Lazy “Napoleon” from lavash. "Napoleon" from lavash with custard Napoleon from lavash with custard

". A good recipe, proven - and, most importantly, really lazy. Therefore, the question arose: “Can I do lazy Napoleon cake made from lavash? And, accordingly, the answer arose: “Why not?” No sooner said than done.

Lazy pita Napoleon cake is indeed possible. And, not only that, it turns out very, very tasty. And, most importantly, fast. , which saves more than 50% of the time for preparing the cake.

You may say: “But, excuse me, pita bread is not equal to the dough for Napoleon cake!” Let's get a look.

So, for Napoleon cake there is one very important requirement: the dough must be rolled out as thin as possible. However, at home it is not always possible to roll out the dough as thinly as necessary. Therefore (in particular) puff pastry is used, which “automatically” creates layers of the desired thickness.

So, usually the dough for a Napoleon cake consists of: 200 g of butter or margarine, 1/2 cups of water (sour cream), 2 cups of flour, a pinch of salt.

The preparation procedure is simple: Pour the required amount of flour onto a cutting board, cut the butter or margarine from the refrigerator into pieces and chop until crumbs form. Then collect the crumbs in a heap, make a funnel and gradually pour in liquid from the glass, continuing to chop until a dough forms.

Accordingly, the dough is rolled out AS THINNY as possible; the thinner the dough, the more correct the Napoleon cake.

Next, let’s compare: thin sheet pita bread has a thickness of 2-3 mm. It is made from flour, water and yeast (sometimes eggs are added). The composition is not the same as that of puff pastry... And lavash, in fact, is not puff pastry... But if you put many thin layers one on top of the other, you will get the same puff pastry!

But here you have to choose: either laziness or classicism.

So, first, make a liquid for dipping the pita bread: sour cream, water, egg, a little sugar. Next, take one whole pita bread along the diameter of the cake + fold the edges and place it as a base in the mold. One sheet of lavash is laid aside whole; it will become the “lid”. The rest of the pita is torn into small pieces and soaked in the dipping liquid.

By this time the cream for the Napoleon cake should be ready. Cream recipe:

Take 2 packs of cream (10%) into a saucepan, add a glass of sugar and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Separately, in a mug, mix a little more than 1 tbsp. l. flour and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of starch, gradually pour in one packet of cold cream (i.e., a total of three bags of 200 ml each) so that the mixture is free of lumps, mix well. Pour this starch-flour mixture into boiling milk with sugar, or not into boiling milk, but remove it from the stove while pouring, so that it doesn’t run away. Pour in according to the principle of cooking semolina porridge - in a thin stream, stirring continuously (Very important!); otherwise lumps will form and then the cream will fail! The appearance and thickness are similar to that of semolina. Cool the cream.

Stir a pack (250) of butter (previously softened at room temperature) into the cooled cream. First mix in a quarter of the butter, beat with a mixer at low speeds, then add more and more and beat well (but do not over-beat) the cream will be quite airy.

Now we grease the base lavash in a baking dish with cream, put a layer of torn and soaked lavash on top, then again a lot of cream, again lavash, and so on. We don't care about evenness or uniformity. Smack, smack, blunder, blunder. The edges of the base layer are folded up. A “lid” pita bread and a layer of cream are placed on top. And everything is put in the oven for 10-15 minutes so that all the ingredients “grow together.”

In fact, of course, the lazy Napoleon lavash cake and the classic Napoleon cake differ in taste. However, if laziness wins... :)

Bon appetit!

Lavash cake is in no way inferior to the classic “Napoleon” recipe, and thanks to the thin lavash cakes, it turns out to be well-soaked, unforgettably tasty, and most importantly, quick to prepare. Lavash for “Napoleon” can be prepared at home, or you can buy it in a store, at your discretion.

To make it clearer and easier for you to prepare, let’s begin the step-by-step preparation with a photo of “Napoleon” from pita bread without baking.

Ingredients for Napoleon cake

  • 3 packs of thin pita bread
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 30 grams starch
  • 60 grams flour
  • 200 grams butter

This cake is made from dried pita bread, which makes the cake very tasty.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Step 1

We take our pita bread and cut each sheet into three parts. Makes 18 sheets.

Step 2

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, and dry each sheet of pita bread for about two minutes. The drying procedure will take you no more than twenty minutes.

Step 3

The lavash sheets are dried, and while they are cooling, we move on to preparing the custard for our cake.

You can add both butter and boiled condensed milk to the custard, this will give your custard a richer taste.

Step 4

Pour the milk into a saucepan, add 125 grams of sugar, put it on the stove, and bring it to a very hot state, but not to a boil.

Step 5

Beat the eggs for one minute with the rest of the sugar until fluffy.

Step 6

Add starch with flour, vanilla sugar to the egg mass, and pour in one ladle of milk twice, stirring constantly.

Step 7

Pour the egg-flour mixture into the remaining milk, then place on medium heat, stirring continuously, until the mixture thickens. Remove the cooked cream from the stove and continue stirring for a few more minutes (one or two minutes)

To prevent the future cream from burning, try to stir as quickly as possible, especially along the bottom of the pan

Step 8

Cover the finished cream with cling film and let it cool completely to room temperature.

Step 9

Beat softened butter. Hard butter can be softened in the microwave or on the stove.

Step 10

Add all the custard to the butter little by little, remembering to stir.

To prevent the cream from being liquid, it must be added to the oil cooled, at room temperature.

Step 11

The cream is ready. We move on to coating our finished, pre-dried cakes. Distribute a small amount of cream evenly, lightly pressing each cake.

Don’t forget to leave a couple of layers for sprinkling the cake, chopped nuts will also work,

Step 12

The smeared cakes will settle a little after half an hour, but to make the cake taller, you need to cut it in half two hours after soaking, and lay it on top of each other, giving it more time to soak a little.

Video with step-by-step preparation of Napoleon cake from lavash

Which would be tasty, healthy, satisfying, but at the same time prepared as quickly as possible. Lavash snack cake is an ideal dish in this regard. In addition to the fact that the recipe can be changed, the ingredients can be varied, and the incongruous can be combined, a lavash cake allows you to use inexpensive products, which is important.

Lavash goes well with meat, fish, cheeses, vegetables, herbs and even seafood. By combining different ingredients, you can get a surprisingly quick snack option. In addition, lavash snack cake can be served both cold and hot. We bring to your attention several easy-to-prepare recipes that you can safely take note of in your home cookbook.

Three-layer lavash snack cake with canned food

This option can actually be called a full-fledged cake, since it uses several layers of filling. Canned food is the main ingredient; you can use absolutely anything.

Required Products:

  • Lavash - 3 pcs.
  • Canned fish in oil or own juice - 1 b.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Three eggs.
  • Processed cheese - 100 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 5-7 tbsp. l.

Cooking process

Take the first leaf of lavash and grease it generously with mayonnaise. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle on the leaf. Boil the egg, cool and grate. Also add parsley evenly over the layer. Now place the second sheet and generously grease it with mayonnaise. Spread grated processed cheese on top in an even layer.

The last layer will consist of mayonnaise and canned fish crushed with a fork. Cover the lavash snack cake tightly with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

With red fish

If you are looking for not only tasty, but also healthy lavash recipes, then we recommend taking note of the red fish cake. For cooking, you can use lightly salted salmon or trout.

Ingredients for lavash snack cake with red fish:

  • Lavash - 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted red fish - 200 g.
  • A bunch of dill.
  • The same amount of parsley.
  • Soft cheese - 200 g.
  • Freshly ground pepper.
  • Lemon juice.

Cooking method

In this recipe for pita bread, instead of the usual mayonnaise, a mixture of soft cheese, finely chopped herbs, lemon juice and ground pepper will be used.

Cut the lavash sheet into several even squares. Lubricate each with sauce. Place long layers of red fish on top and carefully cover with the next square. The cake can be wrapped in film, but even without it it retains its shape perfectly. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Before serving, cut the lavash snack cake into portions. Each one can be topped with fresh herbs.

Classics of the genre

Of course, many housewives began their acquaintance with this dish by preparing a roll with crab sticks. It is especially loved by those who adhere to a healthy diet or fast on holidays. You can also make a real cake from the ingredients for the roll. Required:

  • Lavash 3 pcs.
  • Crab meat or sticks - 280 g.
  • A couple of leaves of Chinese cabbage.
  • Sweet red bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Two fresh cucumbers.
  • Parsley.
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.
  • Lenten mayonnaise.

How to cook

Chop the ingredients of the dish such as crab sticks, bell pepper, cucumber, parsley and garlic as finely as possible. Apply lean mayonnaise in an even layer on thin bread. Spread the sheets of Chinese cabbage. Try to choose thin but large leaves so that a couple of pieces cover the entire pita bread. Then apply the sauce to the second sheet and arrange the sticks. Next will be a layer of bell pepper and cucumber. On the third (last) layer of the cake, scatter finely chopped parsley over the surface and add chopped garlic.

The next stage of preparation is exactly the same as in the first recipes: film, refrigerator, cutting into portions after 2-3 hours in the cold.

Snack lavash cake with chicken and cabbage

This option is more suitable for a festive feast. It is known that holiday snacks should always be more nutritious and rich in ingredients than regular dishes for a family evening dinner. In addition, this snack cake is served hot, which makes it an excellent substitute for a second course.

List of ingredients:

  • White cabbage - 150 g.
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g.
  • One onion.
  • A couple of cherry tomatoes.
  • Two fresh cucumbers.
  • Adjika - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Spices for chicken (optional).


The chicken should be marinated in advance in spices and lemon juice for several hours. While the fillet is cooking, cut the vegetables. Chop the cabbage quite finely. Cut the onion into small cubes. The cucumber can be grated. We do the same with cheese.

When the chicken is marinated, cut it into long strips. Fry in some oil. Let's cool it. Let's move on to assembly. Divide the lavash into four parts.

Spread a sauce consisting of a mixture of mayonnaise and spicy adjika onto the first layer. Place a layer of meat on top. Vegetables go on the second leaf in random order. The third sheet is grated cheese. The last leaf is mayonnaise mixed with cheese and herbs. Wrap the cake in foil and place in the oven for five minutes. This recipe is also perfect for the holiday because it can be prepared in advance and reheated in the oven right before serving. Fast, not troublesome and very satisfying.

Note that chicken cake is one of the most popular dishes among housewives. A snack cake made from lavash with mushrooms and chicken, with chicken fillet, boiled eggs and herbs, with boiled chicken breast and carrots in Korean is incredibly tasty and nutritious. There are a lot of options. The main thing is not to be afraid of culinary experiments.

Greetings, comrades! Napoleon cake... Who doesn't love this flaky deliciousness with a creamy layer?! In the classic variation, Napoleon is very high in calories and quite dangerous for the figure - about 380 kcal per 100 grams. I suggest preparing a dietary and healthier version of Napoleon without butter or sugar. This is an incredibly quick recipe for making a delicious cake.

On a note! Diet pita bread differs in taste from classic one, since the ingredients used are different. And rather, it is a layered diet cake. And yet, Napoleon’s recipe was taken as a basis, which is why I gave it the appropriate name.

About Napoleonic layers

There is a separate class of quick, simplified options for preparing Napoleon. In most cases, Armenian lavash is used as the thinnest crust. We use it in this recipe too.

When purchasing, I advise you to pay attention to the calorie content and composition of the lavash. You can take whole grain, but I have yeast-free sheet lavash with a calorie content of 220 kcal made from premium flour.


  • Armenian lavash – 120 gr;
  • Soft low-fat cottage cheese (I don’t recommend using yogurt - it’s sour) – 200 g;
  • Apples – 100 g (weight of the finished mass – written about it further);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese in a briquette – 220 g;
  • 1 egg;
  • Soda – ½ tsp;
  • Vanillin – 10 g;
  • Salt and sakhzam - to taste.

Cooking Napoleon

The peculiarity is that when frying, the apple mass begins to caramelize (a pleasant aroma will be released and a barely noticeable fry will form). This gives the filling a special taste, reminiscent of apple pie.

  • The final layer should be made of curd cream. The cakes will be a little awkward and tough at first. But after some time they will absorb the cream, become softer, swell and become closer to each other.

Once the cake is assembled, place it in the refrigerator. My cake sat there all night because I made it in the evening. But I think an hour or two will be enough so that you can cut the napoleon and serve it for tea.

The taste is amazing! Caramel apple aroma from the fruit layer, pleasant softness of the lavash layers, creaminess of the cheese and delicate airy curd cream... Mmm... Devotion!

I’ll tell you a secret: while eating, I had the idea to add a little caramel syrup on top (low-calorie, from Mr. Djemius, it seems) - it’s even tastier!

Nutritional value and calorie content of dietary supplement Napoleon:

Guests suddenly arrived, but there is absolutely nothing to treat you with? Or do you really want something sweet, but have no desire to go to the store, especially when there is a snowstorm or slush outside? Don't panic ahead of time and despair. At such moments, you should remember the lavash cake: sweet and very tasty, it is perfect for tea or as a snack. This dish will not leave guests hungry. We will look at the recipes for lavash cake, sweet and snack, in the article.

Main ingredient

The pita bread that you buy in stores and the one you prepare with your own hands are significantly different from each other. Homemade product is thinner and tastier. But if you don’t have time, then you can use the store-bought version to prepare the cake.

Homemade lavash is not at all difficult to prepare and requires a minimal amount of ingredients. To prepare thin Armenian flatbread, you need:

  • flour - 250 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Every housewife can find such a set of products in her kitchen. First you need to dissolve the salt in a glass of warm water (it should not be cold, but not hot either). Add flour to the solution. Mix thoroughly first in the container and then on the table. The thinner the pita bread, the tastier it is. Fry each side in a frying pan. The pita bread for the cake is ready. Now you can prepare the filling at your discretion - sweet or not. If you have no desire to make it at all, then you can simply eat homemade lavash with tea.

Filling ideas

The lavash product is suitable both as a dessert and as a snack. It all depends on the filling. You can use any ingredients. Housewives can show their imagination and experiment. For example, a sweet no-bake lavash cake can be prepared with condensed milk or custard. You can also use whipped sour cream. The snack cake will be very tasty with chicken or mushroom filling. At the same time, there are no costs - no money, no time.

Lazy "Napoleon"

A very interesting dish. For lovers of this dessert and those with a sweet tooth, the “Napoleon” version of lavash is perfect. It's quick to prepare and delicious at the same time, what could be better? Moreover, such a cake is lower in calories than puff pastry.

For preparation you will need:

  • lavash - 6 cakes;
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

For the dough in the form of cakes, flat cakes are used, and for the cream, all other ingredients should be mixed. Only there is a peculiarity associated with milk. Pour the warmed milk into a saucepan with the other ingredients in a thin stream. Beat with a mixer. Then judge the cream if the milk was too hot. Grease the lavash cakes. The cream should soak them well. After an hour, you can serve a sweet lavash cake with tea and enjoy the taste without fear for your figure.

In order for the lavash cake to be quite tall and fluffy, you should stock up on ten to twelve pancakes. It works on the principle “the more, the tastier.” You can buy them at any store or bake them. You can choose any shape for the cake: square, round.

Another tip: there’s not enough filling, but you want to serve your guests a sweet and fluffy lavash cake? You just need to use the sweet syrup that you have on hand. There will be less cream, but the pita bread will be soaked, which will make it quite soft and juicy.

Store-bought pita bread is selected according to certain rules:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the store and the hands of the seller. No one will be pleased if bread is prepared by unkempt and dirty employees.
  2. You should also make sure that there are no signs of mold on the product.
  3. If the pita bread is packaged in a bag, then it should have holes for unhindered air flow. Bacteria can often grow in humid environments.

If you adhere to these rules, you can choose the appropriate pita bread.

Lavash cake with condensed milk

There are many options for preparing sweet dishes from this flatbread. There are a large number of recipes, both sweet and savory. You only need to show your culinary imagination.

One of the dessert options is a sweet lavash cake with condensed milk.


  • thin Armenian pancake - 1 piece;
  • chopped walnuts (optional) - 50 g;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • condensed milk - 0.5 tbsp.

First you need to cut the pita bread into several squares, grease it with butter, boiled condensed milk, add nuts, and wrap it in a triangle. You can fry it on the grill using a grill grate, or you can fry it in a frying pan. Each side is about three minutes. To prevent the pita bread from becoming dry, you can coat it with butter on top. After sprinkling with cinnamon, a delicious and sweet lavash cake can be served to guests for tea.

One of the options for a lavash snack cake

You will need a minimum amount of ingredients and time for preparation, but the appetizer will not leave guests indifferent and is perfect for the holiday table.


  1. Lavash - 2 pcs.
  2. Mushrooms - 400-500 grams of champignons or others as desired.
  3. Onions - the number of heads depends on the richness of the taste. The more pronounced the flavor is needed, the more onion you need to add.
  4. Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp;
  5. Sunflower oil - 30 g;
  6. Cheese that melts well - 50 g;
  7. Salt, pepper and other seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the onion, cut it as convenient, fry it in oil.
  2. Add mushrooms to the onion and simmer lightly.
  3. Add spices, salt, pepper. We bring it to readiness.
  4. The filling is ready.

Let's start forming the cake according to the scheme - a layer of pita bread, filling and another flatbread. Alternatively, you can add a layer of chicken. This cake will take about 30 minutes to prepare, which is very convenient. Serve with sour cream.

Lavash cake baked in the oven

This dish will be a very successful appetizer. Cheese that melts in your mouth will appeal to gourmets who simply adore it.


  • 3 or 4 Armenian lavash;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • kefir - half a liter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • margarine or other butter - 20 g.

The baking dish is greased. We place one pita bread on it so that later we can fold the edges and cover the contents on top.

For the filling we take the rest of the pita bread. Randomly cut them into small square pieces. Dip in kefir mixed with eggs. Place it in the middle of the mold. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and put it there. Pour the remaining mixture of kefir and eggs onto the filling. Cover the edges and place in the oven. Bake for about 20 minutes. When the cake is ready, grease it with butter to prevent it from drying out.

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