A brief dictionary of paronyms. The most complete dictionary of paronyms for the Unified State Exam Oily - oily - oily - oily

Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the modern Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1994. - 455 p.

The dictionary contains more than 200 paronymic series.

Sample dictionary entry


WEEKDAY,adj. Not holiday, work. Weekday evening.One weekday morning, my grandfather and I were shoveling snow in the yard. M. Gorky. Childhood.

EVERYDAY,adj.1. Not holiday, work. Weekday evening.When he took a taxi to Tsvetnoy Boulevard and from here walked towards Petrovka, it was a weekday hour before noon with a chaotic and senseless crowd of people on the streets. Yu. Bondarev. A game. 1a. Designed for everyday use. Everyday clothes. Everyday shoes.And who among the literary fraternity in his time did not he [the poet Belousov] sew simple everyday suits, jackets, fur coats, pants. N. Teleshov. Notes of a writer. 1b. Everyday, ordinary. Everyday work. Everyday worries.A bridge between art and nature, as well as a bridge between art and everyday lifekey characteristics of Japanese culture. V. Ovchinnikov. Sakura branch. The most everyday concern was written on both their faces. A. Chekhov. Lights. Most people do not bother themselves with choosing the most appropriate word in everyday, everyday speech. S. Marshak. Notes on craftsmanship.

2. Peren. Monotonous; hopeless, joyless. Everyday life.From one ordinary, everyday environment it would be necessary to carry her away into another equally or even more everyday one. A. Chekhov. About love. His [Shakespeare's] life turns out to be dull and mundane for such a name. B. Pasternak. Notes on translations of Shakespeare. And since this autumn it has faded. Her life fell into that everyday rut, from which she never emerged until the very end. I. Bunin. Sukhodol.

. Weekday. Weekday(s), day, time, hour, evening, time...

Everyday. 1. Everyday day, hour, time, time, morning, evening...

1a. Everyday (s, s, s) suit, clothes, shoes, shoes, scarf, dress...

1b. Everyday work, work, business, occupation, worries, routine, assignment, side (of something)...

2. Everyday life, life, environment, existence, atmosphere, voice, response...

To be, to become, to become, to be... everyday. What? everyday, everyday.

▲ Adjective weekday defines a very limited range of words denoting the concept of time.

Adjective everyday in the 1st digit (with shades 1a, 16) is combined with various groups of words, conc. and abstract, does not form phrases with soul. nouns. In the 2nd digit. everyday determines only abstraction. nouns Adjectives weekday And everyday in the 1st digit in combination with nouns denoting concepts of time, they form synonymous constructions: cf. weekday (hour)weekday (hour). More common are combinations with everyday.

Vishnyakova O.V. Dictionary of paronyms of the Russian language. - M.: Russian language, 1984. - 352 p.

The dictionary contains about 1,000 pairs of paronyms.

Sample dictionary entry

Krasnykh V.I. Explanatory dictionary of paronyms in the Russian language: 1,100 paronymic rows: More than 2,600 paronyms. - M.: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003. - 589, p.

Paronymic rows in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order according to the first component of the row. The dictionary entry contains grammatical and stylistic characteristics of paronyms, as well as illustrations. The dictionary includes an “Index of paronymic series” and an “Auxiliary index of paronyms.”

Sample dictionary entries


To know, owls(to know, nesov.). 1. Someone or something. To acquire knowledge, to gain a true understanding of someone; to comprehend, to know completely. Learn the laws of nature and society. To know the essence of something. phenomena. Know a friend in need. Experience life. Get to know someone soul.

2. What. Experience, experience. Experience the joy of victory. Experience the bitterness of defeat and retreat. Experience the happiness of motherhood. Experience the betrayal of a loved one.

To know, owls(learn, nesov.) 1. What, what about And with add. Get some information, news about someone. Find out the whole truth. Find out someone's address. Find out the latest news. Find out about your brother's illness. Find out about the cost of a tour package to Italy. She learned from the newspapers that the La Scala theater would soon be coming on tour. Find out when and where the veterans' meeting will take place.

2. someone or something And with add. Experience, know, understand to the end. To know each other better. Discover the joy of motherhood. It's good to know smb. character. Recognize grief and need. Find out what true friendship is. Find out what the price of human life is.

3. Someone or something. Detect in smth. acquaintance, smth. familiar; identify, recognize someone. according to some signs. Recognize a former classmate in a passerby. Find out old places. Find out someone's voice, handwriting. Find out a popular melody. The boy easily recognized the new make of car.

4. Whom. See someone for the first time, get to know someone. In Moscow she met many new people. Everyone will soon recognize this man.


Tale,-A, husband.1. An epic work of oral folk art about events of the past or present, in which the narration is told on behalf of the narrator. A tale of folk heroes. A Tale of a Great Battle. Ural tales. Northern tales.

2. The form of narration on behalf of the narrator in a literary work, as well as the literary work itself in this form. A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" is written in the manner of a tale. Tales of P. Bazhov.

Legend,-I, Wed A story, legend, expressed in literary form, written or oral. The legend of the Massacre of Mamayev. The legend of Batu's invasion of Russian soil.

Fairy tale,-And, wives1. A narrative work of oral folk art about fictional events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces; literary work of such content and form. Fairy tales. Russian folk tales. Tales of the peoples of the world. Everyday tales. The Tale of the Frog Princess. The Tale of Ivanushka the Fool. "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A. Pushkin. Tales of G. Andersen. Write and tell stories.

2. Usually plural:fairy tales, fairy tales Razg. Fiction, fable. Don't tell me stories! These are all children's fairy tales / I don't believe these women's tales!

Kolesnikov N.P. Dictionary of paronyms and antonyms. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1995. - 512 p.

The “Dictionary of Paronyms” includes 3,000 units, the “Dictionary of Antonyms” - more than 1,300 pairs of words. The dictionary also contains information about the phenomenon of paronymy in the Russian language, paronyms and antonyms.

Sample dictionary entries


Binary- based on counting in twos.

Double- 1. Consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts or objects; same as twofold. 2. Twice as large, doubled. 3. Same as dual.

Dual- 1. One that contains two different qualities, often contradicting each other; lacking unity, contradictory. 2. Two-faced. 3. Concerning two, two; manifested in two types, forms, etc.

Double- manifested in two forms; double.


Wedding- the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.

Matchmaker- a woman professionally engaged in arranging marriages and matchmaking.


Inhale- absorb, draw in when inhaling, inhaling air.

Exhale- use your breath to push the air out of your lungs.

son-in-law - Father-in-law

Son-in-law- daughter's husband.

Father-in-law- wife's father.

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FULL analysis of task 5 FOR the exam 2018

In Russian

Test your strength: decide without delving into theory!

Task formulation:

WRONG chosen word.

1. Malyuta Skuratov, the favorite guardsman of Ivan the Terrible, was distinguished by his sharp mind, cruelty and PREDATORY sparkle in the eyes.

2. ICE The palace, built by order of Anna Ioannovna in St. Petersburg, became the venue for a clownish wedding.

3. In The Tale of Bygone Years, Nestor describes UNSUCCESSFUL Prince Igor's campaign against the Polovtsians in 1185.

4. Mitrofan, the main character of Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor,” a classic example IGNORANTS in Russian literature

5. In 1957 the first ARTIFICIAL The Earth satellite, invented by Korolev, was launched into space.

Test yourself: find out the right one
The answer is on the next page!


*Explanation: predatory ¾ profit-seeking exploiting others (about a person): predatory gleam of eyes, predatory official;

Predatory ¾ based on oppression, robbing someone: predatory habits, predatory tendencies.

What is the secret to success in solving task No. 5?

1. It is important to remember that paronyms¾ these are words, similar in sound, but having different lexical meaning: addressee ¾ addressee, put on ¾ put on, etc..

2. Members of paronymic pairs are in different words.

* For example, you need to determine in what meaning in a sentence instead of the word ETERNAL must be consumed CENTURY?

1) Petya Trofimov was called “ ETERNAL student."

2) ETERNAL The oak amazed us with its beauty and grandeur.

3) The documents were prepared for archiving at ETERNAL storage.

4) Compassion and humanity are ETERNAL life values.

How to learn to distinguish paronyms?

1) Need formulate lexical meaning for each of the words, choose synonyms:

· Century-old ¾ living, existing for centuries, for a very long time;

· Eternal ¾ endless in time, having neither beginning nor end.

2) Compose with these paronyms phrases so that there is no doubt about the choice of word:

· Century-old oak (oak, living century), centuries-old traditions (traditions that have existed for a very long time)

· Eternal values (unchanging), eternal student (constant), eternal storage (unlimited)

! Necessarily read the information from "paronym dictionary" to be fully prepared for the Unified State Exam !

THE MOST COMPLETE dictionary of paronyms for the Unified State Exam

Be sure to remember a couple of the most popular paronyms!

Now try to solve task number 5 again!

Task formulation:

In one of the sentences below WRONG The highlighted word is used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write it down chosen word.

Task No. 1.

1. Flooding from jam-type floods, which little depend on the water level of the year, should EXPECT in April and May.

2. There is a proven method for cleaning short-pile fur: dirty fur should be wiped with hot mashed potatoes, and then thoroughly SHAKE AWAY.

3. The greatest misunderstanding of Moscow SUBSCRIPTIONS necessitates paying a subscription fee for using the line.

4. The new company was registered under beautiful, SOUNDING name.

5. Under it HARD With a glance, everything became uncomfortable.

Task No. 2.

1. To prepare a marinade for fish baked in coals, you need SHAKE AWAY seeds from four to five cardamom pods, add a pinch of saffron and grind them in a mortar and salt.

2. The girl with a sharp movement threw her bangs off her forehead and unexpectedly calmly and CONFIDENTLY looked into Alexey's eyes.

3. ISSUANCE Skating is carried out if the visitor to the skating rink has a passport or any other document that can be left as collateral.

4. Analysts claim that in the coming year the securities market can EXPECT significant changes.

5. CHOOSE one direction or another, navigate strictly by the compass.

Test yourself!

The first thing you should do in preparation for the Unified State Exam 2020 is to study the dictionary of paronyms with meanings from FIPI. This is a list of paronyms used in preparation for

To quickly search, click Ctrl+F.



Subscription– the right to use something (or a document granting this right) for a certain period: a subscription to the pool.

Subscriber– a person or institution that has a subscription: a telephone network subscriber.

Destination– the person or organization to whom the postal item is addressed (recipient).

Addressee– the person or organization sending the postal item (sender).

Artistic– relating to the artist; intended for the artist; characteristic of an artist, an artist, characteristic of him.

Artistic- distinguished by artistry, artistic taste.

Poor– having very meager income, poor or indigent; having a lack of something, meager; unhappy, arousing compassion, pity.

Disastrous- full of disasters and hardships.

Meek– not receiving, not giving an answer, response to something; unable to object, contradict, very meek.

Irresponsible– not bearing or not recognizing responsibility.

Marshy– abounding in swamps, swampy; swampy, like a swamp.
Bolotny– related to the swamp, characteristic of it; intended for work in a swamp, movement through a swamp, etc.; living, growing in a swamp.

Grateful- feeling or experiencing gratitude.

Thanksgiving– containing, containing gratitude, appreciation: letter of thanks, telegram.

Charitable– aimed at providing material assistance to those in need.

Beneficial- useful, having a good effect.

Experienced- seen and experienced a lot.
Former– currently not holding any position.

Former- past, past.

Reckless- done without thought or consideration.
Beloved- beloved, dear.

Reckless– huge, boundless, boundless.

Inhale– each individual intake of air into the lungs, each individual inhalation: a deep breath.
Sigh- increased inhalation and exhalation: a sigh escaped.

Century-old– living, existing for centuries, for a very long time, unchanging, permanent: centuries-old oaks, centuries-old forest; centuries-old traditions, customs;

Eternal- infinite in time, having neither beginning nor end, not ceasing to exist, indefinite, not having a deadline. - eternal human values,
eternal problems.

Great- surpassing any level, outstanding. Great composer, great musician.

Majestic- full of grandeur, solemn beauty, large in size. A majestic building, a majestic monument.

Replenish– reimburse.

Add- add new data to what others have said, make it more complete by adding to something.

Top up- to increase by adding something new to something existing

Hostile- full of hostility, hatred.

Hostile- relating to the enemy, enemy, adversary.

Benefit– benefit, advantage.

Profitability– availability of benefits; positivity that leaves a good impression.

Issue– issued money, goods.

Recoil– the same as efficiency, benefit.

Broadcast- something conveyed to someone; transfer process.

Giveaway- to give something to many.

Pay- giving money as compensation for something.

Payment- payment, money paid for something.

Pay- monetary reward, compensation for something.

Payment– compensation: payment of tax

Pay out- issue payment, pay in full.

Pay- to give something in return, to repay.

Pay- pay for something.

Pay back- to commit, to do something in response to someone’s action.

Pay– the same as paying

Grow- when caring, to ensure the growth, development of someone or something, to nurture.

Increase– promote the growth of something, lengthen; grow in any quantity; accumulate.

Grow– provide the opportunity to achieve any size or height in growth.

High– large in extent or far located in the direction from bottom to top; exceeding the average level, average norm, significant; outstanding in importance, honorable, important; sublime in content, very significant, solemn, not ordinary; very good quality, excellent; about sounds: thin, sonorous, caused by high-frequency vibrations.
High-rise– extending beyond a known limit; caused by high altitude; produced or used at high altitude (aircraft); about architectural structures: very tall, multi-story.

Warranty– adjective to the noun guarantee. Containing a guarantee, serving as a guarantee.

Guaranteed– participle of the verb to guarantee. Secured.

Harmonic– related to harmony; based on the principles of harmony.
Harmonious– containing elements of harmony; possessing consistency, coherence, mutual correspondence of different qualities of objects, phenomena, parts of the whole

Clay- made of clay. Clay pot.

Clayey– containing clay. Clay soil.

one year old– at the age of one year; lain, lasted a year.

Annual– relating to the whole year; resulting by the end of the year, in total for the year; calculated for a year. Annual - for a period of one year, one-year.

Pride– self-esteem, self-respect, feeling of satisfaction from success; an excessively high opinion of oneself.

Pride- excessive pride.

Humanism- progressive movement of the Renaissance; attitude towards people, imbued with love for man and concern for his well-being.

Humanity– a property based on the meaning of the adjective humane.

Humanistic– adjective to the nouns humanism and humanist.
Humanitarian– addressed to the human person, to human rights and interests; relating to the social sciences that study man and his culture.

Humane– humane, philanthropic, imbued with love for people, respect for the individual.

Binary– based on counting in twos (pairs): binary system.

Double– twice as large: double portion; double care; consisting of two pieces, parts: double lining; double bottom.

Dual– leaning both in one and the other direction; contradictory: ambivalent attitude, opinion, feeling, behavior.

Double– having two types, two forms, two meanings.

Twin- something made double.

Doubled– enlarged, doubled in strength.

Effective– capable of influencing, active: effective assistance.

Valid– real, authentic; valid: travel card, real life.

Active- one who performs actions, is in action.

Businesslike– smart, serious, enterprising: businesslike worker; businesslike look; businesslike gait.

Business– related to official activities, work: business conversation, meeting.

Efficient– capable of serious work: efficient worker; serious, worthy of attention: a worthwhile project.

Businesslike- which is based on narrow practicality, losing sight of the social side of the matter.

Democratic– containing elements of democracy, democratism, simple, relating to the people.

Democratic– based on the principles of democracy, implementing democracy, reflecting it, belonging to it. (Used in phrases of a terminological nature)

Dictation– written work consisting of recording dictated text.
Diktat- a requirement, an instruction dictated by one, strong party and imposed for unconditional fulfillment by the other, weak party.

Diploma holder– a person awarded a diploma for successful performance at a competition, festival, etc.; student preparing his final thesis.
Diplomat– An official engaged in diplomatic activities, work in the field of foreign relations; about a person acting subtly and skillfully.

Diplomatic– relating to diplomacy, diplomat (diplomatic post).

Diplomatic– subtly calculated, evasive (diplomatic behavior).

Long– having a large length, extension; longer than necessary; about the person: tall; slowly dragging on.

Long- long-term.

Solid- good quality, durable: good product, suit, house;

Kind– doing good, bringing good, close, noble: good person, character.

Trustee– showing trust in someone or something: confidential tone, voice, gesture, look.

Confiding– easy to trust; based on trust: trusting child, animal, disposition.

Rain– associated with rain, caused by rain, bringing rain; designed to protect against rain.

Rainy- abundant with rain. Rainy season, year.

Dramatic– relating to drama; about the singer’s voice: strong, somewhat harsh in timbre, in contrast to the lyrical one.

Dramatic– containing elements of drama, tension, expressing strong, deep experiences and feelings; calculated for effect, pompous.

Friendly- relating to a friend, belonging to, characteristic of him, characterizing the relationship of friends.

Friendly– mutually benevolent, based on friendliness, expressing affection (mainly about states, peoples and relations between them).

Friendly- bound by friendship, mutual agreement, occurring simultaneously, in concert.

Unit- only one, only one; separate, separate, individual.

The only one- only one, such, besides which there is no other; exceptional. One - common, identical, one for all, possessing internal unity.

Desired– very expected, constituting an object of desire; dear, dear.
Desirable– needed for something, corresponding to someone’s desires, interests, expectations.

Hard– hard, rough (about an object): hard fabric; strict, unconditional: rigidity of measures, character, game; harshness in the voice.

Cruel- ruthless, merciless; prone to cruelty.

Vital– related to life: living conditions, contradictions; life experience, process, path; close to life, to reality: life image, story; important for life, socially necessary: ​​a vital question.

Everyday- ordinary, characteristic of everyday life: everyday chores, everyday life, little things.

Housing– adjective to the noun dwelling.

Residential- intended for housing.

Block out- put up a fence, fence, screen, close.

Fence- surround with a fence.

Fence- protect, protect.

Fence off- separate by putting up a fence or partition.

Block off- separate with a partition or something blocking it.

Understate- make it lower than normal, necessary, make it lower than necessary.

Downgrade– make it lower; transfer to a lower, less responsible position.

Reduce– make it low, lower it lower, lower the height.

Pay– 1) to give payment for something, 2) to repay (reply). Examples of use: pay for purchases, for work, for services, for a ticket, for travel; to pay with good for good (note: after the word pay, a noun or pronoun is used in V. p. with the preposition for).

Pay out- to give payment for something. Examples of use: pay a salary, pay interest on a debt, pay off a mortgage.

Pay back– to do something in response to someone’s action, to take revenge. Examples of use: repay with ingratitude, repay evil for good, repay for hospitality, repay with care and care.

Pay- to give payment for something. Examples of use: pay expenses, pay a bill, pay for services.

Fill- take over entirely; enter the necessary information into something.
Fill- make full, busy, saturated with something.

Overfill- fill beyond measure.

Starter- the one who conceives something, lays the foundation for something.

Instigator- the one who incites to start, starts something unseemly.

Animal– adjective to the noun beast; inherent in the beast, characteristic of the beast; cruel, ferocious; overly strong.

Brutal- characteristic of a beast, bestial; cruel, ferocious, wild; very strong, extraordinary.

Sound- perceived by the ear, consisting of sounds.

Sonorous– making loud, clear sounds.

Visual– related to vision; intended for spectators; one with the help of which something is considered.

Spectator- relating to the viewer, characteristic of him.

Inventive- resourceful, quick to come up with ideas, capable of inventing.
Inventive- relating to invention, to the inventor.

Informative– information-carrying, information-rich.
Informational– relating to information.

Information– informing; communication about the state of affairs, events; information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by humans or special devices.

Awareness– awareness, degree of knowledge of information.

Ironic– relating to irony as a stylistic device.

Ironic– containing elements of irony, used for the purpose of ridicule.

Skillful- skillful, knowledgeable about his job; skillfully, well executed.

Artificial– not natural, unnatural, made like the real thing, natural, unnatural.

Executive– having as its task the execution of decisions, regulations, practically managing something; diligent, accurately and well fulfilling duties and assignments.

Performing– relating to the performer, to the performance of any artistic (musical, literary, dramatic) work.

Original– initial, starting.

Outgoing- sent from the institution.

Rocky– abundant in stone: soil.

Stone- made of stone.

Comfortable– providing convenience, peace of mind,

Comfortable– meets all comfort requirements.

Equestrian– associated with horses; operating with the help of horses.

Horse- belonging to a horse, relating to it, equine.

Stocky– body type (short, strong, muscular).

Root– original, primordial, permanent, basic; concerning the very foundations, the roots of something, decisive, the most important; main, central, core.

Root– relating to the root of a plant; representing a root, consisting of a root, roots.

Bone– adjective to the noun bone; extracted from bones.
Bone– made from bone, obtained from animal bones.

Colorful– bright, juicy. Painting – participle of the verb to paint; containing paint, used for coloring.

Painted– treated with paint.

Varnished– varnished; polished, outwardly shiny, smooth.
Varnish– adjective to the noun varnish; varnished (made of leather, wood, papier-mâché or metal coated with varnish).

Ice– consisting of ice, icy; located, located on ice; occurring in the ice.

Ice– adjective to the noun ice; consisting of ice, covered with ice; very cold (cold as ice); extremely restrained, contemptuously cold, destructive.

Wooded- abundantly overgrown with forest.

Forest– adjective to the noun forest; located in the forest, living, growing in the forest; covered with forests; related to forestry.

Personal- relating to the individual.

Private– belonging to a specific person; belonging to a person; affecting the interests of any person.

Microscopic– produced using a microscope; distinguishable, visible only through a microscope.

Microscopic– very insignificant in size, size, volume.

Frozen- subjected to freezing.

Freezer– intended for freezing.

Frosty– relating to frost as a natural phenomenon.

Put on– cover the body with clothes (i.e. put it on oneself): put on a coat, hat; with the preposition “on” to put on oneself and someone else: put a backpack on the back,
furniture covers are put on.

Dress- to cover someone with clothes: to dress a child.

Availability– presence, existence: to be present.

Availability- the amount of something at a given time; money available.

Reminder- words with the purpose of reminding.

Mention- words concerning someone, said not specifically, but casually.

Ignorant- a rude, ill-mannered person.

Ignorant- a poorly educated, ignorant person.

Intolerable- one that cannot be tolerated (unbearable cold).
Intolerant- one that cannot be tolerated: an intolerant situation, behavior; lacking tolerance, not taking into account other people's opinions: intolerant person; intolerant of other people's success.

Impatient- having no patience while waiting for someone or something

Unsuccessful– accompanied, ending in failure; unsatisfactory, not what it should be.

Unfortunate- haunted by failures.

Accused- one who is found guilty.

Accusatory- containing an accusation, expressing condemnation.

Scrap- a torn, torn piece, separate, incoherent, scattered parts of something.

Excerpt- a part isolated from a work, from a narrative.

Grasp- enclosing between outstretched arms, fingers, paws, etc., press something tightly to yourself: the mother hugged the child; the wrestler grabbed his opponent.

Cover– surround, squeeze; enclose, embrace, envelop: (envelop) the neck.

Limit- to put it in some framework, boundaries, to define it with some conditions.

Delimit- having differentiated, separate.

Delimit– divide, indicating boundaries; accurately determine by separating one from the other.

Hail- an exclamation used to call out, i.e. shouting, stopping or calling.

Response- response to a call, appeal; reflection, trace, relic of something.

Organic– organism; characterized by life processes, alive; formed as a result of the decomposition of animal and plant organisms.
Organic– conditioned by the very essence of something, organically inherent in someone or something.

Qualifying– serving to select someone or something: qualifying match, tournament; selection committee.

Selected– selected, best in quality: selected goods, flax, coal; indecent: choice abuse, swearing.

Deviation– rejection, refusal of something, abnormality, strangeness in behavior.

Evasion- moving to the side to avoid something; departure from the direct direction.

Distinguish- to establish a difference, a boundary between something; stand out from others.

Distinguish- to recognize, to distinguish between something or something.

Difference- a sign that creates a difference between something or someone.

Difference- difference, dissimilarity between someone or something.

Retentive– having a good memory: a memorable person, a student.

Memorable– preserved in memory, unforgettable: memorable date, meeting, trip; memorable year; serving for memorization; reminders, memorial book, memorial badge.

Endure it- endure a lot; enduring, overcome.

Endure– endure a lot (hardships); undergo processing and change.

Purchasing– relating to the ability to buy.

Buyer– relating to the buyer, belonging to him.

Popular– understandable, accessible, uncomplicated in presentation; enjoying wide fame and public sympathy.

Populist– appealing to the broad masses and promising them a quick and easy solution to pressing social problems.

Venerable- inspiring respect, deserving it; big, significant.

Respectful– treating someone with respect, expressing respect.

Practical– related to the field of practice; needed for practice; imparting skills; related to the area of ​​real needs.

Practical– experienced, well versed in life’s affairs; convenient, practical, profitable, economical.

Provide– give at disposal, use, provide an apartment, loan, credit, freedom, speech, opportunity; give the right, the opportunity to do: provide a solution to a case, conduct a dispute, determine a price.

Introduce– deliver, present, report: present a report, project; introduce: introduce the guest, lecturer; nominate, propose: nominate for an award, for an order, for a title, for a prize; also: cause, create: this is not difficult.

Representative– making a favorable impression (presentable appearance), authoritative; awe-inspiring, important, imposing.

Executive– elective (representative body) related to representation, representative (representation expenses).

Recognized– enjoying general recognition.

Grateful- experiencing, expressing gratitude.

Productive– bringing positive results, creating some value in the labor process, productive, fruitful.

Grocery– intended for food products, associated with trade or storage of products.

Productive– bringing obvious results, creating some value, productive.

Industrial– related to production; engaged in production, involved in production.
Performance– an indicator of production efficiency, characterizing production output per unit of resources used, factors of production; the quotient of dividing the volume of production by the amount of resources spent on a given volume of production.

Educational– serving for enlightenment, disseminating enlightenment.

Educational- related to enlightenment, enlightenment, characteristic of them.

Journalistic– relating to journalism, to a publicist.
Journalistic– touching on topical socio-political issues.

Shy- fearful, frightened; expressing fearfulness.

Scared– someone who has often been frightened or who is very frightened.

Irritation– a state of excitement, agitation, a feeling of acute dissatisfaction, annoyance, a cell’s reaction to external influences.
Irritability– personality property.

Rhythmic- related to rhythm, subordinate to it.

Rhythmic- repeating something at regular intervals.

Romantic– relating to romanticism as a movement in literature and art and as an artistic method; characteristic of romance; full of romance; emotionally elevated, attractive with its mystery.

Romantic– containing elements of romanticism, mystery, dreaminess.

Secretive– not inclined to share his thoughts, experiences, intentions with others, not frank.

Hidden- secret, not revealed explicitly.

Vocabulary– consisting of words; related to the dictionary.

Verbal– oral.

Resistance- resistance to pressure, attack, influence.

Resistance- ability to resist, degree of resistance.

Neighboring– located near, next to something, in the neighborhood.
Neighboring- relating to a neighbor, belonging to him.

Comparable- one that can be compared.

Comparative– establishing similarities or differences, comparative; carried out on the basis of comparison.

Stage– relating to the scene; associated with theatre, theatrical art, theatrical activities.

scenic– suitable for the stage, for a theatrical performance, having the properties necessary for the stage.

Technical– relating to technology, associated with it, with its scientific development; used in industry; related to the maintenance of equipment of any production; acting only on the instructions of the manager, not responsible.

Technical– possessing skill and high technology; performed with great skill, skill (in sports, art).

Lucky- happy; the one who is lucky (lucky explorer).
Successful– successful (lucky day).

Humiliated- the one who was humiliated; expressing humiliation, indicating humiliation.

Humiliating- offensive to someone's dignity or self-esteem.

Actual– valid, corresponding to the facts; real.
Factual– corresponds to reality, facts, requirements of accuracy.

Predatory- characteristic of a predator, predatory.; mismanaged, unplanned, pursuing the goals of immediate gain and enrichment.

Predatory– about animals: eating animals; greedy, full of desire to take possession of someone, to capture something, and also expressing such a desire; like that of a predator.

Tsarsky- relating to the king, luxurious, rich, belonging to him; relating to the political regime of a monarchy headed by a king.

Regal- characterized by majesty, significance in scope.

Reigning- performing the duties of a king; the same as reigning (high) superior, superior to everyone in some respect.

Whole- all without exception, full: a whole piece, a glass; significant, large: a whole heap of papers; a whole range of questions; unharmed: all things are intact.

Whole- from one substance, piece, solid: solid slab; solid granite.

Holistic– having internal unity: theory.

Economic- related to economics, economic.
Economical– giving the opportunity to save something, profitable.
Economical- one who spends something thriftily, who observes economy; requiring moderate costs, promoting savings, modest in expenses.

Aesthetic– related to aesthetics (the science of beauty in art and life, about the general laws of artistic creativity); associated with the creation and perception of beauty.

Aesthetic- beautiful, graceful; containing elements of aestheticism.

Ethical– related to ethics (a science whose object of study is morality); meeting moral requirements.

Ethical– acceptable from the point of view of ethical requirements (standards of behavior).

Effective- giving an effect, effective.

Spectacular- producing an effect, impressive. effective method, effective solution, spectacular costumes.

Efficiency- efficiency, effectiveness.

Effectiveness– catchiness, the ability to make an impression.

Solve with the answers.

Let's remember paronymous words- these are words with the same root that belong to the same part of speech; they are close in sound and meaning, but have differences:

  • in sound,
  • in meaning,
  • in compatibility with other words, that is, in lexical compatibility.


trustful - gullible
inhale - sigh
annual - annual - annual

Examples of incorrect use of paronyms

Confiding the tone of conversation and gentle manners were captivating.
(Right: Trustee the tone of the conversation and gentle manners were captivating.)

Inhale relief.
(Right: Sigh relief.)

We already have yearling experience.
(Correct: We already have annual experience.)

Study the list of synonym words. They are given explanations of the main meanings and examples of lexical compatibility. The material presented will expand your speech experience. But this is precisely what is missing for those who make mistakes in the use of paronymous words.

Dictionary of paronyms for A2

Here is a list of words used:

Subscriber - subscription

Subscriber— subscriber, subscription holder, user of services.
Examples of use: subscriber of the Moscow telephone network, complaints from subscribers, subscriber response.

Subscription- the right to use something, as well as a document confirming this right.
Examples of use: interlibrary loan; subscription to the pool, museum, conservatory; concert subscription.

Addressee - addressee

Addressee is the one who addresses the postal item: letter, telegram.
Examples of use: the addressee is unknown, the name of the addressee is indicated at the top left, the addressee is the sender.

Destination- the one who receives the postal item.
Examples of use: the addressee is the recipient, the addressee has left, the place of the addressee's signature on the receipt.

Unsightly - unsightly - unsightly - unsightly - unsightly

Reckless - 1) boundless (obsolete), 2) committed without looking back.
Examples of use: reckless courage, reckless extravagance.

Beloved- beloved, the one you can’t look at enough, who you can’t stop admiring.
Examples of use: my beloved, beloved beauty, beloved granddaughter.

Reckless- boundless.
Examples of use: boundless view, vastness, boundless skies, boundless sea, boundless distance.

Unsightly- unattractive, unattractive in appearance, unseemly.
Examples of use: unsightly house, outfit, unsightly act, unsightly behavior, past.

Impenetrable- dark, thick, such that nothing can be seen through.
Examples of use: impenetrable darkness, fog; impenetrable darkness, darkness.

Grateful - grateful

Grateful- feeling grateful, expressing gratitude.
Examples of use: grateful look, view, person; grateful patients, spectators, customers, students.

Thanksgiving- expressing gratitude.
Examples of use: thanksgiving prayer, letter of gratitude, appeal; thank you telegram, words of gratitude.

Everyday - everyday

Weekday- not a holiday, not a day off, but a working day (days from Monday to Friday).
Examples of use: weekday, weekday evening.

Everyday- everyday, ordinary, ordinary.
Examples of use: everyday mood; everyday environment, clothing; everyday facial expression; everyday voice.

Experienced - former - former

Experienced - 1) familiar, 2) knowledgeable, experienced.
Examples of use: seasoned traveler, warrior, seasoned tourists.

Former- 1) previously existing, 2) no longer holding a position, position.
Examples of use: former club, former school, former doctor, director.

Former- past, past, former:
Examples of use: bygone years, bygone fear; former strength, sorrow, glory; former happiness, respect.

Inhale - sigh

Inhale is the antonym of the word exhale.
Examples of use: take a breath, a deep breath, a deep breath.

Sigh- increased inhalation and exhalation, usually when expressing feelings.
Examples of use: a heavy sigh, a sigh of horror, he said with a sigh.

Age-old - eternal

Age-old - existing for a long time, many years, centuries.
Examples of use: ancient oaks, ancient grove, ancient forest; centuries-old traditions and customs.

Eternal- endless, without beginning or end, constant.
Examples of use: eternal human values; eternal problems, complaints; eternal shawl on the shoulders, permafrost, eternal peace, eternal fire.

Great - majestic

Great- 1) very large, huge, exceeding the usual measure, 2) outstanding, important in significance.
Examples of use: great responsibility, great contribution; great writer, composer, artist, performer, thinker; great happiness, great multitude.

Majestic- 1) majestic, solemn, 2) full of dignity, importance.
Examples of use: majestic panorama, majestic architectural ensemble, majestic building, majestic ruins, majestic posture.

Clay - clay

Clayey - containing clay, abundant in clay.
Examples of use: clay soils, clay shale, clay soil.

Clay- made of clay.
Examples of use: clay dishes; clay shard, pot; clay hearth; a colossus with feet of clay.

Annual - annual - annual

Annual - 1) lasting throughout the year, relating to the whole year, 2) annual rings of a tree.
Examples of use: one year's expenses, one year's absence, one year's subscription to a monthly magazine.

one year old- at the age of one year.
Examples of use: one-year-old baby child, one-year-old daughter, for one-year-old children.

- 1) relating to the whole year, 2) resulting at the end of the year, as a result for the year:
Examples of use: annual income, annual valuation, annual report, annual subscription to an annual publication, annual bonus.

Proud - proud

Proud - filled with pride, importance, a sense of personal superiority.
Examples of use: proud posture, proud pose, proud appearance.

Proud- 1) having pride, dignity, self-respect, 2) having a sense of superiority over others, considering himself superior, better than others, treating others with disdain.
Examples of use: a proud man, a proud soul, a proud look, a proud look, too proud.

Binary - double - dual - double - double - double

Binary - based on counting in twos (pairs), based on a combination of two components.
Examples of use: binary digit, binary number system, binary fractions, binary code.

Double- 1) consisting of two homogeneous or similar parts, 2) twice as large, 3) dual.
Examples of use: double frames, double mirror, double salary, double salary, double game.

Dual- 1) contradictory, 2) two-faced, 3) concerning two sides, two participants.
Examples of use: dual position, dual policy, dual agreement (bilateral agreement), dual interpretation.

Double- double, manifesting itself in two forms.
Examples of use: double meaning, double benefit.

Twin- connected into one.
Examples of use: double thread, double wire.

Doubled- doubled.
Examples of use: double strength, double reserve, double reserve, double attention.

Effective - valid - effective

Effective- effective, capable of influencing results.
Examples of use: effective help, effective means, effective measures, effective force.

Valid- 1) really existing, 2) having force, operating, suitable.
Examples of use: valid fact, valid life, valid travel ticket, valid for 10 days.

Active- current, working.
Examples of use: current president, active volcano, current legislation, current rules, active person (hero of a work of fiction), active army (located at the front during the war).

Busy - businesslike - efficient - efficient

Businesslike- skillful, intelligent, enterprising.
Examples of use: businesslike gait, businesslike appearance, businesslike manners.

Business- 1) connected with business, with work, 2) knowledgeable, experienced in business.
Examples of use: business style of clothing, tone, conversation; business meeting, business letter, business connections, business circles.

Efficient- capable of business, work, businesslike.
Examples of use: efficient person, advice; good offer.

Businesslike- based on narrow practicality, purely pragmatic.
Examples of use: practical approach, practical solution.

Kind - kind

Solid- well, solidly made.
Examples of use: good furniture, material, good house.

Kind- 1) responsive, ready to help, disposed towards others, 2) good, bringing joy, success, good.
Examples of use: a kind person, a kind smile, a memory, a kind face, a kind look, good news, a good sign, a good omen.

Confidential - trusting

Confidential - expressing trust
Examples of use: confidential atmosphere, conversation, intonation; trusting relationship; confidential conversation, tone.

Confiding- trusting, nurturing trust.
Examples of use: trusting child, person, teacher; trusting girl, trusting creature, trusting people.

Rainy - rainy

Rain- relating to rain.
Examples of use: rainwater, rain flow, smell; raindrop, rain clouds.

Rainy- abundant rain, precipitation.
Examples of use: rainy day, season; rainy winter, spring, weather; rainy summer

Cruel - tough

Cruel - 1) merciless, merciless, too harsh, 2) too strong.
Examples of use: a cruel person, a cruel act, a cruel plan, a cruel reprisal, severe frosts, a cruel wind, a cruel headache.

Hard- 1) hard to the touch, strong, dense, 2) harsh, sharp, 3) not allowing deviations.
Examples of use: tough person, tough position, tough words, tough look, tough schedule, tough deadlines.

Life-giving - alive - animal - tenacious

Life-giving - strengthening vitality.
Examples of use: life-giving light, life-giving warmth, life-giving remedy.

Alive- 1) an antonym to the word dead, 2) relating to living things: plants, animals, 3) mobile, restless, active, nimble, 4) intensely manifested, 5) bright, expressive.
Examples of use: living fighter, living nature, living matter, living child, living son, living interest, living business, living speech, living look.

Animal- 1) relating to the organic world, 2) like an animal, i.e. not controlled by consciousness.
Examples of use: animal fats, animal fear, animal nature, animal instincts.

tenacious- 1) hardy, viable, 2) long-lasting.
Examples of use: tenacious like a cat; tenacious being, tenacious tradition, tenacious habits.

Life - worldly

Vital- 1) related to life, 2) important for life.
Examples of use: life interest, path; vital indication for surgery; vitality, luck, drama, tragedy.

Everyday- mundane, associated with daily life.
Examples of use: everyday problem, vanity, worldly wisdom; an everyday matter; everyday little things, everyday habits.

fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off - fence off

Fence - 1) surround with a fence, make a fence, 2) arrange a barrier.
Examples of use: they blocked the garden, the vegetable garden, blocked the access, the passage.

Fence- surround with a fence, fence.
Examples of use: fence a garden, house, plot.

Fence—1) enclose with a fence: fence with a lattice; 2) using any measures to protect from someone’s attacks or encroachments.
Examples of use: protect from attacks, nagging, and unfair accusations.

Fence off- to separate with a fence, to isolate.
Examples of use: fence off a children's corner, fence off a place for luggage (usually indicate what or what is fenced off).

Block off- 1) divide the space with a partition, 2) create a barrier.
Examples of use: block a room, block a road, a passage, block a river with a dam.

lower - lower - lower

Understate - present in smaller sizes.
Examples of use: underestimate estimates, underestimate quantitative data.

Downgrade—1) make it lower, 2) reduce the level, degree, intensity, etc. 3) transfer to a lower position.
Examples of use: lower salary, water temperature, air temperature, lower position, rank.

Reduce- decrease.
Examples of use: reduce prices, speed, requirements, significance, volume.

Pay - pay

Pay- 1) to give payment for something, 2) to repay (reply).
Examples of use: pay for purchases, for work, for services, for a ticket, for travel; pay good for good.

Pay- to give payment for something.
Examples of use: pay expenses, pay a bill, pay for services.

Fill - fill - overfill

Fill out - 1) take it in its entirety, fill it out, 2) enter the necessary information.
Examples of use: fill the hall, fill all the seats, fill the area; fill out the form, form, form, questionnaire.

Fill- 1) take the whole thing (pouring, pouring, applying), 2) take time.
Examples of use: fill a container, basket, box, boxes; fill life with work, meaning, and entertainment.

Overfill- fill, fill beyond measure.
Examples of use: fill the bottle with water, your patience will be overflowing.

Difficult - difficult

Difficult - done with effort, with difficulty.
Examples of use: difficulty breathing, difficulty moving.

Difficult- causing difficulty or containing difficulties.
Examples of use: predicament, circumstance, difficult situation, difficult matter.

Initiator - instigator

The initiator is the founder.
Examples of use: the initiator of competition, the initiator of urban planning reforms, the initiator of trends in art.

Instigator- one who starts something unseemly.
Examples of use: instigator of a fight, instigator of a scandal, instigator of street riots.

Sound - sonorous

Sound - 1) a physical term (relating to sound), 2) a recording or reproducing device, apparatus, 3) consisting of sounds.
Examples of use: sound wave, sound signal, sound film, sound apparatus.

Sonorous- loud, clear, distinct sounding.
Examples of use: sonorous voice, laughter, bell, stream.

Malicious - sinister - evil - malicious

Malicious - 1) filled with malice, enmity; 2) expressing, revealing anger.
Examples of use: evil character, person, look, cry, voice; evil eyes.

Sinister- indicating the onset of something bad, difficult, some kind of misfortune.
Examples of use: ominous sign, dream; ominous rumors, omens, sounds.

Wicked- 1) filled with hostility, ill will; 2) caused by anger; 3) ferocious, fierce (about an animal); 4) very strong.
Examples of use: action, look, person, voice, intent; evil stepmother, wife; evil eyes, people; evil frost, wind.

Malicious - 1) malicious, 2) deliberately dishonest.
Examples of use: a habitual truant, a violator, a defaulter.

Sparkling - playful - gambling - playful

Sparkling - foaming, effervescent.
Examples of use: sparkling drink, sparkling wine.

Playful- loves to play, active.
Examples of use: playful child, kitten, puppy.

Gambling- intended for gambling.
Examples of use: gambling house, hall.

Playing- serving for the game.
Examples of use: playing cards, slot machine.

Artificial - artificial

Skillful - 1) skillful, 2) performed with skill, skill.
Examples of use: skilled craftsman, skilled speaker, skillful work, carving, embroidery.

Artificial- 1) made to resemble a natural one, 2) insincere, feigned.
Examples of use: artificial fabrics, artificial stone, artificial cheerfulness.

Outgoing - outgoing

Initial - initial
Examples of use: initial moment, initial level of knowledge, initial position, initial situation, initial advantage.

Outgoing- document flow term.
Examples of use: outgoing number, outgoing document, outgoing mail, outgoing correspondence.

Rocky - stony

Stony - abundant in stones, containing many stones
Examples of use: rocky road, path, path, soil; rocky shore.

Stone- 1) consisting of stone, 2) like stone (motionless, frozen, insensitive).
Examples of use: stone house, city, bridge; stone architecture, building; stone wall; stone face, stone figure, stone heart.

Comfortable - comfortable

Comfortable- convenient, with comfort.
Examples of use: comfortable apartment, furniture; comfortable car, plane, ship, train.

Comfortable- comfortable.
Examples of use: a comfortable situation, atmosphere, setting, role, comfortable living, but there may also be comfortable housing (in dictionaries one word is explained through another).

Equestrian - horse

Equestrian - 1) for horses, 2) with the help of horses, 3) on horseback.
Examples of use: horse harness, horse yard, horse traction, horse thresher, horse riding, mounted police.

Horse- 1) related to a horse, 2) part of botanical names.
Examples of use: horse hair, horse trampling, horse snoring, horse neighing; horse sorrel, horse chestnut.

Root - stocky - root

Root - 1) basic, initial, 2) deep, essential, affecting the foundations, 3) important, main, 4) medical term.
Examples of use: indigenous people, indigenous population, indigenous nationality; fundamental question, radical turn, radical changes, radical mast, radical horse (middle of the three); permanent teeth.

Stocky- body type (short, strong, muscular).
Examples of use: stocky figure, stocky young man.

Root- related to the root.
Examples of use: root system of a plant, root morpheme.

Colorful - dyed

Colorful- bright, juicy
Examples of use: colorful landscape, still life, language; colorful picture; colorful, bright summer colors.

Painted- treated with paint.
Examples of use: dyed blonde, dyed hair, lips; painted floor, house; painted frames.

Oily - oily - oily - oily

Oiled - 1) lubricated, soaked in oil, 2) about the look (sensual), 3) about the voice (sweet, flattering or ingratiating), 4) Shrovetide week (Shrovetide, the week before Lent).
Examples of use: oily pancake, oily porridge, oily hands, oily cuffs, sleeves, oily padded jacket, oily look, oily voice.

Oilseed- relating to an olive tree, tree or fruit.
Examples of use: olive tree, olive berries, Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

Oily- 1) containing oil, 2) similar to oiled, shiny, having a shine.
Examples of use: oily stains on the road, oily leaves, oily eyes, oily gaze.

Oil- 1) made of oil, 2) made with paints ground in oil, 3) working in oil.
Examples of use: oil stain, oil painting, oil paints, oil engine, oil lamp.

put on - put on

Put on
- something for yourself.
Examples of use: put on a dress, suit, glasses, jewelry, shoes.

Dress- someone.
Examples of use: dress a child, a sick person, a toddler; cover with a blanket.

Availability - cash

Presence is presence.
Examples of use: availability of products in the store, goods in warehouse.

Availability- quantity currently available.
Examples of use: cash, cash check.

Print - print

Print - SV to the verb to print.
Examples of use: print books, circulation, print photographs, print (publish) poetry, a novel, print on a typewriter.

Print- 1) the same as printing, but with a hint of completing the work (finish printing), 2) making an imprint, 3) opening the room by removing the seal.
Examples of use: print a copy of a book, print a text on a typewriter, a crow made footprints in the snow, print a room in the presence of witnesses.

Ignorant - ignorant

An ignoramus is an impolite person who violates the norms of polite behavior.
Examples of use: He is a rude and uncouth ignoramus. Don't be ignorant.

Ignorant- ignorant, uninformed, poorly educated.
Examples of use: He is a complete ignoramus: he has never read a book in his life. It's a shame to be ignorant.

Innocent - innocent

Innocent - 1) without guilt, innocent, 2) naive, simple-minded, 3) chaste.
Examples of use: an innocent look, an innocent appearance, an innocent joke, an innocent conversation, an innocent creature, an innocent girl.

Innocent- not involved in the crime.
Examples of use: innocent person, old man, young man.

Unsightly - unsightly - unsightly

Boundless - boundless.
Examples of use: boundless distances, boundless sea surface, boundless sky, boundless horizon.

Impenetrable- dense, dark, dull.
Examples of use: impenetrable darkness, darkness, night; impenetrable fog, darkness.

Unsightly- unattractive, unattractive.
Examples of use: unsightly view, yard, house, area; unsightly surroundings, unsightly prospect, unsightly future.

Intolerable - impatient - intolerant

Intolerable - difficult to bear.
Examples of use: unbearable stuffiness, pain, heat, thirst.

- 1) having difficulty enduring anything, 2) expressing impatience.
Examples of use: impatient person, look; impatient movement, tapping, impatient posture.

Intolerant- one that is impossible to put up with.
Examples of use: intolerant attitude, intolerant act, intolerant behavior, intolerant behavior.

Snippet - excerpt

Scrap - 1) a torn piece, 2) a part.
Examples of use: a piece of paper, a piece of newspaper, scraps of thread, fragments of phrases, fragments of conversation.

Excerpt- a small part of a work, a fragment.
Examples of use: an excerpt of a poem, an excerpt of a story, an excerpt of music, an excerpt of a play.

To embrace - to embrace

To embrace - to embrace from different sides, to embrace.
Examples of use: clasp your head in your hands, sit with your hands clasped around your knees.

Cover- 1) to embrace, embrace, 2) to position themselves around, nearby, to encircle, 3) to spread over the entire surface, throughout the entire space, 4) to outflank the enemy, 5) to involve someone in some activity, 6) to take complete possession .
Examples of use: my grandmother engulfed (synonymously: clasped) my head with her hands, the forest engulfed the dacha on three sides, the steppe engulfed the village on all sides, the fire engulfed the entire building, I was seized with trembling, she was seized with fear, the election campaign covered the entire region, the population census covered the entire country , we surrounded the Germans from three sides.

fence off - fence off - fence off

Fence- 1) fence around, 2) protect.
Examples of use: fence the house and garden, fence off a plot of land; protect from attacks, accusations, protect from troubles.

Fence- surround with a fence.
Examples of use: enclose the house and garden with a fence, enclose the bed with screens.

Fence off- 1) to separate something with a partition, fence, 2) to isolate, separate.
Examples of use: fence off with a curtain, fence off a children's corner, fence off a distant part of the garden; fence off from life, fence off from business.

Limitation - limitation

Limitation- boundaries, boundaries in any activity.
Examples of use: job restrictions, limited capabilities, limited rights, seasonal restrictions, age restrictions.

Limitation- 1) small opportunities, 2) a property of a person, group of people, society.
Examples of use: limited in money, limited in opportunities, limited in time, limited in mind, limited in possessive psychology, limited in authority; her, his, their limitations.

limit - limit - limit

Limit- put within boundaries, frames.
Examples of use: the town hall building limited the area from the north, limit income, limit will, limit freedom, limit opportunities, limit rights.

Delimit- to separate one thing from another or from everything else by establishing a boundary.
Examples of use: the far corner of the garden was delimited by a light fence, we need to distinguish our understanding of the problem from the generally accepted one, we should not artificially separate the child from the life of the family as a whole.

Delimit- to separate from each other or one from the other: differentiate between concepts, differentiate between responsibilities, differentiate between good and bad, differentiate between harmful and beneficial factors.

Single - single - single

Single- consisting of one part, not double.
Examples of use: single door, frame; single thread.

Lonely- 1) existing separately from others, 2) having no family or relatives, 3) occurring alone.
Examples of use: lonely pine, lonely house, lonely person, lonely life, lonely old age, lonely walk, lonely meditation.

Single- 1) alone, 2) without the help of anyone.
Examples of use: single shot, leopards are characterized by a solitary lifestyle, solitary hunting.

Call - response

Hail - exclamation, shout.
Examples of use: a quiet call, an unexpected call, a sharp call, a call “Stop!” Who goes?"

— 1) a response to an appeal, 2) a state of mind that appears as a result of some influence, 3) a review, article, letter.
Examples of use: there was no response, a quiet response, no response came, I heard an inaudible response, evoke a response in the soul, awaken a response, responses in the newspaper, responses on the Internet.

Wary - dangerous

Cautious- apprehensive, fearful, cautious.
Examples of use: apprehensive thought, apprehensive reaction, apprehensive old lady.

Dangerous- representing a danger.
Examples of use: dangerous zone, dangerous criminal, dangerous state of affairs, dangerous situation.

Selecting - choosing

Selecting- participle from ch. take away. To take away - 1) to take something from someone against his will, 2) to take from a certain number for a certain reason.
Examples of use: take away toys, money, phone; select competition participants, select the best works.

Choosing- participle from ch. choose. Choose - 1) take what you need from what is available, based on certain signs, 2) participate in elections, 3) find time for something.
Examples of use: choose the most beautiful girl, choose the ripest fruits, choose the chairman of the meeting, choose the president, find it difficult to choose the time for your favorite thing.

Selective - qualifying

Selected- 1) selected from others as the best, 2) obscene.
Examples of use: selected grain, selected cast, selected berries; selective swearing, selective swearing.

Qualifying- for the purpose of selection.
Examples of use: qualifying competitions, selection committee.

Deviation - evasion

Deviation- 1) refusal, 2) retreat.
Examples of use: rejection of a petition for clemency, rejection of an appeal, deviation of the compass needle, deviation from the norm, deviation from the right direction.

- departure from something.
Examples of use: avoidance of responsibilities, avoidance of obligations, avoidance of the agenda.

deviate - evade

Deviate- move to the side.
Examples of use: The compass needle deviates for a split second and again takes the correct position, the speedometer needle deviates to the right, we deviate from our goal, you are deviating from the topic.

- 1) deviate, move away, 2) refrain from doing something, 3) change the original direction.
Examples of use: avoid blows, shirk responsibilities, avoid conversation, deviate from the original course.

Distinguish - distinguish

Distinguish- 1) to recognize something among other things, 2) to reward, to highlight (obsolete).
Examples of use: he doesn’t know rye from wheat, he was distinguished by a promotion.

Distinguish- 1) to recognize by sight or other senses, 2) to distinguish.
Examples of use: it is difficult to distinguish in the dark, to distinguish her voice, to distinguish shades of color, to distinguish the manner of performance.

Difference - difference

Difference- 1) a sign that creates a difference, 2) merit (obsolete), 3) sign, title, diploma, etc. indicators of recognition of someone's merits.
Examples of use: understand the difference, grasp the difference, combat differences, graduate from the university with honors.

Difference- 1) difference, dissimilarity.
Examples of use: the difference between us, the difference between the lyrical hero and the author, the difference between a photograph and a painting.

Shake off - shake off

Shake off- shake off (remove something by moving your hand or using something).
Examples of use: shake off crumbs, dust, shake off snow from your feet, brush off your feet with a broom, shake off a dusty magazine.

Shake off- 1) remove something with a characteristic movement, 2) get rid of something.
Examples of use: shake off the snow from your hat, shake off drops of water from your umbrella, shake off fear, shake off unpleasant memories.

Memorable - memorable

Retentive- has a good memory.
Examples of use: a memorable person.

Memorable- unforgettable, remembered, significant, important.
Examples of use: memorable day, year, moment, conversation; commemorative medal, trip; memorable event.

Endure - endure

Endure it- to survive, to endure something unpleasant, difficult.
Examples of use: endure difficulties, endure cold, thirst, heat.
Endure- 1) experience, endure something unpleasant, difficult, 2) undergo a change.
Examples of use: endure all difficulties and hardships, endure punishment; undergo change, undergo deformation, undergo transformation.

Transitional - transitory - transitory

Transition- 1) being a transition, 2) a grammatical term.
Examples of use: transition period, age, transitional era, time, transitional time; transitive verbs.

Transitional- 1) one that passes, 2) transferred to the winner, 3) a financial term.
Examples of use: crossing the road; challenge cup, challenge banner, challenge title; carryover amounts, carryover totals.

Transient- one that passes quickly, temporary, short-lived.
Examples of use: transitory values, transitory glory.

Sandy - sandy

Sand- 1) containing sand or intended for sand, 2) resembling sand.
Examples of use: hourglass, sand dust, sandbox (for sand); sand color, sand coat.

Sandy- consisting of sand or covered with a layer of sand.
Examples of use: sandy beach, sandy bottom, sandstorm.

Weepy - weepy - deplorable

whiny- 1) often crying, prone to tears, 2) plaintive, such as happens when crying.
Examples of use: whiny child, whiny mood; whiny voice, whiny facial expression.

Weeping- 1) having long, hanging branches, 2) obsolete: often weeping.
Examples of use: weeping birch, weeping willow. In the second meaning, the word can be found in classical literature.

Deplorable- 1) causing regret, pity, 2) obsolete: sad, plaintive.
Examples of use: deplorable state of affairs, deplorable condition, deplorable results; crying sounds.

Selection - choice

Selection— 1) process, 2) collection, collection.
Examples of use: selection of personnel, selection of people, selection of artists; selection of jewelry, selection of coins, selection of books.
Choice- 2) process, 2) what is chosen from, 3) in plural. h.: ​​elections - election by voting.
Examples of use: choice of profession, offer a choice, good choice, limited choice, huge choice; President elections.

Fake - craft - trick

Fake- 1) the process of making counterfeit things, 2) fake, counterfeit thing.
Examples of use: counterfeiting money, counterfeiting antiques; There are only fakes in this store.

- minor work or its result.
Examples of use: At the exhibition there were children's crafts, folk crafts, bone and wood crafts.

- a reprehensible act, a misdemeanor.
Examples of use: a serious prank, a child's prank, an innocent prank (prank), the clown's pranks amused everyone: both adults and children.

Fitting - similar

Appropriate— appropriate, required in the given conditions.
Examples of use: proper quality, proper attitude, proper meeting, proper honor.
Like- 1) similar to someone or something, 2) a mathematical term.
Examples of use: a similar situation, a similar incident, similar news, a similar work, a similar response; the triangles are similar.

place - place - place

Place- 1) determine a place for something (put, put, hang, arrange), 2) settle, provide premises for living, 3) place someone somewhere (in a hospital, in an orphanage, in a boarding school), 4 ) invest funds (money), 5) print, publish.
Examples of use: place a chair in the corner, place guests in a corner room, I was placed in the surgical department, place money in a commercial bank at interest, in the latest issue of the New World magazine for 2013 they published a selection of poems by a famous poet.

Post- 1) arrange in a certain order, 2) distribute among many persons (participants).
Examples of use: place dishes on the shelf, place linen in the closet, place orders profitably.

Fit- to place something completely or in large quantities.
Examples of use: Mom was able to fit all my things on one shelf, I want to fit all the apples in one basket.

Place (s) - place (s) - fit (s)

Fit- 1) fit in, find enough space, 2) settle.
Examples of use: I didn’t think that so many people could fit here; the cereal does not fit in the jar; we stayed in a small house on the shore.

Accommodate- find a place for yourself, settle down, settle down.
Examples of use: fit in a house, in a room, in a chair, on a sofa, sit comfortably.

Fit- 1) fit completely, 2) settle down, settle in a limited space.
Examples of use: the sisters sat on one chair; I didn’t think that so many people could fit in such a small room.

Local - landowner

Local—1) relating to the estate, 2) owning the estate.
Examples of use: local land ownership, local nobility.

landowner- owned by a landowner.
Examples of use: manor's house, manor's estate, manor's garden, manor's stable.

Top up - fill out

Top up- increase, add, make more complete.
Examples of use: replenish your bank account, replenish your food supplies, replenish your collection.

Fill- 1) take it in its entirety, fill it out, 2) enter the required information.
Examples of use: the water was rising: it quickly filled the basements of the houses; fill out the questionnaire, form, application form.

To grow old - to become obsolete

grow old- become older or older.
Examples of use: father, grandfather, brother, matchmaker is old, mother is old, cat is old.

Be obsolete- 1) become old, 2) fall out of use, out of fashion, out of use.
Examples of use: my views are outdated, it’s time to change them; classics cannot become obsolete; research methods are outdated; the equipment is outdated.

Action - misdemeanor:

Deed- intentional action.
Examples of use: noble act, selfless act, manly act, worthy act, perform an act.

Misdemeanor- an act that violates the rules of conduct; offense.
Examples of use: commit a misdemeanor, an unfortunate misdeed, serious punishment for a misdemeanor.

Venerable - respectful

Venerable- 1) worthy of reverence, respect, 2) significant (about distance or size, volume).
Examples of use: respectable gentleman, old man; venerable goals, objectives; be at a respectable distance.

Respectful- 1) treating someone with respect or showing respect, respect, 2) significant (about distance or size, volume).
Examples of use: respectful young man, respectful appearance, respectful manners, respectful facial expression, respectful look; at a respectful distance.

Festive - idle

Festive- 1) related to a holiday, 2) elegant, beautiful, 3) solemnly joyful, happy.
Examples of use: holiday date, holiday event, fireworks display; festive outfit, suit; holiday dress; festive look, festive mood, holiday memories.

Idle- 1) not doing anything, being idle, 2) not filled with work, business, 3) empty, useless, aimless, generated by idleness.
Examples of use: an idle and empty man, no one saw him idle; idle life, idle lifestyle, idle conversation, idle question, idle interest.

Practical - practical

Practical- 1) related to practice, 2) involved in any business directly, personally, 3) being the application of knowledge and skills in practice.
Examples of use: practical activity, practical application, practical significance; practical guide, practical center; practical classes, practical knowledge and skills, practical techniques.

Practical - 1) knowledgeable in practical matters, successful in the practical side of life, 2) profitable, convenient.
Examples of use: practical person; practical housewife, wife, mother; practical step; practical color, material.

Provide - introduce

Provide - 1) to give the opportunity to use or own something, 2) to give the opportunity or right to do something.
Examples of use: provide opportunities, provide documents, provide freedom of choice, right; Let me decide for myself whether to give the management of the estate to a new person.

Introduce - 1) give for familiarization, 2) highlight, send as a representative, 3) apply for an award, promotion in rank, position, 4) introduce, recommend, 5) show, demonstrate, 6) portray on stage, play, 7) mentally imagine.
Examples of use: present the research results; present candidates from the region, from the school; submit for an award; introduce the groom to his parents; present prospects, direction of work; the actors successfully presented the feelings and states of their characters; imagine something, be of interest.

Representative - representative

Representative- 1) elected, 2) reflecting the interests of all interested persons, groups, parties, 3) respectable, prominent, making a favorable impression.
Examples of use: representative power, representative authorities; representative meeting, representative congress, representative exhibition; representative man, representative appearance.

Executive - 1) for presentation purposes, 2) luxury class.
Examples of use: entertainment expenses, purposes; representative interests; executive class car, executive class (hotel) room.

Presentation - provision

Performance- 1) noun. from the verb to represent, 2) official paper, petition for an award, promotion, rank, 3) performance, theatrical action, 4) image of objects and the world in people’s perception, 5) understanding, knowledge.
Examples of use: presentation of evidence in court; presentation for an award; theatrical performance; my views, your views, get an idea of ​​events; have a very general understanding of historical processes.

Providing- noun from the verb to provide: provision.
Examples of use: provision of living space, provision of services, provision of opportunities, provision of work in accordance with the contract.

Recognized - grateful

Recognized- 1) one who was recognized (participle from the verb. recognize), 2) appreciated, known.
Examples of use: recognized authority, recognized talent; recognized artist, actor, director, public figure, scientist.

Grateful- feeling or expressing gratitude, gratitude.
Examples of use: to be grateful, grateful words, grateful attitude.

humiliate - humiliate

Belittle- 1) put in a humiliating position, humiliate, 2) belittle, underestimate.
Examples of use: to belittle in one’s own eyes, to diminish the importance, to diminish the role.

Humiliate- to offend, to offend.
Examples of use: humiliate in front of everyone; humiliate with attitude, words, slap, scream.

Problematic - problematic

Problematic- conjectural, unsaid, unlikely, doubtful.
Examples of use: problematic solution, statement, conclusion, assumption; problematic conclusion, result; problematic possibility.

Problem- containing a problem or intended to solve it.
Examples of use: problem situation, problem article, problem group, problem approach, problem lesson, problem lecture.

Production - productive

Industrial- relating to or intended for production.
Examples of use: production process, production facilities, production department, industrial relations, production defects, production meeting, production territory.

Productive- producing, creating, productive.
Examples of use: productive labor, productive forces.

Prophesy - prophesy

Prophesy- predict, foretell.
Examples of use: prophesy the future; prophesy misfortune, trouble; prophesy good luck, victory.

Say goodbye- to intend, to predict.
Examples of use: to become wives, husbands; to be a boss; to become a bride; speak for yourself, for your brother.

Fisherman - fisherman

Fisherman- 1) one who fishes, 2) a lover of fishing.
Examples of use: Fishermen sat and stood along the banks of the lake. Passionate fisherman, amateur fisherman; a real, knowledgeable, experienced fisherman.

Fisherman- 1) one who is engaged in fishing, 2) a fishing enthusiast (colloquial)
Examples of use: fishermen worked in teams; a team of fishermen; a real, good, old fisherman.

Fishing - fishing

Fishing- related to fishing or intended for fishing.
Examples of use: fishing season, fishing tackle, fishing trawler, fishing fleet.

Fishing- engaged in fishing as a trade.
Examples of use: fishing artel, fishing trawler.

Vocabulary - verbal

Vocabulary- relating to a dictionary or the work of creating dictionaries.
Examples of use: dictionary entry, vocabulary of a language, dictionary work.

Verbal-1) adjective from noun. word, 2) expressed in words, in words.
Examples of use: verbal war, battle; verbal material, verbal combinations.

Resistance - resistance

Resistance— 1) resistance, 2) term: resistance of materials
Examples of use: resistance to authorities, resistance to the will of parents, electrical resistance, compression resistance, resistance to materials; windage.

Resistance- ability to resist.
Examples of use: resistance to diseases, infections, stress; body resistance; resistance of rocks to weathering.

Comparable - comparative

Comparable- participle of the verb compare; one that can be compared to something.
Examples of use: comparable values, incomparable with anything.

Comparative- 1) based on comparison, 2) relative, 3) linguistic term: comparative degree, comparative adjective, comparative adverb.
Examples of use: comparative research method, comparative linguistics; comparative silence, comparative prosperity; comparative adjective, comparative degree.

Vintage - old

Old- 1) created in ancient times, 2) ancient, old
Examples of use: antique carpet, antique coin, antique jewelry, antique books; old acquaintance, old friend.

Old-1) lived for many years, 2) old, old, 3) long in use, 4) (about time) past, 5) formerly.
Examples of use: old grandfather, old woman; old grudge, old wound, old pain, old tradition; old dress, old shoes, old house; old time, old life; old address, phone number, old data.

Glass - glass

Glass- 1) made of glass, 2) such as glass, 3) motionless, lifeless.
Examples of use: glass glass, glassware; glass shine, glass ringing; glassy look, glassy eyes.

Glass- intended for glass or glass manufacturing, working with glass.
Examples of use: buy glass putty; glass workshop, glass factory, glass raw materials, glass industry.

Nourishing - satiated

Satisfying- 1) well satiating, high in calories, 2) plentiful.
Examples of use: hearty pies, a hearty dish; hearty lunch, hearty food; satisfying life, satisfying winter.

Well-fed- 1) not hungry, 2) well-fed, well-fed, 3) living in abundance.
Examples of use: a well-fed person, well-fed children, a well-fed cat, well-fed cattle; a well-fed country, a well-fed Europe.

Lucky - lucky

Lucky- one who is favored by luck; successful.
Examples of use: successful entrepreneur, successful athlete; happy hunting.

Successful- 1) ending in success, good luck, 2) good, meeting the requirements.
Examples of use: successful business, successful operation; a successful film, a performance, a successful role, successful words.

Mention - reminder

Mention- words concerning someone, said not specifically, but casually.
Examples of use: mention of an actor, mention by the way, relevant mention, mention in the press.

Reminder- words for the purpose of reminding.
Examples of use: important reminders, agreement reminders, agreement reminders, self reminders, birthday reminders, computer reminders.

become obsolete - grow old - grow old

Be obsolete- to become old and fall out of use or fashion.
Examples of use: views are outdated, working methods are outdated, classics will never become outdated.

Grow old- 1) become older, grow older, 2) cease to be relevant.
Examples of use: the mother grew old (became old); the book has become old; artistic techniques have become outdated.

grow old- 1) become older, change due to age, 2) change physical properties.
Examples of use: the mother has aged (become older), the rubber has aged, the metal has aged.

Royal - royal - reigning

Tsarsky- 1) associated with the monarchical form of government, 2) related to the king, 3) like a king or worthy of a king.
Examples of use: tsarist regime, tsarist autocracy; royal place, royal tomb; royal gift, royal palace.

Regal- 1) relating to the king, 2) majestic, majestic.
Examples of use: regal appearance, regal gait, regal posture

Reigning- 1) the one who reigns, participle of the verb to reign, 2) dominant, dominant.
Examples of use: reigning dynasty, reigning family; reigning orders, reigning views.

Whole - whole - whole

Holistic- representing integrity, unity.
Examples of use: holistic meaning, holistic system, holistic research.

Whole- 1) complete, 2) important, real, 3) possessing unity, 4) unharmed.
Examples of use: whole piece; all day, year; a whole drama, a whole tragedy; the whole is better seen from a distance; whole cup; safe and sound.

Whole- not composite, made from a single piece.
Examples of use: made from a single piece of marble, solid impression, solid character.

Central - centralized - centrist

Central- 1) located in the center, 2) main, main, important.
Examples of use: central point, central square, central area; central committee, central telegraph, central issue, central role.

Centralized- concentrated in the center, emanating from the center.
Examples of use: centralized power, centralized supply, centralized distribution.

Centrist- occupying a centrist position (a worldview between revolutionary and evolutionary).
Examples of use: centrist ideology, politics, centrist beliefs, centrist parties.

Efficient - spectacular

Effective- effective, leading to the desired results.
Examples of use: effective method, method; effective solution; effective techniques, techniques.

Spectacular- making an impression.
Examples of use: spectacular woman, spectacular costumes, spectacular picture, spectacular gesture, spectacular pose, spectacular performance.

Effectiveness - efficiency

Effectiveness- noun from the adjective spectacular, the ability to make an impression.
Usage examples: with strive for showiness, showiness of behavior, external showiness.

Efficiency- effectiveness, efficiency.
Examples of use: reasons for lack of effectiveness, effectiveness of impact, effectiveness of implementation of the discovery, effectiveness of funds utilization.

Language - language - language

Language- relating to language.
Examples of use: language abilities, language flair, language university, language specialty, language phenomena.

Language- made from tongue.
Examples of use: tongue sausage, canned tongue, tongue aspic.

Lingual- 1) adjective from the noun language (organ of speech), 2) part of compound words
Examples of use: lingual consonants, lingual nerve; multilingual, bilingual dictionary, Russian-language website.

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