International Dance Day. International Dance Day Interesting facts about dancing. Dance records

International Dance Day (World Dance Day) is a celebration dedicated to all styles of dance and a professional holiday for those whose line of work is associated with them. The festive events involve dance groups, schools and ensembles, professional artists of classical schools, ballet and folk art, representatives of modern trends (breakdancing, tectonics), choreographers, directors, and lovers of moving to the beat of the music.

In Russia in 2020, International Dance Day is celebrated on April 29 and is held unofficially 39 times.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the birthday of the French choreographer J.-J. Noverra 04/29/1727

On World Dance Day, dance festivals, open days at dance schools, dance flash mobs, and dance evenings are traditionally held.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

International Dance Day was founded in 1982 by UNESCO, an agency of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The date of the holiday was suggested by Russian dancer, teacher and choreographer Pyotr Gusev. On this day, April 29, 1727, the French choreographer and founder of modern ballet Jean-Georges Noverre was born.

Holiday traditions

Traditionally, on April 29, a famous representative of the dance world addresses the public with a message about the meaning and beauty of dance. In 1984, the Soviet choreographer Yuri Grigorovich performed, in 1996 - the Russian ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

Dance festivals and competitions take place on this day. Dance schools hold open days. Flash mobs are organized. Dance evenings are organized.

In Russia, on International Dance Day, choreographers, conductors, composers and artists are awarded the professional ballet award “Soul of Dance”.

Daily task

International Dance Day is a holiday dedicated to all styles of dance, celebrated on April 29. This art form unites people, erasing political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of dance. Celebrate this holiday creatively - express your feelings for another person through dance.


“Congratulations on International Dance Day! I wish you an amazing sense of rhythm, incredible plasticity, endurance, enthusiasm and faith in your abilities. Good health, self-discovery in new directions, enchanting choreography and thunderous applause. Let your talent shine brightly on the international stage!

“Happy International Dance Day to everyone who can’t stay still when they hear music! Dance is an encrypted language of movements, it is speed and whirlwinds of emotions. Dance is more than words. Dance, open up in dance, and discover other people. Let the fiery dance of your life never stop!

“We wish all dancers that the goddess of dance will visit you today and give you the desire to flourish professionally! Happy Dance Day, dear dancers! Let your gait be airy and weightless, let your figure be slim and graceful! We wish you to plunge into the passionate embrace of dance and spin a dizzying romance with it for life! New energy for you, inspiration, vigor, rhythm! Let the heart in your chest beat in time with the melody of your soul! Let dancing always be a desired and favorite activity for your soul and body! We wish you that each of your dances ends with a stormy burst of applause from fans of your work!


Gift Certificate. A gift certificate for a master class in your favorite dance style will be an original and thematic gift.

Workout clothes. Comfortable and stylish clothes or shoes for training will be a practical and useful gift for the holiday.

Portable speakers. Portable speakers that create high-quality and loud sound will allow you to conduct training and rehearsals anywhere. In addition to such a gift, you can present a flash drive with a selection of compositions by your favorite artist.

Portrait. A portrait painted from a photograph will be an original and pleasant surprise for a creative person.


Ice Dance
Couples take part in the competition and are given a piece of whatman paper. Participants lay out whatman paper on the floor and stand on it. Then the music starts and the couples start dancing. The main rule of the competition is not to step outside the paper. Violators are knocked out of the game. During the competition, the music is interrupted several times. During the break, participants must fold the sheet in half. The neatest pair wins.

Different styles
Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare forfeits on which various names of dances will be written: tango, hopak, lambada, cancan, rock and roll, etc. Participants in the competition take turns choosing forfeits at random. They are given a few minutes to prepare the dance. Then a well-known rhythmic musical composition is turned on, and all the competitors begin to dance simultaneously. The most creative and charismatic participant wins the competition.

Sedentary dancing
Before the competition, chairs are placed in a row on which the participants sit. Rhythmic music turns on and the contestants begin to dance without getting up from their chairs. Victory in the competition goes to the most resourceful and artistic participant.

  • December 11 is International Tango Day.
  • On April 29, 1991, the International Association of Choreographers founded the annual ballet festival “Benois de la Danse”. The international jury selects the most talented representatives in the categories “best choreographer”, “best ballerina” and “best dancer”. The winners receive a figurine in the form of a dancing couple as a bonus.
  • The word “dance” appeared in Russian in the 17th century. Before this, the word “dance” was in use.
  • The Dance Museum has been operating in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, since 1953.
  • To make a ballet tutu, you will need 13-16 m of tulle.
  • The most famous ballet performance in the world is Swan Lake.
  • In Russia, the first ballet performance took place in 1673.

About the dancer's profession

Dancing is an ancient art form that combines rhythmic movements, exciting spectacle, and a range of feelings and emotions. There are several specialties related to dance: dancer, choreographer, set designer, coach, dance therapy specialist, etc.

In most cases, people start dancing from childhood in artistic creative groups. This type of activity requires good physical preparation, a sense of rhythm, diligence, and artistry. For some, dancing develops into a professional activity. In universities they receive education in choreographic areas. Dancers may perform solo or be part of professional troupes or ensembles.

Dancers who are successful tour a lot and have a high level of income. However, their career does not last long. The profession of a dancer is associated with high physical activity and the risk of injury.

This holiday in other countries

World Dance Day is an international holiday, which, just like in Russia, is celebrated in many countries around the world.

Celebrated every year on April 29. The holiday applies to all existing dance styles. The event is celebrated on a grand scale in almost all countries of the world.

The main goal of the holiday is to unite all people related to dance, regardless of their race and nationality.

history of the holiday

According to the founders, the main idea of ​​this holiday is the unification of all areas of dance as a single art form, and Dance Day itself is an occasion to honor it, as well as its ability to overcome all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, the ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of dance.

The holiday was established by the decision of UNESCO. The event was first celebrated in 1982. The date of April 29 for the celebration was announced by Pyotr Gusev, a domestic choreographer and dancer. When choosing her, he was guided by the fact that on this day in 1727 the legendary choreographer Jean Georges Noverre from France was born.

Noverre is the recognized founder of world ballet and dance in general. Before him, dance steps had never been performed solo on stage. They have always served as accompaniment for opera performers. Noverre was the first to perform ballet on stage as an independent performance. He also decided to rid the dancers of bulky, uncomfortable outfits that hindered the perfect execution of pirouettes.

Dance is the oldest form of human expression. With the help of his body and language of movements, a person not only presents himself to the people around him, but also gains an internal connection with the spiritual and emotional world.

Dance is an art that does not require a brush or a pen. His only instrument is the human body, in every movement of which dance lives. However, dance requires not only the participation of the body, but also the soul and mind. And people who are completely immersed in the magical world of dance remain devoted to it to the end.

But dance is not only a hobby, it is work, discipline, training, and the art of communication. With dance you can sometimes say much more than with words. In addition, the language of dance is universal, since it has no boundaries and is understandable to everyone, regardless of what language we speak.

International Dance Day is a holiday dedicated to all dance styles without exception, this day is celebrated annually April 29.

The history of the holiday

This holiday arose on the initiative of the International Dance Council of UNESCO almost 30 years ago - in 1982. The date of April 29 was proposed by ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher P.A. Gusev in tribute to the memory of the great French choreographer and reformer Jean-Georges Nover, who was born on this day and went down in history as the “father of modern ballet.”

Born on April 29, 1727, Jean-Georges Nover was a student of the then famous choreographer L. Dupre. Later he performed as a dancer, and then led European ballet groups: in Vienna at the Royal Palace, at the Paris Opera, in London at the Drury Lane Theater. Nover was the first director of ballet performances with a complete storyline. He also wrote a number of key theoretical developments on the issues of staging ballet performances. Nover developed the basic principles of tragedy ballet and heroic ballet. In 1759, his famous work entitled “Letters on Dances and Ballets” was published, in which Nover substantiated the main positions of the ballet-play, which should be implemented jointly by the composer, choreographer and artist, through pantomime and dance.

International Dance Day today

According to the idea of ​​the founders, the task of the International Dance Day should be to unite all dance trends and styles. This holiday should also be an occasion to celebrate the art of dance and its unique ability to transcend all boundaries: ethnic, political or cultural. After all, dance has great potential to unite people who speak the same language – the language of dance.

Traditionally, every year one of the famous representatives of the dance world addresses humanity with a message, the purpose of which is to remind people of the beauty, strength and power of dance.

Every year on this day the Ballet Benois prize, established in 1991 by the International Association of Choreographers, is awarded.

Dance styles

Ballroom dancing. The birth of the waltz occurred thanks to various dances of the peoples of Europe.

There is a slow (English) waltz with smooth turns and long sliding movements.

The Viennese Waltz has an accentuated rhythm, which makes this dance more clear and elegant. Despite the fact that in this waltz all the circles are rapid, the movements of the partners must be completely coordinated, graceful and smooth.

Another sensual and temperamental dance is the Argentine tango, which always combines passion with notes of sadness. With the help of this tango you can fully express the depth of feelings. In tango, a man and a woman move according to their own scripts, they have different steps and different movements, so every gesture, even the smallest one, is important.

Foxtrot is a dance that served as an impetus for the development of all ballroom dance. Foxtrot is a combination of slow and fast steps in a huge number of variations. Due to such a high complexity of the rhythmic nature of the movements, this dance is considered the most difficult to learn.

Wedding dance also refers to ballroom dancing and is a combination of a variety of elements: waltz, tango, and any other dance that a couple in love wants to dance.

Flamenco is a dance of feelings, and completely different ones, expressing a huge range of experiences from euphoria to tragedy. This Spanish dance combines many different dance styles. Flamenco is danced to the accompaniment of a guitar, often accompanied by singing. The dancers' movements are incredibly flexible, proud, combining soft hand movements with crazy fractions. Flamenco has a huge number of styles and an important advantage - this dance has no age limits or restrictions.

Latina (Latin American dances) is a very unique dance style, which is based on a strong expression of emotions and is considered the style of temperamental people. Latin American dances are stunning in their beauty; they are a mixture of different schools and movements, they combine the movements of samba, rumba, mamba, jive, salsa, paso doble and other dances. Latin American style is imbued with the spirit of freedom and expression.

Belly dance is an ancient style that includes more than fifty types of Arabic dance. Today there are quite a large number of oriental dance schools - these are the Egyptian school, Turkish, Persian, Thai, Aden, Pakistani, Jordanian, Bhutanese and others. Belly dance is, first of all, soft, smooth and very graceful movements. By dancing oriental dance, every woman not only fully reveals her attractiveness, but also maintains a healthy body.

Strip plastic is a dance of sensuality and emancipation, allowing you to reveal the individuality of everyone. It looks beautiful, natural and revealing. The specificity of strip plastic surgery is a special technique for staging movements. It is believed that with the help of this dance style, everyone can learn to emphasize the advantages of their figure and hide flaws, as well as learn to move beautifully.

Hip-hop is a progressive dance style. Modern hip-hop can be called the dance of youth parties. It is, in fact, an improvisational dance, as it originated from African jazz.

Brakedance. This dance is a kind of part of hip-hop culture. It can be called dynamic and extreme. Breaking is divided into upper and lower, and all people who break dance are called breakers. Also, breaker guys are called b-boys, and girls are called b-girls.

R"n"B can be called a combination of wavestorm and kramp dance styles. As an independent style, R"n"B took shape in America in the 1940s and was initially an alternative to regular blues. This style can safely be called the avant-garde of dance and music fashion. This is the main youth dance style.

Club dance is a set of a wide variety of movements with the possibility of improvisation. This style can be called universal because, having mastered it, everyone can dance anywhere - at a house party, in a prestigious club or at a disco. Club dance completely depends on the imagination, on the desires and capabilities of the person dancing, since everyone chooses the movements for themselves, and their combination becomes an expression of the individuality of the dancer.

Modern jazz is a style of African peoples that combines energetic rhythms with jazz elements. A distinctive feature of this style is the use of the body as an instrument for beating out a musical rhythm. Body movements in dance are sharp, broken, which are a reflection not only of external manifestations, but also of a person’s internal experiences.

Romanchukevich Tatyana
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In 1982, the Dance Committee of the International Theater Institute of UNESCO proposed that April 29 be celebrated annually as International Dance Day. International Dance Day serves to bring together all Dances, to celebrate this art form and rejoice in its ability to cross all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of DANCE. Every year, world-famous dancers and choreographers write a “Message” dedicated to Dance Day, and dance festivals are held all over the world.

This year's message was written by Trisha Brown, who left us in March of this year.

International Dance Day Message 2017 by Trisha Brown:

I became a dancer because I wanted to fly. Defying gravity has always inspired me. There is no secret meaning in my dances. They are spiritual exercises in physical form.

Dance is communication, it expands the universal language of communication, it creates joy, beauty and increases human knowledge. Dance... is about creativity... again and again... in thinking, in creating, in action and in performing. Our bodies are instruments of expression, not vehicles for display. This understanding frees our capacity for creativity, which is the essence and gift of creating art.

An artist's life does not end with age, as some critics believe. Dance is made of people, people and ideas. As viewers, you can take the creative impulse with you and apply it to your daily life.

Here's my favorite Tricia thing:

Every year on April 29, International Dance Day is celebrated around the world. This year, dedicated to all styles of dance, began to be celebrated in 1982 on the initiative of the International Dance Council (CID) of UNESCO on the birthday of the French choreographer Jean-Georges Noverre, a reformer and theorist of choreographic art, who entered the history as the "father of modern ballet".

History of dance

Jean-Georges Noverre (April 29, 1727—October 19, 1810) - French choreographer, choreographer and ballet theorist, student of choreographer L. Dupre. He performed as a dancer and headed the ballet troupe at the Drury Lane Theater in London.

Noverre developed the principles of heroic ballet and tragedy ballet. In 1759, his famous work “Letters on Dance and Ballets” was published, where Noverre substantiated the principles of a ballet-play, embodied by means of effective pantomime and dance in the collaboration of a composer, choreographer and artist.

Therefore, according to the founders, the main idea of ​​this holiday is the unification of all areas of dance as a single art form, and Dance Day itself is an occasion to celebrate it, as well as its ability to overcome all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries, the ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of dance.

And, of course, on this day the entire dancing world - opera and ballet theater groups, modern dance troupes, modern ballroom and folk dance ensembles and others, both professional and amateur artists - will celebrate their professional holiday. The forms of celebration are very diverse - from traditional concerts and performances to dance flash mobs and unusual performances.

At the official level, according to tradition, every year one of the famous representatives of the world of choreography addresses the public with a message reminding people of the beauty of dance. Thus, over the years, such world celebrities as Robert Joffrey (USA), Maggie Marin (France), Maya Plisetskaya (Russia), Maurice Bejart (France), William Forsyth (USA-Germany) gave ceremonial speeches on the occasion of International Dance Day. ), Stefan Page (Australia), Miyako Yoshida (Japan-Great Britain), Julio Bocca (Argentina), Lin Hwai-ming (Taiwan) and others.

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