Who are the writers? Copywriter, writer, webwriter – writer of texts for web resources. What qualities are important

Thomas Reiter Thomas Arthur Reiter (23 May 1958, Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany) German and European Space Agency astronaut. Reiter is married and has two children. In 1977, Thomas Reiter graduated from the gymnasium named after... ... Wikipedia

Writer is an ambiguous term: Writer is a graffiti artist. Journalist writer. Reiter, Thomas Arthur (born 1958) German and European Space Agency astronaut. See also Ryder... Wikipedia

Reiter- a person who undertakes to sell and buy underlying securities at an option price. see also Assigment... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

REITTER- a person who undertakes to sell or buy the underlying security at a specified option price... Large economic dictionary

writer- a, h. A person who wants to buy and sell valuable papers at an optional price... Ukrainian Tlumach Dictionary

REITTER- WRITER Option seller, counterparty selling the option. R. is required to fulfill the terms of the option at the option of its holder... Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance

REITTER- option seller... Foreign economic explanatory dictionary

Reiter is an ambiguous term: Reiter is a set of requirements of a touring musician. Reiter graffiti artist. Reiter, Thomas Arthur cosmonaut of Germany and the European Space Agency ... Wikipedia


  • Catalonia. Barcelona, ​​Reiter Jürgen, What is Barcelona and Catalonia? ... They do not dance flamenco here, as in Andalusia, but sardana - a calm round dance, which everyone can join. Particularly popular with the public... Category: Guides Series: Russian guide. Polyglot Publisher: Ajax-Press,
  • Guide to Catalonia Barcelona, ​​Reiter J., All data has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, we cannot take responsibility for their completeness and absolute accuracy... Geographical names and street names... Category:

“Hooligan! The whole yard has been ruined!” - such remarks are often heard by bombers and street artists who derive indescribable pleasure from illegally painting walls. Behind these

“Crazy” guys and girls need an eye and an eye so that they don’t paint your back or your favorite car, which has happened more than once! After all, bombers fly like a hurricane onto everything that gets in their way, including residential buildings, office buildings and even monuments. Bombers leave behind incomprehensible inscriptions that look like puzzles and strange drawings that are close to abstraction.

Who are they, bombers? I addressed this question to Kirill Tsvilovsky, head of the Chelyabinsk Center for Hip-Hop Culture:

To paint legally, you need either money or permission from the authorities. Moreover, the second in most cases is obtained through the first. Where do grafflers get their money? They could at least save enough for a can of paint. The bombs are mostly teenagers aged 13-18 from poor families. Moreover, in adolescence.

Graffiti is quite an expensive pleasure: one can of good quality paint costs about 160 rubles. It is only enough for 1.5 sq.m.

There is a split in the camp of street artists
Bombers are very ambitious and feel like they own all the walls. They believe that painting for money is a sin and a shame for graffiti artists. That's why bombers despise artists who work to order, that is, writers. Writers, in turn, counter: if graffiti is not supported financially, if it does not become a business, it will not develop and will soon die. After all, no one except the artists themselves supports this type of art. Apparently the government considers all grafflers to be vandals. “The Committee for Youth Affairs of Chelyabinsk uses writers for its own purposes: either it organizes festivals and competitions, or it asks to display phrases like “Smoking is harmful” and “No to drugs” in public places. Such propaganda, of course, is necessary, but it has little to do with art. And the administration is sorry for the money for incomprehensible “writings,” explains Kirill Tsvilovsky. Last summer, the planned graffiti festival ended like this: children were given crayons and a drawing competition was held on the asphalt, which was trampled by passers-by a day later.

A priceless gift
Graffiti artists are forced to save their “business” themselves: there is no help to come from. Orders are currently the only way to somehow support “street painting.”

The writers' works can be seen on tram trailers or fashionable cafes and clubs. In one of the “dormitory” areas of the South Ural capital, writers painted a sixteen-story building. Almost all residents were satisfied. In the West, grafflers receive good money for their work. In Russia, and especially in the provinces, you won’t earn much from this. The main customers - owners of entertainment establishments - do not give much: only 200-250 rubles per 1 sq.m. You can get a little more from the “new Russians” - 3-4 thousand rubles for decorating a garage. As a result, the artists do not get rich, and the real graffiti remains behind stone fences. And the townspeople admire the drawings hastily painted on the walls - the “works” of the bombers. After all, bombers have to act very quickly and efficiently: at any moment the police can come and take you “red-handed”.

By the way, those who like to decorate walls will face an administrative fine of 100 times the minimum wage and correctional labor for up to a year.

“Bombers take no longer than 20 minutes to draw. Judge for yourself, what can be created in such a short time? But graffiti is an entire art, it requires long, hard work,” explains Kirill and tells me about how he and his friends work for several days, for hours on the same drawing, how it takes three sweats to get it right true work. About fifteen years ago, as a teenager, Kirill himself dabbled on the walls. Later, self-indulgence grew into a hobby, which years later became a job. Now Kirill is against bombing and calls on graffiti artists to civilized creativity. He is a prominent representative of writers. As a rule, writers are young people aged from twenty years old, relatively new to graffiti, to thirty-five who began to get involved in “wall painting” in the late 80s and still remain faithful to their art. The goal of writers is professionalism, not a dose of adrenaline.

Graffiti is an integral part of hip-hop culture. And hip-hop is a protest to the surrounding world, freedom, the street, movement, rhythmic rap boils and, of course, size 52 pants... All this is reflected in the works of grafflers, no matter who they are: writers or bombers. They do not have favorite themes, rules and criteria for drawing - they have wide scope for imagination and self-expression. True, there is one “but”: graffiti should not be meaningless. The artist puts an idea, a problem into each work: from personal to universal. And yet, a self-respecting graffler never interferes in politics and does not write: “Down with Yeltsin-Putin!”, “For the LDPR!”

In Chelyabinsk, there are about fifty graffiti teams, but there are no more than five professional writers (“Shadows”, “Jam Brothers”, “Gettoblasta” and others). There is no open hostility between writers and bombers. But at the same time, even if they know each other, they do not communicate and do not hang out together. Approximately the same situation has developed in the camp of writers. Large writing teams fight among themselves for the title of leader. However, often in pursuit of championship, many stop caring about their professionalism.

Everything new is well forgotten old
Recently, scientists concluded: graffiti came to us from the cave paintings of the Neanderthals, who lived 1.5 million years ago! The second dawn of “cave” art occurred during the times of Ancient Rome. Then they knocked out whatever they wanted on the walls, as well as news, announcements and laws. Nothing stands still. And at the border of the 20th and 21st centuries, “wall” painting again became popular, capturing all the walls. According to legend, the founder of graffiti is considered to be a certain Demetrivs, a teenager from New York. It was he who, in the late 60s, began to display his pseudonym “Taki183” on the walls of the subway, infected his friends with this, and off we went all over the world. Graffiti came to Russia fifteen years late. Only in the early 80s did some person N, at the risk of his life, bring from the States a piece of paper with a sketch of graffiti. A simple, harmless piece of paper now, but for this piece of paper he could be imprisoned - they say, anti-Soviet propaganda.

Actually, the word “writer” is a Russified transcription of the English word “writer,” which means writer. Then why not call the writer a word familiar to Russian ears?

The fact is that a writer, in the understanding of Russian people, is not just a creator of texts, but a creative person engaged exclusively in the creation of original works of art. It’s a stretch to call articles for websites works of art, and they are not always original.

Often, an article for an online resource is a text written on the basis of existing materials found on the Internet or in other sources, the so-called rewrite. The ideas and facts presented in it cannot be considered the fruit of the author’s imagination of the writer, which means that such a work cannot be considered an author’s literary text.

In some ways, the work of a writer is reminiscent of the work of a journalist or correspondent, but it has its own specifics. Reiter rarely collects material using surveys or interviews, although his work also involves collecting facts, analyzing them and, to a greater or lesser extent, expressing his own attitude to the material being presented.

In addition, the work of a writer is more routine; editorial articles, unlike journalistic ones, are created much faster. While a newspaper or magazine can spend several days preparing material, a writer spends several minutes to an hour and a half on creating his “work,” depending on the degree of mastery of the topic, the final volume of the article and the speed of typing.

Writer, copywriter, web writer...

Along with the name “writer,” you can also find words to denote this type of activity, such as “copywriter” and “web writer.” None of them have yet been officially recognized as correct, so Internet content creators call themselves whatever they like best.

However, some believe that copywriter is not an entirely correct title. This can be called not for any creator of Internet articles, but only for those who create advertising and selling texts. Adherents of this point of view derive “copywriter” from the English “copyright”, i.e. "Copyright. Thus, a person who simply fills a website with articles cannot be considered a copywriter.

On the other hand, the word “web writer” suggests that the author works exclusively on the Internet, while a writer can be called any creator of text material, regardless of where his work is subsequently published. Thus, the word "writer" has a more general meaning.

Remote work gives a chance to receive additional funds for teenagers, women on maternity leave, pensioners and disabled people who are unable to get another job. You can earn money as a rewriter. This is one of the types of freelancing related to the processing of content for websites. The work is creative and interesting.


Rewriting is rewriting the original text in your own words while preserving the original meaning. There is a concept of uniqueness of the work performed, which is determined by a number of special programs. There are also several other criteria that the finished text must meet. The rewriter’s job is to process the source text and bring it to the required parameters. To start work, you must find a customer, which can be done in several ways: register on the exchange; find a customer by posting advertisements on various boards; post your resume on sites like Superjob, headhunter and others; send letters to website owners with a commercial offer to fill their resource with content.

Customers can provide the source material for rewriting themselves, or they will offer only the topic and order the required amount of text. In the second case, you will need to independently search for the source text for further processing. To complete this task, you will need to contact any of the search engines - Yandex, Google, Rambler, Mail and others. You should select the appropriate text and rewrite it while maintaining the semantic load.

The source code, the so-called material that is subject to processing, may differ in volume from the required finished version, so you should keep within a limited number of characters while maintaining the meaning. That is, in some cases you will need to reduce the information or turn to additional sources. To count the characters, you can use the functionality of the Word program, or copy the text into any “plagiarist”. Such programs automatically provide information about the number of characters with and without spaces.


The work of a rewriter on an exchange implies that the exchange will take a certain percentage of the rewriter’s earned funds, but this is the price of security and a guaranteed volume of orders.

Working through an exchange is convenient not only because the volume of orders is usually large, but also because each exchange provides a rating. If the quality of the rewriter’s work increases, then the level of payment for the work will increase, which is very pleasant.

Helpful advice

In order not to be left without payment for your work, it is better to start your creative work on a copywriting exchange, because if there is an unjustified refusal to pay, you can go to arbitration, to the administration of the exchange, and defend your honor and receive the due remuneration.

If you work directly with the customer, you should take an advance payment for the work if a large amount of work is being performed, or wait for payment for each item before taking on the next order.

"What is your profession?" - sometimes new acquaintances ask me. “Well, here I go again...” - I think.

Lucky are mechanics, accountants, doctors, and astronauts. All these professions are well known and understood. And now I will again have to say words that will still need to be translated later, and to the uninitiated they sound like curses.

Copywriter, web writer... This means nothing to most people. If I’m not talking to an employer and the nuances of meaning are not very important, then I often get off with the phrase “I’m a journalist.”

What is the difference between all these concepts? Let's also figure out what web freelancing is and what types it has.

Shades of verbal creativity


A journalist writes texts for magazines and newspapers. Usually for an offline format, that is, for real, paper ones. Although today many of these publications have migrated to the Internet.

Work specifics : information usually has to be taken from conversations with people, and personally being present at various events. The more a journalist moves and communicates, the closer he becomes to the reporter.

Just a couple of decades ago, for those who wanted to write texts, everything was limited to newspapers and magazines, and even books.

Today, thanks to such a gigantic space as the Internet, a huge area called “web freelancing” has emerged..

Web freelancing - creating texts for websites

Strictly speaking, - not only texts. What kind of animal is this?

A web freelancer can be called any person who earns money by working online.

“Web” just means the Internet, “freelancing” means that a person is not attached to one employer, but is freely “hired” to collaborate with whomever he wants.

There are many such specialists today:

  • photographers
  • programmers
  • translators
  • trainers of any subject
  • copywriters
  • web writers.

Note that I separated the last two professions. Why and why? Because they really are different.

Copywriting is the art of persuasion with words. Competent copywriters are able to influence people's opinions and behavior.

This is especially true, of course, when creating advertising. The copywriter will convince you to buy a product or order a service so that the reader simply cannot refuse.

Naturally, copywriting has a place in printed publications, advertisements, and even in the appeals of political leaders. If we are talking about texts of such content on the Internet, then this is called

Web writing is writing texts for various Internet resources.

There is an infinite number of works of this kind. Imagine: there are millions of sites on the Internet, for each of them you need to write a home page, a section for products and services, and many other sections.

One can safely include in this “genre” the creation of any review and analytical articles (“How to get married successfully”, “How to care for hamsters”, “How to earn income by working on the Internet”. And even articles for newspapers and magazines that have moved to the Internet -format.

A good web writer knows how to find clients

As you can see, web writing and copywriting are not the same thing. Although it is clear that they can intersect and form such a direction as web copywriting.

Most of the sites on the Internet are dedicated to goods and services that need to be sold. Therefore, the gift of persuasion through words is incredibly in demand on the pages of these sites.

I hope that now you will no longer be confused by these concepts, which I myself did not immediately understand for myself. Now let's move on to an even more interesting topic, which sounds like this:

What a web freelancer should be able to do

If you decide to take this path, it's good becausecan bring in good money.

I myself have been working in copywriting for more than five years and for the last two years I have not complained about my income. More importantly, orders forthere is always and cannot run out as long as the Internet exists.

Well, now let's talk about the most important thing: what you need to be able to do if you decide to come toor web writing and stay here seriously and for a long time. Which ones are there?rules for writing texts and what else you need to know.

1) Write high-quality literate texts

Minimum literacy required towriting articles for a freelancerwas a simple matter. But it is not enough just to write without errors. In order for people to be willing to pay money for your texts, you need to create a really good product.

Literacy is essential for a web writer

You need to write briefly and accurately, informatively, without junk words, clerical stamps and fluff. Can this be learned? Yes, sure. You need to constantly improve quality in order to develop professionally.

By the way, for those who are interestedwriting training, We have an “Article Marathon” at the Academy.

And if you want to check the quality of your text here and now, use a convenient tool for assessing the quality of an article, which the Academy of Correct Copywriters has prepared for you.

2) Look for clients and negotiate with them

No one in is not waiting for you with open arms and a lot of money saved for you.

You need to look for clients yourself. Negotiate with them, convince them to order your services, bargain - all on your own.

Yes. This is hard. But, on the other hand, it’s interesting. And it’s certainly more interesting than sitting in the office on a salary of 15 thousand rubles and knowing that you will receive the same rate for the next five years.

Registering on a copywriting exchange and starting working there is relatively simple. It is much more difficult to outgrow this level and master the ways of finding clients on your own. But the sooner you do it, the better.

It is at this stage that the real

3) Search for information

Before you write a meaningful text, you definitely need to collect information for it. The more interesting facts you find, the less water is required and the more benefit the reader will receive.

The advantage of web writing is that, as a rule, you do not need to go anywhere or communicate with anyone in person. All information is available on the Internet.

However, writing copywriting articles requires the ability to find what you need on the vast expanses of the Internet.

On the one hand, you can now freely use search engines that will allow you to understand even things that you have never understood before. In just half an hour you will gather information on how to breed guinea pigs, how to extract oil or open your own business in Europe.

On the other hand, it is much better to write on topics that you understand.

This will not only save time when writing an article, but also provide significantly higher quality.

It will always be noticeable to a professional that the text was written by an amateur or a copywriter who devoted exactly 15 minutes of working time to searching for information.

The task of a web writer is to make the text useful

But if you really want to delve into it, you will delve into any topic. And create a competent (including professional) text that people will want to read and that will give the reader useful knowledge.

This is what we need to strive for.

Expansion of the web writer profession

If you are in this profession, as already mentioned, seriously and for a long time, be prepared for the following →

  • Simple article writing in copywriting- good, but not enough. The customer will definitely ask you to implement key phrases that he will use to promote his services. Knowledge of SEO is absolutely essential.
  • You will have to master working with images. As you can see, even from this article without images, illustrations, photographs, you cannot make a good text; it will be boring and dull. Searching the Internet for good illustrations, making them unique, changing the size and format, uploading them to websites is the minimum for someone who works. Mastering Photoshop is even better.

But this is not the limit or the end of development, but only the beginning.

For freelance article writing- a way to get everything he needs, that is, money. But from the customer’s point of view, text alone is completely insufficient. The problem that the customer wants to solve is always broader.

A good freelancer will solve the client's problem

For example, he needs to increase sales of his services, and he turns to a specialist copywriter. A good copywriter will write good text.

A very good one will not limit himself to this, he will do the following →

  • Evaluates the client's website. Maybe there's a lot that needs to be changed there.
  • Create a product promotion concept. Now you can’t pay all your attention only to the site. Maybe the website is generally ineffective, but you need to promote the product through social networks, contextual advertising, and commercial mailings. Generally incopywriting article writing- this is only half the battle, and the second half is how to submit these articles (letters, advertising texts, advertisements, flyers).
  • He will choose the necessary key phrases and optimize the client’s website for them.
  • Ensures that the site is filled with turnkey content. First, he will fill out all the main sections, then he will regularly add news or review articles to the site. I can say about myself that I usually work in this mode.

It would seem that you need to be able to do a lot of things. But even if you just started earningwriting articles in copywriting, don’t worry: all this will come with time.

The most important thing is to constantly learn and master something new every day.

Then, over time, you will become a good specialist who not only receivesmaking money by writing articles, and which is valued and loved by customers.

Get a convenient article quality assessment tool

Let's start from afar. The now deceased Zadornov told such an anecdotal story. While filming one program, an elderly lady approached him and asked what was written on his badge. And there it was in English Zadornov. Writer. She thought that he was Jewish and his real name was Reiter, and Zadornov was a pseudonym. The comedian barely explained that this was a mistake.

Of course, a person who knows the slightest bit of English knows that rayter is not a Jewish surname, but translated into Russian as “writer”. So who is a writer, and why was a new word needed in the Russian language? Why not just call him a writer?

Reiter: definition

So, let's solve the mystery. The word “writer” is not yet very popular, but it is quite transparent. The Internet is flooded with trendy careers such as copywriting and web writing. Writer is a broader concept. This is a person who writes articles and creates unique content. It is only with great stretch that he can be called a writer. In the Russian tradition, the word “writer” sounds proudly and means not just a person who writes (in such a context it will sound ironic, for example, if we call a student doing his homework a writer), but the creator of works of art. There are, of course, spiritual writers, philosophical writers, teachers, and scientists. But still, the first thing that comes to mind when writers are mentioned is not some textbooks, but novels, novellas and short stories. There is no way to call the articles fiction. Why did someone not like the names “copywriter” and “web writer”?

If we strictly adhere to the meaning of the word “copywriter”, then it comes from the English copywright - “copyright” - and originally means a worker who creates advertising and selling texts. A web writer, of course, is someone who writes on the Internet. And the writer’s field of activity can be much wider. Not all articles are advertisements and not all are published exclusively online. To understand this, we can give an example. What can you call those who fill this site with content? These are writers, because there are a huge number of informative articles that have nothing to do with advertising. These are web writers because the resource is located on the Internet. In principle, elements of copywriting in the strict sense of the word are also present here - you can also find advertising articles.


Writing texts is one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet. It is enough to have a computer and the Internet and have a good command of your native language. Understand the text and how to achieve it. To check it, there are anti-plagiarism tools, for example, you can do it for free on text.ru. If you write “out of your head”, the uniqueness will be one hundred percent. But more often than not, especially when working on unfamiliar topics, you will have to rework material from other articles. In this case, it is important to be able not to follow in the footsteps of someone else’s text, but, having studied several articles, present the material in a free form, separating the necessary from the unnecessary. It is more difficult to work with topics that are rich in terminology, but even there, with experience, it will be possible to achieve the required uniqueness. For beginners, the Advego and Etxt exchanges are suitable; for more advanced ones, working on the closed exchanges Textbroker, ContentMonster, Turbotext or collaborating personally with customers. This promises very real earnings, but it’s better to start small.

What qualities are important

Despite the fact that automatic text checking programs are growing and improving, literacy is important for writers. Yes, the program itself will highlight elementary spelling errors, but it may overlook the subtleties of punctuation. It is important to be able to construct a phrase in accordance with the literary language.

Of course, for people to read texts, they must be interesting. The ability to write interestingly may be a natural talent, but it can also be developed.

The benefits of criticism

Ask to read your “creations” and criticize them. Comments will help you see your weaknesses and work on them. It is only important to understand that if you are not mentally prepared for criticism and it will extinguish your ardor, then it is important to increase your confidence. First, start writing for yourself, on your desk, as a workout. For example, the skill of expressing one’s thoughts develops well in people who keep a diary. There's a fun way to look at what you've written in a new way. Read your text out loud and record it on a voice recorder or film it. Previously unnoticed shortcomings will be heard, and you will be able to correct them. The ability to edit your text should also be honed and become automatic. Over time, a quick glance will be enough to understand where, what and how to fix it. But careful, thoughtful re-reading should not be avoided.

Writing Exercises

Old and new

Conventional cliches are not as bad as they seem. Everything familiar relaxes a person and inspires confidence in him. Psychologists say that in order for information to be absorbed, the message must contain only 30% new information. If there is nothing new in the text, then why is it being written? This applies not only to the content, but also to how this information will be presented. It’s worth introducing the usual clichés at the beginning of the text and instilling confidence, but if it’s all made up of well-worn platitudes, it will cause nothing but boredom. Show off your originality, add some zest! After all, a writer is a creative profession.

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