Lika Star - biography, information, personal life. What is Lika Star doing now? Lika Star personal

Lika Star(real name - Lika Olegovna Pavlova; September 3, 1972, Moscow) - Russian singer, DJ, music producer.


Lika Star was born on September 3, 1972 in Moscow. Lika's mother is Tunkevičiute Aldona Juoza, Lithuanian. Father - Pavlov Oleg Vladimirovich, a graduate of VGIK, after graduating from the directing department, began working as a journalist in Novy Mir, and then in Izvestia. One day, on instructions from the editors, my father found himself in Vilnius, where he met Lika’s future mother. Her father named her in honor of Lika Mizinova, Chekhov’s lover.

Since childhood, Lika was fond of music, played sports, and studied in depth French at a school with in-depth language study. Being seriously involved in sports, she received the title of Master of Sports in swimming. At the age of 14, she stopped playing sports and became seriously interested in music. Meeting the then-beginning Vladimir Fonarev (DJ Fonar) finally determined her future profession. Vladimir introduced Lika to work at the remote control. Lika became one of the first and youngest female DJs in Moscow and Russia. In the early 1990s, in collaboration with producer Sergei Obukhov, she released her debut single “BBC Taxi”, followed by the album “Rap”.

The singer and her producer maintained the image of a shocking and in some ways even scandalous star. Lika Star became one of the first domestic artists to pose nude for the Russian version of the world famous magazine Playboy. In 1994, Lika made a very candid video for the song “Let It Rain,” filmed at that time by aspiring director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

The affair with Vladimir Presnyakov, which became public, also caused an ambiguous reputation. This worsened the relationship between Lika Star and Alla Pugacheva, Presnyakov’s mother-in-law at that time. Some experts and Star's colleagues see this as the rapid decline of her rapidly developing career.

In 1995, Lika Star gave birth to her first child and decided to pause her career, which caused a break in the creative union with Obukhov. The singer had to start virtually from scratch. She organized her own production studio, helping young and unknown performers.

In the early 2000s, she was a participant in the television projects “ Naked truth" And " Last Hero", after which she and her family moved to Italy, to Sardinia. Now she is rarely seen on Russian stage, sometimes Lika performs in her new homeland.

Personal life

In 1995, she gave birth to a son, Artemy, in her marriage to Alexei Mamontov.

In the early 2000s, she married Italian businessman Angelo Ceci. From him the singer has two children - Allegrina (2004) and Mark (2011).


  • 1990 - Lika Rap
  • 1994 - Fallen Angel
  • 1996 - More than love
  • 2001 - I (Knox version)


A parody of Lika Star was shown in the program “Oba-Na!” Angle-Show" (1994 - issue about "MuzOboz").

Lika Star
Date of Birth
Years of activity
A country

Russia, Russia


Lika Star

Lika Star(real name - Lika Olegovna Pavlova; September 3, Moscow) - Russian singer, DJ, music producer.


Lika Star was born on September 3, 1973 in Moscow. Lika's mother is Tunkevičiute Aldona Juoza, Lithuanian. Father - Oleg Vladimirovich Pavlov, a graduate of VGIK, after graduating from the directing department, began working as a journalist in Novy Mir, and then in Izvestia. One day, on instructions from the editors, my father found himself in Vilnius, where he met Lika’s future mother. Her father named her in honor of Lika Mizinova, Chekhov's lover.

Since childhood, Lika has been interested in music, played sports, and studied French in depth at a school with in-depth study of the language. Being seriously involved in sports, she received the title of Master of Sports in swimming. At the age of 14, she stopped playing sports and became seriously interested in music. Her acquaintance with the then-beginning Vladimir Fonarev (Fonar) finally determined her future profession. Vladimir introduced Lika to work at the remote control. Lika became one of the first and youngest female DJs in Moscow and Russia. In the early 1990s, in collaboration with producer Sergei Obukhov, she released her debut single “BBC Taxi”, followed by the album “Rap”.

The singer and her producer maintained the image of a shocking and somewhat scandalous star. Lika Star became one of the first domestic artists to pose nude for the Russian version of the world famous Playboy magazine. In 1994, Lika made a very frank video for the song “Let It Rain,” filmed at that time by aspiring director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

The affair with Vladimir Presnyakov, which became public, also caused an ambiguous reputation. This worsened the relationship between Lika Star and Alla Pugacheva, Presnyakov’s mother-in-law at that time. Some experts and Star’s colleagues see this as the rapid decline of her rapidly developing career.

In 1995, Lika Star gave birth to her first child and decided to pause her career, which caused a break in the creative union with Obukhov. The singer had to start virtually from scratch. She organized her own production studio, helping young and unknown performers.

In the early 2000s, she took part in the television projects “The Naked Truth” and “The Last Hero”, after which she and her family moved to Italy, Sardinia. Nowadays she can rarely be seen on the Russian stage; sometimes Lika performs in her new homeland.

Personal life


  • - Lika Rap
  • - Fallen Angel
  • - More than love
  • - Me (Knox version)


A parody of Lika Star was shown in the program “Oba-Na!” Angle-Show" (1994 - issue about "MuzOboz").

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  • on the website
  • Alexey Mazhaev.. InterMedia (March 11, 2001). Retrieved February 4, 2013. .

Excerpt characterizing Lika Star

Berg and the Countess looked at her in bewilderment and fear. The Count stopped at the window, listening.
- Mama, this is impossible; look what's in the yard! - she screamed. - They remain!..
- What happened to you? Who are they? What do you want?
- The wounded, that's who! This is impossible, mamma; this doesn’t look like anything... No, Mama, darling, this is not it, please forgive me, darling... Mama, what do we care about what we’re taking away, just look at what’s in the yard... Mama!.. This can’t be !..
The Count stood at the window and, without turning his face, listened to Natasha’s words. Suddenly he sniffed and brought his face closer to the window.
The Countess looked at her daughter, saw her face ashamed of her mother, saw her excitement, understood why her husband was now not looking back at her, and looked around her with a confused look.
- Oh, do as you want! Am I disturbing anyone? – she said, not yet suddenly giving up.
- Mama, my dear, forgive me!
But the countess pushed her daughter away and approached the count.
“Mon cher, you do the right thing... I don’t know that,” she said, lowering her eyes guiltily.
“Eggs... eggs teach a hen...” the count said through happy tears and hugged his wife, who was glad to hide her ashamed face on his chest.
- Daddy, mummy! Can I make arrangements? Is it possible?.. – Natasha asked. “We’ll still take everything we need…” Natasha said.
The Count nodded his head affirmatively at her, and Natasha, with the same quick run as she used to run into the burners, ran across the hall to the hallway and up the stairs to the courtyard.
People gathered around Natasha and until then could not believe the strange order that she conveyed, until the count himself, in the name of his wife, confirmed the order that all carts should be given to the wounded, and chests should be taken to storerooms. Having understood the order, people happily and busily set about the new task. Now not only did it not seem strange to the servants, but, on the contrary, it seemed that it could not be otherwise, just as a quarter of an hour before it not only did not seem strange to anyone that they were leaving the wounded and taking things, but it seemed that it couldn't be otherwise.
All the household, as if paying for the fact that they had not taken up this task earlier, busily began the new task of housing the wounded. The wounded crawled out of their rooms and surrounded the carts with joyful, pale faces. Rumors also spread in the neighboring houses that there were carts, and the wounded from other houses began to come to the Rostovs’ yard. Many of the wounded asked not to take off their things and just put them on top. But once the business of dumping things had begun, it could not stop. It didn't matter whether to leave everything or half. In the yard lay untidy chests with dishes, bronze, paintings, mirrors, which they had so carefully packed last night, and they kept looking for and finding an opportunity to put this and that and give away more and more carts.
“You can still take four,” said the manager, “I’m giving away my cart, otherwise where will they go?”
“Give me my dressing room,” said the countess. - Dunyasha will get into the carriage with me.
They also gave away a dressing wagon and sent it to pick up the wounded two houses away. All the household and servants were cheerfully animated. Natasha was in an enthusiastically happy revival, which she had not experienced for a long time.
-Where should I tie him? - people said, adjusting the chest to the narrow back of the carriage, - we must leave at least one cart.
- What is he with? – Natasha asked.
- With the count's books.
- Leave it. Vasilich will clean it up. It is not necessary.
The chaise was full of people; doubted about where Pyotr Ilyich would sit.
- He's on the goat. Are you a jerk, Petya? – Natasha shouted.
Sonya kept busy too; but the goal of her efforts was the opposite of Natasha’s goal. She put away those things that should have remained; I wrote them down, at the countess’s request, and tried to take with me as many as possible.

In the second hour, the four Rostov carriages, loaded and stowed, stood at the entrance. The carts with the wounded rolled out of the yard one after another.
The carriage in which Prince Andrei was carried, passing by the porch, attracted the attention of Sonya, who, together with the girl, was arranging seats for the countess in her huge tall carriage, which stood at the entrance.

Future singer Lika Pavlova was born on September 3, 1973 in Moscow. This is her real name. The writer dad named his daughter in honor of the Chekhov heroine Lika Mizinova. Although Lika She was not a good girl, but she was still seriously involved in swimming, receiving the title of Master of Sports, and studied at a French special school.

It is interesting that Lena Perova (ex-Lyceum and Amega) studied at the same school, from whom Lika Pavlova was a pioneer leader. When Lika was 14, she left big sports, and at 15, at one of the first Moscow discos, she met future star dance floors, and then by the aspiring DJ Fonar (Vladimir Fonarev). As he says now Lika, an affair happened between them, moreover, first love. It was Lantern who introduced his girlfriend to work at the remote control: then, at the dawn of domestic show business, it was not spinning vinyl, but manipulating tapes. Lika got involved and became almost the first and almost the youngest female DJ in Moscow and Russia. She left her last name for friends and family and took the then fashionable pseudonym MC, which means “master of ceremonies.”

Slowly Lika The MC began to try to rap and sing, and it was in this capacity that producer Sergei Obukhov liked it. He was one of the first (along with Igor Siliverstov and Sergei Lisovsky) to promote youth dance music in Russia. Likin's debut hit was the song "BBC Taxi". The song began to be played on the radio and demanded in the first Moscow clubs. In 1993, her first album “Rap” was released, criticized by critics for its primitive lyrics. However, it was then Lika Star(as she now calls herself) received an invitation from Alla Pugacheva to take part in the next “Christmas meetings”. The main horror for the 20-year-old “starlet” was the costume proposed for the performance by Valentin Yudashkin. Lika I just burst into tears, realized that this wouldn’t work, and spent the whole night together with my mother building a concert costume with CDs sewn on.

In 1993 Lika started recording a new album, called " Fallen Angel"in honor of the duet Leakey included in it Star and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Musicians from the group Action Direct took part in the work on the album. At first, the recording was carried out at the studio of Alla Pugacheva (who patronized the singer), but at some point Lika was asked to clear the room. According to rumors, ABP found out about the affair between the singer and her then son-in-law Presnyakov Jr. and was terribly outraged. Work on the album had to be completed at another studio; its presentation took place at the end of 1994.

1995 began with a war. In an interview in 1994. Lika mentioned her friend who gave birth to a son: “I even envied her a little peaceful life, such a wonderful child." Soon Lika as if by magic magic wand, met a young businessman Alexei Mamontov and after some time realized that she was pregnant. She announced this to her producer Sergei Obukhov when she was already in her sixth month: she said that she could no longer perform and it was time for her to retire. maternity leave. The difficulty, at least according to Mr. Obukhov, was that a lot of money was invested in the promotion and release of the album “Fallen Angel,” which had to be returned in money. The producer intended to receive money to pay off debts from a large tour, the route of which was already planned. So the news of pregnancy fell on Sergei Obukhov out of the blue, and his anger was understandable. First Lika said that the father of her child is ready to compensate material damage, but the amount named by the producer was not included in the plans of the young family: in an interview Lika reported that she was billed for 126 thousand dollars. As a result of long proceedings (there were rumors almost of gang warfare between the parties), Lika was given away the entire circulation of her album “Fallen Angel” in the amount of about 4,000 copies. The singer, as a matter of principle, decided not to sell the discs, but stores them on the balcony and gradually gives them away.

Soon Lika became a mother - she gave birth to a son, Artem. In 1996, having recovered from childbirth, the singer finally reciprocated the Russian-language version of Playboy magazine and went with photographers to the Bahamas, where an erotic photo shoot took place. In the same year, a video was shot for the first single of the future album - the song “Is there anything more than love?” In addition to Lika herself, her one-and-a-half-year-old son also starred in the video. The maxi-single “Lonely Moon” was released as an audio supplement to the magazine “OM” (there were rumors about several novels by Lika in the editorial office of this publication), the vampire video for this song turned out to be very vivid. The album "More Than Love" was released in January 1997 and was recognized by critics as very, if not too advanced.

In 1998 Lika became the owner of her own AS-Studio (Analog Sound Studio), where the singer was going to record a new album and help young performers as a producer. But on August 16, Lika experienced real grief - the singer’s mother suddenly died of cancer at the age of 49. Naturally, there was no question of any kind of party life after such a loss, but with redoubled energy Lika began recording songs for a new album. The period of calm lasted almost a year. At the end of 1999 Lika begins recording new songs and at the same time helps Dmitry Postovalov (Arrival) in working on the new project “Demo”: he writes several compositions, which he finally signs with his real name and surname - Lika Pavlova.

His own album, entitled “I”, was recorded with the participation of Arrival and Action Direct, and its first sign was the single and video “Fall”. With single Lika became original, remembering her DJ youth and releasing not a CD or cassette, but vinyl record with several song options. The clip was filmed by director Philip Yankovsky and aired in June.

Recently new scandal from Lika's camp pleased show business fans - the Naked Truth project, in the creation of which ex-DJ took part Lika, DJ Groove and DJ Mutabor, shocked with revelations, embodied in juicy and biting incorrect Russian language, telling about the miracles happening in show business. The single, as usual, was presented on the radio only once, after which it was banned forever; when performed live in the summer, it shocked the visuals, supplemented by live elements of pornography. The Naked Truth project threatens to spread from representatives of show business to other professions. The guys are threatening to distribute products to Lika Star's biography text taken from open sources or added by the user.

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Lika Pavlova (Lika Star, Lika MC), is the first female DJ in Russia. After becoming a disc jockey, the girl took up songwriting, producing and singing. Later she became famous thanks to expensive music videos.

Lika Pavlova was born on September 3, 1973. Her homeland is the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius. The girl’s mother was Lithuanian, her father was Russian. The future artist was named in honor of the beloved writer and playwright Anton Chekhov - Lika Mizinova.

WITH early years the girl had an interest in art and sports. Her hard work bore fruit - the young lady became the winner of a swimming competition and earned the honorary title of Master of Sports. Favorite subject at school was foreign language- French. Having matured, the girl studied it in depth.

When Pavlova turned fourteen, she met Vladimir Fonarev, also known under the pseudonym DJ Fonar. The guy taught her the basics, predetermining the girl’s future work. Yes, seriously interested interesting profession, Lika improved her acquired skills day after day.

At the age of fifteen, Lika left native home in connection with the death of his father.

In the early nineties, Star made a living performing on stage. The basis for Lika’s popularity was laid by his first duet with Sergei Obukhov, called “BBC Taxi”. This is how the stage image of a girl who loves attention and scandals was invented.

The subsequent tracks “Rap” and “Let the Rain Pass” also received widespread publicity. In addition, Lika Star became one of the first women to agree to candid shooting for the Russian edition of PlayBoy, which certainly made her famous in men's circles. Lika’s height and weight ratio is 173/48, so the magazine quickly agreed to cooperate.

The heroine of the most expensive domestic videos

Even though Star started without outside support, she managed to achieve unprecedented heights. Videos for Lika MC's songs cost a lot of money. The most popular producers and the best camera operators were hired for the videos.

Through them, the young lady talked about her lifestyle - constant parties, expensive restaurants. From the outside, everyday life in Lika seemed like an eternal holiday.

Since the start of implementation in musically Pavlova released four albums - “Fallen Angel”, “Rap”, “More than Love”, “I” and released 10 videos, each of which can be viewed by going to her YouTube channel.

Personal life

It is known about Lika’s affair with Vladimir Presnyakov. Then he was married to the daughter of Alla Pugacheva and cheated on her with scandalous singer. Pavlova has repeatedly expressed that responsibility for Presnyakov’s betrayal does not lie with her, because the man makes his own decisions. Many believe that it was by entering into a relationship with a married man that Star said goodbye to her career.

Her first husband was Alexei Mamontov, who was far from show business. However, thanks to her husband’s criminal problems, Lika had to escape, taking baby Arkady, born in the mid-nineties. Later she won the heart of Italian businessman Angelo Ceci and left Russia. Now Angelo and Lika have two children - Allegrina and Mark. Also, the child from Lika’s first marriage still lives with them.

Lika MS now

On this moment woman 44 years old. She completed musical career, exchanging the scene for family life. The girl raises her children in sunny Sardinia and sometimes appears on Russian television shows to give interviews. Sometimes a girl sings too much Italian hits in Russian, but considers it purely a hobby.

The husband pulled Lika into travel business. Now Sechi’s wife is actively realizing her potential in entrepreneurship.


Lika was born on September 3, 1972 in Moscow, however most spent her childhood in the Lithuanian city of Vilnius. The daughter's name was given by her father, journalist Oleg Pavlov, in honor of the Chekhov heroine - Lika Mizinova.

The celebrity was a very extraordinary and active child, but she studied diligently in a special school. She had two main hobbies, between which she was constantly torn: music and sports. In the latter, Lika achieved excellent results. Already in her teens, she was given the title “Master of Sports in Swimming.” However, at the age of 15, the girl gave up sports and directed all her efforts into creativity. At the same time, Pavlova experienced the death of her father, after which she decided to move to Moscow.

Carier start

  1. A big role in the girl’s fate was played by her acquaintance with DJ Vladimir Fonarev, after which she literally “caught fire” with working at the console. Soon Lika learned all the intricacies of this profession and decisively rejected the previously existing template that only a guy can be a DJ. The Orion Cinema witnessed Lika's first performances. Many people came to see her as a sensation in the domestic show business.
  2. In 1990, Lika met producer Sergei Obukhov, who really liked the image of a daring and young girl. With his help, the singer released her debut track “BB Taxi,” which immediately became a real hit. Several more songs followed. The compositions collected together were released in the album “Rap”.
  3. Lika was the first Russian celebrity who dared to appear nude for the Russian-language version of Playboy magazine. The singer's photographs created a huge sensation and her popularity grew rapidly.

A resounding success

  • One day, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva herself drew attention to the shocking artist and invited her to “Christmas meetings.” For her debut in the Mecca of Russian show business, Valentin Yudashkin suggested an outfit from his own collection. Lika was very worried, but the performance went brilliantly. She even managed to agree with Pugacheva on further cooperation;
  • in 1994, an expensive video for the single “Let the Rain Pass” was released, which immediately took first place on the MTV channel charts. It was shot by the then-novice director Fyodor Bondarchuk;
  • Lika Star recorded her second album “Fallen Angel” at Alla Pugacheva’s studio. Vladimir Presnyakov helped her in her work. Soon the relationship between Pugacheva and Lika deteriorated, resulting in her being asked to vacate the studio;
  • in 1995, the artist gave birth to her first child, and a year later she shot the video “Lonely Moon,” which quickly gained popularity. However, according to family circumstances she had to suspend her career, which led to the severance of her creative union with Sergei Obukhov. Lika had to start practically from scratch. As a result, she created her own production center and started helping talented performers.

Other projects

At the beginning of the 2000s, the artist took part in television projects:

  1. “The Last Hero,” during which Lika had to “survive” on a wild island;
  2. “The Naked Truth”, where the secrets of show business were told.

In 2005, Lika Star moved with her family to Italy. It is known that there she organized gastronomic tours and helped her husband run his business. Lika also sometimes gave concerts in her new homeland.

Personal life

  • At the age of 15, Lika met a rising disco star, DJ Lantern. A romance quickly blossomed between them. In addition, the couple were united by common creative aspirations. A few years later, the relationship ended in a painful separation;
  • At the age of 22, Lika met businessman Alexei Mamontov, who for a time became a reliable support for the girl. From him in 1995 she gave birth to her first son, whom she named Artemy. After Mamontov was drawn into gang warfare, Lika and her baby were forced to hide from her husband’s enemies. During the same period of time, Lika’s mother died of cancer, which unsettled her for a long time;
  • At the beginning of the 2000s, Lika met a businessman of Italian origin, Angelo Ceci. Soon after the wedding, in 2004, the couple had a daughter, Allegrina, and in 2011, a son, Mark. Together with her children, Lika is learning sailing.

In one of the programs, Lika admitted that in the nineties she had whirlwind romance with the married Fyodor Bondarchuk, whom the girl met at a concert at the Olimpiysky.

It turns out that the artist herself told his wife Svetlana about this, since the director did not dare to leave the family for a long time, but only promised to do so. As a result, Fedor asked his wife for forgiveness and stayed with her. The singer was also briefly linked love relationship with Vladimir Presnyakov, who at that time was married to Kristina Orbakaite.

  1. As a child, Lika was friends with Maria Golubkina, the daughter of Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina.
  2. In one of the programs, Lika justified herself for having affairs with married men, saying that at that time she was an absolutely free woman. In her opinion, it is men who are responsible for relationships.
  3. Lika Star's motto: “You need to live in joy!”

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