My attitude to the story I read is the garnet bracelet. My thoughts on the story "Garnet Bracelet". Garnet bracelet: essay-reasoning

The agreement of the strings in the quartet tells us,

That the lonely path is like death.


Kuprin, like all writers of all times and peoples without exception, did not ignore the theme of love in his story, but his love is special and unlike anything else - unrequited, but we will return to this issue later.

You can immediately ask the question: did Vera love anyone at all? Or the word love in its understanding is something other than the concept of marital duty, marital fidelity, and not feelings for another person. Probably only one person - her sister, who was everything to her; she never even thought of loving her husband, not to mention Zheltkov, whom she had never seen alive.

Zheltkov, what can you say about him - was he a sick man, and pursued an unfortunate woman, or was he sick with love - unrequited, the most cruel love in the world, which did not give hope for reciprocity. But still, he hoped for the will of fate that it would bring them together, and they would live happily ever after. But no - fate, in the person of Vera, had other plans, she needed to tell everything to her husband - why?! After all, she could have talked to Zheltkov herself, calmed him down, and politely asked him not to write to her anymore. That's all.

Throughout the entire story, Kuprin tries to instill in readers “the concept of love on the edge of life,” and he does this through Zheltkov, for him love is life, therefore, no love, no life. And when Vera’s husband persistently asks to stop love, his life ends: “ are offered one of two things: either you completely refuse to pursue Princess Vera
Nikolaevna, or, if you do not agree to this, we will take measures that our position allows us...”

Returning to the question of unrequited love - is love worthy of the loss of life, the loss of everything that can be in the world. You can remember Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”: after all, they gave their lives - for the sake of love, for the sake of the most precious thing that they had, in order to have love in heaven. Everyone must answer this question for themselves - does he want this, and what is more valuable to him - life or love? Zheltkov answered - love: “It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, all life consists only in

Was there a need for Vera to go and look at the dead Zheltkov?
Perhaps it was an attempt to somehow assert herself, not to torment herself for the rest of her life with remorse, to look at the one she abandoned, and if possible, to love him. To understand that there would be nothing like this in her life - “At that second she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. ". What we started from is what we came to - unrequited love, only now it’s the other way around, she loves him, but he cannot reciprocate her feelings. And who is to blame for this - himself or his love.

What is our life, a game - a game of love? Well, what about the price of life, because life is the most precious thing we have, it is what we are so afraid of losing, and on the other hand, love is the meaning of our life, without which it will not be life, but will be an empty phrase in an infinite book of human history.

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    With your love, with the memory of her, I am stronger than all the kings in the world. W. Shakespeare It is difficult to find a writer or poet who would avoid the theme of love in his work, just as it is difficult to find a person whose heart has never been warmed by this feeling. Love...

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    Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is an amazing person. During his life, he changed many professions, but in the end he settled on writing - and he was not mistaken. Now we know Kuprin as a recognized master of the short story, the author of wonderful...

The agreement of the strings in the quartet tells us,

That the lonely path is like death.


Kuprin, like all writers of all times and peoples without exception, did not ignore the theme of love in his story, but his love is special and unlike anything else - unrequited, but we will return to this issue later.

You can immediately ask the question: did Vera love anyone at all? Or the word love in its understanding is something other than the concept of marital duty, marital fidelity, and not feelings for another person. Probably only one person - her sister, who was everything to her; she never even thought of loving her husband, not to mention Zheltkov, whom she had never seen alive.

Zheltkov, what can you say about him - was he a sick man, and pursued an unfortunate woman, or was he sick with love - unrequited, the most cruel love in the world, which did not give hope for reciprocity. But still, he hoped for the will of fate that it would bring them together, and they would live happily ever after. But no - fate, in the person of Vera, had other plans, she needed to tell everything to her husband - why?! After all, she could have talked to Zheltkov herself, calmed him down, and politely asked him not to write to her anymore. That's all.

Throughout the entire story, Kuprin tries to instill in readers “the concept of love on the edge of life,” and he does this through Zheltkov, for him love is life, therefore, no love, no life. And when Vera’s husband persistently asks to stop love, his life ends: “ are offered one of two things: either you completely refuse to pursue Princess Vera
Nikolaevna, or, if you do not agree to this, we will take measures that our position allows us...”

Returning to the question of unrequited love - is love worthy of the loss of life, the loss of everything that can be in the world. You can remember Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”: after all, they gave their lives - for the sake of love, for the sake of the most precious thing that they had, in order to have love in heaven. Everyone must answer this question for themselves - does he want this, and what is more valuable to him - life or love? Zheltkov answered - love: “It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, all life consists only in

Was there a need for Vera to go and look at the dead Zheltkov?
Perhaps it was an attempt to somehow assert herself, not to torment herself for the rest of her life with remorse, to look at the one she abandoned, and if possible, to love him. To understand that there would be nothing like this in her life - “At that second she realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. " What we started from is what we came to - unrequited love, only now it’s the other way around, she loves him, but he cannot reciprocate her feelings. And who is to blame for this - himself or his love.

What is our life, a game - a game of love? Well, what about the price of life, because life is the most precious thing we have, it is what we are so afraid of losing, and on the other hand, love is the meaning of our life, without which it will not be life, but will be an empty phrase in an infinite book of human history.

We fear losing, but on the other hand, love is the meaning of our life, without which it will not be life, but will be an empty phrase in the infinite book of human history.

An essay about:

My thoughts about the story I read by A. I. Kuprin “The Garnet Bracelet”.

The works of A. I. Kuprin are written mainly in a romantic-realistic style. They are very sensual, subtly psychological, causing a storm of emotions in the reader. He worries, worries about the fate of the main character, sympathizes with him.

The stories “Duel”, “Olesya”, “Garnet Bracelet” most clearly show the author’s attitude towards such a sublime and inexplicable feeling as love. Love, according to Kuprin, is a wonderful feeling, it is a bright flash that leaves a deep mark in a person’s soul for his entire life, but always ends in tragedy. As General Anosov said (“Garnet Bracelet”):

“Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life conveniences, calculations or compromises should concern her.”

I can only partially agree with this statement by Anosov.

I don't think love should be a tragedy. These are simply incompatible concepts, although, unfortunately, they collide so often in life. By love I meanunited dance of soulsoutside of earthly worries and calculations, which lasted a lifetime for both parties, when in old age people can say that they are not attached to each other, do not respect each other, but rather love each other. Yes! They love, and love is too unearthly a feeling, and it cannot last indefinitely for simple and vicious people who have such a disgusting quality asgetting used to everything.

Kuprin’s work “Garnet Bracelet” is truly a great work! This is a story about unrequited love, the love of a simple telegraph operator Zheltkov for a representative of the nobility - Vera Sheina.

Judging objectively, Zheltkov did not love Vera herself, but only her image. He sent her letters for eight years, gave her gifts on holidays, but never talked to her face to face and did not know what kind of person she was. But such selfless, devoted love, expecting nothing in return, speaks volumes. It defines all the best features of Zheltkov: his sublime, pure soul, uncorrupted by either society or the situation, open to life, his kindness, ingenuousness, ability to feel and understand other people.

But what’s most interesting is that Zheltkov, from the outside, can be called a happy person, with his ability for high movement of the soul. I believe that happiness is not only the ability to rejoice, but also the ability to be upset, worry, and perceive the most diverse range of feelings.

All these emotions determine a living soul, which is Zheltkov’s happiness, in my understanding.

Kuprin's story allows you to think about the essence of love, about its inspiring power that excites the best minds of humanity: artists, poets, writers, philosophers...

There are no boundaries for love; any person can be capable of sublime feelings.

After all, how much Zheltkov, a poor telegraph operator, surpasses in the strength of his feelings Vasily Shein, the leader of the nobility, and even more so his brother, who is incapable not only of loving, but even understanding another person.

The story “The Garnet Bracelet” makes a sad impression on me because Zheltkov, a man of such an exalted soul, dies without realizing the happiness of shared love. Class boundaries did not limit the power of Zheltkov’s love, but they limited and did not allow the love of Vera to develop, who perceives Zheltkov simply as an annoying admirer.

And so Zheltkov’s love passed, only slightly touching with its wing the feeling of Vera, who, after his death, thought that maybe this was not madness, but true love, which occurs once every thousand years?

Love... What is it? Where is she? Does she exist? Is the image of Zheltkov real?.. Such questions arose in me after reading the story “The Garnet Bracelet” by A. I. Kuprin. It is very difficult, almost impossible, to answer these questions, because any possible answers to them are correct and incorrect at the same time. It is impossible to prove the opposite to a person who is sure that there is no love. And it is useless to talk about the uniqueness of this feeling to a frivolous person. But I still want to express my opinion about Zheltkov’s love, to show my vision of this feeling. “It’s not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me love for you as a great happiness,” - this is how Zheltkov began his letter. Love is happiness... Yes, great happiness, but in certain circumstances. And the key one is reciprocity; without reciprocity, great happiness turns into great sorrow. Is a person happy who “is not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, my whole life lies only in you”? I think not. I think you can’t live like this, you can’t just suffer and dream about your beloved, but unattainable. Life is a game, and each of us must play our role, manage to do it in such a short period of time, manage to become a positive or negative hero, but in no case remain indifferent to everything except her, the only one, the beautiful one.

Zheltkov thinks that this is his destiny - to love madly, but unrequitedly, that it is impossible to escape from fate. If it weren’t for this last thing, he would undoubtedly have tried to do something, to escape from the feeling doomed to death. Here are the words that show that Zheltkov was aware of his doom to suffer and suffer from unhappy love: “Think about what I needed to do? Run away to another city? All the same, the heart was always near you, at your feet, every moment of the day was filled with you, thoughts about you, dreams about you... sweet delirium.”

Yes, I think I should have run. Run without looking back. Set a long-term goal and plunge headlong into working to overcome obstacles on the way to this goal. I had to force myself to forget my crazy love. It was necessary to at least try to avoid its tragic outcome.

However, despite the sad ending, the hero of Kuprin’s work is happy. He believes that the love that illuminated his life is a truly wonderful feeling. And I no longer know whether this love is so naive and reckless. And maybe she really is worth giving up your life and desire for life for her. After all, she is beautiful like the moon, clear like the sky, bright like the sun, constant like nature. Such is Zheltkov’s knightly, literary, creative love for Princess Vera Nikolaevna, which absorbed his entire being. Zheltkov departs this life without complaints, without reproaches, saying like a prayer: “Hallowed be Thy name.”

It is impossible to read these lines without tears. And it’s unclear why tears are rolling from my eyes. Either it’s just pity for the unfortunate Zheltkov (after all, life could have been wonderful for him too), or admiration for the splendor of the little man’s enormous feelings.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Lesson topic: Preparation for an essay based on A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet.” Prepared by teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU BIOKOMBINATOVSKAYA Secondary School of the Shchelkovsky municipal district of the Moscow region Lidia Nikolaevna Belaya p. Biokombinat, 2015.

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Lesson objectives: analyze the stages of preparation for writing an essay: choosing an epigraph, formulating the main idea of ​​the future essay, drawing up a plan, using quotes to prove your thoughts; develop students' oral and written speech; cultivate a love for the artistic word.

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Essay topics 1. My thoughts about the story I read by A. I. Kuprin “The Garnet Bracelet.” 2.“...what was it; love or madness? (Based on the story “The Garnet Bracelet”) 3. The skill of depicting the world of human feelings in the works of A. I. Kuprin 4. The talent of love in the works of A. I. Kuprin. 5. The symbolic sound of details in the prose of A. I. Kuprin.

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Stages of working on an essay Thinking about the topic of the essay; determine the main idea of ​​the essay; determine the genre of the essay; select material (quotes, statements, examples from other works); make an essay plan; think about the introduction to the main part; think through the thought process of the main part; analyze the conclusion; rewrite into a clean copy.

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Approximate results of the analysis of the selected essay topic. A) “I choose the first topic. The main word in it, which I can rely on in my work on the essay, is “thoughts”: my thoughts about the characters and their feelings. I will write my essay in the genre of a letter, the addressee of which is the author of the work - A.I. Kuprin, because I think that when addressing a specific person, it is easier to express your thoughts.” B) “I chose the second topic: “... what was it: love or madness?” It is more specific than the first topic. This essay is a reasoning, so it must have a thesis, i.e., an idea that needs to be proven, therefore, evidence and a conclusion are necessary. The main word in it is either “love” or “madness,” depending on what I’m going to prove.”

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Formulation of the essay idea. A) “The feelings of poor telegraph operator Georgy Zheltkov for Vera Sheina are love, not madness.” B) “The rarest gift of high love became the only content of Zheltkov’s life”: “I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love with which God wanted to reward me for something.” C) “I believe that Zheltkov is not a madman, not a maniac, that his feelings for Vera are not madness, they are love, and I will try to prove my opinion.” D) “Your story, dear Alexander Ivanovich, will help readers distinguish true love from falling in love.”

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Choice and justification of the epigraph A) “As an epigraph to the essay, I decided to take the words of W. Shakespeare: The agreement of the strings in the quartet tells us that the lonely path is like death. Why did I choose this particular epigraph? I believe that these words echo the tragic fate of Zheltkov described in the story.”

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Selection and justification of the epigraph B) Epigraph - lines from F. Tyutchev's poem: Love, love, - says legend, Union of the soul with the dear soul. Their unity, combination And their fatal merger, And their fatal duel. And the more tender one of them is, In the unequal struggle of two hearts, The more inevitable and sure, Loving, suffering, passionately yearning, It will finally wear out.

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Choice and justification of the epigraph C) “It seemed to me,” said the prince, “that I was present at the enormous suffering from which people were dying, and I even realized that in front of me was a dead man” (A. I. Kuprin) D) “I liked words of Omar Khayyam: Like the sun burns without burning out, love. Like a bird of heavenly paradise - love. But still not love is the nightingale’s moans, Don’t moan while dying of love - love! It is these lines, in my opinion, that perfectly convey the meaning of Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet.” They very accurately define the image of the telegraph operator Zheltkov and his feelings for Princess Vera, which is why I take them as an epigraph to my essay.”

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Drawing up an essay plan A. The plan is the framework of the essay. It's impossible without him. express your thoughts consistently and logically. A) I. Introduction. In it I will address the writer with words of greeting, since I am writing my essay in the epistolary genre. II. Main part. I called it this way: “My thoughts about love described in the story “Garnet Bracelet”: a) General Anosov about love; b) acquired feelings; c) love and letters from Zheltkov; d) soulless people; e) last letter; e) sonata number two. III.Conclusion. M. Gorky about love. The meaning of the story “The Garnet Bracelet”.

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Drawing up an outline for an essay B. “I will write my essay according to the following plan: I. Introduction. “The Theme of Love in the Works of Writers and Poets.” II. Main part: “What was it: love or madness?” The main idea is in the following words: “I believe that Zheltkov is not a madman, not a maniac, that his feelings for Vera are not madness, but love.” As evidence, I cite Zheltkov’s letters to Vera. The main part consists of the following points: a) the depth of Zheltkov’s feelings; b) Zheltkov’s last letter; c) the attitude of Vera’s husband towards Zheltkov’s feelings and letters. III.Conclusion. The meaning of the story “The Garnet Bracelet”.

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I. Introduction. The meaning of the theme of love in the life of a modern person. II. Main part. My thoughts about love described in the story “Garnet Bracelet”: 1. General Anosov about love. 2. Newfound feelings. 3. Love and letters from Zheltkov. 4. Soulless people. 5. Last letter. 6.Sonata number two. III. The meaning of the story “The Garnet Bracelet” in my life. Drawing up an essay plan V.

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Choice of introduction. Introduction is the first point of the essay plan. The text begins with it. Its beginning should be bright, effective, arousing readers’ interest in the entire essay. 1.Historical introduction (characterizes the era in which the work was created, or describes the history of its creation). 2. Analytical introduction (analyzes, explains the meaning of a word from the title of an essay or from a work). 3.Biographical (important information from the writer’s biography). 4. Comparative introduction (the approach of different writers to the disclosure of the same topic is compared). 5.Lyrical introduction (based on life or literary material).

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Examples of introductions: 1. “Flipping through the tear-off calendar, I noticed a short parable by Felix Krivin. In it, he talks about how one day “Blinka fell in love with the Sun... Of course, it was difficult for her to count on reciprocity: the Sun has so much on Earth that where could he notice the small, unsightly Bylinka! And it would be a good pair - Bylinka and the Sun! But Bylinka thought that the couple would be good, and reached out to the Sun with all her might. She reached out to him so stubbornly that she stretched out into a tall, slender Acacia. “Beautiful Acacia, Wonderful Acacia, who recognizes the old Bylinka in her! This is what love does sometimes, even unrequited love.” What a beautiful fairy tale... - I thought. - But it reminds me of some kind of work. And suddenly the names surfaced in my memory: telegraph operator Zheltkov and Princess Vera... Bylinka - Zheltkov and the Sun - Vera.” (This is a lyrical introduction.)

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