My first impression of Pechorin and my final opinion about him (based on the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”). My opinion about Pechorin First acquaintance with Pechorin

B. Eikhenbaum considered the story “Bela,” along with “Taman,” an exposition of the image of Pechorin. This story tells about the circumstances of Pechorin’s life, his upbringing and education. Here is the first portrait of the hero.

For the first time we learn about Grigory Alexandrovich from the story of Maxim Maksimych. The staff captain describes Pechorin’s character, his “oddities,” his dissimilarity from those around him. And already here the motive of the hero’s internal contradiction sounds. “He was a nice guy, I dare to assure you; just a little strange. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold, hunting all day; everyone will be cold and tired - but nothing to him. And another time he sits in his room, smells the wind, assures him that he has a cold; knock on the shutter, he will tremble and turn pale...”

The story “Bela” is devoid of psychological analysis. Maxim Maksimych here simply conveys the facts of Pechorin’s biography, without analyzing and practically not evaluating them in any way. In a certain sense, the staff captain is objective.

At the same time, sincerely pitying Bela, whom he loved as his own daughter, Maxim Maksimych considers Pechorin wrong. Seeing how Grigory Alexandrovich has changed towards her, how Bela suffers from his coldness, the staff captain tries to talk to him. And Pechorin tries to explain his behavior. He says that he stopped loving Bela, that she was unable to cure him of boredom. “Am I a fool or a villain, I don’t know; but it is true that I am also very worthy of pity, perhaps more than she: my soul is spoiled by light, my imagination is restless, my heart is insatiable; “Everything is not enough for me: I get used to sadness just as easily as to pleasure, and my life becomes emptier day by day...” says Pechorin.

Maxim Maksimych does not understand anything from Pechorin’s monologue. He just asks a passing officer what kind of fashion it is to be “bored” and whether all the capital’s youth are like this. For the staff captain, Pechorin is an ordinary metropolitan dandy; for Maxim Maksimych, it is wild and strange to hear complaints about life from a twenty-five-year-old man, whose life is quite prosperous.

The reasons for this misunderstanding are the difference in the worldview of the heroes, their spiritual needs, cultural level, and character. As Belinsky notes, Maxim Maksimych’s mental horizons are very limited; “to live” for him means “to serve,” and to serve in the Caucasus. The staff captain's manners are rude and simple-minded, and he is unpretentious in his choice of acquaintances. However, Maxim Maksimych has a “wonderful soul, a golden heart”, “by some instinct” he understands “everything human and takes an ardent part in it.” So, the staff captain immediately fell in love with Bela and became attached to Pechorin. Having learned about a possible meeting with him, Maxim Maksimych rejoices like a child.

Thus, Pechorin’s “oddities” do not prevent Maxim Maksimych from loving him. And this is very important. The staff captain is intuitively humane, humane, a “warm, noble, even tender heart” beats in his chest. It seems that it is no coincidence that Lermontov focuses the attention of readers on the fact that Maxim Maksimych is sincerely attached to Pechorin. After all, in the story with Bela, Grigory Alexandrovich does not look very dignified. However, in spite of everything, the staff captain, this “heart of gold,” still loves him. Thus, the writer seems to be hinting here that there is something genuine, sincere in Pechorin.

After the death of the Circassian woman, the staff captain tries to console Grigory Alexandrovich, but Pechorin remains calm. Maxim Maksimych is annoyed: “If I were him, I would die of grief,” he says. And the staff captain completely incomprehensible Pechorin’s laughter, from which “a chill ran down my skin.”

Of course, Pechorin suffers after losing Bela. He is not used to the open manifestation of his feelings, his laughter in the scene with Maxim Maksimych is nothing more than hysteria. However, the story of this love could not end happily: Pechorin’s feelings are devoid of integrity and unity, the love of a “savage” for him is “little better than the love of a noble lady.”

Belinsky explains Pechorin’s behavior with Bela by the difference in their intelligence and cultural level. “What could he talk to her about? What remained unsolved for him in her? Love requires reasonable maintenance, like oil to support a fire; love is the harmonious fusion of two related natures into a feeling of the infinite. There was strength in Bela’s love, but there could not be infinity...,” the critic wrote.

However, it seems that the motives for Pechorin’s behavior are deeper. Rather, he is simply incapable of love. That is why he does not value the feelings of other people - Vera, Princess Mary. In fact, he destroyed Bela for the sake of his own whim, momentary whim, desire to get rid of boredom. Therefore, happiness is impossible for Pechorin.

The story “Bela” contains many elements of a romantic style. The plot of the story is based on a traditional romantic scheme - the hero’s flight from the world of civilization to the world of nature; the civilized hero begins a love relationship with a Circassian woman. All the plot attributes of romantic stories are present: kidnapping, love, revenge, death. However, Lermontov maintains realistic motivations. The breakup of the heroes was determined not by external, “fatal circumstances,” but by the peculiarities of Pechorin’s inner world, his character.

Thus, the story “Bela” is the first acquaintance with Pechorin. Here we learn about his upbringing, education, social status, and some episodes from life in the Caucasus. It is characteristic that the first narrator in the novel treats Pechorin well, Maxim Maksimych. sincerely attached to his young friend. At the same time, the staff captain does not understand the motives of his behavior or character traits. This misunderstanding to some extent distances him from Grigory Alexandrovich. Sympathy and at the same time a certain alienation - these two moments in Maxim Maksimych’s perception of Pechorin emphasize the impartiality of the first narrator and create a certain objectivity of the narrative. The author in this story invites readers to draw their own conclusions about the hero.

1. For what purpose does M.Yu. Lermontov violate
chronological order of construction of “Hero...”?

A) gives
the ability to objectively, through introspection, reveal a person’s “duel story”;

B) desire
to originality;

B) in order to
to awaken the reader's interest in the hero;

gradual - from “external to internal” - disclosure of the character of the main character;

2. Why description of appearance, portrait of Pechorin
given by a “passing officer” and not by Maxim Maximovich? He:

But not

B) not capable
to generalizations

B) could not be
objective in describing Pechorin

D) too
simple, cannot understand Pechorin. Since he is a man of a different circle

3. For what purpose are landscapes introduced into the novel?
sketches? “The sun seemed dim to me, its rays did not warm me...” “The sun barely
appeared from behind the green peaks, and the merging of the first warmth of its rays with the dying
the coolness of the night brought to the senses a kind of sweet languor..."

A) image
beauty of the Caucasus

B) recess
hero characteristics

B) change
the hero's state of mind

D) smooth
plot development

4.What are the themes and motives of M.Yu.’s lyrics? Lermontov are similar to
motives and themes of creativity honors of A. S. Pushkin

Hero of our time questions 1 Why is Pechorin starting an intrigue with Mary? 2 What actions of Pechorin cause Mary’s hatred? 3

How did Mary change because of her love for Pechorin?

4 Why does Pechorin refuse to marry Mary?

Please answer at least one!!! (HERO OF OUR TIME) 1) Why is Pechorin sad at the ball? 2) How they wiggle

relationship between Grushnitsky and Mary?

3) Why does the Princess say to Pechorin: I will sleep badly this night?

4) Why did all the youth fall silent when Pechorin returned to the hall? (how Grushnitsky behaves towards Pechorin). What feelings does Pechorin experience at this?


and Pechorin? 2. How long was Maxim Maksimych in Chechnya? Where was his fortress? 3. How many years have passed since Pechorin arrived at the fortress? What rank was he in? How long did you live in the fortress? 4. Who are these words about: “Robber face: small, dry, broad-shouldered”? 5. Speaking about Azamat, the staff captain remarks: “One thing was bad about him...” What exactly? 6. Azamat first offered 150 horses for Karagöz, and then 1000. Why did the price increase so much? 7. “Oh gifts! what a woman won’t do for a colored rag!” - says the staff captain. What happened, since after a while he says that gifts cannot solve the matter: “You don’t know Circassian women: they have their own rules - they were brought up differently.” II 1. When, according to the author, do we become children? What poems are these reflections close to? 2. What is it about: “And you, an exile,” I thought, “are crying about your wide, free steppes.” Why is he thinking about this? III 1. What does it mean for Pechorin to define his character as unhappy? Why was he happy when he was transferred to the Caucasus? Why is he worthy of pity? What is left for him in life? Why does Maxim Maksimych remember this peculiar confession of Pechorin? 2. What struck the staff captain most in Pechorin’s behavior after Bela’s death? How long after this did Pechorin live in the fortress? 3. With what words about Maxim Maksimych does the story “Bela” end? Why? 4. What would have changed in the novel if the story “Bela” had been told by Pechorin? Did Pechorin feel guilty before Kazbich? Convey the contents of the conversation between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych after Bela’s kidnapping and almost before her death. Which of them can be called Pechorin's confession? Why?

The novel “A Hero of Our Time” shows a portrait of not one person, but an entire generation, made up of vices. The main role is assigned to Pechorin, but it is the other characters in the novel with whom he had to intersect in life that allow us to better understand the inner world of this person, the depth of his soul.

The relationship between Pechorin and Princess Mary is one of the brightest storylines of the novel. They began casually, ending quickly and tragically. Once again, showing Pechorin as a man with a callous soul and a cold heart.


The first meeting of Pechorin and Princess Mary took place in Pyatigorsk, where Grigory was sent after completing another military mission. The princess and her mother underwent treatment with the mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.

The princess and Pechorin constantly moved in secular society. A common circle of friends brought them together at one of the meetings. Grigory stirred up interest in his person, deliberately teasing the girl, ignoring her presence. He saw that she paid attention to him, but Pechorin was much more interested in watching how she would behave next. He knew women very well and could calculate several steps ahead how the acquaintance would end.

He took the first step. Pechorin invited Mary to dance, and then everything had to go according to the scenario he had developed. It gave him unprecedented pleasure to lure his next victim, allowing her to get carried away. The girls fell in love with the handsome military man, but quickly got bored and he, pleased with himself, with a feeling of complete self-satisfaction, put another tick on his record of love affairs, happily forgetting about them.


Mary truly fell in love. The girl did not understand that the toy was in his hands. Part of the insidious heartthrob's plan. Pechorin benefited from meeting her. New emotions, sensations, a reason to distract the public from an affair with Vera, a married woman. He loved Vera, but they could not be together. Another reason to hit on Mary, to make Grushnitsky jealous. He was truly in love with the girl, but his feelings remained unanswered. Mary did not love him and was unlikely to love him. In the current love triangle, he is clearly superfluous. In retaliation for unrequited feelings, Grushnitsky spread dirty rumors about the affair between Pechorin and Mary, ruining her reputation. He soon paid for his vile act. Pechorin challenged him to a duel, where the bullet reached its target, killing the liar outright.

The final

After what happened, Mary began to love Pechorin even more. She believed that his action was noble. After all, he defended her honor, making it clear that she had been slandered. The girl was waiting for confessions from Gregory, tormented by love and the feelings that gripped her. Instead, he hears the bitter truth that he never loved her and certainly had no intention of marrying her. He achieved his goal by breaking the heart of another victim of his love spells. She hated him. The last phrase I heard from her was

"…I hate you…".

Once again, Pechorin acted cruelly towards loved ones, stepping over their feelings and trampling on love.

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An essay on the theme of the image of Pechorin.
1. Introduction: The novel “Hero of Our Time” is the most mature and major work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, a thoughtful writer-philosopher. The main character of the novel is Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin.
2. Introduction to the character: Pechorin is a young aristocrat who actively intervenes in the life around him. From the very first pages of the novel, we are presented with a hero who is caring, inquisitive, and wants to take as much as possible from life. At first we do not understand the motives of his actions; we are surprised by the unusual eccentric nature of the young man. Pechorin steals the girl he likes, without thinking about the actions that may follow this act. He sincerely believes that he is in love with the “maiden of the mountains”, that this love will become a saving bridge along which the hero can move into a new life for him, full of meaning. Grigory Alexandrovich soon realizes the futility of hopes: “I was wrong again: the love of a savage is little better than the love of a noble young lady,” he admits.
3. Portrait description: Gradually, in the fight against society, Pechorin loses his activity, becomes an indifferent, cold contemplator. If in the chapter “Taman” Grigory Aleksandrovich is active, even curious, then the chapter “Mary” shows us an already infantile person, floating with the flow, only the departure of Vera (the woman whom he deeply and sincerely loves) for a short time revives in him the desire to radically change own life. We see the hero's despair and tears. We rejoice that the “man” in Pechorin has not died, he is still capable of deeply and sincerely loving. But the impulse ends very quickly. Before us again is a reserved, cold, secretly suffering man. When meeting Pechorin, the narrator is struck by the hero’s eyes: “they didn’t laugh when he laughed!.. This is a sign of either an evil disposition or deep constant sadness... his gaze is short and heavy, leaving behind the unpleasant impression of an indiscreet question and could seem impudent if he were not so indifferently calm.”
4. Character's actions: His fate is tragic. Grigory Pechorin was expelled from St. Petersburg for a certain “story” (obviously, for a duel over a woman) to the Caucasus, several more stories happen to him along the way, he is demoted, goes to the Caucasus again, then travels for some time and, returning home from Persia , dies. During all this time, he experienced a lot himself and influenced the lives of other people in many ways. During his life, Pechorin destroyed many human destinies - Princesses Mary Ligovskaya, Vera, Bela, Grushnitsky.
5. My attitude: I believe that Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin is a very bright image created by M.Yu. Lermontov. He is a young aristocrat who actively intervenes in the life around him. From the very first pages of the novel, we are presented with a caring, inquisitive hero who wants to take as much as possible from life. Pechorin is an adventurer, a man who constantly tests his fate. At first it seems that he is fearless - he rushes into various adventures, plays with death. However, Pechorin has a secret, but very strong fear - he is afraid of marriage. Once a fortune teller predicted his death at the hands of his evil wife, and since then Pechorin has been afraid of marriage like fire. However, this did not save him: in the chapter “Maksim Maksimych” we learn that Grigory Alexandrovich died on the way from Persia. I cannot express my attitude towards Pechorin in just one phrase.
I hope so much is suitable for the essay, but in some places it needs to be corrected. I wish all the best.

My acquaintance with the hero of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” became quite a bright event for me as a reader. The hero aroused a storm of conflicting emotions in me.

The character of Grigory Alexandrovich gives food for thought literally from the first lines of the work. Pechorin’s actions seem mysterious and inexplicable to me; throughout the entire novel I want to ask the hero in detail about the reasons that prompted him to these actions - maybe there really is an explanation for them? What's in Gregory's soul? In my opinion, this is

there is one of the most difficult mysteries of the work.

I was also very interested in the main character’s relationships with the girls: does he love at least one of those that we, the readers, managed to meet? Does Pechorin experience warm, friendly love for Maxim Maksimych, Werner? Is he even capable of sincere feelings and emotions? It seems to me that these questions interested not only me, but also any attentive reader. Probably, each of us will have a different opinion about Pechorin’s actions, each of us will answer the above questions differently, but still we cannot find a true answer to them - this is what Mikhail Yuryevich intended.

My acquaintance with Pechorin left a lot of reasons for reflection, a lot of impressions - both negative and positive.

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