Who are the comrades of the diggers? Dictionary of special slang for black diggers. The meaning of the word "comrade"

You walk across the field, hear a completely digging signal, of course, you dig. And there!?

Something incomprehensible, but really made of non-ferrous metal, for example copper, and also having a specific, sometimes not without some grace, shape. As a rule, a person with some digging experience identifies such finds unambiguously as horse meat, or sometimes diminutively, horse meat. And there are many such finds, let’s even say that there are often more than the desired coins or metal plastic.

True, my own experience of communication, on various sites of instrument search enthusiasts, suggests that sometimes things made of metals such as bronze or copper, which cannot be determined, are declared horse meat only because they themselves cannot understand what it is.

How do we deal with such finds? Someone takes it out and leaves it on the edge of the field, along with all other unnecessary metal rubbish. I take it home and there it is, lying around for years somewhere in a distant corner of the barn, not particularly noticeable to my loved ones. Because, after the “extreme, Chinese warning”, the thousandth in a row, all this property accumulated through hard, digging work, through the lovely hands of his wife, will go to the landfill.

Someone picks up all sorts of colored digging and, having gained a few kilograms, hands it over to the metal collection point.

I don’t want to mention those who allow themselves to throw such finds directly onto the field.

But there are people among us who are passionate about the search for antiquity and who are creative. These people collect various colored “shmurdyak”, the same horse meat, for example, and arrange it in all sorts of compositions. It can be a panel, either with glass or without it. There are different ways to interestingly design seemingly unnecessary things. I have heard about a person who cooks compositions from his finds, they say it turns out very interesting and unusual.

Of course, there are a lot of interesting things that come across in the mine; it’s simply not realistic to list them all. Well, for example, the so-called “samovar”, of course, we are talking about parts or simply parts of samovars. One of the frequent finds of treasure hunters is axes. We are, of course, not talking about ancient battle axes. Just about the most common ones, which are still used by peasants, and not only, in various works. And the horseshoes. This symbol of good luck often appears, and not only those used to shoe horses, people’s shoes were also sometimes equipped with horseshoes.

But there are also fragments of body crosses, icons, caps in general, those very small plastic pieces, and all this in considerable quantities. From these fragments you can create something very attractive. In addition, there is one point that is not unimportant. It turns out that such creativity has its price and sells quite well. I understand that the vast majority of us are not searching for artifacts for the sake of making money, but is it really bad if interesting work decorates someone’s home or dacha? It would be a great help to many if they managed to get at least some gasoline in this way. And it will come in handy as an original gift for friends. I myself never thought about how to try to make something with my own hands, from what was brought from the mine and dumped in secluded corners. But when I imagine that there are still a lot of long winter evenings ahead with frost and howling blizzards outside the window, it’s probably worth a try. Also, those of my comrades who are interested in such creativity said that this activity is very helpful in relieving the so-called winter, digging withdrawal symptoms.

It’s a shame when piles of finds that have no value as collection material gather dust in the corners, like in my barn. Still, whatever one may say, a very decent amount of time and money is spent on pursuing our hobby.

And such work, with seemingly completely useless finds, will allow you not only to spend time with interest and benefit, but also to remember the wonderful hours spent with a metal detector in nature.

Sources: treasure hunters website reviewdetector.ru, specialized forums.

An oldie, dig in the old ways - go for objects from the ancient life of people. They are found in places of ancient settlements and old roads. Mainly consists of coins and jewelry.

Dig about the war - go for war trophies.

Trophy hunters, blacks - war diggers.

Habor, butor, swag - a collection of various items that are coveted by search engines and collectors.

Colored metal is a non-ferrous metal, the most respected signal by search engines about the presence of objects made of copper, bronze, aluminum, gold, silver, etc. underground.

Chernyaga, chernina - objects made of ferrous metals, usually poorly preserved in moist soil. Mostly found on battlefields.

Kopar is a search engine.

Black, red, white, green trackers are people who dig at battle sites. “Blacks” work solely for profit, “reds” or “whites” (almost no longer found in nature) are engaged in the official reburial of remains and searching for exhibits for museums on a voluntary basis, “greens” dig for their own pleasure and to replenish personal collections.

Discriminability is the ability of metal detectors to distinguish between non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

Finger batteries are cylindrical batteries in the shape of “fingers” that are used to power detectors.

Zero is a well-preserved item.

Coil - search ring of a metal detector.

Saffron milk caps, red ones are gold,

MD metal detector,

Kop - an event to raise artifacts, carried out on the ground,

Companion is a dated metal material that accompanies interesting artifacts.

An aborigine is any citizen of his native state, a foreign citizen or a stateless person who appears in the field of view of a digger engaged in his favorite pastime. Any Aborigine encountered at a cop site is by default taken as a “source of increased danger.” In this regard, every digger is obliged, as soon as possible after an aborigine comes into view, to strain his limbs, to gather his will and intellect into a fist “so that when tension arises, he can get out of the situation with dignity.”

The ass of the world, Epenya, Fart, The armpit of the universe is a difficult to reach area.

A probe is a tool for penetrating the soil to different depths and identifying swag.

Preserved - the condition of the found swag.

Reconnaissance - searching for an area for a cop.

Kruglyash is a coin (mostly copper), which, due to a long stay in soil that is aggressive to this type of metal, has completely lost (or almost lost) the inscriptions that allow it to be identified. Synonymous words: killed coin, blow.

Chuika - sensitivity

A hole, a hole - a dimensionless quantity, everything that is smaller than a pit - remains after pulling out the earth with a shovel in the place indicated by the MD.

A pit is an excavated hole with a side of more than 0.5 by 0.5 meters.

Excavation - a dug hole with an area of ​​10 square meters. m or more.

Spoon - false triggering of MD.

Comrades are fellow cops.

Zhorzhik - a coin with the image of St. George the Victorious. He is Konyashka.

Soap - the remains of a coin without signs of minting (rotten, worn out).

Shit is a trashed road where you can’t get through without a winch and a jack.

Serebrushka is a silver coin.

Chicken - a copper nickel (Katya, Lisa).

The lounger is a cemetery.

A dump is a place where the corpses of soldiers who died on the battlefield are collected and thrown into the nearest trench/trench.

Piglet/pigs are unexploded shells.

Beachgoers are a type of digger who primarily search on beaches.

Arches are archaeologists.

Quota/Quota dollar (Quarter Dollar) - 25 US cents.

The loaf is a UAZ car.

Lack of swag - the absence of interesting unearthed things.

A crust is a thick layer of oxides and soil that firmly covers a freshly lifted coin.

Horse meat is a part of horse harness.

Shmurdyak is colored garbage.

Grasshoppers are strong stems of grass (usually dry) that interfere with the movement of the reel.

Seeds, scales - silver coins of pre-Petrine times

Chepyshily/bluebills are local alkonafts/drunk aborigines.

The bastard is part of a copper rim from a projectile.

Somersault is the place where a drunken ancestor tumbled, during which several small denomination coins were lost in a small area.

Stuck - a coin that, during the minting of the previous coin, did not leave the press, but stuck to one of the stamps. Thus, one of the sides of the stuck coin itself became a stamp, which hit the next circle. Naturally, the image on the coin became mirrored.

Holy water - vodka (sometimes helps when communicating with aborigines).

Metal waste - anything that is not of interest to a search engine

The last mintage (for Tsarist Russia) - coins issued before the 1917 revolution.

Belon (bilon) - a coin made of low-grade silver

Legend is a fairy tale sold to an aborigine about the purpose of the search (a tractor lost in the dunes or a meteorite that flew from the Alpha Centauri system).

Vacuum clearings/run along the tops - explore the clearings/fields using a metal detector.

Dvundel - coin of 2 kopecks, sample 1812

Pyatachura - coin of 5 kopecks of Katka or Lizka

Viper (from the word “to crap”) - a dubious target that requires digging

Raising hazelnuts - digging out the foundation

Native / relatives - original, original;

Rarity (from the English “Rare” - rare) is a rarely found thing;

An artifact is a very valuable thing;

Conservation - the degree of condition and quality of things, there are the following types of preservation: mukha (fly not fucking, mukhach, mukhachevy, museum) - the highest degree of preservation - ideal, the thing has not been worn or used, five plus on a five-point system; zero/nulsen - excellent preservation, five; attic - average state of preservation, four points, used - used, but usable, score three; dugout - an average quality item, but subject to restoration, with a C-minus; killed - worn out, almost unusable - a solid two; rotten - a thing found in the ground cannot be restored; dust (to dust) - definitely a unit, crumbles in your hands.

Remake (replica, reproduction) - an exact or almost exact copy of an item.

Bullshit/bullshit - a fake, hence: “Fuflyzhit” - to make old things, “Fufelshchik” - a manufacturer of fakes.

Leftist - an analogue, but a little worse, performed by "Fufla".

Bullshit is a completely left-wing thing.

Golimaya (thing) is an unsuccessful fake.

Cheerful (about a thing) - an object or thing in good condition.

A toad (thing) is a good thing that you feel sorry to part with or want to buy, the word comes from the expression “The toad presses.”

Creamy - a thing for sale, for “draining” (from the expression “draining” - to sell).

Emptiness is a useless thing.

Expensive - expensive.

Change, change - (from the English “change”) exchange, exchange.

Blow - sell (thing).

Sell ​​- sell (sell) “bullshit”, “bullshit” or “leftist” under the guise of “relatives”.

Freebie - achieve something without effort, buy it cheap.

Entourage - appearance.

To sew, to sew - to assemble (assemble) a set of uniforms and equipment.

Chekukha/check - manufacturer's or acceptance mark.

Shnyaga - accessories for equipment, in general any small metal things.

Equipment - equipment.

Clift - uniform, outerwear.

Kaliki/calsiki/bald - summer long johns.

Hairy - winter pants.

Kepel/kepar - army cap “Muetze” with a visor.

Kamok - camouflage.

Tymoshenko's socks are gaiters.

Rogach is a German helmet from the First World War. Shell/cauldron/pot/cap - helmet. Among the German helmets, a distinction is made between “Thirty-five” (model 1935 and ’40), which differ in the design of the ventilation holes, and “Sorokovka” (model 1942, without lining around the edge). Walnut - an experimental model of the Wehrmacht helmet at the end of the war, was adopted by the People's Army of the GDR and was used until the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. Fritz is a modern NATO helmet, reminiscent in appearance of the “Stahlhelm” (adopted into service in the United States in 1980 under the designation PASGT-H; similar helmets are used in the armies of Germany and France.

Adrian/Adrian - the first steel helmet of the Red Army, similar to the “Helmet of Adrian” (French helmet of 1916), more precisely applicable to the “Russian Adrian” mod. 1917

Khalkhingolka / comb / eared (more correctly “Khasanka”) - Soviet helmet mod. 1936 (SSH-36) seemingly hemispherical with a flange outward, the liner is held on by 3 rivets on top and is a hoop on 3 springs with a canvas or leather liner like the German one.

Cornflower/three-rivet - Soviet helmet mod. 1940. Hemispherical, with a flange outward, official name, the liner was attached to three rivets, correct designation SSH-40;

Winner (Ukrainian “Peremozhnitsa”, “Six-klepka”) - Soviet helmet mod. 1943, different from "Vasilka".

Kopanina is a loot that can be sold.

Lounger/dead body/graveyard - a military cemetery or mass grave site.

The battle area/bulk/where they oiled themselves is a place of active fighting.

Mash/mash - applied earth at an excavation site.

Floor is the ground level that corresponds to the time of construction of the excavation object.

Damn - dugout.

Loner - individual cell.

Line - line of trenches.

Attic - skull, also applies to the emblems of tankers and SS.

Box - skull.

Reinforcement - bones.

Minced meat is a difficult to identify mishmash of parts.

Rzhachka - rusty metal objects.

Fresh - freshly mined objects and things.

Minak - mine detector, metal detector.

Phone/call - work with a metal detector.

Blow up - completely (to the bottom) dig up a dugout, cell, etc.

Pick up - dig up something.

Go wild - walk quickly with a mine detector, “over the top.”

Fascist - German soldier.

Krasnyuk/Sovok - Soviet soldier.

Harness - a complete set of infantry equipment.

The shoulders are a soldier's sword belt.

Dopnik is an additional belt for attaching items of ammunition. Thermos, tank - a box from a German gas mask.

The muzzle is a gas mask.

Blade/frog/leg - suspension for a bayonet.

Rusk - a bag for food rations.

Bricks are rifle pouches.

Trapezoid - first meaning: German “assault pack” or “A-pack”, base for attaching a “trench pack”. Second meaning: a single patch with an eagle and a cockade for a headdress.

The coils are military buttonholes.

Fabric - belt.

The tongue is leather for attaching the buckle to the belt.

Sheathing - a set of service patches for uniforms.

Chicken/bird/crow - German eagle.

Wagon - cap.

Cabbage is the badge on the cap.

Crab is the badge on the Navy cap.

Sekel - a triangular chevron on the sleeve of the Red Army tunic.

Canned food - motorcycle glasses.

Hook/hook - hooks on the body.

Frozen meat - a medal for the winter campaign of 41–42 on the Eastern Front.

Scrambled eggs - Order of the German Cross.

Iron - Iron Cross.

Schinkel - Iron Cross, from it. "Schinkelform".

Otechka - Order of the Patriotic War.

Cuttlefish - Order of the Red Star.

Spider/haken - (second word from German “Hakenkreuz”) - swastika.

Eye/peephole - a badge of national colors on a headdress.

The rosette is a metal cap badge.

Ribbon - insignia of a medal or order, in the form of a colored ribbon,

threaded into the second buttonhole of the jacket.

Bolt - signet ring.

Nut - ring.

Bull's eye - NSDAP icon.

The tablet is a swastika sign in a wreath, for example on the guard of an officer's dagger.

Nausea - light metal icon.

Raznik is an icon of class or rank.

Tailcoat is a military award badge for wearing on civilian clothing.

Nails/butter/patricks - cartridges.

Moska/Mosya/Mosinka - Mosin rifle.

Karabakh/karamultuk/karamulte - carbine.

Dad is a Shpagin submachine gun.

Degot - Degtyarev's light machine gun.

Gingerbread - disk store.

Horn/horn - horn store.

Lapti - large caliber shells and bombs.

Cucumber is a small caliber projectile.

The barrel is a weapon.

Emgach - MG machine gun.

Zbyr - Czechoslovakian CZ machine gun.

A clamshell is a machine gun machine.

Snail/snail - assault magazine for the MG machine gun.

Piglet, Pyatak - 5 cm mortar.

Carrot is a mine to a 5 cm mortar.

Knurled - shutter.

Kolobaha/mallet/beater - a hand grenade with a handle, in the German army it was called a Potato Grinder or a Pusher.

The egg is a hand grenade without a handle, like the Soviet Limonka, but without ribs

A mousetrap is an anti-personnel mine.

Tear - explosive objects.

The point is a place to install the fuse.

Explosive - fuse.

Round wood - a puncture on the cartridge case from the firing pin of a rifle or carbine.

Oval - a puncture on a cartridge case from a machine gun firing pin (Mgachevsky, Zbyrevsky.

Tripwire - mine - tripwire.

Skimmed (barrel) - a blank weapon.

Mickey Mouse - tank T-34 mod. 43 years old (German).

Label Pot/pots - Grossdeutschland division.

Laha - LSSAH division.

Skulls/shards - Totenkopf division.

Ryakha/ryashka - division of Das Reich.

Nords - Nordland division.

Luft is a member of the Luftwaffe.

Paratrooper - (from the English Paratrooper) parachutist.

Staffelnik - (from German Schutzstaffel) SS-sheep.

Frogs (German: Der Frosch) - this is how German front-line soldiers called the SS sheep during the war, for the colors of their camouflage.

Tommy - British soldiers in World War II.

Aichi - (from English IT) Italians.

Yankees - American soldiers in World War II (one of the expressions).

Bosch/Hans/Fritz are collective names of German soldiers in World War II, the first is more typical when used by the French. Hence, nowadays Hansovsky and Fritsevsky mean German.

Romanian - Romanian.

Garland - machine gun belt

Chizh, pioneer - aspiring search engine

Khabarka is a bag for swag.

Walk over the heads, chests, legs - digging up certain parts of the skeleton on the sunbed.

Shovel - a wallet taken from a fighter.

Zalupa is a large cumulative rifle grenade.

The button is a fragmentation grenade.

Fifty dollars - 50mm artine.

Giblets - spare parts for weapons.

The bolt is a bolt from a rifle.

Epaulet - a policeman and a dug officer, both Soviet and German.

Fangs are teeth.

Eyepieces - binoculars, glasses.

Doping, spiritual food - alcohol.

Khabar City is the Moscow name for St. Petersburg.

Hudlo, hum - resp. device, find using the device.

Zhirnyak is a fatty (rich) place.

A beet is a mortar, pulling a beet is what Ch. Swede gives a lyulei for, respectively - to pull - to lift.

A pipe is a trunk, often a replacement pipe.

Pooping - walking without equipment, picking up things thrown by other diggers.

The device is tired - a dead find.

Chicken with chickens - any atomic weapon with cartridges.

A can of oil - zinc with cartridges.

A jar of cucumbers is a box with mortar shells.

Dutka - any rifle.

The cone is an F1 grenade.

Tourist's breakfast - RPG - 40 or RPG - 43.

Condensed milk - RG-42.

The dead man is Totenkopf's soldier.

Granules - gunpowder.

Fleisch/fleisch - medal Frozen meat.

Iron - LCD.

Pipe - mortar.

Soap - lit.

The devil's kitchen is a soap factory, a place of water decontamination.

Stinky - a drop of fighters with adipose wax, i.e. howling corpses.

To ring out - to ring something with a device on horseback.

Gmokhs - evil and dirty spirits of battlefields, settle in swamps.

The coiner is a seeker of antiquity; he does not dig for war.

Spring - S. mi.35, S. mi.44.

The plate is an anti-tank mine.

Roast a pig - bake a shell in a fire.

Bukryn is a place of pilgrimage.

Ivan, scoop, soldier, man - the corpse of a Soviet soldier.

Toad, zhmur, gansyuk - a fascist.

Kinders are children who collect cartridges.

Nebel, Vanyusha - German rocket.

A trough, a gas van, wheels - that's what you use to get to your destination.

Garbage dump - dumping of various rubbish, from helmets to rifles.

The lounger is a German cemetery.

Pogost, tsvintar - an ordinary cemetery.

The projectile is a liter of beer or 0.7 Celsius vodka.

Khmyr (stale) - food (expired).

Naked - Nagant revolver.

Pasta is artillery gunpowder.

Spaghetti is an English cordite powder.

Donut/dopnik - additional powder charges for a mortar shot.

Iprik - German gas mask.

Cow - air bomb, rocket.

Stinky is a chemical munition.

Kaputnik - killed German soldier.

The handbrake is a hand-held machine gun.

Rudy is Rdultovsky's hand grenade.

Jerry is a murdered German soldier.

Pishchalka - metal detector.

Land mine - a bottle of moonshine.

Phosgene - dirty socks.

Mustard - mustard.

The sausage maker is German.

Lumi is aluminum.

Kopf is a Totenkopf fighter. death's head insignia.

Monocle - gun sight.

An eyepiece is an optical sight for a rifle.

Cyclops - mortar sight.

Bombach - mortar.

Balon - Valonian volunteer.

Perkelje is an Estonian volunteer.

Red is a Scandinavian volunteer.

Tatar - Eastern volunteer.

The chip is a token of a German soldier.

Gonomag - 4X4 jeep.

Tiger - German recessed armored vehicle.

Four - the national badge of the Panzerkampfabzeichnen, the sleeve badge for a damaged tank.

The steering wheel is the sign of the driver.

Flak - badge of the Flakabzeichnen or Flak of the Kampfabzeichnen der Luftwaffe.

Fascist - Italian soldier.

Finger - Spanish volunteer.

Hydra is the badge of the Bandenkampfabzeichnen.

Coldweed - edged weapon or Nahkampfspange.

Golyak is a shell without a casing. grenade without fuse. Second meaning: a place without prospects for a cop.

Scrap is black unnecessary metal.

Pomzik - counters the POMZ mine.

The coffin is an anti-pikh or anti-tank mine in a wooden case.

Containers - shell casings.

Surprise or surprise - MD 5, ZZ 42, ZZ 35, F1.

Igrik - German Y harness.

Gnus is a village informer who rats out copers.

Pike - a bayonet from a three-piece.

Pepsicola, pepsik - PPS.

Castor cutter - MG 42.

The widow is a booby trap.

Big-eyed is a specialist in digging.

The forest showman is a riot policeman.

Tortilla - TNT.

The treasury is a cache of jewelry.

Kaka is a detonator or detonator capsule.

Leibovets or Lagovets - a soldier of the Leibstandarte SS.

Macaronnik is an Italian soldier. Rotten pasta is a dead Italian soldier.

Pig splitter, pig cutter - any bayonet or bayonet-knife.

Seiver is a German knife-strop cutter.

Jaundice or picrinka is picric acid.

Welig is a soldier from Greater Germany.

Alphabet/Gothic - letters that are used on shoulder straps.

Dead Man's Chest - a box with documents or rewards.

Fuflogon/Susanin is a person who knows where the tank is buried.

A trainer is a person who knows where the Tigers are hidden.

Shtoff - 20-liter German canister.

A storekeeper is a person who knows where a cache or a soldier is buried.

Fire stick - any rifle.

Trambone - a tube from a Faust cartridge or Panzershrek.

Club, faust, steel fist - faustpatron.

Zukernitsa - sugar bowl.

The last argument is the sapper's shovel.

Elephant, elephant with a filter or trunk - gas mask.

Lawn mower - any machine gun.

A cigar is a torpedo or a Katyusha shell.

Gross match - faustpatron.

Office - box with awards.

Auxiliary - pistol 6.35.

Chuvirla is a large caliber projectile.

Chika-pika - finisher, MP-40 assault rifle.

Shershavchik is a fragment.

Elephant, samovar - high-explosive flamethrower.

Poker - trunk.

Gandon/hydrach/tirpitz - wetsuit.

Mutant is a small cumulative rifle grenade.

Button - fragmentation rifle-hand grenade.

Three, three-kilogram - mortar mine of 80–82mm caliber.

Kilukha, kilogram - mortar mine of 50mm caliber.

Junk - items from a soldier's everyday life.

Giblets - spare parts for weapons.

Hans - Mauser 98k or 33/40.

Puddle is a small lake.

Chekukha is a small sign for something, or an emboss on something.

A wonderful thing - junk of special value.

Chuni - stockings from OZK.

Clamshell - German rocket mortar model 40 (machine 40).

Corpse eater - a person who specializes in digging through remains in search of crowns.

Sveta - SVT38 or SVT40.

Pencil - fuse from RGD.

Waste paper - leaflets, documents.

Shotgun - rifle mortar.

Minoply - mortar.

Pipe - trunk.

The fungus is a detonator cap.

The glass is an additional detonator.

Pfel (Pfel) - signal cartridge.

Fly Agaric is a search engine that is red to the core.

Mole is a search engine that specializes in digging.

The Drop is an anti-personnel mine made from an 82mm mortar mine.

Go collect bullets - a way to politely “send” a person.

Teha - TT.

Berdysh is a shovel with which you dig.

Drin - rifle barrel.

Orange - F1.

Concerva, concentrate - RG-42

Beans - pistol cartridges.

Bullshit is a household item of little value.

A table, tabletop - a steppe or field, plowed so much that no traces of positions are visible at all.

Kryzh - metal flags - min. indicators.

Tsimusa - small finds from a pancake (dugout).

Tsimus layer - a layer of earth 3–5 cm from the floor of the pancake.

Lis or Fox is a cunning digger who does not show off the dirty places.

A bear is a digger working in one season.

A forest manager is a professional digger who knows farm forests and battle sites.

A black fagot is a digger who digs in places clogged with someone or in forests that others are developing.

Wolf, wolfchara - a lone digger.

ZyZy is a specialist in SS troops.

The historian - digger is not a professional amateur with rich informational baggage.

A vampire is a vile, tick, mosquito or other blood-sucking creature. Second meaning: digger – specialist in dead soldiers.

Zheton is a collector of soldiers' medallions.

Itsyk with nails - tsink with cartridges or a box with swag.

Honduras is a guerrilla camp.

Contras - representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Muller is a representative of the state security organs, a specialist in digging, and the heads of the police department.

Unitas - members of the association of search teams

Hedgehog - POMZ anti-personnel mine.

The counterfeiter is a reenactor of the German army and the Red Army (reenactors). Second meaning: dealer of remakes.

Kamikaze is a digger specialist in GPs.

Nail puller - a collector of spent cartridges and the one who turns cartridges into MMG

Funeral - MD 5.

The head is a remote tube.

Shit keeper - collector of detonators.

Bronik - steel breastplate 42 years old.

Bubby/bobby - booby trap, non-removable explosive, MD 5.

Bullseye - optical sight.

Schwanz is a small to medium caliber artillery shell.

Pussy is an anti-personnel mine.

Arsch - detonator, air bomb.

Moose is a non-professional digger who paws at all the GPs in a row.

Viet Cong - booby trap, anti-personnel mine.

The ring is a place where troops are surrounded.

Mochilovo is the site of a major battle.

Dugout - sapper dumping of German anti-tank mines.

Hellboy - an air bomb or mortar mine, an anti-tank shell with MD 5 or another equivalent.

Kerosene stove - wreckage of a plane or a soldier's homemade lamp.

Z"und - fuse.

The casket is a treasure.

Suitcase - large caliber artillery shells.

Doppy - remote tube.

Matyugalnik - field telephone, walkie-talkie or radio.

Rotten land mine - burnt vodka or bad moonshine.

Canned food - weapons cache or weapons dump. Second meaning: dropping hand grenades M24, M43, RG-42, RGD-33, RPG.

Cosmetic bag - a bag with medicines or bandolier.

Box of Lemons - F1 hand grenade drop.

The hare is an inattentive digger, a freeloader.

Rice is a rocket.

Beer - a bottle with a flammable mixture or an empty bottle.

Horn - RG 42 or horn.

Croissant - cone.

Tula - weapons made in Tula.

Bengal fire - gunpowder or fire cord.

A sloth is a digger who missed a good thing.

Chemergess is a digger's car.

The eye is a headlight.

Raznosol is a variety of mixed goods.

The pigsty is a garbage pit.

Dessert is a German reward.

Banderlogs are competitors.

The whistler is a person who does not know where the habor is, but at the same time proves to everyone that it is buried there.

Finita la comedy/game over - explosion, batteries are dead in MD.

Guernica - site of artillery shelling.

Dresden - burnt weapons.

The cauldron is a place of large troop losses.

Hell - the Demyansk Cauldron or any other place of bloody battles.

The corridor is the place of the breakthrough.

Jam - German jam box or butter.

A bummer is a priceless thing.

Armor-piercing - an armor-piercing projectile.

The cradle for the tank is PTR, Faust cartridge.

Shrek - Shrek's shell or a shot towards it.

Valhalla is the burial place of SS soldiers.

Lampas is the burial place of the general.

Ragnarok is the site of the death of SS soldiers on the eastern front.

Mash - dumping of dead soldiers.

The rags are the remains of a rotten uniform.

Morser - a shell from a large-caliber mortar.

The fence is a mesh for a helmet.

Sashka - any Soviet steel helmet.

Nitrukha - nitro powder.

Kordik - cordite gunpowder.

Mozart is a Mauser.

Bach - any GP.

Tendr - heating element.

Lawn - GAZ car.

Vazik is a digger's car.

Clip - clip.

Gosha is Goryunov's bullet gun.

Dose - any fuse of the Dz family.

Kopfer - Kopf z"under.

Leuchter - tracer.

Lash - any sniper rifle as well as SVD.

Deshka is a DShK bullet gun.

Pepedeshka - PPD - 40.

Sturmak - Sturmgever.

Blestyashka - non-ferrous metal.

Shvakh - SHVAK.

Shkason - ShKAS.

Gas chamber - any GP, firearm, cold gun.

Kragenspiegel - buttonholes.

One of the signs of an intelligent person is a good vocabulary. This postulate has had such a serious impact on society that many are trying to enrich the lexicon using violent methods, without delving into the meaning and essence of the words. Of course, this is an error and may cause misunderstandings. For example, who is this comrade? This concept is found not only in old films and books, sometimes it pops up in modern society.

Origin of the term

Since the word is found in all languages ​​of the Romance group, it is logical to look for its roots in Latin. The housing of warriors was called "camera", by and large, and the prison meaning was assigned to this word a little later. Who is this comrade? If we proceed from this explanation, then we are talking about colleagues, but then you need to pronounce “kamerad”. This pronunciation norm applies in German, and in French and Spanish the sound “e” was transformed into “a”.

The spread of this concept across European countries coincided with the intensification of socialist movements. During this period, the politicization of the term was inevitable: class struggle, the proletariat against the oppressors and other slogans of the communists had their influence.

The meaning of the word "comrade"

You can often come across the opinion that the words “friend”, “buddy”, “comrade” are exact synonyms. However, in a strict reading, we are talking specifically about comrades as equal people in position. The military connotation here cannot be eliminated; the concept is interpreted primarily as a “comrade in arms” or in the fight. When asking the question of who comrades are, it is worth remembering the origin of the term - these are warriors united by one task and possibly living together.

These are not necessarily buddies or friends, but rather comrades-in-arms and like-minded people who treat each other with mutual strict respect. The closest synonym is “comrade”; it was this address that was considered politically correct during socialism.

Concept diffusion

The starting historical moment can be considered the Great French Revolution, when anti-monarchists declared the equality of all citizens of the state and the abolition of noble titles and titles. Soon after this, a term was introduced into widespread use that is not limited to the territory of one state. Who is this comrade? Initially, the address was “citizen” or “citizen”, but a more comprehensive concept was required - “comrade”. Since this word sounds almost the same in all Romance languages, it can be considered a pan-European word, a very convenient term. In Russian, instead of the international “comrade”, it was the translation “comrade” that took root, but tracing paper from European was used almost as actively, especially when it came to communicating with ideological comrades from abroad.

However, it would be a mistake to consider this term exclusively communist - in the ranks of many fascist organizations this term was equally often used as emphasizing unity in the face of the task at hand. Therefore, this word should not be overly politicized; it has a wider application.

Modern reading

Nowadays, this term practically does not appear in oral communication, but some narrow circles with thematic hobbies are actively reviving it, without even bothering to think about what a comrade is. The meaning of the word in this case remains almost the same - these are comrades united by some common task. On the Internet, this term is most often found on forums dedicated to weapons and methods of survival in extreme situations.

We can safely say that the concept has neatly migrated to the category of slang expressions. The militaristic theme is inextricably linked with the romanticization of everything related to war. It’s quite difficult to blame ordinary users for this, who grew up with an entire industry of cinema glorifying the corresponding theme.

Sometimes there is an erroneous spelling “comrad”. It’s difficult to say exactly what this is - a typo, a learned error, or an attempt to deliberately emphasize one’s exclusivity. At the same time, sometimes there is an ironic connotation when words are deliberately distorted, within the framework of the so-called “Albanian language”. In this case, the mistake is used to highlight the funny sides of opponents and their hobbies.

Relevance of use

If we talk about what “comrade” means in the academic sense of the word, then the term is somewhat outdated, and its use gives the speech some excessive pathos and pretentiousness. When the emotional side is included, the result is classic populism: we are all comrades-in-arms here, equal among equals, and we need to unite against the oppressors.

In narrow communities where such reference is the colloquial norm, the use of the term is quite appropriate. From the point of view of an uninvolved person, this sounds a little strange, but it is quite acceptable, literally at the level of “this is how it is done here.” No special semantic content is required.

What is comrade, the meaning of this word? and got the best answer

Reply from Highlander[active]
translated from English, German and, apparently, French...and it is possible that from other languages ​​it means COMRADE....
type t-sch Ivanov - comrade Ivanov

Answer from Gennady You[guru]
Let me clarify: comrade - from the French. camarade - comrade.

Answer from ZHEKA[newbie]
Comes from Spanish. camarada "comrade" table companion." Nowadays, this is what “diggers” with metal detectors call themselves.

Answer from Ekaterina Moroz[active]
Kamrad (English comrade, German Kamerad, Spanish camarada, French camarade) - “comrade” translated from European languages. The word comes from Latin, where "camera" in this context means a room or room in which all military comrades live together. In Russian it is also written with an “a” (and the language of bastards has nothing to do with it). The correct pronunciation of the plural is kamra?dy, although many stubbornly prefer the cranberry version of komrada.

Answer from Alexander Kuzmich[newbie]
Skinheads of our time call their comrades - comrades

Answer from Maxim Kudinov[active]
Well, in the Russian-Soviet tradition, it’s more likely from the Spanish “camarada” (Revolution in Spain, after all, Soviet volunteers and military specialists), which in principle translates as “friend”, “comrade”.

Answer from Anton Artyushin[newbie]
In our circles - diggers, people involved in digging are called comrades

Answer from Dmitry Bulatov[newbie]
In our country, a comrade is called a comrade in hobbies, in position. Roughly speaking, there is an established company doing something and they are comrades to each other.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

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