Lion language game English. LinguaLeo - learn English at home, honest review and instructions

About which I myself did not know anything and my students told me.

So, the site positions itself as "an easy way to learn English" with the help of a personal dictionary, thematic sets of words and exercises. Here is a video tour of the site.

This site resembles an online game with level adventures, experience points and the ability to communicate with site visitors in which you need to. In my opinion, a good format for learning, at least not a stupid “write-translate-listen”.

Who is LinguaLeo for?

The site creators say:

We created LinguaLeo for themselves, their friends, relatives and for hundreds of thousands of people who want to learn English effectively, using authentic content, live speech and texts by native speakers.

LinguaLeo is designed primarily for those who want to improve their English listening comprehension, reading and correct pronunciation skills. It is also very useful for those who want to remember 20–40 words daily in context.

From myself, I note that people who speak English at an upper-intermediate level (upper-intermediate, advanced) have nothing to do there, except to check their knowledge of vocabulary on topics in a special section "Sets of words". And, perhaps, once again train your listening comprehension or read classic and not so jokes in English in the section "Jungle".

How to use the LinguaLeo website?

The user is given a character - the lion Leo, who needs to be “feeded” daily to keep fit. The food is meatballs, the internal “currency” that you can also use to pay for paid features on the service. The more useful actions you perform, the faster you satisfy the character's hunger.

The site consists of sections dedicated to specific tasks. There are, for example, already mentioned "Jungle", where you can find reading and audio/video content on a specific topic. Click "Catalog" and choose the section you are interested in.

Since the activity on the site is mainly aimed at expanding vocabulary, then you have own dictionary, where you can enter words for repetition after highlighting in the text (translation is given immediately). Each word is given a picture (which certainly helps memorization) and pronunciation. In this dictionary, you can also group vocabulary according to the degree of study / unexplored. Very handy for self-testing. Words that you memorize are considered mastered and no longer appear in training, and those in which you made mistakes will be repeated over and over again until you learn them.

There is a section "Courses", which consists of "Grammar Courses" and "Video Courses". The first courses are divided into sections according to grammatical tenses (Present Simple, Past Perfect Tenses). There they explain to you the use of this time with examples that you then work out in the exercises. For each correct answer you get experience points.

Chapter "Workout" allows you to choose how you want to practice the vocabulary you have learned during the course. There are several ways, just choose the one that suits you.

At the moment there are six types of training. The most interesting training is called "bridge". To work with it, you need a microphone or headset. This is an interactive game: a live opponent connects to you, your task is to pronounce the words written on the cards and, in turn, correctly guess what your opponent says. The set of words is assembled from your dictionary.

Chapter "Word Sets" I also already mentioned: there you need to select a topic of interest and, after going through the list of words related to this topic, tick off those that you don’t know / don’t remember and add to your dictionary for future memorization.

Chapter "Savannah" created to communicate with your friends, whom you, in theory, should invite to the site. Although, it is possible and necessary, in my opinion, even without friends - you go to the site to study, but you can communicate on VKontakte, etc. However, for those who cannot communicate without communication, this format is also suitable: you can add people as friends and follow their achievements. You can also search for new people by indicating age, level in the service, level of English and gender.

Having found new friends, you can start a dialogue with them. The main feature of such dialogues is that communication takes place only in English. Even if you write a message in Russian, it will be translated.

Why get meatballs?

Everything on the site, in general, is not bad, if not for these meatballs! Well, who came up with the idea of ​​​​naming experience points “meatballs”, please tell me!? Meatballs are LinguaLeo's in-game currency. Each meatball lets you learn 1 new word and feed your lion. They are given:

  • 100 immediately for registration
  • "Meatballs" +10 every day when visiting the service
  • "Meatballs" +100 when the invited friend reaches level 5.

General impression of the site.

I think the site LinguaLeo- x and continuing in the study of English. Free registration is enough to fully engage, using the numerous materials of the site. I honestly don't know what the paid add-on, or the Golden Stockpile of Fractaceans, does, but you can check it out for yourself if you really want to. Only then do not forget to write to me in the comments whether it is worth it or not)

After completing the course, you will receive a printable certificate.

And, yes, of course the site has application for IPhone, Android and Windows Phone7.

Learn foreign languages ​​via Skype at LingvaFlavor School

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Lingua Leo (LinguaLeo) is a great program that allows you to turn English for children and adults into an interesting and exciting game.

Learning English, and indeed any other language at school and at the institute, often leaves much to be desired. Senseless cramming, lack of real (authentic) communication with native speakers leads to the fact that most adults cannot communicate fluently in English. At best, their knowledge is limited to reading and translating with a dictionary.

In today's world, English has become the international language of communication.

English is required by an ever wider range of people. So, English for children becomes a necessity.

You need to start studying English in depth as early as possible.

Now in every city there are a lot of linguistic centers, which in a very short time (from several months to a year) promise to teach adults the spoken English language.

Study of English for children stretches out over many years.

In most centers, half the time children copy words from a dictionary into a notebook, and then they study and pass. The technique is of little interest, respectively, and its effectiveness is small.

If income allows, then you can individually study with a tutor. In this case, learning goes much faster, but, basically, everything is based on the same boring books.

Recently, a unique resource has appeared on the Internet that allows you to turn learning English for children and adults into an exciting entertainment that can be practiced both at home and in any other place where there is an Internet connection.

This resource for learning English is called − Lingua leo ( ).

Lingvaleo is a very interesting and useful resource for studying of English language , and absolutely free .

There are, of course, tempting offers to buy yourself a "Golden Status". But do not be driven, you can be content with the "Silver Status" for free and master the English language perfectly without spending a penny on it.

Lingua Leo (LinguaLeo) - brief instructions for working with the program

So, let's figure it out with you what is Lingua Leo (LinguaLeo)?

Step 1. Registration in LinguaLeo.

We type in Yandex the following search query: "Lingua Leo or (LinguaLeo)" and go to the site

Register on the server by entering your e-mail and password.

Lingua Leo (registration)

Step 2. Getting started in Lingua Leo.

A cute lion cub, which is now becoming your pet, joyfully greets you.

Lingua Leo (greeting)

The lion cub is very funny, children adore him. The lion cub is, in fact, a Tamagotchi that constantly requires attention and eats meatballs. Meatballs can only be earned by constantly learning new English words or by listening and viewing interesting materials in English.

If you click on a lion cub from lingua leo, then this lion cub gives out various phrases: “I want meatballs”, “I want to sleep”, etc.

If you click on the icon “What do you want today?” on the right, the lion cub will tell you exactly how to feed it: training, audio listening, or something else.

Children perceive the lion cub as a living being. They begin to take care of him and feed him with pleasure every day. And so that the lion cub does not remain hungry, they earn meatballs for him, imperceptibly mastering the English language.

At the beginning of the work, you need to indicate your level of knowledge of the English language (beginner, basic, below average, intermediate, above average, advanced, free) and the amount of time that you plan to devote to studying English daily (from 0.5 to 10 hours).

If you have indicated the level "Beginner", then you will have a small defenseless lion cub in front of you, which you need to constantly feed so that it grows faster. The size of the lion cub changes when certain levels are reached.

Lingua Leo (Nimble Novice)

The LinguaLeo program is designed in such a way that you will often see a window with a guide to your actions (click on unfamiliar words, master the page).

Your reward for completing the task is also shown here (at level 1 for beginners, this is 10 experience points and the ability to master content on the service).

As you master lingualeo, the tasks of the levels become more difficult, you need to earn more and more experience points in order to feed the growing pet.

Step 3. Getting to know the LinguaLeo service.

The LinguaLeo program panel is quite simple and includes several pages (jungle, glossaries, dictionary, workouts, magazine, savannah).

General view of the service Lingua Leo (LinguaLeo)

Jungle (Lingua Leo)

Here are all the materials for the successful study of English:

  • Video (clips, films, news, advertisements, English lessons, etc.)
  • Audio (songs, books, news, radio programs, etc.)
  • Texts (books, novels, short stories, newspaper articles, anecdotes, fairy tales, poems, etc.)

You can also add your own content to explore.

Courses (Lingvo Leo)

This is a new section of the service, which presents you with the opportunity to learn from video courses. There are 4 topics for study:

  • Nutrition (basic level)
  • Friends (Upper Intermediate)
  • Job (upper intermediate)
  • Money (free level)

The video course includes from 7 to 14 lessons in which you will watch the video, read the text and answer the questions.

One topic (Food) is offered free of charge, for other topics there is an opportunity to conduct a trial lesson, but you need to pay for the main training.

Taking a video course allows you to improve your language skills in a specific area. At the same time, you get experience points and a certificate.

Glossaries (LinguaLeo)

It contains 80 dictionaries (about a person, education, work, English for beginners, English for specialists, etc.).

Dictionary (Lingua Leo)

This is your personal dictionary, you fill it by reading and listening to texts, watching videos.

Training in Lingvo Leo.

Here are 6 options for exciting games for successful learning of English.

It uses words from your personal dictionary (a dictionary that is formed as you study various materials).

  1. Word-translation – it is necessary to translate a word from English into Russian.
  2. Translation-word is the reverse process - it is necessary to translate the word from Russian into English.
  3. Word constructor - you need to make a word from the proposed letters.
  4. Listening - You listen to the word and write it down.
  5. Crossword puzzle (demo version, the main version is bought) - you need to guess the crossword puzzle in English.
  6. Vocabulary cards - English words are written here, you choose those that you know.

For all correct answers, you get experience points that are necessary for the growth of your pet and improve your level of English.

Magazine (Lingvo Leo)

It details what and when you did. How much time you spent on the service, how many words you learned. On the right is a graph of actual and planned indicators for the period.

Savannah LinguaLeo

You can add acquaintances and strangers who have lion pets to your pride.

The leader of the pride is determined daily - the person who has scored the most experience points.

In order to add new words to the dictionary you pay Meatballs.

Many people think that there is a secret code Leo 100 meatballs.

In fact, you can replenish your stocks in several ways:

  • by logging into the LinguaLeo service daily (+10 meatballs)
  • having reached a given level in Lingua Leo (+100 meatballs),
  • by inviting a friend to Lingua Leo (+100 meatballs)
  • by purchasing a "Golden Status" on the LinguaLeo service.

Lingua Leo - meatball rain

So, you are ready to explore the jungle. Your child will be delighted. I tell you this on the example of my own.

Lingua Leo (Sharp Tracker)

Good luck to you and your children in learning English under the program Lingua Leo (LinguaLeo) !

I look forward to seeing you on my pages. There is still a lot of new and interesting things ahead of you. So don't forget to subscribe for new articles.

A very powerful resource was developed by young Russian entrepreneurs led by Ainur Abdulnasyrov. As of October 2014, more than 10 million people were already registered in it. The project is very similar to, although at the same time each of these projects has its own advantages. Which project is better suited to whom, it is necessary to understand specifically. In order to get comfortable and understand a little what's what, they have the opportunity to register for free.

This so-called freemium a business model where some of the services are provided free of charge, and some additional services can be purchased. These additional services generate income for the company. Currently, Lingua Leo is expanding the number of foreign languages ​​studied, translating the English learning version into other languages, and also increasing the number of additional courses.

The Lingua Leo concept is:

A foreign language is a jungle that we master, conquer, passing through it step by step. There are game moments - you need to feed the lion cub, its satiety symbolizes progress in learning the language, and you need to feed it with meatballs - the Lingua Leo game currency, which can be earned as a result of completing tasks and training.

Lion cub Leo, in fact, is a prototype of Tamagotchi - if you don’t feed him, he will “wither”. This, at first glance, seems to be a somewhat childish approach, but the meaning is hidden here that if the language is not practiced regularly, it will also “wither”. You won’t even be able to maintain those positions that you have already reached - it’s like swimming against the current - you have to constantly row, otherwise you will be carried back.

The success of the Lingua Leo project, according to experts, is that it combines several components: a variety of content, social services, game programs, the availability of mobile applications, the ability to enter international markets and scalability. A little later, an extension for browsers appeared, which makes it possible to read English sites and immediately add unfamiliar words to your Lingua Leo dictionary for study.

There are several interesting features for learning words in Lingua Leo: direct translation, reverse translation, listening, word constructor, crossword puzzles and other fun features such as training knowledge of words for speed - Leo - sprint, and the ability to compete online with random users - Leo - bridge.

Grammar is also very complete and beautifully implemented in Lingua Leo with a large number of different tests, quizzes, examples.

Seven secrets of Lingua Leo

1. Maintain a strong enough motivation, and for this it is necessary to use only interesting materials for training.
2. Listen only to native speakers - only authentic materials. The Lingua Leo library has hundreds of thousands of different works: these are books, audio materials, video materials, from short to long, from rappers to presidents, various accents. We choose what we like, listen, watch, read many, many times, add to the dictionary and learn new words.
3. Imitation and copying, training of the articulatory apparatus. We all have a natural ability to learn languages. Each of us mastered at least one language quite well. Only we have forgotten how we did it as children.

It's time to remember, just watch the children - they repeat an unfamiliar word many, many times, they even copy the intonation with which we pronounce it, even the gestures with which we accompany this word. We must do the same - completely copy the behavior of a native speaker.

4. Mutual influence all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, speaking. In the jungle, we listen to an interesting context, watch a video, memorize words, say them out loud, put them in a dictionary. Then we conduct training on the spelling of the word, its pronunciation. All skills are involved, closely intertwined with each other. Therefore, it is not scary if you focus on one particular skill - others will also develop.

5. Optimal intensity. You can practice for an hour a day and reach the desired level in three years. You can increase the intensity and achieve results faster. It all depends on your decision, but you can experiment with the intensity in Lingua Leo to find the optimal mode for yourself.

6. Regularity classes. The importance of this secret is emphasized by absolutely all experts, linguists, polyglots. Even native speakers must use it regularly, otherwise it will be forgotten. Regularity is much more important than intensity. Let the workouts be shorter in time, but they must be every day.

7. Individuality- customize all the methods provided by Lingua Leo for yourself. Do what you personally enjoy the most. If the visual method suits you better, watch more videos. If you are an audiophile, listen to audio, add your materials. Write to the Lingua Leo team about what you would like to see implemented in the program. They will be happy to consider your initiatives and, if possible, will try to implement them.

You can find a lot of different reviews about Lingua Leo, in particular, the media say that this is the best Russian-language Internet project on Runet with great potential:

Additional courses that are currently implemented in the Lingua Leo program: English for tourists, grammar for beginners, grammar courses, irregular verbs, IELTS Academic simulator (4 options), IELTS General Training (2 options), Business English, Conversational English with Bob and Rob, state final certification, video courses, USE.

News of the project Lingua Leo:

Since January 2015, Lingua Leo provides everyone with the opportunity to study according to an individual plan. To do this, you pass two tests, fill out a questionnaire and declare your goals. 15 minutes, and the most complex algorithm develops an individual program for you, what exactly you need to pay attention to in order to achieve your goal.

Following the instructions, the student can track their progress separately for each skill. To move to the next level, you must pass a re-evaluation, depending on the results of which, you either continue to study under the same program or get a new one.
Even if you have not yet decided for yourself whether you need to learn a foreign language, register with Lingua Leo and evaluate this project. Maybe it will be very useful for you in the future!

is a learning site for self-study of English. According to the developers, the methodology is based on “smart” mastering of live content from native speakers. Lingvaleo is suitable for different levels, useful for both beginners and those who already know the language quite well. With the help of this service, you can practice according to an individual plan (lead by hand) or simply study different materials (free swimming), which are very numerous in Lingvaleo.

(last update of the review - 06/26/2018)

Teaching materials: texts, audio and video

If you are looking for something to read, listen to or watch (including with subtitles) in English, then Lingvaleo is an easy way to find material of the desired level of difficulty without lengthy digging in Google. Just go to "Materials" and choose what you like best.

"Materials" is a library of the same "live content", that is, audio recordings, songs, videos, texts in English. Content is added by users themselves, it is systematized by difficulty levels and topics.

Lion cub, meatballs and experience points

Disassemble in the service helps lion cub Leo. He explains where to start and how everything works here. The lion cub needs to be “fed”, earning experience points- they are given for completing any tasks on the site. Glasses are needed to remove some restrictions. For example, part of the exercises for memorizing words opens after pumping to a certain level.

Also on the site is meatballs- this is a game “currency” that is given for activity on the site - registration, exercises, inviting friends, etc. Meatballs are needed to save the words found in the tasks to a personal piggy bank. One meatball = one saved word.

Of course, you can always pay Premium account(previously called “Gold Status”) and get access to paid services without bothering with meatballs. Personally, I did just that. I often read English-language sites, and with the help of the LeoTranslator plugin, it is convenient to use an unlimited dictionary (see below).

However, many features of the service can be used for free.

Individual approach to the student - how it is implemented

Planning is handy when you don't know where to start.

As soon as you register on the site, you will be asked to take a test on knowledge of words and grammar, and then fill out a questionnaire, indicating gender, age, personal interests. According to the results of the test, the program will find out what level of the language you have, according to the questionnaire - what materials (text, audio, video) to offer you. Together, these data help the program generate individual lesson plan personalized for you.

During the learning process, your progress will be evaluated, and based on statistics, the plan will again be tailored to you.

Throughout the journey, especially at the beginning, the red lion cub Leo will help you. He will literally lead by the hand, explaining where to press and what to do.

The learning process according to an individual plan looks like this:

  1. You have registered on the site.
  2. Passed a test on knowledge of words and grammar (so that Leo could understand who he was dealing with).
  3. Indicated interests - based on them, texts and videos will be selected.
  4. After these procedures, you get to the section "Tasks", which states what exactly needs to be done.
  5. As you complete assignment after assignment, you will develop your language skills and get closer to your goal.

“Assignments” is your individual lesson plan

“Assignments” is not a hard route from which you cannot turn. If the proposed task is not pleasant or uninteresting (too easy), you can refuse it. The program is simple tells you where to start and what to do next. Of course, you are free to ignore these tips and embark on a free journey.

I have known Lingualeo for a long time, and there were no recommendations before. After registering, you were simply sent to the materials library - do whatever you want! But there are so many materials that it's just dizzying. Where to start? This often puts users off. Now there is no such problem. Registered - here you are, please, the algorithm of actions. Just do it and that's it.

What materials does LinguaLeo offer

Content in "Materials" is divided into text, audio and video.

In reading the most interesting thing is that any word can be highlighted, translated and voiced using the built-in dictionary, and then added to your personal dictionary.

It is very comfortable. When you read an ordinary paper book, the need to often look into the dictionary is annoying and distracts from reading. And if you try to write out unfamiliar words in a notebook in order to learn later, this slows down reading even more and makes it less interesting.

With Lingvaleo you can read without the distraction of looking up the dictionary. Got an unfamiliar word? Hover the mouse and look at the translation - it takes literally a second. Would you like to learn this word later? Submit it to the dictionary. After reading, learn the added words with the help of a special simulator program (section "Trainings").

Words from audio and video, can also be sent to the dictionary for study, if the material is accompanied by subtitles. Lingvaleo has "smart" subtitles. At any time, click on an unfamiliar word, the recording will immediately pause, a dictionary hint will pop up, and the word will go to your learning dictionary.

Section "Training" - learning words in different modes

So, we watched the video, read a short story, we have accumulated, say, 20 words. How to teach them? We go to the "Training" section and learn! "Workouts" are programs for memorizing added words. A total of 7 free study modes are available plus 8 modes in Premium (paid subscription). To open some free modes, you need to pump to a certain level by completing tasks.

Most of the training is aimed at memorizing words. Workouts "Restore the story", "Fix the gaps" improve reading skills, and "Collect the sentences" - listening comprehension.

There are 15 types of training on the site in total

Free modes:

1. Word-translation- the traditional "multiple choice" (multiple choice), the word is given in English and there are several answers to it - choose the right one. In my opinion, multiple choice is only suitable for hooking a word to memory, and not for learning it.

2. Translation-word- the same, but the words are given in Russian, you need to choose an English translation.

“Word-translation” mode, note that the context is given to the word (the sentence from which I took the word) and a picture

3. Savannah is a game in which English words fall from the sky and you have to click on the correct Russian word. You can make mistakes, but the number of lives is limited.

4. Listening- English words are dictated to you, you need to type them by ear (in English).

5. Word constructor- the word, disassembled into cubes with letters, needs to be put back together. Useful for spelling.

6. Word cards- ordinary double-sided cards (flashcards). You are shown an English word, you need to click “I know” or “I don’t know”. The mode opens at level 10.

7. Phrase constructor- a phrase is given in Russian, you need to assemble an English translation from several words. The mode opens at level 8.

Eight modes in Premium:

1. Brainstorm - combined mode, first you will be shown a few words so that you select which ones to study and which it is time to translate into “studied”. Then the selected words will be run first in the “Word-Translation” mode, then in the “Word Builder”.

2. Repetition is a quick way to repeat words. An English word is given, you need to choose one of two options in 3 seconds.

Repeat mode - a quick way to repeat saved words

3. Leo sprint- Speed ​​workout. Within a minute, you need to guess whether the correct translation is offered to the English word or not.

4. Crossword- a crossword puzzle is compiled from the words of your dictionary, which must be solved. A very difficult task. There are no clues.

5. Audio call - listen to the English word and choose one of the five answers.

6. Collect offers Practicing will help you improve your listening comprehension. You need to listen to the sentence and collect it from the suggested words.

7. Restore history- first we read the text in a limited time, then the sentences are mixed, the task is to assemble the text again.

8. Fill in the gaps- all spaces are removed from the text and it will turn into a one-long sentence. You need to break it down into words.

"Trainings" are implemented in an interesting and varied way, they are quite enough for repeating and memorizing the words found in the materials.

Leo Translator - p LinguaLeo browser lag

A great find of developers - a special extension (plugin) for the browser LeoTranslator, with which you can add words to your dictionary from any site.

How it works.

  • Install the browser extension (unfortunately, only Chrome),
  • On any site, double-click on the desired word to see its translation,
    or highlight the word, right click and select "Add to Dictionary"
  • If you select several words, right-click and select "Add to Dictionary", the entire expression will be added.

This plugin is a handy tool even for those who speak English very well. With it, you can read any text in the browser (for example, something for work) and translate unfamiliar words on the fly, adding them right there to the Lingvaleo dictionary.

I wrote more about using this plugin in an article about .

Sections “ Grammar” and “Courses”

Obviously, Lingvaleo is trying to offer the user a "turnkey English" so that the language can be learned without leaving the site. Complete training would be unthinkable without grammar.

There are two sections for this: “Grammar” and “Courses”.

"Grammar"- This is a grammar simulator plus a reference book. Choose a topic and compose short phrases from words. Some tasks are only available with a Premium subscription.

By clicking on “Show Rule”, you will see a short help with examples

By paying Premium, you will get full access to grammar training in this section, as well as:

  • Full access to training (brainstorm, crossword, etc.);
  • Unlimited Dictionary - no meatballs will be charged for added words;
  • An additional bonus in the form of a simulator for IELTS.
  • Some "Courses" are unlocked.

"Courses" is the paid part of Lingvaleo. These are interactive courses with theory, explanations, exercises for different skills, some courses include lessons with a tutor via Skype. Courses are offered on a wide variety of topics for different levels. There are both classes for beginners, as well as quite serious tasks like preparing for the exam.

Each course is free to try in demo mode.

If you are just starting to learn a foreign language or, say, decide to improve your basic English, difficulties are inevitable. It is expensive (paying for courses, a tutor) and long (daily exercises for several years). In the case of self-education, the list of obstacles goes on. As a result, it happens that the motivation to learn a language falls catastrophically.

Let's try to look at the situation differently: perhaps it's all about the teaching method? Today we will get acquainted with an interesting service that offers a completely different method of learning English -.

How does Lingualeo work?

Instead of dry learning material and routine, LinguaLeo uses a game method. The user is given a character - the lion Leo, who needs to be “feeded” daily to keep fit. The food is meatballs, the internal "currency" on the service, which you can also use to pay for paid features on the service. The more useful actions you perform, the faster you satisfy the character's hunger.

On average, the recommended duration of classes per day is at least an hour. By the way, regularity is one of the most important vectors when learning a language, among others, the creators of LinguaLeo name motivation for learning, perception of a living language, copying native speakers, regularity and optimal intensity.

The daily norm of "food" (that is, the recommended amount of educational material) directly depends on the level of language proficiency indicated in. That is, the lion is not only entertainment, but also an indicator of how your requirements correspond to the efforts made.

The level increases as you complete exercises, courses and other useful actions for which experience points are issued. The corresponding scale is located in the lower right part of the window, as well as on the profile page. After every fifth level, a new task is given, in total there are 59 levels. Experienced users get access to free bonuses, which is an additional incentive.

In the profile, you can also set goals, to achieve which, in fact, you need to improve your skills: “I want to prepare for the TOEFL test” or “I want to read books in the original” and others. Probably, at the moment, these settings do not affect anything, you should mark the achievement of the goal yourself. As the developers say in their blog, useful recommendations for each goal will be compiled later.

All information about progress in learning English can be gleaned from. The weekly progress chart shows how far you have deviated from the course, how many points you need to earn to move to the next level.

If you close your eyes to tips and tricks, it is difficult to start getting acquainted with the “poke method” service. It’s better not to act blindly, but still get acquainted with the current tasks offered by LinguaLeo. To do this, in the center of the window, at the bottom, click the "Current task" button. After completing a few tasks, it will become clear what experience points are issued for and what should be worked on first.

There are 3 training sections - "Jungle", "Courses" and "Training".

Accumulating experience in the Jungle

Collection of texts, audio and video, in total about 130 thousand materials. All content can be sorted by genres, topics, sources, as well as filtering by the level of complexity (set according to the criteria for the length of the text and the words used). Freedom of action is given: choose what interests you from movies, music, lectures and more. etc. and combine business with pleasure. The selected materials go to the "In Development" tab.

With all this diversity, however, there is an imbalance: only 3.1 thousand results were rated for medium difficulty, 94 thousand for easy. Another small fly in the ointment - audio and video are available from open sources such as Youtube, Vimeo, DotSub, LibriVox , and it's not uncommon for copyright holders to remove them. Therefore, from time to time you have to deal with non-working content. However, you can add your own material to the "Added" tab yourself.

Dictionary device

Development, from the point of view of the service, is the replenishment of LinguaLeo. When reading the text, you need to click on unfamiliar words and select one of the translation options in the right panel. Above the options there are buttons for using Google Translate, Multitran and other services that offer an alternative translation option, often more accurate and multivariate. Among other things, you can add whole phrases to the dictionary, the translation is displayed at the bottom right of the sidebar when you hover over an unfamiliar string. True, the automatic translation of phrases resembles the “good old” Google Translate, which sometimes distracts from understanding the text.

In addition to translation options, almost every word is accompanied by an associative picture that helps to remember the word visually, as well as transcription and voice acting - to learn the correct pronunciation. The added word is used in the context and in the form in which it was found. The context can be changed to your liking.

For convenience, you can install (while it's Chrome, Firefox Internet Explorer) to translate words, phrases and add them to the LinguaLeo dictionary. Translation is carried out by double-clicking or through the context menu of the browser. You must first log in to the LinguaLeo service.

Thematic sets of words are available for various areas of use (business, tourism, science, IT, etc.), which can also be sent to the dictionary. There is also a list of irregular verbs, useful adjectives, nouns and other information useful for learning English grammar, for example, in the "Courses" section.

Consolidation of knowledge - Word trainer

Words added to the dictionary are stored not just for chronology, but are set aside for active ones. You may notice that to the right of each term is a circle that displays the progress of the study.

Consolidation of the material occurs in three stages, although there are seven types of training. Words that successfully pass one stage move to another. Loose (incorrectly guessed) words go “for maturation”, that is, you return to the dictionary and learn them again. Maturation works according to the method of "spaced repetition", that is, within 6 you will not encounter repeated terms.

The easiest stage of the training is to choose the correct Russian translation of the word. It has been noticed that the words added to the dictionary are not initially mixed up, and it becomes somewhat easier to complete tasks at an easy difficulty level, since the “chronology of events” is restored. Word constructor - medium level of difficulty: a word is given in Russian, you need to translate it into English and at the same time enter it correctly in the field. And finally, listening is a high level of complexity, since the answer options are not presented, speech is perceived by ear. An optional and most difficult mode - a crossword puzzle, is not available in the free version.

The most interesting training is called bridge. To work with it, you need a microphone or headset. This is an interactive game: a live opponent connects to you, your task is to pronounce the words written on the cards and, in turn, correctly guess what your opponent says. The set of words, of course, is compiled from your dictionary. Words are easy to guess because there are answer options, so this type of training would be more correctly classified as an easy level.

Deepening knowledge in the Courses

Courses on LinguaLeo were introduced relatively recently and, judging by the reviews, have long been in demand by users.

Courses are divided into grammar and video courses with an average duration of 2-4 hours. Both of them can be tried for free or bought for meatballs or for real rubles. Grammar covers tenses and parts of speech - a total of 14 courses. Each course consists of a set of rules, exercises and a test. The answer option, as in the tests, you need to choose from the available ones or add your own. An assessment is given at the end of each course.

On the one hand, the courses resemble standard exercises from English grammar textbooks. It is much more convenient to learn from them: you do not need to write with a pen in a notebook or look for keys in applications. You can instantly see the error and see the corresponding rule.

On the other hand, classical grammar books reinforce knowledge much better. The volume of exercises in LinguaLeo is relatively small, the theory is compressed and not always accompanied by illustrations. But it is impossible to judge strictly yet. The Lingualeo service is very young, and textbooks have been published and republished for years. This requires the involvement of resources, specialists and other investments.

Video courses are available in the same section in the next tab. There are an order of magnitude fewer of them than grammatical ones, only five: “Features of nutrition”, “Friends”, “Visiting a restaurant”, “Money”, “Work”. But they are more interactive and more interesting to pass. First, it is proposed to watch the video, then you need to answer questions on the situations. You can read the text, translate unfamiliar words and use hints. An assessment is given at the end of the course.

Important note. Only the basic level is free on the LinguaLeo service. It is, at first, quite enough. Experienced users in the comments on the service complain about "some restrictions." But, fortunately, LinguaLeo does not require money at every turn. Restrictions are imposed, in particular, on courses - they are paid. You can buy courses individually or as a package. All prices are listed directly in the "Courses" section. gives full access to all functions of the service for 12 months.

Social Savannah

Savannah is a kind of social network, its origin. It will not be surprising if in a few years tens of thousands of users will meet and exchange messages in it. So far, Savannah's capabilities are very limited: here you can invite friends from social networks or other services, search for users by English proficiency and age. The analogue of "adding friends" is Pride. You can add users to Pride from whom you want to receive news: achievements, marked materials from the Jungle and other updates.

The idea with Savannah is promising, and in the future I would like to use it for joint translations, as well as their discussion, crossing sociality with convenient commenting tools.


LinguaLeo will not help you "learn a language perfectly in a month." But daily classes perfectly make up for the shortcomings of school and higher education - often this is the lack of elements of the game, interactivity, individual approach.

According to the developers of the service, it is planned to introduce support for other foreign languages. Well, let's wait for these and other improvements from LinguaLeo.

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