Little stories by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Leo Tolstoy all the best fairy tales and stories. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Biography with photographs

Perhaps such a headline will confuse some parents, wondering if she has gone crazy, stuffing a small child with such complex works, even by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. But no, I didn’t :) More than a century ago, the famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy wrote stories for peasant children, whom he taught to read and write in his Yasnaya Polyana estate. In those days, there were practically no children's books, so Tolstoy himself wrote many simple and understandable stories for children, which to this day have not lost their relevance and significance. From a young age, they develop a sense of goodness and justice, and learn to treat the world around them with love and respect. Therefore, I simply could not help but purchase at least a couple of books by this wonderful writer for my three-year-old son.

I adore Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, not only his works, but also his entire philosophy and views on life. He was incredibly wise and highly moral. His views and attitude towards life resonate very much with how I understand our existence. Of course, I am far from such awareness, but Lev Nikolaevich inspires me! And his works breathe an incredible live atmosphere, they are simply magnificent!

That is why I decided to start introducing Tolstoy’s books from childhood. Moreover, Lev Nikolaevich wrote quite a few children's stories, fables and fairy tales, the adapted texts of which will also help to successfully introduce a child to the magical world of Russian classical literature.

"Little Stories"

The first thing I did was buy this wonderful book.

It's called "Little Stories". The name speaks for itself. The bulk of the book consists of short stories. About goodness, about justice, about honesty, about work, about friendship, about love, and other qualities that characterize a person’s high personality. By reading stories like this to a small child, you are teaching him the right things. What qualities in life are respected and valued, and which only disfigure a person. Here, for example, is one such short story.

Most of the stories are even shorter, just a couple of sentences, but they contain great wisdom! Leo Tolstoy's talent for putting deep meaning into simple words is priceless and unique. And his books can undoubtedly be introduced to children from a very young age. In our case it is three years.

But this book is also suitable for older children. It has 183 pages and 65 works. There are also longer ones, like Filipok, for example, which can be read from the age of five.

So, the book “Little Stories” will not be at all superfluous in a children's library. Of course, it is better to read such stories with your mother, so that she comments and discusses with the child what the author wanted to say. Moreover, this book has a convenient format, good quality thick sheets and hard cover, and very sincere pictures, real, conveying the atmosphere of that time. I'm really glad I bought this book :)

"The Lion and the Dog"

I am fully aware that this is a simple but wildly dramatic work, a bit early for three years. But I just really wanted it to be in our home library. I myself read “The Lion and the Dog” before school, I just had this book in the house, and I picked it up and read it. Words cannot express the pain and compassion this story caused in my little heart. I was very worried. I believe that this book will not leave anyone indifferent. It awakens compassion, teaches empathy and sympathy for the pain of others.

There are cheaper versions of this book, but I chose this one - from the Rech publishing house. I really like illustrations in this style. It was as if the artist was making strokes with his brush right in the book.

The drawings are very laconic, they contain only basic sketches, but this makes them clearer to the child, and most importantly, they surprisingly allow you to feel literally every page more deeply.

The book brought by courier simply amazed me! It turned out to be larger than I imagined: the format is larger than A4; The quality is simply excellent, in general, a real decoration for a children's library! Well, I think we’ll try to read the story itself when we’re 4.5 years old. I’ll see if my son is ready to perceive this work, if not, then we’ll wait, but sooner or later the time for this book will undoubtedly come to us =)

Leo Tolstoy was not only a great writer known throughout the world, but also an outstanding teacher and philosopher. His books will allow us to get acquainted with his works of fiction, written for the enlightenment, education and upbringing of children. They contain works for elementary reading, mainly from two large cycles of Tolstoy - “Russian Books for Reading” and “Folk Stories”.

The books are ideal for family reading, since the great Russian writer and thinker addressed his fairy tales, fables and parables not only to children, but also to a wide range of readers of different ages, teaching moral lessons of kindness, hard work and spirituality.

Download books by Leo Tolstoy for children

Below, using the links, you can download several children's collections, authored by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Among them there are fairy tales, fables and epics, in general, several dozen of the most famous and best works of Leo Tolstoy for children.

A selection of other children's books by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy


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Recently, the publishing house "Children's Literature" published a wonderful collection of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy "Little Stories". The book contains the works of Leo Tolstoy for children, included in the “ABC”, “New ABC” and “Russian books for reading”. Therefore, the collection is ideal for teaching reading, as well as for independent reading when a child is just entering the world of great literature. Many works are included in the preschool education program, as well as in textbooks for primary and secondary schools.

This is a book of stories from our childhood, written in truly “great and mighty” Russian. The publication turned out to be light and very “homey”.

The collection consists of four parts:
1. “From the New Alphabet” is a part of the book intended for children who are just learning to read. It includes reading exercises, where the main thing is the language form to become familiar with all the letters and sounds. The font in this part is very large.
2. Small stories - familiar realistic stories by the author, such as Filipok, Kostochka, Shark, Jump, Swans... They are distinguished by an entertaining plot, memorable images and accessible language. As stated in the appeal to parents, after reading more serious and voluminous works on their own, the beginning reader will believe in his own abilities.
3. Once upon a time - includes mainly fairy tales that we remember from childhood - Three Bears, How a Man Divided Geese, Lipunyushka and others.
4. Fables - the fourth part is devoted to fables. “Here we need to help the child comprehend the plot - teach him to see in the text not just a story about animals, but a story about human vices and weaknesses, to draw conclusions about which actions are good and which are not.” The font in these parts is smaller, but still sufficient for children.

There are 14 artists in the book, and what kind (!!!). The beautiful colorful works of such outstanding masters of children's book illustration as Nikolai Ustinov, Evgeny Rachev, Veniamin Losin, Victor Britvin are simply a gift to our children. The collection also presents M. Alekseev and N. Stroganova, P. Goslavsky, L. Khailov, S. Yarovoy, E. Korotkova, L. Gladneva, N. Sveshnikova, N. Levinskaya, G. Epishin. There are very, very many illustrations, both full-page and small.

A small book of stories will bring great pleasure to both you and your child, and will also bring great benefits.

Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa. It was a beautiful day, a fresh wind was blowing from the sea; but in the evening the weather changed: it became stuffy and, as if from a heated stove, hot air from the Sahara desert was blowing towards us. Read...

When I was six years old, I asked my mother to let me sew. She said: “You are still small, you will only prick your fingers”; and I kept pestering. Mother took a red piece of paper from the chest and gave it to me; then she threaded a red thread into the needle and showed me how to hold it. Read...

The priest was getting ready to go to the city, and I told him: “Father, take me with you.” And he says: “You will freeze there; "Where are you going?" I turned around, cried and went into the closet. I cried and cried and fell asleep. Read...

My grandfather lived in a bee yard in the summer. When I visited him, he gave me honey. Read...

I love my brother anyway, but more because he became a soldier for me. Here's how it happened: they began to cast lots. The lot fell on me, I had to become a soldier, and then I got married a week ago. I didn’t want to leave my young wife. Read...

I had an uncle, Ivan Andreich. He taught me to shoot when I was still 13 years old. He took out a small gun and let me shoot with it when we went for a walk. And I killed a jackdaw once and a magpie another time. Read...

I was walking along the road and heard a scream behind me. The shepherd boy shouted. He ran across the field and pointed at someone. Read...

In our house, behind the window shutter, a sparrow built a nest and laid five eggs. My sisters and I watched as a sparrow carried a straw and a feather behind the shutter and built a nest there. And then, when he put the eggs there, we were very happy. Read...

We had an old man, Pimen Timofeich. He was 90 years old. He lived with his grandson without anything to do. His back was bent, he walked with a stick and quietly moved his legs. He had no teeth at all, his face was wrinkled. His lower lip trembled; when he walked and when he spoke, he slapped his lips, and it was impossible to understand what he was saying. Read...

Once I stood in the yard and looked at a nest of swallows under the roof. Both swallows flew away in front of me, and the nest was left empty. Read...

I planted two hundred young apple trees and for three years, in the spring and autumn, I dug them in, and wrapped them in straw to prevent hares for the winter. In the fourth year, when the snow melted, I went to look at my apple trees. Read...

When we lived in the city, we studied every day, only on Sundays and holidays we went for walks and played with our brothers. Once the priest said: “The older children need to learn to ride horses. Send them to the playpen." Read...

We lived poorly on the edge of the village. I had a mother, a nanny (elder sister) and a grandmother. Grandmother walked around in an old chuprun and a thin paneva, and tied her head with some kind of rag, and a bag hung under her throat. Read...

I got myself a pointing dog for pheasants. This dog's name was Milton: she was tall, thin, speckled gray, with long wings and ears, and very strong and smart. Read...

When I left the Caucasus, there was still war there, and it was dangerous to travel at night without an escort. Read...

From the village I did not go directly to Russia, but first to Pyatigorsk, and stayed there for two months. I gave Milton to the Cossack hunter, and took Bulka with me to Pyatigorsk. Read...

Bulka and Milton ended at the same time. The old Cossack did not know how to handle Milton. Instead of taking him with him only to hunt birds, he began to take him after wild boars. And that same autumn a boar cleaver killed him. No one knew how to sew it up, and Milton died. Read...

I had a face. Her name was Bulka. She was all black, only the tips of her front paws were white. Read...

Once in the Caucasus we went boar hunting, and Bulka came running with me. As soon as the hounds started driving, Bulka rushed towards their voice and disappeared into the forest. It was in the month of November; Boars and pigs are then very fat. Read...

One day I went hunting with Milton. Near the forest he began to search, stretched out his tail, raised his ears and began to sniff. I prepared my gun and went after him. I thought he was looking for partridge, pheasant or hare.

Despite the fact that Tolstoy was of the noble class, he always found time to communicate with peasant children, and even opened a school for them on his estate.

The great Russian writer, a man of progressive views, Leo Tolstoy died on a train at Astapovo station. According to his will, he was buried in Yasnaya Polyana, on the hill where, as a child, little Lev was looking for a “green stick” that would help make all people happy.

All kids like to read Tolstoy's bedtime stories. It is at this time, before bed, that children want something good and fabulous, to find themselves in a completely different world, where magic and celebration reign. Children need fairy tales. These are their small steps into adulthood, which bright stories are very helpful in learning about. In addition, it is in this form that children are best taught morality, life principles and goodness. This is a very important process in shaping their personality. Therefore, the presence of fairy tales in childhood is simply necessary.


We offer you Tolstoy's fairy tales, which are perfect for reading to children at night, or in other free time. Leo Tolstoy made a huge contribution to children's literature by writing such original masterpieces. This writer tried very hard to make the stories so fascinating and educational that children would not only find it interesting, but also have a pleasant impression after reading it.

Plunging into a serene world, without unsolvable problems, will be interesting not only for young readers, but also for adults along with them. Tolstoy's fairy tales for children are filled with instructive stories, exciting plots, funny but visual characters, as well as bright representatives of good and evil. The writer tried very hard to fit everything beautiful into these small works, which show the reality of that time, but in a fairy-tale form and with a ray of hope.

Among the huge list of wonderful works there is also the famous “Golden Key” - everyone’s favorite fairy tale, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. The difficult adventures of Pinocchio and his current circumstances make you deeply empathize with the hero in your imagination. The help of his true friends and the happy ending show the victory of good. This tale remains a priority for the most impressive.

Also on the list is “Magpie Tales,” which consist of many short and long stories about various animals, people, good, evil, victories and defeats. They are filled with instructive meaning and will be very interesting to children. There are many other, no less interesting fairy tales by Tolstoy, which you can read on our website.

You can choose for your child any suitable work by this author that he likes, and go with him into a world filled with goodness and miracles.

You can find fairy tales for every taste and with any plot in this section of our website andfor freeRead them to your child any time. Hopefully reading fairy talesonlineIt will bring you and your children nothing but pleasure.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Stories about children

The boy was guarding the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to call:

Help, wolf! Wolf!

The men came running and saw: it’s not true. As he did this two and three times, it happened that a wolf actually came running.

The boy began to shout:

Come here, come quickly, wolf!

The men thought that he was deceiving again as always - they did not listen to him.

The wolf sees that there is nothing to be afraid of: he has slaughtered the entire herd in the open.



When I was six years old, I asked my mother to let me sew. She said: “You’re still young, you’ll only prick your fingers,” and I kept pestering her.

Mother took a red piece of paper from the chest and gave it to me; then she threaded a red thread into the needle and showed me how to hold it.

I began to sew, but could not make even stitches; one stitch came out large, and the other hit the very edge and broke through. Then I pricked my finger and tried not to cry, but my mother asked me: “What are you doing?” - I couldn’t resist and cried. Then my mother told me to go play.

When I went to bed, I kept imagining stitches; I kept thinking about how I could quickly learn to sew, and it seemed so difficult to me that I would never learn.

And now I’ve grown up and don’t remember how I learned to sew; and when I teach my girl to sew, I’m surprised how she can’t hold a needle.



When I was little, I was sent to the forest to pick mushrooms. I reached the forest, picked mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it began to rain and there was thunder. I got scared and sat down under a large oak tree. Lightning flashed, so bright that it hurt my eyes, and I closed my eyes. Something crackled and rattled above my head; then something hit me in the head. I fell and lay there until the rain stopped. When I woke up, trees were dripping all over the forest, birds were singing and the sun was playing. A large oak tree broke and smoke came out of the stump. There were oak scraps lying around me. The dress I was wearing was all wet and sticking to my body; there was a bump on my head and it hurt a little. I found my hat, took the mushrooms and ran home. There was no one at home; I got some bread from the table and climbed onto the stove. When I woke up, I saw from the stove that my mushrooms had been fried, put on the table and were already ready to eat. I shouted: “What are you eating without me?” They say: “Why are you sleeping? Go quickly and eat.”



The mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after dinner. They were still on the plate. Vanya never ate plums and kept smelling them. And he really liked them. I really wanted to eat it. He kept walking past the plums. When there was no one in the upper room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it. Before dinner, the mother counted the plums and saw that one was missing. She told her father.

At dinner my father says:

Well, children, did anyone eat one plum?

Everyone said:

Vanya blushed like a lobster and said too:

No, I didn't eat.

Then the father said:

What any of you has eaten is not good; but that’s not the problem. The trouble is that plums have seeds, and if someone doesn’t know how to eat them and swallows a seed, he will die within a day. I'm afraid of this.

Vanya turned pale and said:

No, I threw the bone out the window.

And everyone laughed, and Vanya began to cry.



Two girls were walking home with mushrooms.

They had to cross the railway.

They thought the car was far away, so they climbed up the embankment and walked across the rails.

Suddenly a car made noise. The older girl ran back, and the smaller one ran across the road.

The older girl shouted to her sister:

"Don't go back!"

But the car was so close and made such a loud noise that the smaller girl did not hear; she thought that she was being told to run back. She ran back across the rails, tripped, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled as hard as he could.

The older girl shouted:

“Throw the mushrooms!”, and the little girl thought that she was being told to pick mushrooms, and crawled along the road.

The driver could not hold the cars. She whistled as hard as she could and ran into the girl.

The older girl screamed and cried. All the passengers looked from the windows of the cars, and the conductor ran to the end of the train to see what had happened to the girl.

When the train passed, everyone saw that the girl was lying head down between the rails and not moving.

Then, when the train had already moved far, the girl raised her head, jumped on her knees, picked mushrooms and ran to her sister.



My grandfather lived in a bee yard in the summer. When I visited him, he gave me honey.

One day I came to the beekeeping area and began walking between the hives. I wasn’t afraid of bees, because my grandfather taught me to walk quietly through the fire pit.

And the bees got used to me and didn’t bite me. In one hive I heard something clucking.

I came to my grandfather’s hut and told him.

He went with me, listened for himself and said:

One swarm has already flown out of this hive, the first one, with an old queen; and now the young queens have hatched. They are the ones screaming. They will fly out tomorrow with another swarm.

I asked my grandfather:

What kind of uterus are there?

He said:

Come tomorrow; God willing, it will be restored, I will show you and give you honey.

When I came to my grandfather the next day, he had two closed swarms with bees hanging in his entryway. Grandfather told me to put on a net and tied a scarf around my neck; then he took one closed hive with bees and carried it to the beeyard. The bees were buzzing in it. I was afraid of them and hid my hands in my trousers; but I wanted to see the uterus, and I followed my grandfather.

At the fire pit, the grandfather went up to the empty log, adjusted the trough, opened the sieve and shook the bees out of it onto the trough. The bees crawled along the trough into the log and kept trumpeting, and the grandfather moved them with a broom.

And here is the uterus! - Grandfather pointed to me with a broom, and I saw a long bee with short wings. She crawled with the others and disappeared.

Then my grandfather took off the net from me and went into the hut. There he gave me a large piece of honey, I ate it and smeared it on my cheeks and hands.

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