Cool Igor, why does he have cancer? Composer Igor Krutoy: illness, current state of health. Personal life of the composer


The famous producer Igor Krutoy is ill; fans of the composer last summer noticed Krutoy’s very painful thinness. The composer has been fighting cancer for many years.

Igor Krutoy is 63 years old and recently underwent emergency surgery in Los Angeles. The timing of the operation forced Igor Krutoy to refuse to participate in the “You are Super!” program.

The entire showbiz is discussing the serious illness of Igor Krutoy. In 2009, rumors were already spreading that Igor Krutoy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

In 2009, Igor underwent a serious operation. Some at this time said that Krutoy was simply having a cyst removed from his pancreas. In 2011, he again underwent emergency kidney surgery. The new operation required the sudden cancellation of filming.

Igor Krutoy’s wife Olga amazed with a photo with her daughters on the beach in Ibiza. The mother of adult daughters and grandmother of a little granddaughter published a photo in a swimsuit.

On the seashore, Igor Krutoy was photographed surrounded by his beloved women: his wife Olga, daughters Victoria and Alexandra.

And questions rained down on the composer: who is the wife and who are the daughters? In the comments, subscribers write: “Unrealistically cool. You can’t tell a mother from her daughters!”, “Everyone looks great, and Olga’s figure can only be envied, it has always been ideal for me!”, “The maestro and his muses are in great shape,” “I was stunned by such beautiful people and such slender figures! It's very cool."

Fans of the maestro noted that 51-year-old Olga in a bikini looks like the same age as her daughters.

Olga Krutaya, the wife of the famous composer Igor Krutoy, posted several photographs on her microblog account. A popular musician and his wife are relaxing on the beaches of Ibiza. One of the photographs, as subscribers noticed, shows the couple surrounded by their grown-up daughters.

Unfortunately, doctors were powerless to help the legendary performer of “Black Cat”

On July 12, at the age of 86, People’s Artist of Russia Tamara MIANSAROVA, performer of everyone’s favorite songs “Black Cat”, “Let there always be sunshine”, “Top-top, the baby is stomping”, our country’s first winner of international pop competitions in Helsinki, passed away. and in Sopot. Several years ago, Tamara Grigorievna began to suffer from health problems. She had a heart attack. Then - a fracture of the femoral neck. She had to undergo several difficult surgeries related to hip replacement. And lately she hardly got out of bed.

Igor Krutoy also supported us at a difficult moment. One of his employees turned out to be Tamarin’s former student Sergei Fadeev. Having learned from him about Tamara’s illness, Igor Yakovlevich said: “Don’t worry, I will help you.” And through Sergei he regularly transferred money to us. When Tamara died, he came to the rescue again and sent three thousand dollars to pay for the funeral. My brothers transferred some more from abroad. Even strangers translated something. So, one by one, we managed to collect the required amount.

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In the spring of 2017, it became known about Igor Krutoy’s serious illness. When the composer last appeared in front of the cameras, he looked very tired. Many fans also noticed that he had lost a lot of weight. In addition, recently Igor Krutoy has refused to participate in many television projects.

Fans are concerned about the composer’s condition, as he looks weak and emaciated in recent photos.

Not long ago it became known that Igor Krutoy was sick and slowly dying. When the composer found out about the disease, he went to America for treatment and was forced to refuse to participate in the television project “You are Super.”

At the moment, Igor is undergoing a recovery course after surgery.

What is sick with composer Igor Krutoy: diagnosis

Rumors that Igor Krutoy is ill have appeared for a very long time. Many suspected that he had been diagnosed with a malignant tumor, and also that the composer had his first operation several years ago, the website reports. But as it turned out, there was medical intervention, but the star had a cyst removed from the pancreas.

Rumors about the composer's health problems first began back in 2009.

But not so long ago, Igor underwent surgery in the USA. The fact that the composer at the last minute refused to participate in the show “You are Super” can also be a confirmatory fact of the disease. The show's organizers warned viewers that the star would not take part in the television project "for personal reasons."

Close circles of the 63-year-old producer confirm that he is ill. But, at the same time, they do not provide accurate information.

If we take into account the fact that Igor himself is silent about his condition and at the same time there is no improvement in appearance with each appearance, then we can assume that the disease is serious.

What is sick about composer Igor Krutoy: official data

The composer does not say anything officially to the public. It is now obvious that Igor Krutoy has health problems. Moreover, the producer lost consciousness in front of football fans in 2011.

Recently, the composer has undergone three operations. At the moment, Igor is in recovery.

But there is still no information that Igor Krutoy has cancer. Basically, all this is just suspicions from fans on social networks, who react with various comments to the producer’s photo.

Maybe the fans are worrying for nothing. Igor continues to work, despite the fact that he had previously abandoned several television projects.

You can also take into account the fact that the star has an apartment in America, and perhaps he goes there not for treatment at all, but, for example, for vacation.

Igor Krutoy works a lot, so he very rarely spends time with his loved ones. But he celebrated his 63rd birthday by throwing a party on the Cote d'Azur, where he invited many friends and family.

Friends noticed that the star's appearance had deteriorated. But considering that Igor is already 63 years old, this may be related to this.

Fans have long been convinced that the producer is sick. And in this regard, we wish him a speedy recovery.

Then the composer greatly disturbed his loyal fans during the football match “Shakhtar” - “Roma” in Donetsk. There he felt uneasy right during the match, and a little later it turned out that the author had kidney problems.

In recent 2009, there were rumors that Igor had cancer pancreas glands. In 2010, the situation repeated itself and those around him again began to say that the artist was seriously ill.
In 2011, kidney surgery was actually performed. And what happened again forced the filming to be cancelled.

The famous composer Igor Krutoy suffers from cancer; last year fans noticed Igor’s very unusual, painful thinness.
The composer has been fighting cancer for many years.

The composer himself says that, having already left the hospital, he was faced with the fact that his relatives began to call asking when the funeral would take place. This made Igor Krutoy think about his life, how he lives and where he will ultimately end up.

As OrelGrad learned, during the trial of the claim of entrepreneur Igor Krutoy against the Zerich Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), the issue of transferring the case to another court was considered. This request was made by the DIA. It believed that the claim should be considered at the place of its registration in Moscow.

The famous composer Igor Krutoy is sick with cancer. Top news today December 27, 2017

The joint photos that Igor Krutoy’s relatives periodically post are very disturbing to the composer’s fans. They constantly talk about how the author is unnaturally thin and looks extremely sickly. They were given even more reason to worry by the fact that he refused to take part in the show “You are Super!”, justifying it with personal circumstances. It later turned out that such “personal circumstances” were a trip to Los Angeles, where, according to rumors, he underwent surgery.

Igor Krutoy has stage 4 cancer. Everything that is known.

The party turned out in accordance with the status of the birthday boy. Igor Krutoy organized a fun and chic holiday, inviting his relatives, friends and colleagues. One of the star guests at the Krutoy celebration was the popular performer Timur Rodriguez. He published a photo with the birthday boy in his photoblog, and also said: he congratulated Krutoy and even played a concert.

IN beginning In 2017, it became known that the composer unexpectedly dropped out of the jury of a song competition on the NTV channel due to further health problems. It later turned out that the 63-year-old composer underwent emergency surgery in America. What exactly happened remains a mystery.


Igor Krutoy is sick with cancer 2017.

For the last 7-8 years, fans of Igor Krutoy’s work have been discouraged by his sickly appearance. Once again, the composer appeared in front of journalists’ cameras at the “New Wave” song competition very emaciated. Let us remember that shortly before the scandal with Channel One, Igor Krutoy became very ill. In 2009, information first appeared that the composer had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. At the same time, Krutoy underwent his first complex operation in America.

In 2011, Igor Krutoy suddenly canceled filming. As his press secretary reported, emergency kidney surgery was performed.

At the beginning of 2017, it became known that the composer unexpectedly dropped out of the jury of a song competition on the NTV channel due to further health problems. It later turned out that the 63-year-old composer underwent emergency surgery in America. What exactly happened remains a mystery.

Sources from the NTV channel confirmed that Igor Krutoy will resume participation in the competition, but from the next stage, and will also participate in the selection of young contestants for “New Wave” and “Junior Eurovision”.
The composer's official sources commented: “The surgical procedures were planned and were not done urgently. Igor Krutoy does not have any serious problems at the moment. The cancellation of filming was forced, only for the period of the operation and the postoperative period.”


Igor Krutoy is seriously ill; the composer’s condition as of December 27, 2017. Latest information as of December 27, 2017.

The appearance of the famous composer before the public in Sochi, where New Wave 2016 is taking place, stirred up alarming conversations on social networks. Fans are worried about Igor Krutoy’s well-being, as he has lost a lot of weight and has become haggard.

The author noticed health problems 8 years ago, in 2009. It’s all about a pancreatic cyst. The author of unique musical compositions underwent a very difficult and lengthy operation, which caused a flurry of thoughts and awareness in him and his family. So Igor Yakovlevich admitted that after the operation he reconsidered a lot of things, and, in principle, his outlook on life. He also noted the experiences of family and friends during the operation.

Then the composer greatly disturbed his loyal fans during the football match “Shakhtar” - “Roma” in Donetsk. There he felt uneasy right during the match, and a little later it turned out that the author had kidney problems.

However, other information also appeared. In particular, in 2011, Krutoy became ill during the Shakhtar - Roma football match in Donetsk, and he was hospitalized. As it turned out, Igor arrived for the match in Donetsk with a fever.

Igor Krutoy’s close circle also says that his appearance has really changed, not for the better. So it is quite understandable to think about a malignant tumor. However, the composer himself does not confirm this information.

The author noticed health problems 8 years ago, in 2009. It’s all about the pancreas bush. The author of unique musical compositions underwent a very difficult and lengthy operation, which caused a flurry of thoughts and realizations in him and his family. So Igor Yakovlevich admitted that after the operation he reconsidered a lot of things, and, in principle, his views on life. He also noted the experiences of his family and friends during the operation.

However, the plaintiff's representatives objected to this. They insisted that the process should take place at the place of registration of the Zerich bank. It is registered in Orel on Moskovskaya Street, 29. According to the law, the case can be transferred to another arbitration court of the same level if both parties have filed a request for consideration at the location of the majority of the evidence.

The reason for which surgery will be performed is unknown. No one officially says what or what it will be connected with. Despite this, you need to understand that a person who has survived so many operations requires special attention, and the composer is no exception.

The joint photos that Igor Krutoy’s relatives periodically post are very disturbing to the composer’s fans. They constantly talk about how the author is unnaturally thin and looks extremely sickly. They were given even more reason to worry by the fact that he refused to take part in the show “You are Super!”, justifying it with personal circumstances. Later it turned out that such “personal circumstances” were a trip to Los Angeles, where, according to rumors, he had surgery.
However, Krutoy’s representatives said that there was no reason to worry. The author only went through some absolutely harmless procedures, and that at the moment the composer continues to work very hard. This calmed the fans somewhat.

Fans, tracking the life of their idol through photographs, immediately drew attention to his alarming thinness. And their fears were confirmed. It turned out that the famous composer had a malignant tumor, and he underwent surgery.

– All procedures performed were planned long ago and were not done urgently. Igor Yakovlevich does not have any serious problems. The cancellation of filming was forced only for the period of surgery and postoperative time, said a representative of Igor Krutoy.

According to some reports, the composer has been battling cancer for many years. Recently, 63-year-old Igor Krutoy underwent emergency surgery in Los Angeles. Because of her, he was even forced to suddenly refuse to participate in the “You’re Super!” program.

– Back in 2009, a rumor appeared that Krutoy had pancreatic cancer. He then also underwent a serious operation. But then they said that they simply removed a cyst from his pancreas. And in 2011 he had another emergency operation. There's already something wrong with the kidneys. And now, due to surgery, he suddenly canceled filming. So, it looks like the matter may be much more serious after all,” one of the members of the “You’re Super!” film crew told us.

Igor Krutoy celebrated his 63rd birthday on July 29. The composer organized a holiday in one of the resort towns on the seashore in France, inviting many relatives, friends and colleagues. The birthday boy’s wife, Olga, as well as his beautiful daughter Victoria, took pride of place at the celebration.

Biography of Igor Krutoy personal life photo video songs. Detailed data.

In one of these photographs, Krutoy carefully hugs his beloved wife around the waist. Fans noticed that the maestro had changed somewhat. “I’ve lost a lot of weight, I hope everything is fine with my health,” “Something doesn’t look good, as if I’m unhealthy, God forbid,” followers wrote. Others stood up for the idol: “Perhaps he specially cleansed the body?” they suggested. “He was such a plump sweetheart! God bless him always!”


Most subscribers admired it. “The perfect couple, happiness always to you and your children!”, “How similar you are,” “Well, there are such beautiful couples, well, they’re just beautiful in advertising, I love looking at beautiful people in love, happiness to you,” fans wrote.

In another photo, the composer’s youngest daughter Alexandra hugs his neck and smiles happily. “How thin you have become, how thin your arms are,” “Igor Yakovlevich, our beloved, please don’t get sick. We all need you. You write such beautiful music. And you yourself are a beautiful person with a soul,” the users did not let up.

As the site wrote, the composer was unable to take part in the program “You are Super,” where he was supposed to act as a judge. Journalists found out that the reason was the health problems of the 62-year-old composer. According to some reports, he underwent surgery in Los Angeles.

The artist’s official representative claimed that Krutoy was not suffering from anything serious. “I know that he is undergoing treatment, I talked to him, I know that there is nothing wrong. He needs to undergo some procedures,” he said.

After the composer canceled his participation in the famous TV show “You’re Super,” rumors appeared that Igor Krutoy was suffering from cancer. This is confirmed by the photo from 2017, where it is clear that the composer has lost a lot of weight and has even become slightly haggard. Since that time, fans of his work have been concerned about whether Igor Krutoy is sick or not.

Biography of Igor Krutoy

The future composer was born in Ukraine, namely in Gayvoron. It was July 1954. Interestingly, his family had absolutely nothing to do with the world of art. Igor’s mother was an ordinary housewife, and his father worked at one of the local enterprises as a dispatcher. No one then, in fact, could have imagined that a talented musician could grow up in such an ordinary Soviet family. It all started when the child was discovered to have very good hearing and his parents decided to enroll him in one of the music schools. And at children's matinees, the gifted boy played excellently on his favorite instrument - the button accordion.

The boy, in love with music, did not want to stop there and therefore, over time, also mastered the piano. In the sixth grade, Igor Krutoy organized an ensemble, which he became the leader of. Later, school dances could not do without talented people.

The gifted boy connected his future exclusively with music. He dreamed of developing his talent and growing professionally. So he became a student at the music school in Kirovograd and studied in the theoretical department. When he finished his studies, he taught for one year at a local music school, where he taught, just as he had once been taught to play the button accordion.

At the same time, Igor Krutoy continued to grow in his career, and decided to go to study now at the Music Pedagogical Institute in Nikolaev. His choice was the conducting department.

1979 was a special year for Igor Krutoy, because at that time he was invited to work in the Moscow Metropolitan Concert Orchestra “Panorama”. However, a year later he goes to work in the Blue Guitars team. The pianist's talent could not go unnoticed, and soon he was invited to join the ensemble of the then popular singer Valentina Tolkunova. After some time, he began to lead this ensemble.

Six years later, another dream of the musician came true - he entered the conservatory at the composition department in the city of Saratov. Actually, as soon as he learned to play musical instruments, he wanted to become a composer. So he moved step by step closer to his dreams.

The creative path of Igor Krutoy

1987 marks the beginning of his biography as a composer. It was then that the song that was destined to become the hit “Madonna” appeared. Krutoy wrote it for his friend, as well as pop singer Alexander Serov. His success was consolidated by new songs for the same singer - “Do you love me”, “How to be”. At that time, the popularity of the talented composer was growing rapidly. Then his songs were sung by such pop stars as Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontyev and Alexander Buinov.

Igor Krutoy is one of those people who are not accustomed to resting on their laurels, and therefore, in addition to his composing activities, he begins to pay attention to production. So first he became the director, and later the artistic director of the ARS company. Ten years later, Igor Krutoy became the president of the company, which, thanks to his truly competent leadership, became the largest concert and production organization in the country.

How professionally Igor Krutoy’s company works can be judged by the fact that it organized concerts of such world-famous performers as Jose Carreras and Michael Jackson in the capital. In addition, she acted as a producer of popular programs broadcast on central channels.

In recent years, the popular composer has been writing instrumental music. In 2000, his first album entitled “Music without Words” was released, which presents the best of his original works.

His composition with the romantic title “When I Close My Eyes” is the most popular. Fans called the work truly inspiring and even incomparable. In addition, Igor Krutoy was involved in writing music for films.

Video clips with his participation are also very popular. So the song “An Unfinished Romance,” which the composer performed together with Irina Allegrova, became one of the hits in his biography. Moreover, at that time there were even rumors that the collaboration between the composer and the singer could have a negative impact on the well-being of his family. In addition, the press even said that Igor Krutoy’s marriage was “bursting at the seams,” but this turned out to be just speculation.

The work of the talented composer “My Friend” has also become popular and beloved by many. Its special feature lies in the fact that this brilliant creation was created with the participation of another equally talented Russian pop artist, Igor Nikolaev.

Collaboration with Lara Fabian can be called important for the composer. This is how the album “Mademoiselle Zhivago” gained popularity in some countries of the world.

The talented Russian composer is beginning to be recognized in different countries of the world.

2016 was also a fruitful and significant year for Igor Krutoy. At this time, a video for the song “Late Love” was being filmed. This work ended up at the top of the country's music ratings.

Personal life, family, children

The personal life of the popular composer took quite a long time to improve. The marriage he is in now is his second. In the first, his son was born. However, the couple still had to break up.

His wife owns a business in New Jersey. For Olga, this is also the second marriage, and from the first she has a daughter, Victoria.

In addition, the couple also have a common daughter, Alexandra. The girl was born in the USA in 2003. Igor Krutoy can often be seen with his daughter at various events. The composer loves children very much and does everything to be with his family as much as possible, despite the fact that he is very ill.

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