Sauerkraut for the winter - classic recipes for pickling delicious homemade sauerkraut. Sauerkraut in jars for the winter - proven recipes and recommendations

We offer a recipe for sauerkraut for a 3-liter jar - the same volume that is enough for a family to enjoy a fresh, vitamin-rich dish without getting tired of it. With cranberries and beets, Korean style and Georgian style: the dish is easy to prepare every week and enjoy the variety. Let's discover the secrets of making delicious, spicy, crispy sauerkraut.

Classic sauerkraut in a 3-liter jar

Sauerkraut is a native Russian dish. You won’t find it abroad, no matter how much you look in supermarkets. But in Russia it has been eaten for many centuries, and it was cabbage that remained the main source of vitamins in winter: when boiling and stewing, the “cabbage” nutrients are destroyed, but when fermented, on the contrary, they rapidly multiply. Yes, and it is stored perfectly.

For information: vitamin P (namely, it is considered the main protector of the human immune system) in sauerkraut becomes 20 times more than in raw cabbage. Let's move from words to action. Let's learn how to ferment cabbage so that it does not taste bitter and remains crisp for a long time.

Loose, porous heads of cabbage are not suitable for fermentation; the head of cabbage should be dense; It is preferable to choose late varieties: they have more sugar, which speeds up the fermentation process; cabbage should have dense, glossy leaves without thick veins.

For the starter (based on 2 liters) prepare:

  • forks of “Slava” cabbage weighing 2-3 kg;
  • medium carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l;
  • a teaspoon of dill seeds (cumin);
  • black pepper;
  • bay leaf (optional).

First, let's chop the cabbage. Our task is to make it as thin as possible: thick pieces will take much longer to salt and the taste will be worse. You can make your work easier if you divide the head of cabbage into four parts with a sharp knife and cut each quarter separately. Grate the carrots. Add salt to cabbage. The calculation here is simple: for 1 kg of cabbage it is important to put one tbsp. l salt without a slide.

You need to buy plain salt for sourdough; It is important that it is large: extra will not work.

Now it is important to mash the cabbage with salt so that it releases some juice. Add carrots to cabbage. It is dangerous to put too many carrots. Not only will it add unnecessary sweetness, but it will also give the cabbage a bad “soapy” texture. Sprinkle the vegetables with cumin seeds, add pepper and bay leaves if you like them.

Wash the glass jar thoroughly, clean it with soda, and scald it with boiling water. Fill a glass jar with cabbage and tamp it down with force. The jar should be filled up to the shoulders, but there should be room for cabbage juice. Now we cover the jar with a lid (preferably a nylon one with holes) and leave it in the room for three days. Light bubbles that will appear on the surface and light foam will tell us that the process has started.

If the variety turns out to be low in juiciness, you can always add a little boiled salted water to the jar; It is important that the cabbage is completely immersed in the brine.

Every day we pierce it with a long stick (you can use one from sushi): this will allow bubbles of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide to come out. If you forget to pierce it, the cabbage will turn out bitter. Two or three days and it needs to be put in the refrigerator or on the balcony. The snack is ready!

Sauerkraut– very healthy food, and also low-calorie, is excellent source vitamin C, fiber, lactobacilli and other nutrients. Here is a simple recipe for making it. A little effort, 3 days and a whole bank of health!

You will need:

  • cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • 1 small carrot
  • bay leaf 3pcs
  • 3 liter jar

Step-by-step photo - recipe:

Prepare in advance brine- V 0.5 liters of boiling water add 2 tbsp. salt, bring to a boil and cool.

Shred the cabbage.

First cut the cabbage into 4 pieces, then shred thin strips.

Convenient to shred cabbage using a Berner grater- at first you can hold a piece of cabbage with your hand, and when you grate half, secure the cabbage on a special holder so as not to injure your hands.

Slice carrot sticks. You can grate it on a coarse grater. I use a Berner grater.

Place at the bottom of a three-liter jar Bay leaf.

Lay down cabbage in a jar, sprinkling with carrots. Fill the jar to the top, pressing the cabbage down with your hand.

When the jar is half full, add another Bay leaf. Place the third leaf when the jar is completely filled.

Pour over the cabbage cold brine. Tamp down and add cabbage and carrots to the jar until the brine rises to the top.

Two days cabbage must ferment at room temperature.

Active fermentation will begin in a day, and the brine may overflow over the edge of the jar, so if you are unable to keep an eye on the cabbage, immediately put the jar in some container so that the overflowing brine gets into it.

During fermentation, use a knife to periodically remove the resulting gas.

After two days, close the jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator for a day. The cabbage stays there for another day. Just 3 days and a delicious snack is ready. Before serving add 1 teaspoon sugar, fresh onion rings, pour sunflower oil. You can add pickled or pickled cucumbers, cut into slices, or a fresh apple - an excellent winter salad.

Cabbage pickled in a jar. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • cabbage - 2.5 kg
  • 1 small carrot
  • bay leaf 3pcs
  • cold brine (0.5 liters of water + 2 tbsp salt)
  • 3 liter jar

Prepare the brine in advance - add 2 tbsp to 0.5 liters of boiling water. salt, bring to a boil and cool.
Chop the cabbage and carrots into strips.
Place the cabbage in a jar, sprinkle with carrots. Add bay leaf. Fill the jar to the top, pressing the cabbage down with your hand. Pour in cold brine.
Tamp down and add cabbage and carrots to the jar until the brine rises to the top.
The cabbage should ferment at room temperature for two days.
During fermentation, use a knife to periodically remove the resulting gas.
After two days, close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day. The cabbage stays there for another day.
Just 3 days and a delicious snack is ready.
Before serving, add 1 tsp. sugar, fresh onion rings, pour over sunflower oil.

In contact with

Sauerkraut is one of the healthiest and most delicious winter preparations. It is a complete source of vitamins and microelements. You can eat it on its own, add it to soups, or use it as a filling for pies. Several recipes have been developed on how to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy. It is enough to choose a method that suits you and strictly adhere to it.

To make tasty cabbage, you need to take many aspects into account. Even the quality of salt can sometimes affect the result. When preparing, follow these recommendations:

By adhering to such simple rules as how to properly ferment cabbage, you will be able to get an excellent snack. It will decorate not only your everyday, but also your holiday table.

Classic recipe

The most common way to ferment cabbage so that it is crispy is to use the classic recipe. You will need a minimum set of components:

  • a head of cabbage weighing 4 kg;
  • five carrots;
  • salt and sugar 4 tablespoons each.

The entire cooking process can be divided into several stages:

You can store cabbage after the fermentation process is complete. Seal the jar with a plastic lid and place in a cool place. This cabbage starter recipe takes about 4 - 5 days to complete.

Recipe with garlic

One of the ways to ferment cabbage deliciously is a recipe with the addition of garlic. The finished snack acquires an original taste and aroma. The following components will be required:

  • cabbage forks weighing about three kilograms;
  • three to four carrots;
  • half a liter of clean water;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 100 ml vinegar;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a pair of laurel leaves;
  • one and a half tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 4 spoons of sugar.

The method for fermenting cabbage so that it is crispy is extremely simple. The whole process consists of the following steps:

This appetizer can be served just a few hours after preparation. This recipe is rightfully considered the best way to quickly ferment cabbage.

Cabbage in honey brine

To prepare a delicious savory snack, a recipe for cabbage starter in a jar with the addition of honey is suitable. You will need very few ingredients:

  • cabbage forks weighing three kilograms;
  • one large carrot;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • 700 ml water;
  • a tablespoon of honey.

The cooking process occurs in several key stages:

This appetizer should ferment within 24 hours. After this, it can be stored in a cool place.

Spicy cabbage

If you love spicy savory snacks, then this recipe is just what you need. The cabbage turns out unusually crispy and juicy. For preparation you will need a minimum of ingredients:

  • a pair of cabbage forks weighing no more than 2 kg each;
  • two capsicums;
  • kilogram of carrots;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of salt.

The cooking process is simple. It consists of the following steps:

Choose a way to deliciously ferment cabbage that suits you and you can surprise your guests with an interesting appetizer. It will be in demand at any feast.

Video recipe for fermenting cabbage in Old Russian style

Crispy sauerkraut for the winter in jars- This is the most popular snack during the cold season. And besides, an amazing source of vitamins (especially rich in vitamin C). Every housewife will definitely need cabbage preparation recipes; after all, without them, the supplies of the home cellar will not be complete! In the process of preparing fermentation, you should be careful and careful, since the original product is easy to spoil.

Sauerkraut in jars for the winter: Recipe

The range of methods for salting cabbage is quite wide. But you should pay attention to the relatively simple recipes, which are included in jars. Inexperienced “preparers” of vegetables will appreciate this method and can handle it with ease. For it, dense forks of late juicy varieties are selected, not frostbitten or damaged. Carrots are often added to such dishes; but it is not a required ingredient. The ratio of cabbage to white cabbage is based on recipes for sauerkraut in jars for the winter arbitrarily; if you want to strictly follow culinary technology, then you need to take 2 times less carrots.

The forks are rinsed under a cold stream, picking off limp, dry leaves, and then they are chopped. If carrots are used, they must be thoroughly peeled, washed and coarsely grated, and then transferred to the chopped white cabbage. Next, take 1 tbsp for one enamel bucket of prepared and mixed vegetables. granulated sugar and 2 tbsp. with a pile of rock salt. The components of the future snack are kneaded with special diligence. As a result, vegetable juice should be released. The mixture is laid out tightly in dry glass jars.

The top of the neck with the workpiece is covered with linen fabric folded in several layers, or with a “loose” nylon cover. The dish is kept in a warm place until fermentation begins. Excessive juice secretion can lead to liquid leakage from the container, so for convenience, place a deep bowl or other kitchen utensil under the container, suitable for collecting the “escaping” brine. The escaped juice does not pour out. In the future, you will need to add it back into the container (the cut must certainly be covered with liquid). Every day the stack is pierced to the very bottom with a wooden stick, removing gases from the fermentation.

Gradually, fermentation will occur less actively, and, in the end, it will practically stop. Then delicious sauerkraut for the winter in jars It is closed more tightly with nylon lids and taken out into the cold. In a warm room, fermentation may resume, which is undesirable. In a cold place, the dish will last for quite a long time, and will give many pleasures when treating a matured snack.

Recipe 2

City residents will definitely appreciate the practicality and convenience of preparing cabbage in jars. They are ideal for them, since there are no extensive bins for storing all kinds of twists. But placing a couple of jars is not difficult. Unlike the previous method, brine will be used for fermentation. For one three-liter container of snacks you will need: 1 dense medium head of cabbage, 2-3 carrots, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar and coarse salt, 1 liter of filtered water.

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