Who is the artist presentation. Presentation on cognitive development: "Who is an artist?" What does an artist do?

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Who is the artist Alekseeva Elena Vladimirovna

An artist is a person who knows how to see beauty in the ordinary, remembers his impressions and knows how to express his thoughts and fantasies on paper, in stone or in other materials. An artist is a person who knows how to see beauty in the ordinary, remembers his impressions and knows how to express his thoughts and fantasies on paper, in stone or in other materials.

Painting is a type of fine art associated with the transmission of visual images. The artist paints with paints, because... painting is “living writing”. It is alive in the sensations of the artist and the viewer. The colors, mixing in the picture, convey the breath of life and the beauty of the world.

With the help of pencils, gouache and watercolors, you will gradually be able to express your thoughts and feelings.

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich (1832-1898) Russian painter and graphic artist.

Morning in a pine forest

Levitan Isaac Ilyich (1860-1900) - Russian artist, master of “mood landscape”.

Golden autumn

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich (1874 -1947) Russian artist, philosopher. Creator of about 7,000 paintings (many of which are in famous galleries around the world).

Maitreya the Winner

Sculpture is a type of fine art, the works of which are made from plastic or hard materials (clay, stone, metal, wood, wax, bone, etc.) and have a three-dimensional form.

A sculptor (from the Latin sculpo I cut out, I carve) is an artist who creates sculptures.

The sculpture usually depicts people, animals or other natural objects. A sculptor must express the state of his soul in his works. Its main task is to depict a person or animal in the real or idealized world.

Vera Ignatievna Mukhina 1889 - 1953Soviet sculptor, People's Artist of the USSR (1943), full member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1947).

Worker and collective farmer

A fashion designer is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of clothing models, accessories and artistic additions that did not exist before, and adapts them to everyday use.

The fashion designer as an artist realizes his idea not only with paints on canvas, but also with the help of a variety of materials: scraps of fabric, braid, lace, belts and buckles, beads, seed beads and much more, sometimes unexpected, thereby carrying the aesthetic principle directly into our lives.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev - couturier, artist, poet, president of the Moscow Fashion House, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, State Prize Laureate, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, professor, honorary citizen of Paris and Ivanovo. Man of the Year in the Fashion World. At the “Best Five Fashion Designers of the World” festival in Japan, Vyacheslav Zaitsev’s collection was recognized as the best.

Painter, sculptor, fashion designer - all these are professions in which an artist can express himself.


presentation on cognitive development


Hello guys.

Guess who I am?

I have a pencil

Multi-colored gouache,

Watercolor, palette, brush

And a thick sheet of paper,

And also a tripod easel,

Because I

artist .

An artist is a wonderful profession. All he has to do is take paper, brushes, and paints. There was nothing on paper, but the first lines appeared: one, another - the picture was ready. An artist can draw anything: a house, a forest, people, animals. And the artist paints pictures. And he writes according to his own plan, like a writer.

What does an artist do?

That's right, an artist is a person who practices fine art, creates paintings and works of art. Let's name the artist's assistants?

artist’s “basket”: drawing paper, gouache, pastel, paints, brushes, simple pencil, colored pencils, palette, rag

I love swimming in paint. Absolutely no fear I'm immersed in my head, And then, I don’t wipe myself, On a sheet of paper Or woven canvas Left, right, up and down I walk. Who am I? (Brush)

Here's a wooden helper for you. It must be sharp at all times. Contour, still life, portrait, landscape Draws quickly... (Pencil)

To arrange the notes, Musicians have music stands And to dilute the paints, Artists need... (Palettes)

A big and wonderful world surrounds us.

Nature, objects, people.

And artists want everyone to see the beauty that surrounds us.

And artists also convey in their paintings the joy or grief of other people, so that you and I can help those who need our help.

What feelings does the painting evoke? Are you happy or sad looking at her? What is the most important thing in the picture? Describe the children's faces.

What did the artist V. Perov want to say with his work?

Guys, do you think it’s difficult to be an artist?

Yes, to create their works, artists travel a lot, observe, and fantasize. Only then do they draw what they especially liked. Very often the artist does not have time for rest and entertainment. But you and I know that you need to take care of your health. If you are tired, you need to rest a little.

Once - get up, stretch. Two – bend over, straighten up. Three - three claps of your hands, Three nods of the head. Four hands wider. Five - wave your arms. Six - sit down quietly. Let's draw together And create pictures .

To make the painting truly beautiful, the artist, like a real wizard, selects colors and mixes them. Let us also try to mix paints and get new shades. But we will do this not on a palette, but in magic jars.

Children are encouraged to get different shades of flowers. Children name two paints that need to be mixed to get a new color or shade. The teacher mixes paints and shows the results to the children. Children name the resulting color or shade. You can use another version of the game when the teacher asks what colors need to be mixed to get this or that color or shade.

The profession of an artist has many varieties.

Guys, who is a painter, portrait painter, restorer, theater designer, costume designer, animator?

The painter loves to paint landscapes - these are his favorite corners of nature, different seasons.

A portrait painter draws a person’s face or full height, conveying the person’s facial features and character.

A restorer is a person who renews old or damaged antiques and paintings. With the help of these people we can see pictures that were painted several centuries ago.

Theater artist. Not a single performance in the theater takes place without his work. Only he can and knows how to set the stage. Having seen the scene, you and I understand what time of year the action is taking place inside the building or on the street.

The costume designer comes up with new models of varied and beautiful costumes.

To create new cartoons, a cartoonist draws an interesting story on paper.

With the help of these people, we see a lot of fairy tales on TV screens.

Game “Who is faster”.

For work I took the ARTIST Brushes, paints and easel. Even the rain will draw - Or would you like your portrait?

So, our hands are ready to draw, all that’s left is to do a fun warm-up “Who’s faster.”

Guys, we will split into two teams. Each team has easels in front of you. Attached to each is a large sheet of paper with drawn but not painted objects (items according to the number of participants). You need to take turns going to your easel and painting one of the objects. The team that completes the task faster, more correctly, and more accurately wins, and receives sheets of paper for a future drawing as a prize.

An artist is a person who has a special vision of the world, capable of seeing more in his surroundings than others see.

I chose this profession because you can transfer your emotions, your character, your attitude to the world onto the canvas.

Thanks to the work of artists, you can study the history of all peoples

An artist is a person without whom no sphere of human life can exist (theater, architecture, household and design items, transport, table setting, etc.)

2.Art schools

3.Hood. schools, colleges

4. Universities, academies

Khartsyzsk School of Arts

Dnepropetrovsk Art Lyceum

National Academy

fine arts and



Graphic arts







Great masters.

Painting artists

Our generation learns from the examples of great masters. The formation of an artist’s personality is influenced by early factors - skill, confidence in the chosen path, and inspiration. Most artists limit themselves to reflecting their era, and only an outstanding master is endowed with the gift of creating timeless masterpieces

Kuindzhi Arkhip Ivanovich

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich

Repin Ilya Efimovich



Russian designer

Andy Warhole-





Ivan Yakovlevich








writer and



1. Moral qualities


3. Rich imagination

4.Sense of color

5. Hard work


creative thinking

7. Observation

8. Desire to learn new things

Extra skills

Organizational skills

Knowledge of computer programs

Ability to communicate and establish contacts

Knowledge of languages


2 "Free Artist"


Place of work

1.Private studios


3.Own workshops

4.Advertising business

5.Special educational institutions


8.Architectural bureau

9.Tattoo salons

Everyone has their own dream; achieving it takes time and effort.

In the future I imagine myself as an artist, because this is an amazing profession!

It is often said that each of us is an artist, and our life is our canvas. I see how extraordinary my own life is, how unique the events that happen around me are. Having an irresistible desire to remember all this, I draw. I draw everything I see.

Everything we see around us is beautiful. This is our value. The rising sun, the night fog covering the grass,

the stormy sea, the smiles of friends - all this is painted on the canvas by our lives, leaving us with vivid memories. Not a single photograph will surpass a painting, for the arm and hand are subject to true feelings.

I want to give people beautiful things. I want to find myself as an artist.


Boyko Olga.

Artist is a creative profession that dates back centuries. In a professional context, an artist is a person who practices fine art and makes money in this field. The profession is suitable for those who are interested drawing and world art culture(cm. choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

And in a more sublime, creative sense, this is a person who makes the world even more beautiful. He not only reflects the beauty of the world in his works, but puts into them his idea of ​​it, his feelings and thoughts, thereby refracting reality. Thanks to this, people perceive familiar things with different eyes and comprehend the inner essence of phenomena more deeply.

Not every person is given such talent. Anyone can learn to draw, comprehend the laws of composition and plasticity, master the technique of mixing paints, study the rules of applying a color palette, and be able to choose the right brushes, paints and paper. But the main condition for creating great paintings, before which thousands of people of different generations will freeze in admiration, is still TALENT.

The name of the profession comes from the word “khudog”, which translated from Old Church Slavonic means “skillful”. Even primitive man of the Paleolithic period painted the ceilings and walls of caves with natural paints that he had at hand - soot, ocher. The entire ancient history of the world is known to us thanks to primitive artists from their drawings depicting animals and people.

In the modern world, artists use, in addition to traditional paints and canvases, other technical means.

Artists use paints, but they write with feelings.

Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin

Features of the profession

An artist can work in different directions:

  • artistic and creative;
  • restoration;
  • scientific research;
  • pedagogical;
  • artistic and educational.

In the artistic and creative sphere, the artist is directly involved in creativity, expressing his impressions, feelings and emotions through artistic images. This is possible in any field of fine art (painting, monumental, easel, theatrical and set design, television and cinema).

In the restoration field, the artist is engaged in the restoration of historical works of art that have unique value. As a rule, such work is carried out on the instructions of the restoration council, so in such work the artist has to follow established rules.

In the pedagogical sphere, the artist acts as a teacher-mentor, teaching fine arts in educational institutions of various levels - primary, secondary, higher, as well as in advanced training courses.

The artist’s research activity consists of scientific research and development on special topics or individual tasks in the field of his profession, presented in the form of scientific articles, reports, etc.

In the artistic and educational sphere, the artist carries out educational work, forming aesthetic taste in society, the correct perception of works of art, etc.

In the modern world, the scope of activity of artists has expanded significantly. For example, tattooing, which is wildly popular these days, is skillfully applied by artists.

The most important thing for an artist is to reflect the spiritual essence of the era.

Ivan Dmitrievich Shadr

Pros and cons of the profession


  • Interesting creative work
  • The ability to work on a flexible schedule - according to inspiration, not according to a schedule


  • Low demand
  • Unstable income
  • During periods of crisis in the country, there may even be a lack of work
  • An artist’s income depends not on his talent, but on his ability to sell his paintings

Place of work

Artists, depending on their specialization, can work in a personal studio, private studios, art workshops, museums, publishing houses of books, magazines and newspapers, in the advertising business, fashion salons and exhibition halls, in art schools and educational institutions.

Artists do not need to erect monuments, because they have already been created by their labors...

Antonio Gaudi

Important personal qualities

  • artistic talent that cannot be taught - you either have it or you don’t; but if available, it can be sanded;
  • rich imagination and fantasy;
  • observation - the ability to notice small details;
  • selectivity of attention - the ability to isolate from the surrounding reality what is necessary for a specific plan;
  • deep intuition, allowing one to penetrate into the very essence of phenomena;
  • visual-figurative thinking and spatial imagination, which allow you to creatively transform the surrounding reality and be able to see the unusual in the ordinary;
  • color perception and color discrimination - the ability to distinguish a wide range of different colors and shades;
  • artistic taste;
  • feeling of harmony;
  • patience;
  • physical endurance.

Training to become an artist

An inclination towards this profession can manifest itself quite early - even in childhood. Attentive parents, noticing these abilities, can enroll their child in an art club or a special school. Subsequently, with certain successes, the aspiring artist will be able to improve his professional level in art colleges, institutes and art academies, which are available in any major city in the country.


Russia has adopted a three-level system of art education: school, college, and university.

  • Moscow State Academic Art Lyceum named after N. Tomsky
  • St. Petersburg State Academic Art Lyceum named after B. Ioganson
  • Taganrog Children's Art School
  • Krasnoyarsk Art College named after. IN AND. Surikov.
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after. V.I. Surikova
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
  • Moscow Art and Industrial Institute named after. S.G. Stroganova
  • St. Petersburg State Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I.E. Repin.
  • St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz
  • FSBEI HPE Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute,
  • Gzhel State Art and Industrial Institute.


An artist’s income depends on his place of work, specialization, demand and fame. Freelance artists have an irregular income: they can earn nothing for years, but in a matter of weeks receive a huge fee. Artists working on a permanent basis, for example, in a publishing house, printing or design company, can expect a salary of 20 to 70 thousand rubles per month, depending on the size of the company and the volume of work performed.

Salary as of December 26, 2019

Russia 20000—75000 ₽

Moscow 25000—100000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

A free artist has no choice for a successful career but to become a genius and recognized during his lifetime. As they say, the first part of a person’s life is working for a name, and the second part is a name for a person. Outstanding paintings are valued very highly and with the appearance of a NAME, the cost of paintings increases many times over. Some successful artists have a waiting list of customers for years.

One way to have a successful career is to open your own art salon or professional studio. A scientific and teaching career in this profession is also possible.

A qualified painter is required to know:

  • theories of fine arts;
  • techniques, styles, types and various genres of fine art;
  • laws of drawing, painting, composition, graphics;
  • history of Russian and foreign art;
  • theory and art history;
  • color science and lighting design;
  • principles of human perception of a work of art;
  • historical and modern technical and technological processes when creating paintings;
  • expert and restoration work in various forms of art.

Professional qualities and skills in the field of artistic and creative activities:

  • mastery of various techniques and technologies of fine art;
  • the ability to create works of art at a high professional level;
  • the ability to professionally use artistic tools and materials, techniques and technologies;
  • knowledge of the characteristics of various historical styles and movements in architecture and art: Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Rococo, Gothic;
  • knowledge of the most important principles of lighting design for a performance;
  • knowledge of the main monuments of church painting and architecture (world and ancient Russian);
  • knowledge of iconography and biblical history, as well as the origin of ornaments and fonts;
  • the ability to use archival materials to study and reproduce famous paintings;
  • mastery of various types and techniques of monumental art (mosaic, fresco, sgraffito, stained glass);
  • the ability to formulate orally, in writing and using the means of fine art one’s creative concept, the process of its creation and the idea of ​​an author’s work;
  • knowledge of safety precautions when working with artistic tools and materials, on scaffolding, on the theater stage and in filming pavilions.
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