A dream has no expiration date. Quotes and sayings by Elchin Safarli. The best quotes from books by Elchin Safarli

Most soulful writer Russia Elchin Safarli touches delicate strings in his books female soul, talks about happiness and love, loneliness and place in life. We looked into his books and selected the most poignant quotes that accurately describe our state of mind.

For many years I considered myself somehow... unfinished. There is either too much or too little of something in me. And this causes constant anxiety inside, as if I’m walking on a tightrope that is about to break. Over time, I allowed myself to be imperfect, and I instantly felt better. You need to be able to see the uniqueness in your seemingly oddities, to love yourself in yourself.

We came into this world in order to be happy. Because only happy man spreads light and heat around itself. Angry, gloomy, aggressive - what can he give to others? Unless that’s what you’re filled with! Learning to be happy is daily work above oneself. Changing your attitude towards the environment, having caught yourself in the wrong projection, is almost the most important thing. It's not easy, but it's possible.

Love... True love, like true despair - silent. It doesn't need words. Despair reads the same way. like love, in the eyes. I don’t like these, you know, letters of confession. I never write declarations of love. I show it with my actions. You know, in love the most eloquent words are not words, they are touches.

We don't love cities, we love ourselves in these cities.

You can be better, but don't try to be different. Both your mistakes and your successes are you. There is no one like you anymore. Treat yourself with care, do not do evil, do not expect rewards and allow yourself to make mistakes. It's no fun without them.

I recently met a man and we liked each other. I was afraid for a moment that if I fell in love again, I would certainly end up disappointed. But after a moment I realized that it was just fear, an ordinary thought, and I drove it away. I'm ready for new happiness. And each of us is worthy of it - don’t doubt it.

Don't listen to those who don't believe in you. There will definitely be those who will offer to “come to your senses”, they say, don’t wait for anything “yours”, look at that good guy: over the years you will fall in love, it will grow together. I warn you: it won’t grow together! You will not live your life - and what could be worse? The Persian Sufi poet Rumi has words written as early as 1200. “Happiness is singing your song like the birds, not caring who is listening or what they think about it.”

You choose: happiness in spite of everything or despair in spite of everything, forgive yourself or curse yourself until the end of your days, trust people or expect a dirty trick from them. If you can’t distract yourself from the painful, remember that you have little time and it’s stupid to waste it on self-torture.

Saying “I’m weak” is always easier than picking yourself up and moving on. Only the one who walks will feel happiness. The universe rewards for work, and not for suffering, accusations and depression behind drawn curtains. It's time to let the sun in.

Life is like a little blanket: if you pull it up, your feet get cold, if you pull it down, your head gets cold. He who curls up knows how to live.

Tears don't change over the years. They, like our eyes, are ageless.

The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.

All our childhood dreams largely determine our adult life.

In order to always have a clear conscience, you do not need to dirty it. This is not clothing, you can’t wash it. It's a pity.

Where you meet love, space shrinks to the heart of one person.

Those who rely solely on their minds lose their hearts. And the heart has life in it

Women, as a rule, do not have their own principles. They listen to their inner voice, the voice of the heart and the men they love.

People who are unable to prove their vision of reality are called crazy. After all, it is difficult for society to accept the possibility of the existence of worlds unknown to it, well, except for the earthly and heavenly.

Sometimes I think that it would be better if you didn’t exist, and then I understand that there is no better person than you.

Exhausting search loved one everywhere and everywhere even when you know its specific location - this is what is most irresistible in longing.

I still don’t regret anything, if only because it’s pointless.

In life, it is not making ends meet, but expectations and hopes.

When you want to get away from something that hurts, it seems that it will be easier if you repeat the road you have already walked once.

Everything is possible under one condition: to really want what you are going for.

You need to go through the abyss to find yourself on the other side. This is how everything new begins.

In love, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. In love, everything is always anew, for two.

Fears are the greatest test in love. Overcoming them, you bring your feelings closer to eternity

Someone said that Chance is a pseudonym for God when he does not want to sign his name.

Elchin Safarli - quotes and sayings

Cynicism is when you justify flashes of conscience with the words: “Not much depends on me” - and immediately agree with them.

The end of the working day, everyone is rushing home. Some are waiting, some are being waited on, and some are hoping to be waited on. The eternal cycle of fate, sometimes unfair.

I look in the mirror, and in the reflection I see not myself, but you. That's how it should be. Lovers become a reflection of each other. I can’t live without you and I know you can’t live without me. Together forever. Repeat after me. Helps.

Hearing silence in response is the most painful thing for a woman. It’s better to let him say that he’s fallen out of love. It’s better to push him away with an offensive word and shout: “I’m tired of your love!” Anything but silence. It kills.

People who call themselves weak are actually the strongest.

Each time has its own laws. In the fall you hope, in the winter you believe, in the spring you wait, in the summer you receive.

The longer you wait, the more likely it is that you are waiting in the wrong place.

It’s easy for others to say, “Don’t take it to heart.” How can they know what the depth of your heart is? And where is it close for him? Only you yourself can pick up stones from the ground that you once tripped over.

It’s good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

In love, a man should give a woman not only flowers, but also the feeling that everything is just beginning for them.

Distance is difficult to conquer with thoughts alone. You will not be satisfied with faith alone.

Complain about black stripe those who don't have the courage to paint it white.

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family. Family cannot be replaced by money, career, or friends. Family is like a puzzle piece: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will come together

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.

In order to always have a clear conscience, you do not need to dirty it. This is not clothing, you can’t wash it. It's a pity. – Safarli

I called a taxi. A car pulled up yellow color. “This color really means separation,” I thought, and I said to her: “I’ll be back soon, dear.”

Women, as a rule, do not have their own principles. They listen to their inner voice, the voice of the heart and the men they love.

Elchin Safarli: “The presence of a smile on your face is not joy. Its true manifestation lies in an unshakable belief in the best, even when it seems impossible. “Love from the Bottom of the Bosphorus””

Only the love that survives separation can be eternal. “Love from the Bottom of the Bosphorus”

All our childhood dreams largely determine our adult life. “I’ll be back” – E. Safarli

People who are unable to prove their vision of reality are called crazy. After all, it is difficult for society to accept the possibility of the existence of worlds unknown to it, well, except for the earthly and heavenly.

Only the person who once made us the happiest can make us the most unhappy.

Read the continuation of Elchin Safarli’s quotes and aphorisms on the pages:

Love weaned me from looking for answers in books, trying on the stories of other people’s heroines, listening to sentimental musical ballads with the thought: God, this is about me! That's all about me! Regarding questions of your own destiny, you should turn to your heart. It, wise, knocks from our first second to our last - like an experienced radio operator sending important encrypted messages into the air. Why do we trust anyone but ourselves? The heart knows best about what is irretrievably gone and about bright hope. And only having lost contact with him, we fill ourselves with cones and collect scars.

Jealous of pigeons. Their freedom and trust. I'm not in a cage. I'm free with clipped wings. I can take off, but not fly away.

I'm waiting for autumn. With such impatience that she is ready to sacrifice all other seasons to her. And I won’t regret what I did at all. I need autumn. Very very. She will bring into the light those who are driven into the dark corner of survival. She will not force you to repeat the cruel but true words: “If we are all alone, then in loneliness we are all together.” Autumn is called the season of sadness. I don’t agree: real sadness comes with summer, when there is no one to share the generosity of the sun with...

The best tutorial- life in a variety of manifestations. “There without going back”

Love makes a woman weak. Wise women- these are those who pass off weakness as loyalty.

There will be a new test... if you survive, you will get happiness.

The end of the working day, everyone is rushing home. Some are waiting, some are being waited on, and some are hoping to be waited on. The eternal cycle of fate, sometimes unfair.

I’m far away now... but who knows... maybe I’ll come with the aroma of tea, maybe I’ll become rain and fall on your city, maybe I’ll appear before you like the wind... Just you wait!

If life sends you sour lemons, build a lemonade factory and get rich!

Over the years, I realized that with husbands family life you need to be able to talk, be interested in each other’s desires. This doesn't just apply to sex. Silence slowly leads to collapse...

I look in the mirror, and in the reflection I see not myself, but you. That's how it should be. Lovers become a reflection of each other. I can’t live without you and I know you can’t live without me. Together forever. Repeat after me... Helps. “No memories without you”

I try to catch time, stop it, squeeze it in my arms, but it’s all in vain. It flies away, is carried away. He smiles boastfully from above, proud of his superiority. And I understand that time, in fact, is as unstoppable as love. And love, like time, cannot be hidden deeply, for a long time - it will still break through, it will still declare itself. Will reward or burn...

My hope is... mmm... Even if the world disappears, we will still find each other... Even if the nights disappear, we will shine as stars in the daytime... That is my hope. "I'll come back"

Love. A stream of people forever touching and diverging with sad eyes. It is incredibly difficult for me to believe that the strongest feeling that exists is the most short-lived. The realization came to me a long time ago, without grief. But every time you take the path new love, I close my eyes, mentally write and erase two questions to which no one knows the answer: how long?, how soon?.

Women leave magical nights for men to say goodbye. Women's traces on men's hearts. The night before the separation, she kissed differently than usual. Her kisses froze on my body, like snowflakes on an icy window. For some reason it was getting cold. Now I understand. Farewell kisses lose their warmth. They contain the cooled tenderness of parting... On the last night she looked at me differently than usual. There is alienation in the gaze. Alienation in opposition to love. She understood that it was time for her, but in every possible way she delayed the hour of leaving. The struggle of soul and mind. Reason won. Gone. Now I understand. There is no melancholy in the look before separation. There is a silent protest in it. A protest against yourself. Feelings lose to reason. More often…

The desire to become a mother should come to a woman simultaneously with love for the man with whom she wants to raise them. "You were promised to me"

In love, you don't need to prove anything to anyone. In love, everything is always anew, for two...

We women are like that. If a man interests us as a person, then he attracts us as a partner.

Every time, under the cool streams in the shower, I touch the marks of his lips with my fingers. They still burn on my body like invisible marks...

Stupid prostitutes believe in love. Wise prostitutes believe in love only while watching melodramas.

– Did God really cancel taxes, establishing a visa-free regime between heaven and earth? - No. Everything is much simpler. Today, a million babies were born in the world, there are no deaths. Isn't this a reason to rejoice?

No matter how a person lives, he still needs a family - I realize over the years. Family cannot be replaced by money, career, or friends. Family is like an element of a puzzle: you find the missing piece, and the picture of life will come together...

Loneliness laughs at those who hide from it in illusions. We will return to it sooner or later, disappointed to the last drop of blood.

Words are often not from the heart - from the mind. Trust only the eyes that reflect the soul...

The most important thing in any person’s life is the opportunity to share love. It may sound banal. But that's how it is. Check...

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.

The road to happiness is never short. On a long path, full of vague images and ideas, it is important not to give up on the goal, to find yourself. This is happiness.

When we become indifferent to how the one we love sees us, it means we no longer love him.

Damn the obstacles! The main thing is that I am on the way to it. Impulses must develop into actions. Unfulfilled impulses become more difficult to forgive oneself over the years... “There are no memories without you”

It’s easy to say to others: Don’t take it to heart. How can they know what the depth of your heart is? And where is it close for him? "You were promised to me"

Spring rain smells like hope. There is no irreversible loss in it, as in precipitation from other seasons. You don’t want to watch the spring rain from the sidelines, immersed in the atmosphere of home comfort. Under it you want to live, love, hope. Count the drops, lose count, catch them with your tongue, remembering the taste of the freshness of a new time. Spring rain similar to a mint cocktail with ice cubes. A cocktail from spring, so reminiscent of summer.

A woman is weakest when she loves, and strongest when she is loved.

I don’t even remember the time when people believed in princes; I left them on the pages of fairy tales. "You were promised to me"

You are my most big victory over pride. "I'll come back"

Fears are the biggest test in love. By overcoming them, you bring your feelings closer to eternity...

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain.

Ask: what did I love most in this life? I answer: everyday life. Their beginnings and endings, their victories and defeats, their losses and gains. There was not even a claim to uniqueness in them. Everything is familiar, like many people. But the most important meaning of these everyday life was that we met and spent our days together... “There are no memories without you”

I believe that we will finally win back feelings from circumstances. "I'll come back"

Love with a bound heart. Have you ever had this happen? When there is no way back or forward. There is only a place where you stand and cannot move...

Love relationships are like fluffy curds, the already familiar taste of which can be modified with the help of various dried fruits. This time raisins, and next time dried apricots... “There are no memories without you”

Life goes on while there is White color. Like, while it flutters on the balcony ropes, it spins in a drum washing machine, glows in the dark and contrasts with tanned skin, everything will be fine. There is great truth in these words. It is important not only to see all shades of white in yourself, but also to notice them in the world around you. It is not difficult. White is both strong and persistent. Doesn't fade, doesn't fade...

Every man sooner or later thinks about the meaning of life. Well, how long can you work, drink, fuck and suffer with bullshit? My daughters are the meaning that I needed, although you know how afraid I was to start a family. I can’t imagine how people live without children. When you don't trip over toys at night and no one rushes towards your Hey, who's home? Yes, old man, you can call me a sentimental asshole, but it’s nonsense that a family is a heavy shackle for a man. I feel good! Of course, I get tired of my wife from time to time, but the love of my children compensates for a lot, if not all.

It is impossible to hide from yourself. There is no point in running anywhere. The pain will come back anyway. It will take you back to where the traces of hopelessness begin. Time makes peace with itself. He stands in front of you as a mirror, healing the scars of your heart in the reflection. You look at yourself and, through the web of despair, you realize that you want to move on. Live, believe, wait again. Smile at the curly clouds, overeat on cherry ice cream, feel the tickling of bubbles in your nose from drinking soda, kiss lips shimmering under the moon. No pain can turn a person away from life. For any locked door there are keys that can be used to unlock it.

We women are taking a decisive step forward after taking two steps back.

Childhood is something that we have lost in time, but have kept within ourselves.

Children are able to forgive absolutely everything. Resentments take root as you grow older... “Love from the Bottom of the Bosphorus”

Returning always brings happiness, no matter what burden in your soul you return with.

The suffering is endless. Some were spent, the next ones appeared. We have to choose: live fighting them, or live not paying attention to them. Of course, there will be no absolute deliverance, but it is possible to change the attitude towards sadness

Again I’m waiting for the unexpected, for something that will make me very surprised and walk around happy for a long time after that.

Life is always beautiful, just sometimes there is more life in it...

Life is like fluff from a torn pillow - 1000 opportunities to catch, 999 of them are empty...

Where you meet love, space shrinks to the heart of one person...

It’s good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

Memory also has immunity - it erases what brings pain. “There without going back”

There is such a lack of human warmth in Moscow that some people compensate for it with nuclear heating.

Fernando’s words come to mind: I kept waiting for the one who would become my destiny to appear. Just like in the books. It's rare for anyone to be so lucky. Personally, I was unlucky... Brother, don’t bet high bar in personal life. Our halves are also the fruit of our efforts. It is possible to sculpt what you wanted. Not right away, of course. With time. We men are most often to blame for our loneliness, subconsciously choosing freedom.”

In love, a man should give a woman not only flowers, but also the feeling that everything is just beginning for them.

Books give people happiness and become a refuge from reality. Books – best friends most women, not diamonds. When we lack love, we take love story. When we want to forget ourselves, we plunge into an exciting detective story...

Stop the earth at the turn, I decided to get off...

A man in the kitchen is not only flattering, but also terribly sexy.

Love is not a situation. Love is a reward.

4 May 2014, 17:28

There are people who are as comfortable as home. You hug them and you understand: I’m home.

A man for real loving a woman, will not delve into her past

Love makes a woman weak. Wise women are those who pass off weakness as loyalty...

Living differently is true madness. This is the biggest love mistake...

I know only one reason for the collapsed relationship, it has nothing to do with the stamp in the passport. Understatement. It all starts with her.

Love is not a situation. Love is a reward.

The longer you wait, the more likely it is that you are waiting in the wrong place.

I'm afraid of the word "hate". It is too weighty and destructive. “I hate” easily shatters thousands of human hearts. Forever.

One day you will find yourself by the sea, and it will carry away the pain of memories on its waves. Each of us has our own sea.

They often wait for us exactly where we don’t want to return.

If the past does not let go, then it has not passed yet.

Do you know what the meaning of the reproach “it’s difficult with you” is? "You have not lived up to my royal expectations for you."

“Unhappy love is like... a sore throat. Quite compatible with life, it’s just unpleasant, but it’s impossible not to think about it. Tea with lemon and honey helps for a while, and also time and silence. When you speak, it only hurts more - it even takes your breath away. Therefore, it’s better to sit down and write it down. With each letter, the painful thing becomes painful. True, you won’t feel it right away - the effect comes a little later.”

Love is a capricious product, and storage conditions are so important to it.

Women tend to shop rather than try. This is the main difference!

Love has two barriers - circumstances and fears. We often lack the courage to step over the stones of the past and the doubts of the present.

There must be jealousy in a man. But it should not be visible, like salt in delicious food.

A man, even despite the armor of selfishness, understands that a woman is better.

Updated 04/05/14 17:43:

Elchin Safarli - Azerbaijani writer, journalist. He writes novels in Russian. Books: "Sweet salt of the Bosphorus", “There without going back”, “I’ll be back”, “I was promised you”,“...There are no memories without you”, “One Thousand and Two Nights: Ours in the East” (collection of stories), “Legends of the Bosphorus”, “If you knew...”, “Recipes for happiness”, “When I’m without you”

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