough to achieve polychrome? At least so that the decorative details are lighter than the base? For this purpose, protein dough is used. It is almost white and retains this shade even when baked. Using food coloring, you can create a real colored cake. And for a traditional loaf, where the base has a ruddy tint and the decorations are soft creamy, ordinary protein dough is suitable. You can achieve two colors in one simple way. Before baking, grease the pie with water and the decorative parts with yolk. Then the finished product will acquire the convexity and relief of the applications applied to it.

Protein dough recipe

It is very simple to prepare, and products made from it are perfectly attached to the yeast base. Sift five hundred grams of premium white flour into a mixer bowl. Add a glass of chilled egg whites (250 g). Turn on the mixer at low speed. Knead until the dough becomes elastic. Roll it out and cut out the decorative details. Attention: protein dough dries quickly, causing it to lose its elasticity. If you do not expect to work with it right away, you should wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. If you cut out decorations in advance but did not use them, wrap the board with cling film and grease it with sunflower oil. Carefully arrange the figures. Cover from drying with another layer of film.

"Autumn leaves"

By experimenting with the lubricant of the product, you can achieve different shades of beige. And in this art our available means will be water, milk, egg (or yolk) and sugar. The more of this sweet ingredient, the more ruddy and even redder (just like in autumn!) our leaves will turn out. To make the caramel smooth and bright, you need to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved in the milk. Apply thick syrup to some “maple leaves”. Lubricate “oak” or “linden” branches with yolk. You can knead protein dough and cut out wheat ears from it. Apply a little water to the base with your finger. We apply decorative elements to it and press it a little - we already talked about this when we explained how to decorate a pie with dough. You can send a photo of the finished loaf to the competition - the culinary masterpiece will turn out so beautiful.

Form as a decorative element

Even an ordinary cutlet in dough can turn into an amazing pie if you know the approach. After all, the original shape of the product is already decoration. Here is one of the simplest ideas on how to decorate a pie at home. Take a layer of puff pastry without yeast. Roll it out thinly into a square. Mix the minced meat (meat or fish) and form a cutlet. Dip it in the egg, then roll it in breadcrumbs. Place this cutlet in the middle and diagonally of the puff square. We cut the dough that protrudes from under the filling into thin strips. Leave untouched those corners of the square that are at the top and bottom of the cutlet. We intertwine the strips overlapping over the filling, giving the pie the image of a fish. We turn one corner of the square into a head, decorating it with peppercorns instead of an eye. And the second one will be the tail. Use a knife to halve the end of the square and push the ends apart. Lubricate the product with yolk and go into the oven.

How to decorate a pie made from yeast dough for a large company

Inviting guests for tea? Then one small pie will not be enough. To make the tea table rich and varied (and most importantly, memorable), you need to prepare a lot of baked goods. And unite it all with a common idea. One concept for how to decorate a yeast cake is called "Sunflower". Let's form a round base. Let's put the filling on it. If it is dark in color, cover it with a top layer of dough, which we then cut frequently. We have already gone through this method of decorating the top of the product with “openwork lace”. If the filling is light, simply cover it with a mesh of very narrow strips of dough. Let's make pies. They can have different fillings, but they must have the same shape - like sunflower petals. Place the pies radially around the main pie with the expectation that the yeast dough will increase in volume during proofing and baking. To prevent the petals from sticking together into a monolith, you need to leave enough space between them. Lubricate the round center with very sweet tea. Pies are made with a scrambled egg.

In conclusion

Above we have given only a few basic methods for decorating baked goods. If you have a developed imagination and a desire to create, you can create real culinary miracles. Plastic yeast dough is especially amenable to sculptural modeling. For decorative elements it needs to be made tighter. And finally, one more idea on how to decorate a yeast pie beautifully. Line the mold with a thin layer of dough. We fill it with rolls, placing them tightly to each other. This pie filled with curlicue buns looks very impressive.

An elegant festive loaf often replaces even traditional cakes. Not everyone knows how to decorate a pie made from yeast dough without spending a lot of time on it and most often leave the product undecorated, believing that this requires special skills.

Quick and effective decoration of pies with dough

The yeast product must be decorated in its raw form. To obtain pattern details from dough, simple cutting methods are used:

  • rolling out;
  • cutting;
  • notching;
  • twisting;
  • interlacing stripes, etc.

No pastry chef skills are required to perform these steps. By combining several methods, it is possible to obtain unusual, beautiful pies that can decorate the most festive table.

A beautiful combination of roses and ears of corn can decorate baked goods for both an everyday table and a holiday. Making several flowers and adding spikelets to them is so easy that it won’t take extra time when cutting up a sweet pie. The effect of decoration will make the delicacy even tastier. To decorate the pies, you need to set aside a small piece of dough while cutting.

When the pie is assembled, roll out the remaining dough into a thin layer (no more than 1 cm thick). For 2 roses you will need to cut 3-5 identical circles (using a glass or a notch). Place the parts side by side, overlapping the adjacent circle to approximately 1/3 of the diameter. Carefully roll all the circles into a single roll and cut it crosswise with a sharp knife. Ready roses can be used immediately for decoration. Depending on the type of pie, there are options for cutting roses:

  • alternate circles of dough and sausage;
  • Place a thin slice of apple on each circle, cutting out the core;
  • Sprinkle mugs with sugar before rolling.

The second decorative detail on the pie is the spikelets. You can make them from leftover dough:

  • cut the layer into strips 1.5-2 cm wide and about 10 cm long;
  • finely cut the edge of the strip diagonally with the end of the knife, cut the other side in the opposite direction, in a herringbone pattern;
  • stretch slightly in length and decorate the pie lid.

Long ribbons with notches, as for spikelets, are often used to form a rim along the edge.

You can decorate a yeast cake with simple zigzag stripes. This decor is more often used for open and closed pies, hiding the junction of the edges of the dough along the perimeter of the product. Zigzags are easiest to make with a special dough cutting device. It has a wavy edge and, when cut into strips, forms a zigzag cut. But in the absence of such a device, decorating pies is easy to do with your own hands:

  • roll out a thin layer of dough and cut a strip 2-3 cm wide;
  • cut the edge evenly by 2/3 of the width, placing the slots perpendicular to the edge;
  • the distance between the cuts should be the same and approximately 2-3 cm;
  • Having finished cutting one side, make the same cuts on the opposite side, placing them between the ones already made;
  • By stretching the strip, we get a beautiful, uniform zigzag.

Zigzag decorative elements can be made from oval or round parts using the same technology. Such zigzags are used to decorate small pies or buns.

Hearts are made in 3 ways:

  1. The easiest way is to use a cookie cutter. The required number of elements is cut out from a thinly rolled layer. The layer with heart holes can also be used to decorate a closed pie. By combining holes and figures placed between them, it is possible to achieve a three-dimensional pattern.
  2. Roll out the dough sausage to the thickness of your finger or a little more. Cut it lengthwise, leaving 1 whole tip. Move the cut halves apart and connect over the solid end.
  3. Roll out the same sausage, fold it in half and glue the ends. Using a sharp knife, cut along the fold side, dividing the loop into 2 parts. Unfold them cut side up. For a large heart (for example, a bun), instead of a simple sausage, make a roll with sugar filling from the dough.

Classic basket

Sometimes they make decor, which, depending on the density, can be both a lattice and a lid. This is an easy-to-make braid. It is considered a traditional way to decorate a covered pie. The braiding is done like this:

  • cut many strips with a smooth or wavy edge;
  • strips are laid parallel across the cake at an arbitrary distance from each other;
  • attach 1 edge of each strip to 1 side of the pie;
  • lifting the strips through one, lay the transverse part of the braid;
  • changing the location of the longitudinal strips, place the next one (the lower parts pass above it, the upper ones - under it);
  • Continue weaving until the entire pie is covered.

Finally, you need to cut off the protruding ends of the strips and glue them to the edge of the pie. When figuring out how to make a mesh for an open product, place the strips of braid at a distance 2-3 times greater than their width.

Dough spiral

A simple but effective decoration is made from a straight strip. The dough should be rolled out thinly (no more than 0.5 cm) and a strip 1.5 cm wide should be cut. It is best to make long pieces without joining.

The strip is laid on the pie, twisting into a spiral from the center of the circle. While forming the figure, use your fingers to turn the strip itself, giving it a spiral appearance and in the longitudinal direction.

It is convenient to decorate an open pie with jam or fresh berries only around the edge. When the dough is laid out in the mold, the edge is carefully trimmed along the edge and then decorated using simple techniques:

  • Using the edge of a spoon, press the dough evenly, decorating it with thin arcs;
  • press the tines of a fork into the dough around the circumference evenly or at an angle relative to the edge;
  • Use your thumb to make even indentations around the mold;
  • Using a cookie cutter, cut out circles with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm or the same leaves, hearts, etc., and glue to the edge;
  • With the finger of one hand, press the edge of the dough between the thumb and forefinger of the other, shaping the pie in a wave or zigzag;
  • cut the edge into short strips 1-1.5 cm around the perimeter and bend them through 1 to the center.


Cookie cutters are used to make flowers. They come in different sizes and allow you to make lush flower corollas of 2-3 tiers. Having rolled out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm, cut out pieces of different sizes and place them on top of each other, moistening the center with water. Finally, press the top flower with your finger or press a raisin into it.


Braids are woven in the traditional way by connecting 3 thin strips of dough. You can decorate the edge of the pie with a braid or add it to the pattern on the lid.

Autumn leaf fall

Using dough cutters, make a variety of leaves (maple, etc.). Arrange them beautifully along the edge or along the entire lid, add a layer of dough with leaf holes. You can use the leaves to completely form the lid of the pie by folding the leaves over the surface of the filling, overlapping each other.


An option that is performed in the same way as a leaf pattern. You can use different sized cookie cutters.


To make a honeycomb lattice, use a small hexagonal cookie cutter. The rows of holes should be placed evenly throughout the pie lid.


To decorate closed pies, use openwork napkins made of PVC or crocheted, with a well-defined relief. To make a beautiful lid, roll out a layer of dough, put a napkin on top and roll it with a rolling pin, squeezing out the ornament. An option would be to apply a pattern using a special rolling pin with a carved surface.

Beautiful pastries. Unusual ideas for folding dough

Pies and rolls can not only be decorated on top, but also the dough can be immediately molded into unusual and beautiful products. The most common folding methods are larks, Viennese buns, croissants, etc. Using special techniques for cutting dough, you can make your own pastries in a variety of shapes.

Wicker sun

To make a beautiful pie from yeast dough in the shape of the sun, you will need a bowl or bowl of small diameter (about 10 cm) and a sharp knife. Place some of the filling in the center of the round cake in the form of a ball with a diameter no larger than the size of the bowl. Place the remaining parts with a roller at a short distance from the edge along the entire circumference.

Roll out the second layer of dough and cover the filling. Pinch the edges of the pie well. Place an inverted bowl in the center, slightly stretching the dough over the entire ball of filling. Press down so that the layers of dough stick. Cut around the circumference of the part with a roll of filling to the edge of the container placed in the middle. Rotate each piece 90°.

Having mastered a simple version, you can make a sun roll. Form a simple long roll, roll it into a circle and join the edges. Cut into slices like the rays in the previous version. Unfold 2 adjacent slices, and move every third one to the center of the roll. When the molding is complete, decorate the middle with a rose.

Hedgehogs, cones, piglets or bunnies are formed according to general principles:

  • make round or oval buns;
  • form a muzzle, pulling the nose a little, and decorate it with a patch of dough or just a ball (for a hedgehog and a hare), for a cone, make a twig from a strip of dough;
  • Using kitchen scissors, cut the entire surface of the dough, forming hedgehog needles or scales of cones, and for bunnies and piglets, make 2 cuts each in the head area;
  • If desired, add raisin eyes, add paws, tails, etc.

Sausage chess

An unusual way to cut sausages in dough is a pie that resembles a chessboard. You only need to prepare 1 layer, rolling it out to a thickness of about 1 cm. Cut it into neat, even strips, slightly short of the edge. Lift the strips through one and place the sausage, covering it with the raised strips. Lift up the strips that were previously at the bottom and place the second sausage. Do this until the cake is shaped to the desired size. On its surface you will get a braided pattern of dark and light squares.

Cheesecakes in the form of bast shoes are baked on Maslenitsa. Holiday pies will require a little more work when cutting than plain pies. First you need to weave large wicker “mats” from strips of dough. Their shape is a narrow and long rectangle with an aspect ratio of 1:3. We do this:

  • cut the material for weaving: ribbons 1 cm wide;
  • lift the long odd stripes and bend them upward (away from you);
  • put the short one, cover it with bent strips, lift the even ones, put the cross one, cover it;
  • lifting the even and even stripes alternately to form a braid.

Prepare a paper template resembling the letter T. Cut out a piece from the wicker according to this stencil. Make a border along the edge of the long part from scraps of dough (roll into a sausage). Place the filling on the long part up to the crossbar. Lift the free part of the braid, cover the filling up to about ½ of the length of the bast shoe, tuck the edges under the product.


You can shape buns into flowers in different ways. A simple option is roses made from circles of dough, as for decorating pies.

For a more complex version, roll out circles with a diameter of about 10 cm, place prunes or other filling in the center of each. Bring the edges of the dough up to form 5 petals and lightly pinch them together in the center. Using kitchen scissors, cut each petal crosswise, from the fold to the middle. The flowers can be fried in a large amount of oil, like brushwood, or baked in the oven.

It is not difficult to form a large flower: place several round buns with or without filling along the edge of the round base. Cut the base along radii from the center. You need to lift the triangles and wrap the pies so as to cover the joints of the dough balls.

Lush roll

A beautiful kalach, wrapped with filling, also resembles a flower or the sun. Roll out the rectangle and cut it into even strips about ½ of the width. Place the filling on the whole part and fold the edge towards the cut part. The ribbons need to be wrapped around the resulting roller or roll and the ends hidden under the product. Roll the workpiece into a circle with a hole in the middle and connect the edges.

Layered flowers

This cutting looks most impressive when the layers of dough are thin and the filling between them is dark. A layer cake should be made from round layers, sandwiching and stacking them. Leaving the middle intact, divide the circle into an even number of petals, cutting the workpiece along the radii. After this, each pair of adjacent petals is twisted along the axis towards each other. Connect the corners and move on to the next pair.

Birthday cake- not only a delicious dish that the hostess is proud of. This pie is full of creativity! Even if you are preparing a delicacy just like that, and not for a special occasion, you can give it an absolutely delicious look. All you need is a little inspiration.

If suddenly your imagination refuses to come up with baking decorations, Nothing wrong with that. See what you can do with your patience and perseverance. Some options are not at all complicated, but still look very impressive. Check out these cake decorating ideas for irresistible inspiration!

How to decorate a pie in an original way

  1. Braids look really cool and anyone can do them.
  2. Another option with a braid is very good for savory pies.

  3. Zigzags look original, especially if done carefully.

  4. A delicate and romantic pie can be made by anyone who is not too lazy to cut out a little dough. It's quite simple...

  5. Cutting out hearts with cookie cutters and lining the top of the pie is a great idea. For people who are in love with each other and with pies.

  6. Hole pie is a very cozy, truly homey look.

  7. It couldn’t be simpler: you can cut any pie with circles of dough, and it will immediately become elegant.

  8. Making these leaves takes time, but it's worth it.

  9. Dough patterns are top notch, but why not try it?

  10. It’s easy to arrange pieces of dough in such a simple pattern, but the result is a very impressive look.
  11. Everyone will like this frame. A wonderful base for a filled pie!

  12. A simple and very profitable way to decorate a pie is to use cookie cutters. Option with flowers.
  13. You can choose more original cookie cutters like these.

  14. There are many devices for decorative cutting of dough, and there are even more options for decoration.

  15. Creativity always produces the best results!

Please yourself and your loved ones with such beauty. Keep in mind that the more beautiful it will be

You have made dough for buns, pies and pretzels, but you don’t know how to cut the dough so that the baked goods turn out beautiful - see step-by-step photos.

Beautiful buns

Cutting "Orchid": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, connect the cut strips in the center.

Cutting "Peony": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, fold the triangle with other corners, make cuts. Unfold the square and connect the cut strips in the center. Place the filling into the flower petals.

Cutting "Curls": roll out the layer, season with filling, roll into rolls on both sides, cut across.

Baking cutter “Rose”: roll a bun, roll out a circle, make 4 cuts at equal intervals, put the filling in the middle, roll the rose petals one by one.

Butter “Bows”: roll into koloboks, roll out circles, fold the circle in half, make 4 external and 3 internal cuts.

A simple flower made from yeast dough: roll the sausages, connect them into rings, put the filling on the two walls inside the ring, connect them in the center, as shown in the photo.

Beautiful puff pastry Kalach: roll a bun out of it, roll out a circle, grease with filling, roll into a roll, cut the roll lengthwise, twist two puff ribbons together, connect the ends to make a roll.

How to make “Piglets” from rich yeast dough. Roll out the circle, make a small cut on top, bend the corners - ears. We sculpt the piglet's piglet at the bottom, bending the edge and flattening it a little. The piglets' eyes are made of raisins.

Butter "Mushrooms": A circle is rolled out, which is then cut into pieces (see photo) and laid out in the shape of mushrooms.

"Croissants". Roll out the circle and cut it into triangles, cutting from the center to the outer edge. A cut is made on the outer side of the triangle in the middle and the filling is laid out at its end. The croissant is rolled up from the outer edge to the center.

Bun “Bird”: Roll the sausage, wrap one edge around your index finger and thread it into the resulting ring. Using a small pinch, press the dough into a beak shape. The tail needs to be flattened and cuts made, giving the appearance of feathers. The eyes are the highlight.

Here are simple versions of beautiful buns made from sausages. By the way, even a child can make such forms. Involve the little ones in this fun baking process. At the same time, you will develop fine motor skills and imagination.

How to decorate pies

Flower cake decoration: Roll out the layer into a round shape, place a bun of filling in the center. Carefully distribute the rest of the filling around the circle, leaving space from the edges and the central bun. Cover the top with another layer of dough. Using a small bowl or tea cup, press the edges around the center filling. Trim the outer edges with an openwork knife. Then evenly cut the dough with the filling that goes along the outer ring. Turn each “petal” slightly so the filling is facing up.

Cutting a loaf of bread. Roll the flagella into sausages and weave them into a loaf, as shown in the step-by-step instructions in the photo.

Here are the options for decorating the edge of the pie.

Cutting the dough “Pigtail” or “Spikelet”

The simplest version of “Pigtails”. A rectangle is cut out of the rolled out dough layer and a longitudinal cut is made in the center. Then, one edge is threaded through the resulting hole several times. This way the edges curl into a spiral. The filling is placed in the center.

"Pigtail with sausage". Three sausages are connected at the top edges. Then a slice of sausage is placed between them. Intertwined like a braid. The right harness is placed between the left and the center, then the left is placed between the right (which is now on the left) and the center (which is on the right). Again, a slice of sausage is placed and the braiding continues.

Sausage in “Pigtail” dough. This delicacy is sometimes called “Obzhorka” in culinary shops. The sausage is placed in the center of the dough cake. Then the edges are stuck to each other, and the sausage wrapped in dough is cut into equal parts. Each polka is turned sausage side up and placed one after another on different sides from the middle. Place in the oven when half cooked. Sprinkle cheese, herbs on top, grease with mayonnaise or ketchup (optional). And finish baking until ready.

Beautiful bun “Spikelet”. This type of baking is simple to make and looks very beautiful. Roll out a thin layer, grease with vegetable oil or egg, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (poppy seeds). We roll the roll, which we then cut with scissors slightly obliquely, as shown in the photo. We put the resulting “spikelets” into one large beautiful bun.

And this is a simple pigtail with poppy seeds. The sausage is covered with poppy seeds and cut with scissors, placing the petals on different sides.

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