Last visit is the next topic. Spoken theme MY VISIT TO THE CINEMA. Level: Pre-Intermediate. Registering an account for a UK visa application

Oral theme MY VISIT TO THE CINEMA will help you compose an oral statement about going to the cinema, write an essay or a story about visiting the cinema. The topic MY GO TO THE CINEMA is given with translation.

Level: Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate

Suitable for students in grades 7-11.


I really enjoy going to the cinema; it is one of the favorite pastimes even though I don’t really go that often. Fortunately, the cinema isn’t too far away from where I live and I can get there by bus within ten minutes. I am very lucky to live in a big town because it means that I have a choice of cinemas and a wider choice of films.

Watching films is always very relaxing and entertaining. The convenience of the cinema is that you can choose what time you want to go because there are usually a number of showings.

You know, it is popular to go out somewhere first and then go on to a late-night film. The cinema is particularly popular among students because they don’t have to pay full price for some films and is therefore a reasonably cheap form of entertainment.

There are a variety of films available today. I especially like comedies or love stories. Detective stories with a lot of action and suspense grab my attention also. I particularly enjoy films where you become so involved with the story that you forget you are sitting in a cinema.

The last film I went to see was an American comedy (Thriller called “Who’s Watching the Baby-sitter?”). I really enjoyed it because it was funny, it had a lot of action in it and the end was so unexpected.

Nowadays cinemas are so comfortable that it is almost like being at home so it is a luxury to go to the cinema.


I really enjoy going to the movies; it's one of my favorite pastimes, although I don't actually go there often. Luckily, the cinema is not too far from my house and I can get there by bus in ten minutes. I'm lucky enough to live in a big city, which means I have a choice of cinemas I can visit and a wider choice of films I can watch.

Watching movies is always very relaxing and entertaining. The advantage of cinemas is that you can choose what time you want to go and watch a film, because there are usually several showings.

You know, quite often people prefer to go out for a walk somewhere and then go to the last session. Cinema is especially popular among students because they don't have to pay full price for some screenings, making it a fairly cheap way to spend time.

There is a huge variety of movies available today. I especially like comedies or romance novels. Detective novels with a lot of action and suspense also capture my attention. I especially love movies that grab you so much that you forget you're in a movie theater.

The last movie I went to the cinema to see was the American comedy-thriller Who's Watching the Babysitter? I really liked the film because it was funny, events happened quickly and the ending was unexpected. Cinemas are very convenient these days, so you almost feel at home in them.

1. You register an account on the UK Immigration Service website

2. Fill out online questionnaire in English.

3. Pay the cost of the visa online with a bank card.

4. Select the date and time for submitting documents at the end of the process of filling out the visa application.

5. Print out the completed form along with confirmation of the time of submission of documents.

6. Register on the Teleperformance Visa Center website by selecting the visa center closest to you:

7. At the appointed time, go to the UK Visa Application Center to apply for a visa. In addition to the printed application form, you will need to have with you documents confirming your solvency and connections with the country of residence (supporting documents) - these can be bank statements, documents confirming ownership of real estate, salary certificates and other financial documents. Documents not in English must be translated into English and the accuracy of the translation must be certified (virtually anyone can certify the translation).

UK Visa Application Center located in Moscow at the address: Delta Plaza Business Center, 2nd Syromyatnichesky Lane, building 1.

Visa applications must be submitted in person, including children under 5 years of age. At the visa center they will take your photograph and fingerprints. This is a quick and easy procedure - you simply place two fingers, thumb and index finger, on the scanner window (children under 5 years old do not need to be fingerprinted).

Registering an account for a UK visa application

To start filling out the visa application, you first need to register on the website To do this, click the button Register an Account. After registration, you will have the opportunity to save the data filled in the form. After registration, you can access your profile through the Login button.

When registering on the site, you must provide the following information about yourself:

Given Name(s)/Forename(s) – your name.
Family Name/Surname – your last name.
Date of Birth – date of birth.
Gender – gender.
Country of Nationality - citizenship.
Help Language – language of help information.
Email – your email.
Primary Phone Number – contact phone number.
Address Details – residential address.

You will also need to come up with a password, check the “I agree to the Terms & Conditions” box and click the Register button.

After registration, you will receive an email in which you will need to click on a link. After this, registration will be completed.

In order to start filling out the form, you will need to click the Apply For Myself link after logging into the site with your username and password. If you fill out the form for someone else (for example, for your child), you will need to click on the Apply For Someone Else link.

Sample form for a UK visa

Let's try to fill out the UK visa application. Let’s say our mother and child are going on a trip.

Passport / Travel Document section of the UK visa application form

In this section we see that the form has already been partially filled in with the data specified during registration, so let’s move straight to the new points.

Passport Number – the number of your current foreign passport, series and number.
Date of Intended Travel – the date you plan to arrive in the UK.
Reason for Visit – the purpose of your visit to the UK. Select Visit from the list.
Visa Type – the type of visa you need. We choose the General Visitor visa.
Visa Sub Type – select the tourist subcategory of the visa - (General) Single, double and multiple, valid up to 6 months.

We answer No. to the next three questions.

Do you intend to work in the UK? Are you planning to work in the UK?
- Is the main purpose of your trip to visit/stay with a close family relative who is settled in the UK? The main purpose of your trip is to visit close relatives who permanently reside in the UK?
- Do you intend to study in the UK? Are you planning to study in the UK?
Click the Create Application button, and then Go To Application.

To the question “Do you currently hold, or have you ever held, any other nationality or nationalities?” Do you have citizenship of other countries? We answer No if there are none.

Fill in the date of issue of the passport (Place of Issue). This refers to the city and country of issue. We write Moscow, Russia.

Issuing Authority - the body that issued your international passport - we write it as it is written in the passport, but in Latin letters (usually this is a department of the Federal Migration Service).

Date of Issue – date of issue of the passport.
Date of Expiry – expiration date of the passport.
Current Location – where you are submitting documents. We indicate Russia.

Are you a national of the country in which you are applying? Are you a citizen of the country you are applying from? We answer Yes.

Is this your first passport? Is this your first passport? We answer Yes if the first one and No if you already had other foreign passports before. In the latter case, click Add and add all the data on previous passports according to the example above. To the question “Is this travel lost document, stolen or in your possession”, select “In your possession” from the list if you have the old passport in your hands and “Retained by Passport Issuer” if your old passport was taken away during re-issuance.

Are you traveling with anyone? Are you traveling with someone? Answer Yes, click the Add button and add information about the child. Nationality – child’s citizenship, select Russia from the list. Family Name / Surname – the child’s surname. Given Name(s) / Forename(s) – the name of the child. Date of Birth – date of birth of the child. To the question “Do they have a valid visa for the UK (he already has a UK visa)?” We answer No.

How long do you intend to stay in the UK? How long are you planning to stay in the UK?
It is not necessary to travel exactly on the specified dates, but it is highly recommended not to significantly exceed the approximate travel time. For example, if you indicate in the application form that you plan to go only for one week, but in fact you spend the maximum possible 6 months in the UK, then the next time you apply for a visa you may have problems. Let us indicate here that we are going for a week: 7 days.

What is the main address and contact details of where you will be staying while in the UK? What will be your residential address while in the UK?
UK Postcode – postcode of the hotel where you are going to stay. We indicate here the alphanumeric postcode (for example, W1J 9BR, if you are planning to stay at the Ritz Hotel in London) and click the Find Address link next to it. Select the address we need from the drop-down list below. It is automatically entered in the appropriate fields of the questionnaire. All you have to do is provide your UK contact phone number. We indicate here the number of the Ritz hotel: 020 7493 8181.

Proceed to the next section of the questionnaire by clicking the Next Section button.

Personal Details section of the UK visa application form

Here we again see that the section is partially already filled with the data specified when registering on the site.

How long have you lived at this address? How long have you lived at the given address? We answer how many years we have been living, let’s say 10 years.

Are your preferred contact details different from the contact details already provided above? Do you want to give us other contact details than those given above? We answer No.

Have you been issued any visa for the UK, UK Overseas Territories or Commonwealth Country in the last 10 years? Have you received a UK, British Overseas Territories or Commonwealth visa in the last 10 years? Let this be our first visa to the UK, so we answer No.

Have you ever traveled to the UK in the last 10 years? Have you traveled to the UK in the last 10 years? We answer No.

You should answer No to all of the following questions below if you still want to get a visa.

Have you made an application to the Home Office to remain in the UK in the last 10 years?
Have you been refused entry to the UK in the last 10 years (for example at a UK airport or seaport)?
Have you been refused a visa for any country including the UK in the last 10 years?
Have you been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave any country including the UK in the last 10 years?
Have you ever voluntarily elected to depart the UK?
Are you, or have you been subject to, an exclusion order from the UK?

To the question “Have you ever traveled outside your country of residence, excluding the UK, in the last 10 years?”, if you have been abroad in the last 10 years, you should answer Yes. Click the Add button and add data on foreign trips: Date of Travel – Start date of the trip. Country visited – Country visited, select from the list. Reason for the trip – indicate for tourist trips tourism.

The next group of questions should again be answered with No.

Do you have a UK National Insurance Number?
Do you have any criminal convictions in any country (including spent/unspent convictions and traffic offenses)?
Have you ever been charged in any country with a criminal offense for which you have not yet been tried in the court (including traffic offenses)?
Have you ever been involved in, supported or encouraged terrorist activities in any country? Have you ever been a member of, or given support to, an organization that has been connected with terrorism?
Have you ever, by any means or medium, expressed views that justify or glorify terrorist violence, or that may encourage others to commit acts of terrorism or other serious criminal acts?
In times of either peace or war have you ever been involved in, or suspected of involvement in, war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide?
Have you engaged in any other activities that might indicate that you may not be admitted to the UK?

To the question “If we need to interview you, what language would you like to use in the interview?”, if you do not speak English, then you should answer Russian, otherwise it is better to indicate English.

Move on to the next section by clicking the Next Section button.

Family Details section of the UK visa application form

In this section we provide information about your family members.

What is your marital status? What is your marital status? Singles and unmarried people should choose Single. There is an option for people in a civil marriage - unmarried partner. Let's say our mom is officially married - we indicate Married/Civil Partner.

Will your spouse/partner be traveling with you? Will your partner go with you? Let's say our mother is traveling without her husband. Let's indicate No.
However, for some unknown reason, even if your partner is not traveling with you, you will still have to fill out their details:

Current Passport or Travel Document Number – your husband/wife’s passport number.
Nationality – his/her citizenship.
Family Name / Surname – partner’s last name.
Given Name(s) / Forename(s) – partner’s name.
Date of Birth – date of birth of the partner.
Does your spouse/partner currently live with you? Does your spouse live with you? We answer Yes.

Similarly, fill out the sections about your father and mother: citizenship, surname, first name, date of birth, place of birth.

To the question “Do you have any dependent children?” we answer Yes if you have dependent children living with you. Click the Add button and fill in them in the window that appears:
Passport number, citizenship, last name, first name, date of birth, place of birth.

To the questions “Is this child traveling with you?” (Will this child go with you?)" and "Does this child currently live with you (Does this child live with you)?" We answer Yes. Fill in the address and select your country of residence from the list.

Employment section of the UK visa application form

We fill out the section about your employment. The first question is “Have you ever worked for one of the following categories of organizations?”

Have you ever worked for any organization (state or non-state) listed below?

Armed Forces (including National Service) - Armed Forces (including state military service)
Government (Central or Local) - Government (Federal or regional)
Judiciary - Judicial authorities
Media – Media companies
Public or Civil Administration - Public or civil administration
Security (including police and private security companies) – Security services (including work in the police and private security companies)

If you have not worked in any of the above organizations, then feel free to answer No. Otherwise, answer Yes and fill out information about the service (category of organization, its name, job title/rank, service start date and end date).

Next comes the question “What is your current working status (what are you doing now)?” Let's say our mom works full time. Then select Employed Full Time from the list. Students, pensioners and the unemployed select the appropriate categories from the list.

What is your total monthly income from all sources of employment or occupation, after tax? What is your total monthly income from work and other sources, after taxes?

We indicate here the “net” amount of income in rubles. Let's say our mom receives 35,000 rubles a month: 35,000 RUB.

Name of Company/Organisation/Employer – the name of the organization where you work.
Job Description / Title / Rank – indicate the name of the position held. Let our mom be the sales manager. We write “sales manager”.
Type of work undertaken – type of work performed. We briefly describe the content of the work, let’s say our mom is engaged in wholesale sales of clothing and underwear: “wholesale of clothing and underwear.”

When did you start this job? – indicate the start date of work in the company.

Do you have any additional paid jobs or occupations? – Do you have any other jobs or activities besides this? We answer No.

Let's move on to the subsection Income and Expenditure(income and expenses).

Do you have savings, properties or other income, for example from stocks and shares? Do you have savings, property or other sources of income, such as income from stocks?

Let's say our mom has a deposit in a bank and she receives monthly interest on it. We answer Yes, click the Add button, select Savings and Investments from the list and indicate the amount of income received, converted into pounds sterling, for example, 100 GBP.

How much do you spend each month on living costs? How much do you spend per month on living? You must enter a specific amount in pounds sterling. Let’s say our mother spends about 20,000 rubles on her life. At current exchange rates this is approximately 327 pounds. We write 327 GBP.

How much of your total monthly income is given to your family members and other dependants? How much of your monthly income do you give to your family members and other dependents?

If you have any persons in your pay, write here the specific amount in pounds. Otherwise, enter zero.

What is the cost to you personally of your trip in GBP(£)? How much will your trip to the UK cost you personally? Here you should indicate the amount of your planned expenses during your trip to the UK in pounds. I advise you to indicate a larger amount in order to demonstrate your financial solvency.

The total amount of money you have for this trip - how much free money you have for this trip in general. Indicate the maximum amount at your disposal - this is the key to success.

The cost of the airplane, boat or train tickets – the cost of transportation costs. How much will air tickets cost you, please provide an approximate amount in pounds.

The cost of your accommodation – the cost of staying at the hotel. Enter the amount in pounds.

The cost of your living expenses – your approximate living expenses (food and related living expenses). Enter the amount in pounds.

Is someone other than you paying for all or a part of your trip? Is someone paying for your trip? Answer No if you are paying for the trip yourself.

Click Next Section and move on to the next section.

Family and Friends section of the UK visa application form

Please enter details of what you plan to do while in the UK - briefly describe what you plan to do in the UK (see relatives/friends or travel around the country).

Do you have any friends or family in the UK? Do you have friends or relatives in the UK? Answer this question honestly. There is nothing to worry about if there are such relatives. But we will answer No and move on to the next section.

Medical Treatment section of the UK visa application form

Have you ever received medical treatment in the UK? Have you ever sought medical help in the UK? Recently, there has been dissatisfaction in the UK with visiting foreigners abusing local free healthcare. We answer No and move on to the last section of the questionnaire.

Additional Information section of the UK visa application form.

Is there any other information you wish to be considered as part of your application? Is there any additional information you would like to provide in your application form? Here it is recommended to explain the “slippery” aspects of your profile that may not work in your favor (for example, if you are unemployed). It is highly recommended that you outline your travel plan in detail here, indicating specific dates and places of visit - this will help convince the consul of the truth of your intentions and that you do not intend to remain illegal in the UK.

We have finished filling out the form and click the Confirm Application button.

A complete questionnaire with all the data you specified will be displayed on the screen. Double-check that the information you entered is correct. Changes cannot be made to the submitted application form - errors can only be corrected with the help of Visa Application Center staff.
We check and click Submit Application.

After filling out the form, you must sign a declaration that you confirm the veracity of the entered data. To do this, click the Sign Declaration button, scroll down the page that appears, enter your first and last name in the Signature field and click Sign Declaration.

Applying for a UK visa

Next, you should book the date and time for applying for a visa (appointment). To do this, click the Book Appointment button. We select the visa center we need from the list. Currently, UK visa centers are available in the following cities: St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg. In the “Visa Appointment Type” list, you can select an expedited document processing service: Priority or Premium (for an additional fee). We will choose Standard Appointment.

On the screen you see the address of the TelePerformance Visa Application Center, where you should appear to apply for a visa. For Moscow, this is the Delta Plaza Business Center, 2nd Syromyatnichesky Lane, building 1.

Click the Next button and select a convenient date and time for submitting documents on the page that appears. At the moment there are practically no queues. Today is Thursday, and the earliest possible time to submit is Monday, from 8-30 am. Select a convenient time, click Next and Next again.

UK visa payment

A page has opened where we see visa cost. At the moment it is US$142. Click Next and go to the payment page.

Check the two boxes “I have read and understood the above information”. Click Next.

Choose payment method. Payments by bank cards are currently available Mastercard, Visa or Maestro, as well as electronic money Webmoney. Fill in the card details and the address to which it is linked. Click Submit.

After payment, we print out the application form and confirmation of the appointment, register on the website of the Teleperformance visa center and bring these printouts along with supporting documents at the appointed time to the visa center. You can check your visa readiness on the Teleperformance visa center website.

Please note that starting from July 7, 2014 it is required personal presence of all children for applying for a UK visa, including children under 5 years of age, as a biometric facial photograph will be taken (children under 5 years of age are exempt from having their fingerprints taken).

If, despite the above instructions for filling out the UK visa application form, you still feel unsure and do not want to take risks, then we can offer you assistance in filling out UK visa applications and translation of documents into English. We work with complex cases, including visa applications after refusals. Know: it is much easier to prevent a refusal by correctly filling out the visa application form and providing all the necessary documents than to correct the situation after it. You can contact us by email.

becoming very popular way to spend free time/modern cinemas are beautiful and comfortable rooms are equipped with large new screens, special sound absorption panels and nice places you can buy tickets right before the movie starts or the day before certain types of films are the movies if you want to have fun you can choose comedy or Western if you enjoy special effects and are interested in around the idea of ​​a future you can see science fiction or adventure.Children like to watch cartoons and come to the movies with their parents.

2)Use the text and find the appropriate words to eht definitions.

1)People,who enjoy going to the cinema in their free time.______________

2)Something that many people like._______________________

3) A piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something____________

4) A film about the life of cowboys in the USA in the 19th century.__________

5)A film using drawing and not real people,animals?things.___________--

I will never forget my first visit to the theatre. My mother took me to the Bolshoi theater to see "The Sleeping Beauty". We took the underground

there, as the Bolshoi Theater is in the center of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theater we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programs in their hands. My mother bought one for us. Then she lad the way to our seats. They where not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could here beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause. My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera at a later date

Make up questions for the text I will never forget my first visit to the theater. My mother took me to the Bolshoi theater to see "The Sleeping Beau

ty". We took the underground there, as the Bolshoi Theater is in the center of Moscow. It took us a quarter of an hour to get there. When we arrived at the theater we could see many people in the hall. Some of them had programs in their hands. My mother bought one for us. Then she lad the way to our seats. They where not expensive but we could see the stage very well. Then the lights went down and the curtain rose. We could see a beautiful palace on the stage and we could here beautiful music. The scenery was fantastic. I liked the ballet very much. The leading dancer was so good, that when the performance was over there was a storm of applause. My mother enjoyed the performance greatly and she promised to take me to the opera at a later date

Theater is an old art. For many centuries it has been loved and honored by people. Nowadays people are extremely busy and find it more convenient to seat themselves comfortably in front of a TV-set and enjoy themselves without leaving their houses.

I"m not a great theater-goer either, but from time to time I go to see a good play, opera or ballet.

My last visit to the theater stands out vividly in my memory. It was “Swan lake” by P.I. Chaikovsky in the Kharkov Opera and Ballet theater

Our seats in the 5th row were very good. People around us were looking forward to the performance, reading programs and discussing the cast. At just the third warning bell rank and the performance began. It was first-rate from beginning to end. The setting was superb. The ballerina starring in the ballet danced so wonderfully that it seemed as if she was floating in the air. Her dancing, accompanied by charming music, made a tremendous impression on everyone.

When the last curtain went down there was a storm of applause. People presented the ballet stars with flowers.

It was one of the best performances I"ve seen in my life



to look forward to – check impatiently

first-rate - first-class

superb - monster

tremendous - great

Lesson 24 music in my life

Music occupies an important place in our life. We can't live without it. Actually people have different musical tastes depending on their age, education and even mood. Some people like classical music, others prefer rock, pop or jazz, but nobody is indifferent to it.

As for me I used to sing in front of the mirror in my childhood. A pencil box served me as a microphone and I simulated a show on the stage. It was a great fun

At present I can"t spend a day without music. In the morning I prefer fast rhythmical music. It"s like a cup of coffee or a cool shower that encourages you and freshens you up. So, since the early morning you are in a cheerful spirit and the upcoming day seems to give many pleasant surprises. Isn't it a great start of the day?

If you are in a bad humor you"d better turn to music. Nothing can help you better to forget about your problems than a merry song. Listen to your favorite melody and your spleen will disappear and you are in a good temper again.

After a hard working day I like to listen to some slow, beautiful music. It helps me to relax, to forget about my tiredness.

Actually, music is an integral part of my life and I can't just imagine how I would live without it!

1.jazz - jazz

2.imitate - inherit

3.encourage- encouragement

4.a cheerful spirit

5.forthcoming - offensive

6.spleen - blues, nudga

7.integral – invisible

Lesson 25 post-office

There is a post-office in every town and village or a settlement. The post-office has many duties and has hundreds of thousands of officials: postmasters who are in charge of post-offices, post-offices clerks and a lot of postmen. It is the postman who brings many items of news to everyone, going round from house to house and dropping the letters into your pillar-box.

If you want to send a letter or a post-card you needn"t go to the post office, you can drop it into the nearest pillar-box, and in some days a postman will deliver your letter or a post-card to the addresses.

The post-office does not only deliver and send letters and other mail, but it controls the telegraphs and telephones, pays out old-age pensions and family allowances, sells stamps either separately or in booklets with several stamps of various values, makes trunk calls - in a word - offers many services. That is why there are various counters there: General Delivery, Registered Letters, Parcel Post, Money Orders, Stamps, Post Cards, Air Mail and Book Post.

A few days ago I had to send a parcel to my friend and buy some envelopes and post cards. First I directed my steps to the Parcel counter. 1 handed my parcel to the clerk; she weighed it on the scales, gave me the necessary stamps, and I paid money for it. The amount that you have to pay depends on the weight of the parcel. After that I went to the Post Cards counter and bought some post-cards and envelopes. Besides, I had to send a letter to my grandparents. So I put my letter into the envelope, stuck a stamp on the envelope, wrote the address, sealed it up and posted it.

As I am in a habit of collecting stamps, I looked at them at Stamps counter, which issues postage-stamps in honor of every significant event or marking the memory of outstanding people of the country and the world. I made up my mind to buy some rare stamps. Then I suddenly remembered that I had to make a call to my uncle who lived in another city.

You know, the important service connected with the post-office is, of course, the telephone. In most post-offices and in many streets there are telephone booths from which you can phone. All you have to do is to pick up the receiver, dial the number wanted, put a coin in the slot and if you hear a long buzzer Sound be sure you"ll get through. When you finish speaking, you must replace the receiver. If you want to have a conversation with a friend of yours who lives in another town, you have to make a trunk call or to ask for a trunk call and say, "A long distance call." Sometimes the trunk operator may say, " Please, limit your call to... minutes", or "The number is engaged".

Word List:

official ] - official, employee

to be in charge of - to manage

clerk - employee

postman - postman

to drop the letter into a pillar-box - drop a letter into a mailbox

to deliver - deliver

addressee - addressee

old-age pension - pension

Parcel Post - department for sending parcels

Money Orders - department "Money transfers"

Air Mail - Airmail

Book Post - department for sending parcels

to direct one's steps - to head somewhere

to hand - hand over

to weigh - weigh

amount j - amount

scale - scales

to stick (stuck, stuck) - to stick

address - address

to seal up - to seal

to post - send by mail

to be in a habit of doing something - to have the habit of doing something

to issue - issue, issue

in honor of every significant event - in honor of every significant

(important) event

to mark the memory of outstanding people - to mark the memory

outstanding people

to make up one's mind - decide

rare stamp - rare stamp

telephone booth - pay phone

to pick up the receiver - pick up the receiver

to dial fdawlj - dial (number)

slot - slot, slot

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