Lemon cookies: recipes. Lemon cookies: fragrant recipes and cooking tips Homemade lemon cookies recipe

If you love lemons, these cookies will become your favorite. It combines delicate crumbly shortbread dough and a bright citrus taste.

If you want to make the cookies less rich, use peeled, peeled lemon for the filling.


wheat flour 3 tbsp.

granulated sugar 1.5 tbsp.

chicken egg 2 pcs.

butter 200 g

baking soda 0.5 tsp.

vanillin on the tip of a knife

salt a pinch

lemon 1 pc.

Number of servings: 8 Cooking time: 90 minutes

Calorie content of the recipe
"Lemon shortbread cookies" 100 g

    Calorie content

  • Carbohydrates

Hey hey, goodbye diet! Cookies are high-calorie, like any yummy shortcrust pastry. But it is so tasty that I strongly advise against depriving yourself of this pleasure. It is not possible to reduce the number of calories in the recipe, so let's go for a walk!

By the way, if you like baking with lemon, check it out, it’s simply divine.


    Step 1: Prepare the dough

    Pour 1 cup of sugar into a deep, dry bowl. For this recipe I used a 250 ml glass. Beat 2 chicken eggs into a bowl. Combine the ingredients until smooth. I prefer to use a mixer. Then the cookies turn out more tender and rise better during baking. But, if you don’t have a mixer, you can get by with a regular whisk.

    Then add very soft butter to the egg mixture. You can soften it in the microwave or simply remove it from the refrigerator in advance.

    Mix everything thoroughly with a mixer, achieving a homogeneous consistency. Then add soda to the resulting thick mass so that the baked goods rise well. For aroma we use vanillin, you can replace it with vanilla extract. Don't forget to add a pinch of salt, it will highlight the taste of the remaining ingredients and make them brighter and richer.

    Next, we will add sifted flour to the dough in small portions. The dough should be soft and may stick to your hands a little. Place it on cling film, flatten it a little so that it cools better and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

    Step 2: Prepare the lemon filling

    Wash the lemon thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. Let's cut off the tails on both sides. We will not use them for filling. Cut the lemon into pieces, if necessary, remove all the seeds from the citrus fruit. Combine it in a blender bowl with the remaining sugar and grind into a homogeneous puree.

    Step 3: Forming the product

    Line a baking tray with parchment. I have a form measuring 20 by 30 centimeters. Place half of the dough on the bottom of the pan and use your hands to level it into a layer of equal thickness. Place the lemon filling on top and distribute it evenly throughout the dough.

Soft, delicate cookies with a slight lemon flavor and airy structure will win you over right away. Usually the entire portion is scattered throughout the family in one breakfast. It's simply impossible to resist! These lemon cookies taste sweet, but not cloying. Lemon juice and zest create a unique flavor note – the highlight of the baked goods. She does not shout about herself, but lightly declares herself in a smack. That is why you want to take more and more portions to reach the end of the taste and try again. And don’t be shy – take more! After all, preparing a new batch of lemon cookies is very simple – a matter of just a few minutes. Adults love to eat these cookies with green tea or unsweetened coffee, but kids will certainly love the duo of baking with milk. Years will pass, but your children will firmly associate these homemade cookies with the warmth of their mother’s hands.

Recipe information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 25 min.

Number of servings: 13 .


  • butter – 60 g
  • granulated sugar – 100 g
  • corn starch – 40 g
  • wheat flour – 180-200 g
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • chicken egg (white only) – 1 pc.


  1. Beat sugar with softened butter in a large bowl with a mixer (or in a blender). You should get a homogeneous creamy mass. If the mixer is weak, use powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar.
  2. Separate the white from the yolk.

  3. Place the white into the bowl; no yolk is needed. (The cookies have an unusual white color precisely because we do not use yolk.)
    Prepare the zest by grating the lemon peel. Only the yellow part is used. Squeeze out the juice. We send these ingredients to the others.

  4. Add starch. It is better to take corn, it has a more neutral taste. If you only have potato, we use it. Starch retains moisture in baked goods, and with it our cookies will have a pleasant, not dry texture.

  5. Beat everything again until smooth.

  6. Gradually add flour to the dough, sifting. Mix and add baking powder to the dough.

  7. Mix. As a result, we get dough that is not dry and does not stick to your hands.

  8. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Place small balls of dough on it.

  9. Lightly press them down with the bottom of a glass or cup.

  10. This is how it should turn out.

  11. Place in the oven, preheated to 175 degrees.
    We bake for only 9-13 minutes. Let's keep an eye on the cookies! We take it out at the first appearance of blush on the barrels.
  12. Serve lemon cookies warm or cold with your favorite drinks. Very tasty, aromatic and tender! Try it!

It is difficult to classify lemon cookies as seasonal, exclusively tropical, to challenge someone’s authorship and demand authenticity, to assign them to the Mediterranean or other specific cuisine. The widespread and year-round sale of citrus fruits with amazing taste, access to recipes from all over the world and the ability of every housewife to take initiative, mix, play with proportions and dosage, combine bases and innovative technologies are pushing for the next baking creation under a common, rather common, name.

The fact that cookies with lemon flavor are worth adding to the list of New Year's baking is for sure. As if snow-covered or dusted with frost, under a layer of powdered sugar, porous in the crack, tiny and riddled with zest, it is appropriate with spicy drinks: both non-alcoholic for children and hot wine-based, rich in anise, honey and cinnamon. Bake in advance and hide a delicious gift in a beautiful package under the branches of pine needles or mix it in a basket with tangerines and candies - create a festive atmosphere, full of attractive smells and at the same time a cozy atmosphere.

If you have come across shortcrust pastry for tarts, bagels, gingerbreads, or “baskets,” the recipe will seem familiar and simple to you. Only lemon has been added to the main products: zest + juice. In contrast to the sweetness, a bright, invigorating, slightly chilly note appears, because of which it is impossible to break away, hit yourself on the hands, and show moderation. Note: do not replace lemons with oranges or lime, the concentration of freshness will noticeably decrease, and the cookies themselves will lose their charm.

Cooking time: 60 minutes / Number of servings: 40-50 pcs.


  • wheat flour 280-300 g
  • eggs 1 pc.
  • sugar 70-100 g
  • baking powder 5 g
  • butter 100 g
  • salt 2 g
  • lemon 1-2 pcs.
  • powdered sugar 50-70 g


    The first stage of kneading, as in other types of dough, can be safely entrusted to a food processor, with which it is both faster and easier to achieve the desired plasticity. Don’t despair if you have to work with your hands - a little more physical effort and time, but as a result the properties of the shortcrust pastry will be no worse. So, in a working bowl or ladle of the unit, combine butter, a standard-sized egg, a pinch of salt, the first 200-250 g of flour, sugar.

    Grind into crumbs. In my example, with the “knife” attachment for chopping, it took only a minute and a half to mix the dry ingredients with butter and egg, and then instantly collect the fine “grain”. We don’t rush to add flour or, conversely, pour in water. In different versions of lemon cookies, the dosage of wheat flour is often reduced at the expense of cornstarch. Then the texture is finer, closer to the eastern kurabye. Try, experiment, not forgetting about lemons. You can’t do without the refreshing and tonic aroma of citrus fruits.

    Wash fresh lemons with a sponge, carefully clean the pores of the skin from dust, dry them, then remove only the top layer (zest) with thin shavings, without touching the bitter white layer. Squeeze out the juice and remove the seeds. I will say that in my recipe even one fruit was more than enough. The cookies were imbued with a lemon scent and acquired a pleasant aftertaste, without excessive harshness or bitterness.

    Add the removed lemon zest and juice to the flour crumbs - start the processor again and mix with a spatula/hands. Transfer the still sticky dough onto a large surface and add a spoonful or two of flour. We continue to knead, achieving smoothness and softness, typical for shortbread dough. Sometimes they make the dough stiff, very dense, with a high flour content - the texture will change, it will be less crumbly, brittle, and will become harder, but the shape of the products will remain the same, the boundaries will not blur.

    If you generously sprinkle a tabletop or board with flour, our semi-finished dough can be immediately rolled out, pressed with templates and molded into any desired shapes. That's right, after all, let it cool before slicing, so today we divide the dough approximately in half, roll it into two bars and, wrapping it in film, put it in the freezer for 20 minutes. After light freezing, the dough hardens, does not stick to the knife and punches, and becomes pliable.

    We simply cut cold blanks to a width of about 4-5 mm. We leave some round, oval, some we bend into slices/crescents, giving the shape of a heart - homemade handmade lemon cookies are distinguished by their external “modesty” and “spirituality”. Several copies of sweets for adults are marked with thin pieces of fresh fruit; with them, baked goods are brightly decorative and invigorating with sourness. Involve children in the creative process if you are not preparing an edible secret - on the eve of the fabulous New Year holidays, joint cooking lessons are especially inspiring. We transfer the cookies to a baking sheet lined with parchment, keep a distance between the rows - bake for about 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees, preheat the oven to maximum.

    Using a spatula or knife, lift the hot lemon-flavored cookies, tear them off the paper and immediately, in the heat of the moment, dip them into a large amount of powdered sugar, thoroughly sprinkling each one on both sides. A hot surface absorbs powder more quickly, becomes evenly covered with a whitish shell and, supporting the winter theme, creates a semblance of snow. Shake off the excess powdered sugar - the “powdered” lemon cookies are ready!

We store citrus pastries in paper bags or glass containers, and for New Year and Christmas we select festive packaging - bon appetit and happy holidays!

Lemon cookies can be prepared according to different recipes, but they will have one thing in common - a delicious aroma. This is exactly the dessert that goes well with coffee, tea, lifts your spirits and energizes you. Moreover, it can be prepared very quickly. Just half an hour and you can serve fragrant cookies on the table.

Lemon cookies - general principles of preparation

There is no lemon cookie without citrus. The fruit should be fragrant, juicy, and have an even and bright zest. It is this that gives the taste of baked goods and is the main ingredient. Juice and pulp are used much less frequently. The easiest way to remove the zest is with a grater, thereby obtaining small, thin shavings and saving yourself from unnecessary manipulations with a knife.

Flour. The basis of any baking. Wheat is used for cookies. It must be sifted, mixed with baking powder, starch and other bulk ingredients according to the recipe. If raisins, nuts, or chocolate pieces are added, then in order to distribute them evenly in the dough, it is also recommended to pre-bread them in flour.

Sugar. The basis of all desserts and it is indispensable in baking. You can use sand or powder. Despite its loose texture, it liquefies the dough and melts quickly under the influence of moisture. You should not increase the amount of sugar much, otherwise the baked goods will fry more, burn, and will not bake well inside.

Oil. Mostly butter is used; in the dough it can be replaced with good margarine with a fat content of at least 80%. Usually the butter is softened, whipped with granulated sugar or powder, and less often melted to a liquid state.

Eggs. They are used only in their raw form, play the role of a binding component, and are mixed with the ingredients before adding flour. If the egg is small, for example, of the second category, then instead of one you can put two pieces.
The cookies are baked in the oven on a baking sheet. You can cover it with paper, sprinkle it with flour, grease it with oil, or use a silicone mat. Soft lemon cookies can be baked in silicone molds.


The peculiarity of these lemon cookies is that they remain soft for a long time and do not go stale; they will last well at room temperature for several days. The dough is crumbly, tender, aromatic.

A pack of plums. butter (margarine) 200 grams; 200 grams of sugar; 2 eggs; 1 lemon; 300 g flour; 5 grams of baking powder.

Cooking process:
1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, then beat with granulated sugar until fluffy. The mass should become white and airy.
2. Add eggs one at a time and continue beating.
3. Remove the zest from the citrus, squeeze the juice out of half and place it all together in the dough. If the lemon is small, you can add all the juice. Mix.
4. Sift the flour together with the baking powder, pour it into the total mass and knead with a spatula. The dough will be quite soft and airy.
5. Using a spoon, place lumps of dough onto the prepared baking sheet at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other. The cookies will spread and increase in size.
6. Bake for about 15 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees.


A simple recipe for crumbly French cookies, which are prepared with the addition of starch. The finished baked goods are decorated with powdered sugar.

160 grams of butter; 6 teaspoons of powder; zest of one lemon and 4 teaspoons of juice; 260 grams of flour; a pinch of fine salt; 2 teaspoons with a mountain of starch. For dusting with powdered sugar.

Cooking process:
1. Beat the butter and powder until it is completely dissolved.
2. Add lemon zest and juice and mix.
3. Add flour mixed with starch and salt.
4. Knead the dough, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
5. Take out the dough, roll out the sausage and cut into circles, one centimeter thick.
6. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes until done. Cool and sprinkle with powder.


These cookies can be eaten in their natural form, used for prefabricated cakes, and simply decorated with cream, icing, and various sprinkles. It dries out quite quickly, so it is better to store it in a sealed container or covered with a napkin. These cookies can be baked either on a baking sheet or in silicone molds.

3 eggs; lemon zest; 150 grams of sugar; 150 grams of flour; 120 grams of butter; 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking process:
1. Beat eggs with sugar into a strong foam.
2. Add zest, flour and baking powder, mix.
3. Melt the butter and carefully add it to the egg mixture. Mix gently with a spoon, moving from the bottom up.
4. Place the dough into molds or squeeze it out of a pastry bag onto a baking sheet. Remember that the cookies will double in size.
5. Bake at 180 degrees until done. The oven cannot be opened at this time. After baking, open the door slightly, let the heat drop, and only then take out the cookies.


It's impossible not to fall in love with these lemon cookies. The combination of citrus and poppy is one of the most advantageous; the baked goods turn out incredibly aromatic and tasty. The special thing about this recipe is that if you make the cookies small, they will be crispy. If you form large products, they will be soft and airy. Experiment!

2.5 cups flour; 150 grams of butter; a glass of sugar; ¼ cup lemon juice; zest from one lemon; baking powder 1 tsp; egg; 20 grams of poppy seeds; a pinch of salt.

Cooking process:
1. Pour the juice into a small saucepan, boil for a couple of minutes, it should evaporate a little.
2. Add half the butter and immediately remove from heat, stir until dissolved.
3. Separately, beat the second part of the butter with sugar, you can take powder. Then add the egg, zest, salt and butter with the boiled juice. Beat everything well for 5 minutes.
4. Combine the flour with baking powder, sift if necessary and knead the lumps. Add poppy seeds and mix.
5. Pour the flour mixture into the butter mixture and knead the dough. If it turns out too liquid, you can add a little more flour.
6. Place cookies using a pastry bag. You can use a curly attachment and make a shape like kurabi, flowers or shells.
7. Place in the oven and bake until lightly browned.


These baked goods are soft, airy balls with a lemon flavor. Stripes of sugar icing are applied on top of the cookies, but you can also use protein or melted chocolate.

0.2 kg cottage cheese; 100 grams of sugar; 100 grams of butter; 2 yolks; 20 grams of honey; 250 grams of flour; 1 teaspoon baking powder; zest from one lemon.
For the glaze:
4 spoons of powder; 2 tablespoons of water.

Cooking process:
1. Beat cottage cheese in a blender with granulated sugar.
2. Add yolks, soft butter, honey, beat together.
3. Add half the flour, baking powder, zest and mix. Then gradually add the remaining flour, perhaps it will take a little less. It all depends on the moisture content of the cottage cheese. The mass should be thick but soft.
4. Using your hands, roll into balls slightly larger than a walnut. Place on a baking sheet.
5. Bake until done at 180 degrees, approximately 13 minutes.
6. Mix the powder with water. The glaze should be thick but runny.
7. Cool the cookies and draw stripes on the surface with icing. This can be done with a bag or just a spoon. We wait until the glaze dries and you can serve the delicacy to the table.


This version of cookies is prepared without eggs, in odorless vegetable oil. Simple, quick, and has a pleasant lemon flavor.

Lemon; 3 cups flour; a glass of sugar; 100 ml vegetable oil; water; half a teaspoon of soda.

1. Cut the lemon into thin slices to remove all the seeds. Then put the pieces into a blender and grind into puree.
2. Add enough water to the lemon to make 200 ml of mass.
3. Suppress the soda in the lemon mixture;
4. Mix lemon with sugar, beat until dissolved.
5. Add vegetable oil, then flour. Mix everything.
6. Form small balls and bake at 180 degrees in the oven.


An explosive citrus aroma and a hint of chocolate bitterness are the flavors that are present in these delicious cookies. It cooks quickly and turns out magical. For filling, you can use special drops or simply cut the dark chocolate into small pieces.

0.12 kg butter or good margarine; 0.22 kg flour; 90 grams of sugar; egg; 60 grams of starch; a teaspoon of baking powder; zest of 1 lemon; half a bar of dark chocolate.

Cooking process:
1. Beat margarine (or butter) with granulated sugar until white, add the egg and mix.
2. Add zest and mix.
3. Combine flour with starch and baking powder, sift everything together through a sieve.
4. Knead the dough from two masses.
5. Pour in the chocolate pieces (it’s convenient to use a blender, switch the mode on and off so that the pieces are noticeable, not powder). Or keep it in the freezer for half an hour, then chop it with a large knife.
6. Place the dough on cling film, form a sausage and put it in the refrigerator for an hour to harden.
7. Take out and cut into circles, using your hands to give them the correct shape.
8. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.


There are two ways to prepare lemon coriander cookies: adding aromatic filling to the dough or simply mixing with powder and sprinkle on top. It is better to add the spice inside, since in combination with lemon zest during baking it will reveal the aroma, making the dessert especially tasty.

A glass of flour; half a glass of powder; 110 grams of butter; a pinch of salt; lemon; half tsp coriander

Cooking process:
1. Pour coriander into a mortar and grind with a pestle until it becomes powdery.
2. Remove the zest from the lemon and grind with coriander.
3. Beat the butter with a mixer or blender.
4. Add the powder to the oil, beat for a few more seconds.
5. Add salt to the dough and mix.
6. Pour in the zest and coriander and stir everything thoroughly.
7. Add flour and mix the dough at low speed. It should take the form of crumbs.
8. Form circles from the crumbly dough. Place on a baking sheet.
9. Place in a preheated oven, bake at 180 degrees for 12-13 minutes.


Calorie content per 100 g - 125 kcal (Used/F/U - 6.7/ 1.8/ 19.6)
Whole grain flour - 100 gr; Egg white - 3 pcs; Low-fat kefir - 200 ml; Ground oatmeal - 100 gr; Lemon - 1 piece; Baking powder - 5 g; Sweetener/stevia - to taste

Cooking process:
1. Mix ground oatmeal and flour, add baking powder and sweetener. Pour a glass of kefir and whipped egg whites into the resulting mixture.
2. Cut the lemon into pieces, remove the seeds and grind in a blender along with the skin. Add lemon mixture to the dough and form cookies.
3. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place cookies in rows. Preheat the oven to 200°C and bake the cookies for 15 minutes until golden brown.


The easiest way to decorate cookies is to sprinkle them with powder. It can be mixed with chopped zest, cocoa, cinnamon, and dry food coloring.
You can add not only lemon zest to the dough, but also other citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, grapefruit. And every time, baked goods prepared according to the same recipe will delight you with new tastes.
You can add any zest to the dough, not necessarily fresh. Dry the fragrant crusts during the season, use them in baking and delight your loved ones with homemade delicacies at any time of the year.
If the recipe calls for baking powder, do not replace it with baking soda. A special additive not only raises the dough, but also forms an even porosity, the product turns out loose and airy. Soda is more suitable for shortcrust pastry.
If the cookies turn out dry or overcooked, don’t despair! It can be smeared with jam, jam, cream, chocolate paste and glued together, the halves will become softer. Or simply grind it into crumbs, cutting off the burnt areas, add cocoa, butter, condensed milk and prepare delicious “potato” cakes that will have a pleasant citrus aroma.

Lemon cookies can be prepared according to different recipes, but they will have one thing in common - a delicious aroma.

This is exactly the delicacy that goes well with coffee, tea, lifts your spirits and energizes you. Moreover, it can be prepared very quickly. Just half an hour and you can serve fragrant cookies on the table.

Lemon cookies - general principles of preparation

There are no lemon cookies without citrus. The fruit should be fragrant, juicy, and have an even and bright zest. It is this that gives the taste of baked goods and is the main ingredient. Juice and pulp are used much less frequently. The easiest way to remove the zest is with a grater, thereby obtaining small, thin shavings and saving yourself from unnecessary manipulations with a knife.

Flour. The basis of any baking. Wheat is used for cookies. It must be sifted, mixed with ripper, starch and other bulk ingredients according to the recipe. If raisins, nuts, or chocolate pieces are added, then in order to distribute them evenly in the dough, it is also recommended to pre-bread them in flour.

Sugar. The basis of all desserts and it is indispensable in baking. You can use sand or powder. Despite its loose texture, it liquefies the dough and melts quickly under the influence of moisture. You should not increase the amount of sugar much, otherwise the baked goods will fry more, burn, and will not bake well inside.

Oil. Mostly butter is used; in the dough it can be replaced with good margarine with a fat content of at least 80%. Usually the butter is softened, whipped with granulated sugar or powder, and less often melted to a liquid state.

Eggs. They are used only in their raw form, play the role of a binding component, and are mixed with the ingredients before adding flour. If the egg is small, for example, of the second category, then instead of one you can put two pieces.

Cookies are baking in the oven, on a baking sheet. You can cover it with paper, sprinkle it with flour, grease it with oil, or use a silicone mat. Soft lemon cookies can be baked in silicone molds.

Recipe 1: Shortbread lemon cookies “Tender”

The peculiarity of these lemon cookies is that they remain soft for a long time and do not go stale; they will last well at room temperature for several days. The dough is crumbly, tender, aromatic.


A pack of butter 200 grams;

200 grams of sugar;

1 lemon;

300 grams of flour;

5 grams of ripper.


1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, then beat with granulated sugar until fluffy. The mass should become white and airy.

2. Add eggs one at a time and continue beating.

3. Remove the zest from the citrus, squeeze the juice out of half and place it all together in the dough. If the lemon is small, you can add all the juice. Mix.

4. Sift the flour together with the ripper, pour it into the total mass and knead with a spatula. The dough will be quite soft and airy.

5. Using a spoon, place lumps of dough onto the prepared baking sheet at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other. The cookies will spread and increase in size.

6. Bake for about 15 minutes in the oven at 190 degrees.

Recipe 2: French Lemon Cookies

A simple recipe for crumbly French cookies, which are prepared with the addition of starch. The finished baked goods are decorated with powdered sugar.


160 grams of butter;

6 tablespoons of powder;

Zest from one lemon and 4 tablespoons of juice;

260 grams of flour;

A pinch of fine salt;

2 spoons with a mountain of starch.

For dusting with powder.


1. Beat the butter and powder until it is completely dissolved.

2. Add chopped zest and juice, mix.

3. Add flour mixed with starch and salt.

4. Knead the dough, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

5. Take out the dough, roll out the sausage and cut into circles, half a centimeter thick.

6. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes until done. Cool and sprinkle with powder.

Recipe 3: One Moment Lemon Biscuit Cookies

These cookies can be eaten in their natural form, used for prefabricated cakes, and simply decorated with cream, icing, and various sprinkles. It dries out quite quickly, so it is better to store it in a sealed container or covered with a napkin. These cookies can be baked either on a baking sheet or in silicone molds.


Lemon zest;

150 grams of sugar;

150 grams of flour;

120 grams of butter;

A teaspoon of ripper.


1. Beat eggs with sugar into a strong foam.

2. Add zest, flour and baking powder, mix.

3. Melt the butter and carefully add it to the egg mixture. Mix gently with a spoon, moving from the bottom up.

4. Place the dough into molds or squeeze it out of a pastry bag onto a baking sheet. Remember that the cookies will double in size.

5. Bake at 180 degrees until done. The oven cannot be opened at this time. After baking, open the door slightly, let the heat drop, and only then take out the cookies.

Recipe 4: Lemon poppy seed cookies

It's impossible not to fall in love with these lemon cookies. The combination of citrus and poppy is one of the most advantageous; the baked goods turn out incredibly aromatic and tasty. The special thing about this recipe is that if you make the cookies small, they will be crispy. If you form large products, they will be soft and airy. Experiment!


2.5 cups flour;

150 grams of butter;

A glass of sugar;

¼ cup lemon juice;

Zest from one citrus;

Ripper 1 tsp;

20 grams of poppy seeds;

A pinch of salt.


1. Pour the juice into a small saucepan, boil for a couple of minutes, it should evaporate a little.

2. Add half the butter and immediately remove from heat, stir until dissolved.

3. Separately, beat the second part of the butter with sugar, you can take powder. Then add the egg, zest, salt and butter with the boiled juice. Beat everything well for 5 minutes.

4. Combine flour with ripper, sift if necessary and knead lumps. Add poppy seeds and mix.

5. Pour the flour mixture into the butter mixture and knead the dough. If it turns out too liquid, you can add a little more flour.

6. Place cookies using a pastry bag. You can use a curly attachment and make a shape like kurabi, flowers or shells.

7. Place in the oven and bake until lightly browned.

Recipe 5: Lemon curd cookies with glaze

These baked goods are soft, airy balls with a lemon flavor. Stripes of sugar icing are applied on top of the cookies, but you can also use protein or melted chocolate.


0.2 kg cottage cheese;

100 grams of sugar;

100 grams of butter;

2 yolks;

20 grams of honey;

250 grams of flour;

1 teaspoon of ripper;

Zest from one lemon.

For the glaze:

4 spoons of powder;

2 spoons of water.


1. Beat cottage cheese in a blender with granulated sugar.

2. Add yolks, soft butter, honey, beat together.

3. Add half the flour, baking powder, zest and mix. Then gradually add the remaining flour, perhaps it will take a little less. It all depends on the moisture content of the cottage cheese. The mass should be thick, but soft, not clogged with flour.

4. Using your hands, roll into balls slightly larger than a walnut. Place on a baking sheet.

5. Bake until done at 180 degrees, approximately 13 minutes.

6. Mix the powder with water. The glaze should be thick but runny.

7. Cool the cookies and draw stripes on the surface with icing. This can be done with a bag or just a spoon. We wait until the glaze dries and you can serve the delicacy to the table.

Recipe 6: Eggless Lemon Cookies

This version of cookies is prepared without eggs, in odorless vegetable oil. Simple, quick, and has a pleasant lemon flavor.


3 cups flour;

A glass of sugar;

100 ml vegetable oil;

Half a teaspoon of soda.


1. Cut the lemon into thin slices to remove all the seeds. Then put the pieces into a blender and grind into puree.

2. Add enough water to the lemon to make 200 ml of mass.

3. extinguish the soda in the lemon mixture;

4. Mix lemon with sugar, beat until dissolved.

5. Add vegetable oil, then flour. Mix everything.

6. Form small balls and bake at 180 degrees in the oven.

Recipe 7: Lemon Chocolate Chip Cookies

An explosive citrus aroma and a hint of chocolate bitterness are the flavors that are present in these delicious cookies. It cooks quickly and turns out magical. For filling, you can use special drops or simply cut the dark chocolate into small pieces.


0.12 kg butter or good margarine;

0.22 kg flour;

90 grams of sugar;

60 grams of starch;

A teaspoon of ripper;

Zest of 1 citrus;

Half a bar of dark chocolate or a drizzle.


1. Beat margarine (or butter) with granulated sugar until white, add the egg and mix.

2. Pour in the zest and mix.

3. Combine flour with starch and baking powder, sift everything together through a sieve.

4. Knead the dough from two masses.

5. Add chocolate drops or pieces. If you use tiles, then you need to keep them in the freezer for half an hour, then chop them with a large knife.

6. Place the dough on cling film, form a sausage and put it in the refrigerator for an hour to harden.

7. Take out and cut into circles, using your hands to give them the correct shape.

8. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Recipe 8: Lemon cookies from Yulia Vysotskaya with coriander

There are two ways to prepare lemon coriander cookies: adding aromatic filling to the dough or simply mixing with powder and sprinkle on top. It is better to add the spice inside, since in combination with lemon zest during baking it will reveal the aroma, making the delicacies especially tasty.


A glass of flour;

Half a glass of powder;

110 grams of butter;

A pinch of salt, Yulia Vysotskaya uses sea salt;

A small spoon of coriander.


1. Pour coriander into a mortar and grind with a pestle until it becomes powdery.

2. Remove the zest from the lemon and grind with coriander.

3. Beat the butter with a mixer or blender, leaving a small piece for greasing the baking sheet. If you are using a silicone mat, then put everything in the dough.

4. Add the powder to the oil, beat for a few more seconds.

5. Add salt to the dough and mix.

6. Pour in the zest and coriander and stir everything thoroughly.

7. Add flour and mix the dough at low speed. It should take the form of crumbs.

8. Form circles from the crumbly dough. Place on a baking sheet.

9. Place in a preheated oven, bake at 180 degrees for 12-13 minutes.

The easiest way to decorate cookies is to sprinkle them with powder. It can be mixed with chopped zest, cocoa, cinnamon, and dry food coloring.

You can add not only lemon zest to the dough, but also other citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, grapefruit. And every time, baked goods prepared according to the same recipe will delight you with new tastes.

You can add any zest to the dough, not necessarily fresh. Dry the fragrant crusts during the season, use them in baking and delight your loved ones with homemade delicacies at any time of the year.

If the recipe specifies a ripper, then you should not replace it with soda. A special additive not only raises the dough, but also forms an even porosity, the product turns out loose and airy. Soda is more suitable for shortcrust pastry.

If the cookies turn out dry or overcooked, don’t despair! It can be smeared with jam, jam, cream, chocolate paste and glued together, the halves will become softer. Or simply grind it into crumbs, add cocoa, butter, condensed milk and prepare delicious “potato” cakes that will have a pleasant citrus aroma.

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