Brief description of the wild dog dingo. The book “Wild Dog Dingo or the Tale of First Love. History of the book

Childhood friends and classmates Tanya Sabaneeva and Filka vacationed at a children's camp in Siberia and now they are returning home. The girl is greeted at home by her old dog Tiger and her old nanny (her mother is at work, and her father has not lived with them since Tanya was 8 months old). A girl dreams of a wild Australian dog, Dingo; later the children will call her that because she is isolated from the group.

Filka shares his happiness with Tanya - his father-hunter gave him a husky. Theme of fatherhood: Filka is proud of her father, Tanya tells her friend that her father lives on Maroseyka - the boy opens the map and looks for an island with that name for a long time, but does not find it and tells Tanya about it, who runs away crying. Tanya hates her father and reacts aggressively to these conversations with Filka.

One day, Tanya found a letter under her mother’s pillow in which her father announced the move of his new family (his wife Nadezhda Petrovna and her nephew Kolya, the adopted son of Tanya’s father) to their city. The girl is filled with a feeling of jealousy and hatred towards those who stole her father from her. The mother is trying to set Tanya up positively towards her father.

On the morning when her father was supposed to arrive, the girl picked flowers and went to the port to meet him, but not finding him among those who arrived, she gives flowers to a sick boy on a stretcher (she still does not know that this is Kolya).

School begins, Tanya tries to forget about everything, but she fails. Filka tries to cheer her up (the word comrade on the board is written with b and explains this by saying that it is a second-person verb).

Tanya is lying with her mother in the garden bed. She feels good. For the first time, she thought not only about herself, but also about her mother. At the gate the colonel is the father. A difficult meeting (after 14 years). Tanya addresses her father as “you.”

Kolya ends up in the same class as Tanya and sits with Filka. Kolya found himself in a new, unfamiliar world for him. It's very difficult for him.

Tanya and Kolya constantly quarrel, and on Tanya’s initiative, there is a struggle for their father’s attention. Kolya is a smart, loving son, he treats Tanya with irony and mockery.

Kolya talks about his meeting with Gorky in Crimea. Tanya basically doesn’t listen, this results in conflict.

Zhenya (classmate) decides that Tanya is in love with Kolya. Filka takes revenge on Zhenya for this and treats her with a mouse instead of Velcro (resin). A little mouse lies alone in the snow - Tanya warms him up.

A writer has arrived in town. The children decide who will give him flowers, Tanya or Zhenya. They chose Tanya, she is proud of such an honor (“to shake the famous writer’s hand”). Tanya unwrapped the inkwell and poured it on her hand; Kolya noticed her. This scene demonstrates that relations between the enemies have become warmer. Some time later, Kolya invited Tanya to dance with her on the Christmas tree.

New Year. Preparations. “Will he come?” Guests, but Kolya is not there. “But just recently, how many bitter and sweet feelings crowded into her heart at the mere thought of her father: What’s wrong with her? She thinks about Kolya all the time.” Filka has a hard time experiencing Tanya’s love, since he himself is in love with Tanya. Kolya gave her an aquarium with a goldfish, and Tanya asked her to fry this fish.

Dancing. Intrigue: Filka tells Tanya that Kolya is going to the skating rink with Zhenya tomorrow, and Kolya says that tomorrow he and Tanya will go to a play at school. Filka is jealous, but tries to hide it. Tanya goes to the skating rink, but hides her skates because she meets Kolya and Zhenya. Tanya decides to forget Kolya and goes to school for the play. A storm suddenly begins. Tanya runs to the skating rink to warn the guys. Zhenya got scared and quickly went home. Kolya fell on his leg and cannot walk. Tanya runs to Filka’s house and gets into the dog sled. She is fearless and determined. The dogs suddenly stopped obeying her, then the girl threw her beloved Tiger to them to be torn to pieces (it was a very big sacrifice). Kolya and Tanya fell from the sled, but despite their fear they continue to fight for life. The storm is intensifying. Tanya, risking her life, pulls Kolya on the sled. Filka warned the border guards and they went out to look for the children, among them was their father.

Holidays. Tanya and Filka visit Kolya, who has frozen his cheeks and ears.

School. Rumors that Tanya wanted to destroy Kolya by dragging him to the skating rink. Everyone is against Tanya, except Filka. The question is raised about Tanya's exclusion from the pioneers. The girl hides and cries in the pioneer room, then falls asleep. She was found. Everyone will learn the truth from Kolya.

Tanya, waking up, returns home. They talk with their mother about trust, about life. Tanya understands that her mother still loves her father; her mother offers to leave.

Meeting with Filka, he learns that Tanya is going to meet Kolya at dawn. Filka, out of jealousy, tells their father about this.

Forest. Explanation of Kolya in love. Father arrives. Tanya leaves. Farewell to Filka. Leaves. End.

The book “The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love,” according to many readers, is a work written as if especially for young girls. It should be read at a time when you want to have fun during recess; when you have to argue with your mother about how long the skirt should be so as not to catch a cold; when all thoughts and dreams are connected with first love. This book is exciting and exciting and at the same time very sweet, homely “cozy”. This is the story of first love - a bright feeling that arose against the backdrop of evil intrigues woven by classmates, as well as family drama.

Plot plot

A summary of Fraerman’s “Wild Dog Dingo” will not convey the entire atmosphere that captures the reader from the very first pages of the work. The main character of the book, a schoolgirl named Tanya Sabaneeva, will seem at first similar to all girls of her age. Her life is the same as that of other Soviet pioneers. And the only thing that sets her apart from the rest is her desire to have a dingo dog. Tanya is the daughter of a single mother; her father left the family when the girl was only eight months old. Reading the summary of “The Wild Dog Dingo” by Fraerman, it is difficult to understand the full drama of the situation in the lives of the main characters. The mother tells her daughter fairy tales that her father now lives in a city called Maroseyka, but the girl does not find him on the map. The mother does not say anything bad about her father, despite the tragedy that befell her.

Unexpected news

When Tanya returns from children's camp, she discovers a letter that was addressed to her mother. In it, the father writes that he plans to return to the city, but now with a new family - his wife and stepson. Despite the conflicting feelings filling her, Tanya still comes to meet her father at the pier. At the port, she cannot find her father, and gives a bouquet of flowers to a disabled boy.

Subsequently, she learns that this is Kolya, with whom she is now related. She thinks a lot about her parents, but at the same time the heroine calls her father “you”. “The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love” is a book about teenage experiences, about the confusion of feelings that can happen in the soul of a young man or girl at such a tender age. The events described in the book continue to develop in the school classroom, where Kolya appears. Tanya herself, as well as her friend named Filka, studies in this class.

New feelings

And so competition begins between step-relatives for the parent’s attention, and most often it is Tanya who initiates the scandals. But gradually the girl realizes that she is beginning to experience tender feelings for Kolya - she constantly feels embarrassed in his presence, and looks forward to his appearance. Her experiences become noticeable - her friend Filka is very dissatisfied with them, treating her classmate with special warmth and not wanting to share her company with anyone.

The character of the main character

Those students who need to retell the summary of "The Wild Dog of the Dingo" by Fraerman should remember the path that the main characters of the book go through. Every teenager needs it. friendship and betrayal, the need to take an important step and finally grow up. This path awaits every hero of the book, but first of all we are talking about Tanya Sabaneeva.

In fact, it was the main character who was described by Reuben Fraerman as a “wild dingo dog” - after all, she received such a nickname in the class group for her isolation. With the help of her experiences, hopes and aspirations, the writer describes the main character traits of the heroine - the ability to sympathize, self-esteem, and the ability to understand. Tanya only looks like a simple schoolgirl. In fact, she differs from her comrades in her ability to sense beauty, and strives with all her might for truth, beauty, and justice. That is why reviews of Fraerman’s “Wild Dog Dingo” are the most positive. After all, the book evokes bright feelings in the reader, forcing you to empathize with the main character.

Maturity beyond his years

Tanya sympathizes with all her heart for her mother, who continues to love her departed father; she tries to understand what is the cause of the family drama, and turns out to be capable of sensible conclusions that not every adult in her place could make. Tanya's dreams of unknown countries and an unusual dingo dog speak of an ardent and poetic nature. The character of the main character is most clearly revealed in her tender feelings for Kolya. She surrenders to this love with all her soul, but still does not lose herself, she tries to comprehend what is happening to her.

A summary of Fraerman’s “Wild Dog Dingo” will not be able to convey all the nuances described in the book. At first, Tanya was constantly jealous of her father for Kolya; she constantly quarreled with her newly-made “relative”. Despite the fact that Kolya still tried to make friends with his stepsister (for example, with the help of Gorky’s stories), this only leads to quarrels. A classmate named Zhenya even suggests that Tanya is in love with her stepbrother.


As the New Year approaches, the feelings experienced by the main characters of Fraerman’s “Wild Dog Dingo” gradually transform. Tanya realizes that she loves Kolya. Filka, who is in love with Tanya, takes this very hard and, after the end of the dance, decides to engage in intrigue. He tells Tanya that Kolya and Zhenya are going to the skating rink tomorrow. And Kole says that he plans to go with Tanya to the performance tomorrow. The next day, Tanya goes to the skating rink, however, when Kolya and Zhenya appear there, she decides to forget the boy. But on the way the weather deteriorates, a snowstorm begins, and she decides to warn her comrades. The wife manages to quickly escape, but Kolya falls and cannot walk.

Further development of the plot

Tanya rushes into Filka’s yard and takes from him the dog sled given to Filka by his father. Tanya pulls Kolya, but the storm is getting stronger. Fortunately, along the way they come across border guards who save the children’s lives. Further, Reuben Fraerman describes how Kolya’s cheeks and ears were frostbitten. Tanya and Filka often visit their friend. However, when school begins again, a rumor spreads among classmates that Tanya deliberately dragged Kolya into the snowstorm in order to destroy him. Tanya is expelled from the pioneer organization. The girl is taking this very hard, but soon everyone will find out how things really were.


In the end, Tanya decides to talk frankly with her mother about her problems. They decide to leave the city. The main character talks about this decision to Filka and also plans to inform Kolya the next morning. Out of jealousy, Filka tells Kolya and Tanya’s father everything. The father appears at the place of their meeting just at the moment when Tanya confesses her feelings to Kolya. After this, the girl leaves to say goodbye to Filka and leaves.

History of the book

The history of the creation of “The Wild Dog Dingo,” according to researchers of Fraerman’s work, dates back to the writer’s stay in the Far East, where he saw many examples of the truly chivalrous attitude of Tungus boys towards Russian girls. The plot of the book matured in the writer’s mind for several years. When, finally, the writer was ready to create a work, he secluded himself from everyone in the Ryazan village of Solotche. Fraerman's wife recalled that the book was ready within a month. Currently, this work is very popular among teenagers and young adults, and this is not surprising, because it discusses topics that will be relevant at all times.

The main character of the story, Tanya Sobaneeva, was left without a father when she was eight months old. The father left for another woman and adopted the boy Kolya. In the future, the father will come with a new family to the city where Tanya and her mother live. The girl holds a grudge against her father and is always in conflict with Kolya, who also mocks Tanya. Then mutual sympathy will arise between them. The girl had a good friend Filka, who was secretly in love with her. Because of his jealousy, he was always arranging Kolya’s intrigues.

The story teaches that from hatred to love there is one step and vice versa. The earth is round, you can never promise anything, everything can change in an instant.

Read the summary of Fraerman's wild dog Dingo

The plot of the work unfolds around two comrades Tanya Sabaneeva and Filka, who were in a health camp and are already on their way back home. Tanya wants to receive a Dingo dog as a gift. But only Tiger, a small puppy, and a nanny are waiting for the heroine at home, her mother is not at home, she is forced to work a lot, since she supports her family alone, Tanya’s father abandoned the family when she was not even a year old.

Filka tells her friend that his father bought him a husky, he praises his dad, they have an ideal relationship. The girl doesn’t really like this; the topic of fatherhood is difficult and unpleasant for her. Tanya states that her father lives on Maroseyki Island. The guys look at the map and don’t find such a place, the girl gets angry and runs away.

Tanya accidentally finds a letter from her father. It turns out that the father comes with a new family to live in the same city. Tanya is upset, she is still angry with her father because he left her and her mother and went to another woman. Mom often talks with Tanya and asks her not to hold a grudge against her father.

Tanya knew the day when her father was supposed to appear. She decided to greet him with a bouquet. But she never saw her dad. Upset, the girl gave the flowers to a random stranger in a stroller. Later she finds out that it was Kolya, her father’s adopted child.

That difficult moment has come - the meeting of father and daughter after many years.

Kolya is enrolled in the class where Tanya studies. He sits at the same desk with Filka. Kolya constantly clashes with Tanya over his father. He is a smart, diligent, purposeful guy. But Tanya is constantly mocked.

The guys learn that a famous writer is coming to town soon. There is a struggle over who will give him a bouquet of flowers. There are two main contenders for this place – Zhenya and Tanya. In the end, Tanya wins. She is incredibly happy, because this is such an honor for her. While Tanya was opening the box, she spilled ink on her hand. Kolya noticed this. Relations between them began to improve. The boy even proposed to Tanya - to go to the Christmas tree together.

New Year has arrived. Something incomprehensible is happening in Tanya’s soul. Only recently she hated her father’s new wife and Kolya. And now he has the warmest feelings for him. Waiting for him, constantly thinking about him. Filka is jealous of Tanya and Kostya because he is not indifferent to her.

Dancing. Filka is deceiving everyone. He tells Tanya that Kolya will go skating with Zhenya, and Kolya says that he will go with Tanya to watch the school play. The situation is heating up. Out of nowhere, a strong twist begins. Tanya, as strong as she can, goes to the skating rink to tell her friends about this. Zhenya chickened out and quickly ran to her home. Kolya injured his leg when he fell, so he could not walk. Tanya goes to Filka and takes a team of dogs. She is brave and determined. At one point, the dogs became uncontrollable, and then the heroine was forced to give them her puppy. It was a huge loss for her. Kolya and Tanya are fighting to the last for their lives. The snowstorm is getting stronger. Tanya, risking her own life, helps Kolya. Filka told the border guards that the children were in danger. They went in search of them.

The holidays are here. Tanya and a friend visit Kolya, who has suffered frostbite on parts of his body.

Beginning of the school year. There are bad rumors about Tanya. Everyone believes that she is to blame for what happened to Kolya. Tanya is upset that they want to expel her from the pioneers, she cries, because it is absolutely not her fault in what happened to her friend. She was simply simply unfairly accused. Everything became clear when Kolya told everyone the true information.

Tanya goes home. There she talks with her mother about justice, about the meaning of life. Mom tells her that she wants to leave the city. Tanya understands that it is difficult for her mother to be near her father, since she still has feelings for him.

Tanya tells Filka that she wants to see Kolya. Filka informs Tanya’s father about this.

Forest. Dawn. Meeting at Cape Koli and Tani. Kolya confessed his feelings to the girl for the first time. Tanya tells him that she and her mother will soon leave the city. The boy is upset. Tanya admits that it was a difficult year for her. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. Kolya kisses her. The meeting is interrupted, the father and Filka come. Together they go home.

Summer. Tanya says goodbye to her friend, who can hardly hold back his tears. The girl leaves.

Picture or drawing of a wild dog Dingo

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Reuben Fraerman

"The Wild Dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love"

Childhood friends and classmates Tanya Sabaneeva and Filka vacationed at a children's camp in Siberia and now they are returning home. The girl is greeted at home by her old dog Tiger and her old nanny (her mother is at work, and her father has not lived with them since Tanya was 8 months old). A girl dreams of a wild Australian dog, Dingo; later the children will call her that because she is isolated from the group.

Filka shares his happiness with Tanya - his father-hunter gave him a husky. Theme of fatherhood: Filka is proud of her father, Tanya tells her friend that her father lives on Maroseyka - the boy opens the map and looks for an island with that name for a long time, but does not find it and tells Tanya about it, who runs away crying. Tanya hates her father and reacts aggressively to these conversations with Filka.

One day, Tanya found a letter under her mother’s pillow in which her father announced the move of his new family (his wife Nadezhda Petrovna and her nephew Kolya, the adopted son of Tanya’s father) to their city. The girl is filled with a feeling of jealousy and hatred towards those who stole her father from her. The mother is trying to set Tanya up positively towards her father.

On the morning when her father was supposed to arrive, the girl picked flowers and went to the port to meet him, but not finding him among those who arrived, she gives flowers to a sick boy on a stretcher (she still does not know that this is Kolya).

School begins, Tanya tries to forget about everything, but she fails. Filka tries to cheer her up (the word comrade on the board is written with b and explains this by saying that it is a second-person verb).

Tanya is lying with her mother in the garden bed. She feels good. For the first time, she thought not only about herself, but also about her mother. At the gate the colonel is the father. A difficult meeting (after 14 years). Tanya addresses her father as “you.”

Kolya ends up in the same class as Tanya and sits with Filka. Kolya found himself in a new, unfamiliar world for him. It's very difficult for him.

Tanya and Kolya constantly quarrel, and on Tanya’s initiative, there is a struggle for their father’s attention. Kolya is a smart, loving son, he treats Tanya with irony and mockery.

Kolya talks about his meeting with Gorky in Crimea. Tanya basically doesn’t listen, this results in conflict.

Zhenya (classmate) decides that Tanya is in love with Kolya. Filka takes revenge on Zhenya for this and treats her with a mouse instead of Velcro (resin). A little mouse lies alone in the snow - Tanya warms him up.

A writer has arrived in town. The children decide who will give him flowers, Tanya or Zhenya. They chose Tanya, she is proud of such an honor (“to shake the famous writer’s hand”). Tanya unwrapped the inkwell and poured it on her hand; Kolya noticed her. This scene demonstrates that relations between the enemies have become warmer. Some time later, Kolya invited Tanya to dance with her on the Christmas tree.

New Year. Preparations. “Will he come?” Guests, but Kolya is not there. “But just recently, how many bitter and sweet feelings crowded into her heart at the mere thought of her father: What’s wrong with her? She thinks about Kolya all the time.” Filka has a hard time experiencing Tanya’s love, since he himself is in love with Tanya. Kolya gave her an aquarium with a goldfish, and Tanya asked her to fry this fish.

Dancing. Intrigue: Filka tells Tanya that Kolya is going to the skating rink with Zhenya tomorrow, and Kolya says that tomorrow he and Tanya will go to a play at school. Filka is jealous, but tries to hide it. Tanya goes to the skating rink, but hides her skates because she meets Kolya and Zhenya. Tanya decides to forget Kolya and goes to school for the play. A storm suddenly begins. Tanya runs to the skating rink to warn the guys. Zhenya got scared and quickly went home. Kolya fell on his leg and cannot walk. Tanya runs to Filka’s house and gets into the dog sled. She is fearless and determined. The dogs suddenly stopped obeying her, then the girl threw her beloved Tiger to them to be torn to pieces (it was a very big sacrifice). Kolya and Tanya fell from the sled, but despite their fear they continue to fight for life. The storm is intensifying. Tanya, risking her life, pulls Kolya on the sled. Filka warned the border guards and they went out to look for the children, among them was their father.

Holidays. Tanya and Filka visit Kolya, who has frozen his cheeks and ears.

School. Rumors that Tanya wanted to destroy Kolya by dragging him to the skating rink. Everyone is against Tanya, except Filka. The question is raised about Tanya's exclusion from the pioneers. The girl hides and cries in the pioneer room, then falls asleep. She was found. Everyone will learn the truth from Kolya.

Tanya, waking up, returns home. They talk with their mother about trust, about life. Tanya understands that her mother still loves her father; her mother offers to leave.

Meeting with Filka, he learns that Tanya is going to meet Kolya at dawn. Filka, out of jealousy, tells their father about this.

Forest. Explanation of Kolya in love. Father arrives. Tanya leaves. Farewell to Filka. Leaves. End.

Tanya Sabaneeva and Filka have been friends since childhood. They go to the same class. The guys are returning from the pioneer camp. Tanya is greeted by the old nanny and the dog Tiger. Mom is at work. Dad left the family when Tanya was eight years old.

A girl's dream is a wild Australian dog. Filka's father is a hunter. He gave him a husky. The boy shares his joy with Tanya. The girl said that her father was in Maroseyka. Only Filka did not find such a name on the map. Offended, Tanya runs away. Talking about her father always causes aggression in a girl. She hates her father.

One day Tanya saw a letter under her mother’s pillow, where her father wrote that he and his family were moving to their city. His wife and her nephew Kolya, his father’s adopted son, come with him. Tanya feels hatred for all members of this family. After all, they were the ones who took her father away from her. The mother sets the girl up for a good relationship with her father.

The day of father's arrival arrived. Tanya with a bouquet of flowers heads to the port to meet him. However, she did not see her father among the many people. The girl gave a bouquet to a sick boy on a stretcher. She didn’t realize then that it was Kolya. It's time to study. Tanya drives away all the heavy thoughts, but it doesn’t work. Even Filka can’t cheer her up.

After 14 years, he meets his father. At that moment when the girl felt so good, when she was thinking about herself, about her mother, Tanya saw her father, the colonel, at the gate. This is a difficult meeting for her. The daughter cannot address her father as "you".

Kolya came to their class and sat down with Filka at the same desk. Everything is new for Kolya. It's not easy for him in the new world. In class, quarrels constantly flare up between Tanya and Kolya. Kolya is distinguished by his intelligence. He is a good son, but he always treats Tanya with mockery and irony.

Classmate Zhenya comes to the conclusion that Tanya is in love with Kolya. Filka, in order to take revenge on Zhenya, instead of Velcro gave her a mouse, which Tanya would pick up in the snow and keep him warm.

Tanya should give flowers to the writer. The girl is proud of it. Relations between Tanya and Kolya become warmer. Kolya even invited her to dance together on the Christmas tree. The boy can't get out of the girl's head. Filka is jealous. He is also in love with Tanya. Intrigue begins.

Zhenya throws Kolya into the snowstorm with an injured leg and runs away. Tanya is trying to save the boy. She even sacrificed her beloved Tiger.

Kolya with frostbitten cheeks and ears in the hospital. Filka and Tanya visit him. The girl was blamed for everything that was happening and the question of expelling her from the pioneers was raised. Kolya reveals the whole truth.

Mother still loves father. During a conversation about trust and life, she suggests leaving this city. Father learns about Tanya and Kolya’s meeting from Filka. Kolya declares his love to Tanya. Father appears. Tanya says goodbye to Filka.


Characteristics of Filka’s image in the work “The Tale of First Love” Why “The Tale of First Love” captivated me

Year of publication of the book: 1939

Fraerman's story “The Wild Dog Dingo or the Tale of First Love” is quite popular to read among students in schools. After all, this book is on the list of books required to be read in many educational institutions, and the film adaptation of Fraerman’s story “The Tale of First Love” helps to popularize the work. Thanks to this, “The Wild Dog Dingo or the Tale of First Love” can be read in many languages ​​of the peoples of the former USSR, as well as some foreign languages ​​of the world.

Fraerman's books "The Wild Dog Dingo or the Tale of First Love" summary

Fraerman was in love with Siberia, so most of his works are dedicated to this wild land. In the book “The Wild Dog Dingo or the Tale of First Love,” you can read, just like in, about an ordinary village. It is inhabited by classmates Tanya and Filka, who are just returning from a camp in the forest. Tanya dreams of an Australian dog, Dingo, for which her classmates receive the nickname “wild dog Dingo.” She gets this nickname for her unsociability. After all, she can only communicate freely with Filka.

Further in the summary of the story “Wild Dog Dingo” you will learn that Tanya lives without a father. Her mother tells her fairy tales that her father lives on the island of Maroseyka, but Filka cannot find such an island on the map. Soon Tanya finds a letter from her father, in which he says that he will soon return to their city with his new wife and adopted son, Kolya.

Despite her conflicting feelings, Tanya decides to go meet her father, but does not find him at the pier. She gives the bouquet she brought to the boy on the stretcher - this is Kolya. Tanya thinks a lot about her father and mother, but when he comes to them she talks to him on “you”. And despite Filka’s efforts to cheer her up, Tanino’s mood is far from joyful.

Further in “The Tale of First Love” you can read about how Kolya appears in their class. Tanya is jealous of his father and constantly argues with him. And despite the fact that Kolya treats this with sarcasm and tries to make friends with the girl with stories about his meeting, this only leads to quarrels. Because of this, classmate Zhenya even makes the assumption that Tanya is in love with Kolya.

Further in the summary of the story “Wild Dog Dingo” you will learn how, closer to the New Year, Tanya’s relationship with Kolya really develops into love. This is hard for Filka, who secretly loves Tanya. Therefore, during the dances, he decides to intrigue. He tells Tanya that Kolya and Zhenya are going to the skating rink tomorrow. And Kolya says that Tanya and him are going to the play tomorrow.

Further in the “Tale of First Love” summary you will learn how the next day Tanya goes to the skating rink. But when Kolya and Zhenya arrive there, he decides to forget the boy and leaves. On the way to the performance, a snowstorm begins, and she decides to warn Kolya and Zhenya about it. Zhenya quickly runs away, but Kolya fell on his leg and cannot walk. Tanya rushes into Filke’s yard and takes from him the dog sled that his father gave him in the summer. In order to drive the team, she had to say goodbye to her beloved old dog Tiger. But the storm is getting stronger and it’s becoming more and more difficult for Tanya to pull Kolya. The children's lives are saved by border guards, whom Filka warned.

Further in “The Tale of First Love” you can read that during these adventures Kolya froze his ears and cheeks. Filka and Tanya often visit him. But when the school year begins, a rumor spreads at school that Tanya deliberately dragged Kolya to the skating rink in order to kill him. For this they decide to expel her from the pioneers. The girl takes this hard, but soon everyone will find out the truth.

Further in Fraerman’s story “Wild Dog Dingo” you can read about how Tanya returns home and decides to have a frank conversation with her mother. They decide to leave the city. She tells Filka about this and is going to tell Kolya this in the morning. Out of jealousy, Filka tells Kolya and Tanya’s father about this. He arrives at their meeting place, just at the moment when Tanya confessed her love to Kolya. After this, the girl leaves to say goodbye to Filka and leaves.

The book “The Wild Dog Dingo or the Tale of First Love” on the Top books website

The popularity of reading “The Tale of First Love” is so high that this children's work is presented in our rating. At the same time, over the years, interest in the story does not fade, which suggests the presence of this story by Fraerman in the following ratings of our site.

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Transport tax in 1C Accounting 8.3 is calculated and accrued automatically at the end of the year (Fig. 1) when the regulatory...
In this article, 1C experts talk about setting up in “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” ed. 3 types of bonus calculations - type codes...