Lyapis Trubetskoy lost weight before and after. Sergei Mikhalok: “No, I won’t go to Russia. "Lyapis Trubetskoy" now

Sports are for everyone. Music is for everyone. Poetry is for everyone. The leader of the Lyapis Trubitskoy group, Sergei Mikhalok, shows by his example that even at 40 years old you can be in excellent sports and musical shape!

1999 Sergei Mikhalok acts as a kind of jester, colored shirts, funny face, beer belly, etc. The creativity of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group is accompanied by alcoholic intoxication; their music could easily be classified as popular pop music. “Yabloni”, “Au”, “Metelitsa” played from all the cassette players in the country, the group was at the zenith of its glory... By that time Sergei already weighed 107 kilograms, and realized that it was time to change something, both creatively and in terms of self-development .

Diet principles of Sergei Mikhalok

Sergei lost the first 15 kilograms at home. In addition to exercising, he changed his diet and eating habits. The main principle is to find taste in simple foods, such as tomato salad or fish. If you just force yourself not to eat what you love, then nothing will happen. At the same time, you should not limit yourself in the amount of food, the main thing is not quantity but quality. Since 2000, Sergei Mikhalok stopped drinking strong alcoholic drinks, with the exception of several breakdowns.

“I believe that you are what you eat. For example, you chew chips, and your brain, entrails, bones become the same structure... If you hit the hump, everything crumbles. Leis people, at best with dill, at worst with pork and fat.”

After Sergei lost 25 kilograms, it did not look very good, since there was almost no muscle mass. Therefore, he began to diligently pump iron and also practices martial arts.

In 2005, the Leader of the Lyapis Trubetskoy Group led a kind of reclusive lifestyle and completely withdrew into himself, left alone with his thoughts. During this period, he devoted even more time to sports: Daily two-hour cyclocross races around the city + Muay Thai training.

After Thai boxing, Mikhalok switched to classical boxing, which, according to Sergei himself, is a little more difficult. Usually a musician-athlete has five training sessions a week, even on tour, training is sacred. In the most severe situations, at least an hour-long boxing warm-up. , – a set of 3 minutes with a break of 1 minute. Well, the main exercise is shadow boxing.

Today, Sergei Mikhalok’s lifestyle is intense training every morning, individual training, plus jogging, plus diet...

“I gained excellent physical shape, mental harmony and gave up bad habits such as drugs, alcohol, and smoking... I lost weight and can do 23 - not bad for a 40-year-old former alcoholic and drug addict.”

Perfice Te - Improve yourself

Metamorphoses also occurred with the group itself. Many of the team were not ready to accept a new way of thinking and new music. Now “Lyapis” play fast music that requires serious internal organization. If earlier you could allow yourself to yell “Apple Tree” in a drunken state, to put it mildly, not quite hitting the notes, but with the new repertoire this is simply not permissible. Some of the guys in the group followed Mikhalko’s new beliefs and became seriously interested in martial arts. So now, as a joke, “Lyapis” call themselves a pop-boxing group.

90s. Mikhalok works at the Bamboo Theater as a director, screenwriter and actor. "Lyapis Trubetskoy" was created, but is more entertainment than work. In those years, Mikhalok was a regular at the “attics” in the GUM area - workshops that were given to fifth-year students of the Academy of Arts to prepare their diploma works, and in which Minsk bohemia gathered. We drank a lot. And not only. In those same “dashing 90s,” Mikhalok suffered clinical death from an overdose of the then popular drug “Jeff.”

1996 Concert in the Trade Unions Palace of Culture, after which “lapis” sounded from every iron. Presentation of the album “Smyarotnae Vyaselle”. The main hits of that time were “The Wounded Heart”, “Seagulls”, “Blind Guslar”, “Green-Eyed Taxi”, as well as a remade song from “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, which Lyapis Trubetskoy practically never performed again. From that moment on, one might say, “lapis” began to sound from every iron.

During the legendary concert at the Trade Unions Palace of Culture, after which the “lapis” woke up famous.

If you turn into a flower in a field,

I'll find your petals like a bee.

At least hide, at least don't hide,

You are still mine.


In 1996, Lyapis Trubetskoy received the main prize at the then very authoritative Rock Coronation festival. Music critics made a fuss about the fact that the music that Lyapis Trubetskoy was playing at that moment could not be called rock. Articles in the press really hurt

Festival "Rock Coronation". Oleg "Jagger" Minakov presents the rock crown to Sergei Mikhalok

I read poems out loud to you,

I bought expensive cookies

I walked your stupid, stupid dog

Do you remember, he gave me foreign chewing gum?

But you, you, you threw, you,

You, you threw, you.

year 2000- Mikhalok stopped drinking strong drinks, with the exception of a couple of breakdowns.

Then he drank beer and dry wine. Well, there were breaks for hashish and marijuana,” he once admitted in an interview.

In 2000, a joint project with the artist Alexey Khatskevich, “Sasha and Sirozha,” appeared, in which Mikhalok took the idea of ​​clownery to the point of absurdity. The comic characters Sasha and Sirozha had real prototypes, which Alexey Khatskevich met at art school. These were brothers from the village. Mikhalok introduced the word “koldir” (which means hillbilly) into use among young people.

Lie down on the bed

head north

You will dream of summer,

butterflies and clover

Hormones, singers and microphones want to sleep

Sasha and Sirozha

They fall asleep too.

In 2003 - 2004 Mikhalok took part in Lyavon Volsky’s project “Krambambulya”. By the way, the video for the main hit “Gosci” featured then very young swimmer Alexandra Gerasimenya, football player Alexander Gleb, cyclist Natalya Tsilinskaya and football player Alexander Khatskevich.

Sergey Mikhalok, Lyavon Volsky and Alexander Kullinkovich in the project "Krambambula".

Then the men died at the Aichynnai War Museum

We drank cappuccina cava back then.

We all have to talk about it

I don’t want any cappuccino

And from the museum, the state brought down a couple of blows

In 2003 Sergey Mikhalok officially registered the relationship between Alesya Berulava (the group “Mantana” and Merry Poppins). And three years later, the breakup occurred quietly, almost amicably. Former spouses in interviews constantly said that they remained relatives to each other. This year the maxi-single “Chyrvony Kalisony” was released, in which the group tries to completely go into reggae, ska and gypsy.

That's Polish bugs,

then Polish music

And the cucaracha,

Polish boogie-woogie

Stanislava bought

chyrvony calisons

And he doesn't care

our bugs

2004 - 2005. The music of “Lyapis Trubetskoy” was played a lot in films. The hit "Men Don't Cry" even surpassed the series of the same name in popularity. Few people know that the song was dedicated to the director of the group, Evgeny Kalmykov, who was untimely widowed.

"Lyapis Trubetskoy" with the group "Zob shi Zdub"

"There will be luck,

Zheka, you know

Men do not cry.

And tears from the wind,

and tears from ashes,

Oh oh oh,

they must be forgotten."

2004 became a turning point in the life of Sergei Mikhalok. After another binge, he announced that he would no longer drink at all. I started losing weight.

In 2007- the albums “Capital”, “Manifesto” and “Kultprosvet”, in which the “lapis” finally appeared as revolutionaries and anti-globalists. Alcoholic T-shirts were replaced by muscles, and anger mixed with self-irony appeared in the texts.

The video for the song "Capital" became the most unusual in the history of the group.

In the left hand - Snickers,

in the right hand - "Mars",

My PR manager -

Karl Marx.

My face is Madonna

inside - made of rotten pears.

Everyone on your knees!

Orchestra, touch!

2011. New armor-piercing video “Don’t be a beast” based on the poems of the classic of Belarusian literature Yanka Kupala. Mikhalka’s statements in interviews became angrier. The Minsk prosecutor’s office drew attention to one of the interviews and issued a summons “in order to verify his statements addressed to the authorities of Belarus.” The musicians decided not to tempt fate and moved to Moscow for a while. Moreover, the group’s concerts took place mainly in Russian cities.

year 2012"Lyapis Trubetskoy" gave more than a hundred solo concerts with the Belarusian-language program "Don't be to the brutes!" and “Rabkor”, and also performed at all the main open air events in Russia and neighboring countries.

The video for the song “Nya byts skotam” was filmed against the backdrop of historical Belarusian symbols.

year 2013– Mikhalka and Zelenkovskaya had a son, Makar.

In 2016 Sergei Mikhalok finally managed to break through the strange situation of his performances in Belarus. 5 years later, he performed in his homeland for the first time - first at the Ice Palace in Gomel with the group Brutto, and then with two concerts in Minsk with the Lyapis98 project. Tickets for them sold out throughout the day. A tour of Belarus is planned for the end of February - beginning of March, the final concert of which on March 8 will be a big concert at the Minsk Arena.

You've fallen many times, you have hundreds of scars on your body.

You learned to live through pain

But your time has come, go forward, hit with your right hand

Time to win, don't miss your chance

No one is betting on you

No one is betting on you

Nobody puts Underdog on you

You will force yourself to respect

You will force yourself to respect

You will force yourself to respect

The world is at your feet

Nikifor Lyapis, a hack poet with the pseudonym Trubetskoy, became associated not only with a cult work, but also with a well-known group.

History and composition

In 1989, the Lyapis Trubetskoy team appeared on the stage of the large-scale event “Three Colors” in the city of Minsk. Under the leadership of a student at the Belarusian Institute of Culture, Dmitry Sviridovich, Ruslan Vladyko and Alexey Lyubavin played at concerts, but did not exist as a group outside of events.

Sergei Mikhalok is originally from Dresden, but received his education in Minsk, where he arrived with his family only in the early 80s. The biography of the Lyapis leader has been associated with creativity since childhood. In the early 90s, Mikhalok was actively involved in amateur performances, writing music and lyrics. With the help of a guitarist, bass player and drummer, he brings his own punk rock compositions to life on stage.

It is noteworthy that before participating in the Minsk “Festival of Musical Minorities” the group did not have full daily rehearsals. Participants met immediately before the event. After this festival in the Teacher’s House, the group began to work in an intensive mode, and already in 1994 a fateful meeting took place with Evgeny Kalmykov, who later became the director of the group.

At that time, the group received a fee for a performance for the first time and went on a debut tour with the Bamboo Theater (without leaving the borders of the republic) on a bus with the concert program “Conquest of Space”.

A series of concerts, the festival “Unknown Cinema of Gagarin” (organized by artist Vasily Novitsky), performances on the same stage with famous rock bands (Chufella Marzufella) led Lyapis to the idea of ​​​​recording a cassette.

In 1995, a recording was made from a concert at the Alternative Theater, which was called “Love Kapets”. One hundred cassettes were produced, of which less than half were sold. With the growing popularity of the group, the work was re-released, but as “Wounded Heart”.

In 1995, the composition of the group was as follows: Ruslan Vladyko (guitarist), Alexey Lyubavin (drummer), Valery Bashkov (bassist) and leader Sergei Mikhalok. A year later, the musical accompaniment in the group was supplemented by a trumpet, violin, horn and another guitar (Egor Dryndin, Vitaly Drozdov, Pavel Kuzyukovich, Alexander Rolov).


In 1996, at the suggestion of the head of Kompleksbank, Evgeniy Kravtsov, Lyapis recorded at the Mezzo Forte music studio. In June, at the rock music festival in Gorky Park in Minsk, the group played the album “Wounded Heart”. The composition “Lu-ka-shen-ko” (the motif is from the song “Bu-ra-ti-no”) created a furor. The hit was not included in the list of songs on the album, but all two hundred copies of the cassettes were sold out.

Song "Lu-ka-shen-ko" by the group "Lyapis Trubetskoy"

On October 4, 1996, the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy” presented the public with their second album “Smyarotnaya Vesele”. The presentation took place in Minsk, at the Trade Union Palace of Culture. The concert recorded on cassette did not satisfy the soloist, but the recording was of high quality. There is no label on the cover. The hits “Kinula”, “It’s a pity that the sailor”, “Pilot and Spring” appeared on the recording.

The excitement around the new rock idols led to the emergence of opponents of their work. The press reacted sharply negatively. However, at the Rock Coronation-96, Lapis took three awards: “Best Group of the Year”, “Album of the Year” and “Best Author of the Year” (there were four nominations in total). The awards provided Lyapis with the title of “rock king”.

Song "Au" by the group "Lyapis Trubetskoy"

After that, there was no news about “Lyapis Trubetskoy” for a year, except for media speculation about the creative crisis of Sergei Mikhalok. At this time, the group practically did not give concerts and did not release new material.

In 1997, directors as part of the tandem “Bolek & Lelek” shot the first video for the group for the song “Au”. The video contains photographs of the participants and animation made from plasticine. A particularly recognizable hit of Lyapisov is the song “You threw it.” In 1998, the group went on a tour within Belarus.

The song “You threw it” by the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy”

The popularity of the group is growing rapidly in Russia. The storm of indignation among Belarusian fans has subsided. Later the album “Lapisdance” with remixes was released. It is interesting that Sergei Mikhalok himself did not take any part in the recording of the remixed tracks.

Then, with the support of the Soyuz studio with Evgeny Kravtsov, an album with recordings from the archive of the group “Lubov Kapets: Archive Recordings” is released. The cover of “Green-Eyed Taxi” (part of the album “Wounded Heart”) won great popularity on Russian radio stations, for which the author of the song, Oleg Kvasha, caused a scandal in 1999.

Song “Green-Eyed Taxi” by the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy”

In 1998, the album “Beauty” was released. It is impossible to guess his exact mood. However, how to define a single genre of compositions. After the presentation of the album, Lyapis continues to tour.

In the early 2000s, the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy” signed a contract for cooperation with the Real Records studio, which releases the collection “Heavy”. But not all compositions aroused delight. Some radio stations refused to broadcast the songs “Along the Alleys” and “Druzhban”. Later, “Union” re-released the album “Beauty” with a different name - “All the Girls Like It”, which included the hits “Love turned its back on me”, “Grapevine” and a cover of “My Baby”.

Song “In a White Dress” by the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy”

In 2001, the album “Youth” appeared. Later I had to part with Alexei Lyubavin. In his place they took a new drummer - Alexander Starozhuk. 2003 was marked by the release of a major collection “Chyrvony Pants”, a year later - “Golden Eggs” (“Rainka”, “Postmen”).

In 2004-2005, work continued on the next album, new compositions, and the soundtrack for the film “Men Don’t Cry” was recorded. The material accumulated during this period became the content of the collection “Men Don’t Cry,” released in 2006. It included songs that managed to gain popularity over the year (“Andryusha”, “Hare”), and several soundtracks. By the way, tracks from this album made it to the top of the charts (“Hare” on “Our Radio”).

Song "Capital" by the group "Lyapis Trubetskoy"

In 2006, bass guitarist Dmitry Sviridovich left the band twice. Instead, Denis Sturchenko remained on this instrument. The album “Men Don’t Cry” was renamed “Capital”. We can say that the collection is a debut in the style of socio-political satire. Until this time, Lapis had not touched upon such topics, but the fans welcomed the new trend cordially.

Until 2011, the Lyapis Trubetskoy group continued active creative activity. The song “Capital” became an absolute hit for the group, the video won the music charts. The group members changed (the founder Sergei Mikhalok remained unchanged), but the work never stopped. During this time, the compositions “Golden Antelope”, “Manifesto”, “Rock Baby Dolls” were written and released. The albums “Manifes” and “Kultprosvet” were created.

Song “Sochi” (“I’ll steal you”) by the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy”

In 2011, Lyapis appeared on the list of groups whose mention is prohibited in official media. And Mikhalok was threatened with criminal punishment for incorrect statements addressed to him. But there were no sufficient grounds to bring charges.

Until 2014, rock kings tour and give concerts on social issues. Tracks are being written (“Jester”, “I Believe”, “I’ll Steal You”), the albums “Rabkor” (2012) and “Matryoshka” (2014) are being released.

Song “Warriors of Light” by the group “Lyapis Trubetskoy”

The collection “Matryoshka” caused conflicting reactions among the public and government officials. The Lyapis concert halls were packed to capacity, but it happened that performances were canceled due to the content of the album (an insult to the Russian authorities).

In the early spring of 2014, Sergei Mikhalok announced that the rock group Lyapis Trubetskoy would cease to exist on the first day of autumn. Now there is the Trubetskoy project (initial composition: Pavel Bulatnikov, Ruslan Vladyko, Alexander Starozhuk and Alexander Myshknvich) and the new team of Sergei Mikhalok Brutto.

"Lyapis Trubetskoy" now

The Lyapis Trubetskoy team has disbanded since 2014 and has not given large-scale joint concerts. However, the ex-members still perform their favorite hits.

On July 14, 2018, led by Pavel Bulatnikov, the Trubetskoy project promises an incendiary program in Kaliningrad with the inclusion of LT hits. The concert will take place as part of the FIFA Fan Fest.


  • 1998 – “In a white dress”
  • 1998 – “Ay”
  • 1998 – “Evpatoria”
  • 1998 – “Green-Eyed Taxi”
  • 2000 – “Along the Alleys”
  • 2001 – “Sochi”
  • 2004 – “Rainka”
  • 2008 – “Sparks”
  • 2008 – “Trubetskoy”
  • 2011 – “Jester”
  • 2014 – “Warriors of Light”

In recent years, Sergei Mikhalok, a Belarusian singer, poet, founder and permanent leader of the Lyapis Trubetskoy group, has radically changed his appearance and lifestyle. As he himself says: “I used to be a drunk and a junkie, but I became a boxer and a jock.”

Yes, at the zenith of his fame, at the turn of the 2000s, Sergei looked like a funny fat man with a beer belly and long hair. The group performed incredibly popular punk rock in those years, and Sergei himself did not deny himself alcohol and drugs. But one day he almost died from an overdose. While in the hospital, Mikhalok realized that it was time to reconsider his habits and lifestyle.

Sergey Mikhalok before and after losing weight


When Sergei decided to take care of himself, he already weighed 107 kg. It was not difficult to guess that a regular diet would not get rid of so many extra pounds. I had to completely change my diet and usual menu. Mikhalok immediately gave up alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Were there any breakdowns? Yes, he got drunk several times. But I immediately pulled myself together and returned to the diet. True, he never touched drugs again. Sergei lost the first 15 kg at home. He tells:

“The main thing is to find pleasure in ordinary, simple products. Here I am eating a salad of fresh tomatoes and enjoying their smell. I only eat lean fish, not fried, but baked.”

“It’s not the quantity of food that matters, but the quality. I was convinced of the correctness of the proverb: You are what you eat. A person eats chips, and the structure of his brain, muscles, bones, and entrails takes on the structure of chips. It’s good if it’s just potatoes with dill, or maybe pork with fat.”


When Sergey had already lost almost 30 kg, he saw that he did not look very good - there was practically no muscle mass under the fat layer. What was needed was not just physical exercise, but active, regular training. To achieve this, Sergei took up bodybuilding, began lifting weights, took up martial arts, and became interested in Thai boxing. Then he switched to classic boxing. And he explained it this way:

“Classical boxing is more difficult and requires more skill.”

Daily boxing training begins with an intense warm-up lasting at least one hour. This is followed by stretching, squats, and jumping rope. Then there are sets of 3 minutes with a break of 1 minute. And, of course, shadow boxing is Sergei’s favorite workout. And in addition to training in the gym, Mikhalok spends at least two hours riding cross-country bikes around the city every day.

In addition to a healthy diet, Sergey pays a lot of attention to sports

On tour, Sergei always takes a jump rope with him and trains, without missing a single day. The principles of his renewed life look like this:

“Exercise, stick to your diet, listen to good music and be at peace with yourself. Now I can easily do 23 pull-ups. Agree, this is a good result for a 40-year-old former alcoholic and drug addict!”

Today Sergei has an excellent athletic figure, he is in excellent physical shape, and has changed many of his views on life. When asked by journalists “How did he manage to lose so much weight?” Mikhalok invariably answers:

“Eat less and exercise at least six times a week.”

His repertoire has also changed - he no longer performs frivolous punk rock, a new way of thinking, revolutionaryness, and relevance have appeared in his songs. And the guys from the group, looking at the leader’s metamorphoses, also followed Sergei’s new beliefs and took up sports.

The former main Lyapis, and now the frontman of the group Brutto, told MAXIM about when Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will fall in love with each other again, and about who will break his head.


Seryozha, when did you realize that you are not tied to home, that you can live in other cities without sentimentality?

Back in 1997, when we often went to Moscow to record the most successful album in that past life, “You Threw Away,” I realized that I could travel calmly if I had a circle of friends and a lover with me. Life in Minsk at that time was actually difficult for me. Half of the people carried us in their arms, the other half was wildly outraged that Mikhalok, who was so dismissive of rock music, had been thrown into the mainstream. I didn't have long hair and a biker jacket, I didn't listen to Rainbow albums, and I don't know what band Page was in. For me, all this is tinsel and ***** [insignificant phenomenon]. I appeared in rock and roll with the purpose of ********** [hitting him]. I've always been interested in punk culture.

Do you remember the brightest punk antics?

My whole youth since I was seventeen has been punk and zen, two things that guide me. I wanted to study history in Krasnoyarsk with my friends and my first girl from Norilsk. I was a real northerner: I went on archaeological expeditions, played in a rock band, was known as an informal person, played volleyball and fought in the streets. In the biggest fight, more than a hundred people, Edik Petrov hit me in the face. Mine! Confused! I was sitting on one guy, shopping him, and Edik ran away and, like the owner of a good football kick, so ***** [hit] me that the black eye did not go away for four months. In general, my parents persuaded me to enroll in the history department of BSU in Minsk. I went with the firm intention of failing the exams and joining the army. But during one summer in Minsk in 1989, I met hippies and punks. I was supposed to become a historian, I was aimed at serving the system, I had conservative views - I come from a military family. But when my parents arrived a year later, I was in a psychiatric ward with an overdose from Jeff. Then, at the flat of the queen of Minsk punks, Mama Lyuba, we were drinking mash when I received my third summons to the army. And I suffered from appendicitis. They cut it out for me, although I still don’t know how much it hurts... With the main punk Pig from the group “Automatic Satisfiers” we drank twelve bottles of vodka and sang “Green-Eyed Taxi” under the piano.

How did you know you'd stop drinking?

I tried to quit even before the Lapis took off. He drank in his final years at the institute; the birth of his first son, Pasha, took place in constant wild drinking bouts. Lena had a difficult pregnancy because of this. I worked as a parquet floorer's assistant, received money, managed to bring some money home, disappeared for three or four days and returned home with a broken head... I was hanging by a thread. And because of heavy withdrawals, he did not stop drinking: he got a hangover - and further, further... When I became a popular “lapis”, I merged with the image and began to gain weight. In rare moments of sobering up, I ******* [got crazy] when I saw artists with me in the dressing room, whom several years ago I just wanted to break into. We mocked the stage and rock and roll, and then it turns out that I became part of show business.

So people didn't see through the irony?

No, the melody is important to them, apple-***apple-trees [rhymes with a prefix denoting the male genital organ]. Meanwhile, the Minsk punks began to hate me, I betrayed the ideas of the underground and lost my friends. I tried to go to shamans several times, got coded, but it didn’t work. I had bouts of delirium tremens, I couldn’t work sober, I was intimidated, I sat at home and watched the video. If I stopped drinking, I smoked hashish. One day, having quit for a year, I went on a picnic. There I was artificially happy, I came up with the idea that it was very good to be sober. And my late friend Vadik filmed the picnic. I saw the post in winter. I look - a monster is swimming in the lake! I didn't realize it was me! At the same time, the monster behaved directly, showing a “killer whale” with a bare ass. But I didn’t see myself like that: I didn’t act naked in videos, I didn’t look in the mirror during sex, there were no selfies then. And the camera still adds pounds! And realizing how ugly I was, I took care of my body. And the thoughts of jumping off the “lapis” appeared after the first album.

Hero's hit list

Comedian: John Cleese

Poet: Arthur Rimbaud

Minsk city

Did Pasha Bulatnikov and other “lapis” foresee the breakup of the group?

I don't know what they were thinking at all. I was surprised that they did not realize that their personal fate and the fate of their children directly depended on me. I was very careless and they made no effort to stop me. I understood that sooner or later we would part. Everyone was firmly convinced that I had merged with Lapis, and I want to say that the revival album Capital was already more Brutto than Lapis. It contains much more of my position than all the musicians combined. When they ask me about their new group “Trubetskoy,” I answer that at a competition of cover bands playing Lapis songs, they would not be among the top three! They say to me: “How do you feel about your colleagues in the shop?” But I don’t work at a factory, I don’t have colleagues in the workshop. I turned everyone on my *** [my genitals] - so, by and large! What workshop? What colleagues?

Apparently, singers.

I started by parodying them. This is the punk concept: I burst grenades from the inside, knowing what challenge and irritation are in art. But I want to say that “lapis” are wonderful people. But for me, a wonderful person does not necessarily have to stand on stage. Yes, Chizh is probably a wonderful person, Stas Mikhailov is a wonderful person. Maybe! He is probably more beautiful than Kinchev. And Hoffmann is a bastard, and Wagner slept with his friends’ wives, and Tchaikovsky is a pederast, and Marc Almond too, and I wouldn’t go on reconnaissance with Boy George - but they’re cool in art! Sergei Bezrukov, who poses as a righteous man, is not a good person in my code of people. And the rowdy Shnur, whose behavior I don’t really accept, is kinder. He will give money to grandma or an alcoholic for a hangover. But Bezrukov won’t give it.

Why do you think protest rock disappeared? Where is the new Tsoi?

And Tsoi was not a protest musician, he was a romantic. And at the stadium. We did not like Talkov, Shevchuk and Kinchev. Then their protest rock became a sham. It was not for the countercultural, but for the civilized. Rock for civilians is the Scorpions, the deceased Joe Cocker, music for the director of a furniture factory.

Have you heard many musicians who oppose Putin's policies? They're going to get really excited. They all have a very good time: they lived in the 2000s, when the rockers had many reserves. And “Chaif” declared at festivals that they were Medvedev’s favorite group. They're all great guys. But everyone is bourgeois. What kind of rock star is Kipelov? He is from the ensemble “Leisya, song!”, a friend of Rastorguev, and enjoys fishing. When they kill in order to eat and dress, this is understandable. And the passion for safari or fishing for sport smacks of sexual dissatisfaction: I can’t get a woman off, but at least I’ll catch a fish with a worm... Rock musicians have become stereotyped. Compare the movements of Kinchev and Leontyev. If these artists performed in a shadow theater, they would look like twins. The state machine has crushed everything under itself, rockers are participating in TV shows. Well, how can a rock hero go on the show “The Voice”? A musician must force himself to find protest, even artificially. If everything around you is great, come up with windmills, come up with an ephemeral enemy! Lancelot cannot live without a dragon. Rock 'n' roll is all about challenge!

As I understand it, you challenged yourself by going to Mariupol now, to a hot spot.

We played a concert in Donetsk, when ninety-five percent of the comments on the Internet boiled down to “Come, Maidan pederasts, we will kill you!” And we arrived with two cars of machine gunners, we had a cue ball in the club, and everyone shouted “Glory to Ukraine!” - in Donetsk, the center of separatism. If I sing “Kill the slave in you!”, “Be brave!”, “Go forward!”, then why should I piss? How do I know what will happen in Mariupol? I am a normal person, I also fear for my life. But last year, during a tour in Russia, the danger to my life was greater than in Mariupol. Every Lapis concert could end badly: I encountered opposition not only from the authorities, but also from radical groups. And at the “Invasion” festival, where everything was in the flags of the DPR and “Crimea is ours,” I did not piss and sang “Warriors of Light” - the anthem of the Maidan. The FSB and the “E” Center for Combating Youth Extremism worked for us. Although a couple of times, on the contrary, they helped, they said that right-wing radicals want to cover us in Kaliningrad. For them, we are Maidanists, Bandera fascists.

Are you currently an entry into Russia?

No, I won’t go to Russia. I don't know what an entry ticket is or not. An aggressive environment has been created. By the way, the state doesn’t need to waste effort on me - there are enough activists. There are already relatives of those killed in the DPR who are sure that I sang on the Maidan for American money and now I come to Russia, sprinkled with the blood of Russian fighters. My head will already be broken by right-wing football fans, left-wing hardcores or cowards who piss off going to war, but walk around Samara with two hundred sabers. If they attack me without sabers, then I will cut two or three mummers. What if with a saber? Have you ever seen a man with a saber? And he is sure that I burned children in Odessa, that I personally did it... A newspaper was published in Tyumen, where it was reported that I shouted “Kill the Russian, kill the Jew!” on the Maidan, and then came to their northern international city. Propaganda and information warfare have done a lot.

Hero's hit list

Drink: cider

“Warriors of Light” is your main song for the next ten years?

She mystically became more important than the Lapis, Brutto, and me. She began to live her own life, this is no longer my song. I wrote it in the Dominican Republic, watching blue whales and remembering the story of children's writer Rafael Sabatini about Captain Blood. And for some reason I wrote this song. I wrote on intuitive feelings in the cyberpunk genre, trying to predict the course of events in artistic language. But I can’t talk about this seriously, otherwise everyone will decide that I’m ****** [lost my mind]. In Samara they said (there is a video on YouTube) that I, the painted *** [male genital organ], could not write such a song, they did it in Hollywood, this is NLP.

By the way, about tattoos. Are you still filling it or has it already cooled down?

I stuff it, although I often flirt: “I fall asleep - and they breed on their own.” Tattoos influence life. If a fighting leprechaun appears on me, then I fight. But if the artist made him tipsy, then that means I’ll break into alcohol two or three times a year. This is one hundred percent! I don’t understand people who mindlessly stab bears and wolves. This means they will stumble somewhere and get ***** [injury]. You can't get too bold tattoos if you're a coward.

Do you think Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will be friends as before?

I am for socialism of the Scandinavian type. I like the relationship between Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Do you know the names of their presidents? Me neither. And so I want us not to know the names of our presidents, so that they are just functionaries. If we become independent states, then we will truly be friends. There is no need to push us into the Eurasian Union, the Warsaw Pact, or build the USSR again. The Empire has collapsed! Pieces fell off! What kind of architect do you need to be to put a house together out of crumbling stones? We shouldn't be brothers, we should be normal neighbors. We are being pitted against each other! And I want everyone to have their own. I need my living space. I'm traveling on the train in my compartment. Well, come in and talk. I sat and talked - and that’s it, get out of here! I don’t need: “Let me lie down here, this is a cool crossword puzzle!” I want us to travel in the same carriage, but we each have our own compartment. Then we will all love each other again.

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