Material for preparing for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in the Russian language (grade 11) on the topic: Training material on spelling N-NN in various parts of speech. Vocabulary dictation. N and NN

Always -NN-

Always -N-

Non-derivative adjectives.






unheard of



bride's dowry





imprisoned father





sworn brother



just a few


Forgiveness Sunday





a goner





forged chewed









Vocabulary dictations.

  1. The bun is baked, the face is excited, elected deputies, the gestures are exquisite, the door is boarded up, chained, the hair is tousled, the youth are erudite and educated, well characterized, the answers are weak and uncertain.
  2. The sea is agitated by the wind, the mail is brought, perfect in form, the means are exquisite, the answers are uncertain, the feet are frostbitten, the wallpaper is pasted, the face is yellow and wrinkled, the drawings are brought, the actions are risky.
  3. Restricted by the rules, the attack is repelled, she is talented and well-mannered, her face is thoughtful and concentrated, the disease is neglected, the work is credited, enthroned, located in the mountains.

Words for linocards and punched cards.

Masculine slanted

Bringed fastened washed

Inspired by youth intensely

Unpaved minted abstract

Treated oatmeal frozen

Scolded and scolded homespun millet

Loose washed-washed asphalt

Confidence unexpectedly wall-mounted

Improved Sandy Conqueror

Unexpected wooden martyr

Contrived unsolicited dowry

Chalked long-smart

Frozen in ice faithfully traveled

Conceived contrived wounded

Windy baked in ash authentic


Option 1.

1. In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Let's be frank...s, modern prose,

2) The corrected manuscript, the decision of the law, the animal is furious.

3) Reply scattered...oh, eternal str...ik, the students are undisciplined.

4) Brass pipes, knitted hat, elections are premature.

1) There are many wounds, the fighters are wounded, their movements are constrained by the cold.

2) children are well-mannered and neat, tasks are solved, plans are upset.

3) The arguments are balanced and accurate, the laundry has been hung...oh, we are surprised.

4) The routes are defined, the field is mown...oh, the children are smart.

3 . In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Reply to the letter...oh, guest...aya, oat...y, sheep...y.

2) Empty, wooden, silver, windy.

3) Outskirts..., mean..., invisible, drop... oh.

4) Golden domes, broken clocks, white ceilings painted by a painter, windless day.

Option 2.

1. In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Forged lattice, oil... paint, fresh frozen fish, whole... lands.

2) A lined silk blouse, peppery food, an uninvited guest, a long-awaited answer.

3) Oily apron, darned scarf, wet apples, engraved inscription.

4) an unsolved issue, an abandoned barrel, a defective part, an impromptu concert.

2. In what row is N written in all words?

1) Surrounded by a fence, faces scattered, exams passed, things already ironed.

2) A heavily wounded sapper, an oily pancake, a decisive example, an imprisoned father.

3) Beautiful doors, unusual paths, an unexpected guest, faulty details.

4) Fresh frozen vegetables, a homespun tablecloth, a smart kid, some herbs.

3. In what row is NN written in all words?

1) Bar...y, yes...y, mad...y, gro...y.

2) Dog...y, spoiled...y, empty...yy, desperate...yy.

3) Silver, decisive, unprompted, freshly cut.

4) Bad..., fried...on the fire, unsalted, ordered.

Option 3.

1. In which row are all words written with NN?

1) A puddle... pan, an untidy room, a double... sheepskin coat, the whole facts.

2) Purchased toys, extinguished fire, wheelbarrow loaded with sand, slaked lime.

3) Distracted students, sacred duty, spoken word. Gold embossed certificate, advanced age.

4) Read...and re-read...a book, a wounded fighter, ironing clothes, risky behavior.

2. In which row are all words written with N?

1) Pork cutlet, zinc bucket, windy weather, wild beast, swarm of bees.

2) Windmill, fast speed, guest yard, uninvited guests, linen factory.

3) Sheep's sheepskin coat, silver ring. leeward side, unpurchased gifts, sword atom.

4) Swan song, white ceilings. a captive knight, an unexpected guest.

3. In which row are all words written with NN?

1) Leeward side, unfed cattle, glass door, spotless conscience.

2) A desired child, an unexpected joy, a cramped area, low bushes.

3) Tin parts, sparkling water, pepper... pepper... soup, sneaky case.

4) Asphalt highway, windless day, unsowed grass, absent-minded student.

Material for individual cards.

  1. Cat grass, mown grass, cat grass in the morning, sharp legs, a sharpened pencil, a beam sharpened by a master, a wicker chair, woven branches, skillfully woven lace, weaving... a tablecloth, a weaving tablecloth, a tablecloth woven by a craftswoman, a knitted scarf, a knitted scarf, a knitted scarf...made by grandmother, a hunted wolf, a hunted wolf, a wolf hunted by dogs.
  2. Cleaner shoes, unclean shoes, unclean shoes, cleaner shoes worn by a boy, more beautiful floor, unpainted floor, more beautiful brushed floor, dinner party, uninvited guest, called doctor, guests invited to dinner, ice-cream fish, non-frozen fish, freshly frozen fish, ice-cream fish for the winter, gilded cane, gilded cane, gilded cane by the master.
  3. A purchased ticket, a lost voice, a thrown ball, a decided question, an unheard scandal born in winter, a captive enemy, a yes... chance, an unexpected guest, a desperate fighter, sacred duty, offended friend, frightened sparrow, video film, extinguished fire, excited speech, darning sock, frightened crow by explosion, uprooted forest, forged chest , shackled in armor.

In an old hotel.

In the dim... distance of the sandy shore, the crimson lights of the old... guest glowed dimly. On the beautiful floor, decorated with intricate ornaments, there was an artfully made table with artificial flowers in a glass vase. The sharp table legs with sharpened ends were gilded. Burnt matches lay on the stand of a silver candlestick with lit candles, next to it stood a gilded vase with gilded handles. In it, an amazing assortment of boiled vegetables, wet apples, pickled cucumbers and sauerkraut was revealed to the astonished gaze. Smoked sausage, stewed meat, frozen fish, frozen lobsters, crushed nuts, pork chops lay in silver bowls. On the ironing of a tablecloth, a weave of snow-white linen, there were wooden dishes, glass wine glasses, tin spoons, bone forks. There was barely any light shining through the smoky glass.

Material taken from the following manuals:

Ivanova S.Yu., Examination “traps”. We are preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian. Samara, 2006.

Akhrimenkova L.A. Towards an A grade step by step, or 50 lessons with a tutor. Russian language. M.: Education, 2005.

I. Wooden toy, leather bag, silver spoons, pottery, bone handle, wardrobe, wool suit.

Oatmeal jelly, Rye bread, Oil paint, ice water, glass vase, earthen floor, sandy beach, linen sheet, linen tablecloth.

Antique clock, art gallery, machine knitting.

Humane day, hurricane wind, regular visitor, strange question.

Swan song, duck egg, goose beak, chicken bouillon, animal cry, mouse squeak, bee swarm. (60 words)

II. Clay jug; clay soil.

Earthworks; sallow complexion.

Silver ring; silver moonlight.

Stone staircase; rocky path.

Mountain air; mountainous terrain. (22 words)

Exercise. Explain the difference in these cognate adjectives.

We decided to go to the fair. The road ran along the bank of a winding river and was so sandy that it was difficult to drive. The weather was warm but windy. We passed by the old windmill. Not far from the tin products factory they are laying railway. Excavation Mostly already finished.

We crossed a narrow river and began to wander around the fair. Along the edges of the square there were carts with clay jugs, mugs and wooden spoons. The tents sold glass and earthenware dishes. In one tent they sold Caucasian goods: silk scarves, silver bracelets, leather shoes. Nearby there was a brisk trade in chintz and linen tablecloths. (95 words)

Note. Graphically indicate the conditions for choosing the letters n and nn in adjective suffixes.

I. 1. Among the new wooden houses, an abandoned hut with a thatched roof stood out. 2. The floor in the hut was clay. 3. During the construction of the road, sand embankments were erected. 4. The students' internship has ended. 5. Machine oil was poured into oil cans. 6. Tyumen is famous for its oil wealth. 7. Children play with tin soldiers.

II. The oldest image of a leather ball dates back to 2500 BC and was discovered on the island of Samothrace in the Aegean Sea. The ball is drawn on clay tablet, it is composed of individual wedges of leather, like ours modern ball. This suggests that sport games, related to football, were familiar to the ancient Greeks.

III. A long time ago, people built a low wooden frame over the clean spring, on which a birch bark ladle hung. Everyone could come up and drink cold spring water. (S.-M.) (110 words)

Vocabulary dictation

Tower crane; stone fence, name list; sincere joy; family relationships; artificial ice; straw hat; old romance; fiery whirlwind; blast furnace; vital question; deciduous forest; lunch break.

Aviation plant; retirement age; traditional rally; tour agency; operating unit; commission shop; reactionary views; editorial amendments. (42 words)

The collection contains dictations in the Russian language various types: vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and complex. Didactic material reflects all basic spelling rules and complies school curriculum. Dictations can be used to diagnose knowledge, to practice rules that cause the greatest difficulties for students, as well as in preparation for any types of exams (including in the form of the Unified State Exam). Keys are provided for all deformed texts.
For Russian language teachers, tutors, as well as students in grades 10-11 secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges.

Mother of Russian rivers.
People have long called the Volga the mother of Russian rivers. An inconspicuous stream flows from under the frame of an ancient chapel near the village of Volgino-Verkhovye, with a log bridge across it.

Having traveled a distance of three thousand six hundred and eighty-eight kilometers, the Volga comes to the Caspian Sea.
What kind of ships are not found on the Volga!

A huge oil barge floats heavily, replacing many railway tanks. Following her slowly stretch wide longboats with low sides, loaded to the brim with Kamyshin watermelons. Take a look from a distance from the shore - exactly a huge dish of fruits is floating along the river. And moving towards them is a long street paved with logs. As expected, toy houses were lined up on the street, as if on a ruler. A fire is burning out in front of the house, tea is boiling in a smoky pot, laundry is hanging out on strings - and the whole household is slowly moving down the river.

Not individually, but in a caravan, huge rafts containing fifty thousand logs are pulled. Navigating such a monster through wayward turns in the river flow is a great art.

I. Vocabulary dictations
Unstressed vowels at the root of a word
Alternating vowels in the root
Vowels after sibilants and Ts
Use of letters E, E
Voiced and voiceless consonants
Unpronounceable consonants
Double consonants
Use of b in all parts of speech and forms of words
Vowels Y, I at the root after prefixes
Spelling of prefixes
Spelling words with POL-, SEMI-
Spelling N and NN in words of various parts of speech
Spelling of numerals
Spelling difficult words
Spelling adverbs
Spelling NOT and NOR
Spelling of prepositions, conjunctions, particles
II. Spelling dictations
III. Punctuation dictations
IV. Complex dictations
I. Vocabulary dictations
II. Spelling dictations
III. Punctuation dictations
IV. Complex dictations.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book 300 dictations for applicants to universities, Tkachenko N.G., 2011 -, fast and free download.

  • Reader for Total Dictation from Bykov to Yakhina, Rubina D.I., 2019
  • 100 special mini-dictations for schoolchildren and applicants, Kurochkina A.L., Parshina V.V., 1995
  • Collection of dictations in the Russian language, grades 4-11, Lobanova V.Ya., Zakieva Kh.M., 2014

The following textbooks and books.

Dictations in Russian for 5th grade

Dictation No. 1.

Autumn in the forest.

Late autumn has arrived. The weather is stormy. A sharp autumn wind is blowing more and more often. The sun sends farewell rays from the blue sky.

How beautiful the forest is in autumn! The air is fresh. Yellow, orange, crimson leaves quietly fall from black trees and slowly fall to the cold ground.

The silence of the sleeping forest is not disturbed by the singing of birds. The alleys of the garden became empty and silent. But here in the summer it was so joyful, wonderful! Birds flocked here from the surrounding parks to festive concert.

In autumn the forest looks like painted tower. It’s nice to sit under a white-trunked birch tree and look for a long time at the golden colors of the forest and the purple edge of the sky.

Quiet, cozy. The soul is light and calm.

Dictation No. 2.

Hedgehogs are preparing for winter.

In late autumn, hedgehogs begin to prepare for hibernation. They have little prey, because lizards, bugs and frogs hide under snags.

The prickly hedgehog slowly crawls through black hummocks, small clearings, and dangerous ravines.

On autumn days, the hedgehog tries to prepare himself a wide, warm hole. Day and night he drags fragrant leaves, soft moss, dried blades of grass and twigs into the house. I would like to make sure he has a comfortable bed.

A snowdrift covered the mink, and the hedgehog took refuge under such a fluffy blanket. Sees beautiful dreams, and we are happy for him. WITH good mood The hedgehog will wake up and then go to inspect his farm.

Dictation No. 3.

Winter sorceress.

In November, snow covered the frozen ground, and then real winter came.

The cold wind is howling terribly in the field, and a blizzard is blowing. And the forest is quiet. You will go into the wilderness and not recognize familiar places, because everything is hidden under the snow. Frost froze the river.

Dressed in a fur coat and a huge oak tree. Its thick crowns will last all winter, and their power cannot be broken even by an evil hurricane.

Suddenly a squirrel ran along the branches. She appears black among the dazzling, untouched whiteness of the light. Because of this restless bustle, a huge snow cap fell onto the path.

What air! What harmony! There are no words to describe such a miracle of nature.

Dictation No. 4.

Squirrels in the forest.

From morning until late evening, cheerful, nimble squirrels are busy in the forest. You don’t have time to follow their movements at all.

Mischievous squirrels will climb to the top of a huge pine tree and jump from branch to branch. Then they will go downstairs for food supplies: tasty mushrooms, selected nuts, dried berries.

These wonderful housewives will hide what they found in the forest storerooms.

They will make warm nests in the hollow house, and soon little squirrels will appear in the new apartments. They will grow up quickly and be raised by caring parents.

And in the bitter winter happy families squirrels will escape from frost, harsh winds and snowfalls. Live securely in warm, cozy nests.

Dictation No. 5.

Moonlight night.

Nice autumn Moonlight night! On the sides of the road, young trees stood frozen: birch, spruce, pine, aspen.

Rare snowflakes fall on the sleeping earth, and the bright yellow moon illuminates the forester's hut. The gloomy sky is replete with frequent stars and looks down on the night earth.

There is an extraordinary silence all around. But suddenly a slight rustling of leaves was heard to the left. “Yes, it’s a squirrel!” - I shouted. Leaves fell on me as she jumped from one branch to another.

You can already feel the approach of winter. Soon the ice will freeze the river, its banks will be covered with a fluffy carpet.

The beam throws light onto the clearing, and the trees glow with all the colors of the rainbow: orange, gold, crimson. Hello, moonlit night!

Dictation No. 6.


Spring is an amazing time of year. The sun gently warmed the awakened earth. The snow has long disappeared from the fields in muddy streams. From the junction to the nearest village, the winter rye is green, and whitish clouds float across the blue sky. There is no longer any feeling of dampness in the air, which usually occurs in early spring.

Life seemed to be shaken up and filled with some new sounds. The joyful hubbub of birds can be heard from the surrounding groves, arable fields and pastures. The sound of a truck was heard at the crossing. “Egorych, open the way!” - the driver shouts cheerfully.

Everything around begins to change: the smallest branch grows, a delicate stem gathers strength and straightens towards the sun.

Nature celebrates spring renewal. Hello Spring!

Dictation No. 7.


Rowan - autumn beauty. Other trees have already given up their fruits, and she is just beginning to decorate herself with crimson-red clusters. The cold weather sets in, and the birds eat the bittersweet berries.

You will find rowan trees everywhere: on the outskirts, on the edges, in clearings. It grows near houses, spreads branches from behind the fence, settles down on the outskirts and stands happy, proud, majestic.

This plant likes privacy. Trees feel better around rowan trees because a huge number of birds flock to them and destroy pests.

A thin trunk bends in the wind, but does not break. The rowan tree does not give up, and every autumn its charming outfit enchants us again.

We expect to see mountain ash next fall as well. See you, miracle tree!

Dictation No. 8.


Once a mother called her son: “Yura, look who I brought!”

Mom was holding a purse, and someone in a fur coat was fussing about on a bed of soft leaves.

An oblong muzzle with a smooth nose, shiny eyes and small erect ears appeared from the wallet. The animal's face turned out to be very funny: everything was gray at the top and bottom, and wide black stripes stretched in the middle from the nose to the ears.

The baby's fur was light gray, and his legs were dark, as if he was dressed up in boots and mittens.

Mom took a bottle with a pacifier from the cupboard and poured milk into it. The kid immediately realized what was going on. He took the entire pacifier and closed his eyes. Wonderful little badger, funny animal!

Dictation No. 9.

Polar owl.

Snowy owls usually winter in the tundra. In the darkness of the night they fly over the snow flickering in the starlight. They feed on mice and hares and mercilessly exterminate these helpless animals.

But the polar night is ending. You won’t notice owl’s nests in the stone scatterings, because they are located almost at the very feet. Warmth in the nests is maintained in severe frosts, as they are covered with light down.

I found such a nest in a crevice. Suddenly, a huge white bird took off from under my feet, and its open wings merged with the whiteness of the snow.

“Sergey, what’s there?” - my friend was surprised. A frightened chick huddled in the nest, and warm eggs remained lying nearby.

Dictation No. 10.

To my homeland.

In early spring, flocks of birds unite on the southern coasts of Europe and Africa. "Home! Hurry up and go home!” - a restless cry rushes from everywhere.

Countless chains of flights reach their native places, and people are always happy to meet him. But during the journey, some of the birds remain, scatter and settle in the surrounding lakes and rivers. The hardiest ones fly to the White Sea. Here they are located along the sandy shores, divided into pairs to build nests and hatch chicks.

In the fall, the chicks grow up, get stronger, and the birds begin to gather in flocks before flying to warmer climes. But you can’t live long in a foreign land.

Every spring you see tired caravans returning to their homeland.

Dictation No. 11.


One day, Gaidar went to meet the guys at the camp and took his five-year-old daughter Zhenya with him. The surprisingly arrogant girl seemed to be boasting: “I’m a famous dad’s daughter and I’ll grow up soon!”

While reading the fairy tale “Hot Stone,” everyone sat quietly, but Zhenya first looked around from above, then stomped restlessly and began to run down the stairs.

Suddenly Gaidar paused, put down his notebook and said sternly: “Take the girl away, she’s in the way!” Zhenya shrank, got scared and immediately became quiet.

Gaidar read the story to the end. The happy eyes of the guys spoke about everything: about love for the writer, about respect.

“To Gaidar for justice,” they wrote in the book they gave him.

Dictation№ 12


Chickens are the jungle cat’s favorite treat. One day a predator went hunting, but suddenly a magpie appeared from somewhere, twitched its black and white tail and chirped. It was dangerous, and the cat decided to stop so as not to attract attention. The annoying bird settled over his head.

The village wakes up, and the cat begins to be teased by the cackling of chickens, but he cannot get rid of the harmful companion. He restrained his impotent anger and hatred towards his obsessive companion. Then he began to make his way to the village. The magpie still did not leave him and still continued to guard him.

The cat had to disappear into the thickets, and the bird screamed and circled.

Today, robber, you will lie hungry, because the hunt has failed.

  1. Spelling Н and НН in suffixes of passive participles and adjectives formed from verbs


Written in adjectives formed from imperfective verbs without prefixes and without dependent words

Examples: corrected text, paved street

Exceptions: given, desired, sacred, unexpected, unexpected, unprecedented, unexpected, desperate, cursed, unheard of, read

In adjectives formed from perfective verbs (usually with prefixes)

Examples: buy – purchased, make – made

Exceptions: smart, dowry, named (brother), uninvited (guest), uninvited

Written in short participles

Example: work completed on time

Using the suffixes –ovanne, -evann

Examples: take a risk - risky, uproot - uprooted

Exceptions: forged, chewed

Passive past participles (usually have a prefix or dependent word)

Examples: drawn, fighter, wounded in the leg

Note 1. The presence of the prefix not or the second root does not affect the spelling of n-nn. Examples: painted - unpainted, forged - gold-forged

Note 2. In words formed from adjectives and participles, write the same number of n as in the word from which they are formed.

Examples: boiled - dumplings, chosen one - chosen one

Note 3. As many n are written in short adjectives as in full ones

Example: the road is long (the road is long)

7th grade

Loaded wagons, unloaded wagon, wagons loaded with coal, knitted sweater, knitted scarf, hand knitted scarf, sacred symbol , a welcome guest, an unfortunate incident, an unheard of... deed, a motivated refusal, a spoiled child, a cycled sex, an absent-minded person, chosen works, temperate climate, abandoned money, a smart young man, a so-called brother, a rich dow... , milk boiled in a saucepan , wounded soldier, soldier wounded in the hand, powerful street, cobblestone street, baked potato, baked in ash potatoes, stewed vegetables, vegetables stewed in a frying pan, dried fish, fish dried on the balcony, fried mushrooms, fried... mushrooms in sour cream, boiled...milk, ironed...suit, paper stuck...on, travel restricted, girl brought up...enemy troops scattered and destroyed.. .s, concentrated faces...s, friends of education...s, education commission...s, everyone is concerned, organized sports society, organized...oh, confused... and a kitten, the story is dark..and confused...a, steps are confident, movements are slowed down, confidence in victory, suits are fitted, speech is restrained. , and laconic, everything is ruined... oh,

8th grade

Trimmed hair, cropped hair, clipper-cut hair, uncut hair, mowed clover, mowed meadow, unmown grass , broken line, riveted pipes, broken lock, stewed potatoes, invited artists, uninvited guests, mixed population, packaged products, disappointed look, justified claims, privileged classes, polished surface, scraped floor, a forged sword, a forged... lattice, a written beauty, a portrait painted in oil... paints, unwritten laws, a desired friend, unprecedented. ..great scope, unheard of...luck, unexpected joy, sacred duty, unexpected meeting, clever assistant, confused trail, confused.. wow, smoked products, everyone is indignant and surprised, a predator

9th grade

The proposals are justified, the troops are concentrated, the fighters are concentrated, the conclusions are justified, the audience is excited, the girl was cheerful and excited, they are neat and well-mannered. ..we, mown...grass, chiseled...posts, gilded...heads, sticky...papers, restrained...moans, rhyming...sounds, painted... smoked walls, stained cuffs, smoked ceiling, smoked fish, oil paintings, fenced yard, wicker boxes , quilted robe, lit candles, tangled threads, collected berries, painted doors, seeded fields, harvested grass, dried flowers, various...seeds, figures scattered...together, hands scratched...up, loaded...with buckshot, a tearful...child, spoiled... a child, a played record, a desired child, an unambiguous answer, an unexpected... unexpected, lightly salted cucumber, endowed with intelligence, quicklime, stunned look, pristine view, specific material, written abstract, discouraged children... elected to parliament , cut... glass. holy hat, knitted... by mother. knitted... jacket, forged... in a forge, girl raised... on, frozen fish, the answers are confusing

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