Who is the author of the architectural structure Baiterek. “Baiterek” is the symbol of Astana. Operating hours of the Astana-Baiterek monument

Monument "Astana-Baiterek" Since its appearance, it has become one of the main symbols of the new prosperous. This is not just a beautiful and famous landmark, a successful observation deck and a modern cultural center, but also a sign denoting a new future and the destiny of the country.

I will try to tell you about all the versatility of this wonderful monument.

History of the creation of the monument

Work on the construction of this marvelous structure began in 1996 year on the initiative and decision of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Did you know? They say that he drew the initial sketch of the project on an ordinary napkin, which is still kept in the presidential museum.

Famous architects supervised the construction of the monument A. Rustembekov and B. Islamov. He also took an important part in the development of the project world famous English architect N. Foster. 23 subcontractors were involved in the construction site. As a result of many years of work, the grand opening of Baiterek took place in 2003.
During construction, more than 8,600 cubic meters were carried out. m of excavation work and 2800 cubic meters. m. concrete. The monument stands on 500 piles, the weight of the metal structures involved reaches 999 tons.

Main attractions

Baiterek Monument – an iconic landmark not only of Astana, but of the entire city.
Its height reaches 97 m (and together with the ball - 105 m), which, like many other things in the design, is a certain symbol. After all, it was in 1997 that it became the new capital of Kazakhstan, which was the beginning of a new life for the country.
Baiterek himself symbolizes Tree of Life. It consists of 3 tiers:

  1. The lower, underground tier goes 4.5 m deep into the earth and means World of the Dead, tree roots, symbolizing the past of Kazakhstan, its history and traditions. Currently, the underground level houses a cozy cafe, colorful aquariums and the Baiterek gallery, which displays paintings by the famous artist E. Tolepbay.
  2. The middle tier is represented by a high tower, inside of which elevators run. She represents World of the Living– a reliable tree trunk on which the future of Kazakhstan rests.
  3. The top tier is a large glass ball with a diameter of 22 m, symbolizing Heavenly World– bright future for the country.

Did you know? The ball is very beautiful, it is made of glass, which changes its color depending on the sunlight.

Inside the ball there is an extensive observation deck and a bar. There are also two unusual objects here:

  1. Wooden globe, surrounded by 17 petals, on which are the signatures of the heads of various world religious denominations. This is a symbol of the fact that Kazakh society is open to all possible approaches to solving global human problems.
  2. Monument "Caring Hands"– cast of the right palm of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The viewing room also features city ​​layout and there is a small gift shop.

Square and small park, surrounding the monument, are also very picturesque and loved for walks and various exhibitions and festivals.

Near Baiterek you can also see the following attractions:

  • Gallery "Has Sanat"(Kunaeva St., 14);
  • Gallery "Aru Art"(Dostyk st., 9);
  • Lovers' Park(Dostyk st.);
  • City Park;
  • National Museum(Tauelsizdik Ave., 54);
  • Palace of Peace and Reconciliation(Manasa Ave., 57);
  • Holy Assumption Cathedral(K. Dina St., 27);
  • Triumphal Arch(Orynbor street);
  • Museum of the First President of Kazakhstan(Beibitshilik St.).

How to get to the Baiterek monument?

Finding the monument is very easy.

  • It is located in Astana on the left bank of the river. Ishim at 1 Water-Green Boulevard.
  • Monument coordinates: 51°7’41″N 71°25’49″E.
  • You can get to Baiterek using the services of minibuses No. 110, 116, 117 and 118 or by buses No. 10, 12, 18, 21, 27, 28, 35.

Operating hours of the monument

Baiterek is open to tourists at any time of the year.

  • During the winter season(October - April) the monument opens at 10:00 and closes at 21:00.
  • In the summer(May – September) the monument is open to visitors a little longer. It opens at 10:00 and closes at 22:00.

The cost of visiting the monument for an adult is 500 tenge (about $1.6).
A child ticket (for children 5-15 years old) will cost less – 150 tenge (almost $0.5).

Important! Children under 5 years of age can visit the monument for free.

Baiterek video business card

In this video you will learn interesting facts about the beautiful Baiterek Monument, which is located in the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana, and is one of the main attractions of the city. Enjoy watching!

It seems to me that Baiterek is indeed a very unusual and multifaceted monument. Not only the design itself has been thought out here, but also a developed infrastructure for tourists has been created, and the very concept of the monument is full of symbolism.
There is hope that the monument truly heralds a new, rich future not only for Kazakhstan, but also for other post-Soviet countries.

Did you like Baiterek?

The architecture of each country is unique, and almost all states have architectural objects that are considered a symbol of this region and its main attraction. The Roman Colosseum, the Indian Taj Mahal, the Parisian Eiffel Tower - these buildings are known all over the world and the countries in which they are located are associated with them. Is there such an architectural symbol in Kazakhstan?

There were quite a lot of buildings vying for the title of the main architectural site of Kazakhstan; naturally, almost all of them are located in the capital of our state - Astana, which is included in the Top 10 most beautiful cities on the globe and bears the title “City of the World” awarded by UNESCO. The vast majority of Kazakhs, including the site’s architects, agreed that the most striking symbol of Astana and, accordingly, of the whole of Kazakhstan is the Baiterek monument.

This bright architectural object symbolizes the Kazakh idea of ​​the universe. Legend has it that Baiterek is the personification of the tree of life, which is sought by the mythical bird Samruk. She hides in its thick crown in order to leave there a golden egg - the Sun, which gives life and faith. At the foot of the tree hides the terrible dragon Idahor, who is trying to eat the egg. Thus, the confrontation between good and evil that has arisen since the beginning of time is reflected in Kazakh myths. The tree of life itself, according to legend, is located on the banks of the World River, its crown supports the sky, and its roots support the earth.

The opening of the monument took place in 2002 and became a landmark event in the history of the Kazakh people. The layout of the facility represents the three foundations of life: the underground, earthly and sublime world. The lower level is located at a depth of 4.5 meters, there is a cafe, aquariums and a gallery. The height of the base is 97 meters - this number was not chosen by chance, it is associated with 1997, when Astana became the new capital of Kazakhstan.

The weight of the metal tower itself exceeds 1000 tons, and it is fixed on 500 piles. This spectacular structure is crowned by a huge glass ball, the diameter of which is 22 meters and the weight is about 300 tons. The total height of the structure is 105 meters. The project of this monument was developed by the famous architect Norman Foster, who became famous for his original hi-tech creations.

The glass ball is open to visitors and can only be accessed by elevators. In the center of the panoramic hall there is a globe made of wood, on which there are 17 petals with signatures of representatives of various religious movements. In addition, there is the composition “Ayaly-Alakan”, which is a palm print of the President of Kazakhstan - the personification of the reverent attitude of the Kazakhs to peace on Earth.

The world community has long associated the Baiterek monument not only with Astana, but with the whole of Kazakhstan. This object is an architectural symbol of a country that strives to preserve its roots, but at the same time boldly looks to the future.

Where should you start exploring Astana? Of course, from the symbol of the capital - Baiterek. The monument personifies the Kazakh people’s idea of ​​the universe. According to legend, Baiterek is the tree of life, to which the sacred bird Samruk strives. She takes refuge in its high crown to lay a golden egg - the Sun, which gives life and hope. And at this time, the hungry dragon Idahor was hiding at the roots of the tree, wanting to eat the egg. This is how the eternal struggle between good and evil is represented. The World River flows here, on the bank of which Baiterek stands, supporting the sky with its crown and holding the earth with its roots.

The Baiterek monument was opened in 2002, and became a sign of the history of Kazakhstan, a new stage in the life of the people.

Monument "Baiterek" - "Tree of Life" in the center of Astana

The structure of the tower symbolizes the three foundations of the universe - the underground, earthly and heavenly worlds. At a depth of four and a half meters there is a lower level where there are cafes, aquariums and the Baiterek mini-gallery. The height of the building is 97 meters, which symbolizes 1997, the year of the proclamation of the new capital. The metal structure of the tower weighs more than 1,000 tons and stands on 500 stilts. At the top there is a huge ball of glass with a diameter of 22 meters and weighing 300 tons. The total height is 105 meters. The architect of such an ambitious project was Norman Foster, known for his hi-tech buildings.

To visit the glass ball you need to take panoramic elevators to a height of 86 meters. There is a bar and a panoramic hall, in the center of which there is a wooden globe with 17 petals signed by representatives of world religions. Also, here is “Ayaly - Alakan” - an imprint of the palm of the first president of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev - a symbol of the caring attitude of the Kazakh people towards peace and tranquility on our planet.
Here you can also look at Astana from a bird's eye view - a modern business district on the left bank of the Ishim, and cozy areas with squares on the right bank of the river.

Today, Baiterek evokes strong associations among the world community not only with the capital, but with the entire country as a whole. It has become not only a symbol of the city, but also of the entire Kazakh people, preserving their historical roots and looking to the future.


The Astana-Baiterek monument is considered the symbol and main attraction of Astana.

The monument is a tall metal structure with a huge ball on top. The height of the structure is 97 meters and marks the transfer of the capital from Almaty to Astana in 1997.

Why only the last 2 digits of the year were taken and what to do if the capital were moved, for example, in 2001, is not reported.

The idea of ​​construction belongs to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. The plaque standing at the base of the monument conveys the whole essence of the construction of the structure: “Baiterek, with its location and compositional structure, expresses the cosmogonic ideas of the ancient nomads, according to whose legends the World River flows at the junction of the worlds.”

It is very interesting to watch Kazakh people who came to the southern part of Kazakhstan and read this legend in Kazakh.

Full text of the legend

At night, the monument is effectively illuminated:

Photo from weber.narod.ru

In 2002, at the opening of the monument, the President of Kazakhstan said: “Anyone who climbs here will absorb the steppe expanse of Kazakhstan and the enormity of our state.”

I couldn’t miss the chance to absorb the expanse of the steppe. I take a high-speed and silent elevator to a height of 86 meters, where the panoramic hall is located.

From here you have a beautiful view of the city under construction. Sorry for the quality of the photos. The best thing to do would be to get out, wipe the glass, and then take pictures.

View of the exhibition complex, a complex of administrative buildings and unfinished business districts

View of the Presidential Residence, Senate and Government

View of the Ministry of Defense

There is a payphone at the top (“Mom, hello! I’m calling you straight from Baiterek!”). There are even evacuation plans hanging on the walls. Why they are needed is unclear; if something really happens, you can only run to the elevator.

In the center of the panoramic hall there is a wooden globe with 17 petals, signed by 17 representatives of various world religions.

Next to the globe, on a luxurious table, there is a “wish-granting machine”: inside the copper hemisphere there is a cast of the palm of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Baiterek Monument - an iconic landmark of Kazakhstan

It is believed that if you place your palm in the print, the “music of the celestial spheres” begins to play. At this moment you need to have time to make a wish.

Of course, I didn’t stand on the sidelines. I did everything, but I did not hear the music of the celestial spheres. Probably the wish will not come true.

A good end to the inspection was the testing of the toilet, located at an 86-meter altitude.

Monument "Astana-Baiterek"

The Baiterek Tower is located in the new capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, directly opposite the palace of the country's president. This amazing structure made of metal, glass and concrete, topped with a huge glass ball, was built in 2002. The height of the structure is 97 meters.

Baiterek is the main symbol of Astana

This figure is not accidental: Astana was declared the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997; before that, the center of the republic was the southern city of Almaty.

The future capital was called differently at that time - Akmola - and was a small city that consisted mainly of standard Soviet-style buildings. Later, the city became a hotbed of architectural experimentation, “Manhattan in the steppe.”

The architecture of the capital of Kazakhstan combines Asian, Western and Soviet styles, and this fantastic mix makes a strong impression, especially considering that Astana is located in the vast, windswept steppe of Central Asia.

The unusual silhouette of the Baiterek tower fit perfectly into the futuristic landscape of the newly rebuilt capital, but the paradox of this structure is that in this case, the achievements of modern architecture helped to embody an ancient image: the tower symbolizes the world tree from the legends of nomads.

Translated from Kazakh, Baiterek means poplar. As the Kazakh legend tells, on the shore of the vast ocean there grows a sacred tree that connects the past, present and future. At its top, the giant bird Samruk makes a nest, where it lays a golden egg - the sun. At the roots of the magic poplar there lives a terrible dragon, who steals the egg again and again, but the bird gives people a new luminary every year. Thus, in a symbolic form, legend explains the change of day and night, summer and winter, and the ultra-modern Baiterek reminds us of these archaic ideas.

The design of the tower fully corresponds to the legend: the underground part of the building, symbolizing the roots of a gigantic tree washed by the world's oceans, includes a large aquarium and a spacious hall from where visitors can begin their journey upward.

The tree trunk is the middle part of the building. There are two high-speed, silent elevators that connect the lower and upper worlds and lift visitors to the “top of the tree” - into a golden ball made of shining three-layer glass, which provides reliable protection from harsh winds and harmful atmospheric influences. Openwork metal structures firmly hold the glass “egg” - a symbol of the sun, revival and prosperity.

At the top, visitors can enjoy the bright space of a three-level panoramic hall, from where they can admire the view of Astana, the youngest capital of the world. From here, from a bird's eye view, you can clearly see the exhibition complex, a number of administrative buildings, business districts under construction and the presidential residence. You can compare the opening view with the layout of Astana, which is presented here.

Inside the “egg” there is another ball - a beautiful wooden globe, surrounded by 17 rays - bars on which representatives of various world religions left their signatures. This object reminds of the tolerance of the people of Kazakhstan towards other religions: here, at the foot of the tower, in 2003, for the first time in history, representatives of 17 religious denominations performed a common prayer.

Next to the globe is the composition “Ayaly Alakan” with an imprint of the right hand of the President of Kazakhstan. Residents of Astana believe that if you put your palm into this print and make a cherished wish, then your plan will definitely come true.

The history of the creation of Baiterek is also unusual. Construction was hampered not only by extreme natural conditions, but also by the aggressive soils of Astana. In this regard, many original engineering solutions were required: for example, the builders used specially reinforced piles on a reinforced concrete pad. When erecting the tower, it was necessary to take into account the strength of the steppe winds, which at a height of 50-60 meters are much stronger than at the surface of the earth.

The tower is supported by 500 piles, and its weight is more than 1000 tons. Of these, 300 tons is the weight of the glass ball on top of Baiterek, whose diameter is 22 meters.

From the outside, Baiterek looks like a rocket ready to take off. He is beautiful from any angle. Its gilded ball is made of chameleon glass, which can change color depending on the light. It’s worth looking at Baiterek late in the evening, when the ball is bathed in golden illumination, and the tower itself smoothly changes color from red to purple.

The miracle tower was created according to the sketches of the British architect Norman Foster. Baiterek is so important for Kazakhstan that it is depicted on banknotes and coins, photographed, drawn, and recognized as a national brand.

In 1997, the capital of Kazakhstan was moved from Almaty to Astana, a city in the north of the republic. To commemorate this event, on the initiative of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, it was decided to erect the Baiterek monument, which would become a symbol of Astana and one of the most striking attractions of the new capital.

The Water-Green Boulevard, recently renamed Nurzhol Boulevard, which means “Road to the Light,” was chosen for construction. This is the most modern boulevard of the city, which is called the face of the capital. It is an interesting 3-level structure, on the lower level of which there is a parking lot, on the middle level there are shops and offices, and on the upper level there is a pedestrian area with fountains surrounded by flower beds and benches.

Administrative buildings lined the boulevard.

At one end of the boulevard there is the Ak-Orda presidential palace, at the other there is a modern entertainment center in the form of a huge transparent tent, and a place in the center of the boulevard was reserved for the giant Baiterek tower. Its construction, which cost approximately $6 million, was completed in 2003.

At that time, it was the tallest building not only in Astana, but throughout Kazakhstan. The height of the monument, symbolizing a new stage in the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is 97 m, and together with the gilded ball crowning it, it has a diameter of 22–105 m.

The monument contains several city attractions at once: a panoramic hall with a restaurant and an observation deck, located in a ball, which is lifted by a silent elevator, as well as an aquarium and a bar, located on the lower level, 4.5 m underground.

In the center of the panoramic hall on the 97th floor is the composition “Ayaly Alakan”, which in Kazakh means “Caring Hands”. The main element of the composition is the imprint of the right palm of the Kazakh president, symbolizing the caring attitude of the Kazakh people towards the whole world. A popular belief immediately arose: if you make a wish by placing your hand in the impression of the president’s hand, then it will certainly come true.

Nearby you can see a wooden globe on which representatives of 17 world faiths left their autographs, which symbolizes the unity of all religions.

From the observation deck of Baiterek, the whole of Astana is clearly visible, and the tower itself is beautifully illuminated with lights until midnight. The design of Baiterek (“baiterek” means “poplar” in Kazakh) is associated with the old Kazakh legend about the sacred bird Samruk and the tree of life. This bird lives on a tall slender poplar that grows on the banks of the World River. The river separates three worlds - underground, earthly and heavenly. The top of the poplar reaches into the sky, and its roots go deep into the ground.

Once a year, a bird lays a golden egg in the poplar foliage, symbolizing the Sun, and a dragon named Aidahar, flying to the foot of the poplar, swallows it. And this means that day always gives way to night, and night to day, after winter there will definitely come summer, and after summer - winter, without Evil people would not know what Good is.

According to legend, after death people ascend along the trunk of the Baiterek to heaven, but the Samruk bird decides to let them pass or throw down those who have sinned a lot. The author of the Baiterek tower project is Kazakh architect Akmuraz Rustambekov.

The tree of life has already sprouted: Baiterek has smaller copies in Ekibastuz and Ust-Kamenogorsk. Baiterek’s image can be seen on the 10,000th tenge bill, the national currency of Kazakhstan.

Helpful information

Where is the Astana-Baiterek monument located?

The address of the monument “Astana-Baiterek” (original name - Baiterek) is as follows: Left Bank, 1, Astana, Kazakhstan.

How to get to the Astana-Baiterek monument

You can get to the monument by buses No. 10, 12, 18, 21, 28, 29, 35, 46, 50, 52, 70.

Operating hours of the Astana-Baiterek monument

Entrance to the tower is open daily from 10:00 to 21:00.

Entrance fee

The cost of entry to the observation deck is 700 tenge, for children from 5 to 15 years old - 300 tenge, under 5 years old - free.

Official site

You can find out the current phone number or buy a ticket on the website astana-bayterek.kz

Baiterek is a symbol of Astana. To Western guests of Kazakhstan, it resembles a huge Chupa Chups, majestically towering over the new buildings of the capital. However, in reality, the symbolism of the grandiose structure is much more complex and interesting...

Baiterek of Astana and Nursultan Nazarbayev

In 1997, a decision was made to move the capital of Kazakhstan from Almaty to Akmola. The official transfer procedure took place the following year, and Akmola itself changed its name - from now on the main city of Kazakhstan should be called Astana, which means “capital” in Kazakh. The initiator of all these upheavals was the first president of the republic, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

As an experienced politician, Nazarbayev understood that capital status alone could not turn Astana into the main city of the republic. We need infrastructure, we need a new urban mythology, we need attractions that will attract tourists to the capital.

Then the idea of ​​erecting the Baiterek monument in Astana arose.

What does the monument symbolize?

Why does Baiterek in Astana (Kazakhstan) look like this?

It turns out that Baiterek is a sculptural embodiment of the worldview of the ancient Kazakhs. They imagined the Universe in this way: somewhere between the worlds a river flows, on the banks of which grows a wonderful tree of life called Baiterek. The roots of this tree keep the underground world in balance, the trunk is located in the world of people and animals, and the crown goes into the heavenly world. Thus, the Baiterek tree is a kind of axis of the Universe. By the way, the Vikings, who worshiped the magical ash tree Yggdrasil, had similar worldviews.

Every year the magical bird Samruk flies to Baiterek. Somewhere among the branches she lays a golden egg, which later turns into the sun. And everything would be fine if the evil dragon Aidekhar did not live at the foot of Baiterek. From time to time he manages to steal an egg, but the bird Samruk always returns it back. With this myth, the ancient steppe people explained the alternation of day and night, summer and winter, as well as life and death.

The myth of Baiterek is very important for the Kazakh worldview. We can say that it is the basis of a new national idea. It is no coincidence that there are about a dozen villages with this name in the country. In addition, one of the main socio-political magazines of Kazakhstan, as well as the Astana football club, bears the proud name “Baiterek”. “Baiterek” is also the name given to the rocket and space complex project created jointly with Russia.

Therefore, one should not be surprised that the myth of Baiterek formed the basis of the project of the famous Kazakh architect Akmurza Rustembekov. Construction under his leadership lasted five years; in 2003, the new symbol of Astana, Baiterek, received its first visitors.

Political symbolism

The creators of Baiterek Astana managed to combine ancient mythological themes with modern political background. For example, the height of the structure without taking into account the ball is 97 meters, and this is not accidental - after all, it was in 1997 that Astana became the capital. By the way, at an altitude of 97 meters you can see a special memorial sign in the form of a handprint of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Residents of the capital claim that if you make a wish by placing your hand in this print, it will definitely come true, and very quickly. By the way, the height of the entire structure is 105 meters.

There is another symbolic attraction in Baiterek - a globe divided into 17 parts, each of which is signed by a representative of a religion. Thus, the creators of the monument once again call on humanity to live in peace and harmony, to avoid strife on religious grounds.


If a person is not very interested in history and all the symbolism of Baiterek does not really touch him, the main attraction of Astana will still find something to please him. On the territory of the complex there is a large number of first-class cafes and restaurants, on the last tier there is an observation deck, and there is a wonderful oceanarium. There is a bar right inside the ball that Baiterek is crowned with.

In the near future, there should be even more interesting things, because in the summer of 2017, Baiterek Astana began to welcome guests again after an impressive reconstruction. Considering the steady interest of Western tourists in Kazakhstan, there should be no shortage of guests.

And the same for us!

Residents of Barcelona say that the world will end when the Sagrada Familia is completed. Residents of Astana, on the contrary, assure that nothing will happen to the world and Kazakhstan as long as Baiterek stands. The landmark, which turned only 20 years old in 2017, has managed to become a beloved and recognizable symbol of the republic, adorning an unimaginable number of postcards, magnets and notebooks.

It got to the point that residents of many other settlements also wanted to have their own Baiterek. There are now Baitereks in Ust-Kamenogorsk and Ekibastuz, as well as in the villages of Aksuat and Novoishimskoye. There is a miniature copy of the monument in the modest city of Karkaralinsk.

Perhaps this best proves the popularity and importance of Baiterek. After all, no one will copy an unloved symbol.

Monument “Astana-Baiterek” (Astana, Kazakhstan) - description, history, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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The beautiful and majestic monument “Astana-Baiterek”, the name of which is translated from Kazakh as “poplar”, rises above Astana like an amazing futuristic tree. Made of metal, glass and concrete, with a long trunk topped with a thick spherical crown of glass, “Baiterek” shimmers in different colors in the sunlight.

Everything about it is beautiful and symbolic: the height is 97 m (with the ball - 105 m), and the golden sun in the crown, and the internal content - the monument is divided into three zones, personifying the three foundations of the universe.

Nursultan Nazarbayev once said that a person who climbs to the top of Baiterek gets an amazing opportunity to become saturated with the spirit of the Kazakh steppes.

History of the creation of the monument

“Baiterek” owes its idea, like many other remarkable buildings in the country, to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, who sketched out his plan on a paper napkin, which to this day is carefully kept in the collection of the Museum of the First President.

“Astana-Baiterek” is a metal structure 105 m high and weighing over 1000 tons, which stands on 500 piles. The crowning ball of the structure, 22 m in diameter and weighing 300 tons, is made of chameleon glass, which changes color depending on sunlight.

“Astana-Baiterek” owes its idea to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, who sketched out his plan on a paper napkin.

The author of the project is the famous English architect Norman Foster. The construction project was led by architects B. Islamov and A. Rustembekov. Together with a team of talented designers, engineers and designers from 1996 to 2002. in the center of Astana they erected a huge and beautiful structure, which became a symbol not only of the city, but of the whole of Kazakhstan.

In 2002, the Astana-Baiterek monument was awarded the Grand Prix following the results of a competition held by the International Association of the Union of Architects (IAUA) of the CIS countries.

The meaning of "Astana-Baiterek"

In addition to its visual symbolism, “Baiterek” was conceived and implemented with a special meaning and philosophical significance. According to the legends of ancient nomads, the Ishim River symbolizes the World River, and on its left bank stands the Tree of Life, the role of which is played by “Baiterek”.

In accordance with the idea of ​​the Tree of Life, which personifies the Universe, Astana-Baiterek is divided inside into three zones. On the lower, underground level there is a cafe, aquariums and an exhibition-gallery, where paintings by the famous painter Erbolat Tolepbay are presented.

The middle level, called the earthly level, is the tower itself, inside which high-speed elevators run, lifting guests of the monument to the heavenly level - inside a glass ball, where there is a bar and large panoramic rooms, allowing you to see the capital at a glance, in the prime of its youth and beauty.

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