Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes: exercises for energy and health. Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes: exercises for energy and health The effect of meditation depending on the minutes

04.06.2017 211

Basic principles of Kundalini yoga

This branch of yoga combines both spiritual and physical practices. Kundalini involves movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation and mantra chanting. The goal of which is to improve physical well-being and open consciousness.

Using a combination of sounds, postures and breathing in its practice, Kundalini Yoga aims to develop spiritual awareness through the release of the power of the serpent (kundalini), which runs at the base of the spine and traces its outlines through the seven chakras up the spine. You can watch these chakras in Maya Fiennes' video lessons below.

Development of Kundalini Yoga

The history of Kundalini yoga dates back to the eighth century and has its roots in the tantric tradition of yoga. For many centuries this technique was secret and not known to the general public. In 1969, Sikh leader Yogi Bhajan brought this practice to North America, where it began to become widely known and spread throughout the world.

The spiritual center for kundalini is the 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy) Foundation in Española, New Mexico. The Foundation oversees more than 300 centers around the world. According to their website, there are 6 teachers in Russia. There is no information on Kundalini Yoga centers in Russia.

Effect of meditation depending on minutes

Different durations of meditation give different effects in kundalini yoga. Thus, meditation and kriya exercise are carried out for a certain period of time to achieve the desired effect.

  • 3 minutes: affects the electromagnetic field and blood circulation in the body.
  • 11 minutes: changes in the human nervous system and endocrine glands.
  • 22 minutes: coordination and balance of consciousness.
  • On the 31st: affects all layers of projection of the mind and all cells and rhythms of the body.
  • 62 minutes: changes in the gray matter of the brain. The subconscious and the external projection of the world are connected.
  • 2.5 hours: opens the subconscious to the universal mind.

But do not forget that short meditation every day is better and more effective than long meditation once a week or month.

Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes (video)

Maya Fiennes has released 7 videos on working with the seven chakras in Kundalini yoga. Each video lesson is about opening one chakra in Kundalini yoga.

1st chakra Kundalini yoga Muladhara - the root of life. This is the chakra at the very bottom. This is the support of life, this is the foundation. The proper functioning of the first chakra is very important in modern life. It removes toxins from the body.

2nd chakra of Kundalini yoga Svadhishthana is the center of pain, the place of exodus of the soul. Sacral chakra. Desire arises at this chakra. Correct Svadhishthana is the ability to achieve one’s own. It stores past negative traumas received from birth until the age of 25. When it is blocked, all negative emotions are stored in it and affect our body. Our relationship with money is also connected to it. If the chakra is balanced, then money comes easily. When the chakra is unbalanced or blocked, it can lead to various sexual perversions.

3rd chakra Kundalini yoga Manipura - the center of activity, the umbilical wheel. The chakra of hard work, diligence, accuracy, self-expression, the desire to stand out in society. The chakra of assessing oneself and others, striving for justice, duty, and reward. Strong Manipura means, first of all, good business qualities. A person who is focused on this chakra feels the need to achieve goals. It is located in the navel area.

4th chakra of Kundalini yoga Anahata - heart chakra. This is the central chakra, fourth from the bottom and fourth from the top. It is located near the thymus gland. Anahata is the desire for beauty, harmony and balance. Anahata is a vision of beauty in others, in the surrounding world, in nature. This is merging with beauty, the joy of moving in the flow, love devoid of hatred.

5th chakra Kundalini yoga Vishuddha - throat chakra. The throat chakra is located above the chest bone. This is a vision of the very essence, a center of creative insight, a center of ecstasy, a center of prophetic visions, a center of talent. The Throat Chakra influences the thyroid gland, which controls system balance, metabolism, muscle tone and body temperature.

6th chakra of Kundalini yoga Ajna - “third eye”. It is located in the middle of the forehead, above the space between the eyes. The main gland of our body, the pituitary gland, is connected to the third eye. This is the center of superintuition, universal deep ideas about the universe. A strong Ajna chakra is knowledge of absolutely everything, knowledge without thoughts or emotional experiences. The energy channels of the sun and moon converge here.

7th chakra Kundalini yoga Sahasrara is the crown chakra, the center of creative creation. It is located at the top of the head. It is connected to the pineal gland. One of the accompanying sensations in this chakra is compliance, a feeling of humility. With the opening of this chakra, a person gains strength and new meaning, allowing him to be open.

And now directly the video of Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes:

Awakening the energy hidden deep within yourself and gaining freedom of spirit is the main goal of kundalini yoga.

Kundalini yoga - the path to restoring energy and health

When you master its cycles step by step, the kundalini energy dormant at the base of the spine gradually rises up, from the lower chakras to the higher ones, and reaches the area at the top of the head, illuminating your inner world and filling life with meaning...

The kundalini yoga course with Maya Fiennes involves walking through all the chakras (energy centers) of our body. Each chakra has a different color and plays a unique role in our body.

Chakras - schematic representation

Today, mastering eastern practices has become much easier thanks to video lessons from experienced masters. One of the most famous teachers whose choice was kundalini yoga is Maya Fiennes, whose video lessons we now bring to your attention.

Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes follows all the classical traditions of this practice, but at the same time is accessible and easy to understand for modern people.

Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes

Maya Fiennes follows all the classical traditions of this practice, but at the same time is accessible and easy to understand for modern people.

Maya, like Eastern gurus, combines exercises with reading mantras that tune the body and mind to the desired wave. Starting classes with the “Journey through the Chakras” cycle, you will create a solid foundation for further self-improvement, and you will be able to move on to mastering the following programs.

How to properly practice kundalini yoga?

At the same time, you can conduct classes in any mode at a frequency convenient for you. But if you are committed to serious work, then opt for daily repetition of the complex for a certain number of days:

  • 40 – if you simply want to free yourself from the old way of life;
  • 90 – if you strive to make yoga part of your daily routine;
  • 120 – if you want to root a new habit so firmly that the old one will never return;
  • 1000 - if you want to make yoga an important component of your future and strive to achieve a fairly high level - the level of a master.

It is better to practice yoga in the morning, on an empty stomach, when the energy channels are not yet clogged with unnecessary information.

The optimal duration of classes is one to one and a half hours, but it can be increased by combining lessons aimed at working on different chakras. It makes no sense to repeat the same activity twice within one day, since the energy will remain at the same level. It is much more effective to supplement any lesson with exercises to open the heart chakra.

There is no need to interrupt classes during colds and menstruation; it is better to make them less intense and stressful. If your health worsens during exercises, you can do them mentally. In this case the cycle is not interrupted.

If you regularly, even once a week, perform the exercises that Maya Fiennes demonstrates, beauty and youth, as well as clarity of mind and good spirits, will not keep you waiting. Kundalini yoga is one of the best ways to change your life by taking the path of self-improvement.

If you regularly perform exercises, then beauty and youth, as well as clarity of mind and good spirits, will not keep you waiting.

Remember: no matter how hard the first steps on this path may be, the further you go along it, the wider the boundaries of your capabilities will become.

Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes (1 chakra) Muladhara in the correct voiceover:

Muladhara chakra. The first chakra, the root of life, stores vital force, filling all the cells of our body with energy. It is responsible for regeneration, safety and survival, and helps remove toxins. Color is red, element is Earth.

Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes (2nd chakra):

Svadhisthana chakra. The second chakara is responsible for emotionality. Working with this chakra is very important, as it stores our suppressed emotions - anger, resentment, guilt. With a balanced chakra, a person can express his sexuality, creativity, and has a good cash flow. Color - orange, element Water.

Kundalini yoga with Maya Fiennes (3rd chakra):

Manipura chakra. The third or navel chakra is responsible for choice, action and willpower. People with a balanced navel chakra are characterized by strong will, leadership qualities and good health. Color - yellow, element - fire.

Today's Bikram yoga centers and fitness studios are the latest incarnation of a tradition that has adapted to a changing culture over thousands of years. Kundalini Yoga with Maya Fiennes is a diamond that she modified and turned into exercises for opening the seven chakras of a person. One lesson with a teacher is a ritual that contains everything: body training, breathing adjustment, Kundalini yoga mantras and special relaxation music from Maya herself.

It is the first and best way or tool for every person's journey of personal discovery. Its pure nature has allowed many generations to find personal meaning in the practice.

Maya Fiennes' Kundalini Yoga is a hybrid East-West concept designed specifically for the 21st century.

Who is Maya Fiennes?

Maya Fiennes is a pianist and the most famous and popular yoga teacher in Europe and America. She views the science and spirituality of yoga as a path to explore our inner selves and raise our consciousness, creating a counterbalance to the stresses of modern life. Maya's mission in life is to inspire, uplift and educate as many people as possible to encourage everyone to live to their full, creative and joyful potential, which involves a lot of work with the chakras!

Maya’s training course is called “Journey through the chakras,” which allows a person to consistently and competently work on all seven chakras of the body, which means balancing all physiological processes and vital systems.

Like the seven chakras, Fiennes's course consists of seven parts. Each part promotes the development of hidden creative abilities and intuition, the emergence of a sense of unity with the whole world and includes meditations, asanas, cleansing exercises (kriyas), and chanting mantras.

After a course of training with Maya, all systems and important organs of the body begin to work together and harmoniously.

Classes with Maya Fiennes

Her style is based on the Yoga Brajan tradition. In Kundalini yoga, the most important thing is your experience, it goes straight to your heart, nothing can replace it. Your mind may or may not accept words, but your consciousness will not accept just words.

Safety, fear, health

Maya Fiennes 1 chakra (muladhara). Responsible for a sense of security and physical survival. It is a repository of deep instinctual patterns that we use for survival. If a person is not confident in his abilities, he is haunted by failures and constant feelings of fear, this means that the chakra is not working correctly; classes (bending, crow, frog, cat pose) with M. Fiennes, available to everyone, will help correct it and strengthen it.

Sexual chakra - creativity and self-expression

Maya Fiennes 2nd chakra (svadhisthana). The sacral chakra, the place of origin of the soul, leads a person to self-realization, the ability to stand up for oneself, and is also associated with receiving sensual pleasures. Feelings of guilt block energy at the level of Svadhisthana, which is responsible for the joy of life. The goal of Kundalini Fiennes yoga is to balance and engage the chakra.

Exercises (frog, cobra, butterfly, cat, pelvic lifts) and abstinence, body hygiene, modesty, laconicism, block all negative feelings: jealousy, anger, envy, guilt and possessiveness.

Willpower and anger

Maya Fiennes 3rd chakra (Manipura), center of activity, willpower, control and coordination, accuracy and diligence, personal strength and intelligence.

If the chakra is not functioning properly, you do not have the strength or willpower to make positive changes in your life.

The classes (warm-up, stretching, bow, breath of fire) taught by Maya Fiennes connect the lower chakras with the upper chakras and help heal the third chakra.

Love, Grief, Forgiveness

Maya Fiennes 4th chakra (anahata). The chakra unites the body and soul; it is located in the very center of the chest and is responsible for the cardiovascular system. The fourth set of exercises by Maya Fiennes (camel pose, child's pose, twisting, hand exercises) allows you to heal the heart chakra and experience the joys of life, accept the world as a whole, along with the bad and the good, enjoy all things and perceive the world around you as endless music, love and strive for love. This chakra is especially important for people on the path of spiritual development, it gives the opportunity to love and be loved, to give joy completely unselfishly, to love nature and the world around us, to be open to Divine love.

Communication and thinking

Maya Fiennes 5th chakra (vishidha) - creative realization of hidden talents, inspiration and expression of personality. It purifies thoughts and feelings, a person becomes sincere.

Her exercises (cobra pose, plow pose, camel pose, cat pose, candle pose, chanting mantras) restore the collapsing personal space and open the chakra. With the fifth chakra open, we begin to consciously use words as seeds of future events.

Intuition, Strength, Psyche

The 6th chakra (Ajna) is the coherence and integrity of our personality. The main energy channels go here and merge into one whole. This is the third eye, giving the depth, size and scale of the subtle worlds. Opening and balancing this chakra gives access to the inner “I”, to feel yourself and your way of life. Maya, opens 3 eyes with the help of meditation and exercises (bow, whistling breathing, forehead position on the floor).

Cultivating Spiritual Blessing

Maya Fiennes 7th chakra (Sahasrara) - these are exercises that prevent you from getting hung up on material things, bringing poetry and inspiration into life, developing the spiritual and transcendental, everything unnecessary and frivolous fades into the background.

Overcome negative thoughts

We all try to stay positive, but sometimes those annoying negative thoughts can creep in and ruin all our good endeavors. Yoga Maya Fiennes helps you with what you can do to get rid of negative thoughts.

Maya believes that our brains have a negative bias, so everyone should work hard to receive and retain good thoughts.

  1. Place both hands on the active gyan mudra (index finger pressed together with thumb) and raise your arms.
  2. The palms face forward and the hands are positioned at ear level.
  3. Direct your gaze to the tip of your nose (drishti), but if you feel uncomfortable, you can look at the floor.
  4. Inhale and exhale through your mouth with rounded lips (as if you are preparing to whistle).
  5. Ideally, hold the pose for eleven minutes (minimum three).

Try the exercise for 40 days and see how you feel and the effect it has on your energy and aura, as well as your mood.

Dependency problems

Maya Fiennes believes that addiction is like stuck energy. It is necessary to move energy through the body and help the mind accept a new way of thinking. This will release any stuck energy, especially the energy of addiction. One of the Kundalini asanas that helps get rid of this frozen energy is offered by M. Fiennes. It can be done while sitting on the sofa, on a chair, on the floor, wherever you feel comfortable.

Connect the tips of your fingers so that a small “hut” appears.

  1. Bring them closer to your heart.
  2. Close your eyes and relax your shoulders.
  3. Inhale and hold your breath for 5 seconds.
  4. Exhale and keep your eyes closed for a few moments.
  5. Repeat the exercise for 1 minute.

Get rid of anger and frustration

Clench your fingers into fists and raise your arms in front of you.

  1. Imagine that you are tied by chains and suddenly suddenly spread your arms to the sides, as if you are breaking these chains.
  2. Repeat several times, loudly chanting the Kundalini Yoga “HAR” mantras.
  3. Continue the exercise for a minute or more as long as you feel you need it.

The asana will make you feel like you are breaking the chain of anger and frustration and will be able to free yourself from these binding emotions that bring nothing but physical and mental suffering. Don't forget that you are the master of your own destiny..

Sadness and how to get rid of it

One of the negative emotions is sadness, we all have to suffer from it from time to time. Whether it is something serious - a great loss or failure, or feelings such as emptiness or loneliness, although no one can determine what is big and what is small for someone else. We all perceive and react to things differently.

Maya Fiennes advises that whenever there are any negative thoughts that “swarm” in your head, you should drive them away, get rid of them. Say either in your mind or out loud: “Cancel, cancel, cancel... Go, go, go... Go, go, go!”

With these words you do not allow negative thoughts to come and stay. This is a way to train your mind so that only good thoughts remain in it.

I have been doing yoga for over 2 years now. As I noticed, people come to yoga in different ways. Some are looking for spiritual enlightenment, others are looking for new sensations. But 80% still come to yoga to improve one of the most important things – their health. And at all levels: physical, mental and mental. And at first I also just wanted to improve my health. Over time, yoga has become a way of life for me. I think almost every person has an idea of ​​what yoga is. For me, this is not primarily a spiritual teaching, but a system for self-improvement of one’s body, soul and spirit.

At first, yoga, of course, may seem complicated, but over time it becomes clear to you, like twice two. Because of this ease of understanding and consistent structure of study, my choice fell on it, and not on other eastern directions such as qigong or Taoist practices. I am confident that soon yoga will become a part of every person’s life through its integration into the educational process around the world.

Yoga for beginners at home: pros and cons

Many who become interested in yoga, after reading articles, think that it is imperative to start practicing yoga in special centers with experienced instructors. This may be true, but, as a rule, there are 1,000 reasons not to get into these very centers. My opinion on this matter is very simple. If you want to start learning yoga, then you immediately need to decide to practice it today and you can do this at home.

7 reasons why I do yoga at home:

Saving money

For many people, the money issue comes first. For example, in Voronezh, for 4 classes you will need to pay 1,300 rubles. But this number of classes will not be enough to begin to understand yoga. 8 classes will already cost 2,300 rubles, and the most optimal option of 12 classes (3 per week) will cost 3,700 rubles. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices are even higher. But you can start studying at home for 0 rubles. Over time, spending will only be on a yoga mat, books, and perhaps clothes.

Save time

Time is one of our irreplaceable resources. Nowadays the pace of life is so fast that there is no time at all to travel somewhere. This is again a problem in all large cities. The route to the yoga center and back will take at least 1 hour, or even more. During this time, you can practice well at home. With a normal work schedule of 9:00 to 18:00, visiting is very difficult. Either I was exhausted at work, or some other external factors.

Class anytime

Again, a point regarding time. When you do yoga at home, you are not tied to the schedule of classes in studios. I wanted to - I worked out. If he didn’t want to, he rested or spent his time in some other way. At home, you can optimally use the early hours from 5:00 to 7:00 in the morning and the evening hours from 20:00 to 22:00. To begin with, you should study once in the morning, and then add evening ones. For example, I practice asanas and concentration in the morning, and breathing techniques and meditation in the evening.

Large amount of material

Another advantage of yoga for beginners at home is the availability of a large amount of material for independent study. There are now a very large number of websites on yoga topics. Books can be found both in bookstores and on the Internet completely free of charge. And another big plus is that now on YuoTube there are a lot of video courses on classes, where instructors show the correct technique and talk about the main nuances.

Deeper Practice

At home, you can create conditions under which yoga classes will be more concentrated. And through concentration comes relaxation, which plays a very important role in yoga. This is why yogis go to the mountains or places where no one can stop them. It is unlikely that such a state can be achieved in group classes. There will still be a feeling that you are not alone here.

Music to your liking

For beginners at home, their first yoga classes will greatly help with musical accompaniment. We all know that music greatly influences a person’s mental and physical state. And everyone has different tastes here. At home, you can put together your own playlist of your favorite relaxing tracks. You can also vary the volume of the music yourself. For example, I turn it on low for a very low background. Loud music can only interfere with your practice.

Additional procedures

Train your brain with fun

Develop memory, attention and thinking with online trainers


If after classes in studios you need to get ready and go, then at home after training you can devote a little more time to various procedures and. For example, I like to take hot baths a couple of times a week. After them, you can ask someone to give you a massage or give it to yourself. At home, you can create your own relaxing environment with candles, aroma lamps and relaxing music.

There are many other reasons why it is better to study at home. It may be that you are very shy about your shape or, for example, that you currently have poor body flexibility. Obviously, in the studio your self-esteem will only fall. And not at first, this may discourage the love of yoga. Of course, yoga for beginners at home also has a large number of disadvantages. And maybe the main one is doing the exercises correctly. But my opinion is that first you need, again, to instill in yourself a love for classes and understand whether you need it, and then over time go to a yoga center for several classes to improve your technique.

Advice: It is better to spend money on individual lessons than on group lessons.

Let's say you still want to try. For beginners doing yoga at home, perhaps the most important question is which type of yoga to choose. Currently there are a large number of them: hatha yoga, raja yoga, Iyengar yoga, kriya yoga, pranayama yoga, mantra yoga, tantra yoga, kundalini yoga and many others. And here there is no comrade for taste and color. Some people prefer to work with the physical body, others with breathing, and others enjoy chanting mantras. In this regard, yoga is very diverse.

Personally, I, like many, began my journey with hatha yoga, which is aimed at performing certain static exercises called asanas. Then I learned about Raja Yoga, which includes 7 steps. It has other names: Patanjali yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Royal yoga. I really liked doing breathing practices, but I wanted to diversify the static asanas with dynamic movements. This is how I came to kundalini yoga.

Why Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini yoga is one of the most modern and relevant yoga practices, which is based on the ancient traditions of northern India and opened to the Western world by a teacher named Yogi Bhajan.

Kundalini yoga quickly develops a person’s energy potential, helps to cleanse and calm a restless mind and helps get rid of many addictions.

This is a very meaningful and intense yoga, which includes a wide range of necessary methods for the physical and mental transformation of a person. Kundilini yoga is often called “Yoga of Awareness.”

Each lesson involves, first of all, good physical activity, as well as concentration on the process itself and a step-by-step development of Kundalini yoga techniques based on the philosophy, essence and spiritual meaning of this tradition.

What is included in the practice? These are various sequences of exercises called kriyas, breathing practices, work with sounds and meditation. It is very important that most exercises do not require special preparation. Particular attention is paid not to external adjustment of forms, but to the study of internal processes that occur during the practice itself.

Kundalini yoga even has its own branches: healing, numerology, astrology, couples practices, dancing for women, children's yoga, work with drug addiction, yoga for pregnant women.

Kundalini yoga, as many people think, does not lead to a sharp and spontaneous “rise of kundalini,” but smoothly and gradually reveals a person’s potential, including the practitioner’s ability to self-awareness.

This yoga is completely safe for humans if safety rules are not violated during practice. I believe that the big advantage of Kundalini yoga is its dynamism, which has a better effect on the work of the Western mind.

“Kundalini Yoga was created for man to be healthy, happy, blessed and aware.”

Yogi Bhajan

Kundalini Yoga Websites:

Video 3. Manipura. Forefront.

Next we must raise the Kundalini energy to the third chakra, which is located just above the navel in the solar plexus area. This chakra is hard work, diligence, self-expression and the desire to stand out in society. Strong Manipura is a strong will and personality, good health and internal balance. In general, in Kundalini yoga this chakra is given a lot of attention. Manipura significantly increases the amount of energy stored by a person. This is the most important center of human life force. It is she who turns on when endurance is needed during the action “I can’t do it.”

Video 4. Anahata. Center of love.

The fourth video lesson with Maya Fiennes is aimed at opening the heart chakra. Anahata is the desire for beauty, harmony and balance. When this center is balanced, devoid of hatred and sees beauty in itself, in others, the world and God. Such a person is very sociable and is in harmonious relationships, he is full of love and sees the manifestation of light in everything.

Video 5. Vishuddha. Talent Center.

The 5th chakra is located in the center of the throat and is called Vishuddha. She is responsible for enthusiasm, inspiration and implementation . When a person works on this chakra, he can clearly express his thoughts through words, he has no problems expressing himself in creativity. Such people are very open and sociable, they love to teach and inspire others.

Video 6. Ajna. Third Eye.

The pituitary gland is connected to this chakra; its projection in the forehead area is called the “Third Eye”. Ajna is the abode of knowledge. You will simply know without any logical thinking or emotional experiences. A balanced chakra gives good intuition. A person is fully aware of his tasks in this incarnation and understands what mission he needs to fulfill.

Video 7. Sahasrara. Center for Creative Creation.

The 7th video lesson with Maya Fiennes will allow you to work with the highest chakra - Sahasrara. It is also called the Crown Chakra. It is located in the parietal region of the head and is connected to the pineal gland (pineal gland). If the Sahasrara is harmonious, then you will feel your connection with God. You will also realize your uniqueness and get to know yourself as a creator!

Now you can watch a video on further work

Signs of a harmonious chakra:

if the chakra is harmonious, then you will feel your connection with God, unity with other people, the rest of the world. You can also realize your uniqueness and place in our world.

Signs of a polluted chakra:

if your chakra is contaminated, then you will not be left with a feeling of loss, depression, loneliness in a crowd of people, reluctance to communicate with other people, a lost taste for life and especially the fear of death.

Symptoms of Sahasrara imbalance:

lack of spiritual connection with God, the desire to think about the highest, but this is constantly impossible due to thinking about earthly concerns.

Medicine for Sahasrara:

In order to heal Saharsrara, you will need to light a candle and try to focus on the place of the flame that is closest to the wick - it has a purple color. You should meditate on this light, and then begin to imagine how the fire fills you entirely and consumes your body. To continuously cleanse the chakra, it is recommended to wear pearls, opal, clear quartz or moonstone. Listening to Schubert’s “Ave Maria” is also suitable for cleansing.

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