Logic games for February 23rd for boys. Games and competitions for discos and parties. Young and old love games

To celebrate this holiday joyfully and remember it for many years, make it special. Let it include various competitions and games. The following will help you do this by describing all possible entertainment.

Kitchen like in the army

The game is played in a humorous manner. Potatoes and knives are placed on the table and participants are invited - brave guys. Those who want to take part in the game think that they will need to peel potatoes, but in fact it is necessary to list all the dishes that are made from potatoes. The person who can name the dish last wins.


Fishing enthusiasts take part in the game. A belt is attached to the waist, to which a pencil is tied with a thread - this is a fishing rod. Fishing will not be easy, but in winter. Therefore, you will need to fish through the hole. An empty bottle is chosen as a hole. Whoever gets the pencil into the bottle first is considered the winner.

Musical competition

The boys perform as many war-themed songs as possible. Two teams take part in the game. The winner is the team that was able to sing the most songs as a result.

Gas attack

Give the kids the opportunity to feel like real soldiers. Everyone can take part in marathon runs and push-ups, as well as play putting on a gas mask against the clock. To do this, two participants come out, and everyone tries to put it on; the one who gives the least time is considered the winner.

Little football

The players are again divided into a pair of teams. Each of them has a belt tied around their waist, a plastic bottle is suspended at knee height, and a little water is poured into it. A matchbox is used as a ball. The game is played against a clock, and hitting the box is only allowed with bottles.

Let's play sniper

To do this, take a three-liter jar and place a glass in it, after which the entire contents are filled with water. Next, participants and those wishing to try their hand at sniper abilities are invited. The guest takes a coin and tries to get it not only into the jar, but also into the glass. Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance, since the water changes the direction of the coin. The winner receives all the coins in the container as a prize.

Button Duel

Everyone is welcome to play as a duelist. Everyone is given six buttons, the opponents must hit each other. To do this, the hand is clenched into a fist, and the thumb supports the index finger. A button is placed on the thumbnail. Using the index finger, the participant fires a shot towards the opponent. The winner is the stronger player.

Strongest of all

To do this, you need to prepare a certain amount of empty matchboxes. An explanation is given to the participant - the outer part is placed on the inside of the box and then both elements need to be flattened at one time. In practice, everything turns out to be quite complicated and it rarely happens that you have to use a second box.

Let's fight

How can you spend a holiday without paying special attention to Armwrestling? The first thing you need to do is take care of a free table, which needs to be roughly divided into a couple of parts. Any boy can further test his strength. You just need to put your elbows on the table, clasp your hands with your opponent and try to overwhelm your opponent’s hand. Whose hand touches the table is considered the loser.

Unforgettable suitor

In this competition we will dilute the male company a little by adding girls to it. Everyone should break into pairs and stand in a circle, the boys standing on one knee in front of the girl. Each boy looks into the eyes of his lady and says pleasant words to her, the one who said it last gets the title of best suitor.

The most accurate shooter

How can a defender of the fatherland not be accurate? Everyone is divided into two teams, in which each of the guests tries himself as a marksman and tries to hit the top ten targets. The one who scores the most points wins. And receives a prize in the form of the “Best Shooter” medal. Show your willpower

Beforehand, each of the guests is informed that in the future they will have to show all their willpower. Next, large sheets of paper with the inscription “WILL” are brought in. As soon as the signal sounds, each participant must crumple the sheet in his hand, and it is forbidden to use the other hand or any other. The winner is the one who does it faster than the rest.

A real spy

Before the start of the game, everyone present chooses “Muller,” who must go to another room. From the remaining guests they choose “Stirlitz”. Next, “Müller” returns and asks leading questions to guess who “Stirlitz” is. The main intrigue is that guests can give an answer using gestures. Once "Müller" has made the correct choice, the game continues. And both participants change places.

Rightfully rewarded

Everyone is given a pin and paper blanks. No more than 5 minutes are given to complete the task, during which time the participant must draw a medal or order for any merit that comes to mind and secure it on the chest with a pin. The options depend on the imagination of the participants themselves, for example: “for an unequal battle with the photocopier,” “for a short time spent on lunch,” “for full dedication to work.” The most creative and cool order wins.

Measuring strength

Those with the largest muscles are invited to the hall. They are given a screwdriver with which they need to drive screws into the board. The one who completes the task first is the winner.

Make a wish come true

At the beginning of the holiday, all guests receive a piece of paper and a pen. Everyone must write down any wish that is easy to fulfill and collect the signatures of all those present under it in the shortest possible time. The one who does this the fastest is rewarded with the fulfillment of a wish written on a piece of paper.

Everyone has some kind of military-themed story in their reserve. In turn, everyone tells the story they consider necessary, and the winner is the one who receives the most applause.

True future colonel

There is a division into teams, each of which consists of at least 4 people. Everyone takes turns describing the qualities that belong to a real colonel. It could be: courage, nobility, honor, courage and the like. Everything goes according to the allotted time. Those participants who named a large number of positive aspects win.

Secure the grenade

Each participant in the competition receives a kitchen apron, a knife and a ripe pomegranate. The main goal is to clean and remove all the grains in the shortest possible time, placing them in a special bowl. The winner is the one who gets dirty the least and completes the task faster than the rest. As a reward, he receives a glass of real pomegranate juice.

Frontline news

All boys are divided into teams and each is given a notebook sheet. Then the first participant begins to write a letter with the words: “Hello, Mom!”, wraps the sheet so that the phrase is not visible and passes it to the next participant. He also writes his own phrase, whatever he wants. And so the sheet of paper is signed, wrapped and passed on in turn until it is finished. The team with the funniest note wins.

Every year, with the arrival of February, all Russian men prepare for the most important and significant holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. According to established tradition, on this wonderful day, congratulations and gifts are expected by all representatives of the stronger sex, from boys in kindergarten and school to male colleagues at work. For future and present defenders of the Fatherland, festive events are held, corporate parties at work, children's matinees for students of different classes - with fun games, funny humorous competitions, and sports competitions. As a rule, competitions for February 23 are selected in a variety of ways, taking into account the “audience”, free space for entertainment, as well as the available “working” props. Of course, all organizational aspects need to be thought through in advance - then the event will run smoothly and you won’t have to hastily resolve various “unscheduled” issues. We bring to your attention the coolest ideas for competitions on February 23, with the help of which you can arrange a fun holiday for boys and men, giving them the opportunity to compete physically or intellectually. So, let's dilute the atmosphere of the main men's holiday with notes of fun and enthusiasm!

Fun competitions for February 23rd for boys in grades 5–7 at school, ideas and videos

Defender of the Fatherland Day at school is always interesting and fun. So, on February 23, the girl “half” of the class congratulates the boys on their holiday, addressing everyone with the warmest and most sincere congratulations. As an option, on the eve of the holiday, a wall newspaper is prepared with photographs of all the boys or friendly cartoons (if there is a skilled “artist” in the class). In addition to presenting gifts and organizing a “sweet” table, you can create an entertainment program with fun competitions - we have collected interesting ideas with videos for boys in grades 5 - 7. However, all schoolchildren will be happy to take part in such cool entertainment. Such fun competitions on February 23 involve determining the winners - they will receive prizes selected taking into account the military theme of the holiday (cars, puzzles, key chains, embossed notebooks).

Competition “We are a team!”

To participate in this competition, all participants are divided into pairs. Then, in each pair, one player needs to be blindfolded and place pins around them at a certain distance from each other. The presenter marks the time and gives a signal. The blindfolded participant carefully moves forward, guided by the “partner’s” prompts. The task can be complicated if the arrangement of pins is changed for each new pair - after the participant is blindfolded. The team that knocks down the fewest pins wins. With the help of this cool competition for February 23, children learn to cooperate and work as a team. And it's just fun and cool!

Competition "Secret Agents"

Boys often imagine themselves as super agents or intelligence officers carrying out an important task behind enemy lines. We offer an interesting idea for a competition for Defender of the Fatherland Day - to declare the guys secret agents and entrust them with transmitting a secret encrypted message. All boy participants are divided into two teams, and a captain is selected for each. According to the terms of the competition, the captain receives a task: to perform a series of movements in a certain sequence. For example, raise your arms up, clap your hands three times, sit down five times, touch your right ear with your left hand, and move your right hand to the side. The captain's task is to exactly repeat the movements of the next player. He, in turn, conveys the “secret message” to the third participant, and so on until the end. The winner is the team that conveys the “encrypted message” to the last “secret agent” more accurately and quickly.

Cool fun competitions for February 23rd for men in the office, ideas with video

For many people, work takes up a large part of daily life, and we sometimes see colleagues more often than some relatives. The tradition of celebrating holidays with family is extremely tenacious - so on February 23, the female half of the office prepares to solemnly congratulate men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. How to surprise your male colleagues on February 23? During table breaks, you can arrange cool competitions and games that will lift the spirits of the entire team and put them in a carefree, festive mood. We offer several ideas with a video of organizing fun competitions for the male part of the team on February 23rd.

Competition "Photo shoot in a gas mask"

Such a cool competition will require preliminary preparation - you need to stock up on a pair of gas masks. All male participants are divided into two teams, which are located on both sides of the table. The presenter and assistant stand at a distance of about 10 meters from the participants - they have cameras in their hands. At the leader’s signal, the first player of each team puts on one of the gas masks lying on the table, and in this form runs up to the “photographer” for a photo. Then the participant in the “photo shoot” returns to his team and passes the gas mask to the next player. The point of this cool competition is to complete a fun “photo shoot” wearing gas masks as quickly as possible. From the resulting photos you can later make a collage and the whole team can admire the result.

Competition "Kitchen duty"

Such “culinary” competitions on February 23 will remind many men of the “charms” of military service. Thus, women can present their male colleagues with a “surprise” - a “high-speed” potato peeling competition. Participants in the competition are given knives and a large tuber - it is assumed that they will have to peel potatoes at speed. However, unexpectedly, the presenter suggests organizing a competition on knowledge of dishes made from this popular vegetable. The men take turns naming potato dishes, trying to remember as many as possible. The most erudite “cook” is declared the winner and receives a cool prize - here the imagination is unlimited!

Table competitions and games for corporate parties on February 23, funny with video

In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, the management of companies and firms presents their employees with a pleasant “surprise” - a festive corporate party in the banquet hall of a restaurant or cafe, outdoors. Each of these options has its own advantages, but many prefer to gather within their own “working” walls. After all, at such an entertaining event, colleagues can have fun in an informal atmosphere, get to know each other better and even make friends with each other. In the corporate party scenario, you can include cool competitions for February 23 with a light “touch” of humor. Of course, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, men will rightfully be the center of attention - however, all employees can take part in some competitions. Here you will find interesting ideas with videos for corporate competitions for February 23 - creative inspiration for you!

Competition "Charming Pilots"

By February 23, the main participants in this cool competition will be three lively, funny men - there will be such people in every team. Before the “flight”, the presenter gives a parting speech about the responsibility of pilots to the crew and passengers, the ability to inspire confidence in oneself, as well as the professionalism of real “lords of the sky.” According to the terms of the competition, the task of the “pilots” is to lure on board as many women from the audience as possible. How to do this? With the help of charm and masculine charms, brave “pilots” “recruit” the crew and passengers from among the female employees. The “pilot” who attracts the most female colleagues to his side wins – everyone chooses the method and means of “attracting” himself.

Competition "Guess who drinks vodka"

To conduct such a drawing competition, you can attract any number of players, and the details you will need are transparent glasses with straws - according to the number of participants. 150 grams of liquid is poured into each glass. At the beginning of the competition, the presenter announces that only one of the glasses contains vodka, and the rest contain clean water. Then the participants begin to drink through a straw, trying not to show what they are drinking. The rest of those present at this time try to guess by the appearance of the players who has alcohol in their glass. When the glasses are empty, the presenter “reveals the cards” - it turns out that there was vodka in all the glasses!

Funny competitions for February 23 in kindergarten with dads, ideas, videos

On the holiday of February 23, kindergartens hold matinees with the invitation of parents - mothers and fathers of children. It is impossible to imagine such entertaining events without fun funny competitions and games in which boys and their dads can take part. We have selected interesting video ideas for competitions for Defender of the Fatherland Day that both children and parents will enjoy.

Competition "Fishermen"

Boys and fathers can take part in this cool competition - fishing lovers will especially enjoy the entertainment. Each participant wears a belt with a thread tied to it, to which a pencil (“fishing rod”) is attached. Since it is winter, the “fishermen” go for winter fishing - the hole in this case is represented in the form of the neck of an empty bottle. The winner of the competition is the one who gets the fishing rod into the hole first.

Competition "Best Sniper"

For the competition you will need a three-liter jar filled with water, into which a glass is placed. Then the presenter invites children and dads - their task is to hit a glass with a coin from a distance of several steps. At first glance, everything is simple, but one difficulty is that the trajectory of the coin is constantly changing due to the liquid in the jar. The most accurate sniper is declared the winner of the competition and receives a prize - coins found inside the jar.

Ideas for cool competitions for guys on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a significant and important holiday for any guy or man. For this significant date, you can organize an entertaining event with cool competitions that will “dilute” traditional dinner gatherings. For our courageous defenders - the best ideas for competitions for February 23!

Competition "Protect the Orange"

The presenter selects two participants from among boys and men. Everyone is given a spoon - it needs to be held in their teeth, and an orange or an egg placed on top. According to the terms of the competition, players must try to throw off the opponent's orange while keeping the fruit on their spoon. It is prohibited to “use” your hands during the game.

Competition "Accuracy Test"

At the end of the party in honor of February 23, a lot of empty beer cans are collected - it's time to organize a competition for accuracy. The cans are placed in one line, and the participants shoot at the “target” with bullets from a children’s Chinese pistol. Whoever knocked down the most cans won.

Funny competitions on February 23 are a great opportunity to have fun, as well as test the dexterity, courage and strength of men and boys. On our pages you will find interesting ideas for competitions for February 23 - for boys in school and kindergarten, men in the office, corporate events at work. Such cool competitions on February 23 will add a “touch” of humor and fun to the strict atmosphere of the holiday. Happy holiday to you!

Defender of the Fatherland Day (game - competition for primary school students)

Target: create a festive atmosphere in a competitive game.


Development of memory, attention, organization, independence;

Formation of collectivism;

Development of speech, creative abilities, cognitive interest of students;

Forming an attentive and caring attitude towards your classmates

1. Speech by girls with congratulations:

There is one fun class

We have 12 boys.

We congratulate them today

This is what we wish for them.

Learn only 5

We will help you.

Just don't wonder

And never fight with us.

Bogatyrsky health

We want to wish you

Best skiing

And beat everyone at football!

May luck be with you,

Only you are friends with us.

Help us in everything,

Protect us from others.

In general, nice boys,

We'll tell you a secret

The best in the whole wide world

Of course there is no one!

Competition program (all boys in the class are divided into 2 teams.)

Nomination "The Best Fisherman"

Team members take turns calling fishing items. Whoever is last wins.

- Agree on the proverb(teams take turns completing the task; if a team has difficulty, fans help)

Birds of a feather flock together)

That's why the pike is in the lake, so that... (the crucian carp is not dozing)

Without fish and... (cancer fish)

You can’t catch it without difficulty... (a fish from a pond)

The fish looks for where it is deeper, and the man...(better)

The fish rots from ... (head)

You can see a chatterbox by his words, and a fisherman by... (catch)

There is a bite, there will be... (catch)

Every fish is good as long as it’s on... (the hook went)


What kind of fish was the godfather carrying in the Russian folk song “Along the Piterskaya”? (zander)

What fish reaches speeds of up to 100 km/h? (sword)

What kind of fish lies on one side? (flounder)

Which fish has hot blood? (tuna)

A school of fish? (jamb)

The biggest fish in the river? (som)

Male name and fish? (Carp)

A device for observing stars and aquarium fish (telescope)

- Game "Catch a Fish"

The teams stand up. Opposite each team there is a basin of water where “fish” - matches - swim. You need to catch a match with a spoon, bring it and put it in a plate. Who is faster.

2. Nomination "Best Cook"

- Bake a cake

Each team writes on a piece of paper in one minute the name of the products needed to make the cake.

- Build a pyramid of bagels

Opposite each team is a pyramid stick. Each team has bagels on the table. Participants take a bagel with their mouth without using their hands, run to the pyramid, and put on the bagel. .Who is faster.

3. Nomination "Best Driver"

- Formula 1

Use the string to guide the machine between the pins without dropping them.

- Race

There is a pencil attached to the typewriter. Who will bring the car to him faster by winding a rope around a pencil?

4. Nomination "Secret Agent"

- Explainers

Use facial expressions to explain the words:

Dining room



- Pantomime


Chess match

On the table, each team has a chessboard drawn on a piece of paper and cut into irregular pieces. Who can collect it faster?

5. Nomination "Intellectual"

Tricky question

If the chair is lower than the table, then the table... (higher)

If a river is deeper than a stream, then the stream... (smaller)

If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother... (younger)

If the right hand is on the right, then the right leg... (on the right)

Which five letter word has 5 -O (again)

What is between the river and the shore? (letter I)

What is the product of all numbers? (0)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (from empty)

Collect the word

On the board there are letters O M K D A R I N to form a word. Who is faster.


Summing up the game. Girls give gifts.


1. Magazine “Read, learn, play” 1998 No. 1

2. V. Georgievsky Holding holidays in elementary school. Moscow, education 1988

3. E. I. Romashova A fun birthday for children. Moscow ART-PRESS.

Very soon we will be seeing off winter. But first, the whole country will celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Are you ready for the holiday? Check out the new competitions for February 23 for boys for 6th grade. Funny and interesting competitions that you can play at school and on the street. Among the competitions there are team, sports and logic competitions. So everyone will be interested.

Competition 1.
In the first competition, the boys will have to show all their skills. After all, they will make crafts from paper. Namely: every boy must make his own army! That is, in the allotted time, the boys must make one paper airplane, one paper tank and one paper boat.
But that is not all! then they will have to paint them all in their own colors. That is, come up with your own coat of arms and your own symbols. After the jury, and these are girls with teachers, they evaluate the boys’ creativity.
Each jury member gives his ratings to each boy. And whoever has the most ratings in the end wins this competition.

Competition 2.
The second competition “follows” from the first. That is, now the boys must show their troops in “battle”!
The airplanes are shown first. To do this, first all the boys send their airplanes forward. Whoever's airplane flew the furthest gets 1 point.
Next, you need to put a hoop on the floor. And each boy launches his airplane again, and it must land in the hoop. Whoever's airplane lands in the hoop again gets 1 point.
And the next stage of this competition is with tanks. All paper tanks are placed on the floor, in one line. At the leader's command, all the boys blow on their tanks. Whoever's tank went the furthest gets 1 point.
Afterwards, the points are counted and whoever has the most wins the competition.

Competition 3.
In this competition we divide all the boys into 2 teams. First, they need to take turns naming things and objects that belong to the army. For example, a pistol, boots, a machine gun, a grenade, an overcoat, and so on. You are given only 5 seconds to think. If a team does not name an object or thing in turn, then it loses.

Competition 4.
Teams remain in this competition as well. There will be a quiz with questions. The question is asked which team was the first to press the button 9 and blow the whistle), which is the first to answer. If the answer is correct, then this is 1 point. If the answer is not correct, then the second team can answer. And if he answers correctly, he will immediately receive 2 points! This is done in order to eliminate cases when teams, after a question, simply whistle to be first, even if they don’t know the answer.
Quiz questions.
1. Where is the vest worn? (on the body)
2. Do tank crews wear a cap, a Panama hat or a cap? (all answers are incorrect. The correct answer is helmet)
3. What do you need to know to answer a call sign? (password)
4. Warlord with one eye? (Kutuzov)
5. What is the name of the room on the ship? (cabin)
6. What is the name of the ghost ship? (Flying Dutchman)
7. The most famous pirates? (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Competition 5.
The next competition will reveal the most dexterous one. In this competition you can play in teams, or everyone can play for themselves.
For the competition, you need to lay out paper trails on the floor. Lay them out so that you can step from step to step. Participants also need to place a sheet of paper on their palm. At the command of the leader, participants must follow the paper trail and at the same time carry a sheet of paper in their palm. You can only step on paper trails. If they stepped past, they walked into a mine! You also need to hold a sheet of paper on your palms. If the leaf fell and fell on the floor, then it also hit a mine!

Goals: to congratulate the boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day; develop the creativity, ingenuity, dexterity, and artistry of students.


1) 5-7 people take part in competitions. The participants are boys from the class, their assistants are dads. Mothers, girls, teachers, classmates - fans.
2) Homework for participants: make a craft from waste materials and waste.
3) Competitions are judged by a jury selected from those present. The reward for winning the competition is a token in the form of a quality mark; the number of tokens received will determine the winner of the evening.


Our evening is dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday was established in 1919 as Red Army Day and is dedicated to the victories over the troops of the Kaiser's Germany in 1918. Since 1946, after the Red Army was renamed into the Soviet Army, the name of the holiday also changed. It became known as the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Currently, February 23 is celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia,” adopted on February 10, 1995. By decision of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, since 2002, February 23 is a non-working day.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a professional holiday for the military. However, this holiday has long ceased to be just professional. It turned into a holiday for all men. A man should always be strong, courageous, capable of protecting his family and Motherland, regardless of whether he is a military man or not.

The matter is in hand,
There is no time for boredom.
They say about this:
"Skillful fingers!"
Craft any item
Can do it without any problems
Let such talent bloom
Gives joy to everyone!

Competition "Crazy"

Let's look at the crafts of our participants. They had waste materials at their disposal: plastic bottles, boxes, bags, and so on.

Each participant comes on stage with a craft and gives a short comment.

This competition is judged by a jury.


Has been admired for many years
Your powerful intellect:
He solves all dilemmas
Eliminates all problems
He will divide everything, he will multiply everything
And he will put it on the shelves.

Competition "Erudites"

Now let's test your erudition. You need to replace the phrase with one word that ends in - ets.

1) School bag. (Knapsack.)
2) Bitter plant. (Pepper.)
3) Left without a wife. (Widower.)
4) Smart person. (Sage.)
5) Not a female. (Male.)
6) Hiding from persecution. (Fugitive.)
7) Traded in Rus'. (Merchant.)
8) Makes horseshoes. (Blacksmith)
9) Crowns the case. (Crown.)

This competition is judged by a jury.


All worries are gone,
All problems have disappeared
Life is very camp
Good for the soul.
Make the path easy
Yes, the weather is flying,
No matter how much you stomp
With a backpack on the trails.

Competition "Geographical"

Well done, you are doing a great job. How well do you know geography? Now we will check this. I will read the quatrain, and you can guess the name of the country based on its meaning and rhyme. But this is not enough; its capital must also be named.

Unity day is now for us
There is no holiday more important or bigger!
But why the enthusiasm?
They don’t share it in... (Poland, Warsaw).

Iris, mallow, nasturtium,
A sea of ​​roses and cornflowers.
Struck us... (Türkiye, Ankara).
The beauty of flower beds.

Arriving in Odessa, among friends
I didn’t meet Gali at the port.
I look around carefully -
And this... (Portugal, Lisbon).

With their songs "Pesnyarov"
Counting, Rus' sang,
And the songs of Namin's "Flowers"
Loved... (Belarus, Minsk).

Raina's bitch got dressed again
In poplar fluff.
The wind is blowing from... (Ukraine, Kyiv).
Swarms of white flies.

I carry the marshal's baton in my backpack.
But there’s just one thing I don’t understand:
How do marshals handle such darkness?
The unfortunate one will feed... (France, Paris).

This competition is judged by a jury.

Competition "Helper"

We tested erudition and knowledge of geography. But adult life and new challenges await you ahead. And how you prepare for these tests while helping your mother, we will now see.
Imagine this is your little sister. Mom went to work, and you need to braid your sister’s hair and tie a bow.

Each participant is given a bow, hair bands, and combs. And they do their classmates' hair.


Well done, but that's not all. Imagine that your button has come off. Mom, as usual, is not at home. And you urgently need to sew on a button.

Each participant is given a needle, thread, and button. Participants sew buttons on for a while.


You did an excellent job with this difficult task. And they were probably very hungry. We need to make soup. And for this you need to peel the potatoes.

Each participant is given a potato and a knife. Participants peel potatoes for a while.

This competition is judged by a jury

Competition "The stock is too tight"

Why do boys need pockets?
Well, how can you not know!
Boys wear them all the time
Must keep half the kingdom:
Coin, gum, toffee
And a water pistol
And also someone's note,
Which has a terrible secret!

What's in our boys' pockets? Let's get a look...

Everyone puts out everything they have in their pockets; the one with the most items wins.

Competition "Karaoke"

What can our guys do?
We have seen now.
This competition will tell the truth.
We start singing for an hour.

Each of us has our own favorite song. You've probably noticed that when you're in a good mood, you hum your favorite song. And at our holiday there is a warm, friendly atmosphere, and I am sure that everyone is in a great mood. And now the boys will perform their favorite songs for us.

The boys perform their favorite songs and the audience gives their ratings.


Eh, the people are frail these days,
Fight these people?
I would like to measure my strength
With the strongest, wait...

Our boys are the future defenders of the Fatherland. And physical training is very important here. And now we will see what our boys can already do.

Competition "Sports"

1) Who can do the most push-ups from the floor?
2) Who can jump rope the longest?
3) Who will throw the balloon the farthest?
4) Who can press the weight the most?
5) Who can dance rock and roll the longest?


Our evening is coming to an end. We thank all participants. You coped with the tasks perfectly, showed brave prowess, heroic strength, resourcefulness, and quick wits. And the girls have prepared a surprise for you.

The girls sing a song to the tune of "Lavender", dedicated to their classmates.

Everything happens in our life,
And the snow doesn't melt under the sun,
And greets winter with warmth:
It rains in December.
We don't know ourselves yet
We break a lot of wood in life,
We are losing a lot of important things
But we don’t always find it.
Boys! Dear boys!
And now there are songs and flowers for you.
Boys! Dear boys!
May all your dreams always come true!

Additional material:

Immediately after the victory of the October armed uprising in Petrograd, the Soviet government on October 27, 1917 turned to the peoples and governments of the states participating in the First World War in order to begin negotiations on concluding a just democratic peace. Germany, fighting on the Western and Eastern fronts, agreed to take part in the negotiations, which began on November 20, 1917 in Brest-Litovsk.
Russia's exit from the war could ease the situation for Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey.
The Soviet government, in order to protect its state from Kaiser Germany, began to create regular armed forces. January 15 (28), 1918, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) signed the decree “On the organization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” (RKKA), and on January 29 (February 11) - the decree “On the organization of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Fleet” (RKKF).
On February 18, 1918, Austro-German and Turkish troops, treacherously violating the truce concluded on December 2 (15), 1917, invaded Soviet Russia and began to occupy Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.
On February 21, German troops captured Minsk. During this laziness, the Soviet government addressed the people with the appeal “The Socialist Fatherland is in danger!” On February 23, Red Army Day was held in Petrograd under the slogan of defending the socialist Fatherland from the Kaiser’s troops. The people actively rose up to defend the country and the revolution. The first detachments of the Red Army were created in Petrograd, Moscow and other Russian cities. Fortifications were built around Petrograd, and the fronts and ships of the Baltic Fleet were put on alert. The days of the mobilization of the revolutionary forces of the people and the heroic defense of the Red Army from the invasion of the hordes of German imperialism became the days of the formation of the Red Army.
German troops captured Tallinn (Revel) and Pskov on February 25, and Narva on March 3. In Ukraine, Austro-German troops, advancing together with Petliura’s counter-revolutionary troops, captured Kyiv on March 1 and restored the power of the Central Rada (Council) there. The Soviet government, which did not have enough strength to repel the German interventionists, was forced to sign the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty, which was unfavorable for the country, on March 3, 1918, which was annulled only in November 1918, after Germany’s defeat in the First World War.
On February 23, 1919, at a meeting of the Petrograd Council of Workers and Red Army Deputies, dedicated to the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, the chairman of the All-Russian Committee (VTsIK) Ya.M. made a welcoming speech. Sverdlov, who said that the Red Army was created primarily to repel a foreign enemy.
Since 1922, honoring the Red Army and Navy on their anniversary has acquired the character of a great national holiday. On February 22, 1922, a parade of troops of the Moscow garrison took place on Red Square.
In 1923, in honor of the Day of the Red Army and Navy, an order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic was first issued.

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