Lipase: normal, increased, decreased level in the blood. Lipase in the blood is elevated - what does this mean? What is lipase responsible for?

Lipase is an enzyme that acts as a solvent, fractionator and digestive agent for fats in the digestive tract. The substance presented is produced by the lungs, pancreas, intestines and liver. Each enzyme listed is responsible for the breakdown of a specific group of fats.

Functions of lipase in the human body

As mentioned above, lipase is produced for the purpose of breaking down, processing, and separating fats. However, the most important role is played by the pancreatic enzyme, which ensures complete and timely digestion of lipids. It is excreted into the duodenum of the gastrointestinal tract as an inactive enzyme. Thanks to the action of bile acid and another pancreatic enzyme, the substance is converted into an active type.

In addition, lipase is responsible for the body’s absorption of vitamins D, A, E, K, fatty acids, and also takes part in energy metabolism.

Blood lipase level

The level of lipase in the blood serum of men and women does not differ significantly. An adequate level of enzyme in the blood is considered to be:

  • for children under seventeen years old – 0-130 units/ml;
  • for adults – 0-190 units/ml.

If lipase levels are elevated, this may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • soft tissue injuries, bone fractures;
  • intestinal obstruction, heart attack, peritonitis;
  • pancreatitis, pancreatic cysts, tumors;
  • biliary colic, chronic gallbladder disease;
  • renal failure;
  • breast cancer;
  • diseases that are accompanied by disturbances in metabolic processes. These include diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout;
  • mumps.

If lipase is elevated, this may be caused by taking certain medications.

If lipase is low, this may be caused by cancer. However, this is not the case for pancreatic cancer. In addition, low levels may be due to poor nutrition.

Lipase as a food supplement

Lipase is registered as a food additive under number E1104. The sources of this substance are the salivary glands of cattle, their stomachs, abomasums, and forestomachs. At 70 degrees Celsius the additive becomes inactive.

E1104 is widely used in food production, and specifically in baking, where it plays the role of an agent that improves the quality and organoleptic characteristics of gluten. In finished products, a food additive can increase the shelf life, as well as the structural and mechanical properties of bakery products. Thanks to the use of the additive, the amount of fat-containing raw materials during bread baking is reduced, without affecting the quality.

The food additive is used during the manufacture of confectionery products, in particular chocolate, toffee, and caramel. This is explained by the fact that the substance can influence the formation of free fatty acids, which enhance the aromatic qualities of the finished product. In cheeses, the additive plays the role of an improver of aroma and taste characteristics, as well as an accelerator of the ripening process.

Lipase plays the role of a catalyst in the technology of creating alternative fuels during the processing of fur and leather. In medicine, the substance is used to correct the functioning of the pancreas, as well as during digestive processes.

The food additive E1104 does not pose a danger to human well-being and health. However, its use is prohibited on the territory of Russia due to the fact that it can lead to technical damage to goods in excess quantities. The latter, in turn, can provoke the formation of toxins and the growth of harmful microorganisms.

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Each person had to take a blood test to check his biochemical parameters. If the study was conducted to find out the condition of the pancreas and enzyme values, then the results will necessarily mention its normal range and the resulting concentration value.

Lipase: what is it?

Food containing complex proteins and fats cannot be digested in its original form. When consumed food enters the digestive system, it undergoes special treatment with enzymes that can break it down into smaller components. These substances include amylase, protease and lipase. The latter substance is produced by the pancreas - the significance of this particular lipase, which is called pancreatic, can be seen in one of the lines of the biochemical analysis.

Lipase is one of the enzymes of digestive juice, which is formed by the pancreas and is involved in the digestion of fats

Lipase is also produced in the body by other organs:

  • liver - this type of lipase maintains normal levels of lipids in the blood plasma;
  • lungs;
  • intestines;
  • stomach - this type of lipase is found in gastric juice and helps hydrolyze fats;
  • oral cavity - the enzyme is present only in infants; this type of lipase promotes the breakdown of fatty mother's milk.

Pancreatic lipase has the key function of decomposing fats that come from outside with food. In the absence of this enzyme, fats that enter the body and carry high energy value would be undigested and exit unchanged. The presence of lipase in optimal quantities is the key to human health and good metabolism.

Lipase promotes the breakdown of fats into glycerol and fatty carboxylic acids

Interaction between lipase and bile

Normal functioning of lipolytic enzymes is possible only in the presence of bile. This secretion helps in the emulsification of fats, separating them and turning them into an emulsion, thereby significantly increasing the area of ​​action of the enzyme on the fat and improving their contact, as well as accelerating hydrolysis. In addition, bile acids are able to convert lipase produced by the pancreas into an active form, thus all fat molecules that enter the digestive tract become more accessible to breakdown by various forms of lipases.

Activation of prolipase into active lipase occurs under the influence of bile acids and another enzyme of pancreatic juice - colipase.

Limits of normal indicators in adults and children

In a healthy person, lipase levels are at a constant level; a feature of this enzyme is that the standard values ​​are the same for both men and women; changes occur only as the person grows older.

Table: dependence of lipase values ​​on age

If we consider the values ​​of only pancreatic lipase, then its correct value will be 13–60 U/ml.

Indications for lipase testing

The amount of lipase in the blood indicates the state of the digestive system. A sharp increase in the concentration of pancreatic lipase signals the presence of pancreatitis. A blood test can indicate the course of this disease and the possible development of complications.

In acute inflammation of the pancreas, after eight hours the amount of lipase can increase tenfold, then normalization of its level will continue for up to two weeks.

Analysis for lipase content is specific. The concentration of this enzyme remains constant in many pathologies: liver disease, the development of ectopic pregnancy, but at the same time the value of other digestive enzymes changes.

The doctor may order a test for lipase levels if the patient suspects the following conditions:

  • acute inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). The most indicative test is one scheduled for delivery 48 hours after the onset of symptoms of acute pancreatitis - so the value of this enzyme will be at its peak;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis - in this case it is more difficult to diagnose the disease, since during a long process of inflammation the pancreas stops producing enzymes and the amount of lipase in the blood will be reduced;
  • mumps, or mumps - in this disease, a normal lipase concentration indicates inflammation of the parotid glands, and an increased concentration indicates the course of the pathological process in the pancreas.

Symptoms of lipase deficiency and excess

Since the enzyme is responsible for the successful digestion of fatty foods, with a clear lack of this substance, enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas will develop. Signals of the progress of this condition are:

  • the patient feels weak;
  • foul-smelling stool with a liquid consistency;
  • loss of appetite or decreased appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach pain.

With an excess of lipase, the same symptoms appear, but the body temperature often rises, which serves as a signal about the progress of the inflammatory process (pancreatitis).

Video: symptoms of pancreatitis

Carrying out analysis

To establish the level of lipase, it is necessary to donate blood from a vein for testing. Preparing for the procedure is quite simple:

  1. 3-4 days before blood sampling, you should refrain from eating fatty foods, as well as spices, marinades and seasonings.
  2. On the day of donating blood for analysis, it is necessary to refuse to eat; the person being examined must have an empty stomach.
  3. If the patient takes any medications on an ongoing basis, then it is worth informing the doctor about this in order to obtain reliable results. The best option is to stop taking all medications a week before donating blood for lipase.
  4. The test should be scheduled in the early hours (before 11 am).

You should refrain from donating blood for lipase if the patient underwent an X-ray examination that day.

If diagnostic testing for lipase levels needs to be carried out unscheduled due to the patient’s serious condition, then no special preparation is required.

Taking blood for research is a simple and painless procedure, familiar to every person since childhood.

  1. Before taking blood for analysis, a tourniquet is applied above the elbow.
  2. The blood puncture site is wiped with alcohol, after which a needle is inserted into the vein.
  3. After taking the required amount of biomaterial, the tourniquet is removed.
  4. Cover the pricked area with cotton wool and press it in the elbow to stop the bleeding.

To obtain more reliable results, a blood test for lipase should be taken on an empty stomach after 8–14 hours of fasting

Often, together with donating blood to determine the concentration of lipase, a simultaneous determination of the level of amylase, an additional enzyme that characterizes the functioning of the pancreas, is prescribed.

Reasons for deviations from the norms

Interpretation of lipase test results will help the doctor navigate further diagnosis of the patient’s disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Exceeding the norm of this enzyme can signal the following diseases:

A decrease in the amount of lipase indicates the following conditions:

  • the appearance of tumors in any area except the pancreas;
  • progression of pancreatitis to a sluggish stage;
  • surgical excision of the pancreas;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • penetrating gastric ulcer;
  • hyperlipidemia (a hereditary disease in which the level of lipids in the blood is constantly elevated);
  • peritonitis.

Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency (LALD)

A disease such as DLCL began to be diagnosed relatively recently. With this rare pathology, the enzyme lysosomal acid lipase is absent in the body or is severely deficient. There is an accumulation of lipids in cells and increased cholesterol synthesis. Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency has two manifestations:

  • Wolman disease is a fatal disease caused by a gene mutation that affects the liver and adrenal glands. Patients with this diagnosis usually die in infancy;
  • cholesterol ester accumulation disease, which destroys not only the liver, but also the cardiovascular system. There is a high content of lipids in the blood, and the patient is progressing. The patient's life may be longer than with Wolman's disease, but even in childhood the patient develops liver damage to varying degrees.

Symptoms of DLCL:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • severe bloating;
  • short stature;
  • jaundice;
  • weakness of the body;
  • lack of weight.

In the United States and European Union countries, Wolman's disease is being treated using enzyme replacement therapy, in which patients receiving the drug Sebelipase alfa are able to lead a normal lifestyle.

Sebelipase alfa is a promising drug for the treatment of rare hereditary diseases associated with deficiency of lysosomal acid lipase, in particular Wolman's disease

Factors affecting blood lipase levels

In addition to current chronic and acute diseases, increases and decreases in lipase levels can occur due to third-party factors:

  • taking medications:
    • Indomethacin;
    • analgesics;
    • sedatives;
    • heparins;
  • getting injuries or fractures of long bones containing high amounts of fat (lipase levels increase);
  • excessive consumption of food with a predominance of fats in the diet (lipase decreases).

Normalization of lipase levels

Both an increase and a decrease in lipase levels often indicate a malfunction of the digestive system. Therapy should be aimed at eliminating the cause that affects the concentration of the enzyme.

Table: reasons for changes in lipase levels and treatment

The dosage of enzymes in capsules can be 10,000, 25,000 and 40,000 special units indicating the activity of the main enzyme - lipase

In my opinion, strict adherence to diet and abstinence from alcohol is at the forefront of the treatment of pancreatitis. In the acute phase of the disease, the best solution is fasting - after waiting a few days on the water, you will get better results than from using expensive drugs. Hunger pacifies acute inflammation and stops provoking the pancreas to participate in the digestive process, thereby triggering the restoration of the affected organ. The exit from hunger should be gradual, after which it is best to eat according to diet number 5, which excludes fatty foods, dishes prepared by frying and grilling, hot seasonings and spices. It is recommended to eat small meals up to seven times a day to prevent hunger.

Treatment prognosis

Early detected pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases respond well to treatment and prevent the development of serious complications. Proper treatment and diet will cause a decrease in lipase levels after 14 days.

If an increase in lipase content is detected in patients by 10 times or more and there is no improvement after drug therapy, the further prognosis for the patient is unfavorable. Complete refusal of treatment and advanced disease can lead to the death of the patient.

Prevention of lipase surges

  1. Maintaining a proper diet, balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Timely consultation with a doctor for symptoms of pancreatitis.
  3. Refusal of bad habits, primarily alcohol, which provokes illness.
  4. Compliance with all doctor’s recommendations and taking medications during remission.
  5. Normalization of weight.

Lipase analysis is a specific indicator of pancreatic pathology. A timely test will help determine the onset of the disease, track its nature and the effectiveness of therapy.

Lipase is a water-soluble enzyme synthesized by the human body to digest, dissolve and fractionate neutral fats.

This enzyme is produced by a number of organs and tissues, which makes it possible to distinguish:

  • pancreatic lipase;
  • lingual lipase (produced by glands located in the mouths of infants);
  • liver lipase;
  • intestinal lipase;
  • lung lipase.

Main functions of lipase in the human body

Lipase of any type is produced by the body to process, break down and separate fats into fractions. However, pancreatic lipase is considered the most important enzyme ensuring timely and complete digestion of lipids. This enzyme is excreted into the gastrointestinal tract (duodenum) as an inactive enzyme - prolipase. The conversion of the substance into active lipase occurs under the action of bile acids and another enzyme produced by the pancreas - colipase. Typically, pancreatic lipase (called pancreatic lipase) acts on fats previously emulsified by liver bile. In turn, gastric lipase is responsible for the breakdown of tributyrin oil, lingual lipase is responsible for the breakdown of breast milk fats, and hepatic lipase is responsible for the breakdown of chylomicrons, low-density lipoproteins and for the regulation of plasma lipids.

In addition, lipase promotes the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K, polyunsaturated fatty acids and is involved in energy metabolism.

Blood lipase level

The acceptable level of lipase in the blood serum of women and men does not differ significantly. In particular, the enzyme content in the blood is considered adequate:

  • for adults (persons over eighteen years of age) – from 0 to 190 units/ml;
  • for children under 17 years old – from 0 to 130 units/ml.

Elevated levels of lipase in the blood

Pancreatic lipase, which is the main marker of pancreatic diseases, has the main diagnostic value in the human body. With the development of one or another pathology of a given organ, the level of lipase in the blood serum increases significantly. In particular, increased levels of lipase in the blood are observed when:

  • acute pancreatitis;
  • exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis;
  • the appearance of pancreatic tumors;
  • biliary colic;
  • chronic course;
  • intrahepatic cholestasis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • perforation of a hollow internal organ;
  • intestinal infarction;
  • pancreatic cyst or pseudocyst;
  • metabolic disorders (for example, diabetes, or obesity);
  • peritonitis;
  • chronic or acute renal failure;
  • perforated stomach ulcer;
  • taking a number of medications (narcotic analgesics, heparin, barbiturates, indomethacin);
  • mumps, accompanied by damage to the pancreas.

Occasionally, the causes of lipase activation are fractures of long bones and other injuries. However, jumps in enzyme levels are not a specific symptom for various physical injuries, so lipase test results are not used in the diagnosis of injuries.

In most cases, an increase in the level of lipase in the blood serum caused by diseases of the pancreas is accompanied by a synchronous increase in the digestive enzyme that breaks down starches into oligosaccharides. Meanwhile, the normalization of these markers during the patient’s recovery does not occur simultaneously: pancreatic amylase returns to adequate values ​​much faster than lipase.

Special studies have shown that lipase activity in the blood of people suffering from pancreatitis is only moderately increased on the first day of the disease and extremely rarely reaches a level at which the diagnosis can be considered reliable. As a rule, it is possible to detect a change in the level of lipase activity only on the third day of the disease. In particular:

  • in the edematous form of the disease, lipase levels do not go beyond the normal range;
  • with fatty pancreatic necrosis, a moderate increase in lipase activity is recorded;
  • in hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis, the lipase level exceeds the norm by 3.5 times.

At the same time, normally, increased enzyme activity persists for 3-7 days from the day the inflammatory process develops and begins to decrease only after 1-2 weeks. In turn, the prognosis of pancreatitis is considered unfavorable if the level of lipase in the blood serum increases ten times or more, and within several days does not decrease to three times the norm.

Decreased lipase levels in the blood

The level of lipase in the blood can decrease with any cancer (with the exception of cancer of the pancreas), as well as with an excess of triglycerides in the body, that is, with an improper diet, oversaturated with fats or hereditary hyperlipidemia. In addition, a deficiency of this enzyme may indicate the transition of pancreatitis to a chronic form.

Requirements for taking a lipase test

The degree of lipase activity is determined based on a laboratory test of blood taken from a patient’s vein in the morning on an empty stomach. The patient should be warned that during the twelve hours preceding the sample taking, he is not recommended to eat any spicy, spicy and fatty foods and dishes. Meanwhile, if an emergency arises, a lipase test is performed regardless of the time of day or prior preparation.

Recently, two methods for determining lipase activity have become widespread: enzymatic and immunochemical. At the same time, the enzymatic method is used much more often due to the fact that it can significantly reduce the time spent on analysis, and also does not require a high level of qualifications from laboratory personnel.

Lipase is a water-soluble enzyme that is synthesized by the human body. It catalyzes the hydrolysis of insoluble esters and also promotes digestion, dissolution and fractionation.

Main function

The lipase enzyme, together with bile, promotes the digestion of fats and fatty acids. It is involved in the processing of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, K and transforms them into heat and energy.

Lipase in the blood breaks down triglycerides (lipids). Thanks to this, fatty acids are delivered directly to the body tissues.

Which organs produce lipase?

In the human body, the enzyme lipase is produced:

  • in the pancreas;
  • in the liver;
  • in the lungs;
  • in the intestines.

In addition, the enzyme is produced in infants in the oral cavity thanks to special glands. In babies, lingual lipase is synthesized, which acts on milk fats.

Each organ supplies which breaks down strictly defined groups of fats.

Purpose of lipase in the human body

So, the main mission of any type of lipase is the processing of fats, their breakdown and fractionation. Also, this substance is actively involved in energy exchange, promotes the absorption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and certain vitamins.

The most important enzyme is produced by Pancreatic lipase - this is the enzyme with the help of which lipids are absorbed completely and completely. It enters the digestive tract, where, under the influence of colipase, which is also a pancreatic enzyme, it combines with and is converted into an active form. Pancreatic lipase plays an important role - it breaks down triglycerides (neutral fats) into two components: glycerol and higher fatty acids.

Differences between different types of lipase

As noted above, different types of lipase interact with certain types of fats.

Hepatic lipase works with low-density lipoproteins. It is she who acts as a regulator of plasma lipid content.

Gastric lipase actively breaks down tributyrin oil. Lingual is involved in the breakdown of fats contained in breast milk.

Norm and deviation

By the level of lipase present in the blood, one can judge the state of the human body. Deviations towards increasing or decreasing allow doctors to identify diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, when complaining of ailments, doctors prescribe a general analysis. Lipase - what is it: normal or abnormal? There are certain general criteria.

  1. In adults, regardless of gender, who are over 17 years old, the lipase level per 1 milliliter of blood should be from 0 to 190 units.
  2. For children and adolescents, this figure is slightly lower and normally should fit into the range from 0 to 130 units.
  3. If the level of pancreatic lipase is examined, then the norm will be 13-60 units of enzyme per 1 ml of blood. Anything above these indicators indicates a malfunction of the body.

If the indicators exceed the norm

If lipase is elevated, should you sound the alarm? Yes, you definitely need to pay close attention to this fact. And only a doctor, using tests and additional examination methods, can make an accurate diagnosis. After all, lipase is an enzyme involved in many metabolic processes, and only a specialist can determine which organ is suffering.

Lipase is elevated in the following diseases:

  1. Pancreatitis. This enzyme becomes more abundant in acute forms of the disease, as well as during exacerbation of the chronic process.
  2. Biliary colic.
  3. Trauma to the pancreas is usually accompanied by a sharp rise in this enzyme.
  4. Neoplasms in the pancreas.
  5. Chronic pathologies of the gallbladder contribute to a large volume of lipase production.
  6. The presence of a cyst in the pancreas.
  7. Blockage of the pancreatic duct by a stone or scar.
  8. Intrahepatic cholestasis.
  9. Acute intestinal obstruction.
  10. Peritonitis.
  11. Perforated stomach ulcer.
  12. Perforation of internal organs.
  13. Mumps.

As you can see, the list of diseases in which the level of lipase in the blood increases is quite large. Add to it the numerous metabolic disorders in the body that accompany diabetes, gout or obesity, as well as cirrhosis of the liver or long-term improper use of medications, and the list will double. It is worth remembering that lipase is an enzyme that actively participates in the metabolic process, so any operation can also provoke its increased production in the body.

Therefore, you should never make a diagnosis yourself, solely based on tests and reading medical books. Only a specialist, relying on a set of other studies, can accurately identify the cause of the pathology and develop the correct recommendations for treatment.

Important nuances

Sometimes lipase begins to be intensively produced after injuries. During a fracture, an increase in this enzyme in the blood is observed. And doctors know this well too.

Lipase levels are very important to accurately determine when the pancreas is affected. If amylase (an enzyme that breaks down starch) levels in the blood are elevated, then the doctor can diagnose pancreatic pathology with great confidence.

As soon as it is possible to remove inflammation from the diseased organ, both of these indicators return to normal. True, amylase is restored much faster. But lipase may remain above normal for a long time.

In this case, the amount of enzyme does not increase immediately. If pancreatitis begins, then on the first day lipase levels are still within the acceptable range. Very rarely they increase immediately. Usually, according to tests, the disease is determined only on the third day.

After the onset of the inflammatory process, high levels of lipase are observed from three to seven days. And only then the indicators gradually fall.

Particular attention should be paid if the lipase level is exceeded 10 times or more. Doctors consider such indicators extremely unfavorable. In this case, immediate treatment is required.

Reduced amount of lipase in the blood

Low levels of this enzyme are observed:

  • If there is a malignant neoplasm in the body, and not only in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If pancreatic function is reduced.
  • For cystic fibrosis (or otherwise cystic fibrosis). This is a severe genetic disease with relapses that requires long-term treatment. It occurs due to pathological damage to the exocrine glands.
  • After surgery, when the pancreas is removed.
  • Due to poor nutrition, when the diet contains a large amount of fatty foods.

Doctors also note that if lipase levels are reduced for a long time, this may indicate that pancreatitis has become chronic.

If you have problems with metabolism or the gastrointestinal tract, monitoring the level of lipase in the blood is simply necessary. This is an important indicator that will allow you to detect the disease in time and begin timely treatment.

Various diseases of the digestive system often have the same symptoms. Therefore, in the diagnostic process, a biochemical blood test is necessarily used. During this examination, the content of a substance such as lipase is determined. Let's consider what it is, what is the normal level of the substance in the blood and what reasons can provoke deviations from normal values.

In the process of digesting food, enzymes play an important role. These are specific substances synthesized in the body, their function is to accelerate biochemical reactions to convert nutrients into forms that can be absorbed by cells. One of these enzymes is lipase, which is necessary for the absorption of fats.


The lipase enzyme is a water-soluble substance that acts as a catalyst for the dissolution, fractionation and absorption of fats, fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

Advice! Fat-soluble substances include vitamins of groups A, E, K, D.

Lipase is synthesized in different parts of the body; depending on the location, the following types of enzymes are distinguished:

  • pancreatic lipase, produced in the pancreas;
  • hepatic;
  • intestinal;
  • pulmonary

Advice! Infants produce another type of enzyme - lingual. It is produced by glands located in the mouth.

All types of enzyme perform one function - the absorption of fats. However, pancreatic lipase is considered the most active enzyme. The enzyme enters the digestive system in an inactive form (prolipase). When interacting with bile and other enzymes, it is converted into an active form and takes part in digestive processes.

Pancreatic lipase takes part in the processing of fats that have already been emulsified by bile. Other types of this enzyme are involved in the breakdown of other types of fats.


The lipase synthesized by the pancreas is of greatest diagnostic importance. When organ cells are renewed, some of the enzymes enter the bloodstream. The enzyme enters the kidneys and then enters the blood again.

If pancreatic tissue is damaged as a result of disease or injury, there is a significant increase in lipase levels in the blood. Therefore, most often, an analysis for the content of this enzyme is prescribed in the process of diagnosing acute pancreatitis. This disease is characterized by the following changes in lipase levels in the blood:

  • the concentration of the enzyme in the blood increases within 4-8 hours after the first attack;
  • the maximum enzyme content is observed one day after the first manifestation of the disease;
  • the high concentration remains for 6-7 days, then begins to gradually decrease.

Advice! When diagnosing acute pancreatitis, a comprehensive biochemical analysis is prescribed, during which the concentration of two enzymes is determined - lipase and amylase. This analysis is highly informative; it can be used to diagnose acute pancreatitis in 99% of cases.

If pancreatitis is chronic, then an analysis of the concentration of lipase in the blood is less informative. Cells affected by chronic inflammation cease to synthesize enzymes in the required quantities. Therefore, with this disease, the enzyme content is normal or even reduced.

In addition, an analysis for the content of this enzyme can be prescribed when diagnosing the following diseases:

  • acute cholecystitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • renal failure;
  • obstruction of the small intestine;
  • alcoholism;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • mumps epidemic (a comprehensive analysis for amylase and lipase is required; with mumps, the content of the first enzyme increases, lipase remains within normal limits).

Advice! A test for lipase levels may also be prescribed during a preventive examination, for example, before admission to a hospital.

Carrying out the procedure

The material for the study is venous blood. Samples are taken from a peripheral vein, usually located on the inner bend of the elbow. Two research methods are used in laboratories:

  • enzymatic;
  • immunochemical.

The first method is used more often, since it can be used to quickly obtain results, which is very important in the diagnosis of acute conditions.


In order for the analysis to show correct results, it is important that the patient prepares for it correctly. The rules for preparing for it are standard for all biochemical studies:

  • the last meal should be 12 hours before sampling;
  • the day before the test, you need to avoid alcohol and excessively fatty foods;
  • You should not smoke at least an hour before the test.

Norms and deviations

When performing tests for lipase, the enzyme level does not depend on gender:

  • for the adult population (men and women), the norm for the content of this enzyme is up to 190 U/ml;
  • for patients under 17 years of age, the norm is slightly lower - up to 130 U/ml.


If the norm is increased, then this condition may have the following reasons:

  • Pancreatitis in acute form. With this disease, the norm can be exceeded several tens of times.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. In this disease, lipase is not always elevated. Usually, the excess is not too significant, it lasts about seven days, and then begins to decrease. If, in the chronic form of the disease, the norm of lipase content is exceeded 10 times or more, then this indicates an extremely severe course of the disease.

  • Neoplasms in the pancreas. Benign and malignant cysts and tumors can cause changes in blood composition;
  • Intestinal obstruction or infarction.
  • Gallbladder diseases, cholestasis.
  • Diseases in which fat metabolism is disrupted - obesity, diabetes, gout.
  • Peritonitis. In this case, inflammation of the disease covers all organs of the abdominal cavity, including the pancreas.

An increase in the level of this enzyme during mumps is evidence that the inflammation has spread to the pancreas. In addition, a sharp increase in enzyme levels is observed with injuries leading to rupture of internal organs.

Low level

A decrease in the enzyme level below 7 U/l can be caused by the following reasons:

  • hereditary diseases associated with metabolic disorders: hyperlipidemia, cystic fibrosis;
  • decreased pancreatic function due to pathological changes in organ tissue;
  • oncology (the tumor can be localized anywhere except the pancreas).

So, the digestive enzyme lipase is a substance that takes part in the reactions of fat breakdown. An analysis for the content of this enzyme is most often prescribed in the process of diagnosing acute pancreatitis. However, changes in the level of this enzyme can also be observed in other diseases.

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