Literary works on the topic of responsibility. Arguments. The problem of historical memory

“We are responsible for those we have tamed,” this phrase of Exupery has long become a byword. Responsibility lies with every person constantly: for his loved ones, for his work, for tomorrow, for everything that he has done or is going to do. V.P. Astafiev wrote: “Life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it.” You need to live your life “cleanly” right away, because life doesn’t give you the opportunity to rewrite the “draft”. And living it with dignity, in my opinion, is possible only when a person does not leave a sense of responsibility for words and actions. This problem has been and remains relevant at all times. That’s why writers, even children’s writers, turn to it so often. After all, a person must already understand in childhood that he is responsible for each of his actions, and therefore must clearly distinguish between good and bad.

The hero of A. Pogorelsky’s fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants,” Alyosha, forgetting about his promise, endangers the entire small people living underground, and also loses the favor of those around him. He betrayed his beloved Chernushka: he revealed the secret, began to talk about the black chicken, about knights, about little people... The boy’s spiritual renewal begins with illness. It was as if he had recovered from the evil that had entered his soul. And only after repentance, albeit late, does he manage to become a conscientious and virtuous boy again.

In my opinion, one of the main components of human spirituality is responsibility. Russian people, according to V.P. Astafiev, are spiritually formed by two forces - their native faith and their native literature. They were the ones who gave it scale and opened it up. But our religion also claims that everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds. This means that a believer feels more responsible for what he has done. This is probably why Dostoevsky’s hero, who himself was a deeply religious person, is so tormented and burdened by his crime. Raskolnikov's crime is ignoring Christian commandments. He forgot about responsibility before the law, before people, before God, before his own conscience.

D. Granin, in his essay “On Mercy,” talks about how no one showed any sympathy for him, a man in need of help with a bloody face, on a crowded street. Reading this essay, you involuntarily think: if today we can pass by a person who needs our support, are we not thereby cultivating indifference, callousness and irresponsibility in ourselves and our children? Averting your eyes, turning away, not filling your head with heavy thoughts, which everyone already has enough of, is easier, simpler than taking on the burden of responsibility for someone or something. But aren't we making our lives too easy?

Arguments in the essay of part C of the Unified State Exam in Russian on the topic “The problem of responsibility for one’s actions”

Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) Sergei Nikolaevich Pletenkin returned home, as usual, at half past eight. (2) He worked in a service workshop in the very center of the city. (3) To justify the fuel, on the way home he made a stop near the central market and, if, of course, he was lucky, he picked up a fellow traveler. (4) Today he was incredibly lucky, his soul sang with joy, and he, barely taking off his shoes, without even washing his hands, immediately rushed to the kitchen to tell about the amazing incident. (5) The wife stood near the sink and washed the dishes.

(6) The daughter finished her tea with a dissatisfied look and, capriciously sticking out her lower lip, asked:

(7) – Mom, why not?

(8) “Because...” the mother answered irritably. (9) – Ask your father for time off!

(10) Pletenkin impatiently waved his hand, asking for silence, and, squealing with joy, which always irritated his wife, he began to tell. (11) “Can you imagine, I’m driving past the central market today, some woman slows me down... (12) She asks, so that I can give her a lift to the plant management. (13) I look: a leather coat, stylish boots, well, and her face looks so well-groomed... (14) I immediately said to her: three hundred!.. (15) She even opened her mouth. (16) Well, it’s okay, she sat down, and I took her to the department. (17) She comes out and gives me five hundred rubles... (18) I’m like: “Okay, but I don’t have change!” (19) She looked at me, shrugged her shoulders and said: “Okay, keep the change!” (20) Imagine how lucky you are! (21) – Yes! (22) If only all passengers were like this! – the wife drawled. (23) – You go wash your hands and let’s sit down to dinner... (24) Pletenkin locked himself in the bathroom and began to soap his hands, replaying the details of everything that happened again and again. (25) Thick black hair, thin fingers with a wedding ring, a slightly detached look... (26) This look happens to people who have lost something, and now look at where the missing thing should lie, knowing full well that it is not there they will find it. (27) And suddenly he remembered her! (28) It was Natasha Abrosimova, she studied in a parallel class. (29) Of course, she has changed: she was an invisible ugly girl, and now she has become a real lady, but the melancholy disappointment in her eyes remains. (30) Once in the eleventh grade, he volunteered to accompany her, leading her through quiet streets so that they would not be seen together. (31) Her eyes shone with happiness, and when he asked her to write an essay for him for the competition “You and Your City,” she immediately agreed. (32) Pletenkin took first place, received a free trip to St. Petersburg, and after that he no longer paid attention to the bespectacled plain girl. (33) And only at the prom, after drinking champagne, in a fit of tearful sentimentality, he tried to explain something to her, and she looked at him with the same tired melancholy with which she looked today. (34) - Well, it turns out that I deceived you! (35) – Me? – she smiled. (36) -Did you deceive me? (37) -And who! – he said and grinned stupidly. (38) She left silently. (39) ... Pletenkin gloomily soaped his hands. (40) He thought that he would definitely meet her and return her two hundred, no, not two hundred, but all five hundred rubles... (41) But with... he realized that he would never do this. (42) - Why are you stuck there? (43) Everything is getting cold on the table! - the wife, losing patience, shouted from the kitchen. (44) “Did you deceive me?” – he remembered again, and he trudged off to eat the cooling soup.

(according to S. S. Kachalov)


Each of us is responsible for what we do, say or even think. Sooner or later we will have to answer to others or to ourselves for what we have done against our conscience or against generally accepted moral standards.


Sergei Nikolaevich Pletenkin, the main character of the text by S. S. Kachalov, faced a similar situation. Using the example of the biography of his hero, the story of one amazing incident from his everyday life, the author raises the problem of responsibility for one’s actions.

A comment

The text describes Pletenkin’s simple and leisurely life in a few words. He has a wife and daughter, his life is settled, his work brings a stable income. Sometimes, on especially successful days, he also manages to make good money by driving people for money.

The text presents just one of these successful days. Returning home, where a hot dinner was already waiting for him, Pletenkin told his wife how he managed to successfully lure money out of a woman he met along the way. He asked for 300 rubles for the ride, clearly inflating the price, seeing that in front of him was a wealthy woman. She gave him 500, for which Sergei Nikolaevich could not find change. The girl asked him to keep the change. Such luck.

After some time, the hero realized that he knew this woman, that, as a high school student, he deceived her and took advantage of her trust. Not the first beauty, Natasha Abrosimova (that was the name of a random fellow traveler) did not receive much attention from guys in her youth. Pletenkin began to look after her, accompany her home, and for this he asked the girl to write an essay for him for a citywide competition. She happily agreed.

When the young man won the competition and received a trip to St. Petersburg, he even stopped greeting Natasha. And only at graduation I found the strength to apologize. But the girl just said: “Did you deceive me?” And she left, leaving only her sad, deep look in the hero’s memory. She still looked at him with that look today.

Frowning at his memories, Pletenkin decided that when they met, he would give her all the money. But then I realized that I would never do this.

Author's position

The author is convinced that a dishonest act has no statute of limitations. Sooner or later he will remind you of himself and force you to pay the bills. Having deceived the girl twice, the hero of the story, first of all, deceived himself. And this feeling of guilt before her will not leave him until the end of his days.

Your position

It is impossible to disagree with the author. When deciding on some action or deed, you need to think carefully about how it will be for you to live with it, and whether you will regret it later. Because it will not always be possible to correct what you have done.

Argument No. 1

In literature, almost every work reveals the theme of responsibility for one’s own actions. For example, in “Crime and Punishment” F.M. Dostoevsky's many heroes bear the brunt of responsibility for their actions. Rodion Raskolnikov, killing the old pawnbroker, and with her her feeble-minded sister in the process of giving birth, suffered such pangs of conscience that he literally fainted.

Realizing that all his actions were unjustifiable, during hard labor he sought forgiveness from God in prayers, rereading the Gospel and remembering the brightest person in his life - Sonya Marmeladova.

Argument No. 2

In the story by N.M. Karamzin's "Poor Liza" the main character Erast, who deceived Liza, sold his love for marriage to a rich lady, will suffer for the rest of his life from the fact that he caused the death of a young and naive girl. His thoughtless, selfish actions led to the fact that Lisa, who sincerely loved him, threw herself into the river, unable to bear the betrayal and lies of her loved one.


Whatever we do in life, whatever we strive for, there is always something that limits us - our conscience. Go

You can’t go against her, because later she will remind you of herself more than once. We are responsible for our own destiny, for our own lives and for our actions, good and bad. You need to live in such a way that you will not subsequently be ashamed of yourself and your actions.

Essay on the topic: “The problem of responsibility for one’s actions” (in particular, the responsibility of a scientist in the story) “The Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov

What is responsibility? The concept of responsibility can be viewed from many angles. Since ancient times, philosophers and scientists have pondered the definition of responsibility. From a philosophical point of view, responsibility is a concept that reflects the objective, historically specific nature of the relationship between an individual, a team, and society. A person has the right to make decisions and take actions according to his opinions and preferences, but he must be responsible for their consequences and cannot shift the blame for the negative results of his decisions and actions to others.

Every person is constantly faced with one degree or another of responsibility, both in private and professional life. Many areas of human activity require a special level of responsibility - both moral and legal. Professions such as doctor, lawyer, rescuer and many others are characterized by an increased level of responsibility, since someone’s life and well-being depends on the correctness of the decisions made by these people. People of science - inventors and pioneers - should also be aware of the high level of responsibility for their actions. The fate of the whole world sometimes depends on their sense of responsibility and caution.

The practical implementation of scientific discoveries began to be seen as an important ethical issue in the early 20th century. Many writers have devoted their works to the issue of the responsibility of a scientist. M.A. Bulgakov also raised this issue in his work. In particular, he examines it in his works “Heart of a Dog” and “Fatal Eggs”.

The plot of the story “Heart of a Dog” tells about the experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky, who transplants a human pituitary gland into a dog. The experiment gives an unexpected result. The dog begins to turn into a human. Moreover, both externally and internally he begins to resemble the “donor” of the pituitary gland - the thief and drunkard Klim Chugunkin. Over time, the ward turns into a humanoid monster, without morality and conscience, capable of any meanness and disgust.

One of the main problems in the story is the incorrect and ill-conceived application of scientific discoveries. The author is interested not so much in considering the “discovery” itself, but in how people deal with it - use it for harm or for good.

The image of Professor Preobrazhensky is the image of a creator, a scientist who could exist in any era. Philip Philipovich is in a certain sense “not of this world.” Evangelical motives are also clearly visible in the story. The professor's surname is no coincidence, indicating his role as a creator transforming the world.

The professor repents of his involuntary guilt and tries to correct his mistake. He understands that he is ultimately responsible for Sharikov’s actions. He sees that his ward threatens not only himself, but those around him. Thus, the “reverse” operation is not only self-defense, but a willingness to correct a mistake and protect the world from Sharikovism.

Understanding personal responsibility for one's actions should protect people from dangerous actions and thoughtless actions. On the other hand, many discoveries were made by people precisely as a result of them. It is probably within the power of a person to try to control himself within the limits of the possible and set the goal not to harm anyone, but one cannot completely refuse risk. Otherwise, knowledge of the world will become impossible.

In the story by M.A. Bulgakov's main character is Professor Persikov. As a result of a scientific experiment, light is accidentally refracted and a discovery arises: the ray of life. Under the influence of this ray, organisms begin to develop intensively and become incredibly aggressive. The poorly educated commissar Rokku is entrusted with putting into practice the “red ray” or the ray of life. As a result, instead of replacing the dead chickens, giant snakes and crocodiles hatch from strange spotted eggs and begin to reproduce at incredible speed. Hordes of monsters devour all living things on their way, moving towards the capital. Horror and panic grip the residents of Moscow. An angry crowd kills the professor, considering him to be the culprit of the incident. Bulgakov solves the problem with the help of fiction: on the night of August 18-19, a sudden frost of 18 degrees destroys all the monsters, and everything ends happily. However, the author calls for caution when conducting scientific research, and especially when applying discoveries that have not yet been tested experimentally.

2. M.A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog"

Professor Preobrazhensky is an outstanding researcher in the field of eugenics, a science that deals with the problems of rejuvenation. He decides to try an experiment on a dog. After a transplantation of the pituitary gland and ovaries, a dog picked up on the street turns into a surprisingly arrogant, cruel and immoral type. Taking the surname Sharikov, the dog begins to demand the exercise of his rights. Revealing the essence of a criminal whose pituitary gland was transplanted to him from Klim Chugunkin, he writes a denunciation against his creator, wanting to take possession of the living space. Desperate to solve the problem peacefully, the professor performs a second operation, returning the dog. The experiment may be unpredictable, warns M.A. Bulgakov.

3. A.R. Belyaev "Amphibian Man"

Dr. Salvator, an outstanding scientist, trying to save a sick boy, transplanted shark gills into him. As a result, Ichthyander - that was the boy's name - began to be able to be under water in the same way as on land. But people living in the area mistake the young man for a sea devil. And everything would be fine, but they are hunting him, trying to catch the storm of the seas that scares off the pearl divers. The young man was nevertheless tricked into a trap, caught and forced to fish for pearls. The story ended sadly. Everyone suffered: Ichthyander was arrested and kept in a barrel of stagnant water, Guttiere is suffering, Doctor Salvator is imprisoned. People are not ready to accept the discovery of science because they are superstitious and cowardly.

4. George Orwell "1984"

The creation of a new state based on universal submission to one authority (Big Brother) - that is, a totalitarian state - is an experiment that entails unpredictable consequences. Winston Smith and Julia fell in love suddenly and passionately, which is completely unacceptable in the superpower of Oceania. Here it is not permissible to love, because the object of love is only the state and Big Brother. Under total surveillance, they are soon found and arrested for thought crime. Under torture, Winston initially endures all the tests, but before the final test with rats, he breaks down and betrays Julia. He is released. Once free, Smith suddenly realizes that all this love is heresy and that, in fact, he only loves Big Brother.

We present to your attention materials for argumentative essays on the topic of Responsibility. Below are the problems, theses, quotes and arguments in this area of ​​the essay.

Liability issues
The moral responsibility of a person (artist, scientist) for the fate of the world.
The role of personality in history.
Human moral choice.
Conflict between man and society.
Human and nature.

Theses on the topic of responsibility
A person must feel responsible for his actions.
A person comes into this world not to say what it is like, but to make it better.
It depends on each person what the world will be like: light or dark, good or evil.
Everything in the world is connected by invisible threads, and a careless act or an unexpected word can result in the most unpredictable consequences.
Remember your High human responsibility! Ignorance does not relieve responsibility.

Quotes on the topic of responsibility
Each person is responsible to all people for all people and for everything.
(F. Dostoevsky)
Real responsibility can only be personal.
The man blushes alone.
(F. Iskander)
Responsibility is a strange thing. On the one hand, we are afraid of her, but on the other hand, it is thanks to her that we gain respect and become closer to each other.
(W. Churchill)
Responsibility is a test of a person's courage.
(G. Nelson)
The concept of responsibility must be developed ad infinitum. The human spirit, as the creator, is responsible for everything it has done. We are responsible not only to ourselves, but also to the Cosmos. The phenomenon of responsibility to the Cosmos must be established in human consciousness.
(N. Roerich)
Proverbs and sayings
They learn from mistakes.
What you don’t know, you’re not responsible for. Whoever is given the task is responsible.
The one who is not responsible for his mistakes does not make mistakes. To whom much is given, much will be written off.
The hand sins, but the head is responsible. It’s good to live in honor, but the answer is great. To serve in the service is not to bend one’s heart.
For the truth and for the honor - even to cut off your head.

Arguments on the topic Responsibility

I.S. Turgenev "Asya"
The problem of a person’s responsibility to himself, his feelings, his heart is raised in the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev. In an ordinary love story, Mr. N. showed cowardice and fear of the pressure of the young girl’s sincere feelings. Having abandoned his love, being afraid of responsibility, not wanting to shoulder the burden of worries, troubles and worries, Turgenev’s hero lived his life without ever meeting true love.
Only a geranium flower, once thrown by Asya, reminded him of the possible happiness that had passed by, unfulfilled dreams and feelings. A warning for those who are afraid of responsibility, afraid of complicating their lives by taking care of another person, can be the words of the writer: “...happiness has no tomorrow, it does not have yesterday, it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day, but a moment.”

A. Pogorelsky “Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants”
The problem of responsibility, relevant at any time, attracted the attention of many, even children's writers. That is why they turn to it so often, because already in childhood a person must learn to understand that he is responsible for his every action. Failing to keep his word to the underground knight, Alyosha, the hero of A. Pogorelsky’s fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants,” endangered the small people and lost the respect of those around him.
His story about the black hen and the awareness of the betrayal of his beloved Chernushka led not only to a serious illness, but also to the degeneration of the child’s personality. In the fire of illness, the evil that was hidden in his soul, the laziness that prevented him from living, burned out. Alyosha finally realized that he was responsible both for the knight’s shackles and for the departure of little people from their homes.
Repentance cleansed the boy’s soul and helped him change his attitude towards life.

V.P. Astafiev "Postscript"
In his book “Postscript,” V.P. Astafiev, speaking about his attitude to music, wrote: “Life is not a letter, there is no postscript in it.” These words were uttered under the influence of a feeling of shame for the audience leaving the hall during the concert. Disrespect for the work of musicians caused protest in the writer’s soul, indignation and responsibility for himself and his generation.
It’s not without reason that they say that you need to live your life “cleanly” right away, because life, as a rule, does not give you the opportunity to rewrite the “draft”.
Apparently, only by feeling responsible for his words and actions can a person live his life with dignity, honestly and correctly.
That is why the problem of responsibility still remains relevant today.

A. de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince”
A touching philosophical tale about the little prince by A. de Saint-Exupéry is a bright call to be responsible in friendship and love.
This story about feelings, trust, deception and responsibility for those “who have been tamed” makes the reader think about the huge heart of the little hero, about his spiritual wealth and ability to live in harmony with his small world.

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