Material for the project Lev Kuzmin writer. Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich (Kuzmin, Lev Ivanovich). Biography Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich

Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin was born on January 6, 1928 in the village of Zadorino (now Parfenyevsky district, Kostroma region).

Mother, Faina Andreevna, was a teacher at the small Nikolo-Poloma station. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, is a railway worker. He died in an accident in the early 30s. Lev Ivanovich knows about his father only from his mother’s stories, which were always bright and warm, because his father was by nature a kind and talented man, he was a passionate bookworm, and loved amateur activities.

The writer's childhood was spent in remote but poetic places, rich in talented people.

“Mom and her sisters are teachers, and books played a very important role in our family. I read a lot and started writing poetry early,” the writer recalls.

His first children's work was called “Barmaley in Leningrad” and was a continuation of the famous fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. The boy wrote it secretly, in the attic, in a thick barn book.

Then the war. I had to leave school at the age of 14 and take a tractor driving course. Together with the same young peers, he works on the collective farm fields as a tractor driver and combine operator. The writer captured the memory of this harsh time in the stories “The Clean Trace of the Ermine” and “Cross Whip.”

And only after the war L.I. Kuzmin continued his studies in - gg. at the art and industrial school in the village. Krasnoe-on-Volga, and then, in 1946, in Leningrad. He considered these four years in a construction technical school, in a city on the Neva, post-war, hungry, to be the best sunny years of his life.

A technical school student, a regular participant in literary circles, a frequent visitor to libraries and museums, and even an extra at the famous opera and ballet theater, at the same time an aspiring author, L. Kuzmin decided to publish his first poems in a local newspaper (in Pushkin).

He combined his studies with work at the Lenakademstroy trust. Participated in the restoration of architectural and historical monuments - the Lyceum, Catherine and Alexander palaces in Pushkino (Tsarskoye Selo).

Based on the scripts of L. Kuzmin, four cartoons were released in Perm, and the opera to the music of S. Prokofiev “Peter and the Wolf” was performed for several seasons on the stage of the Perm Puppet Theater. The libretto for it was written by L. Kuzmin. With Leningraders - composer J. Metallidi and actress I. Bulgakova, he created the mono-operetta "Captain Coco", which is still on the country's stages, and with E. Poplyanova from Chelyabinsk he created an opera-musical for children "The Magic Grain".

Everything written by L. Kuzmin was highly appreciated by his fellow writers and critics. The writer and editor of the magazine “Koster” S. Sakharnov says this about the prose of our fellow countryman: “In Kuzmin, every word is in place and it is impossible to replace it with another..., in every phrase you can hear quiet, gentle music.” The famous Moscow writer and literary critic I. Tokmakova noted such a property of L. Kuzmin’s talent as “the ability to build an accurate image and easily, at a high artistic level, formulate for the little reader this or that rule of behavior...”, because he manages to convey without any falsehood or artificiality to the reader the most fleeting movements of the souls of their heroes, their emotions, experiences.

L.I. Kuzmin died on April 1, 2000. He did not live two months before the release of his last book, “In One Beautiful Kingdom,” which includes 128 poems for children. And in June 2000, the Perm Regional Children's Library, on the basis of which the literary museum of L. I. Kuzmin was created, was named after him.


Wife Maria Grigorievna Kuzmina. Son Andrey Lvovich Kuzmin.


  • Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR


  • Literature of the second half of the twentieth century: Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin // Native Prikamye: Reader on literary local history / Author: D. A. Krasnoperov, N. N. Gasheva. - Perm, . - pp. 125-129.
  • Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich // Perm province from “A” to “Z”: encyclical. reference / ch. ed. O. Andriyashkin. - Perm, . - P. 163.
  • Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich // Writers of the Perm region: biobibliogr. Ref. / comp. V. A. Bogomolov. - Perm, . - With. 97-101.: photo.
  • Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin: bibliogr. Index / Perm. region det. library L. I. Kuzmina. - Perm, . - 162 s.

Main publications

  • Favorites: novels and short stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Chaplya; [preface A. Mityaeva]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 541, p.
  • April: poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 68 s.
  • Baba Yaga and her granddaughters Yagobutterflies: fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Kadochnikov. - Perm: Ural-press, . - 150 s. : ill.
  • Simple Shoes / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist S. Mozhaeva. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 40 s. : ill.
  • Fugitive: a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Yudin. - M.: Baby, . - 18 s.
  • White fluffs: poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M.: Baby, . - 20 s. : ill.
  • Get up, Mitenka! : Komi-Permyak folk songs / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. M. Romadin. - M.: Children's literature, . - 24 s. : ill.
  • In one beautiful kingdom: fairy tales, poems, songs, riddles for young and middle-aged children / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. N. Katsparzhak]. - Perm: Publisher I. Maksarova, . - 190, p. : color ill.
  • That's who we thank! : stories and poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Chaplya. - M.: Children's literature, . - 62, p. : color ill.
  • On the last day of April / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. T. Pribylovskaya. - M.: Baby, . - 28, p. : color ill.
  • Main position: documentary story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 182 p. : ill. - (Chronicle of working dynasties).
  • Proud name of the builder / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist E. I. Nesterov. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, . - 48 s. : ill. - (Stories about professions).
  • Sad Elizabeth: a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. E. Flerova]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 32 s. : color ill.
  • Good afternoon: poems and fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Chizhikov. - M.: Samovar, . - 63 s. : ill. - (Visiting Viktor Chizhikov).
  • House with bells: poems / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. A. Chizhikov. - M.: Bustard, . - 48 s. : color ill. - (Sit and listen).
  • Egorka and Manyushka: a fairy tale / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M.: Children's literature, . - 18 s. : ill.
  • Elinsky roosters / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist O. Korovin. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 252 s. : ill.
  • Once upon a time there was a girl / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Golatenko. - M.: Baby, . - 12 s.
  • Treasured matter: true story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Yudina. - M.: Baby, . - 32 s. : ill. - (Native country).
  • Stargazers: fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Chizhikova. - M.: Children's literature, . - 32 s. : ill.
  • Golden Cradle: poems and fairy tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Averkiev. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, . - 109 p. : ill.
  • Golden Isles: Early Love. Smiles of childhood. Grandmother's holidays. Fast horses: [stories, novella] / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [preface L. Buzilova; ill. O. Korovin]. - Perm: Book, . - 224 s. : ill.
  • Vanya rides on a horse: jokes, games, songs for children / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist: L. and Yu. Yurchatov. - Perm: Ural-press, . - 16 s. : ill.
  • How to get to heaven / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. B. Vlasova. - M.: Children's literature, . - 48 s. : ill.
  • Captain Koko and Green Glass, as well as other funny stories: [poems, fairy tale] / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. P. A. Rychkova]. - Perm: Zvezda, . - 142, p. : color ill.
  • Key-lock: stories and short stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. I. Shipulina. - M.: Children's literature, . - 158, p. : ill.
  • Kosokhlest: stories and tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. E. Gribov]. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 285, p. : ill.
  • End of the Earth / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist S. Mozhaeva; entry S. V. Sakharnova. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 126 s. : ill.
  • Who can do what: (poems and fairy tales for children) / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Petrova. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 31 s. : ill.
  • Spatula / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. V. Dugin]. - M.: Baby, . - 17, p. : color ill.
  • Moon over the outpost: a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Galdyaev. - M.: Children's literature, . - 63 s. : ill.
  • Lyubashin's day / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. M. Petrov]. - M.: Baby, . - 50 s. : color ill.
  • Lyubov Nikolaevna: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. N. Goryacheva]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 45, p. : ill. - (Book by book).
  • Small Rings: stories and stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Nagaeva. - M.: Children's literature, . - 174 p. : ill.
  • Olya little / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. N. Ustinov]. - M.: Baby, . - With. : color ill.
  • Fairy tales: for juniors. age / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist M. Romadin. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, . - 127, p. : color ill.
  • Under the warm sky: stories and stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. A. Borisenko]. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, . - 310 s. : ill., 1 l. portrait
  • Hello, Mitya Kukin! : stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M.: Children's literature, . - 127 p.
  • In the clear sun / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. N. Ustinova. - M.: Baby, . - 76, p. : color ill.
  • Jump-jump: songs and jokes / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist A. Kumankov. - M.: Image LTD, . - 47 s. : ill.
  • Early Express: stories and tales / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [rice. A. Astretsova]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 110, p. : ill.
  • Your home, your city / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 51 s. : ill. - (Native Kama region).
  • Fireworks in Strizhaty: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; [art. E. Gribov]. - M.: Children's literature, . - 94, p. : ill.
  • Rural paths: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. G. Karaseva. - M.: Children's literature, . - 21 s. : color ill.
  • Silver Trumpet: [stories] / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist V. Trubkovich. - M.: Baby, . - 48 s. : color ill.
  • Sunny windows: stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. E. Chernyatina. - M.: Children's literature, . - 16 s.
  • Four in vests: a story / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. S. Mozhaeva. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 98 s. : ill.
  • Pure trace of an ermine: a story, stories / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; artist O. Korovin. - Perm: Book publishing house, . - 285 s. : ill.
  • A wonderful apple: a story about the artist Chestnyakov / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich. - M.: Children's literature, . - 87, p. : color ill.
  • One eccentric walked: poems, story-fairy tale / Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich; rice. V. Averkiev. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, . - 150 s. : ill.

Film adaptations


  • “May the craftsman, an extraordinary machine and a warrior king” (PERMTELEFILM,).
  • “In the land of cheerful childhood” ().
  • "Vereshok" (script, ).


Based on the fairy tale “Captain Coco and the Green Glass,” composer J. Metallidi (St. Petersburg) created a mono-operetta, and E. Poplyanova (Chelyabinsk) created an opera-musical for children “The Magic Grain.”

Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin was born on January 6, 1928 in the village of Zadorino (now Parfenyevsky district, Kostroma region).

Mother, Faina Andreevna, was a teacher at the small Nikolo-Poloma station. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, is a railway worker. He died in an accident in the early 30s. Lev Ivanovich knows about his father only from his mother’s stories, which were always bright and warm, because his father was by nature a kind and talented man, he was a passionate bookworm, and loved amateur activities.

The writer's childhood was spent in remote but poetic places, rich in talented people.

“Mom and her sisters are teachers, and books played a very important role in our family. I read a lot and started writing poetry early,” the writer recalls.

His first children's work was called “Barmaley in Leningrad” and was a continuation of the famous fairy tale by K. Chukovsky. The boy wrote it secretly, in the attic, in a thick barn book.

Then the war. I had to leave school at the age of 14 and take a tractor driving course. Together with the same young peers, he works on the collective farm fields as a tractor driver and combine operator. The writer captured the memory of this harsh time in the stories “The Clean Trace of the Ermine” and “Cross Whip.”

And only after the war L.I. Kuzmin continued his studies in 1945-1946. at the art and industrial school in the village. Krasnoe-on-Volga, and then, in 1946, in Leningrad. He considered these four years in a construction technical school, in a city on the Neva, post-war, hungry, to be the best sunny years of his life.

A technical school student, a regular participant in literary circles, a frequent visitor to libraries and museums, and even an extra at the famous opera and ballet theater, at the same time an aspiring author, L. Kuzmin decided to publish his first poems in a local newspaper (in Pushkin).

He combined his studies with work at the Lenakademstroy trust. Participated in the restoration of architectural and historical monuments - the Lyceum, Catherine and Alexander Palaces in Pushkino (Tsarskoye Selo).

After graduating from college, he worked on construction sites in Siberia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. He came to Perm in 1956 with his wife Maria Grigorievna. In the same year their son Andrei was born.

Having worked on construction sites for a long time, L. Kuzmin came to literature as a mature man.

In 1963, the first poetry collection for adults, “April,” was published in Perm, and in 1964, the first children’s book was published - a collection of poems and fairy tales for the youngest readers, “Who Can Do What?”

In 1965, two books of essays were published: in 1967, for children, “Shoes are Simpletons,” and in 1968, “Captain Coco and the Green Glass.”

In 1969, L. I. Kuzmin was accepted as a member of the Writers' Union. In 1985-1988 he headed the Perm writers' organization, and in 1986 he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR. Lev Ivanovich wrote a lot and, like any good writer, had a favorite theme and favorite characters. He did not consider himself a storyteller; especially in the last decade, he gravitated more toward realistic prose. L. Kuzmin's talent covers a variety of literary genres: amazingly kind, beautiful poems, wonderful stories and tales, documentary essays, fairy tales, translations into Russian of folk songs and fairy tales from Komi-Permyak, Bashkir, Tatar, Udmurt and other languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR.

Based on the scripts of L. Kuzmin, four cartoons were released in Perm, and the opera “Peter and the Wolf” to the music of S. Prokofiev was performed for several seasons on the stage of the Perm Puppet Theater. The libretto for it was written by L. Kuzmin. With Leningraders - composer J. Metallidi and actress I. Bulgakova, he created the mono-operetta "Captain Coco", which is still on the country's stages, and with E. Poplyanova from Chelyabinsk he created an opera-musical for children "The Magic Grain".

Everything written by L. Kuzmin was highly appreciated by his fellow writers and critics. The writer and editor of the magazine “Koster” S. Sakharnov says this about the prose of our fellow countryman: “In Kuzmin, every word is in place and it is impossible to replace it with another..., in every phrase you can hear quiet, gentle music.” The famous Moscow writer and literary critic I. Tokmakova noted such a property of L. Kuzmin’s talent as “the ability to build an accurate image and easily, at a high artistic level, formulate for the little reader this or that rule of behavior...”, because he manages to convey without any falsehood or artificiality to the reader the most fleeting movements of the souls of their heroes, their emotions, experiences.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Art. V. Leibson, a researcher at the Research Institute of Artistic Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, wrote: “L. Kuzmin’s book “Stargazers” did not get lost in the stream of book novelties. And this, you see, is not such a modest success: not to get lost after the dazzling humor of Chukovsky and Marshak, against the background of the brilliant wit of Mikhalkov and Barto, among talented fellow humorists such as Eduard Uspensky, Vadim Levin, Igor Maznin ... "

L.I. Kuzmin himself said: “In my opinion, to write for children, you have to be a little child, yes, yes! Don't smile! After all, the look of an adult is often a tired look. But somehow I’m structured in such a way that no matter how difficult life is, I see the bright in it, that which inspires joy, confidence and hope for the future.”

This is the “talent of kindness”, the essence of L. Kuzmin’s creative method, the peculiarity of his talent. Everything that came from his pen in poetry or prose was colored with some special light of kindness, fun, and light, sly humor.

The total circulation of L. I. Kuzmin’s books has reached well over 10 million, and they were published not only in Perm, but also in the capital’s publishing houses: “Malysh”, “Children’s Literature”, “Samovar”, “Image LTD”. Many works were first published on the pages of the magazines “Pioneer”, “Koster”, “Murzilka”, “Kolobok”, “Misha”. His books are widely known in near and far abroad. This is convincingly demonstrated by translations into foreign languages: Japanese, German, French, Spanish, English. So that the works of L. I. Kuzmin could appear in English-speaking countries, VAAP (All-Union Copyright Agency) released a special booklet dedicated to his work.

L. Kuzmin's poems were included in a number of Russian school anthologies, which indicates the great poetic talent of the author. L.I. Kuzmin is the author of more than 80 books. His last book, with the symbolic title “Golden Islands,” was published on his 70th anniversary. This book is a memory of many good things in the life of the ordinary Russian people, golden, sunny sparks that light up in our current, still very complex existence.

The books of L. I. Kuzmin do not stand on a shelf, but are in motion, they are read and re-read by children, teenagers and adults. L. Kuzmin's readership is many times larger than the circulation of his books. And the fact that he is a recognized and beloved writer is evidenced by the results of the All-Russian Reader's Choice Competition "Golden Key", held by the Russian State Children's Library in 1995 with the aim of supporting modern writers, poets and artists, supporting the development of literature for children. The experts were children under 12 years of age. The results of the competition in our region showed that the children's favorite writers were: E. Uspensky, L. Kuzmin, E. Veltistov, K. Bulychev, G. Oster. Such a high assessment of the writer’s work by those for whom he writes, child readers, is the highest criterion confirming that the writer is known, loved, read and revered. In 1998, Lev Ivanovich was awarded the Order of Friendship.

L.I. Kuzmin died on April 1, 2000. He did not live two months before the release of his last book, “In One Beautiful Kingdom,” which includes 128 poems for children. And in June 2000, the Perm Regional Children's Library, on the basis of which the literary museum of L. I. Kuzmin was created, was named after him.

Kuzmin Lev Ivanovich (1928-2000)

Born on January 6, 1928 in the village of Zadorino, Parfenyevsky district, Kostroma region. He lost his father in the early 30s, spent his early childhood in the village with his peasant grandmother, and studied at school at the Nikolo-Poloma station, where his mother taught. During the war, he left the eighth grade and worked as a tractor driver, then studied for one year at an art and industrial school in the village of Krasnoye-on-Volga; in 1946 he transferred to the Leningrad Construction College, to the architecture department.

He combined his studies with work at the Lenakademstroy trust, and participated in the post-war restoration of the architectural and historical monuments of the Lyceum, Catherine and Alexander Palaces in the city of Pushkino (formerly Tsarskoe Selo). There, in the local newspaper, he began publishing his poems. After defending his diploma, he worked on construction sites in Siberia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Perm.

Since 1969 he has been writing for children and youth. Twice receives diplomas at All-Russian competitions for the best children's book. In 1985-1988 he headed the Perm Writers' Organization. Member of the Writers' Union since 1969. For many years of fruitful literary and social activity, he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1978), and was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Culture.” L.I. Kuzmin died on April 1, 2000. In 2000, the PoDB was named after L. I. Kuzmin. A portrait of L.I. Kuzmin adorns the foyer of the PoDB (artist S.R. Kovalev).

Websites on the works of the Perm children's writer L. I. Kuzmin


Some works by L.I. Kuzmina

    • In one beautiful kingdom: fairy tales, poems, songs, riddles / [intro. Art. T. Sokolova; artist V. Sushintsev]. - Perm: Zvezda, 2000. - 196 p. : ill.
    • Good afternoon: [poems and fairy tales] / artist. V. Chizhikov. - St. Petersburg. : Azbuka, 2012. - 80 p. : color ill. - (44 funny verses).
    • Golden Isles: Early Love. Smiles of childhood. Grandmother's holidays. Fast horses: [stories, novella] / [preface. L. Buzilova; ill. O. Korovin]. - Perm: Book, 1997. - 224 p. : ill.
    • Captain Coco and Green Glass, as well as other funny stories: [poems, fairy tale] / [art. P. A. Rychkova]. - Perm: Zvezda, 2008. -142, p. : color ill.
    • Hello, Mitya Kukin! : stories. - M.: Children's literature, 1977. - 127 p. : ill.
    • Silver Trumpet: [stories] / art. V. Trubkovich. - M.: Malysh, 1983. - 48 p. : color ill.
    • Pure trail of ermine: story, stories / art. O. Korovin. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1984. - 285 p. : ill.
    • Wonderful apple: a story about the artist Chestnyako. - M.: Children's literature, 1981. - 87, p. : color ill.
    • One eccentric walked: poems, fairy tale / pic. V. Averkiev. - Perm: Perm Book Publishing House, 1988. - 150 p. : ill.

Materials from the biography of Kuzmin L.I. are taken from the bio-bibliographic reference book Writers of the Perm Region / Perm Region. writers organization; comp. V. A. Bogomolov. - Perm: "Book", 1996. - 186 p.

Lev Ivanovich often remembers his family and friends in his books. This is grandfather Andrei Andreevich Anokhin, who put together a friendly team and together with it built a wide, sloping street covered with smooth-rolled multi-colored stones in the middle of the dense wilderness (“Night Swimming”). And a young beautiful aunt, whom Levka simply calls Milya (“Golden Islands”), and Uncle Gennady (“Spring of Life”), and Aunt Nina (“In the Evening of Christmas Eve,” “Our Horse and Little House”). But most often the writer remembers grandmother Astya. As a little boy, the future writer often lived for a long time in a forest village An ancient settlement near the regional village of Parfenevo at his mother's aunt Augusta Andreevna Shirokova. This village stood among the forests on the old Kologrivsky tract, and there were only twelve courtyards in it. The village was small, great forests surrounded it, and yet there was no desertion or emptiness. " You'll get in, it used to be- recalls Kuzmin, - at Efimya on the mountain under the swift squeal at the old white bell tower, you look around, and there you go! And the beloved Settlement is nearby, and Dankovo ​​with its five houses can be seen, and Korobovskoe, and Popovo can be seen, and on another hill in the pine trees stands the village of Nikolo-Shir with the same white as a feather, over the Nendova river... This is where it was my kingdom-state, here I lived most of the time as a child and began to write my first poems».

« Grandmother Astya, - recalls Lev Ivanovich, - the kindest sorceress in the world... She had no resemblance to the famous grandmothers from Russian literature. I didn’t hear a single fairy tale or song from her; she was always running around, wearing tights, doing collective farm and household chores. I worked, fought from morning to night for this life, that’s all. But, nevertheless, most of the good, if there is any in me, I took, in addition to my mother, also from her. There was another grandmother - Aunt Anna Kiseleva, a talker who spoke Russian perfectly. There were other storytellers in my rural childhood" The writer talks about his grandmother in the works “The Fugitive”, “Spark”, “Flower in the Snow”, “In the Evening of Christmas Eve”, “Goldfish”, “Grandma’s Pancakes”, “The Lark Rings!”, “In Heaven and on Earth”, “Joy for Grandma”, “Warm Good News”, “Happiness”, “Apple Saved”, “Road by Wheel”. And even in the fairy tale “Captain Coco and the Green Glass,” the beloved grandmother is involved in the creation of miracles. For the writer, Grandma Astya is a feeling of warmth, joy, security, delicious pancakes and cheesecakes, new warm socks and ancient Russian holidays. The feeling that a five-year-old boy feels for his grandmother (“Apple Savior”) is reverent, reverent, deep: “ But Savior, grandmother, is not only in our hut, but you yourself are like this Savior! Sometimes she’s strict, sometimes she’s very kind...”

KUZMIN LEV IVANOVICH (01/06/1928, village of Zadorino, Parfenyevsky district, Kostroma region - 04/01/2000, Perm).
Russian children's writer, prose writer, poet, author of books about children and for children, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (since 1969).
For many years of fruitful literary and social activities, he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1978), and the title of “Honored Worker of Culture” (1986). In 1998, Lev Ivanovich was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.
Mother, Faina Andreevna, worked as a teacher at the small Nikolo-Poloma station of the Northern railway. d. Father, Ivan Ivanovich, is a railway worker. Died in an accident in the early 30s. Lyovushka was the only son in the family.
The future writer spent his early childhood with his peasant grandmother in the village. An ancient settlement near the regional village of Parfenevo. Until the 8th grade, he attended school at the Nikolo-Poloma station. During the war, at the age of 14, he went to work at MTS, took courses, worked on a tractor, on a combine. The writer captured the memory of this harsh time in the stories “The Clean Trace of the Ermine” and “Slant Whip.”
After the war, he studied for one year at the art and industrial school in the village. Krasnoe-on-Volga. In 1946 he transferred to the Leningrad Construction College, to the architecture department.
He combined his studies with work at the Lenakademstroy trust. Participated in the post-war restoration of architectural and historical monuments: the Lyceum, the Catherine and Alexander Palaces in Pushkino (Tsarskoye Selo). Here he published his poems for the first time in a local newspaper. He started writing as a child. While studying at a technical school, Lev Kuzmin was a regular participant in literary circles, read a lot, his range of interests was wide, and even acted as an extra in the famous opera and ballet theater.
After graduating from college, he worked on construction sites in Siberia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. In 1956, together with his wife Maria Grigorievna, he came to Perm. Here he worked in various positions, going from a foreman to the head of the planning department of the KamGESstroy trust. At this time, his family - he, his wife and son Andrei - lives in the Golovanovo microdistrict.
In 1963, the first collection of poetry by Lev Kuzmin, “April,” was published in Perm, and in 1964, the first children’s book of poems and fairy tales for young readers, “Who Can Do What,” was published.
In 1965, two small books of essays (45 and 47 pp.) were published, and in 1967, a book for children, “Shoes the Simpletons,” and in 1968, a book, “Captain Coco and the Green Glass.” After Lev Kuzmin was accepted into the Writers' Union in 1969, he switched exclusively to creative work, and from the distant outskirts of the city moved to the center of Perm, where he was given an apartment, and wrote works for children and youth.
Twice L. Kuzmin received diplomas at All-Russian competitions for the best children's book. Over the years of literary creativity, he published more than eighty books, which were mostly small in volume, and for this reason the writer jokingly called them “noodles.” He worked a lot on the processing of Komi-Permyak folklore. He was actively published in Perm and Moscow. During his lifetime, his books were translated and published in Estonia, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, and Japan.
For several years L. Kuzmin led the literary association of young writers at the writers' organization, and proved himself in this field as a talented teacher, a skillful leader and a sensitive educator of talents. Many of his students later became professional writers.
In 1985–1988 headed the Perm Writers' Organization.
In June 2000, the Perm Regional Children's Library, on the basis of which the literary museum of L. I. Kuzmin was created, was named after him. And 1 Nov. 2013 on a house on the street. Lunacharsky, 94, where the writer lived and worked for 30 years, a memorial plaque was unveiled.

Works: April: Poems. – Perm: Publishing house, 1963. – 67 p.
Who can do what: Poems and fairy tales for children. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1964. – 32 p., ill.
Simple Shoes: Fairy Tales in Verse. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1967. – 40 p., ill.
Captain Coco and the Green Glass: A Tale in Poems and Prose. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1968. – 126 pp., ill.
House with a Bell: Poems. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1972. – 68 p., ill.
One eccentric walked: Poems and fairy tales. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1973. – 190 pp., ill.
Stargazer: Poems. – M.: Det. lit., 1974. – 32 p., ill.
Pure trace of an ermine: A Tale. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1975. – 176 pp., ill.
End of the Earth: Stories. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1976. – 126 pp., ill.
Hello to you, Mitya Kukin: Stories. – M.: Det. lit., 1977. – 127 p., ill.
Yolinsky roosters: Stories, stories. – Perm: Book. publishing house, 1980. – 252 p.
And many more. etc.

Lit.: Writers of the Perm region: biobibliogr. Ref. / comp. V. A. Bogomolov. Perm: Book, 1996. 186 pp.: portrait;
Native Prikamye: Reader on literary local history / Author: D. A. Krasnoperov, N. N. Gasheva. Perm: Book. world, 2001. 431 pp. - From the contents: Literature of the second half of the twentieth century: Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin. pp. 125-129.

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